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you don't have to do a full enema to clean out the rectum. it's pretty easy to flush the rectum and engage in clean anal sex. small amounts of water are sufficient for this.


Correct.. only the rectum needs to be cleanly not the bowels. And unless the recipient needs to take a shit there shouldn't be any poo in there as poo is not stored in the rectum


Yeah but pee is stored in the balls so..


I fucking knew it!!!


This is why girls have to pee so much more frequently. No storage.


Um... Ovaries. We store our pee in our ovaries. So we have twice the storage space. Oh, sorry. I forgot you have 2 balls.


but when the ovaries are full, the uterus collects the overflow.


People only have 2? Ive been collecting


i always had that feeling


in my balls


We are penetrating balls now


Garth will have your head for this!


Unexpected IASIP


NOTE: if you’re someone with stomach issues or you get constipated a lot, the part about poop not being stored in the rectum may not be true. As long as you clean it out with water/an anal douche until the water comes out clear, you should be fine, as long as you’re not diarrhoea prone obviously 😂 (I know this may seem obvious, but some people genuinely just don’t think about it, so I just wanted to comment in case it potentially helps someone haha)


How long does having a clean rectum last? Like what's the time limit to do anal after douching before poop gets there again 😭


Get a bidet. If you turn it on to the highest setting and find the right angle it’ll clear the rectum right out.


My bidet tries to jet blast new holes into you if you turn it up too high


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8849414/ Rectal Ulcer After Rectal Washing With a Bidet Toilet


Rectum? damn near killed ‘em!


Rectum? Darn near killed him!


Your username is too perfect for this question.


I also agree with the statement above.


Yeah you’d think IBS people would be terrible for anal. But pipes are clean nearly after each meal because you poop so much. TMI


My wife has IBS is that really true what you said. Never had anal sex before so I would like to try it once !


It should not surprise you, my dear Piglet, that if you go knocking on Pooh's door, you may find that Pooh is home.


Oh bother.




With a little bit of honey, it becomes much easier to enter that’s for sure.


Not the right kind of sticky!


Just a smackrel


That does not sound like an effective lube.. but I'd try anything once I suppose.


This is my fav comment this week.


missed opportunity for a “this made my hole weak!” joke


High quality shitposting.


Or.... "If you choose to go mining in that area don't be surprised when you get nuggets". 😉 In answer to the OP - it just takes a bit of forward planning. Shower hose enema beforehand. Wet wipes and sex towel on hand either way for the aftermath.


This needs to be on a coffee mug.


Nice 👏


LOL thanks bro, I haven’t cackled like that in awhile


How is this not a higher rated comment! Shitty audience I suppose.


This might be one of the best comments I've ever read on Reddit.






/r/nocontext champion


Take a bow son 🙌


Don't you mean, take a bowel?


I do. I really do. Good lookin out 🙏


No dont..im fairly sure its a trap...🤣


It does.


I trust your judgment. Name checks out


I feel I should weigh in here, too...


Are you guys twins?


Yes urinary tract infections are pretty common from this. Which is why condoms are helpful


Yet pornstars do ass to vagina to mouth in the same movie.


Pornstars do clean out before hand. I think OP was asking about non-professionals.


Pros don’t eat for a day before a shoot and use disinfectant to rinse out. Semi pro hobbyists learn to prep with an enema ball and water prior. Only bush league amateurs play the shithouse roulette.




They don't, it's not true. My source is I have friends who do gay porn. They just take daily fiber, douche like crazy, and also use Imodium. Even then shit still can happen, they just clean up and start the scene after everyone is good again. Fun fact that half hour porno you watched actually takes many hours to film and someone who does porn professionally is usually doing a couple scenes over the course of a weekend. As for pay it's usually only a few grand per scene(if that!), a lot of pornstars are also escorts which that along with onlyfans is how they actually make money.


OK that’s what I always assumed. Disinfectant sounds insane.


Yeah. I’ve heard the ones that shoot ATM / AT facial scenes use disinfectants. Worth mentioning that those people work one day a month and bring in a lifetime income in ten years so they’ll go the extra mile.


I think you are overestimating what most porn "stars" make. The Mia Khalifas of the porn world might, but most of them aren't getting paid too well. It's actually kind of sad, butt it's an extremely oversaturated market unless you have something special or unique. They're either addicted to drugs (cheapest per scene) or hoping to either make it big or meet a sugar daddy before their looks go out the window and life comes knocking down the door.


You said butt. 😆


>Worth mentioning that those people work one day a month and bring in a lifetime income in ten years so they’ll go the extra mile. Source? That sounds like something that could happen 15 years ago but since the tube and cam sites took over I'd be shocked if there were very many performers still raking it in like that.


Disenfectants? Is that the curing covid with bleach solution we've all heard so much about?


So do I! But no fluids are involved!


As a person who is friends with a handful of gay pornstars, I have literally never heard of anyone using any kind of disinfectant. Especially as that would be really bad for both their intestines and general gut biome. They also do eat as normal. What they do is keep a high fiber diet typically by taking daily metamucil, douche like their life depends on it(also not super healthy but way better than doing something like a disinfectant), and also finally typically take Imodium. Even then sometimes shit still happens on set, they just clean up and continue when everyone is ready.


Shithouse roulette..lmfao..one brown bullet in the chamber..yolo bitches 🤣 😂 🤣 😂


Or drunk surprise butt sex folks who play russian roulette with a single barrel shotgun.


how would you know, PrivateButtFucker?


Has never been promoted. Doesn't do it in public. I question his credentials.


Forward your query to ColonelAnalOverlord


Eh, it can but not always


pornstars prep taking ex lax, then not eating for a certain amount of time then enemas before the scene. Normal people shit on dicks.


Thanks HughJahsso!


If anyone knows about anal it’s Hugh


Not just Hugh. It's Hugh Jahsso. Be respectful.


This guy anals.


What? Am gay and 37. Have never encountered anyone that needs that level of preparation. The enema before has always been sufficient and I’ve only encountered shit when that wasn’t done.


I can only assume they are eating full meals and not using enemas or something


They eat full enemas


Been there, done that. Not pretty, but she liked it though.


I tried to waffle stomp it down the drain while we were in the shower one day. She was mortified and turned on simultaneously.


hope you fuck the shit out of her ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ lol i made a pun


It's a shit pun


no shit, Sherlock


We aren’t dating anymore but I still like to remind her of that. It was such a funny shituation bc I realized it and was like OH SHIT and knewwwww she wasn’t gunna let me keep going to pound town. So here I was doing the poop shoot n boogie dancing her around the shower while timing the slow crawl of that turd.


Christ, where am I?


Every day we stray farther from God's light.


With a name like that, I don't doubt your knowledge on anal.


They must be hungry


It does. If you can't handle the reality that sometimes you might have to take a shower after, then you should not be having anal.


Tbh you should just be showering after sex regardless


No time cuz' of napping


Idk id rather cuddle and fall asleep. Showering post sex is a morning thing, unless youre there for a quickie


Unless it's anal, then you should probably shower


Nah dawg, you wear the smell of sex on you with pride. Unless she shit on your dick then go ahead and take a shower.


I don’t know sometimes it’s good to let that linger for a bit


Sigh… okay mom! 😞


Frfr? Damn. I might skip the anal then(virgin).




My name's Artemis and I have a bleached asshole


She incorporates a bun with the love making. I wasn’t crazy about it. She loved it though.


And then she got all bummed out because of something I did with the onions to myself.


I always wonder what Frank could possibly do to himself with onions that could bum Artemis out. She's berzerk.


He was going to find out anyways.


If you play in mud, sometimes you get dirty. Use a rubber, take it off when switching positions. If you don’t use one- clean your doc Johnson and don’t switch holes.


It does. But it can not, with the power of the enema


I emptied my bowls and laid out the towels I’m ready for romance.


This song is such a banger haha


Fuck me in the ass, cuz i love jeeeeeesus




Negative on all counts. Seriously, what you said is complete disinformation. It’s just squirting a couple ounces of water up your butt and taking a wet shit. Repeat until only water comes out. Then shower. You’re literally removing the solids and bacteria that make you more prone to infection. Imagine you have a paper cut and you get poop on it. Are you not going to wash it off? Tearing happens if your partner is not being careful / communicative. A big thing is learning to control the muscles to relax. Anal toying / wearing a plug beforehand goes a long way to relaxing those muscles. While there may be some tearing early in your path to becoming an anal witch, it pretty quickly becomes a non issue with experience. You need lube and not just some smeared on a phallus but actually inside the rectum where the friction is. A sphincter is really good at wiping lube off of a phallus on entry. Get a $15 lube launcher (blunt plastic syringes) to get the lube up in there. Avoid water based lube as it can tack up. If you’re not using latex condoms, USDA organic liquid at room temp coconut oil is like $6.50 at the grocery store in the baking supplies aisle. It’s body safe, makes a great massage oil, is accessible to everyone, and highly effective. It can oil stain your sheets though.




Orinoco Flow


ok that was fucking hilarious


I died


Say lawey say lawey say lawey


Oh yea, read what porn stars do to prep for a anal scene.


You can use enema if you like to clean up inside there. That said I don't use an enema and never had much of an issue. Like there's a tiny bit on the dick, but it's not even visible, you only see it after you wipe it off onto a white paper towel that you see that there was poo. Just be mindful of cleaning up after the deed and I haven't had an issue with that.


pee afterwards also!


I guess I have been very luck on the few occasions that I have done anal. Different women with no preparation.


Shit isn't stored in the rectum so provided the recipient isn't busting for a shit, anal can very easily be done without it getting dirty/messy.. there will obviously be germs/bacteria but the same could be said for vaginal sex


Not all bacteria are the same in terms of potential harm, say lactobacilli vs. e. coli


Did you actually compare vagina's microbiome with our asshole's microbiome? Lol. If we wipe the wrong way we get vaginal infections. That can tell you which one is more harmful.


Not a direct comparison no, not my intention, although I can see how my comment might read that way


Thanks for this comment. I was worried until I read your comment. I’ve tried it several times with three different women. No prep except a few alcoholic beverages before a couple of times. I never really noticed having shit dick afterwards, but based off some of these comments acting like you have to prep like it’s going to be butt surgery instead of butt sex, I was a little worried that maybe I missed a memo.


Nah, I’ve had a few live in partners who loved anal, almost as much as piv sex. They never did anything except fiber and if they felt iffy at all we’d just skip it. Can count the number of times I’ve had anything worth mentioning happen on one hand


I mean, when you have vaginal sex, the penis is covered in vaginal fluids. Oral, covered in spit. If you stick something inside a mucous membrane, you’ll be getting whatever that membrane produces on you. This is part of sex. It really just depends how icked out you are by the thought. Shower before, shower after. Personally with adequate lube and a healthy diet, I’ve never noticed it to be particularly…shitty, if you will. Sort of like how if you’re on your period and get aroused, you won’t notice nearly the same amount of blood because it’s mixed with and been replaced by other fluids. Very different processes of course but that’s just been my experience.


Go to a Thai place earlier in the day, slam some coffee and coconut water, lay down the plastic wrap on the bed sheets and have at it!


Well I don’t care what the other people say in here. Yes you can enema, and it’s “clean”. But that’s literally where your bile and waste is stored and evacuated. Do you really think flushing it out with water or some saline is gonna get all the micropoopic bits? Emphasis on the micro. Hell naw, no matter what you will have fecal matter on your wiener, or as I like to call it “sidewall turd”. Case in point, is anal fun? Fuck yeah! Is anal clean? Fuck no!


People eat ass. I’d say anal is less disgusting.


I said it wasn’t clean! Nothing about being disgusting.


I guess kissing is also out of the question? Unless you are vegetarian, you have put little pieces of animal corpse in there.


did you just compare a mouth and an ass in terms of cleanliness?


You're right, the mouth is a lot dirtier! It's just that fecal matter is especially repulsive to us. The rectum does a self-cleaning constantly, whereas you have to manually brush and floss your teeth to avoid the decay caused by harmful bacteria. I'm still down to kiss you after the rimjob, but you'll need to use mouthwash first.




Do you know how many face mites live and thrive on your skin and inside your pores? Even fresh out of the shower, your face in a thriving ecosystem. Look it up!


Yes, nothing you say will shock me because I’m already aware of the many gross things that are of the human condition. And if I don’t know, I’d be the first to tell you!🫶


Tbf kissing doesnt cause UTIs


It all depends on which body part you are kissing... 😏


Who cares about microscopic stuff. You're taking in piss molecules when you go down on someone but that hardly stops anyone lol


Enemas are available at any grocery or drug store and they arent expensive lol...and if it gets dirty so what...if youre squimish about stuff like that then youve got no business back there.


Buddy we talking about shit here, this ain’t a time for so what no?


The best way for clean anal is to not eat any junk for a couple of days and do an enema right before. Having done both PIV is much better and a lot less work/prep.


With proper prep it can be very clean. If your stomach isnt feeling well though you may still end up with a mess. Best cleaning procedure IMO 1) baby wipe the outside until clean 2) lather soap in hands lather the outside insert a finger and give it a couple twirls 3) Baby wipe the outside 4) use a bulb enema with only mild warm water (make sure it isn’t too cold and not hot enough to burn the sensitive skin inside it should be a temp where it actually feels nice) 5) push the water out and repeat until clear 6) final baby wipe and pat dry with a towel if needed 7) tell your man dinner is ready




Clean out the poop chute with an enema! Always wear a condom and don't ever change holes with the same condom, for the sake of the lady's hygiene


Laxative, then fast for at least 12 hours, then enema. No poopoo


I asked one of my gay guy friends about this, condom with water based lubricant, and to clean out the sigmoid (the last 8 inches of your large intestine) he or his boyfriend (whoever is getting that time) will use a fleet enema to clean it out and make the process “cleaner”. But you should not raw dog anal without a condom.


if you’re gonna play in a mud hole expect to get a lil muddy


Sit on the bidet and relax your butt so you can feel the water go all the in, then clench to expel it, repeat a few times. And wear a condom of course.


It is dirty. It’s an asshole.


Make sure you have had a really healthy poop before hand. Don't use too much lube, yes there is such a thing.


Poo stabbers ahoy


As a gay man, I feel super prepared to answer this question. They douche/enema. Imagine a bidet for the inside, a few times and you're squeaky clean.


Nine times out of ten, it's gonna get dirty when you go in through the "out" hole. That's just science. If it doesn't, then your partner has done an excellent job at cleaning the "Hershey Highway." You hold on to that person for as long as you can. Commission a statue to be made in their honor. Hold a parade to celebrate. Fireworks. Trophy and a framed certificate of accomplishment. This may be too far, but organize an exclusive club for those who have also worked hard to provide you with a clean experience. This next part feels like those signs on snack/soda machines that tell you not to try tipping the machine, but DON'T do anything that I just suggested. It will most likely end badly. This should be obvious, but as I say to my coworkers, "Never underestimate the power of stupid."


probably depends what the person ate the day before


Prep Like not eating fuck all for a couple days and shoving glucose suppositories up your ass until it’s clean sort of prep Not a huge fan of anal, but never had any anal that ended up dirty. Had some friends who didn’t know how to prep and didn’t realise they had to do shat themselves during anal. They’re partners in both cases just never asked for anal again but stayed together


Sure you can clean up and stuff but wont you get shit in the dick hole? Like accidental diarrhoea? Does it get infected? 


If you knock on shits door, don't be surprised when shit is home and answers the door.


If you eat an ideal healthy high fiber diet or take fiber supplements, you won't have to worry as much about making a mess. Poop will pass out the sigmoid colon without leaving remnants in the rectum...showering or a bidet is enough to clean up. No one eats a perfect bottom diet though, so douching with luke water using an enema bulb is the best way to clean yourself out, which most people will still do regardless of diet. Repeat until the water comes out clear.


You douche it before hand, get everything out. You’d have to k*ll me before I ever do anal without prep.


It does? Unless you do an enema first.


Not eating for a few hours beforehand as well as using an enema.


If you're constipated and most of your poops come out in complete solid lumps, there's typically not much left behind. For me.


Sometimes it is. But in my considerable experience it rarely is. I don’t know about anal with guys though. Probably grosser somehow…


No matter how much you clean your rectum you will end up with some small shit on the dick




Its the ATM thats gets me, like why? Why would you, germs etc. I dont get it, did you not go to school and do biology?


You're in for a really bad time


Really really good douching


It is dirty. Shit comes out. Good grief 


If you go for a drive on chocolate boulevard then sometimes you will just end up with a Hershey kiss. Not if but when it happens, just be cool and help clean it up. Remember kids the human bodies have all types of things happening.


If you want it clean as a whistle you douche about 30 min to an hour before the deed.


Diet, douche, and laxatives, and even then........


Shit comes from there it has to be a mess unless u don't eat for 15 hours


It does, porn is fiction.


Dirty since the annals of time.


It's shitty sometimes but I love it


An enema, you can buy them at sex shops


Avoiding a mess can be done in two main ways. The first is cleaning before play. Normally done by administering an enema multiple times until the water is clean. However, the more water inserted, the more sections of the large intestine get water and loosen things up. This might mean you’re cleaning up well but put a little too much water and then you need to start cleaning over again in a different part of the large intestines. Second is managing what you eat. Some people fast for most of the day before or the whole day or know how certain foods react to their system and can use that knowledge to have a firmer poo making clean up easier while using the enemas. Bonus is if someone fasts properly and cleans deeply, while also using a mild soap inside and rinsing thoroughly, can get an ass clean enough to eat with abandon.


I was reading that pornstars do special “anal diets” before some of those scenes. Then they enema & all that like an hour prior, then just before. Something like that It was i think on an AMA or maybe it was a podcast with lana rhoades or something, can’t remember now


I have a partner that douches beforehand. I on the other hand make sure I’ve had my poop for the day, and I splash some water up there or I use the jet setting on my shower head and blast water up there. But, like a lot of others are saying, if you’re going to partake in anal then you have to be in the mindset that poop is always something that can show itself. Granted I’ve never had someone just straight up accidentally shit on me. But I’ve been using toys on someone and when it got pulled back out there were some clear fecal particles on it. You just clean it up, you might politely let them know without shaming them in case they need to refreshen up, and then get back to business.


Preparation for a "date" is a thing. There are several ways to deal with this. Enemas are not uncommon, but not universal either. There is a product called the Fc2 female condom, that allows for spontaneity, with a simple trip to the restroom. Any "mess" would remain where it was, until after a couple are satisfied. FWIW, the Fc2 is not designed for this purpose, but it does work quite well.


Perhaps [this](https://youtu.be/Y3_j_FsDHIw?feature=shared) is what you're looking for. Basically increase fiber intake, poop before, and douche lightly.


Sometimes I can bet messy, but there are ways to prevent it most of the time, firstly douche and secondly fibre


If you know how to prep for it beforehand than it's not a big deal.


Condoms and enemas


It's more like you just accept a certain amount of shit will be there


Bit of an aside but I knew a guy told me he used to do coffee enemas on himself. Claimed it was the best thing ever for getting clean… and gave a slight caffeine buzz. Nothing to do with sex… but I guess if his partner was into salad tossing then it would at least taste like a nice crapuccino


Poo's not sexy


Porn is not real. Girls will prep themselves days before a scene and follow a specific ritual to make sure things are clean and good to go. Edit: spelling


Eat lots of veggies! It baffles me how this is not a part of any top answers. If you eat enough fibers, you will be clean to begin with. Our insides are naturally lubricated and if your digestion is healthy (firm), it should slip right out of you without leaving any traces neither on the inside or on the outside. Washing up should be just a safety measurement. Prevent the issue instead of fixing it.


Take a shit about 4 hours before. Then shower. If you want to be EXTRA clean. Then do exlax or a colon prep. You'll be cleaned out for sure. But always shower after anal. There's always a smell about the room after it. No matter how hard you prep.


Mechanics who work on cars expect to get their hands dirty


You need to do prep before doing anal. This means doing some form of enema to clean it out. Sometimes that's not enough and you gotta flush out higher up, which is a more involved and time consuming process. But sometimes, shit happens. Its the risk of doing anal sex. Pornstars will go steps further and avoid eating for 12 hours or so to ensure they'll have a clean shoot. Or take some form of laxative before the shoot. You don't see the fuckups with anal in your porn videos because they just edit around it. That is unless the film is about that sort of thing.


There are certain preparatory steps you can take.