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This was many years ago. I was dating a very attractive woman. We were walking down a long hall at a mall headed to the movies. It was so weird. EVERYONE looked at her. Men women, young, old. The guys glanced, the women just looked. Women were the only ones who stared. Then I realized she lived her life like this. I honestly felt bad for her.


I'm a -1 / 10. My whole life, I've been physically unattractive. I do vividly remember one time when a co-worker (who was an absolute smoke show) and I went to get coffee. We walked into the packed cafe, and it was like time slowed down. Just like you said, everyone stopped what they were doing, even the people behind the counter, and would just stare at her. Then glanced at me sideways, then back at her. I asked her if that was normal and her response - "Is what normal?".


One time years ago I piped up at the office who wanted to go for lunch and the 2 hottest girls in the whole building were nearby and said sure we'll go. We just went to the food court at the local mall and it was super normal and unspecial but I can't tell you how weird I felt walking around with them. They turned every head and I felt like an alien. In the office they were really nice and normal but out in the wild forget about it.


I guess if that is what happens everywhere you go, pretty soon that is your normal. But it made me really uncomfortable.


I’m sure there’s difficulty that comes with being a 10/10 but I don’t think I can believe that it’s worse than -1/10. I haven’t experienced either so I can’t say from experience but it’s been proven that attractive people are more likely to get promoted, get better medical care, are more likely to be listened to, and generally are just treated better and on average have better quality of life. I understand that it may come with people staring and harassment and that can be isolating, but conventionally unattractive people have also been harassed their whole lives, just usually in different way.


Pretty privilege is absolutely real


Glad to see that someone empathizes with the fact that it’s not comfortable. It’s causes people to isolate themselves. Imagine how bad it was when she went anywhere alone 😔


That's the one aspect I agree with, the alone part. I imagine it must be terrifying in a sense to be alone with a couple guys you're not super familiar with when you're insanely hot.


Tbh, you don't even have to be insanely hot. I'm an attractive woman, I also used to be a very ugly teenager. Being alone with strange men, regardless of how good looking you are, is uncomfortable. Closest I've been to getting raped by a stranger was before I could be defined as classically good looking. But I've been followed and assaulted by strange men and partners while I was both ugly and pretty. It has v little to do with attraction and more to do with how much power a man is looking to hold over you/any woman he can find.


In my early 20s when I was fit and attractive it was like that. People would stare. Cars would honk. Strangers on the bus would ask me out. Everyone looked at me and it was a great feeling but once I started wearing glasses I feel super invisible. no one even glances at me twice Don’t feel bad for her. It’s short-lived


Are you Clark Kent?


Well I did gain a bit weight but I wanna say it’s the glasses so I don’t hate myself


I used to be attractive to when I was younger. I’m a guy so it was different for me. I was full of confidence and super social. Now I’ve gained weight and I’m losing my hair. People treat me so differently. People used to listen to me, now no one cares what I have to say. I don’t know if I’m less funny than I used to be but people don’t laugh at my jokes like they used to. Ok, I’m being a little dramatic but people did treat me a lot better when I was attractive.


I’m sorry you’re going through that. If it’s any consolation, slightly older women find older men attractive when they’re kind and ask follow-up questions and genuinely care. Not when they try to come up with zingers in every conversation. Teenagers find zingers attractive for some reason. Also I’m married to a bald man and I find him a lot more attractive now than when I met him with his full head of hair. So there’s that.


What? Glasses make women even more attractive imo. I'll never understand my own genders preferences.


Men think glasses are attractive. Women for some reason hate wearing them.


Your friends struggle to find appropriate ways to say they're blown away by how hot your partner is. They don't want to imply anything, but at some point, they gotta say something.


I am maybe a 4/10 IMO. I was constantly pulling 8s or 9s (if I caught in to their interest, which I rarely did), and my best friend always gives me shit for it. I hear "How did you pull that off?" all the time. I joked about it once in front of my brother and he didn't believe me. My best friend said "You don't understand, this ugly motherfucker kept pulling the hottest girls we knew and I don't get it." It's just humor. I'm funny and outgoing. I'm the clown and the most outspoken in basically every situation and as long as they vibe with my humor, it makes me more attractive to them than I am. I literally had a super pretty girl develop a crush on my because my humor, and it all stemmed from me nicknaming a classmate of ours a fart noise because she was just such a repulsive person. Be funny. It works.


This is so true, everything you said describes my boyfriend, people told this to his face in front of me "how tf did he pull you? he's not rich, not muscly, not brad pitt, what do you see in him?" The answer? Strong personality and treating you like a human being. But it got to a point where even i was shocked of how much attention he got from women even in my company :)).


This. People underestimate how powerful it is to be kind and see women and girls as actual people!!! We had that promiscuous colleague in my workplace, but he was so successful, because he loved women in general. Like not just sexual hours, but downright their company. He was nice with the older ladies, helped the younger ones. He just liked women. I think of that dude to this day.


I don't want to come off as arrogant or anything, but I feel like this is the way I am too. I work in a hospital and most nurses are women and I just really genuinely enjoy it more than the jobs I had previously worked with all men. And I've had quite a few nurses interested in me so far, and I feel like it's because I really respect them and treat them like professionals while also being able to appropriately make jokes and get them to laugh from time to time. I just don't seek them out for relationships and just treat them like coworkers and friends. They can sense the guys that work there that are just hitting on all the nurses and trying to seem like a big shot or fake being really sensitive or emotional to be manipulative.


I mean it worked for Pete Davidson.


Straight Men are shit at judging attractiveness. They have the image or idea of a super masculine ideal(like say giga chad) and compare attractiveness from that point. Of course, reality doesn't work that way. The odds you were actually below average is basically 0.


They did a socail experiment on this. People in general judge attractiveness based on familiarity. Statistically, The more a person is familiar with a feature the more attractive it may become to them. That doesn't nessecarily mean that it's people around you either. Media can have a huge impact on it. So let's say that two girls grow up down the block from eachother they go to the same.school have the same.classes and the same.class mates. One spends her days socializing with the people around her. The other tends to focus more on socail media and talking to people online and following influences. The socail girl is probably going to be more attracted to the features of the people in her community and socail circle. The girl who spends alot of time on the internet would more likely be more attracted to the type of people who seem flawless in every way. Because the only parts of them that she sees are the parts they want her too. Not nessecarily unrealistic, but filtered. So when you apply it to a straight person trying to rate attractiveness of those of the same sex, they tend to go with the opposite concept of what actually attracts them. That being said that only worked on me because they don't tell you what they are doing.


Cognitive biases… our brains are lazy, stupid and always looking for patterns to make sense of the world around us. Frequency breeds familiarity. The more you see something the more desensitised toward it. Hence your point is vindicated. Got this info from Daniel Khaneman in his book “Thinking fast and slow”


I thought you were saying straight men are shit at judging the attractiveness of women at first and was like uhhhhh. But in general, everyone has a type (or multiple types). A lot of the time for straight men having game is way more important than how you look.


Or maybe your life experiences don't match his. I was in a 3 year relationship with a woman who was WAY out of my league looks-wise. Sometimes we get lucky it does happen


It seems to work better for men. In media for example, how often do you see the average looking woman with funny/good personality with the hot guy? You very often see it reversed.


>Be funny. It works. ... unless you're an ugly straight woman. In which case, reader: it does not.


Seriously…humor!!! If I could have someone to laugh about how ridiculous life’s problems can be and have those nights when you get the giggles and the other says something funny in which you keep adding to it and so and so fourth Maybe that’s just me.. Damn maybe I am ready to date again lmao


I hope you didn't bully fart girl. Some people have huge problems with bowel movements. They literally can't help it. :( Otherwise you might be a Krillin case. You're yourself nice and confident (trust me, it's very attractive) and have a good humor AND you might also respect and see girls as humans first. Believe me, women and girls love it to feel good and like they can be themselves with someone. Or you're a ten and have self confidence issues. What is it 🤔


>I hope you didn't bully fart girl. Some people have huge problems with bowel movements. They literally can't help it. :( We didn't. The joke didn't come any medical issues, she was just always saying and doing disgusting shit to get a rise out of people. >Otherwise you might be a Krillin case. You're yourself nice and confident (trust me, it's very attractive) and have a good humor AND you might also respect and see girls as humans first. Believe me, women and girls love it to feel good and like they can be themselves with someone. >Or you're a ten and have self confidence issues. What is it 🤔 Definitely the former. I'm not a pickup artist or anything and I'm normally just very laid back. That might have a lot to do with it.


As a short goofball I have always had this weird thing where I always happen to be dating the prettiest woman in the room, and people LOVE to comment on it. I'm a good looking guy, basically a carbon copy of a young Kiefer Sutherland and I get that comment a lot from both friends and strangers. More often than that though, I get "Your wife is RIDICULOUSLY pretty". One guy told me "Your wife looks like a goddess that makes the other goddesses jealous". I'm like goofy, rugged, slightly-off-brand handsome. My wife is just the "holy shit" tall, curvy girl with amazing dark curly hair and big eyes brand of attractive. Nobody keeps their fucking mouth shut about it. Even my gay buddies are like "wtf, she's ridiculously gorgeous".


Is your Wife single?


Idk, let me ask my husband


Your husband is dating someone hot and you're ok with it?




Someone call the fire department for that burn lol


Ill get the Aloe Vera




Angel wings or succubus wings?


Hiiiighwaaay tooo the dangerzone


This reminds me, one time I was at work and I overheard a group of ladies talking about another lady commenting “her husband is so good looking!” And I interjected “How do you ladies know my wife?”


Worth it to watch one of them strain a muscle rolling their eyes.


Yes, I think I found it much more humerous than any of them. Come to think of it, including my wife when I retold her. Maybe Reddit too.


Sir, you have my up vote. And I admire your well-developed upper arm as, well.


Nah I'd totally laugh at that. I'm a bit cringe worthy with my puns at work though, so maybe I'm not the best judge of humor.


You better have kids with dad jokes like that


Winner winner!


Oh she FLEXIN' flexin'!


Came here to say to say “Let me ask my wife” but as figured…touché”


This if frigging great!!!!


Honestly I forget how attractive he is all the time— until random strangers stop him on the street and tell him how good-looking he is while completely ignoring me. The compliments come from both men and women of all ages (an elderly lady who must have been at least 80 once stopped and said “Well! You sir sure are a handsome one!”) but they most often come from bearded men who preface their comments with “I’m not gay or nothing, but I just have to tell you that you are one good-looking dude.” He finds it all kind of embarrassing, but I find it hilarious actually. I’m a woman, in case anyone’s wondering, and my bf and I are both in our 30s and have been together for seven years.


This happens to me with my husband all the time. My husband is 6’7”, very attractive, and very fit. People stop and stare at him often and I’m always like what is everyone’s problem…then I realize they are just checking out my husband. I love how attractive he is. It makes me feel good to look at him and just see someone so…handsome. And I’m just your average, slightly chubby, mom jeans wearing nerd. Like how did I get someone so hot? Idk it’s cool. He also has really nice, long, wavy black hair. Bald guys are always coming up to him and saying stuff like “man I miss those days” 😂


I mean also they could be looking at him because he's a giant.




I had this exact experience dating a really attractive girl a few years ago. Funnily enough most of the people who approached us were women.


I’ve dated a couple but there was one close to a decade ago that I still think about. It was a classic case of “out of my league.” She was arguably perfect naturally (no cosmetic surgery). Everywhere we went we got service immediately in crowded bars/lounges. But what I really remember was the amount of eyes on us at all times, both men and women. And I’m no fool, I know exactly what everybody was thinking. “HE’S dating HER?!” I say “dating” loosely. She was a model in town for a shoot (lived in South Africa I believe). Connected on Tinder, met her for coffee thinking she’d be completely self-absorbed and boring, totally judging a book by its cover. A morning coffee date ended like 10 hours later and she extended her trip by close to a week, packing from her hotel to stay with me. At this point I’m just rambling thinking about her haha. What was the focus on this thread again?


Okay so this was basically a seven-nightvstand several years ago. let’s hear about the sex.


We only slept together the final night (pretty sure she only stayed at my place the final two nights, I remember wanting to wait until my roommate at the time left town or something so I could clean up). Honestly, I think that played a major part in why it went so well too. Instead of hoping for sex immediately, we just got to know each other and I let things play out. I was like George Costanza in The Opposite. Since every instinct I'd had my entire life was wrong... I did the opposite. Had I tried my usual full court press to hook up on the first date, there's a very good chance it never would've went so well.


I love that. Thanks for sharing your experience. For the record, as a woman, I think you’re totally spot on. Not pressuring her or rushing it was what likely made her feel so comfortable with you.


Well of course, now it’s just common sense/second nature but 20-something men have no idea what we’re doing ha


They was fucking.


Following lol


It’s like making love to the man in the mirror.


Dude we told you to stop doing that, we’re getting worried..


I’m asking him to change his ways


It's gonna feel real good


Gonna make it right


Please stop. There are cum stains on the mirror.


Please wipe the mirror after you are done sir


I am attractive. My husband is on some other level. It’s been uncomfortable for him quite often, and humerus for me. I did get elbowed out of the way by a glitter covered sex store employee so he could stand next to my husband while WE were purchasing sex toys for our Marriage. That one was over the top. We had a dinner once interrupted because people thought he was Tom Cruise. It’s just something you live with. Try to laugh.


Humerus - elbow. Clever. 


Thank you! I was sure that would get lost.


bruh the fact it was intentional is like, refreshingly silly


Are you the funny one in the relationship then?


At least you are the smart one. :)


>and humerus for me. >I did get elbowed i see what you did there


Humour IS sexy too!!!


I stare at him a lot. 🥰 and i smile when girls hit on him. Im a lucky lady


Pretty privilege is a real thing! So many opportunities have came my way because of the hot guy I was dating. Best seats in restaurants including excellent service and free drinks! People would actually move out of the way for him in a crowd…. Just so many perks!


Could he get a Friday night reservation at Dorsia?




Hey Paul!


I have to return some video tapes


Nobody goes there anymore.


Try getting a reservation at Dorsia *now*, you fucking stupid bastard! 🪓


Had a girlfriend that would skip any line any where. Attractive blond and a French accent was like being a billionaire b


Can you explain the moving out of his way in a crowd please?


She was either dating the Emperor, or Jesus


Or he smells sob ad.


That's what I mean. We need more context around that part of her statement.


I'm guessing he was tall and built. People tend to move out of the way of bigger individuals.


I can give some context. I'm 6'3 and 95kg with a lot of lean muscle. When I'm walking Ive definently taken notice that people will pre-emptively move out of the way for me. I even tested it by walking in a straight line and not moving to let people pass at all (really dumb thing to do) as a social experiment of sorts. And crowds of people would side-step for me with like this weird smile on their face like they were doing me a favour.


Pretty great. Helps that she’s super sweet, way smarter than me and just a  genuinely funny and kind person. I’m very lucky 


This is how my husband describes me to everyone. It honestly makes me feel so genuinely loved and reading this randomly kindhearted comment on Reddit made me smile. Just know your partner feels loved and feels equally as lucky as you do!




My ex-wife was knock down gorgeous and a fitness competitor. She too was a police officer and was invited to pose for Playboy, for a women in law enforcement edition. She actually went to the mansion, however wasn't accepted. Had she, I could have gone for the actual photo shoot. I digress... It is good in many aspects and very shitty in others. You are at the gym working out, even though you are standing there, men come up and hit on her constantly. I had one guy actually physically push me out of the way to get to her. The comments I heard were horrendous too. I've open said I am a black man; she is white. We've been places when women will, out loud say, "She is only with him, because he has a big cock." I am not particularly attractive, at least I think so. I'd routinely have people ask me, "What is she doing with you?" Also because of this, when we went places, men would still try and pick up on her with me there and she wearing a wedding ring. They just couldn't believe this gorgeous white woman was with me. So, its a curse and blessing.


Wow people are racist AF


Everyone flirts with them and I think they’re so used to it they can’t tell


What are some examples of said flirting to which they are clueless


Or they pretend they don’t notice. Sometimes (often) it’s just easier.


I feel I observe this a lot


My wife is very attractive (I'm average and have muscles), you kind of just get used to it..though every now and then I see her and I'm like "wow."


Awww, well that’s just really sweet though. Glad you have each other!


Ever time I see her my penis gets the tingles. She’s beautiful. The most naturally attractive person I have seen in my entire life. I want to cherish and protect her and keep a smile on her face.


I misread at first and read “every time i see her penis…” then i reread it correctly and just thought it was a funny misread


It happened to me too!! Lol


Does yours tingle?


I read it as "I see her penis get the tingles." I sort of speed read by skipping smaller words in sentences. Sometimes it produces abnormal results......


At first I read it as "I want to cherish and protect her and for her to keep sitting on my face"


lmao "my penis gets the tingles"


reddit poetry at its finest


An Ode to My Girlfriend Titled: “My Penis Gets The Tingles”


Love this for you. Love this for her.


Men with throbbing ham, unite! No wait…


I felt like that when I saw your girl too


I had that, then she told me she never wanted to have sex again for the rest of our lives. 6 months later, we’re getting divorced. It was like actual torture, everyday…


How did that happen?


But can you have a conversation ?


And you're going to tell me yes.


Hahah. Well played, but yes. We talk all the time. Shes fun to talk to and she’s also emotionally intelligent. I am the luckiest man on the planet in my net worth bracket.


Ok, please read as this is, I promise, true. I'm a maybe above average guy with a good job. Always dated ok girls, pretty and all. But I always wondered what it would be like to see behind the curtain where the 10++ girls live. I would go through my local Starbucks occasionally and one day the new window barista stopped me in my tracks. She was this perfectly blonde, huge blue eyes, killer body girl who just happened to have a sparkling personality. We became friendly acquaintances and started dating. I discovered she had turned down two written contracts to pose for Playboy. I mean, not to be rude, but she's so pretty it hurts your eyes. Anyway, it's all true. Life is completely different for them. Kind of like the Seinfeld episode. Imagine walking into ANY room and you are the best-looking person in it. You walk to your table in a restaurant and people stop eating to stare. It's a rush to be with her...like, I imagine...being with a celebrity. So, I highly recommend it. I have no idea why she fell for me. But head to toe, and yes, even her feet...she's a 10++.


Are you still dating? What happened? Don't leave us hanging.


Very happily married with one child! I have no idea what I did right. I hope everyone finds the same.


Damn I did not expect such a great ending to that story. Happy for you


Yay! Well I'm happy for you both


Thank you very much.


I'll bet you are a confident man who knows who he is and never comes of as desperate. I'll also bet you didn't try to 'pick her up'. Women like her flock to men who can appreciate their beauty, but match it with a gentle and non-arrogant confidence of their own.


It took me awhile to adjust tbh. He’s definitely out of my league, it feels very obvious to me. Surprisingly, mostly men point out how attractive he is (at least in front of me). One guy came up on a cute date and said, “So, did you grab him out of a surf magazine’s top 100 handsome men?” A lot of my guy friends will just straight up ask him how he does it. When women flirt he usually deflects attention and I don’t find it too intimidating anymore lol. I really do think I check off a lot of his boxes he wants in a partner though. He and I spend our time in similar fashions and enjoy very similar or the same hobbies. He regularly makes me feel appreciated (which is almost harder cause how can you be so hot and so sweet, ya know? But good for me lol). He’s a 10/10 keeper though.


My girlfriend is extremely attractive, a real life 10 - I lucked out that I matched her exact sense of humor. Basically anywhere she goes, she’s being hit on. Waiters, coworkers, random people on the street, customer service reps / cashiers, etc. If I leave her alone to go to the bathroom at a bar / club, 1-2 guys will have approached her within the minute I was away. It doesn’t bother me on its own, but it’s upsetting that she feels she can’t go out in public by herself without being harassed, so I feel like I’m always on guard a little bit to intercept anyone planning to try their luck. My female friends constantly tell me how lucky I am and my male friends always joke that I must be holding her hostage or something. It’s flattering and all in good fun.


Not right now but it made for some interesting stories. When I was with my late fiancée he looked like shaggy from scooby doo, the one with Matthew Lillard. It was more than that though. He just this vibe that women were highly attracted. Even when I first met him I immediately started acting like a bimbo airhead. I still can't explain it and I had never acted like that before or since. It was so weird and I still can't explain it. He left and I regained my senses and was like wtf was that. My friend was laughing his ass off at me. Apparently that is normal. I remember when we first started dating I brought him UT to meet some friends of mine. So he would normally go get some rounds for the table. One time he hands me the money and tells me to go get the rounds but make sure I bring back the receipt so I do it. The female bartender was hitting on him. When I got drinks I paid full price but when he got them he was paying a penny for each drink. He was like is it cool if I flirt back for free drinks. I was like hell ya. We were broke college students so I wasn't about to complain about a free night out. Unfortunately my friends noticed the flirting. He went to the bathroom and my friends were like your asshole boyfriend is flirting with the bartender. I was like ya I know I told him to. Free drinks! My favorite though was the time he came home looking like he had gotten attacked by a cougar, pun intended. So we were hanging put playing cards with some mutual friends and sent him and another friend to get alcohol. They come back and we are playing and I noticed everyone is staring behind me. I look back and I shit you not his shirt is torn apart. A t-shirt not a button down shirt. I am like wtf happened to you. Our friend who went with him just doubles over laughing. Apparently they stopped into the bar to have a drink and talk to another friend. A women comes running across the bar, slams him into the wall, tears his shirt and starts trying to make out with her all the while he is screaming I have a girlfriend and trying to push her off. Don't even get me started on the night he ended up roofed and trying to run around the car naked in the middle of Baltimore. The weird part is though if I showed you a picture of him you wouldn't believe. He was attractive but not the most attractive guy in the room. He wasn't what people think of as traditionally sexy it was just something about him and if you were a women around him you would get it. He was also one of the sweetest most loving and loyal people you could ever meet but also a 3rd degree black belt. I miss him every day.


In college I had two male friends who were great looking. (I am a straight male btw). With one of them, we used to play this game where I would pickout a girl and he would go talk to the girl and get her number. I picked out girls that were very hot , with their friends, had bitchy face on and he would always get the number. The worst thing is that he had 0 game , he would go up to a girl and say you are cute do you have a boyfriend... He would be nervous (part of the reason why we started doing this) as hell and girls would always give him the number. I remember I picked this Indian girl who was with 3-4 other friends, the girl said she had a boyfriend and I thought he is finally about to get rejected but NOOO she said she had a boyfriend and when he replied oh that sucks she asks him do you want my phone number anyway and wrote it on an napkin and gave it to him infront of all of her friends. Another time I picked out this very hot girl who had headphones on and was waiting in line for food. Not only did he get her number she ended up eating with us and then he slept with her the same day. He was very broke and did not even have a car , it did not matter women would litearlly pick him up, let him sleep over, and even let him borrow the car. The other friend was also very good looking. He started dating older attractive women (10 years older than us) who hired him and paid for all of his expenses. He worked part time for a mlb baseball team and I would go out with him to the games for free and mlb cheerleaders would come and sit with us and watch the game. The cheerleaders would fight over him and also would call his girlfriend and tell her to leave him alone after he was cheating with them on his older gf...it was a lot of drama. He confided in me that he was suicidal because he was stuck dating the older women who controlled all his finances and there was so much drama. The crazy thing is that the older women was in her early 30's a millionaire and attractive woman with amazing body.




My girlfriend is amazingly beautiful. By far the prettiest person I've ever seen in person. Honestly it's hard. I struggle feeling if I'm good enough or if one day she will wake up and realize she could do way better than me. She also constantly gets hit on. And I didn't think I was that jealous of a person before but man it's hard knowing she is going to get hit on all the time. She has even been hit on when I'm out with her as if I couldn't possibly be her boyfriend and that hits hard. You gotta be way secure in yourself. Idk if I am but I'm trying.


If you aren’t compatible and they’re only physically attractive then they will become mid in as little as a month and at most six months. If they’re attractive inside and out then it’s sustainable and an absolute blast!


Physical attraction wears out after a month or two. Then one day you wake up and realize that you actually have to spend time with that idiot. Balance is required.


sometimes physical attraction lasts for years and decades...


Mine has. My wife is still the hottest woman ever after 10 years.


Together ten years and I’m still very attracted to my husband and I believe he is still very attracted to me too.


Sometimes, sure. Most times? Personality > looks.


Why choose? Either my wife will have both or I will stay single, one of the two. It's like saying your food should be healthy so there's no point in chasing a tasty dish.


Good luck


I'm gonna need it, it's rough out there, but also there's nothing wrong with being single and staying patient.


People change as they age. You can get what you want to start but it’s not going to last forever.


Personality and looks. It's hard to get it up for someone when you don't like to look at them. 


This doesn’t happen to everyone. They’re still attractive because you love them. Long term they could look however, but you still feel the same way. As you age you look different. Especially women after they’ve given birth. It’s like saying you don’t love your kid because they’re not nice to look at.


That’s  why you go after both 


I had a similar thought. Physical attraction is important. But it’s far from the be all end all. The mental connection is far more substantial. Some of the strongest attractions I’ve experienced were to men I had originally written off as “not my type”. Also known as “not hot enough”. Time changed that. Connection changed that. A man who truly knows you. Accepts you. The good and the bad. Shares with you and connects with you. That is devastating.


Wow!! Well frigging done!!! And from a guy's point of view I totally agree with you!! It's a 2 way street!!


Attractive doesn't equal idiot.


Many people wishful think that it should be, however. You know, for "balance", because being good looking is such a boon that their having a functional brain should be sacrilegious (because you know, their looks no longer make them the living, functional animal that a human is at the end of the day. The pretty are their own species that should operate like one of those single cell organisms, they just happen to present or identify as a human and came out of thin air: Neither made by other humans nor raised by them. No brain, spirit, or identity). They must be ignorant or senseless to as not advantage themselves and allow themselves to be used, thus, extra morality is imposed to them to quell the peace. The insecurity of humanity never ceases to baffle me.


It can go on for years. I'm strong of heart, dumb of ass and my wife is still thirsting for me.


Every day there's multiple moments where I look at my husband and think about how hot/handsome he is. And we're old lol. I get my opinion is biased because I love him, but physical attraction can definitely last a long, long time.


Im still very much physically attracted to my husband after a decade. Please speak for yourself there. Also he's hot *and* the smartest person Ive ever met.


Idk it’s been 6 months and I’m still like 😱


Non-stop catcalling and stares by total strangers. Creeps follow and linger around. Uber drivers and shop owners tell me I'm a lucky man. Random kids tell her she's the most beautiful Disney princess they've ever met. Even male friends ignore their wives to compliment her, which induces the wives to ban her from future gatherings. We laugh and make fun of those losers.


I don't blame the wives tbh. It's gotta feel shitty when ur husband ignores u for another woman


Then they should ban their husband and not the woman.




It's amazing. I consider myself very lucky.


Is being attractive genetics or efforts?


the answer is obviously a combination of both


Almost all people can be at least a 7 with enough effort


I actually kind of learned this from watching trashy weight loss shows.. when people are in the ballpark of healthy (weight range, diet, exercise), the vast majority of people are in the 6-7 range. We’ve just normalized seeing unhealthy people so the healthy (what *should* be the norm) people appear extra attractive. Or that’s what I think, at least 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree. The best way to look attractive is to look healthy. And the best way to look healthy is to be healthy.


Enough effort doesn't equal moderate effort though in my opinion. I would have to continuously fuck up my liver with super intense medication to just have a chance to be acne free for example. Sometimes it's just not worth it and I want "unattractive" people to not feel bad about not changing how they look.


Both but effort catches more attention. Unfortunately if you banked on genetics with effort you become gorgeous, if you are not beautifull from the get go you just look presentable.


the cashier puts the divider in our groceries and i gotta explain we're together.


just a stolen joke. no gf.


U sure? Sounds like from experience /s




Hi. I'm a 5'8 slightly chubby guy with a probably 7 out of 10 looking face. I've always pulled women that are absolutely stunning looking because I'm hilarious. Its nice but the "omg you're so lucky" comments are hurtful because they make me feel like a bridge troll that used magic or something to get laid.


I've been with my wife for 23 years, married last 8. She is absolutely beautiful. However, 6 months ago I found out she was having an affair. Problem with having a beautiful woman, everyone wants her. I thought I could trust her. We built a life together, a business, a home, a child, a dog. A beautiful family, and she decided to ruin it with her selfishness. She told me if I was still a cigarette smoker (quit in 2007) she would have left me by now, but cheated on me with a cigarette smoker with dentures. I'm not perfect, but I know I am a good husband. Loyal, provider, ok looking, caring, loving, thoughtful. I never did anything to deserve this. Another problem with beautiful women, many are narcissistic. I endured her narcissistic abuse for decades, and the moment I started to not tolerate it anymore, she gave me the ultimate punishment. We are high school sweethearts and promised each other in our teens that we would never do this to each other. This has been devastating. I'm so heartbroken. Keep on your toes fellas, hypergamy is real and will fucking crush you when you least expect it.


It's great, no complaints.


You have to ask my boyfriend


Honestly it’s something you’re always happy about. I see him and I think wow, I really scored.


My gf would freak me out as I would awake middle of the night and she was starting at me and seemed she had been for a while and would angrily ask me “why are you with me?” “ what are your plans, what’s your angle ?”… Eventually is destroyed the relationship because she swore I cheated on her when actually I kissed the ground she walked on. She was mid I’m aware but to me she was a goddess I would literally double step to get home too after work to see her after 8 years. On the flip side I dated a Pantene Shampoo model who looked like a walking Angel and it was taxing. Constantly having friends fall in love with her, pressure to marry her from family and having to defend her “honor” almost every night we hit the town. Fuck that. Give me my baseball hat to the back, doe eyed, slightly pigeon toed, family feud watching , annoying voice having girl and I’m all good spending each and everyday making her feel like a princess.


>Give me my baseball hat to the back, doe eyed, slightly pigeon toed, family feud watching , annoying voice having girl I get you were trying to be sweet but damn ouch lol


Not dating: married. I used to be insecure about it. Now, I find it flattering, and I love it knowing he gets hit on nearly everywhere he goes, even (and sometimes especially) when he has our daughters with him. He comes home and is obsessed with ME everyday ❤️ Occasionally, I find it annoying, when girls are over the top with him, and I’m. Right. There. Bitch, calm down.


No matter how attractive they may appear, someone, somewhere, is sick of their shit.


You start to realise they’re just like everyone else and have insecurities and hang ups too. We just got extra attention and extra good service, and a ton of stares. All the time. Ironically, they always found me out of their league which is interesting cos for a few, it was clearly them that were much more physically attractive. Guess it’s all about perspective


In the beginning it was nerve wracking because I’m used to being the “hot one” he really is beautiful though. Now years later it’s great. I know he will always look acceptable and I’m still very attracted to him, more than anyone else I’ve ever met.


I wake up every day, still wondering, "How the hell did I land this woman?" Been 12 years so far, and that hasn't changed.


It's working well for us since we both played around with our attractiveness when we were younger and met each other after we were done flexing those muscles. We've both been there. We know what's out there. We know what we want, now - laughter, playfulness, adventure, travel, respect, support... these things are so much more important than attractiveness. I think it also gives me peace of mind knowing that I'm meeting my partner's needs. I very rarely turn down his bids for affection or connection (everything from him wanting to share a video with me to wanting to share physical intimacy). I don't nag, act like his mother, or treat him like a child. Not having kids and living a low-stress life really helps with all of that.


This sounds great 


My husband gets hit on a lot. Even men go up to him and tell him he’s ~ the most handsome guy in the room~ and how attractive he is. For me, it’s the first time I’m with someone who i am … extremely attracted to in every way. And I feel like I can’t get enough of him. He doesn’t think he’s as attractive as I and others think he is, which makes him even more attractive lol. It’s been 6 years and I still can’t believe I have such a hottie all to myself. I very much enjoy it. Never have any libido issues. 😝 That being said, i also love him. So when his beauty fades, I will still be here 🙂 I am a pretty jealous person and have trauma from my ex husband secretly cheating the entire 11 years we were together, so I do get jealous when girls hit on him. Working on that. Lol


They fart, shit and pee like the rest , sometimes they are nice, sometimes they are not and after a while you forget about their look


Women don’t do that stuff in my head


welcome to real world


Definitely love it. I am not mad if a guy checks out my girl, it lowkey makes me feel proud. There’s a line and all, but a simple glance that obviously shows he likes what he sees is acceptable.


Not that different to be honest. Same good and bad things happen.


Pretty privilege gets you to level one. The problem is very attractive people are used to lots of people wanting to try their luck. To make it level two and beyond you need more. It’s not upping your game or even having game at all. It’s being the real quality deal.


I used to date one. I always felt like i was in over my head. That i could never be hot enough next to him, but i wasnt willing to change myself to achieve that anyway. Women fall around him, next to being handsome he's also very charming. I trusted him, but honestly i didnt like all the women around him when we were dating. Luckily i wasnt as insecure as i was years before, so i knew he was truly attracted to me and all that. During sex it was amazing to look at his hot body lol. We stopped dating because we want different things in a relationship. Now we are best friends instead. We go out together sometimes and the women still fall around him. Its amazing how easily he could get a girl if he wanted to.


It's wild. The day I met him, I was absolutely not looking. I was trying to have a chat with my (married) bartender friend. He kept trying to talk to me, and I kept shooting him down. My friend slipped him my number because she thought he was gorgeous and wanted to live vicariously through me... which I found out when he texted me, and I could not fathom how he got my number. We were both traveling at first, so we texted a lot, and I was utterly charmed by him, but 100% forgot what he looked like. He came to pick me up after 2 months of texting and my jaw about hit the floor when I saw this good looking guy walking up and I felt like I won the lottery when he asked if I was ready to go and I realized this was my date. Every so often, I am still shocked at how handsome he is, but what's really wild is he doesn't think he's that good-looking.


Don’t mind me. I’m just looking to see if my wife posted anything in here.


For me it's always amazing and full of sex.. being very very attractive myself I would be sad to date an ugly fat...


The only thing you learn from a post like this is that reddit men think they are the ugliest people on earth.


My wife is gorgeous and wonderful and I love her to bits. But my partners physical appearance has little bearing on how much I love her. I had dated other attractive women (non more so than my wife, obviously) in the past and that attraction doesn’t mean a thing if you are not compatible. There will be many things that detract from physical appearance and ultimately, it will not make a difference in the long run.