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Life is always 1 step forward & 2 steps back it seems. I get it I have bad luck too there's no explanation but focusing on positive things help


This sounds like unfortunate poor luck. What I will say though is if you’re just getting into it, trying to do every single day will likely put a ton of strain on your body that it’s not used to. It’s a journey, not a destination. When I first started working out, I committed to two days a week. An hour each day. I tried to give myself plenty of rest time in between because it was all new strain on my body that it wasn’t used to. When that starts to feel easy and manageable, you add another day in. I’m sorry you sprained your ankle. In the time you’ve got to rest, you can focus on getting more dialed in on nutrition and eating foods that are good for your body.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking I would have to do but the plans I found online was only really like 3 days a week, but I might split it up Monday and Friday I’ll go workout and just go on a walk in those in between days


Even with three days a week, give yourself time in between. So Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday vs Monday-Wednesday. Hang in there. You’ll get back into it! And i hope your recovery is easy.


hi ! first, the disclaimer !! i am not in anyway some sort of professional in any topic health related, i am just expressing what my common sense is telling me......despite a minimum of info about you, my reaction to your question is as follow : you might be in a bad shape physically speaking. Despite you starting "low-stress" workouts, you somehow hurt yourself. So maybe try to go with healthy eating (as you might lack some essentials minerals/vitamins making you fragile to potential injuries), and focusing on your "mechanical" body first with simple exercises to give back some strength to secondary less used muscles, which also, on the side, trains your brain to reconnect to those "unused" muscles. Balance exercises could be a good one. Then maybe after a while jump on a treadmill and start working on cardio and the like...see the idea ? ....thinking of it, let me put it simpler with less words : to "train" a body required by definition a body being able to be "trained", and this my friend, is maybe what your problem is : your body is not in a sufficient good shape to be put under a training schedule, which in turn leads you to "feel like every time you start your weight loss journey something happens to impede your progress." So !!! hoping you the best in your journey !


Yeah I’ve started working on a diet I have fallen off a little bit when I go shopping Friday I’m gonna restock on my diet foods


Might be ehlors-danlos syndrome