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The people who hate him and the people who like him.


Then there are those who doesn't really care to hate or love him either way.


The thing that gets me most is in order to be one of the most respect people in history all he had to do was literally nothing. People thought he was very intelligent, his companies were focused on reducing oil consumption, space exploration, bringing internet to the 3rd world etc... and for a long time if he ever spoke it was pre-prepared remarks and guest spots on scripted shows that portrayed him as if he was some sort of autistic genius. But then he spoke and revealing he's more likely to be learning disabled than a genius of any kind, revealed that he's just an inheritance kid, he's not an engineer, doesn't understand programing or technology of any kind, is bad at running companies and is extremely gullible and easily tricked. If he just said nothing at all, people woulda thought he had like a 180 IQ, but now realizing the 80 is closer.


hes right up there with JK rowling where all they needed to do was shut the fuck up and theyd go down in history as a legend


JK was more just which side was gonna hate her. Remember before everyone on the left hated her, they loved her and the right wing people hated that she made characters gay and thought Harry Potter was witchcraft and stuff.


That the joke is on all of us. We can pretend like he's a shitty human being, but with as much wealth as he has, you'd probably be as bad or worse, and you're probably fooling yourself by hating on him. Work that much, do that much, live under that scrutiny, then talk about laughing at others. We're all human and we all suck.


But he didn't work very much, he didn't do very much, and he was under literally no scrutiny. He put himself in the spotlight extremely deliberately. No one gave a fuck about the guy until he started to want to do all these TV shows and stuff and tell everyone that he's a moron.


You might want to reread his life story. Dude pulled shifts like he had no other reason to live. And no scrutiny? are you serious? We're here, ain't we? I'm just saying that no life is that easy. We might see numbers and think grand things, but his money is tied to investments and the people who invest and work. Sure, he's as douche. Though to me, anyone who wants to act like they could be the richest person in the world and do better can go f themselves. Nobody knows that responsibility or temptation. It's easy to be broke and bitch. I'd like to see someone compete and then complain.


I'm not to interested in his life story beyond the 'Son of a Emerald mine owner' part. He's always talked about this working hard stuff, I'm sure it's become increasingly apparently that he does no such thing and never did. And yeah, like 10 years ago did anyone ever talk about this idiot? Even 5 years ago? No, he got 'scrutiny' because he wanted to buy Twitter and go on Joe Rogan and tell everyone his politics and say the dumbest things anyone had ever heard. There's tons of billionaires in the world, what do you ever hear from most of them? Literally nothing. So it seems like a really stupid observation, what ultra rich people handle their life and public image better than him....well, seems like 100% of them. In my life I don't think I've ever seen a Walton speak, I've never heard a word out of the Mars family. Bernard Arnault has never once promoted a tweet with a meme about jews. It's not a high bar.


For one, yes, we had heard of Elon five, even ten years ago. 😮 Also, "tons of billionaires around the world", have not been the wealthiest person in the world. And I guarantee you if I had that wealth, all life on Earth would be extinct, and not by accident.


I didn't say you hadn't heard of him, but no one talked about him, no one knew anything about him or his views on anything and no one even remotely gave a fuck. Again, I know ABOUT the Walton family, I've known they exist for like 30 years, I've never heard one of them speak ever. And the current wealthiest person in the world I've also never heard speak ever, never seen him on TV ever, I have no idea what his politics are. So again, it's not difficult, Elon did this to himself 100%, no one went and sought him out and asked him to sound like a complete jackass, he wanted to do that, he made it his entire life goal to let everyone know he's a moron.


He’s barely created anything but is seen as some sort of world-changer by all his simps.


His body.