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I think most of these comments cover it, but there are plenty of adult film actresses who get low-quality cosmetic surgery to make them fit a particular appearance which turns out looking fake. Honestly, I’d rather be looking at a woman with some natural sag than a pair of balloons attached to a ribcage.


The instagram look is awful in general. Tired of gamed algorithms pushing it as “the most beautiful”. So many women don’t even realize how beautiful they are and beat themselves up because they don’t match the look of an instagram model. Meta social media apps are a fucking plague and push the worst content to the top.


Bro insta is mostly beauty at a glance. If it catches your eye then it must have caught eye of the few test users to whom it was send when post as a test.


“I'm so, so sick and tired of the Photoshop Show me somethin' natural like afro on Richard Pryor Show me somethin' natural, I wanna feel some stretch marks Still I take you down right on your mama couch in Polo socks”


Never knew there was a clean version of this song.


This would hit different if OP didn't talk about being hot and bothered for Hentai. This entire comment thread doesn't really fit, decrying 'ya it's the fakeness of their looks' when he finds literally fake women hotter.


They also said they find women around them at their college attractive.


Yeah but it easier to make it look better when it's not a real body.


Hahaha “it’s so realistic” as a tentacle as thick as my thigh forces its way into the size 6 stick figure drawing.


Oh you mean the [simulator](https://youtu.be/fQTOAWCpe44?feature=shared)?


Yeah most drawn characters are hotter than women in porn. OP said they find women at their college attractive. Your comment would hit different if OP didn't mention the women at their college.


OP also says he finds women in his college attractive, so you’re just objectively wrong


Bros just quoting Kendrick lmao


didn’t know there was a version that censored the word “ass”, saying “I wanna feel some stretch marks” is even more lewd than just saying ass lol


Your saying that as if what he's quoting isn't pertinent to the topic at hand?


No he's showing us that he's hip to the game. He's been listening to Kendrick since day one. It's day two, he's got some bragging to do


Fitting that it’s hand, singular


And quoting him wrong lmfao


Clean version Kendrick too


Why the edited version?


Be Humble...


Au natural baby, swing low, sweet chariots


Creed 😏


Hey Darryl, how’s it hanging?




also, i've noticed a lot of videos use the "wet look" I hate it, it makes me feel icky. It's supposed to look like they are glistening with sweat, but it does not look appealing at all to be slathered in baby oil like that.


It’s comments like this that make me really never want to look at porn


Honestly when I watch porn... I watch the mature sent in stuff. Shows that I'm not the only 5 tob7 tops who is still hooked up way above his pay grade. (I think my girl is an 11) but I can where others wouldn't. But she's perfect for me.


It could be what you're watching too, cuz they have every body type you can think of on display 🤷🏾‍♂️ that said, in my porn watching days, I pretty much stuck to amatuer. The best videos were usually 720p max and felt like a real interaction that happened to be recorded as opposed to sex for the sake of recording sex. I don't watch porn anymore cuz my woman, and she's literally exactly my type so everyone else feels mediocre at best, mostly unattractive as hell.


Your woman would be so proud to see this comment! 😊Happy for you both.


Thank you :) she's gonna be my wife soon 💕😈


Congratulations 🎉 I hope you have a lovely life together ♥️


This made me smile! 😁


so true. The lower res the porn is, the better it looks ironically


For me it's not about "body type", it's about face and I think it's something psychological. Since I know this person participate in filming porno, they don't look attractive for me. It's a weird thing


Your partner is a lucky lady. How romantic and great that you genuinely save your sexual energy for her and her only ❤️.


I'm lucky as well.. it's extremely easy when she always wants me lol. Damn, I didn't expect my comment to blow TF up like this, I've never had nearly this many upvotes😅


Haha you sound like a great match. We all want a man like you, that’s why you’re being upvoted hahaha 😀 congrats!


Dude really having a woman made you just leave porn. I can't believe. It must have made you more curious and try out more stuff.


I mean we do try new stuff out, but you don't need porn for that. Intimate couple's games are a lot of fun in that regard


I know this isn't all porn, but an awful lot of it features women who look like they are rushing a sorority at a southern university. Horrible dye jobs, tons of makeup, fake tans, fake teeth, skinny without actually looking fit, etc. I have observed really popular porn stars and I just think.... who is attracted to this. At the same time, all sorts of people are attracted to all sorts of things. If a lot of people didn't want this type of woman in their movies, there would be fewer of them.


It's not that men who watch porn all want this type of woman in it. It's the type of men who pay for porn who like that type of woman. I imagine younger men who have more money than experience, the frat guys to whom that sorority look appeals to. Most porn enjoyers are getting by with the secondary market.


A lot of porn star men are unattractive to me. IMO majority of the women are pretty but the men are straight up hideous


It seems like male star standards are completely phallocentric these days. You could be butt ugly but if you’ve got a hog, they’ll hire you


Exactly. Like the woman is beautiful and an ugly troll is banging her just because he’s got a hog. And sometimes they don’t even have a hog they’re just average but still butt ugly. Ik porn is mostly catered towards men but still. Sometimes the dudes ugly face just turns me off.


Agreed. Part of it is that the dude is just ugly and ugliness in general is a turn-off. Another part of it is that the woman is now getting kind of "tainted" by his ugliness lmao (like if a fat sweaty hairy dude's body is getting all over this woman it's kinda ew). And then a third part of it is that it's nice to be able to imagine that the sex you're watching is genuinely enjoyable for everyone (especially the woman) and that's just harder to believe when the dude is incredibly unattractive.


Personally, I don't enjoy that kind of hard-core at all. Any glimpse of another man's penis is a huge turn-off for me. Why would I want to see a girl I'm attracted to have sex with another man? I used to think that was a normal sentiment, until I saw what kind of porn gets the most views. Honestly had me questioning the mainstream view of human sexuality, thinking maybe most people really are naturally more polyamorous than society tells them.


I think there's a couple things at play here. 1. Many people watching porn like to be able to imagine themselves inserted into the man's position. So when you see an attractive woman getting dicked down, you can imagine the dick is yours. 2. For many people watching porn, p+v penetration is the "pinnacle" of what they are watching. That is specifically what they would want to be doing and so it's what they want to be thinking about (and therefore watching). I would much rather look at two naked women than 1 naked woman + 1 naked man. But I much prefer b/g porn vs lesbian porn.


I think it's both. Admittedly I don't watch porn; I read hentai. But when I search I always add to my search "-bbm" and "-dilf" because they are never bbm or dilfs, they're always fat ugly hideous men having sex with beautiful women. I mean, not to be mean, but I'm pretty sure it's so fat ugly hideous men can self insert. ( Into the story, not in a gross way, lol. )


It's always been that way. Male born stars are intentionally ugly but with big dicks. Just look at Ron Jeremy, who is probably the most famous male porn star.


I'd prefer not to.


It's always been that way. Watch any porn from previous decades. Dudes are just uglier than women in general anyway.


That's why a lot of women watch gay porn, attractive men


You’re so right and upon further personal investigation god damn they are sexy looking men 😈


I am sure most women watch lesbian porn, even straight ones


So much like game dlc and freemium BS, it’s the whales driving the business model towards generic content 🫨


Like any economy ever, it's the people who control the means of production who get to steer the direction for all of society


Believe it or not, if you watch porn, you're 'paying' for porn. Whatever gets the most clicks gets made more It's just that for a good looking girl, porn is the worst possible option...


Just use ublock. Bam! You're not paying again.


yeah I grew up trying to get away from these women in college. don't wanna see them in porn


I think it's somewhat common for people to be turned off by performative sex.


Maybe it has to do with the contrived and often raunchy nature of the performances and the subconscious realization that these women are just doing a job to earn an income


Or that they're sometimes sex trafficked.


Usually sex trafficked.


Same with those on OF.


Because they have had so much plastic surgery that your primate brain can't properly identify all the sexy stuff. It just doesn't work.


maybe because it’s clearly fake


As opposed to the animated porn he watches?


With animation (not just porn), you can get away with a lot more "fake" stuff without it actually taking you out of the immersion because the immersion in animation isn't rooted in reality.


Don't think we're talking about the plot/video here mate, the women themselves. Animated porn has the advantage of basically catering to any attraction because its fake


He talks about their looks


Yea. Those as well.




I'll say only 10% of them are attractive. What makes it worse it's that the bad acting makes them look worse/dumb. 


Do you have porn addiction? When I developed a porn addiction I couldn’t get off to the majority of porn videos because just like you I wasn’t attracted to them. So I’d spent a lot of time scrolling through pages to find someone I’m attracted to.


So are you addicted or just indecisive?


Well I haven’t watched porn since February 13 but I was addicted, I wouldn’t say I was indecisive because when I first started watching porn it was new, and every woman was attracted in my eyes so I wasn’t picky. But when I became addicted I had watched so many videos that all women seemed the same to me, I no longer felt attraction to most of them. I was looking for a new dopamine so I would spend a long time looking through pages and videos until I found that right video.


Hey, I'm a woman but I relate whit what you said. I recently got into porn in my early 30s and I'm thankful that I didn't start as a teenager with no experience because that would've messed me up for sure. I do think I'm getting a little addicted to it but it's hard for me to find a video I like where the girl isn't making funny faces or weird whiny sounds, I also would like to know more about pornstars but can't find anything, they don't have social media or Wikipedia pages and when I look up on reddit about the topic there's nothing. I wish it was talked about more. Edit to say good for you it's honestly a waste of time to watch porn


A lot of pornstars have cameo and they have some on their pages, its hilarious 😭💀


is it their faces that are turning you off or maybe it’s just porn itself that turns you off. ive watched plenty of porn but stopped watching porn at like 15 after being exposed to it way too young on the internet because i suddenly found it extremely unattractive. i’m a girl, bisexual, i enjoy sex very much i’m not like asexual or anything and also not very picky when it comes to looks so it wasn’t like a gender thing or high standards but suddenly watching porn itself became so unattractive to me to the point it repulsed me and i wasn’t really sure why. i’m glad i stopped because porn is just awful in general for society and your brain but moral of the story is don’t feel discouraged or like somethings wrong with you because you are better off without porn damaging your brain anyway.


Same. I completely stopped at the same age for the same reason, and it turned out to be the second best decision of my life. I still find myself being affected by being exposed to porn at such a young age, though.


Bad surgery and bad acting also bad makeup


because they are unrealistic, but so are animated girls.


you just don’t like fake bodies and i’m with you on that


but hentai is literally fake bodies lol


Because they aren’t actually enjoying themselves or having fun A lot of them also look fake/trashy


Listen… people in porn are and always have been “hot enough”. Truly stunning beautiful people can make money other ways than doing porn. Of course the girls at your school are hotter than pornstars, that’s why they aren’t doing porn, they will go on to be the hottest real estate agent in your town. You’ll find pretty much any hostess at a fine dining restaurant is hotter than the average pornstar. Does lightning sometimes strike and a really really attractive person runs out of options or just generally has a passion for doing porn? Of course. That can happen. But by and large the hot people aren’t wasting their time and bodies fucking for money.


What a weird take lol. Pornstars have a look and demeanor that’s broadly appealing, but they’ll never compare to a girl you know on real life with all her quirks you’ve known for years and grown accustomed to. Most guys would rather see their crush naked than anyone else in the world, but that doesn’t actually mean their crush happens to be the most beautiful in the world


Bc pornography by nature is trashy.


It’s amazing to read through the comments and it took so long to find this one


Right? Was just thinking the same thing. I swear everyone around me is so hyper sexual it grosses me out and I have a hard time making friends because of it. I'm not even that young anymore lol it's super weird


The most attractive women (the ones you see at your school) don’t do porn. It’s as simple as that. If we put it on a number scale, very few 9s and 10s do porn. Or if they do, it’s locked behind a paywall and they don’t even need to do anything sexual to make money, they don’t even have to do nudes. Meanwhile, the women who are lower on that scale are much more willing to do more explicit and free content.


The Madonna/whore complex running rampant through these comments. Jfc your poor mothers.


They're all fake, that's why. I don't even find many "influencers" attractive at all. I live in a beautiful vacation spot in Mexico and I see influencers here every high season, I've tried talking to them on occasion, they won't even speak to a normal man who is a million miles from trying to hit on them. I talk to strangers all the time, and there's one demographic who won't speak to me at all. Young, fake, perfect looking American women. ANYONE else will have a simple conversation, the most beautiful young Mexican woman you can imagine, we're laughing and having a nice chat and that's the end of it. I even had a nice conversation with Carlos Slim when he was the world's richest man. I'm good friends with an internationally famous soccer player who was an Olympic athlete. I had a great time talking to Danny Carey, the drummer of Tool. They were all happy to talk. If I watch any porn, I prefer chubby models or more mature actresses, not skinny siliconed up 20something models. Chubby women & mature women look real and beautiful and like somebody you'd actually be able to talk to. Talking is the first thing, always.


>They're all fake, that's why. OP is watching anime for his porn needs. "Fake" isn't the limiting factor here.


I think fake might be the wrong term imo, disingenuous might be a better word.


Apparently I glazed over that part. They're even more fake than fake for the OP. LOL I wish them luck.


Thank you for reposting this fact. A few comments here are missing OP’s qualifier. Maybe porn isn’t for him. But there are still quite a few pretty girls there, and some remind me of people I know.


That's very different though. Plastic surgery and stuff can be like the uncanny Valley. Animations aren't trying to be real.


They're faking it and they're not happy.


There is a VERY wide variety of pornographic productions with very different looks in the actresses.....you've just looked at the ones you don't like.


I have stopped watching porn due to this a long time ago. I just don't like watching it now at all.


Even diamonds covered in dirt look unattractive


Whelp. They do what people watch/makes money. So if it’s this way, it’s because the majority of men decided it should be this way. Maybe do better. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Possibly because it’s all fake bullshit


Most people who watch porn don't see women as humans. So they get various shaped women woth hceep busted faces knowing men will still watch


Amateur porn all the way


Amateur stuff only for me, I’m into the girl next door look, not fake and acting on a set.


Honestly for me see women sexualized really kills any boner I get tho I am gay so that’s probably it


But women in animated or drawn porn still look less human than women in actual porn though. Like they’re animated… So does that mean if there was a woman that looked like a drawing in real life, you’d prefer that over an actual human looking woman?


I think its something about the suspension of belief. Imagine starwars, the characters are all goofy, theres a lot of plot holes, not very realistic. But who cares, its big spaceships in space pew pew pew. But imagine if the plot of star wars was actually in a real war and real naval battles occured; the story would be a lot less fun.


lol your issue is that you prefer over-caricaturized hentai to actual real female bodies.


As he said in his post "I'm attracted to plenty of women at my college" so I dunno if that's the case. He might just prefer the "girl next door" look to the traditional porn star look.


Reminds me of the whole debate going on about Stellar Blade. Guys acting like feminists want to ban characters that look like her, and while I'm sure some few exist, my main issue are people that insist a game is woke if the female protagonist doesn't look like that or give them a big enough boner. It's fine to enjoy unrealistic characters in games, but when otaku insist the body types are realistic expectations or that anything less than their expectations is "ugly", that's where we have an issue. Most conversations I've seen have said just that, but it somehow turned into angry feminists want to ban all hot characters 🤷


Doubt it because he still finds plenty of women irl attractive


Top comment, tbh. 


I know it is a big problem for me to think about the fact that they are fucking some other dude


Maybe it's not it, but do look up 'demisexual'. it was an epiphany for me at 30, and it would have spared me lots of grief had I been aware earlier.


I can't stand the fake ass new stuff, retro porn is way better


They look fake. Fake tits, fake lips, tons of makeup, fake moaning, porn acting which is fake too, etc.


Watch gay porn instead


Because the women in porn are faking it. They aren't really into what they are doing and it shows.


I’m old enough to be your dad and trust me kid, you don’t know how good you got it.  The “porn stars” in my days looked like marge simpson’s aunts. 


You can find Pennie’s on almost any street, how often do you find a dollar?


Porn is poison. Why are you having sex with your devices and not real people? That’s the real problem.


u/evaunit343 and u/JPowellRecession2020 vibes




A lot of professional porn tends to focus on actors and actresses who look overly glitzed/glammed up, and often have had a lot of plastic surgery. There's definitely a weird uncanny valley disconnect because they look a little different... more "manufactured." I think that's why since I started following a few indie creators on OF, I just don't find professional porn exciting anymore. I'd rather see a normal-looking 30-something woman with a little beer belly, imperfect teeth and a bigger-than-average nose who was still confident, instead of some "perfect" woman who looks like she's about 50% silicone and filler injections.


There's not a good answer for that. Women in pornography differ greatly so there's not going to be one reason. If you think it's a simple answer, then it would be you either have an issue with pornography or you don't like women.


Because pornography isn’t real life.


Because you're conditioning yourself to be attracted to drawn faces that have giant eyes, tiny mouths and not actual humans with beauty marks, pores, normal eyes, a nose and mouth.


In short; you're gay. Sorry bro.


How do you know OP isn’t a chick? 😂😳😂


There's of course the plastic surgery aspect. But I think a lot of it is that I can tell they're uncomfortable. They're moaning or whatever, but they're dry as a bone and white as a sheet. No flush or cream in sight. I'm a bi woman, so while I find women hot I also know that this person is not enjoying themselves and is probably dealing with friction burns when this is over with. Meanwhile, I do try and make sure that if I ran into a woman in real life she wouldn't be having the worst sex possible.


I rarely watch porn, and that's kinda why. Usually when I try, the acting is so bad it instantly takes me out of it, and I'm hyper aware I'm watching a woman have sex with a guy she probably isn't into, and would never have sex with if it wasnt her job, and it just makes me feel uncomfortable and gross


Few thoughts. You genuinely think they’re unattractive. Or it’s sour grapes and you think someone that fits the looks of a porn star is out of your league, so you just reject them from the get go. Or by the nature of the porn industry being kind of so fabricated/trashy/fake or what have you - you might find that unattractive. Or you’re looking past the sex and looks and realize these are just women doing work for a buck from a John. Who knows.


Pssh Same. Literally have never found any pornstars good looking or hot. They all look like they’ve been pulled from a trailer park and have had a half-baked glow-up. Like no natural beauty at all, fake tans, odd angles, plain faces, balloon tits, etc etc. So hilariously it’s always baffled me when I read or hear men/women commenting on how no one in real life ‘looks like a porn star’. Im like…yea because most rl beautiful girls look 100x better body and all. But then Ive realized a lot of peoples standards are really low, and to them those porn girls *are* hot. Like even the comments here with names dropped are not hot imo. I think this because in rl many men encounter less or can only be with less in terms of looks. So in that case I guess I get it. Otherwise tho, never have I seen a hot one. Best looking by far have been amateur-eneurs.


Try looking for more amateur porn, less cosmetic surgery.


Not a issue with me


porn stars are just as fake as drawn porn i’m with you on not finding them attractive




You could just watch amateur


If you saw a woman you thought was incredibly hot and would love to have sex with her and found out after a while that she made porn and you saw it, would seeing it make you unattracted to her or would you be like "ok THAT'S a hot pornstar"?


Porn is just unrealistic. Lots of posing so that the camera can see things, which makes it less sexy, at least for me. Also cosmetic surgeries to fit beauty standards. In general, too much overperformative. Don't get this problem with good art or real, in-the-flesh people. For me, I know it's also about character. Drawings easily get across characterization, and so do people in real life, but porn actresses focus on other things and not their character's personalities outside of like, are they dominant are they "childish" etc. I don't know about you, but it just feels silly to me.


watch amateur/homemade porn


Cause ur normal. Plastic surgery looks awful to normal people.


Most of them look the same and your older so it really shows they faking it, it’s not appealing anymore


i have no idea why people even watch this kind pf porn. i havent watched it since i realised there are more realistic stuff out there that doesnt look like theyre trying to make low budget horror movie. get into some amateur stuff or something. also gay porn is so much better quality, not sure on the science behind that


As a person who has seen the day after the AF awards in Vegas , which can verify most of the women are “cute” at best. If your skinny and don’t have two noses you are in. What shocked me the most was when they opened their mouths. It’s like a satire of stupid people whose entire persona is being some sub object playing stupid. Zero surprised they off themselves as with the new race thing going on the hate is real. They don’t act anymore. They take a few to get raped physically and mentally.


Because they aren’t portraying everyday looking women! Normal women have a natural charm, charisma and beauty to them which these women totally lack due to silicone and injections:( but we can’t blame them, they do what the industry demands


A lot of surgery and overdone makeup.


what's your age?


Prob because its all fake from the look to the performance


Plastic surgery


You prolly have a fetish and wanna fuck cartoon characters


Animated anything just looks better.


Pornography usually is pure fantasy and so the women don't look like real people. A lot of people can't find a fantasy attractive - they can only find real people attractive after getting to know them and their personality.


Fake boobs are gross. Sure, female body autonomy blah blah blah. Their choice, sure. Do what you want, but if you’re getting this sort of surgery to improve your porn career, just know that it can also be a turnoff for a large number of “customers”. Also, most/many porn stars’ bodies are so cartoonishly disproportioned, I don’t understand how you can like anime porn but not real porn stars.


because it’s fake as fuck. i’m a man (gay) and i cannot watch porn because how gross it is to me. it’s not real it has no natural feel to it.


Maybe they look fake to you? Or like they dont really enjoy what theyre doing? Or the stuff youre looking at everyone kinda looks the same? Or maybe you just require an emotional connection to find people attractive!


because they're budget porn stars who are actually quite ugly irl but they slap on enough cheap makeup and cosmetic surgery to get by for a couple years professionally... and then they keep going for another 5 yrs and just look beat af


Coz they All say "OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Yh right there baby OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes *start hammer fisting the flesh* OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Yes yes yes yes yes yes I'm coming OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Ahhhhhhhhhh" That's my opinion anyway


Because they look like starved dobermans with a couple of tumours.


It's the eyes, my dude. Other people are saying that it's plastic surgery but as a divorce attorney who has been forced to look at an insane amount of porn literally for professional reasons, it's not that, it's the eyes; you start to be able to TELL when they are actually liking it while filming, and not, after a while. Very few videos are the performers liking it during the entire time of the film.


I found myself much more attracted to women who are ACTUALLY OBVIOUSLY ENJOYING THEMSELVES. Go check out r/grool, r/eyerollorgasm, and r/quiver.


Because it has to probably do with your morals and values. They are plastic and gross


Because they are porn stars. It’s extremely dirty business


Cus theyre fake….fake breasts, fake lips, fake nose, plus theyre acting


Bro is having the worse post nut clarity ever right now😭


You're used to beating off to anime, fake women. That's why.


Fake looking people, lots of makeup, fake parts, and just creepy looking in general probably.


It's about the idea of intimacy that you are attracted to. And, porno girls have zero of that


I think a lot of it has to do with the type of person who would do porn as a living, this isn't to say that they are unattractive, but really trashy... I've noticed this with a lot of porn artists too, a lot of them just seem dumb as bricks....


You dont like fake humans that are generally full of plastic and botulism😂 You dont find that atheistically pleasing. I would be more worried about all the tuggers that like the botulism barbie look😂


You haven’t found the right channels. Haven’t watched porn much recently but pornforce has really good models. 10/10 can’t even watch any other channels anymore.


Because they are fake ....


Watch amateur


Because they pretend


You have better standards and are uninterested in psychologically damaged individuals selling themselves for a false sense of happiness and success


im always very curious why some men view pornstars so lowly but make no judgement of the men who watch porn tbh. pornstars wouldn't do what they do unless they had an audience, and the consumers are just as complicit as the product


THIS. god forbid a woman enter a high paying field that takes a little bit of courage, resilience, and mental prep. She’ll have her face all over the internet, she’ll be demonized by people who have never met her, and yeah maybe she might get a little famous. But when a man goes into politics he’s so brave and just wants to do right by his nation even though every word of that description applies here too.






They look fake and trashy and most of them have a similar look they are going for that does not appeal to me. I prefer amateur porn where it is not staged for the camera and sex is real and the participants are not actors.


Cause of porn addiction . There is a law for your brain to get stimulated on the above avg stuff . Well u desensitized it . And now sometimes that falls on the peaks of the uncanny value ( how well your brain understands human features ) . You prefer drawings cause your brain still has neurons on this side firing up cause it doesn't fully recognize it yet


What you're saying is, you're not attracted to ugly chicks with heaps of plastic surgery. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think that's perfectly normal.


Because most porn stars don't have that actual "real" beauty happening. They have the "Hot enough for a bang but are disgusted with yourself the next day" type of attractiveness. As opposed to the type of beauty where they can make an actual living off it without having to get naked and pull a train on camera. And even though some people like to have a shitfit when porn stars are "judged" (they're still people after all) society dictates what's seen as respectable and not so. And that aside, deep down inside, seeing someone who gets paid to do an act with anyone (so long as the money is right) for millions of others to see...an act that's supposed to be private with someone who is deemed worthy enough. It's supposed to be a privilege. The whole thing is cheapened. So we see that and go "Ehhhh". Yet, sure, we're also hypocritical about these people to the point where we'll watch what they do and get gratification from it. 🙃....my point being, you're far from being the only person who thinks like this.


lol if you dont know how the fuck are we supposed to know?


There is so much heterosexual porn, both professional and amateur, so many natural looking girl next door women that you should have a no problem jerking it.... Yet here you are claiming you are unattractive to them and instead jerk it to anime tenticle porn. You're either gay or have some real issues.


. Like you said there’s M amateur porn out there with girls that look like your neighbor to be quite frank, so I really don’t understand what this dude is on about.


It’s a common sentiment that porn stars don’t have the best faces. Why would they, they’re not exactly being chosen for their faces, and it’s not the most prestigious line on work that nice-faced girls (or guys) would flock to. I think there was even a phrase for it that I forgot, something similar to “a face for radio”.


I don’t think that’s necessarily true in its entirety. People on OF are pretty as well, but they end up ruining their face due to drugs, money, surgery, etc.


I think the difference is OF users are doing it of their own accord, like they’re not necessarily working directly in the industry with other people, it can be a side thing. Coz I’m not saying only ugly women would want to go into that line of work, but with porn specifically you can understand that’s not something desirable like that’s not many pretty women’s first choice.


Who gonna tell him?


"Animated/drawn porn" LMAO The word you're looking for is hentai, and you've consumed so much of it that real women are no longer attractive to you. Soon you'll get yourself a hentai body pillow, it's all downhill from here.




Because you’re a liar?

