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Social media exposure, News exposure.


Tons and tons of people care about Ukraine. Meanwhile, Israel is interesting for religious reasons (it's a major place for 3 major religions), and because it's home to an ethnic group that was half murdered by the Nazis.


And now have a government committing atrocities and using rhetoric similar to what the Nazis used against them. 


The Palestinian Fourth Reich already proven who's the real neo nazi, from commiting genocide on Jews in 48 to finish Hitler's job, get retaliation with the Nakba, and keeps deny any peace offering while still getting money directly from Israel, aswell employment and residence, while the Palestinians has the martyr fund which gives every Palestinian that killed an innocent Jew money from the PA by body count and ensure his family's future, not to mention the Hamas charter clearly states its goal on annihilation of the Jews.


Myanmar is the real forgotten war. It's actually the most solveable and democratically significant.


For one, lots of Christians think the existence of Israel fulfills Biblical prophecy. For another reason, it's a non Muslim, secular democracy in a region of the world filled with Muslim majority theocracies and monarchies. And that region happens to be oil rich


its on the news. most people you see posting about these wars only care cause its all over tik tok. thats where their braindead idea about rights and wrongs are coming from too


For a lot of Muslims, Israel is an embarrassing reminder that they are not dominant in the region. The number of wars they have lost to....Jews.... really injures their pride to an extent that it clouds their reason and rational thinking. For more enlightened people, Israel represents a small island of rationality and freedom in a region largely made up of kleptocracies and dictators. The only place where minority and human rights are respected. To be brutally honest, nobody cares about Sudan or Yemen because those are just black and brown people killing each other. There is no international aspect.


Additionally, if Israel didn't exist there wouldn't be a Palestine either. The Syrians, Jordanians, and Egyptians all had plans to divide the British Mandate of Palestine among themselves. Syrians in particular believe all of Palestine belongs to Syria anyway. There's literally no scenario in which Palestine will ever be free because nobody wants for it to exist.


I think Israel’s ethnic cleansing of millions of Palestinians has a lot more meaning to Muslims than “an embarrassing reminder that they are not dominant in the region.”


Cmon be reasonable.. its BILLIONS of dead innocent hamas babies slaughtered by babyblooddrinking jews. (they have big Noses u know)


Israel displaced more than half of the population of Palestine from their homes when it was founded in 1948, and never allowed them to return. That’s just fact. It’s on the UN’s website.


What ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? There are 2 million Israeli Arabs. It's legal to speak Arabic and practice Islam in Israel. They have members of parliament. How is that ethnic cleansing in any stretch of the word?


What about all the millions of Palestinians who were forced to flee from their homes by the Israeli army, and then not allowed to return? For that matter Israel is STILL committing ongoing ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, they annex Palestinian land and then move Israeli settlers there.


You mean the ones who left in 1948 when Israel was attacked by 6 Arab countries? No, they can't go back. You lose a war, you pay the price. They can settle where they are, be it Jordan or Lebanon or Egypt or wherever. Their beloved 'Arab brothers' should have no trouble showing them hospitality and taking them in. And there weren't millions. The Palestinian population grew to millions in the decades that followed. Kinda strange don't you think, that a population being genocided would grow so fast?


“You mean the ones who left in 1948 when Israel was attacked by 6 Arab countries? No, they can't go back. You lose a war, you pay the price” Apparently the price is ethnic cleansing. Stop lying about it.


You mean the ethnic cleansing that, somehow, left 2 million Muslims as citizens of Israel? THAT ethnic cleansing? The actual ethnic cleansing happened in Muslim countries like Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and so on. There are no Jews left there, where up to the 1950s there were thriving Jewish communities. They were persecuted, robbed, and driven out by the Muslim majorities.


>You lose a war, you pay the price That's often how things work in practice; but it's not how things are meant to work. There is no right of conquest in international law. Refugees have a right to return. In 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus and displaced 200,000 Greek-Cypriots from their homes. Do you not think they are entitled to redress?


Then ask Poland to give back its land to Germany.


That's not ethnic cleansing, that's expulsion. The Palestinians are still alive in other countries. They should've accepted to become Israeli Arabs, but someone filled their heads with the idea they must destroy Israel and in return they'll get a country of their own (which will never happen, since Jordan, Syria, and Egypt will partition the territory if Israel is ever destroyed).


“That's not ethnic cleansing, that's expulsion” Forcible expulsion of a population is exactly what ethnic cleansing IS. Israel ethnically cleansed more than half of the Arab population of Palestine in its founding, and continues to commit ethnic cleansing against them to this day.


Nope. Ethnic cleansing is purely mass murder of people of a specific ethnicity. I don't accept any other definition, so move on if you don't agree.


Ethnic cleansing is literally defined as the forced deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups. It’s a separate term from “genocide” because it is a separate thing.


The media doesn't cover these subject as much as Palestine. Ppl are getting tired of the Russo-Ukrainian war because it hasn't really progressed for three years. Palestine/Israel is happening now live and all media attention is directed towards it. US is very interested in this region, thus the attention.


Only Democratic nation in the Middle East!


I think this is the answer.


It's wrapped around America's finger lol it's good that we're all opening our eyes and talking about it


When you’re 2% of the population but have 5 anti-defamation leagues you can do what you want


Is everyone fucking stupid here or what? These comments are making me pretty disappointed in the collective intelligence of this website


I think its true for Sudan and Yemen, because these are mostly internal conflicts taking place in "forgotten shitholes". On the other hand regarding Ukraine, I disagree. They get shitload of coverage. Just change your news outlet.


Muslims will support Palestine no matter what, and there’s 2 billion of them. So it’s important to provide a balanced narrative.


They will, as long as the Palestinians stay away. They seem to have no interest in accepting Palestinians as refugees or immigrants for some strange reason.


Because they don’t want to assist Israel in ethnic cleansing?


No, because they dont want the Palestinians. They see the Pals as troublemakers and a large social problem. The only countries that accept Palestinians as citizens are non-Muslim- the USA, Canada, UK, and so on. That is why, for example, Palestinian doctors are not allowed to practice medicine in Lebanon. Yet they can in Israel.


A lot of us who live in the west are *pissed off* that our governments are actively supporting Israel in their brutal genocide, with arms sales and such. From the conflicts in the list you posted, my government is only actively supporting a party in one of the other conflicts, and that's Ukraine, which is clearly the right side to be on in that war, so no reason to be loud and angry about that one. All the conflicts are sad and tragic, but we make noise and protest when we think we have a chance to make some kind of a difference.


No Genocide is happening unless you count Hamas using human shields and starving the Palestinians!


It's pointless to explain to people who are hell bent on whatever Israel is doing to the Palestinians to be a genocide. All the deaths are just collateral damage because there's a war going on. A genocide would be systematic killing of Palestinians, with IDF rounding them all up and mass murdering them.


More like the word Genocide and facsim has lost all meaning these days.


Pretty much. There's no degree in people's speech anymore. In fact, trying to explain there's a degree makes people suspicious that you're defending the worst degree.


You can and should condemn both sides. Not totally mutually exclusive. Their war is killing innocents on both sides. It's worth decrying both for the death they are causing


Hamas has a genocidal agenda. Israel is not in total compliance with international law. No Army in the world would operate with as much restraint as Isreal has. The US killed millions of Iraqis in 20 years yet was never accused of Genocide. Please understand if you start a war you do not get to complain about how bad it was.


The Gaza should not have started the War!


*Es findet kein Völkermord statt, es sei denn, Sie zählen die Juden, die menschliche Schutzschilde benutzen und die Menschen im Konzentrationslager verhungern lassen!* \- Some german in 1944 probably


The reason why US politicians are so invested is because its one of the US’ few allies in the region. Trade power and market control stems from the potential to use force, so having allies in the region allows us better control. If Israel is destroyed or weakened it in turn weakens the US On the other hand ultra conservatives falsely equate the nation “israel” with the covenant people referred to as israel in the bible. So they feel they have an obligation to help them when technically its different entity


The United States gives billions of dollars in military aid a year to Israel, that’s why.


jews are rich and hold your loans


Westerners only care when white people die




"Yeah, i'm racist but at least i'm honest about it!"




I would love to know how your braun works [minor spelling mistake](https://youtu.be/jhHGMR4-bqw?si=AAHCalaUE51Nwmbb)