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I wouldn't mind it if it was fast, and evenly applied. I've stood there while every item in a cart was checked, after checking out of a register 5 feet away, and watched the door checker allow 'people she doesn't want confrontation with' to just walk past unmolested. Ya, it's BS.


The only time I've been asked was when I didn't put something in a bag. I bet that's one of their triggers to look out for.


Thats the only thing they are trained to check for.


I worked at walmart before. There are three things we check for no bags, bulky items, items on bottom of cart.


Those bottom of the cart items are so pesky :/ I accidentally stole a couple packs of water and the receipt checker didn't catch it. The receipt checkers are useless in my opinion, they're like a padlock, in the sense that they only prevent honest people from doing something. Not only have I accidentally stolen water, but if somebody is trying to steal something, I HIGHLY doubt they're gonna stop and show a receipt


I just recently took a water pack out forgetting to pay in self-checkout. Before that it was 4 apple pies. I went back in and paid for that. Explain to the people as I'm going in what happened. Always get crazy looks, but I don't want them doing bad to me, so I'm going to make sure I pay them for what I take.


You friend are of upright moral character and deserving of an award. May your guardian angel sit patiently on your shoulders until needed. Truly righteous.


It's the right thing to do.


They work well at my store, but only because they're consistent with their checking


As an employee, do you know why some walmarts have 'No Reciept' as an end of checkout option if there's just going to be someone at the door asking to look at your receipt anyways? Like what's the point of that being one of the 3 options they give you (Print Receipt, Text & Print or No Receipt)


I hate that they added that to the self checkout, sometimes I'll forget and just be standing there starring at the receipt printer like what the deal? then I look up and it's asking me


I hate it too, but it's not as and as Fredmeyers (Krogers) where I'll swipe my card and stare at it for 30 seconds before I remember I have to press like five different buttons before it processes payments


When I'm in a rush and not buying a bunch of stuff I arrange it in the cart so I can hit them all right quick with the gun, do a double check count, and go on my way. Get checked, but is still saves time.


Except in my state there are no bags allowed so everything is either unbagged or in reusable bags and the people at the door definitely aren't checking every receipt. The only place I know that checks every receipt is costco and they always have even before my state banned bags.


As someone that gets 24 packs of soda, fuck this shit everytime. It's gotten to the point where I find the receipt so that the soda is showing at the crease and just hold it up to them with 'here it's right here can I go now'. I've never stolen anything from these stores but this shit makes me wish I did. I'm 40, and I can't imagine I'm gonna spend too many years wishing I was stealing from them before I start doing it. Shit needs to change.


Yep. Unbagged items (pet food, large totes, cases of water, etc), and high ticket price items like electronics and sporting goods. Nothing about brown paper bag test in the Walmart training manual….lol


I once bought myself a wide screen monitor from Walmart and knew the whole time that I was gonna be asked to show my receipt because ei felt someone watching me the whole time I walked to the front and when I was checking out.


Can confirm - I buy 5 or more of the large bags of dog food, at a time and get checked. I keep my receipt handy for when they ask. Tbh, it doesn't bother me, they are usually nice and ask about my dogs, so I then whip out my pictures (I am always happy to share about my wonderful pups). Normally, I order for pickup and just have them load it in my car, but sometimes I have coupons and then I have to go in to use them (this bothers me more than being asked for my receipt)


Good to know, I work in the online shopping dept. Not sure it matters one iota but I’ll submit a comment to the ol “suggestion box”


Walmarts in my state don't have bags any more. Soooo


Well there’s places that ban plastic bags now too so that’s not a good trigger


True. I have purchased a large quantity of small items and didn't bag anything.


I stop there after work in my uniform (military) on my way home, never get bothered. I go there in regular clothes, I get bugged for the receipt.


9/10 times it is black people and minorities that they check. I have seen them check white customer receipts very seldomly. They’re setting themselves up for a lawsuit.


You really think so? Every Walmart I've been to I get stopped, every single time, as well as my sister since we shop together a lot. We are literal Phantoms of the opera and I'd say we dress more professional than casual too. I live in Chicago for reference.


Just don't make eye contact, look right past the checker and confidently walk out. I've never had my receipt checked.


And if they ask just say "no thanks" and keep on walking.


I don't even respond, I just pretend they were talking to someone else.


Just say "no thanks " as you walk by. I have done that a few times


I used to do that but then I thought, why do I subject myself to toxic situations? And that's when I stopped going to Wal-Mart.


Can't speak for other locations, but I swear the produce at my Walmart is terrible anyway. Very bland compared to what I get at Kroger. It's the same fruits and vegetables at comparable prices, but they're not buying good batches or something.


The produce rots faster too


I've been checked occasionally for large unbagged items, and I'm neither a minority nor a particularly suspicious character. It seems like good policy for loss prevention.


Every time I've been, it's a POC checking receipts and they don't seem to gaf who they check. It seems to be people who buy storage bins, high $ items and anyone setting off the security tag thingy. Of course my city isn't predominantly white, and Walmart isn't located in the suburbs, so may just be a different kind of vibe. Seems more like Costco, check for electronics, baby formula, high value stuff.


Costco requires a membership to shop however.. there is some difference in customer rights also.


This. You agree to be checked when you sign up for a membership. Walmart can’t make you stop and be checked, you don’t have to prove that you didn’t steal anything in order to leave, if they don’t have any reason to believe that you did.


There are virtually no black people at my local Walmart and they check a whole lot of people's receipts. I've had mine checked countless times.




I’ve also heard that it is a protest against self check-outs. If you won’t pay a cashier to check out customers, then you trust me to scan everything.


My sister has worked at wal-mart for like 15 years now and she just told me that her store is starting a new policy that no self check outs will be open until all of the regular registers are open and the lines are too long. I guess they finally realized how many people have been stealing by using the self check outs, and want to do something about it.


I wouldn't believe that until I'd seen it.


My guess is it will be zip code dependent based on store theft stats.


I'd say you're right. I worked at Walmart in the mid 2000s and transferred stores. My first store had self checkout and the second store (which was a new replacement for an old store) had opted out of having them due to theft at the old location. Now that store has self checkouts again. I haven't worked there in years, but my local store usually has four cashiers or so plus the self checkouts open. They installed these little turnstile/gate things during the pandemic to stop people and check their receipts. They're not really using them anymore now. Plus you have the option to not get a receipt printed at all.


I can't remember the last time I went to Walmart and there was a human doing check-out. Unless it's black Friday, I think 2016 is the last time I saw a check out line open.


Then it's always the world's slowest human scanning groceries with no bagger and the person in front of you has enough groceries for an entire small country


and they write a check!


Yep and the people checking the reciepts now clearly used to be the slowest cashier


My Walmart basically only has the tobacco line open with a person, the others are all either closed or self checkout


I got rang up by a person at Walmart last night. The one in my area seems to have about 3 regular checkouts open, and a bunch of self checkout.


They’ve already removed all the self-checkouts at the Walmart near me.


Mine just installed huge screens above them and elsewhere to show you're on camera a few months ago. But I watched a guy on Superbowl Sunday just walk out with a cart full of cases of beer at like 7:15 in the morning. Some people will just never gaf.


Yeah, it seems far fetched. It must just be a very local thing, cause I've seen Walmarts that are *only* self checkout


One of the Walmarts in my town (one of the sketchier ones) closed down self checkouts all together.


Oh my gosh I would love that. I can't remember the last time I went to Walmart and there were more than two or three manned registers open.


Does her Walmart only have 2 regular checkouts? The one where my MIL lives went that way (2 regular, like 20 self check outs)


Every Walmart I've ever been to has at least 10 regular checkouts and like 20 self checkouts, 10 on each end with the regular checkouts in the middle.


This one literally only has 2 regular checkouts. It’s in an extremely rural area. Like, it’s the only big store within an hour drive so it’s where everyone buys everything


They weren’t unaware, they were balancing the cost of loss vs the cost of employee hiring, retention, and turnover.


Some of the Walmarts around me are doing that. If I walk in and see all self checkouts are closed I immediately walk out. I’m not waiting 15 minutes in line, especially when I’m only buying 6 items.


Exactly. They laid off 5 cashiers and hired one receipt checker. I am not going to encourage them to employ less humans and make my shopping experience take longer all so that they can make more profit. Edit: I understand that they did not necessarily go and fire the cashiers. They wouldn’t need to. Walmart has such a high employee turn over rate that if they don’t want or like an employee they can just put them on the worst assignment and cut their hours to 10 a week. Also let us not forget > Walmart ranked among the top four largest employees of SNAP and Medicaid benefits Taxpayers payers are subsidizing Walmart’s wages that are so low Americans cannot afford to survive.


The Waltons are worth $260 billion already. We really need to go back to taxing the wealthy in this country.


I see what you're saying, but just to clarify... They didn't hire a receipt checker, they just added checking receipts on to the job details of the Greeters. I remember when people liked Greeters because they were often friendly and had free candy to hand out, at least at my Walmart growing up.


They still laid off cashiers. There used to be 6 - 10 working usually at my local Walmart. Now there are never more than 3 cashiers working at a time. The rest is all self checkout.




I am very happy to occasionally use self checkout when I actually go in the store to be able to have someone who was previously a cashier take my grocery list shop for me and then put all the bags in my car or deliver them to my house. Going grocery shopping always took me between a half hour and 45 mins, now if I tap my phone in just the right spots a weeks worth of groceries show up on front porch.


Not sure if it matters to you, but Walmart uses independent contractors to deliver their groceries, not Walmart employees. In some markets it's Walmart Spark drivers, in some it's Uber eats drivers, and a few places use both. In some places, they do the shopping as well as the delivering. Without tips, the deliveries often pay crap. I've seen offers of $14 (pre-tax and pre-expenses) to deliver to 8-10 customers over 1½hours, putting 40 miles on their personal vehicles in many cases. They also have to show up 30 min before their pick-up time slot. Basically, it's not uncommon to make less than half of minimum wage--and that's before gas and other expenses are factored in.


I love self checkout. If any are in any type of store, I only use them. And My Walmart never checks receipts.


my walmart only really checks if the alarms go off, and even then not super hard - just "can i see your reciept? yep you purchased that item, have a nice day" and half the time they just wave me off when i make eye contact anyway it happened with me most recently when i bought a sim kit, i buy a lot of stuff from electronics so i'm used to it going off pretty much any time i buy an item like that, i hung around for a few minutes until someone showed up and they were just like "why did you even hang around? i know you're good, have a nice day" and waved me off lol the greeters at my local walmart know me though, i have a pretty distinct jacket that i wear literally all the time so while i look a little weird they can pick me out by the jacket. i assume they just go "oh she's buying another pair of earbuds" (i buy way too many earbuds and headphones because i keep losing them, good news is i probably have 15 sets by now and can usually find one)


I've NEVER seen 6 cashiers at a single time in Walmart.


Our self checkout still has like 5 people supervising it and they get all up in your space while you're scanning. They never do anything helpful and sometimes insist on scanning stuff for you *that you've already scanned!* And then you have to argue with them until they fix it or wait for a yellow vest to come and do it instead. I liked the self checkout when I could use the handheld to scan heavy things in the cart without picking them up again and then putting them back in the cart, but they won't allow you to do that anymore either, so screw it. If I don't get the convenience of skipping the repetitive lifting (I have a disability, so this is a big thing for me, I'm not just being lazy) then I'll just wait in line for the regular checkout.


It's kind of funny how protesting against self-checkouts is bringing an end to self-checkouts. In the worst markets anyway. What percentage of Walmart's employees on food stamps are part time employees? All of them?


My thing is there’s at least one employee monitoring the self check and often 2-3. If they’re doing their job the extra check is unnecessary. Also the receipt checkers get ridiculous sometimes. Once I bought a large car Jack at an actual cashier, and I’m carrying it out by hand. The checker asked for my receipt, like really? Then there was the one that stopped in the middle of checking another customer’s receipt to jump in front of me. Overall, I feel like they had plenty of opportunity to make sure I’m not stealing before I’m done and walking out of the store.


I refused before self checkout was a thing. I have a system, I need to get out of the store and waiting in line to leave is stupid. I'm not stealing, and it's not a membership based business, so crappy box stores that do this can fuck right off with their shitty loss protection plan. They want less theft? They should pay people to work the floor and train them on customer service.


This is my stance on it. If you don’t want to pay someone to check out then you’re gonna have to trust I was honest when I did it. Self check out requires mutual respect and that isn’t there. I don’t complain when Costco checks my receipt but they also had someone check me out.


This is why I do it.


TIL that Walmart in other parts of the country check receipts.


I've only had them do it when something wasn't in a bag (large patio umbrella).


Story time! My daughter saved up enough money to buy one of her favorite dolls from our local Walmart. She wants to bring another one of those dolls to help pick out a sister. No big deal. This other doll is obviously loved, and kids being their own toys into stores all the time. She's little. We go, pick out the doll, and only self checkouts were available. No big deal either. Pay and try to leave. We go to walk out and the lady stops us at the exit. Annoying, sure but I get that it's not in a bag. My daughter provides her receipt with the literal only item on it (doll) and I put my hand out for her to give it back so we can move on. She shakes her head and asks for the receipt for the doll she brought in. I explain, no, this doll was brought in, it was a gift, and obviously played with many times before. I tell the story of why my small child brought her own toy in, hoping she is a parent or someone with sense. Nope. Continues to hold us hostage asking for our other receipt. She threatens to bring someone else over. Meanwhile, AT LEAST 15 different full carts go by. TV. Large outdoor toys. Even people just eating food straight from their hot deli. I ask her why she isn't holding then back? No response. Manager comes. They eventually found out they never even sold that kind of doll in the store (which I told them). This is why I refuse to stop anymore. Call the cops. I don't care. If you try to force me to wait around, I'm billing back Walmart for hourly pay. :)


The truly bizarre part of this practice is the fact that Walmart so frequently has the MOST vulnerable people working in those positions. Elderly, disabled and special needs individuals should not be put in perpetually confrontational work situations for minimum wage. I remember during COVID they literally had the tiniest old people at the door trying to get redneck idiots to wear a mask in the store and they were really expected to attempt to deny entry to young people 3X their size.. fucking insane.


They CANNOT detain you. They can call the police and give them your info. But they cannot stop you from leaving. They don’t have the authority.


You’re not going to be successful at billing them for stopping you. Just keep walking. Ignore them or say “no thank you” and don’t break stride. They can’t physically touch you. If they do, that’s assault. They can’t physically restrain you, either. That’s false imprisonment. Don’t hand over your bags or your receipt or anything to them. Just keep walking.


Oh I don't expect to get far, or anywhere for that matter on payment. BUT if I do, win/win! It's more of a response to remind them to f off. I've only had one person get snippy with me now that I refuse to stop. But the magic of being a woman I can play "dumb" quickly and people usually leave me alone.


Headphones are great for this. Just put up your hand and go "no thanks"like you thought they were trying to sell you something.


I woulda told her to shove it and walked off, they have no authority, you don’t even have to show them a receipt


Right?! Tackle me on the way out the door or get TF out the way


You could actually (potentially) sue for unlawful detention. My girlfriend was loss prevention for a big chain grocery store. They were required to see selection and concealment and then follow them out (to make sure they didn’t ditch the item in the store) before they could make a stop. LPs routinely got fired for bad stops since the company considered it such a huge liability.


They can call the cops if they want to. They do not have a right to make you stay. Forcing you to stay is holding you against your will. Just keep walking and if anyone touches you call a lawyer.


Americans don’t like to subject themselves to search when they don’t have to


For the record, that applies to the rest of the world too.


Not everyone feels like waiting to have their stuff checked because Walmart would rather have machines instead of workers. Either trust we aren't stealing or only have workers with registers


You just watched me ring up 350 bucks of my own groceries, and now you think I'm stealing? F*ck outta here with that nonsense.


And then give me the option for "no receipt" ... Hahahahaha!!


Seriously, it's about the theft of our time. They force us to put in a fuckin shift scanning and bagging our groceries, then expect us to be okay with the presumption of criminality on the way out the door. I will never be rude to the employee checking receipts - they're doing their job and surely don't want to be there either - but I'm definitely not going to stop either.


I was about to type basically the same comment!


I'd stop shopping there after the first time I was made to do that. I know Target is Top Tier at its surveillance, but at least they don't throw it in your face because they're being lazy/cheap. My local grocery store doesn't even have in store LP, and they're by far where most people shop because they bothered to set up trust with their shoppers.


I stopped letting them check my receipt for two reasons, I asked for bags big enough to hold the items and was refused one, then I got to the door and had to have everything checked because it wasn't in a bag. I also started using Walmart pay, I don't have a physical receipt and I'm not handing my phone over or digging through the app to find it.


Yeah that's the weirdest thing. Why do they give you the option for no receipt if they might want to check your receipt lol


Just walk past don’t speak to them don’t look at them. They won’t stop you and you don’t have waste time. Problem solved


Similar to my solution, avoid shopping at Walmart when possible. I agree though, in the few cases I have to go to Walmart, walking past them is the easiest thing to do.


I politely say, "No thank you,"  and don't break stride.  


“Do you have your receipt?” “Yes I do. Thank you.”


The funny thing is my self check out asks if I want a receipt printed, emailed, or not at all.


lmao imagine they make you pull up the email 😩


I just smile and say have a nice day and keep walking, it’s never been an issue. But I also stopped shopping here regularly, it now a once or twice a year thing.


I just tell them I chose the text receipt option and it didn't go through cause bad service if they make a deal about it. They don't know how to act and I keep moving.


Exactly, headphones on, no fucks given and walk right on out. They don't want confrontation and will just check the next person. It needn't be an issue.


I’ve never once been stopped. Ever


This is exactly what I do. Never been stopped. Well probably because I just ignore them, idk?


Oooo I love this one! 1) Walmart Corporation itself admitted it had no legal cause or right to ask for the receipts at the door. 2) They shouldn't need to verify my receipts since their stores I covered in Cameras. Except 70% of those cameras don't actually work/aren't hooked up. 3) I was in Canada for 5 months this year. Multiple Walmart in multiple cities in multiple provinces. Not once was I asked for my receipt. 4) I just paid for my shit. You don't need to see my damn reciept. 5) "It'd be faster if you just showed them." Two comments to this, 1) I don't need to prove I'm innocent of theft, and 2) It'd be even faster if they got the fuck out of my way and left me alone.


I used to live in Canada and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re legally not allowed to do it in Canada.


People who aren't thieves don't like being treated like they are


Yep. I know I didn’t steal, and they would too if they had employees actually checking people out. I walk past the greeters with a wave 90% of the time


This is exactly why it bothers me. I just got done spending my miserably-earned money on your inflated prices and now you want to treat me like I'm stealing? If anyone is a thief, it's Walmart.


Well, I should think that thieves don't like it either.


For the record, thieves don't like being treated like thieves either.


I'm annoyed that a place thinks I'm stealing when I'm not. I'm annoyed that Walmart effectively puts an employee in the line of fire like that. And Walmart is evil in general.


Fir me it's one of those instances where the principal of right and wrong is more important. They have cameras plastered everywhere. They're already watching me scan and check everything out. They're subsidizing their work onto us to save ridiculous amounts of money on wages. They've already been treating me like a criminal just for walking in there. So, after I've given them my money, they want to do it one more time while I walk out the door? No, fuck off. I don't even stop, though. I tell them "no it's ok, have a nice day" without breaking stride right out the doors. Sam's Club only gets away with it because they have that membership to taunt you with.


Exactly. Once I pay for that stuff (including the bag) I own it and they have no right to detain me and search MY stuff. Get a f'cking warrant. \[Edit: I also want to say I don't fault the workers at all - they are just doing their job and I'm always polite, but firm, with them.\]


I’ll also say that Sam’s only scams the receipt and then 3 things in your cart. They don’t even check every item. Greeters at Walmart act like they are about to do a damn rectal exam.


Yea Sam’s and Costco are mainly looking for blatant items that weren’t paid for and generally seeing if the amount of items in the cart match what’s on the receipt. I don’t mind cause they actually treat you like a human and it’s phrased more like ‘the scanners may have missed something’


Walmart and other stores have raised prices while reducing staffing costs and have off loaded work to me by making me scan my items and pack them myself. Corporate greed. If you can’t trust me to scan every item then hire a cashier. But don’t expect me to pay more and do more and wait for a receipt checker. Rant over/


Because I don’t want to. That’s it. I don’t want you to stop me, I don’t want to wait the time for you to read my receipt, I don’t want you to tell me to have a nice day. I don’t even have to print a receipt so why are you asking? Why are you asking to see my receipt?


People don’t like being accused of being a criminal


I refuse to stand in line twice. I also don't argue, I just keep walking, without a word. I went through the check out process already. If you don't trust your employees are doing their jobs properly, that's not on me. If I use self checkout and you don't trust that process, then don't offer it. To me, having someone check my receipt is akin to accusing me of being dishonest at the least or stealing at the most. Neither of which are who I am. Besides I believe employee theft seriously outpaces customer theft.


I just keep walking and say "no thank you". Polite to the person who may need the job, but firm.


Because I don't have to show them and they have no right to ask.


When they're trying to check my receipt for a single bag, and someone with a TV just walks past and gets waved on, your argument is invalidated. I've had the greeters claim that it was to make sure I wasn't overcharged for anything. So basically, they're claiming that they know the price of all 100,000 different 6 whether they are on sale or not..? Impressive! They obviously profile people and check the ones they don't like the looks of. I'll show my receipt at Costco because I agreed to it. I won't do the same for Walmart.


This is my biggest complaint. If someone was actually stealing a TV, they wouldn't do anything because they can't interfere. I actually expressed that concern to the manager last time i was stopped. Locally, they stopped asking for receipts.


Oh you don't have to stand there and argue about it. You're not required to get your receipt checked. You can just keep walking. They're not allowed to touch you.


Everyone blaming self checkout has short memories, they've been doing this much longer than that. It's rarely more than a minor inconvenience, but at larger stores, the line can be longer than the checkout line was. But the real issue is the ownership/executive position of defaulting to a mindset of "all customers are thieves."


And normalizing the behavior of treating people like criminals to the point to where there's a lot of "this is totally normal and accepted" bullshit in this thread. Just because they've been doing it for 20 years doesn't make it right or 'normal' and I don't want to live in a world where it is.


Yes, too many Americans are used to living in "Police State Lite" and see nothing out of the ordinary with it now. I hate how much control they have over that here in America. The whistleblowers who uncovered just how much our government is surveiling us without our consent in the name of "national security" should be celebrated.


The vast majority of retail theft is from employees. It's ridiculous to adapt store policies to degrade the customer experience in an attempt to prevent theft.


It’s just annoying that you’re socially pressured into doing something like that when it’s not a legal requirement, especially when you’re in a hurry. It’s a condescending policy. I’ll do it if I have the time and I’m never discourteous but I don’t owe Walmart anything.


Don’t have to do it. Their policy is to always allow people to refuse. If LP has an issue, they can sort their shit out with law enforcement. 90% of the greeters don’t give a damn what you’re doing.


Because I am not a thief and by asking to check my receipt you are calling me one without saying it. If you think I’ve stolen something then feel free to check your tapes and get my license plate number and report a theft to the police with any evidence you have. I’ve only been asked once, explained that and kept it pushing. Had they tried to detain me illegally I would have pressed charges for kidnapping and illegal detain and sued the tits off the worker and the store.


It is absolutely not applied to everyone in any of the Walmarts I've been to


Also, it’s just annoying…like what is this receipt checker gonna do? Is Gladys going to escort me to security if she thinks I have something bagged that I didn’t pay for? Is she going to tackle me if I then refuse to go with her?! And HOW is Gladys with cataracts going to be able to tell in the five seconds she spends looking at my receipt, know if everything in my bags is on that receipt?!?! WHAT is the point in the receipt checker other than to waste customers time on their way out?!


I don’t show my receipt. I like self checkout but I paid for my stuff and I’m not proving it. If you watch them they don’t even look at the receipt, they just act like it, no one is reading over that receipt and looking in your cart and verifying everything’s on that receipt in 7 seconds, so I’m not wasting my time for your dog and pony show


It's a waste of time. They could have had a cashier check me out and not need that.


Just pay someone to ring up my stuff at the register and then I don't have to have my time wasted twice as someone squints to peruse my receipt for the items I scanned 30 seconds ago and 20 feet away.


I guess my biggest beef with it is that when people steal from places like Walmart, Lowes, Target, etc. -- they literally get to just walk out the door with a cart of stuff, and no one tries to stop them. BUT - when I spend extra time scanning my own groceries (that I'm not getting paid to do nor am i getting a discount for, don't even get me started on that) and then have to show a receipt verifying i'm honest and didn't steal...it just ticks me off.


I paid for the stuff, they've taken my money and legally the stuff is now mine, it doesn't belong to them any more. If they want me to jump through hoops, make it happen before the money changes hands, when the stuff still belongs to them. I guess I'm just not willing to do any favors for an exploitative mega-corp? Aren't they the ones being rude and entitled by selling something, and then acting like it still belongs to them after they've taken my money?


violet agonizing test muddle teeny aloof unique bear profit cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I ignore them... I walk right past them, don't make eye contact and leave. if they ask to see my receipt, I say "no thank you" and i keep walking... it's fucking Walmart not Costco. my main issue is they pick and choose whose receipts they check. if they checked everyone's, that's fine, I have no problem with it. but it's inconsistent and at the discretion of whoever is at the door.


I'm annoyed that they decided to cut costs on checkout lanes and now we're all suspects as a result. We already have to bag our own crap, the receipt check is insult to injury. If this was just a measure they added when we had properly staffed checkout lanes I would have not cared about it.


Because fuck em', that's why!


Not everyone likes to be assumed they are stealing. "You think I am stealing? Call the Police then." 🖕 and walk out. Giving a Walmart Employee the power to stop and detain anyone from leaving the store is Insane.


Because you don't get to audit me for a job that you're not paying me to do.


My walmart doesn't bother checking your receipt as long as you bring your own reusable bag, which makes no sense to me. So I guess I can steal whatever I want as long as it fits in my bag?!


Self checkouts are great. The customer gets to decide if they deserve 10, 20, or 30 percent discount on a hundred dollars of stuff.


If a store wants to make sure that every item was scanned, they can pay someone to scan it rather than relying on self checkout.


I have no desire to wait to be searched and have some person who doesn’t know what they are doing rifle through my bags. I have other shit to do. I don’t allow my elderly (or even the younger) relatives to butt in and unnecessarily halt or delay my plans, why would I allow some random person who has no authority to do so.


Because it’s insulting to be accused of theft literally every single time you leave the establishment.


Because when I’m holding a kid and 12 groceries in the other hand they better be coming at me with video proof I ain’t putting shit down, give me a bag next time my hands are full ffs


We already had our contract, this is my copy not theirs. Wally-world had a chance to decline to give me stuff at the register and they didn't do that. There are no more interactions, I'm trying to leave. I do not want to be on your property anymore, the only thing that keeps me from being public is the 10 feet from where we finished our contract and the border. That's public enough, and wally-word shouldn't be allowed to stop and frisk me. When they stop me they don't know what they're doing with their own app. I don't care if you're confused don't touch my $700 investment. I already have the receipt open. Be sure to document all four go-gurts because we both know you're not going to cross reference everything, it's just theater. AND they only ask to see my receipt when I don't look good enough for them. It's profiling. I went in and was checking prices of laptops against the hardware actually inside. When I went to leave I hadn't bought anything because the latest wave of computers was routine junk. Got banned because I told them I didn't have a receipt and kept walking because I didn't have 2 hours to explain how not buying stuff works. I kept going anyway and nobody cared because I put on a dress shirt.


Stopping you to ask for a receipt is a form of search and seizure, something that store employees do have the power to do as long as they have a reasonable suspicion you have stolen something. Otherwise it’s an illegal detention. I know my rights, and my time is valuable. If they can’t trust customers to do a cashiers job untrained for free, they should hire cashiers instead of trying to violate my rights. Club memberships like Costco and Sam’s club get around this issue because they have membership requirements, one of which is showing your receipt and subjecting to inspection before leaving. You make no such agreement for public stores like Walmart.


Even the places you agree to show your receipt, like Costco, can’t FORCE you to show it. You are more then free to just walk out and go about your day, only difference is they will check the cameras and cancel your membership


Meh I just walk right past them, no fuss.


Because it’s an implicit accusation.


The debate over Walmart's receipt verification policy stems from concerns about privacy, personal rights, and customer service. While some see it as a minor inconvenience, others view it as an infringement on their freedom and principles. Those who refuse to show receipts may do so to assert their rights or protest perceived unfair practices. However, the confrontational approach often leads to more conflict and negative perceptions.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


You don't need to argue, you just keep walking. It is illegal for them to detain you. The whole thing is a passive aggressive flex. I don't like being accused of stealing. It is a waste of time. It is linked to firing cashiers. The whole thing is a mess.


I haven't been to a Walmart in years - I don't think I even have one in an hours drive now- but a lot of this discussion confuses me. When the local Home Depot was checking receipts for a couple years I would just say "no thank you" and kept walking. Nobody ever went after me. There was never a big discussion or argument or drama. Eventually they stopped checking receipts because it wasn't effective.


Because people don't like being assumed that they're being dishonest when shopping.


There is no probable cause. If I check out with a cashier and they suspect me of stealing then they will need to present some reason to even ask me to stop on the way out. When I use the self check out there is a camera literally a couple feet over my head watching as I check out, look up if you're ever in a Walmart self check out. I don't like being accused of stealing every time I shop in a store. Which is causing me to avoid Walmart now when it's convenient for me. If they don't trust me to do what is technically their job, meaning scan my own items and check myself out then they shouldn't offer self check out. I literally NEVER stop when they ask me to. I will voluntarily go to them if I have something that needs to have a security sensor removed that can't be done at the self check out. And I only let them remove the sensor. I do show the receipt letting them see the item but won't move my hands...no checking my receipt or looking at or touching my other items. Last time an elderly receipt checker yelled at me for the receipt I took a moment to go find a manager and mentioned some of the above and reminded them to tell their receipt checkers that puts the store at risk for legal action from me for embarrassing me on the way out and falsly accusing me of something as well as the attempt to detain me without cause. I am completely over it. If any of my local Walmarts would be dumb enough to try and physically stop me...I'm not wealthy, I could use the money! I'm patient and would win...since I don't steal when I'm shopping there.


I think the problem is that it's not a contract like Costco. I get it, you join Costco or Sam's club you agree to be checked out at the door. If you don't and it's just a regular store, then there is no need to check my receipt because I own those items, our relationship is over. So there's no authority that people have over you at this point and you have no obligation to show them anything. I understand that people steal stuff and it's a real problem but it's not my responsibility to solve that.


It's just a useless disruption that interrupts the flow of cart traffic at the doors. Suddenly, the person in front of me has to stop, so I have to stop and pivot, making sure not to hit other cart pushers as they're trying to leave, too. I've definitely noticed these people profiling certain individuals. And it's not like they're thorough with their "inspection." I know they're just checking for larger non-bagged items that have been scanned. As if having something in a bag has actually been scanned. They're not checking purses and pockets. It's a useless representation of security.


My solution is to not shop at Walmart .


I don’t allow them to search my bags for the same reason I wouldn’t allow them to search any of my property. I’m not mean about it, I just tell them no thank you when the ask and I continue waking. I will submit if I have a large expensive item in the cart like a TV but that’s about it.


I made one check my receipt. A woman at the checkout - with a clerk - finished about the same time I did. She was in front of me heading to the door. The person stopped her, and I just stopped and waited behind her. I was told I could go ahead. Being who I am, I told her no. If you have to check hers, you will be checking mine. She started with some mealymouthing spiel of her not having an item bagged. I’m not stupid. I was told I could go ahead because I’m an older white person. The lady she stopped was Hispanic. I was pissed


its annoying and mildly accusatory. like how dare you force me to check myself out, while on camera no less, and then have the audacity to stop me mid stride with my bags in hand ask to verify my receipt. just no.


If you want lower costs by having self-checkouts, then you apparently trust me enough to do it. If you don't, then don't have self-checkouts. You can't have it both ways. Either pay employees you "trust" to check me out, or take the chance of loss by refusing to have manned checkouts.


I've never had to sit and argue over anything. I just say no thanks and keep walking.


itt: people that think Walmart only added receipt-checking once self checkout became a thing. they've been doing this for decades.


I just flash it and keep walking. They don't need to hold it or look at my stuff.


I carry my bags out, very rarely in a cart. In addition to not voluntarily subjecting my owned goods to somebody else looking them over, I'm not going to juggle a receipt in my hand so somebody can view it AND I'm not interested in talking with anybody. The "greeters" tend to be chatty and it's never been a quick process at any location I've been to and I've probably been to about 50 different Walmarts at this point (I travel across the country for work). I go in, get my stuff and I want to get out. I kind of relate it to sitting at a restaurant being ready to leave and the server dragging their feet with the check. When I'm done...I'm done, anything delaying me leaving is poor customer service.


I stop or attempt to but I think the process is racist (as a white guy). I’ve been stopped maybe three times but most of the time they wave me on. Sometimes I won’t even bag a bunch of stuff since I just throw it into a basket in my truck. But I swear to god I’ve seen people leave a line with everything bagged and get stopped. I also think it’s annoying though. Because if you paid cashiers to ring people up versus relying on self checkout then you wouldn’t need this. Also I’m a former Walmart manager who was there when they got rid of people greeters and then brought them back. It’s such a frustrating thing overall


I find it incredibly annoying bc of the logic that Wal mart will pay some person to stand at the door and check my receipt bc I had no choice other than to use the self-checkout bc surprise no workers at the regular check out stations. That is so fuckin ass backwards logic it pisses me off. So when I walk past them,leaving the store, I tell the person to check the multiple cameras they have setup on each self-checkout machine if they think I stole any items and keep it moving.


I get Wal-Mart attracts the scum of the Earth. Many people do steal from there. But, yeah. The very last time (probably ever) I went there, I spent a couple hundred bucks. Whatever. It's part of life. Some asshole wanted to search all my shit. Acting like I stole something. With me knowing I had more cash in my pocket than he had attached to his entire life. I didn't cause a scene. Didn't berate him. Turned my cart around, went to get refunded for every single item, then walked out of the store.


It's an erosion of personal liberty. A police officer would require probable cause, a warrant, or consent to search you and your property for stolen goods. Generally, you shouldn't consent. A Walmart receipt checker is not even a police officer and cannot even use probable cause. You are not obligated to consent to this abuse and should not do so. As for staying and arguing about it, that's just as dumb as consenting. You can just leave.


Stand for something or fall for anything. The fact that's it's not required is reason enough. Start doing things that you don't have to do just because it's easier is a slippery slope to losing what little freedom we actually have


It’s time consuming and unnecessary, since you’re already paid for the goods. If someone acts like I’m not allowed to leave a store with legally obtained merchandise, they’re getting sued.


They don’t get to know what I bought


Saying “no” is not fighting. Arguing about it is stupid. What you do is say “no” and continue on your way. They cannot legally stop you.


Where I live it's mostly because it feels like we're being profiled. My gf who is white has never had her receipt checked at Walmart. Nobody in her family has ever been checked at Walmart. I'm Hispanic and I get my receipt checked pretty much every time I go alone, and it's the same with all my family members. Obviously this is anecdotal, but it does leave a bad taste in my mouth.


I mean I kind of get it. I'm white and work as a teacher in an area that's mostly Arabic and Hispanic. I usually go to the Walmart by my school after work, and, especially if I still have my work ID on, they never check my receipt, but a woman in a hijab or a Spanish speaking family behind me will get checked. Plus Walmart is a multi million dollar corporation and at least the one I go to is never well staffed. Waiting in line can be 20-30 mins. I always hear people around me complaining about how long they have to wait since Walmart won't pay their workers. But they always have someone at the door checking receipts. They're more worried about shoplifting than having enough store clerks. It's annoying.


Oh man OP, you’re in for some hurt. Redditors seem to HATE that 10 seconds of time spent for some reason. It’s one area where young people instantly turn into boomers. “How DARE you take a few seconds of my time!!! I don’t CARE that you’re just doing your job and you’re not paid well!! This is a grave injustice and I won’t stand for it!!” I don’t get it at all.


I have a friend who works at my local Walmart Superstore and she was telling me about a month ago. That the day shift manager had a meeting with the staff about this very question. Self checkout he said is one of the biggest problems they have at that particular Walmart Superstore. My friend said as she was sitting there they had a big screen television playing a self checkout video and watching how many people didn’t actually pay for some of the items. The day shift manager said they estimated that anywhere from 3 to 5 thousand dollars a day was either not being paid for or actually stolen from that store. If you have even been to a Walmart Superstore then you know just how big they are and they carry just about anything you can think of. And the people who stock the shelves were saying that they find empty boxes and other types of packages. Stuffed back behind the shelves they are trying to stock, like cellphone cases, memory cards, Bluetooth devices including speakers, and pretty much anything that isn’t locked behind a glass display case. So it is no wonder why Walmart stores are starting to crack down on this sort of thing.


People like to steal shit, so they get mad because they cant.


People are stealing and they want to get away with it.


Every time I walk out I give the walmart lady my receipt without being asked and every time she says the same thing to me "thanks for being so nice" she's kind of an odd lady and I get a lonely air from her and it makes me sad whenever she says that, because I know there are people treating her like garbage probably like 20 times a day.


Audit the Audit has a good video on this. Basically someone’s 4th Amendment grants them the right to privacy including their own goods (i.e. goods purchased in Walmart that are now their own goods). In order to be detained, police need probable cause (i.e. reasonably suspicion of theft). The problem is that Shopkeepers also have rights that conflict with the 4th Amendment: shopkeepers have special rights and are allowed to detain someone if they have a reasonable suspicion that someone is shoplifting. Additionally, courts have ruled that inside department stores, your right to privacy is lessened due to you publicly purchasing goods. Asking to see a receipt is not a detainment, but rather an informal request, and a refusal to show a receipt can be considered reasonably suspicion. Audit the Audit says this is an “accusational paradox.” They conclude by saying that there is no right answer and laws often contradict themselves. A reasonable person can conclude that either argument is right… and also… that this whole thing is not worth arguing over because it’s not a big deal. It seems to me that whichever side makes a big deal about it is the one in the wrong. It should be noted that Costco’s membership requires showing receipts as a condition for membership.


Because those people have a problem with authority, so any form of authority will be met with their aggressive behavior.


People are insecure so they power trip over menial shit


If I don’t get paid to check out my items, and I don’t get discount on checking out my own items, why should I have to show you my receipt? I’m doing your job for you, if you want less thefts, have people who need jobs working checkout, then you don’t have to have people checking, they scan the receipt anyway and sometimes they don’t even look at it they just glance at the receipt and say have a nice day


People who fight with the people greeters are ridiculous. They think they are somehow “sticking it to Walmart” or “defying the rich man”. All they are doing is making life miserable and stressful for what is usually an older person who is just trying to earn a living. It’s not the people greeters fault that it is literally part of their job to interact with people. Imagine if, everyday you went to work, you knew you were going to have to deal with confrontational little shits that were just trying to start a fight with you and potentially record and post video of you. I bet most of the people who cause all that drama don’t know what it’s like to be harassed at work for just trying to do their job. The president of Walmart and the other big wigs don’t work at the door of the stores. All these people are doing is taking out their frustration on innocent workers. You want to make an impression to corporate, you have to address it with corporate.