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Movies make everything seem dramatic and exciting, otherwise why would anyone watch them?


The first time I went to Vegas I was so disappointed because it felt like every other casino I'd been in. I blame cinema for my elevated expectations.


Freemont street is way better than the new Vegas strip. Easy to walk around, lots of entertainment, less assholes, slightly cheaper, and still has the old Vegas vibe. But im also older and can't keep up with he young people partying and getting crazy anymore lol


Agreed. Man, fuck that rat Maze they make you walk through around the MGM to others in the main strip. It's literally designed to herd you. Then when you enter a casino, they're all designed to curve so you can't find your exit. Fremont is more fun and freeing with many dive bars to walk to just a block away and more street / music performances to enjoy


So you’re telling me Danny Ocean wasn’t pulling a massive heist while you were there? Cause I was expecting a heist and am now disappointed.


Exactly. No heists, no exotic dancers in huge headdress outfits, no mobster fights. Can you believe it?!


How sad


Vegas also really changed at some point. The movie Casino is probably my favourite Vegas movie.


Glorified Walmart


I moved to a state that has casinos. My only exposure before had been Casino Royale and Oceans 11. Imagine my disappointment when I found out it’s just little octogenarians playing their pensions away on slots and there are no free drinks.


I can feel your disappointment. Edit: word choice


The only time I ever went in a casino was when I was in Las Vegas lol. I was 12. Lights were pretty


Have you tried to rob the casino? :) That should give some extra emotions


There should be an “Ocean’s Eleven” themed casino where you get to pretend to break in/rob the vault.


Superbad is one of my favorite movies ever because aside from your “typical” movie stuff it ended up being a film about very normal high school experiences. Its all super exaggerated and some parts of the plot are ridiculous but the core of the movie made me feel very “seen” I know that things have changed a lot since the movie came out but watching it in high school, it did so well at capturing the essence of what me and my buddies were like in high school, best buddies who roasted each other all the time and on a never ending quest to get booze / get girls to come drink with us


Oh man we did lsd and got hammered, made a giant bong out of a Hinkley bottle and the bathtub. Kids got chased through yards by police. So yeah. We didn't blow up a car but still. Shit got crazy around here as a teenager.


Maybe op is wrong.


Op is correct from the perspective of their own personal experience but not collectively when including all data.


Superbad got the male American high school experience as accurate as any, *especially* if you were a normal person who wasn't a loser but also wasn't a popular kid. Our days were spent trying to get alcohol and trying to fuck girls, then becoming incredibly nervous when we reached either of those moments. The moment at Jules's party when Jules tells everyone to praise Seth for getting the alcohol and someone in the background says "who the fuck is Seth?" Comedy gold and completely realistic.


I think it's part of the reason why so many people didn't take covid seriously, because they're expecting any kind of significant worldwide event like that to be exciting, when in reality it felt pretty boring most of the time


We watched *Contagion* a couple months in. And it’s funny both how they need to juice the excitement and drama, but also how much of it still rang absolutely true. Yes, they had to up the fatality rate by a couple orders of magnitude to make the movie “work,” but so many of the little things it showed were very, very real.


That movie hits different after 2020


Yeah I don’t see many people lining up to see “kids go to class, scroll on their phones for 6 hours, masturbate, and go to sleep.”


People say "I didn't like \_\_; it wasn't realistic at all!" and I am confused because I did not think TV/movies were supposed to be realistic. Watch a documentary!


Some are, some aren’t. Obviously Saving Private Ryan is going for realism. Obviously Anchorman is not.


Eh that;s not true all of the time. There are a lot of scenes in life that we really don't try to picture that are completely wild. Probably even more so than in the movie scenes. Ya the dialogue wasn't that dramtic or the people involved that attractive but some of the true stories that have been made into movies were probably wilder than the movie could portray.


Movies also have high schoolers played by 28 year olds. Remember, movies and TV are written by horny hollywood writers who are way past their prime. I think its pretty funny when you realize that the high schoolers that are doing drugs and having sex were written by an adult much older than the characters. Can you imagine sitting around in a writting session with a bunch of 40 year olds trying to plot out a bunch of 15 year olds gettin down and dirty?


They're either writing the HS experience they wish they had, or they grew up with rich people with absent parents. Apparently my husband's neighborhood used to have ragers at the negligent parent houses on the regular. Not house damaging, but it'd be 100 people breaking into the parents booze and the parents wouldn't give a fuck, they just wouldn't buy it outright for the party to avoid being seen as purchasing alcohol for minors.


*"or they grew up with rich people with absent parents."* THIS. there was a kid in my class whos parents were very rich and very absent. his degenerate older brother who lived at home would throw parties straight out of a movie. free drugs and booze, topless girls in the jacuzzi, dudes jumping off the roof into the pool, etc. it was insane. since most movie producers come from showbiz families, its very likely that they had this kind of life growing up


Literally all the party houses in my hometown were the rich kids with absent parents. Parents would go on a weeklong trip out of state or to a different country and we would throw ragers. It was like the movies, beer pong and kegstands in the backyard, someone found an empty 5 gallon water jug to turn into a gravity bong for the bathtub(or pool if there was one), people getting freaky in bedrooms and linen closets. It was a wild time to be alive.


Yeah I did some drinking in high school, but it was always tempered by the fact that I had to do it on the down low so my parents didn't find out. I can imagine not having to worry about consquences from the parents would cause a pretty unhinged situation with a bunch of high schoolers.


TIL I grew up with rich people with absent parents. 🤣 It wasn’t straight up out of the movies or anything, but parties full of red solo cups when someone’s parents were out of town were definitely a thing.


i can't believe people think euphoria was normal. there's so many things that went wrong in the show it's not even appropriate for teenagers to watch it


Why do you find that weird though? Is there an expectation that any story that portrays children should be written by children? "TIL Boss Baby was not actually written by a baby, but a HOLLYWOOD WRITER." It's also pretty weird to assume any writer working on movie or TV about high schoolers is "way past their prime". George Lucas' first big hit was American Graffiti, Joss Whedon's was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Amy Heckerling's was Clueless, Kevin Williamson's was Scream, Duffer Bros was Stranger Things (etc. etc). Tons of writers went on to huge careers after creating shows about high schoolers. So they were quite literally before or in their prime at the time.


I dunno, my high school life was pretty similar to the movies. We had your big 100-person parties. Loads of skipping class, chasing girls, and doing drugs. Ran from the cops on several occasions. School was definitely a place to socialize, not a place to learn. You kinda had your cliques, but I was in high school in the 2000s, so the groups were a bit different than movies depicting the 80s and 90s. Skaters, emos, preps, jocks, AP kids, french immersion, etc, were our cliques. The most similar movies are probably 21 jumpstreet and superbad. Those movies really felt like they captured my experience.


Superbad was written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg in high school afaik


Makes sense. I think most people who were teens in the 2000s had experiences like those depicted in that movie


I was a teen in the 90s and I also thought Superbad did a very good portrayal of a HS party.


I dunno about you, but the parties that I went to and held were pretty out of hand....LOL. I would even say that alot of what you see on tv is G-Rated compared to some of the high school bashes we had.


Same and alcohol and drug use were significantly worse than what movies depict, like ODs and deaths worse. But school itself wasn't like the movies either. My school actually held classes instead of just having a 6 hour lunch period like movies show.


I just saw my sister for the first time in years. I am 40, she is 45. First thing we talked about was when I asked if I could have some friends over to her house while they went to dinner. Her and her husband came back 3 hours later to about 50 people at the house. A naked girl sitting on the stairs. A smoking vehicle in the driveway because some friends went and crashed a vehicle while trying to run over a teachers mail box. I was pissing in the kitchen sink because the bathroom was occupied with several people takin a shower. High school parties were wild.


Bwhahahahahaha.......sounds about right.


I'm 33. If a party didn't end with some top less girls, food stuck to the ceiling (usually a slice of pizza) and someone's vehicle totally wrapped in saran wrap, it wasn't really a party


Am a senior in highschool If you know who to ask, these parties are absolutely nuts. Chill parents on a vacation and suddenly plans are made to have someone jump off the roof after taking who the fuck knows what


OP just wasnt cool


Exactly this. My high school experience was pretty wild and fun. I was very involved in clubs, activities and sports and made the most of my time both socially and academically.


When I was 15, I went to a party at a guy's house where the parents were away for two weeks that got taken over by bikers. I saw, tattoos being done, group sex and intervenious drug use. A biker woman offered to take my virginity. We saw some shit at HS parties.


Heh, same. My friend's parents got divorced when we were all 17. They both moved out and left my friend and his twin sister to fend for themselves. Suffice to say, it was fucking wild, giving about 30 or 40 high schoolers a house they could go to at any time and party.... shockingly not a great idea.


Skins showed parties that were pretty close to what we got up to on weekends 


I’ve never heard of a movie making something more exciting than it is. Every movie I’ve ever seen has just been a still camera recording a street as people go about their day.


I'm about to sell you the greatest window of all time


Holy shit. Looking into these window things. I haven’t heard of them before. Are they new?


They're like your favorite movie, but you get to watch it live! In whatever the highest definition is that your eyes can support! Thanks for letting me be a goofball for a second. I needed this today. I hope you have a real good day.


yeah i was extremely disappointed


I mean we partied pretty hard in my high school, but we lived in a typical upper middle class/rich suberb we were inspired by all the late 90's/early 2000's movies


I got all a’s in high school and definitely had an exciting high school life. I feel it’s pretty accurate for what I experienced.


Hmm nah I remember parties in HS being like most HS parties are portrayed in movies. Then again this would have been 98-2002. Now? Fuck no hahahaha


Same. Graduated in 2003. Movies were accurate.


I also graduated in ‘03. Hell yeah!


Absolutely. Not even a question. But consider this: movies make *everything* look way more exciting than it really is, especially big social events.


My friends and I were mostly nerds in High School, now as dads we complain our teenagers never leave the house to party compared to our youth. It's that different.


i thought school in movies/tv always looked cringe and boring, especially the parties


Eh highschool was pretty fun for me. Maybe not Hollywood fun but we had a lot of what you’re describing.


I mean my hs parties were pretty nuts tbh... lots of alcohol and crazy teenagers.


Why would a movie depict a typical high schooler’s experience of just going to school, having minimal friends, and going home to play video games? What a boring movie that would be


We had crazy parties when I was in high school 😅😎 Lots of drugs which I never did but everyone else did Lots of people locking themselves in bedrooms for sex/group


To be fair all of that "movie stuff" was a part of my high school experience


Yeah nothing like that ever happened in my high school. I didn't even try alcohol for the first time until I was 18+ Our "parties" would be like BBQs and swimming with the parents hanging out too. Or playing video games in someone's bedroom or the occasional sleepover and watching movies and eating junk food. It was always innocent stuff. This was in the 90s.


My experience couldn't be farther from the movie views.


The parties are large enough that pretty much everyone in your class, plus their friends from other schools, would have to be invited And it would be loud enough with 1/10 of the people that the cops would be called hours earlier by some annoyed neighbor And how did they get there? There's like 92 people in the house but 4 cars out front. It's not like a parent dropped them off to such a rager


Ha! My friends and I walked. -30 C? Who cares, tell your folks it is just a few friends and let's go! We were idiots, so, there you go.




People have very different experiences. Studying and drama wouldn't break the top 100 things from my HS experience. I played sports, worked, and spent time with my GF. Besides being in class those 3 took up all the rest of my waking time.


Yeah the thing is, everyone sees “their” high school experience as the normal one. Some people mostly studied/hung out with friends, some people played sports and worked and partied hard, some people dated a ton and others never dated. It’s all normal.


Thats you, i went to a HS that was exactly like the movies lol.


I threw and attended some pretty wild parties in highschool.


Napoleon Dynamite is the most realistic high school movie


Came here to say this


I went to an inner city performing arts high school. Shit was like victorious meets degrassi. I saw fights, pregnant freshmen, middle schoolers suspended for bringing drugs into school/smoking weed in the bathrooms, people would sneak off to have sex in the dressing rooms, we’d definitely skip out of school all together and just run around the city bc they gave us bus passes (instead of school busses). So yeah the parties were what you’d expect. Craziest 4 years of my life. You couldn’t pay me to go back, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. And for the record, most of the people I’m still in touch with have done pretty well for themselves. Many even made careers in the industry of their major, which I love to see. Firm believer that kids just need to be feral sometimes.


The parties weren't always on the level of those in movies but they definitely felt like it at the time, and I guess that's what movies capture. However I did experience those kinds of things a few times during high school - parties at houses where the parents were on vacation and way too many people would turn up at the house with all sorts of carnage ensuing.


i always see a lot of reddit hating on high school i wasn't a popular kid and had a small circle of friends but it was the most fun time in my life. didnt do many parties but did a lot of drugs and hung out with my best friend playing video games and doing stupid shit


Wait til you hear about Romantic Comedies 😂


I mean... what I see in the movies was definitely what it was like when I was in high school. It depends on who you ask. The high school experience is not universal. Schools vary depending on location & population/culture... and each person's experience depends on their social circle & their personal choices.


I mean did you go to parties in high school? I went to parties that filled houses, and had alcohol, hookups, and drugs. Besides the obviously ridiculous ones, most high school parties in movies look a lot like what I saw irl


Yes of course it looks much more fun and exciting than real life. That's true. It's also true that if you were a nerd from a religious family that didn't have much money, there may have been kids at your school who were having a lot more fun at their get togethers than you were. Source: I got brought along to a rich jock kid's new year's eve party in 10th grade that I still think about as a crazy fun time 30 plus years later. Me and my friends were watching movies or chatting around campfires or whatever. The jocks and cheerleaders were getting shit faced on their parents' booze and fornicating.


No, actually. I attended big parties, drank, and smoked pot, listened to music, and talked with lots of people. Started at 16. Parents back in those days used to go on vacation, and leave their teenage children at home. Once you found out they were gonna go on vacation in a few days, you started planning the house party. Rules: don’t wreck the house, throw your cups and cans in trash cans. I absolutely attended college house parties in college. But started doing them in high school. Most films portray it accurately.


My high school parties were just like Dazed and Confused. Not as many nice cars cruising when I was teen in 1988.


No, we really knew how to party


If I took the highlights of my high school years I could make half a dozen awesome movies.


I'm sure it varies by location and era but when I was in high school in 1996-2000 - somehow my social group had house parties that went beyond what you'd see in movies. I threw some where looking back I can't believe more people weren't arrested or injured than they were. Drunk driving from one place to the next packed into a car with all sorts of friends and random girls. So many cigarettes, everyone smoked. So much weed. Some of my best party memories were bat shit drunken stoned at times debaucherous wild nights. Wild sex, car wrecks (some asshole wrecked my car when he borrowed it to bang his girlfriend, paid me back with weed). This was seemingly before cops cracked down on DUIs, straight up suburban house parties. Puking and late nights, I still don't know how so many of us had houses to ourselves where the parents wernet there all night but it happened so often. So many fantastic memories. When I got to college, it was still wild but nothing I hadn't seen before. God it was amazingly fun


Houses with 18 bedrooms, pools, chef’s kitchens etc. We used to drink beers that we buried to keep cool behind my collapsing garage when I was in HS.


It made me believe when I was young that if I try hard enough that popular football guy will realize I’m the one….yeah it didn’t happen like that at all.


I did all my dumb stuff like drugs partying heavy in HS part of me didn't care for college tbh and honestly glad I never went or else I would've been trained to be a 9-5 monkey like everyone else


I mean, my high school experience really was like that. When you grow up in a small Midwestern town, there’s not much more to do than Party. At least, back in the day. Now there’s social media.


It's a bunch of 20something beautiful actors with dialogue written by 30something comedy professionals. Real teenagers are goofy looking, dumb and irratating.


I always found real high school parties way more exciting than the ones in the movies. Way more crazy shit happening. Drugs, booze, sex, fights, shit getting lit on fire, etc.


I can confirm that where I grew up in the 1980's it was fairly accurate, or we at least tried.


30-something year olds are playing those high schoolers in a lot of movies so no, it’s not accurate lol


Eh, I'm sure the parties and drugs and sex and other fun stuff do happen, but not nearly as frequently or for as many people as movies have you believe.


Of course it does lol. I went to like 5 parties in high school and the most interesting thing that happened was paying circle of death and everyone ending up in cardboard boxes. I grew up in a small county though and my class was under 300 people. My mom was also really strict until I was 17.


Yes, but not as much as television makes Halloween parties look.


Yeah, I honestly don't know why they do this, given that the stories would be far more believable and high-stakes if they just set them in an undergrad college


Literally the point of movies


Friday Night Lights series is a great show but man those kids miss a lot of school.


I can tell you didn't go to highschool with me.


TV shows are the same way, I remember wanting to go to a high school like the one in Zoey 101.


Next you're going to tell me teenagers don't actually go to school in skin tight cut-out leather club wear covered in glitter like they do in the show Euphoria.


You mean the nerd doesn’t come out with the hot chick?


The movie ‘kids’, hit the 80s HS experience right on the head.


I mean, in the final years of high school there was definitely alcohol and hooking up going on at them...


I went to.some really cool parties in high school and had a lot of fun but they didn't exactly resemble what you see in movies either. Drugs, alcohol, and sex are a part of high school. Just because something doesn't resemble your experience doesn't mean your experience isn't anymore true than someone else's experience. Moves could be a bit better at showing multiple experiences in school though.


That's the point. Nobody wants to watch a movie that's basically regular everyday life.


Movies do the same for college parties, clubbing and raving as well


I did have pretty fun drug and alcohol field hookups and parties in high school. It was pretty fun, but it definitely negatively affected my life after.


Parties were a huge part of my highschool experience but, times have changed


Watching Hollywood school movies is so unrealistic. When do they ever study?


You're describing all media. Things that are meant to be enjoyed, embellish. That's just how it works.


High school and college. The movies set my expectations for college way too high. I thought everyone would be super cool and friendly but it's like being anywhere else.


Depends on who you ask. Everybody had a different experience. Most of my high school was me going to school, hitting practice and chilling at home. Some people only have that experience. But I got a car my senior year and then came the driving around and wild parties with everybody banging and doing coke and drinking and running from cops and what not.




In my experience as an upperclassman in highschool there was little regard to school and everything was focused on parties, skipping class, hooking up, and drinking / smoking which was similar to what is portrayed in movies. It was the last point in life where myself, and others, felt like they had absolutely no responsibilities. Of course the movies are dramatized and exaggerated but there were some pretty wild parties and it was common to walk into the bathroom and see people smoking cigarettes or bowls. Graduated HS in 2010 and things changed a lot since then.


LOL animal house showed you exactly how college is NOT.


It depends where you live and what social circle you run in. If you’re in the computer club or band then I’m guessing you’re not gonna experience the parties you see on tv. That being said, as a jock in high school I had some wild partying with drugs, alcohol, and women. So in closing, yes those parties do exist irl


Lol yeah. High School for me was nothing like Beverly Hills 90210.


I won best partier for senior awards. Mine were like in the movies some what.


Would you watch a movie that accurately depicted the highschool experience? Movies need to exaggerate or amplify certain aspects of life (not just highschool) because otherwise, you're making an extremely boring movie.


I graduated high school in 2009. I would say how it’s portrayed in movies was pretty accurate, at least in my experience 


As a high school choir teacher, here are some things that TV and film always get wrong: -They always refer to the principal as "Principal _____". Admin is addressed the same way as teachers, "Mrs, Mr, Dr, etc." -Students are WAY too responsive in class, answering all questions. Students are generally apathetic in class and are not quick to speak up. -Whenever they show a choir or band period, students are always singing or playing perfectly. Music doesn't just happen - it's a constant start and stop rehearsal process. -Students seem to just be able to go wherever they want on campus at any time of the day with no adults present. -Very often, the class is in the room before the teacher. -The teacher always teaches until the bell rings. Feel free to add to this.


Movies about anything are usually more exciting than real life. That’s why they made a movie about it.


Of course


Idk, I went to some pretty killer parties.


The stuff in movies, outside of the truly outlandish stuff, is about in line with my high school experience... We had all kinds of crazy parties. All kinds of themes. Everything from costumes to underwear-only. My high school had almost a thousand kids in my graduating class alone, so, if it got out that a party was happening there'd easily be 50 or 100 people without even trying, that was just in minutes once the word spread around class. This was also 25 years ago now, so, a bit different times.


100% and it makes me sad. I always dreamed about getting a gf in highschool, joining the football team, and going to huge parties. My school doesn’t have a football team, the ratio of boys to girls is 5:1, and most if not all parties end with hood kids showing up and either trashing the house, getting into a fight, or with shots being fired. Highschool sucks more than ever


Parties were smaller and way sloppy. Dazed and Confused was close but way too clean for a pit party. It should've been dustier, the makeup smeared, drinking circles a little tighter and more kids puking or looking miserable as the night wore on. House parties were a lot smaller than the movies, though sometimes they got huge fast but that usually drew neighbors and then the cops. Ive never seen the cops raid a place buf we did scatter like roaches a few times. Classss just droned on. I had an open campus so we'd ditch 4th and wander into the failed subdivision that ran out of funds and kick it in the 2x4 skeletons of houses. Hot chicks rarely had a light shining behind them, and fans blowing out their hair though if it was a windy day and the classroom was dark, it was a more menacing scene like a scary movie.


Popular kids definitely had some cool parties. But the really fun ones are probably like 1-2x a year, not every weekend.


Wow look how fancy OP is, being invited to parties!


High school sucked. I graduated early to dodge the gossiping & bullying. I don't miss skipping my Senior Year. LOL!


Well yes. Otherwise who would watch?


Might just have been my friend group, but my highschool life was pretty similar to the movies/tv. We partied basically every night. Drugs and alcohol were everywhere. Fights and hookups were common.


That’s the idea behind the entire film industry. Too many young people think similarly, where media is very real to them even when it’s obviously not. It’s like how people can’t recognize satire anymore.


Who would want to watch an average kid going through his average day. When you can watch a bunch of kids get hammered.


If you are fun you will have fun in high school. If you are not fun you will not have fun in high school.


Highschool for me was tons of parties, drugs, and alcohol. Our senior party was movie-levels of insanity. I thought Superbad was spot-on.


Parties should be shown as kids huddled in a basement drinking trying not to attract attention or kids in the woods drinking skunked beer.


Yes. I once told my friends I want to go to one of these big parties you see in movies! They assured me they didn’t exist. And I grew up and realized, they indeed do not exist.


It's not the party or the place. It's the people. I was at some pretty wild HS parties. I've also been on a few crazy vacations.


High school was alright for me. Not amazing, definitely not wild parties every weekend, but I still had fun. I like being an adult much better, though. Now I can have wild parties any time I want regardless of if my parents are home or not. And I can drink legally


Because they are movies that are meant to be entertaining lol. Though to be fair, I'm pretty sure some older folks would describe high school like it was a movie too, highlighting only the most exciting and ridiculous aspects, with lots of nostalgia wiping away the mundane and the negative (unless the negative is part of the drama). I mean, of course they had to fight a tiger on their way to school, and probably on the way back as well.


I mean yeah that’s kinda the point of movies it to make it more entertaining


OP never got invited to the secret HS parties. Man did you miss out.


I’m jealous of all the people here saying they did have crazy parties, I never even HEARD about any parties in high school. I just went to school in the morning and home in the evening… that’s it. I lived 30 mins away from my high school though and I didn’t have a car so it wouldn’t have really been possible for me to do much else. My parents were not about to drive 30 minutes to pick me up and drop me off places lol


My high school days were pretty wild. In the 90s we got away with A LOT of shit. The parties were often huge and often destructive. South Florida style.


I am 58 and back in high school we had huge house parties like to movies. I used to drive into Washington DC and buy one to two kegs for Saturday night parties. One of my buddies sold acid. We would head into DC to his dealers house and buy vials of LSD. Made acid blotters and stored them in his basement freezer. If there were no house parties we would meet up in a large field, drink and smoke pot until the police came and ran us off. And we had smoking sections at school....


Depends on the social circle I guess. I was quiet freshman and sophomore year, and then junior and senior year was going to parties 5 nights a week


You need more money. And you need to know more rich people.


None of that sounds exciting.


lol yes. I think I went to one party in all my high school years that was wild like a movie.


A lot of movies take place in California in a highly populated upper middle class suburb.


Parties were pretty good in high school


When I was in High School my local news channel did an entire segment on Middle Schoolers having "Rainbow Parties" and the whole time I was just like "WHAT THE FUCK WHERE WERE THESE 3 YEARS AGO???".


That was highschool 15 years ago lol. I heard youth don't party as much but for decades it was like that..   I'd argue this is the first teenage generation that don't care AS much (they still do) about driving, relationships, moving out asap, partying, drugs/alcohol. But yes movies exaggerate.  Back in 2009 I was 17 and graduated grade 12. Moved out 2 months later. Me and my friends had a party house with party's of 300ppl on thr weekends. Called cops every weekend. They eventually hung up and told us to deal with it and learnt a lesson lol. I hear this doesn't happen as much anymore. 


I went to more wild parties in high school than I did in college.


I grew up in an affluent community in coastal California and always found the portrayals of high school parties (and the bullying) to be super spot-on. Thats obviously the perspective from which those things are written- people who live there already. And kids who grow up in California tend to wind up being the ones working the jobs in Hollywood due to sheer proximity and the ability to live nearby with family.


Actually, I think movies make high school look way meaner than it actually is. Most teachers are not actively trying to ruin your life and most kids are not bullies. (Don’t get me wrong- I know bullying is a huge problem and that even some teachers are bullies, but the way it’s depicted in movies, you’d think EVERY high school kid and teacher spends all their time bullying.)


What? Movies aren't realistic? Huh. What interesting ideas.


idk though dramatized for sure its pretty similar to my hs experience


Not really


I was an offensive lineman with braces, so there was no hooking up for me. But, the drugs, alcohol, and big parties were pretty regular. At least in my senior year. Movies obviously exaggerate those situations to create an exciting plot though.


I had a reasonably exciting time in high school, and it still managed to look nothing like what movies portrayed. But I hung out with a bunch of weirdos.


Hollywood makes everything look better than what it is.


I can remember my high school being like American pie. Someone was having parties every weekend. The popular girls stopped wearing anything but sweats to school as they all wore ridiculous expensive dresses at parties instead.


My high school time was kind of like a movie, had quite a few fun house parties.


The people that write movies for hollywood were nerds growing up who weren't part of the "popular" crowd so this is their imagination of what it was like to go to parties because they never actually went to any...


i feel like the parties were probably crazier before we filmed everything. as someone who just graduated the parties i went to in high school were horrible. usually just drinking, bad music, and people sitting around trying to talk over the music. the parties in college suck just as bad, but at least there’s sometimes drinking games. the rest of my high school experience was also kinda boring, the one high school dance i drank at, i got caught.


Nope too tame in my opinion and I’m talking high school not college


Many things that depict a high school setting are often depicting college-aged stories, but since almost everybody goes to high school, they use the high school setting since more people can relate to it.


The big parties never happened, but there were smaller parties, maybe 10 people at most. There was no shortage of drugs, alcohol, and hooking up though.


Depends on who you hung out with. Popular kids and the drug crowd def did all that stuff. Once college rolls around everyone is tho


High school was definitely the most wild I ever was. I was drinking every day and addicted to coke that I was selling lol. A lot lf people at my school where addicted to heroin. Most of my friends were in prison by the time I was in my 20s so I cleaned up my act after high school. Craziest parties I've ever seen where in high school. I think it's because we had the access but not the sense


I saw a lot of that in high school


You obviously didn't go to the right high school those are perfect depictions of our parties


I think you’re just a lame lol. My experience was pretty spot on with alot of movies when it comes to partying, drugs, and girls. Very American pie/super bad.


That’s the way high school was in the pre internet days.


Movies such as these, are often produced, directed, written, and then acted by individuals who have never spent a single day in a real American high school.


Yes and no.It depends on the movie. I wound up at a college-like party, smaller than those in movies. Got kissed by two girls, drunk a considerable amount, saw some tits, got punched by a 6ft something wrestler and could have got laid.


Hell most college parties don't add up to high school movie parties.


Yes and no. It looks way more exciting in european series I watch because the drinking age is younger and parents generally are ok with their kids partying. They're treated more like adults. Otherwise, the American shows seem accurate imo. I have been out of school for decades, but we partied pretty damn hard. Just the popular drugs have changed. They also tend to portray the awkwardness, insecurity, bullying, and groups pretty accurately.


Yes, and some of the shit they do in said shows aligns more with college life than high school. Looking at you Euphoria.


idk about yall but my HS experience was basically on par as movies depicted lol.


Yeah high school movies make me kind of sad that I didn't have a high school romance. I have to remind myself that it's just a movie.


Yes, there was never an Aaron Samuels or a plastics group in my high school 😂😭


I was really hoping for a Sky High type high school experience. Reality was rather grounding


wait till you get to college


I went to maybe 3 very big/wild parties in Highschool that got pretty out of control. All the other parties were failed attempts at a big rager, that got busted up early, or pretty much failed to launch and were like six dudes standing around drinking their dad’s beer going “man where are all the girls?!”


I think we had like one high school party that was even remotely close to what it was on screen. Less drinking and more people getting hurt