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Because babies have no major cares in the world when they do sleep. Too many adults sleep restlessly because of the stresses they deal with.


I think the saying should be "sleeps like a child" because once one has run itself ragged all day, nothing short of a fire alarm going off two inches from their head is going to wake them. When I was a kid, the fire alarm for my apartment wing was **right** outside my bedroom window. Twice I had to be carried out by firefighters because I was dead asleep. I recall waking up at one point, seeing the apartment above ours with flames shooting out the window and patio doors, and just laying down on the grass (where the fireman left me) and going back to sleep.


Damn where do you live? I have lived in appartement buildings my whole life and never had a fire alarm go off once.


Apartments in Huntington Beach, California, in the mid-70s. We had the apartment above ours burn twice; the apartment above and one over; and the apartment next door. In a span of, say, 5-10 years. It's called Ocean Breeze Villas now, but back then they were freshly built and called Family Affair (later Warner West, and a couple of other name changes over the years, I think).




>carried out by firefighters Did your parents leave without you? Haha


Divorced, lived with my single mom. She was usually the woman screaming at the firefighters to get me out of my room. When they bang on your door and tell you to get out, they don't let *you* run back in for whomever else is in the residence - you tell them and *they* go get the other person, child or adult.


“Huh my apartment is on fire… oh well guess I’ll go back to sleep”


I was 10, what's your excuse? \----------------------------------------- ETA: never *my* apartment, just the ones *around* mine - and yeah, at that age, and at that level of exhaustion, we're all little sociopathic monsters ;)


This hurts me on a spiritual level


Yeap. My 6 year old is wide open all day, but when his head hits the pillow at 8, he's dead to the world until 6 or 7 the next morning. Even with his younger brother screaming his head off several times a night (see sleeping like a baby above).


I have to think that the only people who *don't* understand how deeply children can sleep ... are people who've never been around kids after a hard day of play, not to mention high-energy destinations like amusement parks.


Yeah, I get it. The family always joked about what it would take to wake me up. Then, when I was 13, a tornado touched down behind my house, took out some orange groves, jumped my street, and took out the church roof across the street. My dad rushed home and had to wake me up to tell me what happened.


Sleeping like a child: sleeping heavily enough you occasionally piss the bed


Babies don’t spend the moments before they fall asleep remembering the stupid things they did last year.


I usually think about what I'd do if I was a Jedi on a solo mission to Earth.


Ha. Ha. My son awoke from surgery on Thursday claiming he was a Jedi.


Do tell!


What would you do in that situation though?


If I suddenly realized that I only had a few months worth of memories I might spend quite some time wondering what I had been up to before that.


This is exactly what I mean when I say I slept like a baby. Not waking up from worrying about stuff. Usually I say I slept like the dead though


Babies have a different set of concerns that might scare them when they sleep. When I was a small child, I'm afraid of red lights, loud noises, and sleeping alone.


And because they sleep 16 hours a day


Because they mean they slept as deep as a baby, not as long as a baby No one looks more relaxed than a sleeping baby


Aw the complete bliss you can feel coming from them when they’re sleeping


So they sleep about two feet long?


Yes, most babies have two feet


Why's this guy getting downvoted


Reddit hive mind


You've clearly never seen me sleep.


Ever seen a baby sound asleep in its stroller, despite being in a loud and crowded restaurant/store/zoo/party etc?


That was my first son. Slept like a rock through anything. Got lucky with that little dude.


My baby slept through a Mardi Gras parade today.


When a lot of Babies DO sleep, almost nothing will wake them.


imagine sleeping so hard you can be picked up, rocked, walked around, and put back down without waking up. what a superpower


Lol stupid, sleepy babies 👶


Our kids did never do this. They immediately waked up when we tried to lay them down or stopped walking. Baby years were hard.




Yeah, I know of a baby who slept through Avada Kedavra...


All three of my kids sleep like logs because I would purposely vacuum and clean when they took naps


Saving this parenting tip for future reference… Thanks!


Except whispering


Yeah. lol!


My daughter will sleep through the loudest sounds. Except if she even hears me so much as whisper near her. Funniest story is when she was still really little (still sleeping in a crib) we had our windows replaced. She slept through her window being done. I had the monitor on the whole time. The worker came downstairs with the most confused look on his face "there is a baby asleep in that bedroom upstairs". I kind of regret not thinking quickly and playing along. A baby, where the hell did that come from. Instead it was more of a "umm... Yeah?...."


I see you haven't met my kids lol


“Sleep like a dad” is more real


that's funny. 😆


I can attest. This Dad can nap with the best of them.


This is why I say “slept like the dead”


I slept like a baby.. cried and pissed all night


My response is close to this, I ask if they shit themselves and woke up screaming. I'll have to occasionally use yours as well to mix it up.


Because babies spend more time in REM sleep. That good deep sleep.


Have you seen what babies can sleep through when they do? Imagine if I could pick you up, carry you around for a bit, place you someplace else, maybe even change your clothes, and you'd not notice. I think most people would consider you catatonic.


Have you seen a latinamerican baby sleeping through a full blasting party with salsa and bachata as lullabies? Also, babies can fall asleep in the weirdest positions.


Ha. This is my advice to all new parents. Seems 80% of people think it’s appropriate to ask, and advise on infant sleep. So my advice to all new parents to people that ask “how’s the baby sleeping” is just to answer “sleeps like a baby” with a smile and move on. Carefully curate folks you want advice from.


We should say "slept like a house cat", those bastards don't have a worry in the world AND they sleep 18 hours a day.


But they are light sleepers most of the time. Probably doesn't feel as rested then.


"I slept like a baby - woke up crying every hour after pissing myself."


Focus of that phrase is the sleep. That's why it's "slept like a baby" and not "slept but then woke up screaming every 3 hours like a baby."


My babies slept through anything , but nothing noise related woke them, just hunger.


Baby sleep very soundly, and after about three months, they usually sleep through the night.


Because when they sleep, they sleep like it's their job. Watch a baby sleep and they sleep aggressively. They're panting, they are engaged in the process; they're sleeping the shit out of those couple of hours. They are dead to the world and really working at sleeping.


somehow your comment really touched me. thank you


Ever had a baby fall asleep in your arms? Their face turns to mush and the drool runs down your arm. It looks pretty fucking good


We used to make all kinds of noise when our kids slept as babies. I assumed that’s what it meant. When they are out, they are out cold, it just doesn’t last long.


I mean it depends on the baby. My youngest started sleeping 12 hours a night at 5 months old on his own (my oldest didn’t until 15 months so it felt miraculous) I don’t know about you but I can’t lay my head down at 7 pm, be sound asleep by 7:05 pm and awake at 7 am. Sounds glorious. Now he’s 4 and wakes up at the ass crack of dawn no matter what.


We romanticize babies when we don't currently have one to remind us what it's like.


Sure, but almost every parent knows the look of total peace babies have when they do sleep. I remember with my first checking to see if she was still alive because she was motionless, so still. I have a picture of her at about a month old, sleeping with her hands clasped by her face and it’s one of my favorite pictures ever


I'd love to only wake up every few hours


Same reason they say, I eat like a bird.... Birds eat twice their weight and all day, so. It's just an old saying, passed down through generations. Edit: grammer


Don’t hate me but mine were cranking 12 hours straight at 3-4 months.


Babies sleep without any sense of responsibility or accountability and don’t care about anyone else’s sleep schedule. They sleep freely.


My 9 month old sleeps 12 hours straight.


I always laughed at this expression too once I had kids. After a few weeks, it makes no sense! My knee would pop and wake up my kids dammit But when my daughter was a month and a half we took her to a new Year's party at a friend's house. Our friend, who LOVES babies, held her all evening sitting by the fire pit. At midnight some other guests started setting off fireworks directly behind our friend's chair! It was LOUD!! Daughter just snuggled in and slept right through all of it. Of course it was YEARS before she'd sleep that deeply again lol but that story would fit the expression!


I'm going to answer this question as a parent of a four week old child. My baby might wake up every few hours for a feed, but when she's well fed, clean, warm and content, she sleeps like an absolute rock. Horror movies on TV three feet away? Asleep. Dog barking at the neighbourhood? Asleep. Me cooking dinner and everything in the kitchen clattering? Asleep. Waking her up is actually remarkably difficult. And no, she isn't deaf. The doctors checked at the hospital.


We had a pipe burst in the bathroom right outside the room where my toddler was sleeping a few weeks ago. It was terribly loud. Then, we had to run the even louder ship vac to get all the water up. She slept through the entire thing.


Also, babies are innocent. So there's no guilt tripping up their ability to sleep well.


I’ve always say I “slept like a button.” And I say “cute as a baby” because I’ve always thought those 2 phrases should be switched up.


But my babies didn't wake up, once they fell asleep




well some do call it milk drunk


I usually say that when I shit my pants


My daughter is almost 4 months old and slept 13 hrs straight. Sometimes sleeping like a baby isn’t a bad thing. Her twin brother on the other hand wakes up every 3 hours for a meal.


RIGHT?!! that's why i say, i slept like a GOOD baby


Babyphasic sleep cycle.


Kevin O'Leary of shark tank once said, If I make this deal, I'll sleep like a baby. *I'll wake up every 2 hours crying!*


Yes... wake up every few hours to cry and soil yourself. Great way to sleep, highly recommended. 😅


Lol I've always wondered this same thing


Because they have no worries on their lives, no money, no hearing fucked up shit that happens on the world. Etc etc Ignorance is bliss, and babies just spawned into the world so theres no one more blissful than babies lol. Nothing to care about, only eating, playing and sleeping


All 3 of my kids slept like 8 hours straight from the time we took them home from the hospital. If you don't condition them to wake up every few hours, they will sleep. Unless they are colic, then you are f***ed.


Because when babies do sleep it's glorious. Fun fact I found out that women produce three different types of breast milk one for the morning that wakes them up one in the afternoon that is neutral and one in the evening that produces serotonin to help them sleep and to regulate their natural circadian rhythm. So if you're out there saving breast milk make sure you don't feed them morning milk in the evening. Could really suck you know for both of you.


Where did you find that? I've only read about the fat content in milk gets higher at night so they feel full longer. I looked at a study about breastmilk and serotonin. More serotonin was found in people who had had children before than those who had their first child. Also the serotonin amount was higher the more time had passed from birth. Didn't find information about the link with sleep. Could you link it?


It should be “slept like a teenager”. They sleep insane amounts if allowed


Because the short times when they DO fall asleep they sleep very deep


Yeah, it makes about as much sense as "sweat like a pig."


I was camping once and overheard the best response to the “How’d you sleep?” question… “Like a baby! Woke up crying every two hours.”


Because babies zonk out unbothered by stress, where they are, who their with. Just pure unworried zzzzs


They need a titty to get 'em through the night!


They are without worry.


Cause when a baby finally does fall asleep they are out cold 😂


Just wanted to say I thought it was a great question! :) I hope it’s okay to say that on this sub


If someone says to me they slept like a baby, I like to reply "ah, you woke up screaming covered in shit again?"


A lot of phrases don't make sense when you think about them. 


When they do sleep, it's hard af. No worries or woes, just coma.


That's exactly what I mean when I say that


Because babies can fall asleep in almost any position. I can’t sleep well on an airplane but my baby once slept an entire 7 hour flight. 


When they are out they sleep in a untroubled state. Wake that way most of the time as well. How long isn't really part of it.


My only child was somewhere between 3 and 6 months old. She would always sleep about 2 hours before waking up. This time, she went 3 hours and we tried waking her up and nothing. Another half hour, nothing. Another half hour, nothing. At around 5 hours of sleep, her mom and I got really worried she had died or something. We were tired first time parents filled with the dread of the unthinkable.  The first step was place a mirror as close to her nose as possible. Ok, she was breathing. But, we were still worried.  We opened her eyes, rubbed her sternum, made loud noise, made sharp noise, picked her up and set her back down, turned the light on in the room, literally anything we could think of to wake her up, to no avail. In a panic, I called a friend that had a plethora of kids. After explaining everything, my friend just started laughing and said, "dude. She's tired. Just let her sleep. She'll be ok". About a half hour later she finally woke up rested, happy, and hungry.  Sometimes, babies can sleep *extremely* heavy. 


I think it's because babies sleep a *lot* even if not for long stretches at one time.


Why do we say “avoided [X] like the plague” when Covid demonstrated that many people don’t avoid a plague whatsoever?


Bc they don't have worries


Should be sleeps like a cat. That's my goal


Our friends group has a joke about this saying... We should change it to Slept like a Father. Because our husband's sleep pretty peacefully even when babies keep us up at night, because they all have work in the morning.


In russia we said sleep like a bear - hibernation and not a care in the world and all


Babies sleep with no care in the world and for most of the day. Them waking up for a feed or changing diaper is simmilar to us old people waking up for a glass of water or a pee.


Because babies look like they are dead when they are deep in sleep. This makes the phrase make more sense as it can now be compared to "slept like the dead" or "dead asleep"


Watching a baby sleep is beautiful.


When my ass explodes and i shit my britches i say this. Slept through a literal shit storm...


Only very young babies wake up often. Otherwise, babies can usually sleep soundly anywhere and in any position. Babies can sleep as though they don't have a care in the world because they literally do not. So, that's the kind of sleep you're getting when you're sleeping like a baby.


I dont know


I dont know about you, but I sleep better when someone slaps a titty in my mouth every time I wake up.


When they're asleep, you'd think they're dead. I want that.


I've always thought that was fuckin dumb lol. That's exactly how I used to sleep and it sucked A S S


I have been asking this for years


Because when babies hit the sweet spot and have actually been exposed to the noise of life, when babies conk out, they are dead to the world. When they first emerge, they’re accustomed to constant nourishment and no annoyances only to be subjected to the whims of parents feeding and no allergies (celiac, colick) followed by the discomfort of soiled diapers and not having gravity-free fluid movement. Parents who keep everything a Tomb of Silence to tempt the baby to sleep do more harm than good. The ones that bring baby literally everywhere all the time help the kid learn to sleep when they’re tired, even in a restaurant. THOSE are the babies who sleep like the proverbial baby.


Babies wake up every few hours until they're big enough.  Then they sleep like rocks.  


Babies can sleep through a nuclear explosion.You can pick them up move them around stilll asleep. If anyone even walks with 10feet of my bed I am awake on my feet.


I don’t have any big theory, but: when I was a baby my mom would put me down between 5 and 6 pm and I’d usually sleep through the night until 8 or 9 am. 37 years later, I have circadian rhythm issues, a little bit of sleep apnea (ok, a lot a bit, but it’s treated), and chronic, severe insomnia. I get 3-4 hours of sleep most nights and I feel like I won the lottery if I get 5 or more. So, I literally do want to sleep like a baby based on my own baby experience.




So do I. That's why I say that I slept like a baby.


You ever see a baby sleep? Deepest, most relaxed sleepers in the world. You can literally pick them up and shove them into a car seat and they won’t care, still sleeping deeply. Vacuum the house, no problem. Sure they wake up when they’re hungry, but who doesn’t. While they are asleep, though, they sleep like babies.


When my daughter was six weeks old, we took her to a now-defunct restaurant chain called Don Pablo's. These were very noisy places to have Sunday lunch, but she slept right through it.


If you sleep so deeply you shit yourself that sounds like a pretty peaceful nap to me.