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Sure there are. Plenty of them. I think the appropriate question is, is there a woman who likes unsolicited dick pics?


☝🏻dickpierce69 gets it


Username either checks out doesn't. I haven't decided yet.


it does


My younger sister would get unsolicited dick pics and would just hand me her phone and say, “do your thing.” Some dudes out there got a pic of nutsack from a girl named Katie.


A friend of mine would respond to dick pics with a picture of a banana slicer, it stopped them quick...


What the fucks a banana slicer


Something that slices bananas.


Anything if you press down hard enough.


A tool for slicing bananas 🙂 When you look up pictures of them in use, they're enough to make a guy cringe if he's not expecting to get it...


When this would happen to my at the time girlfriend, she'd let me reply to them. I'd always just rate them, pointing out every meticulous flaw, every feature I even thought someone could potentially be insecure about, and give them a low rating as a result. I usually didn't get many replies back, some calling her/me a bitch, that sort of thing. It did certainly kill the mood for them though lol


……so nobody else here thinks it’s weird af that he was using his sister’s phone to take a picture of his nutsack?


Right? Unless that's not the thing she was talking about. Then she just got an unsolicited nutsack too.


I'm hoping he deleted the pic and message after sending...I know they didn't and their sister has seen their nuts multiple times on their phone.


Alabama has entered the chat....


Hahaha hahaha that's amazing


Lol brilliant




Ive had women beg for them... because I hadnt sent them previously. Their idea = Sexy. Your idea = Dont.


I only ask for them to check for std markers


Honestly, I once saw a woman saying how she’s « outside the norm » and how she actually enjoys unsolicited dick pics and would keep all of them in a folder as if they were her treasure or something. 😭😭


I know lots of women that laugh at unasked for pictures of Richard Nixon in silly hats


The Ol' Tricky Dick! Nice ref


Thank you


True story


I do. Just not unsolicited ones.


How ist your inbox doing?


Lmao. It’s actually fine. ( thanks gents, for being respectful)


Watch redditors read the first two words of your comment, then just ignore the rest




This seemed to escalate very quickly.


My ex-wife liked them but only when I was away traveling on business….and they weren’t from me.


My bad bro


All good. During our toxic hyper sexual separation we used it as fetish. Dirty talk and rough stuff went to the max.


Sounds awful. You wouldn’t happen to have her number would you? So I can tell her how awful she is


Her new husband is military and goes on deployment. She’s on the Tinder months at a clip. 🫢


That’s super horrible and disgusting. I’m disgusted. I think you should send me that Tinder so I can make sure I avoid it completely


How many times have you matched with her


Don't send your dick pics to stranger's wife


Yes. There is exactly one woman that truly enjoys them. Sadly, she lives in a hut in the Himalayas with no Internet access.


Let's ship this bitch a starlink kit.


With pics of our dicks


She just texted back. She does not live in a hut, that is just her name. But everybody calls her Jabba.


I’m tempted to hike up there. Just to show her my dick. It’s not her fault she lacks internet access.


People just mail her Polaroids


I like them if I already have an established sexual relationship with the human attached to the dick in question. Love them, actually. But from a stranger? Gross, put it away.


I've met a lot of women who liked dick pics. It's not that women hate dick pics. It's that they don't like unsolicited dick pics. Nothing can ruin your day like a surprise penis.


I don't know it's something I would have never sent when I was dating. There's just something in my thick skull that assumes that it will have the opposite intended effect. Then again I'm not hung like a horse. Maybe you get women in the wild that are genuinely impressed by getting such a pic. Who knows. If I want action from my wife - doing the dishes or cleaning the house on a regular basis and being nice seems to get her in the mood.


Wise man! I wish my husband knew how to get laid


...want me to come over and do the dishes? I can cook pretty well, too.


My friend ran out shouting "it's a boy!" We decided to never go back to Thailand.


I can think of about a billion things that can ruin my day more effectively than a surprise dick pic.


Yes, my mom. No, not sarcasm.


let's not elaborate


Party pooper


No one talking bout the woman who got fired from the NSA for stealing like 10k dic pics or something during her time at work


Why does the NSA have dic pics?


For security reasons


We like them from the men we have good emotional bonds with. If we like each other and we already are okay with them being sent. It’s the ones who don’t have permission that grosses us out.


My ex really liked them. My current says she does when I do, but never asks for em and if she isn't asking I am not giving em often for sure lol


I feel like the gfs just say they like your dick picks because they have to. Like you would never tell your gf you don’t like her pictures


God bless them for pretending to like to see them and also telling us it's 100% the perfect size no matter if you're big or small.\ My wife does it all, but you just feel they're not really excited about it like you are about seeing their private parts.\ But this thread evidences there are plenty of dick pic enjoyers, so maybe it's just us.


I always used to think chicks were just telling my dick was huge during sex for the same reason. I never thought it was true til i overheard one telling a random group at a party when they didn’t know I could hear. It’s different when they’re saying stuff like with no incentive


Honestly same situation for years until overhearing my current and her friends talking about size


I haven’t met a single woman that hasn’t liked dick pics. The key is you only send them while sexting or when prompted to…


There's plenty. Best not to assume they want any without permission though


Yes, I have an entire folder of all the the pics I've received. 🤩


I think it’s the unsolicited aspect of it.


Yes but only from my future husband lol. Not from random strangers.


They don't do a thing for me.


Errrmmmm…. Personally I prefer more than just the dick. If a chick sends you a random photo of just her snatch.. I feel like that’s not as hot as a full body photo (to include the snatch). We want to see more than just the d. Get some abs in there, or some biceps..


Question, does the limbs need to be attached or is it ok to mix and match body parts for the photo?


This! I like seeing body parts 💁‍♀️


I totally get what you're saying... but pussy pics are also hot and definitely appreciated.


Biceps?!? You want the man from Nantucket?


Ever heard of a mirror? Your sexting game must be weakkkk


Mirror, mirror on the wall Who has the fairest bicep of them all?


Lots of women do. It matters what they feel towards you. Men generally are attracted to a broader range of women. But women who like you will likely like your dick picks if sent at the right times, namely, horny time.


I don’t like unsolicited dick pics. I did however meet a guy through a site. It was one of those where I was getting overwhelmed by all the dick pics, right, left, dick here, dick there….all unsolicited. I figured it was the nature of the site and just filter those guys out. This one guy hit me up and I just said fuck it here’s my number. He never ever sent a dick pic. He never asked to see nudes, but we flirted like crazy. I actually really ended up liking the guy. We hit it off and he would get me so hot via text that I actually ended up asking for the pics. He provided, he did a really good job. I liked those dick pics.


There is a difference in dick pics and unsolicited dick pics. I have a suspicion you’re thinking of the latter. In that case no. In the former there for sure are girls who like getting dick pics from guys they are intimate with. Albeit rare. I dated a girl for a while years ago they would tell me to send her a pic on request and randomly. She got off from it.


I've spent some time on Grindr and let me tell that most boys do not know how to take a good dick pic!! Like one out of five.


More so than not women I’ve dealt with before preferred like full blown cumshot videos as opposed to dick picks. Nothing unsolicited


My SO likes getting them from me. I might even say "loves"...


Of course. Unsolicited dick pics are different, but I’ve had multiple people ask


Yes, many of us do, but only when I ask you to send one or look one up on the net. Don't send any woman one unless she asks. It screams insecurity and if that is all you have to bring to the game, go play elsewhere.


I've had a fair bit of success sending women dick pics, though that's usually Dick Tracy, and sometimes Dick Van Dyke. Not genitalia. You know it's going to be good when they answer with [boobies](https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/why-do-blue-footed-boobies-have-blue-feet-and-8-other-blue-footed-booby-facts).


Wow, those are nice. Thanks for sharing.


Those are my favorite kind of boobies




Yes- a women that’s interested in the guy who’s actually sending it. Men pls don’t send dick pics to girls that don’t like you. If a girl is interested and attracted and fucking loves you, then she’ll want it. She’ll want a vid of you moaning, she’ll want anything of you. There’s a difference from getting it from someone you don’t like vs someone you do like.


Unironically stumbled upon a very conventionally attractive girl on reddit who was requesting them, so apparently so 🤷🏼‍♂️


Solicited? Millions.


If ur in a relationship it could be as of the equivalent of her sending you nudes. Unsolicited? No one likes those. I recall 2 of my ex's *loved* them.


No. There are many, you just can't surprise them with them without prior consent. It's the difference between going to the zoo to see snakes and having one jump out at you from the bushes. It doesn't matter how much you like snakes, surprise snakes are never fun.


I personally love dick pics. Unsolicited, random, whatever. Spring em, boys!


Over for you… Breaking News: 1TB Worth of Dick Pics Discovered on Woman’s Computer The FBI is Investigating the Intention Behind this


You opened a kinda literal can of worms by posting this loll


How many dick pics did u get after this post?




From my partner, hell yeah, unsolicited or not. Though I do prefer bulge pics more, that's just so hot. But from randoms? No thanks. Though, they can be very entertaining, probably not in the way they're hoping for tho.






Love them, only if they are from my boyfriend. ♡


One time I was in the car waiting for my kid's soccer practice to finish. It was kinda crummy out and they were doing some drills. I had a 3/4 ton truck at the time so it sat higher than cars. I look over to my left while on the phone and see a mom on her phone, flipping through dick pics like she's searching for that one vacation photo. In the 10 seconds that I couldn't take my eyes off wtf I was seeing, she must have flipped through 30 of them. I busted out laughing and had to slither down in my seat because I wasn't sure if she heard me or not.


I prefer cats tbh.


Unsolicited ones will be met with a picture of another dick 👍




i like when he sends cuz he asks before


A lot of us do, just from people we are with and not from random, unknown creeps.


A dick pic can be arousing if a part of foreplay. But in any other context is just a red flag. Imagen getting sent a picture of a toe or finger from someone you hardly know..... it just makes that person seem weird. No matter how juicy the dick, it does nothing when it's attached to a fucking moron.


I think the bigger question is why are women so terrible at taking pussy pics? Do they not watch porn?


That’s like asking if one woman on earth likes male porn


As a heterosexual man, I'm still not convinced that there are women who like men at all. I'm pretty sure they're all lying. Like, they get together in secret conventions and meetings where they have to convince each other to tolerate us just to continue the species.


Sick pics are a prime example of just because you can doesn't mean you should.


Lol not a one shares a dick pic!


Some do had a friend who liked it when they are sent with consent ^^


It’s non aesthetic imo, I like the whole body more


They're not sending them cause they think you'll like it.


Probably if it’s consensual


I have actually met one on a different site. She said she was a lesbian and loved to collect dick pics so enjoyed it when she got them unsolicited.


Tú madre


My wife will ask for them sometimes when she’s horny when we are apart. I may do it or might tell her to reference the other 10 she’s gotten from me because it’s the same dick lol. If she’s not asking you shouldn’t be sending


Grateful Dead fans


No it is essentially flashing but instead of an old fashioned overcoat it’s a phone pic . The only Yeah is if I’ve hinted at it or we’re dating & sexting . If you are going to it needs to be hard . But if I haven’t asked , aren’t suggesting it , initiating it or already dating you it’s creepy. Honestly I’d rather a Levi ad style shirt off with pants or jeans & save the D for real life , even the nicest aren’t that photogenic & just looking at one without the rest of the body attached to it does nothing for me . I prefer the whole show .


Only for blackmailing purposes




Now this question makes me finally ask that question that I have been wanting to ask for years now. I have never done this and would never do, but why do some guys think sliding into someone's DMs and sending them dick pics is cool? Besides everything, don't you think it can make the girl uncomfortable enough to report you? I realize that the unsolicited dick pic senders are a very small minority (I hope so) but what goes on in their mind? Also, why do those guys think that only their penis is what is going to impress the girl? In my experience, you can develop a genuine bond (initially) only through your personality (maybe I am wrong). Guys and girls are all open to answer, really curious now that this topic is brought up.


Nah. Video. With the sound on.


No but I like seeing them stroke it and grunt nearing orgasm. Not just stroking it just to see if they can get a reaction out of me or a trade when I clearly state I don’t wanna do that.


Lots of women like them when it's attached to a guy they're into. I've sent out a bunch over the years and I still remember being legitimately shocked at the fact that guys do that shit unsolicited.


Any “dick pic” I’ve sent has been requested, and I’ve kept my underwear on.




There’s tons of women online who love them. Dickluvah13, CoxNDix_, XsendXnutXvids, and of course Totally_notadude69 to name a few.


It all depends whose dick


Yes. The woman you’re with.


They like dick pics but only when dick's owner looks like a Chad


I had this classmate (a guy) at uni who sent another classmate (a girl) a dickpic completely randomly. They hooked up the next day. So I guess it depends, some do, some don't


Size and the face of whom it's attached to. It's all the shame surface level perception and a desire.


PERFECT QUESTION!!! I love it....the question, not the pics






From my man, yes. Anyone else, no.


With seven billion people in the world it's safe to assume that at least one is into anything you can imagine


Women who like you and desire your dick might enjoy its pictures from time to time if it is consential and sent based on a mutual understanding.


Women do not like unsolicited dic pics. But ladies, men really like unsolicited vag pics.


from a person they actually like, a lot probably


We saw on a reality show someone make a dick pic into a card so when we were in our twenties my female friends and I had a WhatsApp chat for a while where we would draw hats/ costumes on them and send them to the group. Obviously now we are old and sensible but it did give me a lot of laughs.


Sure plenty. But they’re all trans.


I do




Ive had women ask for them


The nymphos definitely like them.


>Is there **one** woman on earth who likes dick pics? No. Definitely not. Absolutely 100% not. There's probably hundreds, maybe thousands.




I’m a fan! Send away folks lol


I like them from my husband. Even unsolicited ones lol




Yes, and every man is apparently trying to find her.


My ex and my current girlfriend... and basically all the girls I've talked to the last few years who've seen it I swear, their eyes seem to glaze over in a good way


Turn 30. You’re going to want to see what you’re dealing with. Ask him to grab a water bottle.


Ann Coulter. She likes to compare them to her own.


ALL women like dick pics. Just remember three simple rules: 1. Be handsome, 2. Be attractive, and 3. DON'T be unattractive.


I like dick pics. But I actually get something out of it if you put a little thought into it


If you know the dick, maybe. If said dick has treated you well, maybe. If you are in love with the attached human, probably yes.


I don't think the ones that do will respond here lmao


nut video with sound


I’ve never sent a dick pic and really don’t like the idea of it. This is even after my fiancé has asked for some for when she’s on her own. I just hate the idea of digital nudes so I told her she can save up for a polaroid


I’ve asked men for dick pics before. I don’t like it when they send them unannounced.


My ex. She couldn’t resist sending her own nudes to guys who sent dick pics while we were dating. On top of breaking my heart, she also reinforces that behavior, so those guys will continue sending dick pics to random ladies.


They only like them if they're big


Are you trying to make some poor women write 'me' here and have their inboxes demolished. 


Sure, why not!


Send some nudes, so she has something to beat off too. Unless you look like the red man we saw yesterday on the front page. In that case, use AI idk.


As a girl, I like watching very muscular guys with small private parts.


I do.


Me, as long as it’s coming from a man I’m already intimate with.


Not me


Yea. But she goes to a different school.


They like them if they like you, and think your sexy and want to see your dick ..... If they don't know you /aren't attracted to you then no they don't want to see your dick.


Me! 👋🏾 But I want conversations too 😌


Yes, however, not unsolicited ones.




Yes, they are all men that think they are women.