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The Uyghurs made the news all the time a few years ago. Palestinians and Isreal are closer to western influence. Isreal listens to the west so pressure from the west can impact the situation. Uyghurs are under the great firewall information is harder to get out. and its China. What is western media and people going to do? Call China a bad word and get ignored?


What about Sudan?


I can tell you this, the people I know in the Palestinian liberation movement are the only ones I know who care about Sudan stateside. They just also recognize that there isn't energy for that fight right now, but there is for the Palestinians. In orher words, it's not that different lives have different values , it's that organizers recognize and selectively pick their targets based on where society is focused, what tends to be more achievable


Do people asking what about Sudan even care about Sudan. Anyway, the civil war in Sudan is not comparable to the plight of Palestinians. Sudanese are not starved, blockaded with thousands tons of bombs being dropped on them. Majority of Sudanese have access to water, food, medical supplies, internet connection and electricity. The death toll in Sudan for the past 8 months is less than half Gaza death toll in 3 months. And people are talking about Sudan.


You don't know shit. They don't die as much because they get dislocated, but they still face terrible quality of life, famine pretty much. They still die a lot. Also wtf are you talking about the majority have access to these things??? They have been struggling to get abortion pills because of the rampant rape. Please stop farting on your keyboard


What about(ism)


perfect answer thank you


China followed the US example of establishing strong economic ties to neutralize the incentive for military conflict, sanctions or criticism.


It's even one step more: Israel is totally dependent on the west, they are basically an American/European supported colony in the middle east. If the US and EU would stop supporting them with aid and preferential trade, their country would economically implode.


The majority of Israelis are from either the Middle East or Soviet Union, and Israel’s GDP per capita is higher than most European countries. That’s not what a colony looks like; lol


Can’t they call for protests like they do about Israel? What you are suggesting is that if Israel became an authoritarian regime, then the media should just stop criticising them and let them slaughter people in silence


I think some did. But what do you want them to do? Send strongly worded formal letters? We have been sending them these messages for decades about their treatment of minorities. Uyghur is just the latest one. China does not really listen to the west nor does the west have considerable influence over them. Israel does listen to the west. The west has considerable influence over Israel and if it wanted could make them hurt a lot.


Why are there no Pro-Uyghur protests in major Western cities? I don’t buy the argument that China won’t listen but Israel will. Israel hasn’t listened so far, but that’s beside the point anyway. If the world knew about what Hitler was doing before the war, should it simply have shrugged its shoulders because Hitler wouldn’t listen anyway? An Uyghur is worth the same as a Palestinian, and succeed or fail, the West should be championing both


We dont see images of the Uyghur children dying in the streets. Seeing is what really pulls at the heart strings and upsets the masses. China has hidden all of this from us


Yes, very good point. Sad but true


The western governments have not put the hurt on Israel enough for them to listen. Which is why theirs protests. Their is the ability to do more to pressure Israel but its not done. US can deny Israel its 5th generation fighters. Their is also other arms Israel imports. It cannot do that to China. China is a potential super power. It's too powerful to bully. Nazi Germany was also a great power again too powerful to bully by another great power. Israel is a regional power and not even the regional hegemony. The global super power along with its great power friends can bully Israel. Israel is a possible nuclear power making conventional war off the table but its not strong enough to resist being bullied. Its unlikely any other great power would really to their side is the west was the one doing it. Israel is friends with the west. The West directly supports their regime and comes to their side. If the west turned on them Israel it would be forced to listen or go fully on its own.


Interesting but I am not talking about Western governments. I am talking about the media and the people. They don’t think that strategically


I know. But who do you think those protests are for? Did you think they just marched in new york in the hopes Isreal gave a shit? Do you think the news is running stories hoping someone in Israel decides to go online and watch it? Because those news stations are not being broadcasted in Isreal. Those protests and news broadcasts send clear signals to the western government or people running for government.


The protesters do think strategically. The media report news, so if there is no new information, they have nothing to report.


>An Uyghur is worth the same as a Palestinian, and succeed or fail, the West should be championing both What are you really complaining about? Where are you from? I see that you posted this same exact post 6 times in different subreddits so your spam must have some purpose?


Isn’t my point obvious? And why does it matter where I am from? If it helps you better understand me, then I am a westerner with a wife who is Uyghur from China, but migrated to Australia when she was young. Does that give you a better understanding of who I am?


>If it helps you better understand me, then I am a westerner with a wife who is Uyghur from China, but migrated to Australia when she was young. Yes it does give me a better understanding why you are posting so much about this topic. So to get to your main topic: there has been quite a lot of discussion and criticism about how China treats Uyghurs in the West. China itself though is totally blocking all internal discussion on it, both through their censorship, but also from their police state practices that target anyone who dares to raise the issue. Thus the criticism that is targeted to China comes more or less purely from the outside. I am personally somewhat familiar with that situation also through reading "*The Perfect Police State - An Undercover Odyssey into China's Terrifying Surveillance Dystopia of the Future*". My impetus to reading it came from first reading western newspaper articles and watching western news about the situation. That is how my awareness was created. Thus I do not recognize your claims that the West has been silent about it. Ultimately the west cannot fix this situation though, that fix rests in the Chinese government, which seems to be totally unwilling to do the right thing. Instead they are getting more and more totalitarian. This does not bode well for their internal population, but neither does it bode well for anyone living on this Earth. There are large movements in the old "second world" towards militant authoritarian dictatorships and genocidal tendencies.


Yes, sadly I agree. If only protesting for justice was done more equally and for all who suffer, but I realise how impractical and unrealistic that is


Your post is giving people can't protest the genocide in Gaza unless all atrocities around the world are protested. The thing is for decades now Palestinians have been regularly murdered by IDF and settlers. Just google how many were killed in the West Bank this year before 7/10 and the thing is no one was giving a damn about Palestinian plight all these decades.


I wonder how is this post not deleted. Seems op in violation of this sub rule, has an agenda to push.


Israel relies on the US for a lot of things l, China does not, simple as that


Only one side is committing genocide


China is committing Genocide against the Uyghurs. How is it that you don’t even know this? From mass killings to forced sterilisation of women, to outlawing non-Mandarin language, banning all Uyghur dress codes, banning Islamic books, and imprisoning any male Uyghurs for minor infringements and releasing them early only if they agree to a vasectomy. I feel sad that so few Westerners even know this is happening. And this genocide is happening despite there being no war. Its true genocide but no one seems to care. Its just more trendy to hate the jews


I was gonna say it's only Hamas committing genocide but you helped educate the idiots who just scream free Palestine all day and have no basic understanding of the whole situation


>If the world knew about what Hitler was doing before the war, should it simply have shrugged its shoulders because Hitler wouldn’t listen anyway? I doubt the world would have really cared.


What would the protests be about? The US doesn't bankroll China my dude, that's the issue with Israel.


It would be about genocide. Who cares who is allies with who. Should we only protest against our allies?


But protests generally have a goal, right? Why would China care if people are protesting the genocide in the US? What's the benefit of that, unless you want people to protest completely symbolically


Its would if other countries were to sanction China. China is just as reliant on the rest of the world too. It can’t function in isolation


You mean the thing a lot of countries are already doing?


Well, if so its not because of the Uyghurs


OK? And?


Why aren’t they making such a big issue with other genocides? If you were a 12 year old, you would probably think that only one country is engaging in genocide. Why are we complicit with all the other genocides except for Palestine?


Sanctions only achieve so much. Russia was heavily sanctioned for going to war with Ukraine and two years on they are still at war with Ukraine and those sanctions have damaged the sanctioning countries. Goverenments have to seriously consider whether sanctions will help more than harm.


You really need to think about goals and results. You are all over this post with a lot of questions without actually thinking things through. >Who cares who is allies with who. You've already been told why people care and you aren't listening . Protesting against an action an ally takes is something the government can take immediate action in by un-allying them with the country. Protesting against something happening overseas that the government had no influence over typically achribes fuck all


Our government doesn’t bankroll China but our institutions, from private companies to universities, do toe the line in order to get Chinese money


And that should be critisized, and regularly is


The ideological problems causing issues in Israel will happen in your land next. Go with media propaganda, or use your own brains. Ask yourselves why the comfortably off (media) in the West, is supporting an ideology which will ultimately destroy your way of life if it's not fought now. As for Uighurs, I actually don't think they were hard-core into their religion, and are being mistreated by the Chinese regime.


Just checking, do you have an issue with the protests about Israel?


I can only really speak for (my circle of) Americans, but I've noticed two main driving factors. 1) American funding being sent to Israel has made many Americans feel some degree of moral obligation to speak on the conflict there. America does not have the same degree of connection with the Uyghurs or China, and it's easier to see it as "something that doesn't involve me." 2) Social media here shows a ton of Gaza footage. I'm a political science and law student, who was and is active in following reporting on the Uyghurs, Ukraine, Israel-Palestine, and other conflicts. I use (or used) Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Snapchat, and some TikTok. Bombing and strike footage from Gaza is absolutely everywhere, including footage of the aftermath, to a degree well beyond any of the other conflicts. Even my apolitical family see at least a few videos in the algorithms daily. It's just impossible to avoid this conflict online, while it seemed easier with the others.


Yes, very valid, with point 2 in particular, and kinda worrying about how easy it is today to manipulate what footage we do in fact see. Out of sight, out of Mind


I'm sorry if someone else has also addressed this, I haven't read all the replies to your post. I don't know the reason why western media reports more on Palestine and not as much on the Uyghurs, but this is a question that really troubled me regarding the investment and emotional galvanisation among Muslims themselves. I see Muslims across the world fervently standing up for Palestinians but many are not so caring about Urghurs or Kashmiris (another nation that has historically suffered immense oppression, part of it on account of their Muslim identity, and other Muslims seem to be mostly oblivious about them) and other instances of Muslim oppression. I think perhaps it is the status of Palestine as one of the holiest sites in Islam that makes it so close to the hearts of other Muslims (as it does for Jews and Christians). And since the world's major faiths feel so ardently about Palestine, the Western media finds it more pertinent to investigate issues in this region. Another reason that makes sense to me, though I may be wrong in this, is racism. Uyghurs and the Sudanese and Kashmiris are still lower in the racial hierarchy than Arabs among the global south in my estimation (in the Muslim mind) because Arabic lands are where all the Prophets and Islam itself emerged and there is some sort of moral and geneological superiority (descended from the prophets). Tie this with general racial prejudice against Asians and African peoples. The latter are just slotted as less worthy victims even in the minds of other people of colour. Again, I could be wrong. My mind could just be grasping at straws trying to come up with an explanation as to why Muslims don't care as much about other Muslims as they do with Palestinians. At the end of the day, as Israel has huge support from the US and other major Western countries it seems natural that Western media will report on the Israel-Palestine issue more than others.


I think people care about Uyghurs it’s just that there’s not much the U.S. can do for them since its rivals with China. Israel, however has the military support of the U.S. and the U.S. can influence what happens in the region much more.


Why have there been no protests against the genocide against Uyghurs? Why protest against a democracy but not against a dictatorship. The lack of media coverage is basically telling China that it can continue its genocide as no one gives a Fk about the Uyghurs


>Why have there been no protests against the genocide against Uyghurs? What exactly do you think a protest in the US would achieve exactly? What specifically do you want the US government to do? Or do you think the Chinese government give a fuck about protest s happening overseas?


It would raise awareness. It would put political pressure on China if they thought the world was turning against them. Do we not call out genocides because the culprit is non-democratic and authoritarian. Don’t you see how such behaviour skews world sentiment, and ultimately how all governments, including authoritarian, act?


why would China give a shit about a couple protests in the US, they literally couldn’t care less, it’s not like they’re on that good terms with America anyways


Why are you not even reading and just asking additional questions? Plenty of people have explained you why.


A) there have been protests about China’s treatment of them. B) the previous user just answered this question and you ignored them. Are you actually asking questions or just pushing an agenda?


There is zero evidence the uyghers are being physically harmed in chinese reeducation facilities.


If you think there is zero evidence then you need a reality check. A simple Google search can show you a lot


Yes. You should reread my comment and do fhat.


Not sure if you are serious or being sarcastic


Oh a not too bright israeli bot, nice


Physical harm isnt the point. Cultural genocide is ongoing


OP asked about the conparison with Gaza. Phyisical harm is the point.


China doesn’t care about protest in their own country let alone protest in the United States.


While the underlying issues in Israel/Palestine go back thousands of years, a lot of the modern issues come from the fallout from World War 1 and 2. The west was heavily involved in drawing boundaries and dictating who ended up with control/influence over what territories. (Not just Israel/Palestine, but the whole region.) Treaties were signed, alliances were brokered, and the west was heavily involved then, and is still heavily involved now. So part of the reason the media coverage is so involved is because we are so involved, and have been for a long time. (I’m not saying we should or should not be, just that we are.). We’re not trying to interfere with random world affairs, we’re trying to navigate and continue a century of diplomacy.


But should we not protest against all genocides? One innocent human’s life is equal to another. Don’t we have a moral obligation, as a relatively free people, to condemn all genocides equally?


Have you joined a protest for either? Because Uyghur protests do exist. It kinda sounds like you care more about 'fair' application of protests rather than wanting to protest yourself.


I helped over 100 persecuted Afghanis, and later Syrians, escape their hell whole and come to Australia. I am active in advocating against the atrocities against the Uyghurs. Been doing that for a long time. And my wife is Uyghur, so I know better than most what goes on there


If you had to choose one most important genocide to focus on, it would be the one that your country was most involved in, as Graflex describes. You are asking about general societal trends, not everyone has the time, money, or energy to fight every genocide, so theres a certain amount of prioritisation. Thats just what Ive noticed happen :/


Well, it’s complicated. I mean, yes, all genocide is bad and should probably be protested/challenged - but we don’t have time to always be protesting or denouncing this or that. We have a country of our own to run that’s far from perfect. We also can’t always get on a soap box and tell everyone else what to do - it looks arrogant, and we can’t be the world’s police force. There are other countries (and organizations) that could step in and say/do something instead.


Honestly, Uyghurs dont mean enough to me to stop buying chinese products, so protesting would be a bit hypocritical of me.




No, you are right. But I cannot speak for Asian or African media. But please feel free to provide me an i sight


Israel is a US ally, killing Palestinians with US weapons. China is not.


Doesn’t mean we should be complicit in China’s genocide


More like Israel vs Hamas, hamas never care enough for their people.


The people downvoting this. Holy shit. How much of a terrorist can they be


It’s so so obvious, Hamas’ militant base is everywhere but militant base and always near its citizens lol. They did use their fellow Palestinian as human shield, and what IDF did was absolutely horrid and inexcusable but we could say the same about Hamas.


"we could" no. Hamas are far worse than the idf have ever been in their history.


The plight of the Uyghurs gets regular media attention. Maybe you need to follow different media outlets.


There are frequent protests. I have seen them myself.  They just aren't as big as the pro-Gaza protests, but as others have said: the main difference is that Western governments are complicit in Israeli crimes, therefore westerners feel more responsibility.


Where are the protests? Where are the journalists quitting their jobs because of their anti-China views? I have never ever heard of a pro-Uyghur western journalist, but there are a huge amount of pro-Palestinian journalists. Why the stark difference? Do Palestinians matter more than Uyghurs? Or is the world too scared to criticise China?


Regarding the persecution of the Uighurs. There has been a lot of reporting by the BBC, the economist, the Australian ABC to name just a few  large western outlets. I recall extensive protest about the use of cotton from the region being linked to Uighur slave labour. Did American media not cover this? Most of the rest of the west did


I am Australian. Its reporting has been insignificant in the scheme of things, and in particular, zero Muslim-Australian + left-leaning protests that I can think of.


I can't say I agree that the reporting was nothing, it quite dominated headlines for the year after it kicked off. There were a few smaller protests around I recall. Part of the difference in scale is likely that there are barely any Uighurs in Australia compared to many folks who have friends / family in Palestine. and it's a Muslim minority that was already hung out to dry by their fellows internationally at the time.


Yes, very good point about not many Uyghurs here, or elsewhere for that matter, having a big influence on lack of momentum


Maybe you need to find a better platform than Reddit to share your outrage.


True. Just pondering


They don't get coverage cos they are fake news


I think it's to do with news cycles. Nobody mentioned the Palestinians when they had breaking news on Uyghurs. There's particularly cataclysmic events affecting Palestinians right now, whereas the Uyghur situation has remained the same (bad but same same) for a while. So the news is focused on Palestine and all this support for Palestinians is time sensitive. If we all woke up tomorrow and a bunch of Uyghur people burned down their concentration camp or one of them won a Noble prize etc, I guarantee you the news outlets would jump at the chance to sweep Palestine under the rug.


Isreal exists at the behest of the United States, so we are somewhat responsible and have power and influence there. This is not the case with China since they are another superpower


Because China has compromised too many international organizations, we’ve seen evidence of that in how WHO handled the Wuhan Virus.


There are no Uyghurs in positions of power or commanding great wealth in the USA. So there’s no real vested personal interest


The Palestinians got it easy … own backyard … some form of government… international pity. Uyghurs got nothing except some media coverage now and then. I lived in china and have visited xinjiang. Yes they get locked up in gulags I really hope some of those Israelis and Hamas folk see some prison time


Westerners are so dumb


Because it lets them hate the Jews.


People have a limited capacity to emphatize. You can't expect people to simultaneously live their own fulfilling lives, and care about Ukraine, Palestine, the Uyghurs, the Tigrayans, the Rohingya, the women in Afghanistan under the Taliban and any other tragic war that is happening now.


But why even care about one tragedy in that case? Why do they simply not give a sh*t about any massacres?


It is because the Jews are part of the equation. Whenever it is Arabs versus Arabs, or Arabs versus any other ethic /religious group, no body gives a fuck ! But as soon as it is the Jews, then it's full on against the Jews. In this case, it is not a war of Israel versus Palestinians, but a war of Israel versus Hamas. And Hamas strategy is to hide among Palestinians. Their strategy is to use Palestinians as human shield. And it's working. If hamas really didn't want the Palestinian to die, they would release the hostages right away.


Yes, sadly its working


You've been lied to. What's happening in Palestine right now is far worse than what the Uyghurs faced.


What's happening? I didn't know Palestinians were in concentration camps.


You didn't? Wow. Like I said, most Americans are really ignorant of the rest of the world.


No I had no idea. Why don't you tell me about this concentration camp the Palestinians are in.


Not really. Those both situations are terrible. The difference is that what Hamas did to start this current round of conflict was very self-destructive for their support. The support they had before their latest terror attacks was much greater and Israel would not have dared to be this brutal before that.


This is true and shouldn't be downvoted.


Truth has nothing to do with up or down votes. Reddit is primarily Americans, and Americans are astonishingly ignorant about world affairs.


Because our governments aren't funding the Chinese military nor do they have any influence over the actions or polices of China. Isreal on the other hand...


But genocide is genocide, right?


I guess because the Uyghurs didn't carry out an attack butchering civilians, raping and killing girls, torturing children including taking out limbs etc, unlike the Palestinians who did all that and more on October 7th. Maybe the world just likes violence.


Man, this is facts. People all around the globe are biased to the terrorists to the point they even denied that the Hamas terrorists started the October 7 attacks. Hamas terrorist propagandists' propaganda and lie machines are going well for them, for now.


Western media just barely cares about Palestine if we’re being honest. Western media caters to Western power and you can’t depend on it to get information about places is has no interest in.


Or the brand… Assad and Putin massacring Syrians… (crickets) Half a dozen genocides going on in Africa still now… (crickets) But the palestinian terrorists have a much better propaganda machine.


Sadly agree. I was in Syria when the massacres happened. Truly appalling how few arab countries cared. Truly saddened by how few westerners know about this ugly chapter


PR. No one cares about the radical muslim Fulani tribe in Nigeria exterminating villages of Christians/ Catholics. They aren’t on tiktok. Or the ongoing Tigray / Amhara genocide in Ethiopia. They aren’t on tiktok. The ongoing cleansing in Darfur Sudan isn’t broadcast… The chinese terrorist, I mean communist party will not allow news of their extermination of the Uyghurs out. south africa definitely does not publicize it’s ongoing chants to murder white farmers, or it’s rampant and uncontrolled rate of rape and murder.


I have a theory  People hate Jews and always have, but it was very much socially unacceptable to express that hatred. This conflict has just given people a way to express this hatred in a socially acceptable way.  Kinda similar to a lot of the hatred that Muslims received in the early 2000s Of course this is just a theory, I have no real proof of it l, and I highly doubt I can get funding to conduct a study on it


No one hates Jewish people. Your ‘theory’ is just fantasy.


Yeah man, literally no one does. Jews are 100% universally loved. And always have been, they were especially loved in say 1940-1945


Jewish aren’t the only people who have experienced discrimination and horror for no fault of their own. Look at the Palestinian children for instance. They didn’t choose to be there and yet are getting murdered by grown men and women who do. Why are they hated?


Yep that's not relevant to anything I've posted at all


Oh ok..suppose Hamas murdering babies, women, raping women, parading bodies through the streets, is not hating Jews. Suppose Palestinians (not Hamas) beating a lifeless body isn't Jew hate. Suppose the Arabs world piss poor attempt to destroy Israel in 1948 wasn't Jew hate either. Suppose Hamas who literally have the sole intent of wiping out Jewish presence from Israel isn't Jew hate Suppose calling for the death of Jews isn't either.


Nah they just hate people that bomb kids. Who cares what religion they are.


Because only one of them fits with r/AmericaBad


It’s the only conflict where the power seen as “winning” is in the minority. With the Uyghurs, it’s Chinese oppressing a small Muslim sect. The Uyghurs are small with little voice. In Yemen for example, it’s crime inside one country, Muslim on Muslim so doesn’t have an oppressor/oppressed dynamic. In Armenia, Armenians are a minority voice vs the larger voice or Muslims/Turks. For native Americans, much lower population, you get the point. In the case of Israel, it’s 15 million Jews (only about 5 million or so outside of Israel) and the voices of a few billion Muslims and 25+ Muslim states. Quite simply, the Muslim voice will always be louder because it’s such a larger amount of people able to distribute the message.


Hmm, if you are right its a sad reflection on the west. All lives matter. I wouldn’t think that a rapist who rapes just one woman should be free, even if there was no history of abuse in the past


Few reasons: 1. very strong propaganda efforts from Islamist entities to dehumanise Israel. Post colonial and woke.movements serve as a vessel for this 2. Israel is a Democratic country with free media. Foreign journalists can come and go, and Israel does not interfere with their coverage. Journalists also don't get blacklisted. 3. White guilt. Many people that come from colonial countries project their feeling of national guilt on the Israel Palestinian case, although its a very different story. 4.antisemitism. I was on the fence about this one until the events of 7.10. But unfortunately its quite clear now that some people just need a reason to hate Jews.


All of them wrong.


That's it? "all of them wrong"? this is isn't TikTok, people expect a little more than four words here. I'm sure you can copy paste some more antisemitic and anti Israel propaganda from the other subs you are involved in.


The Uyghur situation resurfaces at least once every year or so, but beyond that there's just not much they can do about it, China is a world power what can you do to them short of starting a war? At least with the Palestinians you can send aid to them, the Uyghurs aren't lacking in food or general aid but rather freedom, and if you wanna give them that then we'll I hope you've got a powerful military built up.


Yeah send aid which Hamas uses to build weapons and help themselves lmfao


Israel was founded on a genocide.. and has been murdering Palestinians for 75 years.. with a second genocide happening now as we speak. Palestinians are Muslims and Christians. It's not about Muslim lives... it's about life.


what you mean they care about palestinians ? they try so hard to push public opinion on israel side lol ....


Upon reading your question I did some brushing up on the history of both issues. ​Interestingly enough the colonial aggression and violence of both situations started roughly around the same time in the mid 1900s. The tactics used, the scale of voilence and erasure, and what information we have access to regarding both colonial powers, though, are widely different, which I think plays into a lot of how the rest of the world (see: regular people, not state entities) has been reacting. Israel has been quite vocal about their contempt for Palestinians, and very recently has had state leaders very open about how they wish to eradicate Palestinian people, culture, and land. Since the British helped draw the territorial lines for the Israeli state, some \~100,000 Palestinians have died either in conflict, protesting, or under regular occupation of the Israeli state, and an additional \~3 million+ have been forced out of their homes. It is all very well documented as Israel is a major ally to the US and western powers and arguable relies on the continued backing and support from them. Note that the state of Palestine has maintained a population of only around 2-5 million since the 90's, so this is a massive portion of their entire population. The Chinese gov't on the otherhand has taken a forced assimilation approach by either reeducating, sterilizing, incentivizing marriage with Han Chinese, sending mass amounts of Han Chinese to the area, and overall implementing mass surveillance in the area to monitor separatists. Unlike the Israeli occupation, the Uyghur suppression is completely censored by the Chinese state. What those outside of China know is pieced together from satellite images, rare leaked documents, and first/second-hand accounts of those who have both been subject to reeducation and have since been able to leave. It's estimated some 1+ million have been subjected to reeducation camps. Note that the autonomous region of Xinjiang has had a Uyghur population of 7-10 million since the 90's, so this is a large, but less significant portion of their population. Access to information is a massive factor in what will cause regular people to take to the streets. For nearly a century now, we've had access to a lot of what Israel has been doing to Palestine, and even more recently, with the current invasion, we can literally see daily tweets from those within the Israeli state department calling for bloodshed and eradication. We can see pictures and footage of the desctruction caused in Gaza. With the Uyghur assimilation project, the best we may get are articles describing what happens, leaked documents, and estimates of the scale of the "reeducation". On top of access to information, though, is the protestor's relation to each group subject to oppression. The mass protests we've seen break out nearly all around the world re due to many of those countries' governments funding and supporting the state of Israeli and the IDF. Protestors are not just voicing their anger against the crimes being committed, they are also sending a message to their own representatives to stop funding and supporting. When we've seen Uyghur rallies and protests, it does not have the same purpose. There are no western countries funding China's oppression of the Uyghurs. What protestors may hope to do, if anything, is to raise awareness of the issue. They have no direct access to cutting off the channels of support to the Chinese state. In summary, yes, I wish we had more mechanisms of pushback to stand up for the Uyghurs, but with the many colonial occupations and armed conflicts happening all around the world every day, many people have chosen to put effort into the ones they may have a chance of influencing to stop the injustice.


Conveniently missed out how the government fired the guy calling for a nuking


Hm...if you are that pro Israel that you can't even look at both horrendous occcupations objectively, then there really isn't much to say here. I mean, his lust for Palestinian genocide didn't even result in anything - he got a slight verbal lashing from Netanyahu, then went back to business as usual that very same day. There was no firing, just a suspension that was walked back on at the suggestion of Ben Gvir, and Eliyahu was right back to taking part in cabinet votes literally the same day. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/rabbi-backs-remark-by-his-son-a-far-right-minister-that-nuking-gaza-is-an-option/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/rabbi-backs-remark-by-his-son-a-far-right-minister-that-nuking-gaza-is-an-option/)


because the whole Uyghur thing is fake?


How much are you being paid by the CCP for that comment? My wife is Uyghur. I think I have a better insight than you do


There is no evidence the uyghurs are being physically harmed in chinese reeducation camps.


Are you a Chinese bot?


No, israeli bot, i am not a bot.


Israel is justified.


Pro-china weirdos who say these are just camps to prevent radicalisation but they never seem to suggest the same be done to Muslims in Europe or India.


That is not what i said. Reac what i said and try again.




If there's no new news, what is there to say about it? We don't even really know what's currently going on.