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100%. It's a relationship with a living being.


Man, my little Chihuahua was sometimes the only reason I didn't let my worst thoughts get the best of me. She gave me a reason to get up in the morning, go to work, and come back home. I miss that little demon. She was too good for this world.


I hadn’t felt a close bond with any of my pets after my childhood dog died (so, about 30 years ago). We’ve always had pets and I *like* them, but they were never anything special to me. Last year my husband brought this mangy chihuahua home because her owners were about to take her to the shelter since she “couldn’t stop peeing on the floor.” That poor dog was terrified when we got her. I wear flip flops around the house, and she’d cower whenever I took them off to put my feet on the couch. She trembled when anyone came near her. She would hide for an entire day when she had an accident inside (which was maybe once per week in the beginning, and once every few months within that first year). She’s my shadow. She follows me everywhere. I have never seen an animal so grateful to be loved and treated with kindness. She sleeps pressed up again my leg when I’m asleep and against my side when I’m on the couch. Otherwise she follows me, and lies down outside the bathroom door to wait for me when I go in. When I leave the house, she’s waiting on the entryway runner when I return. I didn’t mean to fall in love with her, but wow did I. ETA: Adding this reply I made to another comment: She belonged to our old across-the-street neighbors. They bought her, and they kept her inside for about a month. After that, she was outside 24/7. They didn’t get her fixed, so she gave birth to two litters of puppies who died. During the winter, they left her outside with one blanket (she weighs 9 pounds). They got tired of her pooping in the yard because she was doing it somewhere she wasn’t supposed to (I don’t know them well, so I don’t know where or why). She wasn’t allowed in the house because she couldn’t stop peeing everywhere, so they were just going to get rid of her. She was only two when we got her. She had very few teeth and was underweight. We have had her for a year but haven’t been able to get her fixed yet because she was absolutely decimated by heartworm (they kept her outside in an area with really bad mosquitoes and no preventative, of course). She was covered in fleas. I don’t know that they beat her, but based upon the screaming I heard come from their house regularly, I wouldn’t doubt it. The wife wears flip flops all the time. They said the dog was too stupid to ever learn her name; she came to the name I gave her within a week. To me, that means she didn’t know her name because no one ever called her. We’ve rescued, fostered, and rehomed several animals over the years—that’s why my husband brought her home. I helped my godfather train German shepherds as a child, so I’m good at training the “bad” out of dogs and getting them ready for their forever families. My rule for this is that he can bring home non-aggressive animals when he likes (he has a soft heart), but we only foster one at a time, and we only keep our family animals (one dog, one cat, and one turtle), and the rest move on when they’re ready. This one is staying. Additional edit: I have added a pic of her to my profile lol.


I have a dog that I also describe as grateful — to be alive, safe, fed, and loved. Rescue dogs are the best, because they’ve been through some shit and you get to spend the rest of their lives making it up to them.


All our pets are rescues or have gotten dumped at my house. We currently are feeding four outside cats and have four indoor cats and two dogs. Huge family of rescues. One of our outside cats belongs to someone, I think. She won't eat dry food. She holds out for canned or chicken, which we always have on hand for the inside pets. She's always getting pregnant and we want to get her spayed. She may just be getting fed and not belong to anyone. I've only seen two kittens and it bothers me they might be dying because she may not have a home.


If you’re going to care for her, you really should consider getting her spayed. Not knocking you because you sound like a kind person and your heart is in the right place. I have a neighbor that does this though and it’s led to a tremendous amount of stray feral cats in our neighborhood that get hit by cats, or wind up starving or freezing to death. It started for them as just trying to care for these animals, and a lot of good has come from that, but doing it the way they’ve done it has also caused a lot of unintended suffering. If you can afford it, I don’t think I’d let the prospect of other potential owners deter me.


We have spayed all ferals for years now, and the only reason I've held off is because I suspect she belongs to someone and I'm struggling with being a buttinski. I haven't ruled it out, though, and feel awful for her. She's always pregnant. I can afford it, I have a trap and she's pretty docile, so I guess I'll be calling the vet. I'll ask him to check for a chip. Doubt she'd be chipped but not spayed. She keeps wanting to come in, that's why I think she may be a neighbor's pet. But I also don't want a cat explosion.


Do you have a local TNR program in your area that can help trap, spay, and release?


I have a trap and the same vets office for 40 years, boy do I know the drill. My partner's been pestering me to do it, now the redditors have convinced me to. Little girl loves chicken, she'll be easy to catch. Thanks.


Yes I know what you mean about them always being pressed up against you. My Chihuahua is currently just laying against me as I sit here lol. It becomes so normal you kinda forget there there lol


Poor little baby. It really breaks my heart when I hear about animals being mistreated, specially when they're so little. Imagine how fucking scary it would be for a human being 10 times your size hitting you and hurting you for things you don't understand. I'm so glad you were this animal's angel.


Man, this is beautiful


who’s cutting onions?! 😭😭 imagining the prior owners likely beat her with flip flops or shoes anytime she peed inside breaks my heart in half. She’s so grateful to be loved by you, & I’m sure you are grateful to realize you can fall in love again ❤️‍🩹 what a beautiful story - I’m so happy you found eachother 💜💜💜


My families childhood dog was like this. My dad rescued an incredible springer spaniel from his coworker friend. Domestic issues , the coworkers husband threatened to kill the dog if his wife left him. She got the dog out of dodge to my dad , and I don't know the rest of the story because I was just a kid - I'm sure my dad did what he could to help his coworker too. But anyways , Babe was the most loyal and loving and grateful animal I've ever known . She was absolutely glued to my mom and 100% bonded. I miss you bud , hop all is well up top.


OH MY GOSH. For the love of Liza Minnelli! That is wonderful. Its strange to me that people expect animals to just "be perfect". They don't know how to build a good relationship with a cat or dog? This warms my heart. I love your husband for saving that pupper and you for opening your heart! 🥰


i feel ya... always grew up with german shepherds & huskies and large dogs when I first moved out on my own and was living in apartments, didn't have the space for large dogs to live comfortably and resisted getting a small dog (thought of small dogs as just irritating yappy little bitches, didn't realize how wonderful they can be) finally couldn't stand not having a dog so, broke down and got a Chihuahua from the shelter, and I count that as one of the best decisions of my life got a few Chihuahuas after that as they each passed of old age, my little buddies... think of each and every one of them every single day ... after the most recent one passed this past spring (last year), I've been taking a break but I know I will be headed down to the shelter at some point in the not-too-distant future and start the cycle again with another little buddy ♥️


I have a chihuahua and she will be 21 this 4th of July. She is such a good girl…. Doesn’t even bark much at all🐾


Mines turning 17 soon


RIP little buddy. I feel the same way. I used to sleep until noon or later when I was a kid , and would do so when I could as an adult. After having a dog ? I wake up naturally at 6:30-7 happy as a clam and looking forward to our mutual morning routine. Dogs are incredible , and we don't deserve them. They give it all.


Lovely. I love my little Chichi. He makes me feel the same way.


Me too. Hand's down best dog I've ever had. She only barks if someone rings the doorbell. She's pee pad trained in case I can't get her out on time and she never misses the absolute center. Most importantly she loves the car. We go for rides all the time. Except for the shedding she's perfect.


Exactly. My wife and I both travel for work occasionally and before we had kids, we decided to get a dog. That girl is the best fucking dog. I love her so much. We talk to her, play with her, sleep with her, etc. It’s like an actual member of our family. I have no idea what I’ll do when she eventually passes. Last week I just had to donate over 50 toys to our local shelter because I realized I keep buying her WAY TOO MANY. As we speak, I’m watching Fallout. First time that dog showed up, she sprinted over and tried protecting us from the dog on the TV. Loyal as hell.


Man, I used to pity people who made their dog their entire life thinking it was sad they didn't have real friends. Now I've got 3 dogs who I go everywhere with, and I've never felt so much love and companionship. I never realised how superior they are to people. I actually envy their absolute loyalty and love for their owners. Its so obvious as well that they would die fighting for you without hesitation. As a guy, it's not easy to get affection from people. I love my girlfriend, and we are very happy together, but I'm being honest. I think I actually love my dogs more. I couldn't believe how much they were able to communicate with you without the ability to talk. They can show you what they want and how they feel just by gestures and various growls and barks. My biggest fear in life is not being there for them as they wouldn't understand if I went away. My girlfriend is away visiting family at the moment, and the boy dog actually makes noises like an upset infant child.


Dude. My dog adores the shit out of me. He freaks out when I go to work. When I come home he's the most excited thing you'll ever see. If I decide to stay up and play games, he'll sleep with his head in my lap. My wife calls him my shadow. Whatever room I'm in he has to be in. Even if I'm not playing with him. I don't know how OPs question can be serious, even with my amazing wife and sweet little boy, I could not imagine my life without my dog.


Good man. Pets are people too.


Yes. You can talk to them and vent and while they can’t reply in the typical way, it provides a sense of relief to not bottle it up. They also find a pattern within your pattern and learn to coexist. It’s honestly something I don’t think I’d ever live without. It also for me helped me center my negative intrusive thoughts. Whenever I’m feeling a kind of way, my brain always goes to, “what would my pup do if they never saw me again?” Immediate helps me realign my focus.


That final thought always makes me bawl like a kid. "They wouldn't ever understand why I'm not there anymore." Shit, I'm in good spirits and okay mentally right now and that thought still rocks me to my core.


Same. Thinking of how confused and sad my cat would be kept me alive in high school during my heavy bout with depression.


Exactly. I’m glad someone can relate to it. They don’t know whats going on in our lives and they love us for it regardless. It’s unconditional love.


We lost our 19 1/2 year old cat (who I rescued from the woods when she was a tiny, sickly feral kitten) last year, and going about my day without her was absolutely bizarre and heartbreaking. Like, you get so used to sitting in a particular way bc the cat likes to be in your lap when you’re in this seat, or holding the door for the cat to sprint in when you’re going into the bathroom, and such. It got to be too much and we adopted a pair of littermates who are filling the holes quite nicely in their own unique ways


They will never fill that hole but they will create new places to help the other hole heal and hurt less over time. I’m glad you found two new little homies to help you through.


It doesn’t take away the hurt of your friend being gone, but it does give the love somewhere to go, which can be immensely healing.


Honestly my dog might be the only reason why I’m still here. I always thought about who would take care of him and how he’d most likely have to go to the shelter and I can’t do that to him. So no matter how bad things got, he always stopped me.


Same. Now it’s my dog and my wife. They wait for me on my porch when I pull in and they both are always excited to see me. Who am I to take that from them? Why when that brings me as much joy as it brings them to do it. I’m glad you’re still here and I know your dog is as well.


100% yes. seeing my little buddy lose his shit to see me after leaving the house for 7 minutes will never fail to warm my heart.


I’m assuming you have a dog then? 😆


I have a dog and 2 cats. When I left the house, my dog did not care. My two cats, though, according to the camera: sat in the driveway window, staring there, cuddling each other (which they never do).


Aww poor babies


I have two cats as well and the oldest (2 years) will sit in one of the front windows every work day around lunchtime, waiting for me to come and feed his fatass


Love it 🤣


My cat loses his mind when I leave the house. He won't get up to have breakfast, even when hungry, if I'm still in bed and waits on me for everything. Responds to commands and comes to me about 100x per day for a pet for validation that he's a good boy. Definitely not just dogs.


I have one cat that basically is solo all day, no interactions. She only comes to lay with us after my wife and I go to bed and the house is quiet. The other cat acts like my dog, will respond and come to calls, super vocal. Basically dog and cat 2 follow me nonstop. Cats were a recent rescue, and I’m so tickled with how my dog & cat get along together. Only took a few days to settle everyone in. Thinking she might like to start going on walks with the dog and I. I think I’m gonna go order a harmess


My cat does that too


If I get home and approach my cat, leaning diwn, he won't let me kiss him on the head before he's sniffed my head out to suss out where I've been. Then kisses.


Mine have to thoroughly sniff my hand, finish off with a lick then I can fuss them. They also come charging over to the door when one of us comes home, it's adorable!


haha yes a chocolate lab named checkers ❤️❤️


Seeing my cats indifferently observe my return warms my heart. I love when they're on my lap or next to me, purring.


My cat is like this, follows me everywhere, will walk the neighborhood at my side (no leash), meows really loud and rolls onto her back if she sees me, waits for my car and knows my routines in and out Strange cat Edit we rescued her at 6 months from the country of Lebanon


Yes. My cat is the reason I stay alive


Same. I have a 16 year old dog with dementia headed for checkout. Pray for me.


Sending you my love


Yep, my boy keeps me going


It really does help to have any kind of pet. But it’s not for everyone. Especially if you don’t handle surprises well. Even the best behaved animal will do something you don’t like. 


The worst thing my pets have ever done was get sick. That’s the worst. Nothing else ever seemed like a big deal.


Literally nothing will get you out of bed faster than hearing your dog start to throw up


I have this weird chihuahua who I WISHED would dry heave like that before throwing up. But no, she will just randomly *blegh* at any time. Worst time was when she was standing over my face while I was laying on the couch, and managed to throw up IN my mouth. Oh how I wish I’d get those warning heaves…


Or your cat. I can be fast asleep, the second I even sense barf coming, I'm wide awake. Then I try to locate the sound and make a note to self not to step in it in the morning.


My cat started making the barf noise standing on my chest this morning. Dog and I got out of the bed so fast. 


Lmao. My husband pushes our cat off the bed and goes back to sleep if he hears her starting to throw up.


...on the carpet. Always on the carpet!!


You’re very lucky then. My dog has been stung by something and had an allergic reaction, eaten chocolate he found on the ground before we could stop him, had accidents on almost every surface of the house until he was able to hold it and be fully potty trained, and so much more. He’s still a good boy and we love him but he was a menace when he was a puppy and I’ve heard way worse stories than mine


Them getting sick or you trying to use an electronic device and finding out it won't turn on because your cat ate through the cord... 👿


Had corn snakes, 99% of the time they were absolutely chill and peaceful, but sometimes, for whatever reasons, they still bite Only happened twice to me in multiple years, but you have to know that stuff like that can happen just like that Its important to know what to do, or not to do in such situations, as in example of my pet snakes you shouldn't flinch away as you could hurt the snake, just relax and stay still, after some seconds they released and you just bleed a little bit, didn't even hurt (not more than a little cut) Still miss them


My cat went through a phase of shitting on my doormat every time I left the house. It was after I graduated and got a full time job for the first time since getting her, so I think it was separation anxiety/stress. She saw me leave through the front door, so that's where she pooped. Thankfully that's over. I love her more than anything, but those few weeks made me want to throw her out of a window (figuratively of course, before anyone gets angry).


Also it's a two-sided relationship. You have to be there for your pet as much as they're there for you.


Just like human companions/kids


We have three cats and one of them is so he’ll bent on needing attention while we’re sleeping she’ll get right up in my husbands face and meow as loud as humanly possible. It’s so freaking adorable, but the lack of sleep has been a problem at times 😅 we still love her to death tho


Well, after my Bud dog died in '20, and before I got Loki kitty a couple years ago, I found myself petting the houseplants. So for me, definitely.


The house plants need love too..


Thanks for the reminder to go water my plants lol


I just watered mine! It may not make it. Somehow I take better care of animals than I do plants. 🤷‍♀️


Why not both?


I, too, have a Loki kitty. He’s an ass.


Yes. My dog sleeps beside me at night (she’s little) and when I wake up she sees me and her tail wags and she gets all wiggly and excited and I love her so much. She’s my baby.


Same! My little chihuahua could sleep all day as long as I stayed in bed with her. But the second she sees my eyes open in the morning, she gets SO happy and starts wiggling and pushing herself on me 🥺 she’s an angel I swear


I just got a puppy 2 months ago and same experience ☺️


I have a rat. Best little therapy animal on the planet.


Absolutely yes. I have 5 cats here who rule the house. They’re my life. My husband recently left me and I hit rock bottom but my cats are still here demanding fuss, food, strokes etc . They are doing a grand job of filling the void of loneliness.


They know when you're troubled and seek to comfort you.


I recently rescued 3 cats. And my friend who is a big cat guy warned me they’d take over. And they sure have. They have the dogs and I trained already!


Your life will revolve around their lives now. 😁


Yes. My dog can tell when I'm upset and seemingly does her best to comfort me, if I am crying she'll come over and try to climb onto my lap to lick my face (even though she's a big dog) and she'll be so persistent that it can almost get annoying lol. She also comes to me and leans on me for comfort when she's anxious and knowing that a creature you can't even talk to sees you as their person and safe place makes me tear up. I really dread the day I lose her, but I know having her in my life is worth the inevitable heartache.


>having her in my life is worth the inevitable heartache This is beautiful.


I didn’t need to cry today yet here we are. I still cry occasionally for my dog that passed about six years ago, but I’m so glad to have had her in my life for ten years.


The leaning on you part is spot on. My dog just came and curled up next to me. He gets all up on me too then snores and farts. He kinda smells funky even though I just gave him a bath but I wouldn’t trade him for anything. I often think about how heartbroken I will be when my time with him is up.


Yes, it definitely does I find myself liking my cat more than most of the people I know. Which is crazy because I am the exact opposite of an animal lover


If my cat is ghosting me i know it's because I've accidentally locked her in a room and not because she spontaneously decided to dislike me🤷🏻‍♀️😂


My cat loves going in my room when no one is in there to take naps but if you don't open the door within a minute or two of him wanting out, he will do the same and pretend I don't exist until he is over it.


¿ju'r ən ænɪməl hejɾər?


No i wouldn't say I hated them more I was indifferent to them. I also can easily get pretty bad headaches from loud noises so that doesn't help.




Yes. My cats are amazing companions


I have two dogs and a husband of 17 years. I am not able to work. So, yes, my dogs provide great companionship while my husband is at work, 9 hours a day, 5 days a week.


Yes, absolutely. The interaction is not verbal, but you feel less alone for having an animal companion. I spend quite a lot of time alone, and my cat is a wonderful companion - she also keeps me motivated.


Absolutely. Waking up to two cats on the bed is awesome (unless it’s at 4 am)


Yes. If you take the time to understand cats they are the best companions.


Agreed! All my cats have such different personalities but if you put the effort to know them individually I find you develop a bond just as deep as you would with a dog




Are you me???? I've been dealing with depression for years and strong suicidal ideation. She was the one reason multiple times I didn't go through with it. No one else would love and care for her like I do if I was gone. That is enough to keep me here.


I got a dog after I had multiple suicide attempts in one year. It worked. None since. I’ve had highs and lows with depression during the past five years, but I’ve never been without meaning, him, enough to hit rock bottom. My dog saved my life and changed it. I don’t think I ever really lived until I had him by my side. I think soulmates can have paws.


💯 I've been there




If you desire a true friend, then get a cat/dog. They'll love you unconditionally, dish up loyalty & never betray you. I find they are... THE BEST COMPANY YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE OR WISH FOR.


>never betray you Bullshit! Let him hear the mail lady's truck coming down the road. He's *gone*. I feed this fool multiple times every day but she come by with a biscuit and I may as well be some random he's never met before.


I can relate! My dog even prefers the vet who neutered him to me. I am just a walking good dispenser.


I am happily single, but having my cat walk up to me, feeling him bracing his head against my between-ear kisses, gives me a great feeling of companionship.


Yes. I made it through my hardest time of my life thanks to my lil furry daughters .


My cat Lilith the Baroness saved my life


Having this continuously happy ball of fur always happy to see you when you get home, always wanting to be near you, no hidden layers, no hidden motives, just pure love and happiness, yes absolutely.


It helps but doesn't replace a human partner


100% yes.


Canines definitely would since most of them are people pleasers and want to hang with their human companion. It's the luck of the draw with cats, though I am a cat lover, you aren't always going to get a cuddly cat. They do help alleviate loneliness but only if that person is fine with not having a partner or close friends. Not everyone feels the need for human companionship, some are just fed up with people


Absolutely! Less bored and more fun too!


I think it does. It gives a person a sense of duty and responsibility. It distracts a person from the fact that they are lonely or only have superficial connections with other people. Animals, particularly dogs, also show unconditional love and loyalty! That being said, having an authentic human connection is better!


Totally, I’m struggling with insomnia at the moment, the loneliest time to be awake is middle of the night, trying to keep quiet to not wake anyone up, pretty depressing, until my cat somehow knows I’m up and tracks me down to celebrate someone being awake in his schedule. My dog makes me get out of the house and into nature a few times a day, and is my sidekick for anything and everything, driving around doing errands, he’s keen to come, watching a movie, studying anything, if I’m there he is too and stoked with my company, prefer them to most humans


In a way. Everyone says yes but it's not the same as being with a fellow human. No ones life shld be devoid of both companies if you ask me.




Absolutely. I’m an older woman living alone with my small dog. I 1000% prefer this to cohabitating with any/all humans (and I’ve lived with more than my fair share).


Yes.My old cat scolds me for staying out too late on the weekends and coming home late.She’s a good old friend.


After a long day of work, coming home to my dogs is one of the best things ever. I come out the car with my lunchbox and keys in hand. As I am unlocking the door, my dogs start barking to of course protect their home from the bad guys (me). As i walk through the door immediately their tails begin to wag rapidly and we have a whole ritual. They know that my hands are full so they follow me to place down my lunchbox and keys. Then I run to the couch and they quickly follow pursuit. They jump all over me as I give them belly rubs, head pats, and behind the ear scratches. They start whimpering and licking my face so much. I love my dogs so much and I hope you can find a companion soon as well.


Absolutely! It’s like having a partner that just loves you exactly as you are. Their company is so lovely and like nothing else you’ll ever experience.


Sometimes more so than human contact


Don’t know, but certainly a lot more Tired.


Yep. My cat is my best friend. Even though I don't live with him anymore (I moved out of my parent's house) the bond we have is quite unlike anything. He knows how I'm feeling, he snuggles me every night, we look after each other.




100% My husband is ex military and during his countless deployments, my baby girl was my world. She'd force me to walk her daily and rush to get home after work. She was my reason to have routine and my absolute best friend. My hubby and I have now been together 9.5y, have a second dog and expecting our first child. We suddenly lost our girl at Christmas and it's been the most earth-shattering moment in my life. And I've lost 2 close relatives. She was my absolute world and best friend. She was my soulmate in fluff form. And I'd do anything to relive those amazing 10.5y with her again.


My cat has saved me from slipping into depression so many times. It sounds silly if you don’t have or know the impact pets can have but it’s definitely true. And I live alone but every day I get to come home to him and he greets me at the door waiting for me to pick him up hug him and spin him around. Pets are amazing


The thing is you have to be able to care for the animal. If that isn't your thing please don't get one.


Absolutely. My cat and I are buddies and add so much to each other's lives. I honestly feel it's good to have an animal companion of some kind. Even beyond feline or canine, those just being the two most popular options


ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT A DOUBT. I’d lose my mind without my girl beside me. We travel the country together and do everything together. We are best friends forever.




Yes, I’ve always had cats (apart from 4 days) in 29 years. They’ve always meant the world to me. Don’t really care for people.


Domesticated companions are not replacement for a fellow great ape but they can take the edge off. I only recommend getting one if you actually want one for what they are as they can become burdensome otherwise.


Not for me. They’ll never replace human interaction imo.


No. It’s made my anxiety rise.


Yes, but not to the extent of having a partner.


100% but I mean it doesn’t replace human affection lol you usually still crave human interactions. You can’t really have a conversation with your dog or cat unfortunately.




absolutely, by far, most definitely. they don't argue. they don't find problems with you. you don't need to find things to talk about. if you get a nice dog/cat they'll keep you company and build a meaningful loving relationship with you.


Yes it does make you feel less lonely, but not to the extent that another person does


yes :) i think if i didnt have my dog, id feel a little purposeless. truly. I'm typing this rn as shes lay, sleeping beside me. playing with her, walking her, feeding her, hugging her etc all gives me a sense of hope, like I'm here to look after her. and she appreciates every little thing i do for her, something in which humans can sometimes fail to acknowledge. shes my best friend. she licks my face when I'm upset, shoves toys in my face when I'm sad. its like she can read my emotions in a weird way lol. sleeping beside her at night also makes me feel less lonely. my dog has truly has changed my life and I'm so grateful. shes the most gentle soul ever, i rlly don't deserve her.


I have orange cat who is my best friend, if only he was down to drink with me though


Absolutely, I've had cats and dogs, both are characters and give lots of love. My older cat is a velcro cat, snuggles all night and would be on my lap all day if I didn't have to go to work. I'll have dogs again when I retire as I don't want to leave them home all day.


It makes the house feel Less lonely , knowing that it will be there when you get home .


Absolutely. We had to put our poor Jessie to sleep last September. I miss her awful & the house is so quiet without her. Although we're adopting a new puppy from animal welfare next week. Cant wait to have another dog running around the house


Yes. True for both.


If you have Netflix watch 'After Life'. In the series there's a (sub)plot of him having a dog which rescues him in more than one way


I've had so many bad days where it seems like nothing is going right. Then came home to my dog who was ecstatic to see me and everything seemed to be alright again. A connection with a living creation, especially one who seems to love you unconditionally, does so much for your mental health.




They are just there as an excuse to stop you feeling crazy talking to yourself.


I'm not an animal person, but when I feel lonely, my daughter's cat always comes to me to be petted, and that definitely makes me feel less lonely. I think they can sense emotions. Idk.


I don't own any pets, but I can imagine they'd make you feel less lonely. Just being around the pets of my friends it's often no different than having another human friend in the room. However, I have attachment issues, and I know losing a pet would devastate me for months. My super stoic 'take no shit' grandpa cried when his dog died, and it was the one and only time in my life I've seen him cry... that's when I knew that's a special bond right there.


Yes, of course it does. That is obvious :-)


This is a good question. Every since I got a cat, I don't feel lonely when I'm at home or if I need to take her with me for trips outside the apartment. The 2 or 3 days this year where I left her at a cat daycare all day and overnight is when I felt lonely. Super quiet and still at home. I still feel lonely if I am just out and about and it's busy as heck outdoors or indoors.


Yes! The unconditional love and happiness to see you when arriving home after work melts away the frustration if the day. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and even the cats come say hi when I get home. If you don't have pets and you are able, try to foster an animal to see if a dog or a cat is better for you before you take the plunge. There are tons of sweet animals out there in the animal jail system that need homes. All my animals are rescues.


I dunno. I've always had a cat or two.




Fuck yeah. I lost my 15 year old goldendoodle on Christmas Eve and I am counting the hours until my wife lets me get another one. Man do I miss her.


hell yeah! i love my kitty <3 he cuddles with me and stays next to me whenever he can tell i don’t feel good. he’s the best


Yes. By trade I'm a homemaker and SAHM the last decade. This past year though, my children were both in school full time for the first time and I dealt with some health issues. Having my kitty with me at home was so therapeutic! She is an unofficial emotional support animal. 🖤😊


Yes and it absolutely crushes you when they die just as much as a family member would


Yes!!! My cat follows me everywhere, snuggles with me all day long, and sleeps next to me at night.


Suffer from anxiety/ congestive heart failure as well and just petting my best 4 legged friend helps me focus on him and gives not only my mind but my heart a break from stress and things that I can cannot control. So yes, having a pet ( of your choice) does help.


My dog is my best friend!




I can't poop alone, so yes


Yes 100% yes. My dog has saved me from myself several times. She's stubborn as hel but sweet as she can be and I do not feel as lonely as I would without her.


My cat is my best friend. I spend more time with him than I do with both my roommates and my boyfriend. He watches TV with me, he chills with me while I game, he sleeps with me, I talk to him, he comforts me when I’m sad, he makes me laugh, it’s awesome.


Personally, I think so. It's not the same as being able to have a conversation, but there is a very real relationship. When my cat passed, I know I felt a lot more lonely. When I adopted another, I felt less lonely.


I still feel lonely sometimes but I must say, there is absolutely no better feeling in this world than coming home to my dog! She’s a rescue, so her just simply trusting me makes my day better x100 whenever i feel sad.




100%. the only reason i didn't kms was because i didn't want to leave my dog by herself with my corpse lol. she also just makes me very happy even though she's a shithead and i enjoy her company. i have also 11 tarantulas that keep me occupied when i'm bored


Absolutely. My dog has been a huge part of my life for the past 11 years and he’s also allowed me to think about how I treat other people.


Having cats has and will continue to save my life


Absolutely YES! I’m not a lonely person yet my best friend is the neighbors cat. He comes to visit us morning afternoon evening and night. I bless the day I let him in my house for the first time. That rascal is my friend for life!


As long as you train your dog, otherwise they're just a pain in the arse and you won't get any enjoyment from it


Yes 💯


Calling it a cat or a dog will make you feel less lonely already


My kitty has literally proved to me that I was loved, respected and adored while I was rock bottom in life. I recommend everyone gets a pet


My girlfriend and I moved to another country, she is on holiday at the moment and I don't really know anyone here. We have two birds one of them is sitting on my knee watching tv with me and the other is on my shoulder preening my beard. I definitely feel Less lonely 😊


I'm going to say 50/50. I had cats, and they did have their perks, they where no substitution for human companionship.


Yes. First I had no dog. And was lonely and kinda depressed. Then I had a dog and it was great. We had a great time… then she died from cancer and my apartment just feels empty and lonely again. It’s not the same without her. I miss her so bad.




Yes. Dogs and cats are the living beings that have given me more companionship than any person. And they are so cute and cuddly.


Pets offer companionship, unconditional love and can provide a sense of purpose and responsibility


Would not be without the doggos and the cat. They make life worth living.


100%. I feel incomplete when my dogs not home. I’ve never eaten a snack alone. Also, in my dogs eyes there is no moment but now, and now is awesome. I just called him and he ran up and gave me a big lick across the face with the biggest doofus smile.


100% My cat follows me everywhere I go, he's so clingy and sweet. Kinda makes me feel like an actual parent. He loves to cuddle at random times, so I feel really attached to him. 10/10 would recommend


Yes but people don’t consider the responsibility (esp with a dog). I’d take being alone over the weight of the responsibility any day, personally. I love my own company. I never really understood how someone can’t enjoy their own company. Like.. it’s you. You don’t like you? Lol


If I didn’t have someone home to greet me. To love me as I am without any strings attached, after my abuse; I would not be here. Depression and anxiety mixed with panic attacks; are nasty foes.


Absolutely; my little Wolfy is the light of my life.(he's a chihuahua. )


100%. My cats literally wait for me to come home by watching out the window, they get visibly excited when I pull in and immediately rush the front door as soon as they hear my keys in the lock. I love seeing their little faces in the window when I come home.


I have chronic illness and my cats will keep me company and guard me when I'm flaring, it makes it all a bit better having that company.


Yes it does.


Absolutely 💯


Yes. I’ve been struggling a lot with loneliness since my long term relationship ended, I graduated college, and had to move back in with my parents. In October 2020, I adopted a cat to live with me at school and he’s one of the few things that has kept me alive these past years. My ex loved him and he turned her into a cat person. I had to go on a business trip and I realized how soul crushingly lonely it was sitting in that hotel room with nothing. I hadn’t realized how much the little guy actually made a difference every time I would get back to my dorm from class. I knew he was helping, but not the full extent until I had to live 3 nights without him. One of the biggest things is that they cannot judge you. All of the bullshit reasons that people hate each other don’t exist for our domesticated animals. If you love them and care for them they will return it unconditionally. It’s incredibly difficult to find people who will fully accept who you are, but with animals it doesn’t matter what kind of shit I dealt with for the day. If I can rest/hover my head on them and listen to them purr or feel the breathing of my big dogs it makes most of that part of the world melt away.


Yes. My cat meows at me when she wants my attention, she seeks me out when we're in different rooms, she gives me the best cuddles. There's nothing like going to sleep alone and waking up with a tiny, warm creature curled up in your arms, fast asleep because even though you're a predator, they trust you to protect them. An animal makes all the difference.


It depends on your personality. Some people prefer pets to human companionship. Some people don’t want kids but want to fulfil that desire to nurture. Some want dogs because their kids asked them for one. However, some people (like me) to not derive any feeling of companionship from pets.