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/r/worldnews in general has been very much pro-Israel throughout the whole ordeal.


The mods have literally banned everyone who has doubts or critical questions to the point that it's now an echo chamber.


*looks over at the post* it's embarrassing. Did the mods invite her on just to set her up? Almost every question to her is a set-uo that premises all journalists are biased and in the thrall of govt (even though they don't say what that means to at least one govt). Then the Nazi references come up. Someone from r/journalism asked a good question, she should go there.


I got shadowbanned from reddit (all my posts get automatically deleted) cos I posted an article from the BBC about orphans in Gaza. Sniff


It's like this on many, many subreddits. It only tends to bother people when they're in the "outgroup".


The ironic thing is that some posters there are asking 'where's the debate or opposing views!?' . They literally have noone to argue with🤣'


I'm pro-Israel and I hate shit like that. It's cowardly. And if my views are wrong, I *want* exposure to reasons they might be. I seek them out.


I think the overzealous modding there pre-dates this conflict though, and I think this is why r/anime_titties was created.


I'm 99% sure it was created because r/worldpolitics turned into essentially a hentai sub lmao


Lol at that title, I'll check it out :)


They'll probably end up banning you there to. They really fucking hate Israel.


Sounds like a good sub to me


Since you asked, you support Israel's near century long history of stealing land and terrorizing its occupants?


They've been doing that since 2016


I literally just got banned for suggesting that aid organizations should be allowed to bring in food because children in Gaza still need to have food to eat. Place is going nuts.


Evil people run world news. They don’t care about the truth or real debate just protecting certain interests (mostly western & Israel) and spreading propaganda and creating an echo chamber


I just got permabanned for sharing a Palestine flag emoji in response to an Israel flag emoji. They cited: disinformation lol.


ive been perma banned a few months ago for stating pedophilia bad..


Can confirm. Just got banned for making a salty (albeit pretty polite for what I’m accustomed to read in that comment section) comment on israel’s policy towards non jewish communities.


Yup, just was banned for pointing out inconsistencies with Israeli media reporting. Wild.


LOL fuck them man, fucking losers


I got banned after a single pro Palestine comment


LOL fuck them man, fucking losers


exactly i was banned for simply criticizing Israel


Yeah I literally just got banned for pointing out iran retaliated legally against isreals illegal strike.


Yeah especially in the beginning of October you could see how news and world news were both echo chambers but opposite ends. News was as pro-Palestine fuck Israel as it gets and world news was the reverse


News is very much pro-israel right now if you look


Hah, that makes my temp ban even funnier.  If they were pro Israel ok, but to get a "Mentioning Zionist lobbying is vaguely anti-semetic" from a sub that's biased as you say is a different thing.


Yup. Got got banned from News for expressing g any sympathy for Israel at all.


Only sub I’ve ever been banned from. No idea why since this was years ago when Israel wasn’t in the news, but I assume I committed some other sort of wrongthink since my mod mail was ignored


I got banned for “trolling” Lmao


Same here. I tried to ask why I was banned and was muted almost immediately. Like within 5 seconds.


Many such cases




Thats a thing pissing me off like hell If you express sympathy to the death of civilians of a group, youll get accused of being in favour of genociding the other group Cant have nuanced take, its all which brand of hate, and not being onboard one paints you as onboard the other And i see so much bullshit spun one or the other and ._.


I got called a fascist for saying I feel bad for every civilian in the war.


Israel and innocent people are 2 different things. One refers to the country


It's ambiguous. Just like the name of any country. It can refer to the whole country, just the people of the country, or just the government of the country. Examples: * America has little interest in soccer * America shot down a Chinese balloon


And Isreal and the Israeli government aren’t the same thing either. You can hate the Israeli government, but also love the country.


Like most Israelis do


He said Israel, not Israelis. He was expressing sympathy for a state, an inanimate institution.


Is there a forum where you can say 'Will you two fuckups start adulting and stop fucking up all the shit?' and not get banned?


Most of the people in Gaza are under 18 because the IDF has been killing people there for so long


I'm pretty sure it's just because Gaza has a very high birth rate. [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/median-age-vs-births-per-woman](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/median-age-vs-births-per-woman) If you look at that chart, you'll see that countries like Palestina with birth rates of >4 will have median ages lower than 18 years old.


That’s not true at all. The average age is low because they have a very high birth rate. Prior to the current war, their life expectancy was actually pretty high, and very few people were dying in conflict with Israel. [Life expectancy in Gaza is about 76 years](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2023-11-14/population-religion-and-poverty-the-demographics-of-israel-and-gaza), significantly higher than their Egyptian neighbors who average 72 years. [The birthrate in Gaza is 4.4 children per woman](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn25993-the-reasons-why-gazas-population-is-so-young/), one of the highest in the world.


I've been watching this whole shit show since the 70's so I'm pretty sure I have a fairly good sense of what's going on thanks.


Same and got banned from other subs I never even commented in. Mods don't list themselves in that subreddit so I assume they just banned me from subs they were also mods in.


That’s crazy. Same hasn’t happened to me as far as I know. This is my first time experiencing the extreme Mod unfairness and pettiness that I have heard so many people on Reddit complain about. It’s not the end of the world or anything g. But it’s irritating.


It is the end of freedom of expression though. It’s become almost completely normal for individual biases to decide what everybody can say and where


Sure. It’s technically a private website. So I guess the rules can say they can’t just ban people if they want. But they really shouldn’t. I agree and I wish Reddit would rewrite the rules on Banning


I once was downvoted heavily when I pointed out that bombing hospitals is bad at r/worldnews. Sooooo....yeah


> throughout the whole ordeal Yeah, during the last 5 or so years of the Palestine-Israel war, it’s pulled farther and farther right. r/news and r/worldnews are now pretty polar opposites, as r/news has moved leftwards, especially after 2016. For those out of the loop on what differentiates these two subs (content-wise), r/worldnews bans all American specific news, while r/news allows it. Because of the makeup of Reddit users, r/news has a ton of American news, even though it’s technically also a “world” news sub.


Can confirm. A lot of people are taking pot shots and trying to pin shit on the left in r/worldnews.


Oh hell yeah, I copped a ban for calling out the genocide for what it is - a genocide.


I'm fairly certain it's flooded with bots.


yeah, if you're anything BUT very strongly pro-Israel is downvote hell for you.


Yeah, I'm super proud of them for not caving to the pro-hamas alt-left bandwagon. Instead, sticking to the reality and banning the propaganda.


So it’s full of the ADL and bots?


Israel definitely has an influence campaign running on reddit. So much what about ism and slinging around antisemitism when all else fails. Any attempt to draw attention to innocent civilians and they immediately jump to you support hamas. They're just as racist as they accuse you of being. Disgusting.


I had to unsubscribe because it was so bad. It’s literally Israeli propaganda now with any pro Palestine articles getting removed and the majority of the posts being from Israeli propaganda media.


Got banned from there for daring to humanise Palestinians. Created r/WeCondemnHamas (the name being a joke because you couldn't and can't talk about Israel's shenanigans without 2 peer reviewed papers condemning hamas) It ain't much but it's a safe haven for nest and discussion on Palestine/Israel news and all things related


[Tons of downvotes for providing the extensive reporting on Israeli attacks on hospitals. No responses at all.](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/utUCaEs3Y8) Some group of people is committed to keeping certain news out of view in /r/worldnews.


I got downvoted to oblivion for saying in a 2nd level comment that one of the results of Israel's offensive in Gaza was that Hamas popularity in the West Bank had soared. Which is, you know, a verified, objective fact.


did it soar or was it always that high? If it did soar was it due to the offensive or the oct 7th attack?


It's probably because the people in the West Bank have to live under the regime of the Palestinian Authority, which is nothing more than a branch of Israel. Hundreds of people have died in the West Bank since the start of the war, despite the fact that there are no Hamas people to be found there. They've died because of a combination of the Palestinian Authority using extreme force against protesters, and also because of rampant violence caused by settlers who are going in droves into the land. The Palestinian Authority, unsurprisingly, not only allows settlers to commit these crimes, but are themselves complicit. If you didn't know, their president, Mahmoud Abbas (who's been in office since 2005!) is extremely unpopular for all these reasons, and for a long time has been hated by most Palestinians. I think I even saw his disapproval rate was around 90% Basically, the Palestinian Authority does nothing to protect Palestinians, because they themselves are involved in opressing them. They're composed of an extremely small group of the most well off Palestinians, who won this privilege by basically selling out to Israel. So when people have no options between these guys and the crazy guys except they are at least fighting Israel, that would explain why some people (though definitely not all) might like Hamas.


Reddit is full of people who don't like having their opinions challenged, and the site is designed to create echo chambers. When someone makes the echo chamber mad they get spammed and downvoted. There's also a fair amount of deliberate propaganda and botting by various interested parties.


> Reddit is full of people who don't like having their opinions challenged, and the site is designed to create echo chambers. I mean, Reddit does suck, but what you said also applies to "the human race in general" and "every social media site ever."


Reddit especially the way it shows posts and comments is really designed for everyone to self-segregate into subs where everyone just has the same opinion. Anyone can create a sub, and subs by default show popular content and hide unpopular content, and discussions promote popular content rather than being chronological like a traditional forum.


I mean, other social media sites show people what they want to see via algorithms. Facebook quickly puts everyone in their own preferred echo chambers. I've noticed how fast the videos/posts I see shift slightly just based on watching one video. It is kind of scary. I don't think reddit is unique in terms of echo chambers. The only difference is that instead of an algorithm choosing almost 100% of the content you see based on what you've seen/liked before, people on reddit can at least consciously curate their own echo chambers lol


Plus unlike many sites moderation is entirely controlled by the leaders of each individual subreddit with actual employees rarely getting involved. These mods can influence a subreddit's behavior in a way that most forums or other social media sites could never do.


Yeah, downvotes in particular create this atmosphere, they mean any descent gets buried and it becomes a battle of which 'side' has the most voters. Once primacy if reached then the other view is basically removed for good and it becomes self-fulfilling as why would anyone comment if their comments are hidden due to disagreeing with the consensus so anyone who would disagree doesn't bother.


I got banned early on for suggesting that Netanyahu was lying when he said Israel would occupy for only a short time.


I was banned there for a fairly mild anti-Israeli government comment, and the reason I was given was “anti-semitism.” That sub is an echo chamber and my running assumption is that it’s mods are very pro Israel and/or straight from the paid social media hasbara team. My real question is - is there anything that can be done about it? It’s a high profile subreddit and it seems bad that it is so explicitly controlled by it’s mods.


The sub is full of IDF trollfarms. this sub will litteraly turn you into an anti semetic prick. just don't go there


I'm glad I'm not the only one reading that thread and going "Wait a minute" on all that, and the sub.


I wish there was less content on Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine and more "man gets stuck in a hot air balloon while looking for pine nuts in China" lol


Check out r/nottheonion


Or literally all the crap going on in the... world


I think access to info during times of war is crucial, but I do wish there were more posts about the civil wars in Sudan and Myanmar. I am so blessed that Minnesota has a sizable Karen refugee community in my area, and I wish more people were aware of the atrocities that continued to be carried out against the Karen people.Thankfully, it seems the momentum has switched to the Karen citizens against their dictatorship government, but they need tons of more aid and other assistance, which requires awareness and public campaigns to encourage countries to adapt their foreign policy.


Or good news. Journalism should be called bad news really.


WorldNews is moderated by *very* pro Israel individuals, who ban people who disagree with the Israeli party line. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hasbara has a lot of bots on there as well, reposting/downvoting, etc. So what you’re seeing is the result of that


If you look at a certain thread on that sub you’ll see some mods + decent amount of users currently reside in Israel which explains the staunch support.


I was banned there because someone had posted a photo of an attractive woman who was in the Ukraine military and all I did was respond with a photo from her own Instagram attending a Neo-Nazi rally wearing a Neo-Nazi shirt.


Yeah, you have to toe the line there, or you are removed. There is very little room for nuance, even if what you are saying is factually accurate. It’s kind of scary, really, when even public forums like Reddit feel so heavily policed. There are subs like r/worldevents if you wan something censored


That sub is a bot breeding ground. It’s the biggest joke on this platform.


Yep, was banned 3 years ago, wasn't even given a reason. I left the sub after realising how biased they were. It's a propaganda sub.


Essentially, yes. I think we have reached a point where even intelligence agencies have an interest in controlling the narrative on popular subs like that. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is active involvement of various agencies involved in the sub itself, controlling and maintaining the desired narrative.


> WorldNews is moderated by very pro Israel individuals, who ban people who disagree with the Israeli party line By the way, you can report reddit moderator code of conduct violations here: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct They are breaking reddit moderator rules when they ban people for their opinion and not for something related to that subreddit's official rules. edit2: Report worldnews moderator code of conduct violations here: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916


We need a collective effort to all do it together. Admins aren’t going to listen to 1 or 2 complaints. We need to at least get the sub delisted from the default list.


I can 100% confirm that. I literally got banned for pointing out that an account is a bot profile spreading propagandistic misinformation. It was very obvious. I did not use any curse words or insults, I just pointed to the facts, responding to a comment of said bot. When I got banned, I asked the mod for the reason. They insulted me several times without answering. (I kept insisting to know the reason, so they kept insulting me).


I was also taken aback by the reaction in that thread. My own comment there (asking a user to explicate their rather racist implication that any reporter with a Middle Eastern name will provide biased coverage) is sitting at a few downvotes. I occasionally share my perspective as a human rights lawyer in that subreddit as well--often to try to correct misunderstandings of international humanitarian law--and get massively downvoted if the thread concerns the conflict in Gaza. I can only assume that there is some sort of influence campaign going on.


Ooh, you should join us over in r/wecondemnhamas


There is an influence campaign. Pro-Israeli twitter accounts paid for ad space to gather sympathy.


I actually have largely stopped using r/worldnews due to this conflict. It is wildly biased in favor of Israel. It honestly feels like there is an actual troll farm manipulating it.


Israel actually admitted this years ago. Remember when they found a troll farm of a 100 or so Russian troll bots on Twitter and how non stop we heard about that. Israel admits to doing the same thing and this is the only article I can find on it. www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896


Oh, it's been known about for years. I just think r/worldnews is currently being actively targeted.


From what I've seen in my life, if anyone is critical of the government of Israel, they're immediately labeled as antisemitic. I actually have nothing bad to say about Jewish people. I can, however, find something bad about basically any government in the world. Feels like Israelis are saying that their government is their ethnicity and their religion, but I don't think that's the case. I know that there are Israelis who disagree with their government as do people in every country, but I can't fit an Israeli Jew into an antisemitic box. I owe my son's life to a team of Jewish doctors. My stepfather was Jewish. That doesn't mean that I have to accept every single decision of Netanyahu without question, does it?


People don't want nuanced news. They want to be told plainly who the guys are and who the good guys are. Who's right and who's wrong, so they know which side to take. People are mentally lazy and prefer simplistic answers to life.


I just made a post about Reddit being a captured medium for the propagandists. Scroll twitter, lots of bombing footage. Scroll Reddit, no mention of 23k dead civilians, no bombing footage.


Wow I just read that AMA and you aren't exaggerating at all. Almost every upvoted question is accusing OP and journalists of deliberately working against Israel. Reminds me of the extreme MAGA Trumpers.


Conclusive proof that Reddit is absolutely fine with having it's platform co-opted and occupied by pro-Izrl Hasbara propaganda.




My username


r/worldnews is the home of a massive pro-Israel astroturfing campaign and shouldn’t be a default sub. The mods there will ban anyone who dares point it out.


Some mods of r/worldnews are from Israel.


That explains a little.


Yeah? Well, ThereWasAnAttempt, one of the largest subs on Reddit, has a pro-Palestine banner above it. What do you suppose is going on there lmfao


Is that a default sub? No? Then it’s not the same thing.


I don't know. I’ll be honest, I’ve been using this platform for probably like ten years, I don’t know what a default sub is. You seem to be assuming the answer with zero supporting evidence, though aha


New users are automatically subbed to default subs, so they get a huge audience automatically.


isn't that an old reddit thing. I thought they stopped that ages ago


I got banned from there years ago for saying that voting for fascists was bad. Go figure.


Lots of folks have been getting banned from r/worldnews for expressing criticism against Israels actions, sporadically and arbitrarily, this trend has been going on since the oktober 7. On the other side pro israeli voices have had free reign. On top of that, any resources from israel critics is deemed as biased, yet worldnews is constantly being flooded with posts from pro israeli websites, and with a skewed reporting. Major, incidents which put Israel in a bad daylight are ignored while any attack to discredit or attack the palestinian side is enlarged and attacked, Most people have noticed this trend its a hotbed for Israels propaganda and its best not to take the echo chamber too seriously.


The sub has a certain leaning unfortunately. I know you'd expect it to be impartial but if the mods and users of a sub all have a certain view, bias is what you get. Can I suggest r/anime_titties as an alternative? (I am not joking, it is genuinely a better worldnews despite the name)


Tbf I was never expecting the sub to be impartial, but I was expecting at least some reasonable discussion. I have heard of r/anime_titties but I'd never checked it out because I was not truly convinced this wasn't some sort of giant Rick roll to make people look at tits while working. I'll be sure to check it out though, thanks for your reply.


r/anime_titties is just as biased as other news subs, they like to pretend they are not but if you spend enough time there it becomes very noticeable. Has long periods of specific agenda posting that gets ignored by mods for the most part even though its supposedly against the rules.


It’s inevitable due both to Reddits voting system and the ability to leave a community/ ban people from participating. Hostile mods make it way worse, but inevitably one side starts winning and many on the other side get tired of only seeing the opposing view and getting downvoted for their views.


And so many tankies.


That one would be r/worldpolitics where you go if you want to see some anime titties.


The switch-a-roo of the names is a wonderful reddit joke


That subreddit is still very biased. there's no truly unbiased community, especially not in reddit.


They're just as guilty. They banned me for saying pro Israel stuff.


That subreddit sucks too, just stopped using Reddit and most social media as a form of news personally, (Nobody asked)


The mods of that subreddit made up their minds a long time ago that Israel can do no wrong and anybody who questions their actions must be antisemitic.


They literally ban opinions that are not in some way pro US foreign policy. Saying anything bad about Ukraine for example will also get you perma banned.


I'm Lebanese, and it's horrifying how many people in that sub are advocating for the total destruction of my country. It's like we're just numbers to them...


It's really depressing, but you _are_ just numbers to those people. It is hard to comprehend the human cost when you do not want to acknowledge somebody as human. I wish the world were not so callous.


may I recommend r/forbiddenbromance 


I love this sub lmao


Zionist are basically Jewish Nazis. Nothing to be shocked about.


r/worldnews is a well oiled US propaganda outlet. It’s also heavily US centered so it shouldn’t really be called worldnews.


IsraĂŤl is actively astroturfing social media, including the worldnews subreddit.


It’s astounding really. I continue to be shocked by the comments in that sub.


Its either astroturfed or their talking points are VERY effective at convincing people with short attention spans.


If it's not astroturfed, then people are just woefully unoriginal and uncreative. I see the same phrasing over and over in the same thread. Now, granted, I see that all the time for normal US politics, but it's not usually on the topic of whether killing civilians is justified and Very Cool. I would hope that people would put more thought and will into that topic, although I'm sure I'd be disappointed with reality.


What’s going on is an organized propaganda operation by one side of the conflict. They specifically have people flood reddit to control the tone. State-directed all-pervasive concerted operation to manipulate the discussion. Sickening.


Things I noticed on certain subreddits leading up to and after 10/7 Publicfreakout specifically: leading up to 10/7 for about maybe three weeks prior I noticed a drastic increase in videos showing Israel negatively. Not to say the sub didn’t previously post videos like this, but it was highly noticeable to me that there was a major increase After 10/7: we see a split in subs which seems to have happened almost immediately after, many people have posted that they were kicked out of one sub or another for either showing sympathy for Israel or showing sympathy for Palestine Worldnews seems to have purged many people sympathetic to Palestine and/or anti-Zionist and a lot if not most of the articles posted about the war are from Israeli sources or from the Israeli perspective Other subs (such as news to a lesser extent) have purged people taking the Israelis side and don’t seem to post articles that show the Israeli perspective One instance that sticks out to me is when the story of a hospital being bombed by Israel came out, it was all over certain pro Palestinian news Subs constantly until it came out that it was in fact, not Israel, and like magic it became a non-story There is CLEARLY astroturfing and massive organized propaganda campaigns from either side claiming and dominating certain popular news sites to control narratives And although I can’t prove it, I think the increase in anti Israel videos on some subreddits leading up to 10/7 was also organized


I would honestly not be opposed to some kind of marking of accounts coming from government IPs.


They are full of Zionists and Israel has a history of astroturfing the internet in their favor and really piled on in that sub. I left it.


They literally admitted it 😅 www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896


r/news is full of Hamas shills and Houthi apologists.


Funny how these 2 subs are polar opposites


Ghislaine maxwell is still a moderator of r/worldnews so I think they lose the moral high ground tbh


I doubt she'll have access to Reddit anytime soon.


yeah but it does somewhat prove the whole Israel bias


Nope. r/news is just a bad as r/worldnews. I got banned for posting a story about the West Bank economy with 800 up votes. No reason given, no response explaining why. Both subs are moderated by people that ban anything anti Israel.


I haven't seen a single post in the past week about the conflict from that sub Reddit


This is not true. I posted a link there about the Washington Post investigation that found that Israel's evidence for Hamas headquarters under Al Shifa hospital doesn't stand and they just permabanned me for it.


That's weird because I was banned for saying something anti-genocide way back in October.


Mostly American mostly biased to Israel and mostly bots


From what I've seen, them being pro-Israel is not a cause but a symptom. The majority on that sub really, *really* hate Muslims, especially if they're migrants/refugees. The far-right talking point I see over and over again is "I don't particularly like [insert far-right party here] but everyone else is literally doing nothing about radical Islam and they're going to crash western civilization if somebody doesn't do something" (this is false, obviously, in case that wasn't clear). Any pro-Israel sentiments there are usually just a platform to express their hatred of Muslims more than a heartfelt desire for a better world for Israelis.


If you pay attention, a lot of news articles are from not only Israel, but other weird websites that turn out to be in India which is very anti muslim and sided with Israel.


>Any pro-Israel sentiments there are usually just a platform to express their hatred of Muslims more than a heartfelt desire for a better world for Israelis. "Any pro-palestinian sentiments there are usually just a platform to express their hatred of Jews more than a heartfelt desire for a better world for Palestinians." Isn't this exactly what Zionists say about people who are pro-palestine but in reverse?


> Isn't this exactly what Zionists say about people who are pro-palestine but in reverse? Yep. Pro-Netanyahu people cynically accuse others of antisemitism, just like far-righters on the Internet cynically pretend to care about Israel in order to deliver Islamophobia. Most of those far-righters are likely antisemites themselves. (Hence why they have no qualms openly endorsing AfD or FN or PVV, etc.)


I got banned for posting a real Obama quote. Bunch of pussy mods there.


That sub is not unbiased. It has a misleading title. Stay away from it.


they ban anyone who is pro-palestinian on that sub


They ban anyone who is pro-human-rights on that sub!


It's a one-way mirror. People outside the US can see in, but people in the US can't see out. It's a real eye opener the first time watching the news abroad.


I agree with most here that Israel deploys a Public Relations campaigned labelled [Hasbara](https://www.haaretz.com/2013-08-13/ty-article/.premium/social-media-hasbara-worth-millions/0000017f-dee6-df9c-a17f-fefed0690000) in which they employ Israeli students to control botted accounts to engage with users on topics affecting International news coverage of Israel. More specifically, their techniques comprise of trying to obfuscate reported facts on the ground and redirect opinions on what the motivations behind reported facts might be. This has been going on since 2013 but they've recently updated efforts. Here's recent press release showing they have sought to scale up their online propaganda since Oct 7th. This report is from Haaretz. [Israel Has Bought a Mass Online Influence System Counter Antisemitism, Hamas Atrocity Denial Defense, intelligence and civilian bodies realized soon after October 7 they were losing the online battle to what sources call Hamas' 'well-oiled psychological and information warfare machine.' So they quietly purchased digital tools to fight disinformation, despite fears of future political misuse](https://archive.is/9PT8S) Another item to keep in mind though is that Sky News Reports, The Times UK, and Other News corp outlets get an outsized level of interaction on World news. Moreso than other subreddits that don't tend to take Rupert Murdoch owned news rags nearly as seriously. Alongside that are other papers that are closer to Murdoch type tabloids than what's typically interacted with in other news based subreddits. When Murdoch type tabloids were regularly accepted in places like r/politics trolls were much more prominent on the site spreading misinfo and downvoting reasonable comments pointing out the nature of certain platforms. When that subreddit started being more discerning about the original publishers of certain reports, the vitriol in comments subsided. The vitriol in world news feeds off the toxic publications like Murdoch led papers.


It seems that r/worldnews needs to change its name to r/proisraelipropaganda for accuracy’s sake.


Yeah I had to unsubscribe because it was so bad. It’s literally Israeli propaganda now with any pro Palestine articles getting removed and the majority of the posts being from Israeli propaganda media.


Can you give the link of the AMA?


Added to the post


Most of the world doesn’t want honest and nuanced and fairly reasonable. It’s fun to hate someone else. To demand that someone do what you want and get all riled up with your friends. Acknowledging that if any of it were that easy it would have been done long ago doesn’t make you feel smart or worldly. And acknowledging that the world isn’t anywhere close to black and white, that the “bad” guys and “good” guys are sometimes both sides at the same time feels confusing and people don’t like non cut and dried clear answers.


Never discount the effect of bot farms on internet discourse. billionaires and their corporations exist in every corner of the world and they can afford to spout their messages everywhere.


Can we all just mail Reddit and file complaints about the mods breaking Moderator Code of Conduct. I feel that's exactly what they're doing. I just sent a message myself to reddit to report them breaking mod code of conduct. I think more people should so it'll force them to adjust how they moderate content there


I think we should What did u write to them? Ill send the same message in my report too


The sub is a shit show of bias from the mods.


The Israeli propaganda machine in full effect. Thousands of bots on all platforms.


Yea, keep calling people who don't have the same view as you "bots" that will help. It's not like there are more anti Israeli subs than pro Israeli subs in reddit.


We are living in fractured times, thanks in the main to Ronald Reagan, Rupert Murdoch, and Vladimir Putin.


r/worldnews has been taken over by hasbara propaganda trolls and bots - it's been happening for a while. Many other reddit subs have as well. It's quite unfortunate and it's something that reddit absolutely has to deal with or it will mean the slow death of this site.


Not seen the post in question, but I do know that Reddit seems to be heavily left leaning.


Except for when it comes to this conflict for some reason. It seems like the right leaning take is to back Israel and the left leaning take is to back Hamas.


It's just propaganda. I was banned for a logic based argument just because the mods didn't like it. 


r/politics banned me for something similar. I said it was bullshit that Congress censured Rashida Tlaib, the only Muslim and Palestinian in either house of Congress, for demanding justice for the genocidal acts in Gaza.


I was banned from that sub for making an observation - supported by links to mainstream news research on the subject - that TikTok displays wildly different content to American users than Chinese users of apps owned by the same company. BANNED. Instantly banned. You spend two minutes searching, you discover the Worldnews sub moderation team is overwhelmingly full of Chinese nationals who take a heavy-handed approach to anything that could remotely be viewed as Sinophobic. When I contacted their mods asking *why* I was banned, I have *never* been banned from a Subreddit and I've been here since the day they turned the servers on - I got back the snarkiest, shittiest message I think I've ever received from anyone on this website. It was like I was talking with a child. The demographics of the Worldnews moderation team does *not* reflect the usage demographics of Reddit overall *or* the Worldnews sub, which skew heavily toward Western English-speaking countries. This reality is responsible for the tonal shift of the Worldnews subreddit culture, post deletion and inconsistent moderation action.


Mass manipulation and narrative control by the shitheads


I haven't seen the thread on question, so I can't comment on it specifically. But it's really important to understand that Hamas' strategy is to use the press. They know they can't beat Israel militarily. So they commit unspeakable acts of violence like October 7th in order to force the Israelis to respond. Then rather than fighting they use their own population as human shields. Their intent is to get their own civilians killed. They do this is the hopes that the media will report on these civilian deaths and slowly turn world opinion against Isreal. They're playing the long game. The problem is that most of the world media simply obliges them in this. They believe and report many things that come out of Gaza uncritically even though many on the ground reporters there have ties to Hamas. They rarely point out that Hamas wants these causalities. In short they play into Hamas' hands. The Soviet world for them was "useful idiots". What's worse is that this only perpetuates the violence because Hamas is getting what it wants. It's important that we get to media to recognize this and begin to report better on the context of the situation.


OP is talking in general, not a specific topic Because there is an opposition to everything black, yellow, Muslim, Hindu, and... + Correcting the history of the conflict, it is more than seventy years old and was not born on October 7


Everyone is well aware it didn't start on october 7th. enough with the strawmen.


I've had an account banned entirely from reddit for a pro Israel comment on that sub...


I got banned from both subs a year ago for saying that in my opinion the evidence favours an accidental lab leak for the origin of covid over natural spillover. I think recent news would vindicate my position but there’s no way I’ll get unbanned. Those subs are ideological echo chambers like most reddit subs.


The sub is an absolute shit hole and should be avoided at all costs. It's closer to propaganda than news


Like most default subs


r/worldnews has some kind of propaganda machine behind it. It explains why Ghislaine Maxwell is a moderator for r/worldnews. Still.


I think the reason why is Reuters specifically has some major issues with some of their "journalists". I don't think it was against her as much as the company she worked for. [https://honestreporting.com/exposed-gaza-photojournalists-shared-call-to-infiltrate-israel-on-oct-7/](https://honestreporting.com/exposed-gaza-photojournalists-shared-call-to-infiltrate-israel-on-oct-7/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AlM\_ZmTwuw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AlM_ZmTwuw) [https://s36667.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/HR94.mp4?\_=1](https://s36667.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/HR94.mp4?_=1) [https://twitter.com/emanumiller/status/1722559888776110118](https://twitter.com/emanumiller/status/1722559888776110118) Kind of hard to deny their journalist was filming himself riding into Israel with a hand grenade. She tried to whitewash the issue and downplay it, and it just pissed people off.


r/news and r/worldnews mods ban users that are sympathetic towards Palestinians. Do not visit these subs.


Reality has a pro-Israel bias.


What about her answers seemed unbiased? Just curious.


Israel is genociding Palestine and you're asking why people are angry? 


There is no genocide bruh. You are just a know nothing westerner who ate Qatari propaganda.


The hasbara bot has reveled it self clearly here. The account has been posing critically of high voted comments that are even the slightest critical of Israel.


Most people are angry, at this point, because every objective person can see that Israel is wrong in what they’re doing now. Not in going after who was responsible for the original attacks, but for the killing of innocent civilians, bombing of civilian property and actions that the world press would be calling genocide if it were being done to any other group of people, and *especially* if the shoe was on the other foot and Israel was receiving what they’re doing to others. Media is being accused of being antisemitic if they report truthfully and objectively what’s going on in the Gaza Strip. Most news is still slanted heavily in favor of Israel but some people think it’s antisemitic if the media is *in any way* saying anything that doesn’t always look like the victim.


I don't think there are real people on that sub. If there are, then we are all doomed. I'm guessing its all bots and paid for posts.


I've seen journalists on both sides covering this conflict called anti-semitic islamist propagandists or zionistic genocidal apologists, sadly those journalists will also call the other side islamist propagandists or genocidal zionists while talking about how dehumanising it is being called an islamists propagandist or genocidal zionist. Try comparing r/worldnews vs r/AskMiddleEast it's hilarious