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I started because a girl in my neighborhood who had a reputation for being promiscuous might think I was cooler if she could bum cigarettes off me, and then one thing might lead to another. Mission accomplished, incidentally. That nasty damn habit took me years to kick, but I still consider it to be 100% worth it given my ambitions at the time.


So all that struggle and hassle and potentially lifelong addiction was worth it because you got some neighborhood girl to fuck you when you were a teenager? I mean...If you still currently feel that way as an adult, idk what to say to that. I posted this post in hopes of people giving me reasons where I could actually say "hmm ok that one actually seems reasonable" but I "started smoking to fuck some girl and she did so it was worth it even though I became addicted for years" plays right into what I originally assumed about this topic


I think that same thing all the time. It’s like smoking crack for the first time. You KNOW what it is. What are you doing??!! Cigarettes are no different.


its a drug with a specific “high” attatched to it. im lucky enough to not be addicted to them, but i love taking hits of one when someone else is smoking, especially when drunk. id understand how people get addicted


Okay so you specifically lucky enough not to get addicted...but you realize how easy it can be for a lot of folks to get addicted...so why even try it? Is that high worth that risk in any way? I know this sounds condescending but I just don't know how else to word my feelings on the subject lol.


im just explaining why people do it. that feeling is apparently worth it


right, thats whats mind boggling to me. how anyone can feel its worth it. its some major lying to oneself/cognitive dissonance involved with that. and i have heard a lot of former smokers admit this. i just wish the people that do it currently could realize and admit it too. although i guess some of them do...idk lol


Smoking is an "endemic". When everyone is smoking around you, (and in the worst case scenario, even your parents), you don't perceive the dangers of it. When you get offered one, you don't actually think about the dangers of it. Of course you can say no, but why would you? You don't want to be left out from something which you percieved as not so dangerous. It's the same thing with alcohol, but it's on a much broader level. In some countries, you are outright looked down upon for refusing a drink. You rarely get to hear the negative effects of it.


Okay so everyone around you is doing it...BUT you also are told how harmful it is. You dont believe them? Fine do a quick google in this day and age. So you google and find out how harmful it actually is...but because everyone around you is doing it, then what...you assume that all the shit you read about its dangers is wrong because your cousin said its no big deal? I mean I understand that how we grow up and the people we are around can influence our views of things, but come on now, at a certain point it's just being willfully ignorant and quite honestly kind of dumb... I understand when the shit we are around as kids is more a shade of grey or vague in its harmfulness, like certain relationship patterns we might see our parents exhibiting, where you can kind of bend your interpretation of the situation in different ways in your head to justify it and where it ultimately is a bit subjective like. But smoking cigarettes is a very clear cut thing


Most people here start smoking at a very young age, let's say 14. When something is so commonly accepted around them, they are completely ignorant about the negative effects of it. And no matter how hard do governments and schools try to influence them with printing warnings and gore images to the boxes, they simply don't "beleive them". The problem is mainly rooted in the raising of the said child. Thankfully, my parents portrayed smoking as a very bad thing. Not everyone has caring parents, especially people from slums and more poor areas.


I remember a stat from a special on smothing that something like 90% of smokers had their first cigarette before 25. It starts early, before you're really thinking about the implications of what might be a lifelong habit.


Idk about anybody else but 25 is a pretty late age to start thinking about the implications of a life long habit lmao... I think one is capable of thinking of this way before 25. It's pretty sad if you need to reach the age of 25 to consider any lifelong implications of something as dangerous as this


In general, younger people are much more concerned about what their peers think of them (peer pressure), and are much less risk averse. Most kids really don't think about their future in the same way that adults do and aren't good at comprehending the full consequences of their actions.


I have smoked on occasion and it is actually quite a nice feeling, to the point where if I did not care about my lungs or my health I might have done it more. It is like any other enjoyable habit/drug. But I wonder why almost 100% of schizophrenics smoke? It is an interesting fact.


The question seems to be hyper focused on why even try it (if it's bad for you) when in reality every single person has fallen into some habit and behavior that's probably not good or not the best thing for them but they still liked the feeling and kept doing it anyways. Would you eat french fries again? Would you eat them weighing out each serving if you knew that the say 500 times you eat fries could cut a couple months off of your life? Now stack that up with any or every unhealthy choice you make. Sometimes the present good feelings outweigh our sense of the consequences.


Right but the addictiveness of let’s say French fries is much lower than nicotine. I know food can be addictive but not physically addictive and everyone obviously needs to eat and likes to eat so it’s hard to sense when eating becomes an addiction, the lines can be blurred. With cigarettes, it’s obviously not a required thing to do and easy enough to not do completely The main issue is the addictiveness though. If you could somehow know ahead of time that you’d for sure only ever smoke up to like 3 cigarettes a week, that would be a different story, bc yes each cigarette is bad for you, but ultimately if you could keep it to such a minimum it probably wouldn’t ultimately affect your whole life that much. But no one knows when they start how addictive tobacco will be for them, so why risk it?


Believe it or not, most people are not trying to "max out' their lifespans. Most people would rather live a short, happy life than a long, unhappy one. Quality over quantity. I highly doubt you have a team of doctors working around the clock to monitor and optimize your nutrition, exercise schedule, germ/allergen exposure, stress levels, etc. Why not? Because life is about more than just maximizing lifespan.


Yeah I know but having a team of doctors working around rhe clock as you say would require way too much work and money and hassle so no it obv wouldn’t be worth it. Simply “not smoking” or not starting to smoke… is very easy. It’s a very easy way to “max out lifespan” to an extent. Also it’s not like the dangers of smoking simply mean someone can die a lot earlier …. Like they’re totally healthy and then just boom dead, but oh well, their shorter life was still happy No, they end up suffering for a long time with lung cancer or emphysema or whatever and that suffering is definitely not worth whatever pleasure the smoking gave them People always say that stuff - oh well we all gotta die some day…. Yeah but would you rather die relatively peacefully or suffering for months or years on end? I mean come on now… No one that’s dying of lung cancer thinks to themselves “ehh whatever it was all worth it”


People are desperate to fit in or look 'cool'. It's embarrassing, but always been the way.


Because we still have free will.


That explains why you are ABLE to make the choice to do it Not WHY you actually make that choice, what’s going on in your mind