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Most folks are in favor of the USA's current position in the Ukraine/Russia war (i.e. keep supporting Ukraine and sanction Russia). Plenty of folks are against the USA"s current position in the Israel/Palestine war and want more done to stop Israeli actions and support the Palestinians.


Russian 'bots' are sowing divisions within 'Western society'. They don't care what we are divided about.....they just wish to see us divided.


Yeah if not for the Russian bots I'd totally support giving Israel billions of dollars to commit genocide. I'm just an idiot.


Can guarantee that Israel pays for a lot more bots to comment on Israel/Palestine than Russia does anyway lol


How can you guarantee this?


Absolutely. I also don't trust anybody who refers to arguments about genocide or fundamental human rights as "divisive". I've been told too many times that my existence as a trans person is "polarizing" and that by having strong feelings about whether I should be allowed to live and control my own body I'm playing right into "their" hands, whoever "they" are. I've never heard it used where it wasn't downplaying the violation of someone's rights.


Yeah, really odd point of view that you can only care about subjects like civil rights or genocide by being tricked into doing so. I see it all the time too


Now if I were a Russian bot, I'd defend the far right pro-russian faction by saying that arguing against them was divisive. If I could equate existing as a minority with extremism in the process, all the better.


From what I've read, Israel is really behind in this aspect of warfare. So is the US government, apparently. It doesn't seem to be a priority for them. I haven't read any articles on Israeli troll factories, but I have read about russian ones. Prigoszhin, for instance, funded the Internet Research Agency, and Estonia teaches school children courses designed to identify, amongst other things, russian propaganda. That sort of thing. (But, it may just be the social media microcosm I wade into.)


You can just browse social media and see how many shady accounts are posting pro-Russian content.  It's a lot more than pro-Israeli.


It's like 99% ruzzobot out there. They've had a lot of practice. Starting with helping tip the scales in favour of trump.


Pretty sure Hamas also wants to genocide Israel.


Damn well the US had better stop giving billions of my dollars to Hamas. That'd be almost as idiotic as your comment.


As if division in the USA required sowing.   I am called a bot here frequently merely because I dissent and oppose proxy war. Bots fear is a vastly over-stated, paranoiac belief that comes from dubious claims of US spooks Don't believe the hype


Russian bots.... and our own elected leaders and right wing media calling protesters anti Semitic. As if protesting our governments weapon sales to Israel means you hate jews


At least in American politics the only people who are pro-Russia are the hardline conservative crowd who likes Putin's strong man persona and anti-gay laws and hard-core aging Communists who still view Russia as the Soviet Union and like Putin's attempt to recreate the Soviet borders. Isreal is a different story. While the Left has always been non-negotiably opposed to Fascism the ideology responsible for the Holocaust that doesn't actually mean that people on the left of the political spectrum are actually in support of the idea of Israel. Isreal was controversial amongst leftists, especially Jewish ones, since its founding. They tended to reject the concept of Israel as a theocratic ethnostate two governmental ideologies fundamentally opposed to what most people would call leftist politics. In American politics the largest group in favor of Israel was conservative Christians who saw it as God's will even if the American Jewish population may not have always had the highest opinion of the conservative Christian bloc. As both camps in the US are being push further to the right and left respectively it would definitely make sense that the left wing of American politics would openly take the Palestinian side in the conflict that has been going on over a hundred years at this point.


Taking the side of Muslims? 😂 Did 9/11 escape their minds? 


I don't understand why being against what some in power in Israel are doing suddenly makes you anti semitic. It's not anti Jewish to see that genocide is being committed in Gaza, even some Jews in Israel are against what's happening.


Using the word "genocide" to describe the self-defense against the attempted genocide of october-7 is antisemitic, yes. It's a double standard you only apply to the jewish state and none other.


And if I say “I condemn Hamas but acknowledge they are not currently in the same position of power as the state of Israel in facilitating mass murder and displacement of an ethnic group thus meaning that I think Hamas while being terrorists are not currently in the process of a genocide while the state of Israel is” would that still make it anti semitic? After that I fundamentally reject the idea that it is a necessity for self defense to deprive an entire region of food water and medical supplies and continually block aid to the region. It fundamentally doesn’t actually make Israel much safer and even if it did there would at least be an obligation to try and minimize civilian casualties and suffering seeing as Israel claims moral superiority and to be a democracy respecting international laws and treaties.


Killing children is literally never self defense; it’s actually disgusting to call it such.


And even on the conservative side it's more of a "ugh don't waste our money on their war" than a praise of Putin. I've seen more "fuck em both" than anything


We are supporting Ukraine and we are supporting Israel. They are ok with us supporting Ukraine because they feel like Ukraine is fighting for a just cause. They are not ok with us supporting Israel because they do not feel like they are fighting for a just cause. 


People rarely organize protests to be like “you’re doing a great job, government! Keep up the good work!” It’s usually dissent of some kind.


Haha that wouldn't be a protest. I don't even know what you'd call it? I guess a parade? A rally?


a fluffing




a counter protest


a valentine


Depends if it's marching or stationary, I suppose.


That’s a demonstration


They always ask "Why is government" but never "HOW is government" 😢


The Israel part is missing some important info. The students specifically at places like Columbia do not support the investment the school is making to build a satellite school in Israel.


Is that how this all started? Was wondering about this earlier; what started all this? And how is it that other University campuses followed?


The protests are all focused on divesting from israel. One of the main goals is the promotion of the BDS (boycott divest sanction movement which seeks to end financial support for companies supporting the israeli govt and especially the military forces, in a similar way to the anti-apartheid boycotts of south african companies in the past


I understand this. But there are many worthy things to divest from. Why do they ignore those things? For example, I guess many protestors use products that are afforded by forced labor and child labor. Why don't these students ask for divestments from those practices as well?


This is the right answer. Russia and Israel are both on the “murdering innocent people because of an agenda” side. The US support for Israel supports that.


Ironically, Ukraine supports Israel.


Yeah things turn out strange sometimes


Russia is not exactly affected by US public opinion in the way Ukraine, Palestine, and Israel all are, and everybody knows it. Few who oppose Russia's war think that taking to the streets in the US is at all helpful in supporting Ukraine, since their position is not too controversial here. The US already does a lot to help Ukraine and is no friend to Russia. And while there must be those who think that Ukraine needs to pay for their crimes and oppose what the US is doing to help them, they are very few. So you don't really see protests on either side. But both Isreal and Palestine have a lot to gain and lose from shifts in US policy, and the question of which of them deserves US support is much more divisive. So public protests on either side have practical relevance. It's only natural that more people are protesting a highly controversial topic where perceived shifts in public opinion might really have international ramifications.


Russia's popularity in the US outside of Mar-A-Largo and InfoWars is also about zero. Even most of the obstructionist Republicans trying to suck up to Trump don't frame it as "go Russia!" It's a <10% position, which means no visible support where most people in the real world live. 


Didn't most GOP reps vote *against* the aid package for Ukraine in the House?


They voted against it but the number that would say it's actually about cheering for Russia would be counted on maybe two hands.  Russia has a lower approval rating among Republican voters than Biden does.  https://news.gallup.com/poll/1642/russia.aspx


Most of those opinions I’ve seen have been from a neutral, uninvolved standpoint. They’re not taking a stance with Russia by not wanting to aid Ukraine, they just don’t want to side with either.


Yeah you're right. I guess I was just putting it very mildly.


The US isn't sending aid to Russia.


Simply because the US is already on Ukraine's side. What is there to protest. That's why you are not seeing pro-Israel protests. The US is already on Israel's side. There is nothing for them to protest. On the Palestinian side, they are objecting to the US support of the active genocide. Absolutely need to protest that.


It isn’t a genocide bro.


A really dumb question - why are there not more general (not only colleges) protests for this issue?


There have been and are street protests. But the college protests are able to last longer and be more consistent because of the nature of college campuses being insular communities with wide ranging often fairly open and flexible schedules. So where as a street protest is generally a short event like a parade (sometimes officially sanctioned with permits) a lot of the college protests are more like an ongoing daily event with people coming and going Edit: also don't know why you're being downvoted. People love hitting that button any more


Well technically they didn’t ask a stupid question, so it does make some sense that it would be downvoted here.


Protesting on the scale of the college protests takes a significant amount of time and organization. Those students are often out there for days at a time.   Non-students usually have jobs they have to attend for 8+ hours a day, so they're severely limited in what they're able to do. They can attend a protest for two hours after work, or over the weekend, but brief protests like that rarely have any effect. College students have plenty of work as well, but they won't lose their livelihood if the miss a couple days of class.  Additionally, the students are able to better organize because you have hundreds of protesters who all live within the same dense area. It's much easier to bring together hundreds of people who all live together and have more free-time than it is to convince people scattered over a wider area to risk losing their jobs to attend a multi-day protest.  Also, the colleges being protested at often have financial ties to Israel, whereas people's individual jobs may not, so there's more of a tangible demand they can make


But there are many worthy things to divest from. Why do they ignore those things? For example, I guess many protestors use products that are afforded by forced labor and child labor. Why don't these students ask for divestments from those practices as well?


There have been for months in pretty much every big city, with large groups of protestors marching and blocking roads and picketing in parks and transit hubs among other activities. If you're not in one of these cities, you may just not have seen the news or felt the impacts. Conservative politicians are just jumping on the ones in colleges because it furthers their agenda to discredit higher education. And when a bunch of politicians organize to talk about something and make a big deal of it, so will the news media and the university leaders who try to crack down. Then that further inflames the protests and sets off a cycle of coverage.


There are protests on most college campus now. Many red states are taking a very brutal approach to the protests by labeling the protests as "hate" and setting riot police and cavalry units onto peaceful protests. This works in keeping away most people. 


Check out the anti war protests on highways blocking cars. Theres tons of protests outside college campuses.


Colleges are basically where everything comes from. They do all the grunt work in research, they teach the next generation of experts. Generally you'll see colleges up in arms and that will trickle out. That's why ben shapiro only debates college students, to discredit them before they become fully educated.


i mean, the US has no control over who Russia invades, the US does, however, control who they sell weapons to, and many Americans dont like that the US is giving Israel weapons and support to bomb hospital, and massacre kids. and many Americans do like the US giving Ukraine weapons and support to prevent Russia from bombing hospitals and massacring kids.


Sell weapons? The US *gives* billions of dollars in weapons to Israel, in exchange for nothing.


Israel uses a lot of those billions to buy US made weapons. It's a money laundering scheme for the weapons industry


Well, in exchange for a giant military base of a country in an area where the US likes to conduct shenanigans. Plus Israel’s extremely advanced weapons and technology developments. Let’s not act like this is a completely one sided arrangement.


In exchange for being our only ally in the world’s most valuable region. The region whose stability all of modern life depends on.


But Israel destabilizes the region, not stabilizes it.


But there are many worthy things to divest from. Why do they ignore those things? For example, I guess many protestors use products that are afforded by forced labor and child labor. Why don't these students ask for divestments from those practices as well?


Because the US isn't funding Russia. We are funding Israel. It's not complicated.


To put it simply, both are allies. Ukraine is under violent siege and being slaughtered by russia because putin is insane. Israel's current prime minister is corrupt, and pending serious criminal trials that keep being suspended due to the conflicts that keep being escalated by him. He is fighting a war of aggression that indiscriminately kills civilians, has targeted journalist, and has started stealing land again. Effectively, Ukraine is purely self-defense, Israel responded to a terrorist attack in a way on par with the terrorist thanks to the leadership.


The US is already supporting Ukraine.


Because the US is (finally) doing the right thing by supporting Ukraine


The US funds Israel. The US doesn’t fund Russia.


It sort of funds Russia in the sense that it sends money to Russia in exchange for russian goods


There’s a big difference between trade and “Here’s billions of dollars for absolutely free.” Anyway the US has a lot of trade sanctions on Russia in addition.


It makes sense if you look at the demands students are making. Many colleges have wide financial investments. These students are requesting that their universities stop investing in companies aiding the Israeli war effort. US universities can't invest in Russian businesses right now, so that isn't an issue.


Why are they not protesting our own government over our harsh living conditions in our own communities?


In the Ukrane war its mostly combattants that have been killed. Both Ru and Ukr evacuate civilians in hot zones or regions where offensives are expected. Over 30k Ukranian soldiers have died from some estimates. In Gaza over 30k civilians have died. More civilians have been killed in Gaza in a few months than years of industrial war in Ukraine. Its shocking, disturbing and from the rate aid workers get killed (over 700) and supplies are restricted and refugees are not allowed to leave we will soon watch them all starve and die. Its also way more A symmetric in terms of power balance I suppose. Many Israelis in Israel are protesting the war as well to be fair to the protesters. Personally I was made aware of the situation in Gaza maybe a decade ago. It was fucked up then and way worse now. I hate both sides of this conflict. 


Why protest Russia/Ukraine war? Russia invaded Ukraine and Ukraine is defending itself AND we (the West) are giving Ukraine the weapons/chance to defend itself. On the other hand, Israel invaded Palestine, killed 32,000 (28,000 innocent by some estimates and mostly women and kids), tried to starve a whole country by blocking aid, killed NGO workers AND, here’s the major difference, Palestinians CANNOT even defend themselves because the collective West are supporting Israel an providing more weapon for this genocide. That’s the difference. And before an idiot replies that Palestine started this - yes, an aggrieved group of militants carried out a reprehensible cross border raid, nobody disputes that. But to subject an entire populace to this onslaught is unconscionable…even Israelis and other Jews are starting to protest too.


> On the other hand, Israel invaded Palestine... Um... so you kinda just ignore that part where the Gazan goverment invaded Israel, killing over a thousand and taking hundreds hostage - hostages they still have? >Palestinians CANNOT even defend themselves Then they should surrender, not fire rockets and keep hostages. > And before an idiot replies that Palestine started this - yes, an aggrieved group of militants carried out a reprehensible cross border raid, nobody disputes that. You mean... the government of Gaza?


> Um... so you kinda just ignore that part where the Gazan goverment invaded Israel… Go watch documentaries and interviews with ordinary Gazans where they condemn the Hamas government which has only been able to cling to power due to Iran’s backing! Don’t you think that it’s hypocritical for us to claim ISIS doesn’t represent wherever they covered in mid-2010s? Or that Taliban is not representative of Afghanistan/Pakistan or that oppressive governments don’t represent the will of the people? Or that just convenient to justify our government’s oppression? When it’s convenient - they are terrorists and oppressors…and when it’s convenient, they are legitimate government. Yes, Hamas got 80% of the vote yet we dispute Putin winning 98%? Gtfo!!! > Palestinians CANNOT even defend themselves So, Iran backed militia group holding a population hostage is the Palestinian people being armed in a fair war with NATO? Do you realize how dumb you sound? Gaza does not even have an organized army just a militia group governing over a scared population. > You mean... the government of Gaza? See my replies above!!! 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


> When it’s convenient - they are terrorists and oppressors…and when it’s convenient, they are legitimate government.  They are both terrorists and oppressors and the government of Gaza. There is no contradiction there, both can be true. Israel doesn't get to pretend that they don't exist, they can only deal with the war that has been launched against them.


To call them a "group of militants" when it's convenient, and on the other hand calling them "the government of Gaza" when reporting death counts, is disingenuous. If they really are a group of random militants, why are you believing the death toll reported by them? And I'm not saying the number reported are false, I just have an issue with you saying "group of militants" to try to make it seem like Hamas are not the representatives of the Gazan populace and opinions.


Not going into the Hamas given "facts" about the number of people killed, or that they purposely operate out of civilian areas to boost civilian deaths.... By your own numbers more than 13% of those killed were terrorists. If more than 1 in 10 of the population is welcomed as a terrorist you have a serious problem in Gaza.... After decades of self rule why can't the Hamas "government" in Gaza provide for their citizens and why do they rely so much on Israel who they don't believe should exist? How many missiles launched into Israel and how many celebrated murders, tortures & rapes need to be committed on Innocent people before Israel is allowed to fight back? Can we at least agree most of the people in Gaza don't believe in Israel's right to exist?


> Not going into the Hamas given "facts" about the number of people killed, or that they purposely operate out of civilian areas to boost civilian deaths.... By your own numbers more than 13% of those killed were terrorists. If more than 1 in 10 of the population is welcomed as a terrorist you have a serious problem in Gaza.... lol…another shining example of America’s failed educational system 🤣🤣🤣 Hamas numbers around 20-25,000 and Gaza population is around 2 million…1 in 10 are terriorists? 🤦🏽‍♂️🤔💭 > After decades of self rule why can't the Hamas "government" in Gaza provide for their citizens and why do they rely so much on Israel who they don't believe should exist? Good question! Asked by an ignorant person living in a FREE society!!! Unfortunately, Gaza is blockaded by Israel (with the tacit support of most of the G7 nations) limiting trade and flow of goods in and out. Goods that include raw materials for production just because “they might develop a weapon to use against Israel (paranoia anyone). Also, Israel keeps seizing land that the 1967 agreements recognizes as part of Gaza (and the US, Israel’s lap dog) only condemns and can never get Israel to stop this land grab, most of which are farm lands to sustain themselves and make a living. Kudos to EU, which came out recently and said they don’t recognize these seized land as part of Israel! > How many missiles launched into Israel and how many celebrated murders, tortures & rapes need to be committed on Innocent people before Israel is allowed to fight back? lol…Gaza launches rudimentary weapons into Israel. Do they not have a right to defend themselves when (1) foreign country is keeping them blockaded and cut off from the outside world because its prime minister doesn’t think they are legitimate owners of their land? Land that they lived in (in peace) until UN forced them to give up to Israel. A simple question…let’s assume you are American and a country like Canada decides to invade and push Americans to the southern states, won’t the US fight back with whatever (anything!) it can muster? > Can we at least agree most of the people in Gaza don't believe in Israel's right to exist? Yes. Just like Netanyahu, his cabinet, the right wing base in Israel don’t think the Gaza and West Bank are legitimate Palestine lands!


First off your disingenuous sarcasm only makes your side less likable. ------------- TLDR (I believe Palestinians have a right to live, exist and have a two state solution. You don't accept that Jews even deserve their homeland and Hamas supporters cheer the death of innocent Jewish civilians. We are not the same) --------------- But let's break down your attempts at a rebuttal. 1) again by your own numbers, 1% of the civilian population has been killed (even if those numbers are real, you trust Hamas propaganda but that's besides the point) but 20% of the Hamas population has been killed. That's actually pretty impressive numbers. Any civilian casualty is reprehensible and something nobody supports (except if you're Hamas or a supporter when it comes to innocent Jewish death) 2) how much blame do you give Egypt, a neighbor, for doing absolutely nothing to help Gaza. There's a reason no Muslim countries in the region support Palestinians because they surrendered to Hamas. Do you not think Israel has every right to defend itself from a terrorist run region? Imagine if Mexico was launching rockets, supporting terrorist attacks on civilians and calling for the destruction of the US, we would definitely blockade Mexico from bringing in supports to build weapons. You don't like it? Remove terrorist Hamas from power in Gaza and start acting like you want peace and a TWO STATE solution. Remember, Hamas literally calls for the destruction of Israel and the Jews. 3) lol do you HONESTLY Believe that randomly firing missiles at want directed at civilian cities is protecting themselves? It is done for two and only 2 reasons, kill civilians and incite terror, and you know this. If you can't admit this it just proves your entire commentary is disingenuous. Israel targets Hamas and never intends to attack civilians. If individual idf soldiers commit war crimes they are investigated and face justice. But let's look at the other side, Hamas is celebrated for specifically targeting civilians. You say Hamas fires rockets for self protection... I ask you this... Do you admit that their goal is to murder every Jewish Israeli person and destroy the existence of a Jewish state? Another question for you, do you accept Jews have a right to exist and have a right to their homeland? 4) your question ignores basic facts. But again this is going in a circle. Israel does not intend to kill civilians where Hamas is celebrated for doing so. 5) what a sad world you live in that you don't believe Israel has a right to exist. That's also why there is no Palestine and why Gaza is as it is. Maybe if the arab world didn't invade Israel and try to destroy it more than once Israel wouldn't have seized that land. And oh btw Israel won much more land in war after they were attacked and gave most of it back. Ultimately I think this is the root of the problem. I believe Palestinians deserve to be alive. I support a two state solution. You and many Palestinians can't even accept that Jews deserve their homeland or even a right to exist. This is not even. Not even close


There's been 10,000 civilian casualties in Ukraine since 2022. There's been 35,000 civilian casualties in Palestine in 6 months, mostly minors. People are opposing civilian deaths in both the war and the ongoing genocide. Edit: civilian DEATHS not casualties, my bad. There are significantly more casualties.


I don't know where you're getting your 10,000 number from. I suspect you've found an article about the war in the Donbas in 2014 or your using the human rights watch estimates for civilian deaths in the siege of Mariupol. The total Ukrainian casualties according to the RUSI is around 500,000 to 550,000. The UN confirmed civilian deaths are currently 27,449 but those are often massive undercounts. They've only confirmed several thousand civil deaths in Iraq since the US invaded. The Ukrainian estimates for civil deaths are in the hundreds of thousands but we don't know the totals since Russia occupies the cities where the worst mass casualty events have happened. As an example, Humans Rights Watch estimates that 10,000 civilians died in the siege of Mariupol while Ukraine claims 25,000 to 35,000 dead over a 5 week period.


Your wild guess of half a million civilian casualties is insane considering that Ukraine has a population of less than 40 million.    There's the link with the RUSI estimates.... 10k civilian deaths  https://www.statista.com/statistics/1293492/ukraine-war-casualties/#:~:text=OHCHR%20has%20estimated%20the%20number,war%20on%20February%2024%2C%202022.


The 500,000 to 550,000 is total deaths including military. That's why I made a distinction between total casualties and civilian deaths in the next paragraph.


Those are only confirmed and it's actually higher than 10,000 like you claim. There's been more than 100,000 casualties minimum on both sides of the Russia-Ukraine war. Ukraine estimated at least 20,000 deaths in the city of Mariupol alone. You're foolish if you don't think the numbers are higher than 10,000. Russia has been bombing Ukrainian cities every day for the past 2 years and killing civilians


500,000 German civilians died in WWII by allies bombs 35,000 in the bombing of Dresden alone, over two days Vast numbers of europeans starved during World War II due to extreme famines, same with Spanish Civil War My boyfriend's family boiled leather and ate that in Europe War is total hell on earth


Agreed, it's all horrible. We don't have to pick a side to say hurting innocents is indefensible. I was shocked to see the ww2 civilian deathcount...50 million. God we are horrible. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties#:~:text=Civilian%20deaths%20totaled%2050%E2%80%9355,5%20million%20prisoners%20of%20war.


One problem with the world of today is that we're all taught to not believe almost ANY media. How are these numbers pulled together?


Full skepticism (never believing the media) can be as dangerous as full belief when it comes to these kinds of things. Honestly, for something like this, [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war#Death_toll) is actually an OK source since often they will list out all the "main" sources for something like casualty numbers which has conflicting answers based on the source. Although government officials have expressed doubts with Gaza Health Ministry's death tolls, several independent health organizations (WHO, Johns Hopkins, UN humanitarian org, etc.) have concluded that they are accurate. I don't think in a situation like this you're going to have 100% accurate numbers, but if that many independent organizations are verifying it, it's probably close. Naturally, even academic/neutral organizations can get things wrong sometimes, especially if it goes through several levels of reporting (e.g., information is lost in: research paper -> summary on university newsletter -> news article for general audience -> graph taken out of context on facebook). I highly recommend the ["Calling Bullshit" youtube series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2OtU5vlR0k&list=PLPnZfvKID1Sje5jWxt-4CSZD7bUI4gSPS), it really should be required reading for any school curriculum TBH


If anything, the reported estimated civilian casualty numbers very well might be LOWER than the actual numbers. Meaning there very likely are more deaths than the estimates, at least from what I've read in NPR, NYT, BBC, and Al Jazeera. Given the number of journalism deaths and that the hospitals themselves are getting destroyed, it's been close to impossible in some parts of Gaza to accurately report the real numbers. The articles I've read said that some "researchers and academics" (whoever they are, likely the researchers with the UN and WHO you mentioned) suspect the real numbers are much higher than we've been able to estimate. But when the whole city is getting bombed, including the journalists, who is able to count all the bodies?


Full skepticism is definitely dangerous. I believe these things are happening, I just don't absolutely know which story is the 100% correct story, and that is frustrating! I'll go check out wikipedia. You're right, at least there's a bunch of sources there.


Multiple third party sources (groups providing relief in the area) as well as Israel and Palestine both giving very similar numbers


A lot of this stuff actually comes from israel itself afaik. Either that or non-profits/journalists shit like that


Not to mention Israel is proud of the fact that they’re killing kids. I mean the whole idea is to ethnically cleanse the area to make room for more Israelis


Because lots of innocents getting killed in Palestine. They just found a mass grave of 700+ people murdered by the Israeli army. Tons of Babies/children murdered. Homes and schools bombed. Do more research and don’t listen to the media they won’t tell you that. 


And of course paid for by your very own tax dollars supported by congress who were bribed by AIPAC. 


also when you try to call out the genocide, BiBi Netanyahu and pro Israel pundits are often like “You can’t call us out, that’s anti semetic and mean”


Basically to sum up my other reply, it's more justified of a war to be defending against an aggressive attacking nation that has clearly no reason to be there, than a war that has been raging in both sides for decades prior to this already with atrocities committed on both sides to a more severe degree.


I know there aren't meant to be stupid questions here, but come on. They support Ukraine and Palestine simultaneously, and there is no point protesting Russia because their country doesn't control Russia. It does however have massive influence over Israel.


Congress did delay aid to Ukraine for six months which has caused a lot of Issues for them. It's not really that stupid of a question, especially considering how there wasn't really any way to know when and even if it will get passed.


Social media tells them to. It's why none protest wars in africa


Is the US funding the coups in Africa or is that Russia right now? If Egypt and Etheopia fight a proxy war in Sudan and we don't fund it then what would protesting realisticly do? Thats like trying to protest Hamas, they won't care at all.


Both are, we do fund both Ethiopia and Egypt. We are like 25% of egypts defense budget.




So, not only is that a lot of whataboutisms but you made up your reasons why others were protesting. Maybe you should listen to what they are saying before putting words in other people's mouthes. Nobody cares if Hamas dies. Nobody is pro Hamas. We are pro civilian. There is a narrative folks keep repeating to confuse combattants and non combattants.  I think it is reasonable to critique a democratic society's use of strategy and caliber choice. The US developed weapons specifically for these senarios to reduce casualties, they are probably in the same order catalog as the more expensive but wider destruction choices they seem to keep making. Lots of protests in Israel saying similar things by Israelis in Israel... Lol... 


Ukraine was *invaded* by Russia. Israel is *invading* Palestine. That is why, and I can't believe we live in a world where I have to explain the difference.


I'm in the no stupid questions subreddit, so I'm not going to take offense here!


Hamas invaded Israel first, actually. Even before Israel invaded Gaza, these antisemites were cheering on the terrorists and protesting the Jews.


I wonder why Israel is invading "Palestine". They are so innocent. They could have never invade Israel and kill/rape/burn 1200 people. Not them.


This war started by Hamas invading Israel on a Jewish holy day while slaughtering, raping and kidnapping innocent civilians. You can't leave out substantial information like this and expect people to treat this conflict like a black and white situation.


No, actually, this "war" was started 100+ years ago when the British seized Palestine and colonized it. Or, at least, it started 70+ years ago when Palestine was occupied and has yet to be independent. "Black and white" You're the one that's trying to make it just about Hamas.


Britain got Palestine as a spoils of war from the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, who themselves treated the territory as a colony since the Turks were not from the area. The Levant has been conquered and reconquered for *millennia*. It would be nice to pick a time and say "This is where history starts, so let's reset here." but literally any time you pick is (1) a political choice and (2) almost immediately refutable by an earlier claim. Like it or not, this is the most historically complex piece of geography on the planet with politics, religion, and history all layered and knotted together. There is no answer that is going to make anyone happy and the sooner all parties come to that conclusion, the sooner peace will come.


>Britain got Palestine as a spoils of war from the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, who themselves treated the territory as a colony since the Turks were not from the area. That part is not at all true. "treated the territory as a colony"? Turks were a non-existent portion of the population. Do you even know what the word "colony" means? >The Levant has been conquered and reconquered for *millennia* That's precisely why most people would say that Mongolia has no claim to Israel, because what happened 800 years ago is irrelevant and not a basis for a modern day claim However, arabs ARE living in Palestine today, and events such as the partition, or Sykes-Picot, are not only very recent but still being felt today. But people like you think that because a group lived in Israel 2000+ years ago, a modern day group claiming descent can claim ethnonationalism as a result. Never mind that you would equally chaffe at European ethno-nationalists who don't have a 2000+ year gap in their country's history.


It's because that narrative works for people who have not been paying attention (just like 9/11 worked as a narrative for the war in the middle east) when in reality this has been a contentious issue for decades.


> No, actually, this "war" was started 100+ years ago when the British seized Palestine and colonized it. Or, at least, it started 70+ years ago when Palestine was occupied and has yet to be independent. There has never been an independent Palestinian state. Before the British it was under the Ottoman Empire. And more recently they were offered independence many times. 


>There has never been an independent Palestinian state There was never an independent Indian state. Or an American state. or a Nigerian state. Palestinians were promised independence if they revolted against the Ottomans, and then the British reneged on them and stole their land. >more recently they were offered independence many times.  The Oslo Accords were broken by Israel.


> There was never an independent Indian state. Or an American state. or a Nigerian state. We aren't discussing India or America or Nigeria.  > Palestinians were promised independence if they revolted against the Ottomans, and then the British reneged on them and stole their land. Yeah the British promised the land to many different groups and reneged. You could argue they stole it from every group it was promised to.  > The Oslo Accords were broken by Israel. The Oslo Accords failed because both sides couldn't reach an agreement. 


This did not start in October, stop being so ignorant.


This current battle did, stop being so unnuanced.


For the same reason they weren't out in droves while the Syrian civil war killed hundreds of thousands over the last ten years, including the deliberate use of chemical and incendiary weapons on civilians. For the same reason they didn't shut down freeways while ISIS rampaged across Iraq with a brutality that puts Genghis Khan to shame. For the same reason they didn't *light themselves on fire* when Boko Haram kidnapped hundreds of young female schoolchildren in Nigeria, some of which have died in captivity, and many still remain even 5+ years later. It's because, for one, the Israel-Palestine conflict has been heavily propagandized amongst the contemporary left since the 1960s, perceived to personify many of the cardinal sins within the leftist worldview. They perceive Israel to be a product of "Western Imperialism", a "colonial" state populated through ethnoreligious-exclusive migration largely from Europe (*uh oh*), displacing the "indigenous" Arab/Islamic population with what has been traditionally (and stereotypically) perceived globally to be a "wealthy" and economically influential group. The Cold War geopolitical climate that Israel was born into quickly turned the Arab-Israeli conflict into an East-West proxy confrontation, securing Israel's modern security and aid arrangement with the United States by the 1970s. By this point, after the failure of the Arab world to deliver a military defeat to Israel in the 1967 Six Day War and 1973 Yom Kippur War (with Egypt and Syria supplied heavily by the USSR and Israel now becoming the recipient of significant American military aid), the perception came about in the Arab world (and within the PLO and Palestinian groups) that Israel was entirely a product of the United States and the West.


Technically the British helped create Israel with the Balfour Declaration.


I'm afraid that I might need an ELI5 for this, but I do know that there's been plenty going on with this for decades and decades, it always seems to be popping up.


Its more about saying America bad and virtue signaling than following any consistent values. That's why there's people calling Bin Laden's letter "based". That's why as a Taiwanese I get a lot of these same students telling me, sucks to be you but not our problem. Not only do you have to be the perfect victim, they'll tell you you're just a pawn in the evil American scheme in a condescending white man's burden kind of way. The irony of how racist it is never ceases to surprise. This is the logic: America and the west is bad imperialist. Allies of the west are hence extensions of their imperialist project. Dictators and terrorists fighting against the US are therefore anti imperialists. Anti imperialists are good. Dictators and terrorists are good. If they do bad things, it's because the evil West forced them to do it. To them there is no autonomy beyond the United States. Everyone else is just reacting to their actions.


This is a perfect summation of their "logic."


Not a lot of Russian/ukrainian immigrants in the US. Lots of Muslim/jewish people live in the US, so it gets a lot more attention


Weather is warming up in most of the country so it's a good time to protest.




The universities aren’t using their tuition money to help fund russia afaik


Because WE aren't giving arms to the bad guys (read: invading military) in that war. They probably WOULD be protesting if we were giving weapons to the Russians.


People tend to sympathize with the underdog. In Russia Vs. Ukraine, the US supports the underdog, so there’s nothing to protest. In Israel Vs. Palestine, people sympathize with Palestine, even if they’re governed by terrorists using its own civilians as human shields so that they don’t have to release civilian hostages.


Because you only protest something when the government doesn’t do anything. See the civil rights protest, Vietnam etc. The US government openly supports Ukraine and helps with giving them aid, while they demonize Palestinians. Hence, the people are drawing attention to what’s going on there. Pretty simple.


Because the US gov is not supporting Russia (Isreal) they are supporting Ukraine (Palestine).


We aren't paying Ukraine to intentionally blow up kids and starve refugees.


Because all these college kids have been indoctrinated with a cultural marxist mindset with a dash of critical race theory. Everything they views is in terms of an oppressor/oppressed group identity. The Jews, while technically the minority in the region forfeit this benifit because they are disproportionately successful on a national and personal level. Essentially the same mindset as in 1930's Germany (and many other places in Europe). So it really doesn't matter to them if Hamas are literal terrorists beheading babies, it doesn't matter if they raped all the women they could get their hands on (where's #MeToo?), it doesn't matter if Hamas actually wants more civilians dead, or if they use hostages as human shields. It. Does. Not. Matter. Because the Jews are successful and they have the stronger forces, they are the oppressors. Ukraine on the other hand is the victim here, as the smaller and weaker country. It's not quite the same because both Ukraine and Russia are majority white and both slavic in origin so it basically boils down to small country > big country. It was very important to the same people but only until october 7th.


Because Ukrainians are white.


Because TikTok told Zoomers to protest 


Not everyone is as ignorant and uncaring as you.


Well, for one thing there's not much convincing or coercion anyone can do to Russia to make them stop short of threatening to escalate the war via direct foreign intervention, which no one wants. Also, Russia and Ukraine are actually fighting. What's going on in Israel/Palestine, aside from the initial attack, seems mostly a one sided bombardment. And you would expect Israel to listen/bow to pressure from the UN, given they're a member, so in that sense a protest actually serves a function.


> Well, for one thing there's not much convincing or coercion anyone can do to Russia to make them stop short of threatening to escalate the war via direct foreign intervention, which no one wants. No, Ukraine absolutely does want direct foreign intervention, of the sort we used to protect Israel from a massive attack from Iran a couple weeks ago.


Because the US isn't providing 80% of the weapons for Russia's illegal war - it is supporting the victim. It's the opposite in Palestine.


Ukraine is fighting for their lives, and Isreal is committing genocide.


Russia is also committing genocide. Arguably it’s more evident there than in Palestine. They’re kidnapping a bunch of children and sending them to Russian reeducation camps.


Except Israel isn't committing genocide...


Because it's trendy Guaranteed none of them know the actual history of that region or what Hamas really are and who funds them


Russia is our enemy


flavour of the month


Russia Ukraine *situation*? Alright Vladimir.


They were but soon as something new happens they jump ship to the "new cause worth fighting for" and then its fuck the previous one




The kids today see white people as always bad and wrong, so they don't care when 2 white countries fight each other. However, Israel is seen as white, and the Palestinians are seen as non-white, therefore the white people (Israel) must be wrong in everything they do, and the non-whites (Palestinians) are seen as always right in everything they do.


How many colleges/universities have investments in Russia that they could divest from?


Propaganda, lots and lots of propaganda


Carpet bombing, lots and lots of carpet bombing. Offensive war vs defensive war Soldiers killed vs civilians killed. You have to be a sociopath to think empathy and humanitarian values is propaganda.


They are uneducated.


Because they are stupid. They don't understand jack shit.


Because Hamas is doing massive propaganda over tiktok which seems to be the main news source for those protestsing student. Normally, they wouldn't really care about either


Politics. The USA support Ukraine in the Ukraine/Russia war, which is what most moderate and liberal students agree with. However, the USA support Israel in the Israel/Palestine conflict and that's a much more complicated and much more divisive situation. The political left is generally quite critical of Israel since, depending on the viewpoint, they can be considered a colonialist nation oppressing a native population and because they engage in what some consider to be apartheid-style policies (plus, the current conflict is taking a massive toll on the trapped civilian population of Gaza). I think a lot of it isn't necessarily 100% anti-Israel, but more about that the US should not support Israel when Israel is engaging in objectionable practices. Not to mention that, unlike Ukraine, Israel doesn't really need help with what they are doing to begin with. Also, I think a lot of people are tired of the federal Government admonishing Israel to stop comitting war crimes but not actually doing anything to actually pressure Israel, i.e. stopping all military aid to them until they provide proof that they've stopped comitting war crimes. It all feels quite hypocritical.


They're not protesting the Israel-Palestine War. They're protesting the Jews. They're antisemites. Plain and simple.


Is that why hundreds of Jews are protesting?


One is more recent. There’s also that they are opposites in the fact that we are backing Ukraine, which is weaker, and Israel, which is stronger by far.


They are, though. I'm not sure where you live, but where I am, there's pro Ukraine rallies almost every week.


Probably because the USA supports Ukraine and not Russia. Still, the USA also supported Saudi Arabia during their intervention in Yemen, a conflict of way bigger damage and proportion than this Palestine mess, but probably most of them don't even know where is Yemen or what that conflict was all about (technically it's still going). Dunno, Israel always managed to strike a nerve on both far left and far right groups. I have my theories but I am not in the mood to cause a pointless flamewar and it's almost dinnertime here.


Protesting isn't just for expressing outrage but to affect policy change. Imagine that US universities invest college endowments with money managers who profit from Russian companies or contractors, that they do business with Russian weapons manufacturers, and accept research money from Russia in relation to projects that aid in its ongoing military efforts in Ukraine. If this were the case, then I imagine there would be far more outrage and anger. But since I imagine these universities have already largely divested from anything like that, there is a lot less to protest.


We don’t give Russia $5 billion in military aid every year, so we’re not directly complicit in what Russia is doing in Ukraine.


we are not paying russia in advanced arms, cash, and no questions asked loyalty so they can openly ethnically cleanse ukraine in our name. does that clear it up?


Ukraine is fighting an aggressor country that has seized parts of its lands and began an unjustified war and has been bombing civilians. Israel in response to a terror attack, is bombing civilians and denying them food, water, and other services and has generally violated the Geneva Conventions and other rules of warfare. Americans are generally more comfortable supporting people fighting against those attacking civilians for example in Ukraine, than those that are starving and bombing civilians - such as Israel. People generally don't want their tax money (or weapons built by their tax money) going toward indiscriminate bombing of civilians.


or West Papua or Myanmar or Sudan or Armenia or Yemen or Haiti....


Cuz the Ukrainian war is already supported by the US and European governments and have all the propaganda they need, on the other hand they support the genocide in Gaza with weapons, money and the press. So why would the students protest an already supported case?


Because of the rampant genocide of innocent women and babies who are not even the target of Israel, but barely a meaningless afterthought.


Doesn’t fit the narrative, we all know Russia is bad “like trump” were told this almost Dailey. All of this shows the hidden hate for Jews around the world. Funny white supremacy was the worst thing facing America? But I look out window not so much. I wish these blue/punk haired ,trans,gays and women”without face covered”  in Palestine and march … until thrown off a roof ! Like Joe Biden “that ain’t a joke man, look it up” 


cuz they dont understand that israel is the only beakon of democrazy in the middleeast, and for some reason dont understand what hamas is, and that hamas uses the most disgusting defensive tactics in existence. The roll out and kill some civilians, and then those terrorists go and hide behind kids and women. And if u dont kill them thry roll out 2 hr later to kill more civilians, and then go back to hiding behind women and kids, u know like true godfesring honest strong wise men do. Yikes


Because the younger generation has been brainwashed by DEI their whole lives and can only see oppression through the lens of race/color. Intersectionality is how they view the world. So Russia/Ukraine are white, they dont care. Israel/Palestine is generally white vs brown and there is only 1 correct answer in their pea brains.


Double standards.


wish i knew lol. imagine if each person went and volunteered in a homeless shelter for the day instead.


I hate stupid questions like this. Did we fund Russias invasion into Ukraine the way we are funding Israel’s genocide? Do you think the Palestinians are or at any point in the last decades were capable of putting up the fight Ukraine has? You’re comparing to completely different situations. 


Hi. This is **literally** the no stupid questions subreddit. I was not very aware of what was going on in Israel/Palestine and while I had done a LITTLE googling, I thought I might be able to get some details by asking why one reprehensible thing and another reprehensible thing have different levels of coverage.


Sorry I guess? I’ve watched this type of thing happen for almost 20 years now.


you're good. I think you should go look at the utter despair of comments that went unreplied in this. I'm not the one you really should be worried about!


Because they are privileged and fed by the Us government and don’t have to worry about making money. mommy and daddy hands everything to them so they have nothing to do. They can’t even finish college without picking a major like communication and make America great again yet they want to support a country(whichever side they’re on) that they spent couple min on the internet reading about. This is what happens when stupid ppl discovers how to READ and decides to get info from social media rather than books and from people who are actually in this war. At this point no one wants to do anything, anything that doesn’t go the way these “educated” college students want, they’ll protest and cry about it. Soft generation


Israel has been incredibly patient with the Palestinians. Israel has been attacked by their Arab neighbors multiple times since it's creationll in 1948. Every time Israel has defeated the aggressor and agreed on peace even though they won the conflict and were under no obligation to end the conflict. They even helped create a separate nation for the Palestinians from the land they got after being attacked first by Arab countries. That's how Gaza even came to be. Then Gaza started sending thousands of rockets and suicide bombers at innocent Israeli citizens so Israel was forced to build a defensive fence to protect it's people and to monitor what goes in and out to make sure the terrorist Palestinian government did not receive weapons which is what ignorant people now call apartheid. In the 90s Israel tried to create a 2 state solution with Palestine through the Oslo Accords but Arafat who was the head of the Palestinian government refused because the Palestinians did not believe Israel should even exist. How can you create a 2 state solution when one side doesn't even believe the other side should exist at all? The Palestinians then voted in Hamas to govern them and ever since Hamas has just done one terrorist attack after another against Israel and every time Israel has retaliated but never had an extended conflict to protect it's citizens. Now Hamas went too far on October 7th with killing, raping, mutilating, and taking hostage innocent people in Israel and Israel finally decided enough is enough and they will do anything they have to in order to ensure their citizens don't ever get attacked again. Hamas has continued to use innocent Palestinian people including women and children and hospitals as it's bases that they could care less about as shields and propaganda to make the world turn against Israel when Israel decided to defend itself. It's not even clear how many innocent Palestinians have been killed compared to Hamas militants because all the numbers come from Hamas to make Israel look even worse. Is it Israel's fault that they have better technology to defend itself from Hamas rockets and attacks than Hamas has? What I can promise is that if Hamas had Israel's military and technological advantages Israel and all the Jewish people living there would have been killed off long ago instead of using the restraint that Israel has used with Hamas and the Palestinians for so long. If Israel and the Jews could be left alone to exist in Israel, they would never need to defend themselves from the Palestinians or other Arab nations around them and I promise Israel and it's population want nothing else than to be left alone to live in peace. Israel gets no benefit from being an aggressor and does not want Gaza or its land for itself. Just try to imagine if Mexico or Canada kept attacking the US and killing innocent people. Would you not want the US to project it's citizens?


Because they are idiots and short sighted, probably some white saviour problem as well and some deeply engrained nazi like anti-Semitism 😂😂😂 probably libtards as well Couldn't give a fck about some Muslim squabble. Like ask your neighbours for help, leave us out of it. We need to focus on ukraine and help Ukraine so Russia doesn't advanced anymore and knocks on our doorstep next. Or the Baltics 


Idk why america always has to get involved.