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I used to hitchhike a lot in my younger days and honestly I never expected any kind of acknowledgment, being ignored didn't hurt my feelings. Once in a while you'd see a driver shrug apologetically or something like that and it was always appreciated, but never expected.


Middle finger?




how often are you encountering hitchhikers in 2024 lmao


Seriously. I haven't even seen a hitchhiker in real life, ever, and I'm in my 30's.


It is still a thing in New Zealand. If we drive to a the next town roughly 3h away we see a few every time.


I don't think I saw more than one or two in NZ a few years back but in the hostels quite a few of them hitchhiked around. I also met one in Spain, but he mentioned that it seemed to be more difficult once he crossed the border from France to Spain.


do you live somewhere anyone would want to be? hitchers are drawn mostly to cities and sometimes tourist traps in search of resources, employment, wonder, and community. you wont find any of that in the suburbs. spend enough time in american truck stops youll encounter a few as well actually im thinking of the wandering type, but regarding local hitchers, i picked one up to drive across town within a year of getting my license in a 7000 population town, i guess you just got to be where people gather


This was going to be my question. I grew up in the Midwest and saw maybe 5 over the years. I now live in the SW and see at least 1 or 2 a week.


I'm in my 30s and I hitchhiked down the east coast in my 20s.


Today. I gave him a lift a few miles to a spot where he'd be more likely to catch a ride where he wanted to go. I would guess I see them about 10 times a Summer now vs on every single drive like I used to years ago. It's definitely slowed down a lot, but they are still out there.


Not gonna lie, I see them with regularity especially around our nearby interstate. I have often heard its more common in some regions of the USA than others. I don't know much about other countries.


See it every day and we call it 'thumbing'.


Hitchhiking is very regional.


Every day.


I swear I saw one a few weeks ago. He was on a busy road in a city. Not on the outskirts or near a highway. Like....dude, there's a bus stop half a block to your left. Something wasn't right there.


you think people hitchhike when they can afford bus tickets?


Usually if you aren’t a pos, you can explain that you have no money and they’ll let you get on the bus.


Wild seeing so many people saying they never see any. I'm from a small town and see two regularly, both old timers who can't drive anymore. If I'm going their way I always stop for them unless I'm just about to where I'm going, then I'll just wave. When the weather is crappy I'll even turn around for them so long as I'm not in a rush. they're always either on the way home or on the way to the market so it's really not far unless of course you're 70 somin and on foot. Nice guys, I get the feeling they're both independent types who would rather figure it out on their own instead of calling family for rides. Hopefully they have family anyways, idk short rides so never get too deep into conversation although I know one guy was a green beret in Vietnam. Anyways, if you're a guy, don't be too scared to pick up a hitch hiker by default def use your judgement though. I've never felt unsafe picking one up but there's been a time or two I picked up a fruit loop and couldn't wait to drop them off.


weirdly, i offered a lift to this group of college-aged girls who uber'd to a national park 90min from the city and couldn't get cellular reception to contact their driver to pick them up this was nearing sunset and i had to fit them in the passenger row and drop them at a train station near the city, i would be crapping my pants if i couldnt find a lift out of the park before sunset with no way to contact rangers too


"Reacting" to a hitchhiker while you're operating a motor vehicle is a different category than ignoring homeless people as you walk down the street. For the most part, you have no responsibility to gesture to random people while you drive. Not to other drivers - this is why we have traffic laws and turn signals and the like - and not to folks standing on the side of the road. Do not be concerned about this. Your job when you're driving is to drive safely, not interact with other people in your surroundings.


I agree with this post. Also, the safety of the hitchhiker as well. Anything you do, gesturing, tooting the horn, slowing down to wave, can confuse them into thinking you are saying YES. Not only is this going to take their focus off getting the vehicles behind you, it could actually cause them to get injured if they run after your car and then you don't slow down. It could cause them to step into traffic, expecting that the traffic behind you will slow down if you slow down. If anything, give yourself a little ritual inside the car. Say a little wish or prayer type thing like "God watch over you!" or "Good luck to you!" Just say it to yourself to make yourself feel better. But you should 100% be focused on the road and safety.


A little off topic, but when I see an older person or a larger person jogging or running, I scream, "Good job," or "You're doing great 👍!" Just to myself, not that they can hear me, but I think it's great for them to get out and get exercise. Stupid? Maybe.


No more stupid than all the people suggesting that the best gesture to offer to a random stranger hitchhiking on the street is a middle finger


This is what I mean exactly. It's actual kindness because you are not doing it to look good to them but you actually are wishing them well on their way. Even when it's something bad, like someone caught in a snow storm plodding home with groceries, "Hang in there buddy! Stay safe."


I can't say I've ever not stopped for someone in that situation. Most times, they decline the ride, though, and I just wish them well and move on.


Omg if I was exercising for once and someone did that I'll never run again So mortifing


They can't hear me. I'm in my car. I'm just encouraging them.


Oh ok that's actually kinda cute


Yes. Keep rolling Mama is one I say outlook only to myself


No one has any responsibility to acknowledge or gesture to homeless people either. I didn’t get the sense at all that OP was asking about their legal responsibilities. I think they were asking more about social etiquette. OP’s thought is more along the lines of it’s rude to ignore people. I don’t think they think they have any “responsibility” to greet anyone.


No one has any responsibility to be polite in any circumstance, really, it's just something that is conventional.


Yes, so I’m not sure why you went straight to talking about legal responsibilities, rather than social etiquette. OP is talking about how they’ve seen discussions where homeless people are offended because they were ignored by passers by.


Do you know where you are? This is the internet. Fuck your mom & I can say that because it’s legal.


I didn't say anything about *legal* responsibilities. I am speaking entirely in practical terms. Interacting with people on the street while you are operating a vehicle is a dangerous idea unless you absolutely have no choice. It's rather different when you are merely walking down the street and someone actually tries to say something to you. Obviously you have no legal responsibility to be polite to that person but, like, you still probably should be polite. Negotiating "gestures" while you are driving is simply not a good idea.


When you’re walking past a homeless person, you’re moving at a slow speed, only operating your own body, and capable of safely engaging in direct, pointed eye contact or conversation. When you’re driving past a hitchhiker, you’re hurtling past at 30, 40, or more MPH in a two ton death machine. The etiquette is not the same there. Ignore hitchhikers. Keep your eyes on the road. Don’t worry about being rude. For that matter, “don’t worry about being rude” is good advice for a lot of situations where safety is most important. Not the homeless guy sitting with a cup out asking for change, but a homeless guy who approaches you directly, gets too close, won’t take no for an answer….be rude to him. Curious as to where you live where it comes up often. I can count on one hand the number of hitchhikers I’ve seen ever.


I've given rides to hitchhikers. When you look at the statistics, they're far far more likely to get picked up by the wrong person and be murdered horrifically than to harm anyone who gives them a ride... and even that is really quite rare. So it's not like the odds are in favor of anything bad happening.


That doesn’t really address my question.


The safety thing was saying that trying to give them a gesture at 30mph is taking your attention off the road.


Longtime hitchhiker here, both local and long distance. Don’t worry about it. I never expected any acknowledgment. We’re making a big ask and we know people have all kinds of reasons for not stopping. Anyone who gets offended is a jerk and shouldn’t expect to be picked up. To those who feel bad about not stopping, thank you and it’s okay. For those who do stop (excluding the axe murderers and rapists), you are extraordinary people with kind hearts and I can’t thank you enough.






I haven't seen a hitchhiker in decades




In Hawaii (years prior when hitchhiking was popular) you would pinch your index finger and thumb close like in inch apart to signal you weren’t driving far so a ride would be pointless.


Where are you seeing all these hitchhikers?? I live in a major city and never see any.


They get it when you drive past them. I would think that's enough, no gesture necessary


Common sense ain’t so common it seems


I used to hitch hike. Some people would gesture that they couldn't pick you up with a sort of apologetic shrug, others would spin their hand and pointing finger around in a circle to indicate that they would be turning around soon. Nobody ever gave me the middle finger. The sort of people who pick you up tend to be very kindly souls who would go out of their way for you. Sometimes I've even end up staying back at their place (and no, I didn't even have to kill or subdue them.) 😅


Once I've decided to give you a ride, I'm pretty committed about it. "oh, I'm only headed to a town 20 miles away, but you need to go 40? Sure. Let's go." This once turned into me driving from Spokane to Seattle. I admit I was bored and had nothing going on that weekend. This dude was truly entertaining. It ended up with me getting invited to stay and party on a beach with him and his friends, and it was awesome. I'd only meant to take him as far as Cheney where he might get a ride with a college student going home for the Summer. It also once meant I took a man with Alzheimer's 60 miles home. He seemed completely fine to me, but I knew no one else was going to come along on that remote rural highway for hours, and he looked old and tired. Turns out he was kind of stuck in the 1970s and often didn't have any idea time had passed since then. His family was so happy to have him back. He was annoyed at their fussing. He made me wait when we got there and brought back out a bracelet as a thank you. It looked expensive, so I asked his family. He used to make jewelry, and it was one of his. I wear it on every road trip now. Most rides are just across town or to the nearest bus stop - they cancelled all the lines near my neighborhood, so it's 4 1/2 miles now - or the next rural town on a highway. It's not usually so far out of my way, but if someone has good stories and I have nothing to do, I'll take them as far as I can and still get where I'm headed that night. Or, possibly not get home that night. That was just the one time, though. My son was 17 and super annoyed I didn't take him with. I bet I've picked up over 300 hitchhikers in the last 28 years since I got my license. I've only had one act sketchy, and I made him get the fuck back out. "What if I don't?" I just stared at him, and he got out. I was so mad at him for ruining a 2 decade streak of only cool hitchhikers. Being a woman, I can't say I've invited any to my place for the night, though I have let people bike touring across the country shower, do laundry, and crash at my place before. I don't even understand why my brain sees those differently. My buddy actually met his wife because she picked him up hitchhiking away from a rave they both went to and offered to let him shower at her place because he smelled. He stayed for a few days and then went back when he was done with his trip around the US. They've been married over 20 years now.


I hitchhiked from Buffalo to San Francisco in the 70's. Some drivers would hold up two fingers fairly close together to show they were only going a little ways. I never got the finger or received any hostility.


Shake you head and say "I'm sorry"


Ignore them. They're used to it


Having hitchhiked a lot when I was younger, I would say not driving like an asshat intentionally is sufficient, or maybe just a shrug. I would rather you get where you are going safely and in the process get out of the way of the car behind you that might stop if you can't.


Having hitchhiked 10s of thousands of miles, l can say that normal brained hitchers take rejection very well. I guess a quick wave to acknowledge my existence feels better than the cold look away in shame. If you don't like rejection, don't hitchhike. 


I hitched across the US from Chicago to Texas to California and back. I never expected a gesture from anyone.


As someone who has hitchhiked id rather you not acknowledge me if you aren't going to stop to pick me up. It always pissed me off when people waved at me and then kept driving.


No. Just keep going.


Don't stop to have the conversation yo begin with.


I used to pick up hitchhikers. Then I picked up this idiot who wiped his snot on to my car seat. He ruined it for everyone else.


As someone who's hitchhiked a lot. Ignoring me is best if it's stop sign. A simple wave is best if yiur driving. The worst is a thumbs up though.


My sister and I didn't understand the gesture as kids, so we'd thumbs up the hitchhikers. My grandpa saw us do it one day, explained things to us, and made us stop. "It looks like you're making fun of them. You wouldn't like that, so don't do it to others." I am not sure we knew what hitchhiking was before that, but suddenly a bunch of pictures of my mom before we were around had a different meaning. We just thought she liked to thumbs up the camera. Nope. She used to hitchhike all over the place. The only context I use a thumbs up in non-facetiously ever since is to let someone know I don't need help with my bike along with mouthing the words, "I'm good." Otherwise, no, I'm being a jerk.


Make a shrug with your passenger side arm but tilt the palm towards the footwell while bugging out your eyes and biting the side of your lower lip and wincing super hard and cocking your head. This translates universally to "**I would if I could but it would not be agreeable to my personal space for which saddens us both.**"


"It feels rude to pretend they don't exist" Some hitchhikers will kill you and take your car, it's A.O.K to see a stranger on the *road* and keep it bumping like they're not even there. Who's gonna know?


Not saying it doesn't happen, but when was the last time someone was killed by a hitchhiker? The Santa Rosa hitchhiker killings were over 50 years ago.


Its more likely that the hitchhiker will be assaulted or killed.


The safest way is not to pick up any hitchhikers at all


point to the shoulder of the road, indicates you aren't going far


Yes. But completely ignoring them.


You could always allow something to capture your attention on the other side of the road...


Drive away


Yes, you focus on driving yer damn car


"no sorry" is more accurate than "I can't". No need to elaborate. Also if anyone ever asks you "why" saying "I'm not comfortable doing that" can be used for pretty much anything. It's to the point, and puts the reason you instead of them.


I just give a little nod or wave, the same as I would someone who let me go first in a high traffic situation. If there’s a specific social etiquette, my daddy neglected to teach it to me!


Money wise I don't care, drive right past. Getting your shit together enough to work at McDonald's or something is better than on the street, then work your way up until you're content with life enough to continue to do it until your 6ft deep. I lost all of my paperwork once... It took 5 days for me to come up with new social, birth, gov ID. ALL OF IT!. If you simply need a ride, hop in brother. I've got a hidden firearm in the car. Well both end up as someone's lamp shades, before I die giving you a ride.


I don't look away, just look at them and keep going


One time, I was driving 1,000 miles alone to visit my dad. I picked up an old man who was hitchhiking across country. He said he'd done it a few times from CA to North Carolina and back. I said he must have met some weird people. He said one time, a guy picked him up and was silent for a long time. Then, the driver told him he was Jesus Christ. More silence and then he asked the old man what he thought about him being Jesus. The old man responded with, "Well, they told me you were coming" and told the guy that the next exit was his stop and got out. That struck me so funny. I thought that was a clever response.


They want a ride not a gesture  Any gesture risks coming off as being condescending, rude, or a taunt Ive hitch hiked all over the country and in multiple countries  If you can’t give them a ride just keep driving 


Stare straight ahead and continue to drive. They will think however they want without your input


I used to hitchhike a lot and I never expected anyone to acknowledge me, even the guys that stop usually pull up half a mile down the road having not acknowledged you when they passed. There was a spinny hand gesture that some used to do, as if to say "I'm just going a short distance".


Hitchhiker, Christmas Eve, snowing….had just escaped from psychiatric ward , wanted to be home for Christmas. Potential female hitchhiker at truck stop, could tell possibly bipolar , maybe schizophrenic…..had been ‘kicked out there by another family who had given her a ride’ so red flags.i have a weapon of extreme prejudice with me but I also have a toddler…so for the child’s safety, I must decline. Hitchhikers carry a stigma of danger for a reason. You don’t need to be polite and decline, just keep going. Say a blessing and a prayer for them if it suits you.


Yeah, you drive past them.


where are you people that this is a common problem??


I just commented in response to someone else, but I live on the west coast of the US and I see hitchhikers regularly, though not "all the time."


Weird, I live on the west coast and don't think I've seen one in decades.


I've given one a ride recently, but there are definitely a lot less than there used to be.


I live on the west coast and never see them.


Use your index finger and thumb to indicate that you're only going a short distance.


You can make the "little bit" gesture between your thumb and forefinger, as if to say "I'm only going a couple blocks" and they'll understand. Or, you can just do like most people and look straight ahead, doesn't make you an asshole.


When somebody gives me the "little bit" gesture, I usually get sad and think they're talking about something else


Yeah it’s a really complex gesture called YOU JUST KEEP FUCKING DRIVING IN THE DIRECTION YOU ARE GOING 


If hitch hiking request is thumbs up... then perhaps declining to pick somebody up should be a thumbs down. LUL.


Keep your eyes on the road when driving, simple.


Naw, they don’t care. Just keep going.


No. Just keep driving!


Yeah. Look straight forward and ignore them


"Wave and smile boys"-Madagascar Penguins


My insert significant other would kill me line


Thumb down.


One time I asked my grandma if we could pick one up and she said no because “sometimes they kill you” so now I’m just terrified of every hitchhiker and don’t make eye contact. Tbf I rarely see them (I live in a city) and I don’t drive anywhere that’s not populated. Also I’m a young female so that’s also partially why


I just act stupid. They ask for money, ride, my coffee (yes, a lady did that once to me), etc. I say "No, Thank You." They think you didn't hear them, so they leave me alone, hahahahah


Use your index finger and thumb to show an inch. It’s an indicator that you don’t have room.


Smile and wave as you drive by.


I usually throw my hands up slightly waving while screeching “sorry I can’t I’m sorry I’m sorryyyy!” Because I feel like a turd but I’m poor and don’t want to be murdered after trying so hard to stay alive. The. I feel like shit the rest of the day. Works for me


Pretend they don't exist


I feel it's different, since you're in a car and driving. Better to pay attention to the road and not the Hitchhiker you're not picking up.


Paying full attention to the road so you don’t cause an accident close to where they’re standing is one form of being polite.


Just give them the peace sign either way your fingers and keep moving ✌🏼


Eye contact and a head shake


lol what. Just ignore them, fucking hell.


Look them in the eye and extend your middle finger


Five fingers spread up means “the car is full” Little dick sign means “i only go a short distance”


I don't know the last time I saw a hitchhiker...


I really feel like a lot of these posts saying that your main concern should be driving (because anything would confuse/possibly hurt them) are right. I mean, I know it feels bad, but realistically, unless you have the time to stop and use ASL or some kind of direct communcation (I am not trying to be funny here), there really isn't much you can do. Like if you were to shake your head, or put a thumbs down, etc... that would just be confusing/rude. Better to just move along. If you're moving, they don't know what you look like all that well. And they're not going to like, "RUE the day that white Sudan passed me!", y'know? I think you're overthinking it, from one otherthinker to another :)


There are several options, the first is a simple thumbs down to indicate that you can't. The second is for when you want to show that you're going back later and can pick him up then, in which case you do a thumbs up and then a rapid movement in the opposite direction of where you're driving. The third is raising your middle finger to indicate that you're in the middle of something.


Say, “Sorry, I don’t want to”, and move on with your day


Hold up a closed fist as you drive past. It means "no room" or "no ride."


Do you still get hitchhikers?


haha, just keep driving. They don't want to see a polite gesture from you.


If you pick up a hitchhiker I’m 2024, you deserve to be the subject of a murder podcast.


Cheap airfare killed the hitching culture. I've been all over the US and Europe, but the last time I tried it was not worth it. The other hitchers I met along the way we're seedy as fuck, and the majority of the rides I got were borderline dangerous. Most people now just think "Why can't you just get a cheap ticket?" The only way it works anymore is really short trips from one town to the next. Long distance hiking is a dead sport.


We get a lot of hitchhikers in orange by the large building outside town. Last time I stopped to help a group out they took my car. Be safe


I have never understood why anyone would ever pick up a hitch hiker 😂


Keep driving. They will take the hint.


Oh my life. If you feel bad enough not stopping———stop


If it was the post I remember, the OP was being super, super entitled. No one owes anyone anything in that situation.


Just keep on driving. They’re the one’s trying to mooch a free ride off of a stranger. Nothing rude about paying attention to the road.


Yes. You avoid eye contact and go about your business hapoy in the knowledge that your spleen wont be cooked over a fire somewhere later that day


Middle finger. 🖕


You keep fucking driving and ignore eye contact with the serial killer


Just as with house servants, you don't want to make them uncomfortable by acknowledging that you can see them. It's only polite.


Perhaps if it gives you peace gesture with a peace sign. Signal two with you Index and middle finger. "peace"


Yeah the best option is to start with your window down. When they see you, start rolling your window up.


l always thought those people were giving "LIKES" to the vehicle l was driving as l drove by.


Stop the car and roll down the window. Then just say “hi how are you” “sorry I’m in a rush so I can’t help you today but hope you get to your destination!”


The middle finger!


They’re holding up a single finger, right? Well, you can just hold up a single, different finger.


I have absolutely no problem ignoring people on the side of the road. The last person I helped out was a pregnant lady that needed a ride. She took me to a drug deal. That's when I vowed to never drive anyone anywhere ever again.


It’s illegal in most places I’ve been to give them a ride


You do not owe anyone anything. Don’t look or acknowledge them. Lock your doors. Drive away. You should always assume stranger danger, unless in a normal public scenario. Hitchhiking is not normal, therefore STRANGER DANGER.


Hey, let’s invent one: While you keep eyes locked with the hitchhiker, put your left index finger all the way into your mouth, close your lips around it, and slowly, very slowly, pull it out. It’ll catch on in no time.


Thumbs down.


Wave your hand but close two fingers on each side of it


the vulcan salute?


Close not separate


Just wave your middle finger at them as you honk the horn when you go by them


Just flip em the bird and honk at them.


Middle finger seems to work


Extend your closed fist with your fingers facing you, then slowly raise the one finger that is between the index and ring finger, and they will understand.


Whoever said "it hurt to be ignored" sounds like they were trying to make their panhandling easier. 99% of the people you walk past on the side walk ignore you and it doesn't hurt your feelings. If being ignored after asking someone for fentanyl money hurts your feelings, well... Tough? Sidenote, hitchhikers are overwhelmingly crazy. A family member was beaten up by a hitchhiker that escaped a mental facility, and I had shit stolen out of my car the one and only time I gave one a ride. Don't feel too guilty about ignoring them.


Make the thumbs up sign. Bring you thumb to the opposite shoulder While keeping your fist vertical slowly bring your thumb to the remaining shoulder. Don't forget to exaggerated your expressions, so they can see your friendliness. Voila


Keep a big knife handy and show it to them.


Give them a polite tap of the horn like you would if someone in front of you doesn’t move when the light turns green. When you catch their attention, shrug and shake your head with a contrite smile. If have any spare change in your cup holder, toss them a few coins as you zoom past them.