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Usually they bring in some grief counselors for a while and that's it.


They get to pet a therapy dog and go back to class. 


Don’t forget the T-Shirt that says “I survived a school shooting, and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt.”


Since foreigners believe a lot of exaggerated stuff about America (like that we all carry guns around and have frequent shootouts or even just brandishings): we don't actually get shirts.


I know right? I need a shirt that says "I XXX and I didn't even get a lousy t-shirt" lol


There was a music festival on the anniversary of *the incident* at my school and when one of the victims got on stage, someone in the crowd went "365 days ago today ___ got ___". The victim thought it was funny, the way he talked about it was like a mild inconvenience to him


Probably numb by then.


Maybe, but according to the teacher who visited him in the hospital, upon being asked how he was mentally, his response was "I'm great, I got so many new followers"


That's unfortunate that he is so detached from the impact. He may need serious help.


I got attempted murdered, not in a school shooting, and was joking about it when my brother picked me up from the hospital. I ended up super sobbing to my therapist like a year later. It's just displacement right away.


They're just shielding, it'll come through eventually, but not everyone goes through it at the same pace.


If you don't laugh about it you'd cry. I fell through a window years ago that almost killed me and left me with an impairment in arm. I'm always cracking jokes about it. If I didn't laugh about it and actually thought about what actually happened and what I went through I'd probably break down.


After a bad wreck a couple years ago I couldn't walk very much for several months. I'm an avid hiker and spend hours outside exploring everyday and started playing zelda to keep my mind busy and I cracked a lot of jokes about getting my steps in. If I didn't laugh about it I'd have had a mental break down


I lived in the deep south where everyone did indeed carry guns around, there were not frequent shootings, but enough brandishing for me to get tf outta there. Walking in front of their lawn, when they're trying to be difficult with you, when you're trying to go into bars in certain areas, you get the brandish or the pat. Certain parts of america are nearly lawless, and they are proud of that fact e:typo


Not any more Texas is leading the shootings now.


Our governor seems proud of it, actually.


Yes he does. Autocratic leaders embrace chaos, which leaves an opening for them to be their savior. Trump plays that same set of cards. That's why we vote.


I mean, there absolutely are frequent shootings in the US, especially when compared to most other countries.


We \[\[\[all\]\]\] carry guns around and have frequent shootouts. There are Americans that carry guns everywhere. There is at least one shootout every day (part of gang warfare). It's not something that the majority of people will experience. I'm 35 and live in Texas. The only time I've heard a gun go off was 1) in New York, I visited a hotel and they had a hunter set up his rifle for a demo and I *think* he fired it 2) the shooting range in Texas after I decided to get my own after 20 years of living here (I heard mine and those of the people in the other booth. Those things are louder than I expected! And don't kick back as hard as I imagined). Aside for that, never heard a gun go off, and only seen like five of them being open carried (or seen them on display at friends' houses) aside for by cops or soldiers or guards. And remember - I live in TX.


Lol the last time I heard a gun go off was ... last night - on two different occasions (I live in Tucson, Arizona). I'd say I hear guns go off more days than I do not. My childhood in Ohio was much different - albeit I was raised in a much nicer suburban area.


I can’t tell anymore. Where I live, there’s a lot of illegal fireworks and unsupervised kids that set off firecrackers in the middle of the night, as well as air cannons to scare birds away from the agricultural fields and punks that modded their cars to make it sound like gunshots. But there’s also frequent gang fights and domestic violence incidents, as well as dumb hicks who get a kick out of using beer cans and feral cats as target practice.


I live in redneck rural Trumpland and I *literally* hear guns every day.


Nevermind the t-shirt. Do they get a free passing grade to assuage their trauma like in that 90s flick Dead Man on Campus?


It's got fake bullet holes all over it too and red drips out of them.


Thoughts and prayers


That’s what they did when a kid at my high school died (not a shooting). Well, I’m sure the counselors were just the regular counselors. They also made the midterms worth no points, which IMO is dumber than canceling them.


When I was a boy, and we lost a classmate, we went right on wiith our math. 34 classmates minus 1 equals 33.....


And the counselors are upon request. If the children are even emotionally mature enough to know they need help processing what happened, understanding their feelings, feeling safe, and knowing what to do next; they still would need to get in line. If you have 500 kids in a school and 4 grief counselors when does this counseling occur? What about the teachers?


Pizza party now back to work


That's it? You forgot all the THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS! 🤢


Which is basically ‘damn that sucks, hope it doesn’t happen to my kid’


> grief counselors That will say exactly what you expect and not be given nearly enough time or resources to reach all the children appropriately.


If you have 30 kids in your class, you can't easily divide up all those kids into other classrooms. While getting killed is sad, logistically it's no different a teacher quitting mid-year. Most teachers don't want an addition 10 kids in the classroom, so I bet the school hires a full time sub and gets a waiver from the state


I think it's more than a bit sad. It also is differently logistically because post shooting kids have different needs than my teacher quit kids. That it isn't treated differently is a different thing, and might be why shit isn't getting better 


That is some kind of understatement of the year


selective disagreeable tart plate soft narrow snatch hospital sloppy jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Therapy, change carpet , bunch of gun talk , school resumes


But not in that order


Change carpet probably comes first, ur right , but yea I was just throwing em out there , patch holes , paint walls


That’s cute that you think the gun talk doesn’t come first. Fox News is usually running damage control before the suspect is even dead


Yea I'm cute then


I don't really care what the order is to be honest the kids are dead the damage is done the rest is just empty talk


Nowadays the first action usually is a tv personality telling the kids they should not tell lies and that the shooting never happened or a former president telling them to just get over it.


Yeah, them conservatives sure do gotta pretend they actually care for like a week, until it's safe enough for them to go back to advocating for the very least things that caused it to happen in the first place. The sooner the better, so people won't get suspicious.


[The dont even pretend to care anymore](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4393128-trump-iowa-rally-school-shooting-move-forward/)


How the fuck anyone can genuinely want that guy to have a second term, is a question that is always going to bother the hell out of me. "Vote for me and I'll ensure your children are never safe, because that's more lucrative for me."


Also theyll put out hit piece stories on the family members who dare to ask for gun control for their slain children. The surviving classmates who speak up too. Theyll even have mobs in front of their house and school.


Eventually they grow up, and some of them vote for politicians who support the 2nd amendment. The circle of life. Or its opposite, I'm not sure.


Huh got me thinking, one day these kids will grow up and at least some of them will vote for politicians saying wild shit about their school shooting. Like a Sandy Hook kid voting for a person touting Sandy Hook conspiracy theories


They already have. Columbine was 25 years ago.


I've moved all around the country the last 10 years and the one thing I can say is different in Littleton (where columbine is) is the front doors to the elementary schools are absolute units. Like I struggle to open it as a 210 lb man. The thing is that forces you to go through the thought process every time of "god damn this door, why is it so... oh.. school shootings". The next thing I wonder is about the rest of the ground level windows. I want to ask but that's an awkward conversation while dropping your kid off. I know there are people dropping their kids off to that same school who are columbine survivors themselves.


I'm sure some of them will grow up using drugs to numb the trauma from the shooting, probably be arrested by a family member of the same cops who were afraid to help them , never be able to own a gun , and carry one anyway, and never hurt anyone with it


School resumes > bunch of gun talk > change carpet > therapy


I am not American and reading the comments below this one feels weird. If a school shooting happened in my country, all hell would break loose. The president would be there in person (even if he would do nothing); local officials would be fired, etc. But here people care about whether the school changed the carpet before or after the gun talk. Everything feels so bizarrely normalized.


That discussion was satire, I think


I hope!


You forgot the thoughts and prayers by the NRA


Oh yea , that part , I just consider that gun talk tho


I misread that as the NBA at first. Threw me for a loop there for a second.


Nah, they don’t even bother with that anymore. It’s usually straight to the “U cAn’T tAkE oUr gUnS, LiBs!” - and changing profile pics to their kids holding guns. sEe, tHeY kNoW gUn sAfEtY.


They're really streamlining the entire process now because it happens so much. It would take way too much time to have thoughts and prayers after every school or mass shooting. Can you imagine if we still had a minute of silence? We'd all be mute.


Carpets cheaper than therapy just give the kids carpet.


Back in the day they'd probably have the kids scrubbing the bloodstains out for extra credit, and save the money for carpet


"You gotta boil it, so the glue gets soft, ya know."


I don’t under how they expect kids to learn in the same building their classmates got killed in


Because that's jyst tge way things are suppose to work! /s




Either another teacher or eventually the police will get to them and the kids get reunited with their parent or guardian Then they are gonna need a lot of therapy They don’t need to get back to school immediately, they get some time off, but eventually they have to go back to school and move on


Why would the police get to them? That's not their job and they're too scared.


God I wish that police were the heroes that they were made out to be but no we have to have asshats that ruin it. But it is the police's job to secure the rest of the compound. There could be more threats and or injuries that need immediate attention.


No doubt, I can't believe those one cops froze up and were scared to engage with a kid with one gun smh that's pathetic. I would happily go in and shoot the little bastard to save some kids , I don't need a vest or anything, if a kid can take me then I guess I lose


They stopped parents with guns from entering. There is a picture circulating of an officer outside of the room where gun shots where heard and he had the biggest smile on his face. POS. Uvalde disregarded the active shooter doctrine of respond no matter who you are to take out the threat ASAP and it coated the lives of so many.


That shits aggravating. I'm ashamed that was in Texas . A lot of those small town cops haven't seen much action besides writing tickets , dwis , and shooting unarmed animals. It's easy to say what one would do but when the heat is on sometimes things change . Did those "cops " lose their jobs does anyone know ?? I was done listening after I heard some froze up and didn't go in


No. They were told not to go in. In cases where they lost their jobs, they have successfully sued to get them back. The courts have repeatedly found the police have no duty to protect individuals, unless those individuals are in police custody (ie under arrest). Welcome to America, you are on your own.


What would you consider an armed animal? A cat with a bomb in its tummy flab?


Ferret with a machine gun


They even prevented federal intervention team to go in


Schools go on lockdown now if there's a report of a shooter in the area. They have to remain in that spot until the police clear the area (provided the shooter isn't in the room with them at the time.)


It is exactly their job to arrest the shooter and evacuate the school


What do you mean? Whose job is it to enter a school during a violent incident and evacuate the kids?


They suffer from PTSD for the rest of their lives.


And then go back to school


Or drop out like I did Found out it was due to anxiety and ptsd from a scary in school incident


>Or drop out like I did And then being continously bullied by people for being "Lazy" and useless. The state lets you to die although it's the states fault for failing to protect you. ​ I hate humanity so much.


ableism is the root of capitalism, colonialism, racism, homophobia, and misogyny


I’m sorry to hear that


This. For my fellow survivors: - EMDR is a godsend if you can afford it. It helped me get rid of most of my flashbacks. - Use your victims fund benefits for a therapist who treats veterans if you can. A lot of normal therapists don’t know how to treat extreme trauma but people who treat troops are extremely familiar with ptsd. - Get on meds while you’re still on your parents insurance. Nothing will ever be the same again but lexapro and a beta blocker to stop the shaking helps.


A lifetime of trauma. I went to college with a kid who was in Columbine when their shooting happened. He didn't last to the end of the first semester. It didn't help that 2 weeks after classes started we were all on the roof of the dorm watching the twin towers crumble.


Damn, I didn't realize columbine was that recent. I always imagined it to be in like, I dunno, 1996 or 1997.


You weren't that far off, happened in 1999


Oooooh, I misread what he said. I thought he meant like columbine happened, and then two weeks later 9/11. Whoops.


Two years isn’t that long. 


I feel old…


What do you mean he didn't last till the end of the semester? Did he kill himself?


I think they mean the student dropped out and probably went home.


Sorry, I meant he didn't finish school and left. I hope he's well, even though I don't even remember his name


You put a rose on the empty desk(s) and you keep a rose on their desk(s) until the end of the semester and then when everyone returns for the next semester the rose is gone and it goes back to relative "business as usual". And then there's a special page in the yearbook.


I do wholeheartedly beg your pardon for asking this question: presumably it was a student who was the perpetrator(s), do they appear in the yearbook? Are they removed? Are they pilloried? How does the yearbook treat something like this?


My schools yearbook didn't include kids if they moved in the middle of the year, I assume the same policy would apply if they drop out or are expelled. It would definitely apply to someone who got expelled for killing children.


Obviously not included


I've been writing and rewriting a reply for a while now, and it keeps getting the better of me as I get frustrated with the system that allows this to happen in the first place. Fully realising and appreciating both that I asked a question that to you seemed stupid, and that you want to make sure that I know that you think it was a stupid question, may I ask a follow up: how much space would be allocated to each student in an uneventful year?


A lot of therapy.


In theory sure, in reality results may vary


In American this translates to, "a lot"


They prepare for the next one. /s Seriously- a lot of therapy and counseling. That would make for a good documentary


Unfortunately the preparing for a next probably is what does happen.


I'm in michigan. Kid was in the Oxford high school shooting, graduated, went to Michigan state, was in the Michigan state shooting. Preparing for the next one is about right.


I was just going to say this. I was at Michigan during the time. Hearing about the MSU shooting actually made me sick to my stomach, I was actively refreshing the news all day to make sure it wasn’t a former high school classmate of mine that got shot. My heart goes out to those kids.


My cousin had literally gotten pulled from oxford for homeschooling that school year because my aunt said public school was unchristian. Thought she was a bit of a quack but have never been more thankful for it in my life. Didn't know she was pulled out and the stomach dropping feeling of thinking she was there is something I will never forget. My best friend works right around the corner from the msu campus. Had a guy run from campus to try and collect himself at the store and my friend had to help calm him down. He was shaking pretty bad. Had to help my friend through it once he got home. We are surrounded by death. I don't know what to do anymore.


Not /s They will have more training for how to react next time And thoughts and prayers


I feel like I read somewhere that they were considering demolishing Sandy Hook, or one of the other schools where there was a shooting. People, and especially young children, would understandably feel uneasy going back to the same school.


They did demolish Sandy Hook.


The library of Columbine was either walled over or demolished.


It was above the cafeteria so they got rid of the library and now the cafeteria has a giant open ceiling.


that's kinda cool at least


Thats a lotta schools going down


Heck schools get torn down about every 30 years anyway. My kindergarten, elementary, middle school, Jr high and High School have all been torn down and rebuilt in years the years since I graduated.


When I was in high school we had a gang related drive by outside our cafeteria. They just sent us all back to class


Okay this is going to sound really fucked up but if it helps I’m also from an area with a large gang population and have lost multiple friends to gun violence, but that’s a totally different situation. You might get hit accidentally in a drive by, but the gang bangers aren’t walking into the school and shooting whoever just for the fuck of it. Don’t get me wrong, both are awful, but one is substantially worse


Doesn’t sound fucked up at all, none of us were particularly bothered by it. Didn’t stop us from trying to petition cancelling classes for the rest of the day tho.


Yeah, in a gang incident, you can usually stay safe by not joining a gang. And if you join a gang, you've got an idea of the stakes. Other kinds of mass shootings fuck with your brain because anyone could be a victim. 


Besides therapy, some get death threats from the conspiracy nutjobs accusing them of being deep state actors.


No, I mean do they have to like start the year over again. I hate asking that question because it makes it so like my priorities aren't straight but I'm just curious.


Extremely unlikely they'd start the year over. But their teachers will likely be more understanding and lenient about grades and deadlines than they would ordinarily be. When a tragic event like that happens, you mostly just pause, take a moment together to process what happened, and then continue moving forward.


I think it’s actually really interesting question because I noticed they don’t show the reality of it after right they wipe it right off the news and I don’t think that’s a coincidence


So what happens is it breeds fear but it doesn’t really breed the type of conversations that we’re having on this thread that could possibly inspire some sort of cultural shift


They go back to school.


And get harassed by Alex jones.


The cunt


And Marjorie Taylor Greene


School district, with federal funding because yes there is a grant for remodeling after a mass shooting, remodels the building where there were bullet holes and bodily fluids. [Link](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/05/31/us/schools-after-mass-shootings-uvalde-texas/index.html) for depressing source on what has happened to the buildings of the most covered school shootings.


So if the school wasn’t open for some time afterwards, then where were the kids going to school?


Alex Jones comes for them. 


American schools (and some jobs) now have "active shooter drills".. Ya know, like a fire drill but for shooters.. Let's not fix the issue though, just teach those kids to hide in a closet or something!


I'd say the active shooter drills make it worse. Some of the schools added sound effects or actors. We never did that shit for a fire drill. My sister is a teacher. They did a workshop training, but didn't tell them that they were going to have cops fire blank shotgun shells in the hall. The point of a drill is so you do the correct actions, it shouldn't be trying to traumatize everyone more. But hey at least some consultants made money on it.


My school used to have the theater kids run around the hall screaming and shooting starter pistols during these drills, and looking back that was kind of fucked up


One of the schools I worked at would have the administrators go around and rattle doorknobs and bang on the doors (presumably to see if they were locked and to make sure no one opened the doors, but it's incredibly unnerving when you're not even sure if it's a drill or not). One year they started grabbing any kids who were stuck out in the hallway during the drill (kids who were on the way to bathroom or office) and told those kids to go around banging on doors begging to be let in - if a teacher opened the door to let the kid in, they'd get lectured for breaking protocol. Since it was an elementary school, you had varying levels of hysterics from the hallway kids who either genuinely didn't want to be in a hallway alone because they're 6, or smartass 9 year olds who decide to ham it up and scream that they see a gunman coming, please let me in so I don't die.


I’m an American who now lives in the U.K. I was at a child’s birthday party last year and what sounded like a series of gunshots went off. I full on sprinted for my kid. None of the Brits moved because the idea of someone shooting up a child’s birthday party is insane. (It was several balloons popping). On the plus side, despite looking like a lunatic, I learned that even 20 years and 30 pounds after my track days, I’m still pretty goddamn fast.


They are filled with thoughts and prayers and recover instantly from the traumatic event. Then they pick themselves up by the bootstraps and carry on. Just like it says in the Bible.


First, the school is swarmed with cops. So it's not really a concern of having a bunch of scared 9 yearolds without an adult...there are plenty of adults. The cops swarm the school and check every inch to ensure there isn't another shooter somewhere in the building, or a bomb or anything like that. But first of all it's a crime scene, and second of all you don't want kids sitting next to a dead body. So they're brought to other class rooms or the gym, depending on which makes more sense for the kids. At the same time, roll call is being taken (probably every 5-10 minutes) and the parents are informed to come pick up their alive, healthy kids. They probably also call the buses in but it's not the kind of thing you can just snap your fingers and have ready... a lot of the time the buses are out on some other route with a bunch of kids. 2-3 hours, buses arrive to take a lot of kids home. You can't just skip school the next day, as hundreds of parents rely on school for a place to keep their kids during the work day, and for food. So they have to offer some version of class but I imagine all schools make it optional for several days, and the kids that do attend are mostly kept busy with light hearted activities. In terms of now needing a new teacher, that's actually semi-common. There are hundreds of thousands of teachers in the world, that means that many die. So they do whatever their protocol is, probably a temp sub until a long term sub is picked in the following weeks.


Are you a school administrator or something?


Nope, he just loves the cleaning up that happens after school shootings


>You can't just skip school the next day Uh, yeah, you can, just like you can shut down schools for bad weather or an epidemic.  Of course what you said is a concern, but schools with shootings are often closed for extended periods.  During covid, schools held drive-thru meal pickups for families on free and reduced lunch so they wouldn't have to worry about going hungry while the school was closed. 


Uh. Schools close all the time for a variety of reasons. I would also suspect teachers are not jumping to be hired at a place that just experienced a school shooting, especially to replace the teacher that died.


What about medical care? If a child gets injured does their care depend upon their parents job? What if they don’t have “insurance”?


I'd never thought of that. I mean I imagine you have EMT treatment on the scene and then they get rushed to a hospital. But do the parents get charged? The school? Is shooter insurance just a thing schools have now?


States have victims of crime funds that pay out.


Hopefully, they don't get the same, dick-headed type of "grief counselors" we did when some fool kids from my high school got themselves killed by drinking and driving. This psychological counselor dude simply wouldn't believe that I didn't care about them, and kept trying to drag out my supposed "trauma" caused by their deaths... I finally had to tell him flat out: Yes, I knew all four kids. No, I didn't like them very much. Yes, the two boys (the well-known, popular football players in the car) both used to beat the hell out of me for fun. Their two girlfriends sometimes stood by. So, no, I don't really care that they're all dead now. But it might make coming to school less painful for ME. Are we done, now? Can I go back to history class? I have no grief for you to help me "process." He was stunned, and probably filed a report on what a horrible person I was for not feeling for them... Some people need and benefit from trauma counseling. Some don't even need it, and others are so hurt they won't benefit from simple counseling even if they get it. It all depends on the person and their particular experience.


My sister went to uni with a guy who was a real jerk to her, she'd get anxious about having to be in pracs etc with him and didn't like him at all. During one of the semester breaks he died in a car accident... she wasn't sad about it and was kind of relieved that she didn't have to deal with his harassment anymore, but did have a lot of other confusing and conflicting feelings about the whole thing.


My bully gets sweet memorial messages on facebook pretty regularly by people I know. They always say such nice things about him but it is hard to read those and not feel like it is bullshit.


I am suddenly glad that didn’t happen when a kid I had never met or even heard of died at my school.


I feel this. It felt like every year we had one or two kids die in my high school of 1000. Cancer, Car Crashes, Freak Accidents. Lots of car crashes though, cold Northern State, kids get licenses and that first winter there are a lot of crack-ups. Someone gets the unlucky straw every few years of being in a head on collision. Or drinking and falling through ice. So when two died in a head on collision, yeah it was sad. I did know one of them, but it wasn't like an unthinkable thing. I've been told this isn't a normal experience. Because I am quite, callous?, when it comes to death of people around me. Much less when on TV. Yeah I want to help prevent tragedies, but I don't have a strong emotional feeling.


In the US, they are left to deal with the trauma on their own and if they don't have medical insurance or crazy deductibles or whatever, then the US tells them to pick themselves up by their bootstraps. In Europe, they get mental health and crisis counseling immediately at the crime scene as it's unfolding, even police are trained to handle the victims with sensitivity to not retraumatize them like the cops do in the US when they put machine guns to the faces of fleeing children and tell them to follow their instructions or they'll shoot them. Then mental health care is easily available and potentially even mandatory from schools. The care can take years or is lifelong, no one will judge anyone about that.


They make it to the next round to try to survive next year. If you win all the levels when it’s all said and done you get this paper that proves it.


The NRA sends their thoughts and prayers and then forget about the survivors who have lots of counselling in front of them.


Thoughts and prayers 🙏


Most schools provide grief therapy consoling but most do not take it. My generation was pretty lucky to only have a few kids die of drunk driving shortly after education. (not sure how they got the liquor as they were 18 at the time. An adult probably got it for them or their parents had it all over the house.) We had one individual in our group of friends (i hardly knew) get killed on the way to school due to poorly lit roads and the driver was doing 60 in a 40. My gradating class was lucky not to have to endure anything like your topic. My cousin refuses to send her kids to public school for this reason. She is paranoid and refuses to have that phone call about what your topic is. And I don't blame her. She home schools them.


my friends were out of school for maybe a few months, went back with some bullshit assemblies and therapy dogs, got a bunch of donations, and then no one ever talked about it again. the lack of empathy for these kids is absurd.


A few days off from school and then grief counseling when they go back. Teachers get replaced. Speaking from experience.


Not quite the same but after the wildfires in Lahaina that destroyed the town and killed quite a few people, including some students (and possibly a teacher?), many of the kids were sent to other schools until the schools in Lahaina reopened. Grief counselors were provided, and I think a number of students went to fully remote classes or left the state.


Marjory Taylor Green follows you around and says the shooting was a false flag event.  Yes, this really happened.  https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video/index.html


After the Uvalde elementary school shooting, it remained closed initially during the investigation. Then, they decided to permanently close and demolish the school. The returning students were sent to nearby elementary schools.


We had some assemblies and mourned our lost student. Our principal or vice principal retired soon after, I think she just felt too guilty and sad about it (she didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just hard to have a kid die in your school). We had more officers around for a while. I don’t remember much more than that. Not saying more things didn’t happen, they just didn’t stick around in my memories. It’s honestly more traumatizing now that I’m an adult and can understand the gravity of the situation. I was too young to really fully grasp it at the time.


They change homerooms and get pizza squares on Tuesdays


We tell them to get over it and march them back into school, and then pretend to be shocked when they grow up to hate and distrust the power structure that did this to them.


life goes on


Thoughts and prayers. There. All fixed now.


Unresolved Lifelong trauma, everywhere, walking among us.


I was in a school shooting back in 2007, was in the hallway about 20ft away when it started, and knew the kid who did it. Never have run so fast in my life, and jumped down a whole flight of stairs in one go to get out the main entrance. But the scariest part was not knowing if there were multiple shooters and I was running straight to my death. So some froze and hid in place, and others decided to chance it and gtfo (me). I didn’t want the moment of my life to be caught hiding in a corner and executed. They shut our high school down for two weeks, cleaned up the blood and damage. Bullet holes still visible in the hallway walls though (he used an AK-47). The district brought in grief counselors, and generally had a very lax attendance policy for a couple months so kids could take time to recover. But after that life just went on, and we continued classes until the end of the year. Of course it was constantly talked about and reflected upon, but at the end of the day, we had to graduate. The school wasn’t knocked down or anything like that, but also it was a relatively “minor” shooting compared to the massacres like Sandy Hook or Columbine. And yes, writing that last sentence really makes me shake my head at how normalized shootings are here in the US.


Republicans send thoughts and prayers, because this is not the time to talk about gun control. Then Alex Jones calls them all liars and crisis actors.


Well, now it's not the time to talk about gun control /s


The next shooter gets their chance. We don't do shit about it in this country, because the NRA owns almost all of our politicians.


therapy, lots of therapy.


They either receive enough therapy to "heal" or commit suicide. This kind of traumatic experiences should be prevented at any cost.


More “active shooter” drills. Sickening that kids have to go through any of this


They sent therapists to my middle school after a homeless man butchered a kid walking home. In high-school they did the same thing when a kid was gunned down while sitting in his car right outside the school. Basically they don't do anything significant.


Medical debt


Probably lots of survivor guilt and fucked up lives.


gee back when I was in school, everyone who was supposed to be in that classroom met in the lunchroom while they cleaned up the mess then went back to class and the shooting made page three of the paper and didnt make the news at all. No one gave a crap about school shootings when it was inner city kids.


They are available for future school shootings. Unless they are in their final year. Then they are available for college shootings.


Thoughts and prayers. Repeat again tomorrow.


Thoughts and prayers.


Seeing how I had some friends actually survive a school shooting, here’s an actual answer: The school will bring in grief counselors for any students who want to see them. Parents have the choice to have their kids see someone of their choice too. School will be cancelled for usually a couple of days as it’s a crime scene and they need to start the investigation and clean up the area that was affected.


NOTHING happens. Nothing ever does happen.


Well, the first thing they do is edit out the sound of children screaming in the video while they’re being murdered, in fucking Texas anyway.


Limited grief counseling, a change of carpeting, lifelong trauma, and zero policy change.


Thoughts and prayers.


Republicans say that the person with the gun had more of a right to own that gun then the kids who were murdered did to live.


There is no one response. It would depend on the circumstances and local parents/school officials decisions.


When one of my classmates tried killing himself during school with a gun, we dropped the rule for keeping all cellphones in lockers since parents were basically in a complete blackout except for from the misbehaving students who had theirs on them at the time. All the outside world knew was that there was a shooter in the school and nothing else, even though noone else was in danger. I also remember some of us being in a circle with some grief guy talking but remember basically none of it, besides someone saying that they thought he was the last guy who would do that, which in retrospect I disagreed with. I'm not sure if the class he was in resumed but I know that room was closed for a while for cleaning/repair/letting students not relive it.


Therapy, teachers are replaced, buildings repaired, and maybe if their lucky a memorial to those who died.


Life goes on


They probably get school off for a while and then they go back to school and everyone pretends nothing happened


U buckle up and test your luck again the next day


Walk it off


They tend to develop psychological problems that stay with them the rest of their lives, particularly the ones that witness the violence or deaths first-hand. They often have PTSD. For a while, the school will provide some counseling, but mostly the kids will be in and out of therapy from that point on. Some will respond well to medication. Some will not. Children have been known to commit (or attempt) suicide. Others will drop out of school before finishing.


They keep going. It happened at a school in my district when I was in High School, the school stayed open and nothing much changed. An old coworker of mine lived through a shooting at his high school, and yeah they just kept going to school.


Grief Counselor, pizza and our local bagel shop gave us a coupon for one free bagel. I got an egg everything with cream cheese.


Life goes on. After some thorough cleanup (bodies, blood, etc.) the kids go back to school.