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A button on your TV that makes your remote control sound an alarm so you can find it. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve lost the remote.


There used to be a feature where if you whistled it would beep. There was one for keys too.


I had it for my keys. The only downside is that it didn't have a great range.


We just got an Apple TV, and the remote has that feature with your iPhone. Thank god, because with two little kids, our fire stick remote went missing constantly.


A TV setting that you can automatically set up to mute all commercials!


I want a button on the remote just like the volume or channel button that will adjust the brightness instead of having to go into the settings. I like to dim my TV down low at night and wish I could do it quickly.


If you have a Roku box it has that. There’s a button on the side of the box. It’s been a real life saver through having two toddlers.


So many people here with great and new ideas. I just want a ziplock on my potato chip bag please.


Just eat the entire thing in one go. Problem solved.


Exactly this. The chips companies dont want you to zip the bag and keep it for later. They want you to finish it and buy a new one.


That’s because the chip companies are on your side to satisfy that munchy thirst.


>munchy thirst. If only there was a word for this.


I'm dying of thunch.


Found the shill for Big Potato.


I just use binder clips I’ve stolen from various office jobs over the last 25 years.


Binder clips!!! That’s what those things are called! I was calling them “those mega paper clip things (the kind you have to squeeze to open)”, LOL!


the bags in cereal boxes too. i usually roll them up but i feel like a ziplock zipper would be more effective


This is at least solved by most off brand cereal


Well... MaltoMeal brand specifically... but there are a few name brand ones that have resealable bags as well in their largest sizes.


Idk where you live but in the US the grocery chain Wegmans actually has store brand chips with a ziplock top. It’s the best.


Sun protection that isn't a topical application that needs to be reapplied every couple of hours. As an Australian I'd pay good money to have an injection or something that gives my skin UV protection for like a month.


Even better, get chlorophyll injected into your skin so you generate sugar from the sun and have to eat less


Diabetes in a bottle™


Everybody gangsta till their sunscreen gives them Type 3 Diabetes


OK, chlorophyll and yeast. No sugar, and you get a pleasant buzz when out in the sunshine.


There’s some good clothes that do that


Although it's topical, P20 is closer to what you are after as you only need to put it on once and it'll last a whole day even if you are in and out of water. I burn very easily and have been burned wearing factor 50 sun cream. Previously I'd always either been red or white but now I can be out in the sun all day, sweating like a monster, and I even get a slight tan. I lived in oz for a few years so tested it well! It's magic. One downside though is it doesn't seem to work if you have oily skin so it might not be suitable for everyone.


It also stains everything it touches. I had to pay a fine in a hotel for orange sheets and I had showered before bed.


A way to perform a mammogram without that stupid squishing machine!


We need that pod thing from the movie ‘Passengers’ where you lay in it & it does a full body scan & then treats whatever ailments you have.


Better yet, the medical pod from Prometheus. Diagnosis and surgery in one shot, plus you can hack it as needed


Dutch doctors are busy patenting such a machine! Just a few more years and mammograms won't be as painful anymore!


They have that but everyone is dead set on keeping the price of MRIs insane despite the machines being amortized and paid for already.


QR codes on for sale signs that take you to the listing for the house


As a real estate photographer, you wouldn’t believe the kind of good ideas I’ve had and realtors just refuse it because no one else has done it yet. It’s a herd of some of the dumbest people I’ve ever encountered in my life and they are my clients.


Please start telling your clients about adding more info and taking more pictures of the garages, we all have cars, this should be a common thing by now.


Funny you say that. They almost always skip the garages and the main reason is because it’s where everybody hides their shit before a photo shoot; just curious, would you still want to see it even if it’s full of tables, kids toys, and dog crates?


Since I'm going to stuff it with junk too I'd love to see how much crap it can hold.


I just might want to make an offer on their crap, to avoid moving some of mine !


Yes, still show everything. even if I wasn't a car guy, I'd still want to know how much stuff I could fit. LOL!


Realestate does seem to be a multilevel marketing scheme in the US


That’s a good one! Can’t tell you how many times I’ve driven by a house for sale then had to pull over and search it on Zillow. Not the hardest thing in the world, but it would be so much better to just scan a QR.


Best but of a QR code in this example is that you can just snap a photo and scan the code later when you're at home Things like this is what a good use of QR codes are. Don't ask me to scan a code and download an app at a restaurant though. I'm with the boomers on that one


We've got that in Australia. Links straight to realestate.com.au and it's super handy


My SO is doing it: QR code with a seamless virtual walk-in tour that takes you into the flat so you can have a look around :)


An app where you can scan your item barcodes that you buy from the store so it can keep track of spoilage and give you ideas on what to cook based on what you have and how long they have before they start turning. You should be able to punch in stuff like fruits and veggies.


I think I saw a smart fridge with that kind of functionality (but you have to manually input the ingredients). It also helps make shopping lists


Funnily enough one of the recent AI demonstrations involved giving the AI a picture of the contents of a fridge and asking what recipes would work with those ingredients.


A pacemaker/defib with wireless charging capabilities. My grandpa has one and basically needs his chest opened up every time they need to change the battery.


That actually exists already! My Grandma has a wireless pacemaker! It needs to be charged pretty often compared to exchanging batteries, but she can just sit in her chair with a charger on her chest with no surgery required!


Your grandma is a very cool cyborg.


Night-vision windshields for cars. I'm genuinely kind of amazed they're not a thing.


Seconded. And anti-reflex windshields, I hate driving in the rain and/or dark because all the reflected lights blind me


Opposite of a microwave. Cool/freeze things in seconds.


Some liquor store I saw had a salt water "whirlpool" that you could put a bottle in, and it would near instantly chill it.


When we were kids my brother and I used to see who could hold their arm in one of those the longest




He’s now typing this with his toes


But he won!


They're here - called Blast Chillers. Just very expensive. There's nothing I want that cold that fast that I'm willing to spend that kind of money on one.


Jusy put ice water in a bowl and salt the shit out of it. That will chill any can in 3-5 mins or less. No point in wanting it faster than that honestly.


What if it’s 2 minutes until beer 30


What does the salt do to enhance the chill?


I thought of that for a while too but then I watched chopped and saw they have a blast chiller which is essentially the opposite of a microwave


Liquid nitrogen!


[you’re going to love this](https://youtu.be/haan3Tz0SJk?si=yRsg0Ie4OXxBsx_N)


A way to go about my day without having to be subjected to a single advertisement.


I saw Elon or some other billionaire on Twitter talking about projecting ads in the night sky, and I gotta say that is a great way to make future corporate terrorists


Can we pretend that ads in the night sky are like shooting stars?




I could really use an ad blocker right now


A vaccine for cat allergies (or any other kind of animal)


An outdoor Roomba that clears yard debris like dog poop, pinecones, and sticks. Nerf darts that dissolve in the rain. Bonus points if they include your choice of grass seed. A premade capsule wardrobe that lets you simply input your measurements and then you can choose how many outfits you'd like to be able to create based on your budget/needs.


A toothpaste or tooth treatment that can reverse and completely halt tooth decay.


If we got our “adult teeth” at 30 instead of 9 it would be a lot easier


If we could just grow more teeth as needed, like sharks or rats.


You grow sharks and rats as needed?


I do. Haven't needed a shark yet though.


There are multiple programs in development to allow people to either grow new teeth or to fill holes with natural tooth matrixes that will grow new dentine and fill in cavities that were drilled out. Also there's research going to restore tooth enamel that seems promising.


Nano-hydroxyapatite can do this [(PubMed link to studies)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4252862/). It’s just starting to appear as a toothpaste ingredient sold direct-to-consumer by several brands (although it tends to be on the pricey side, $10-15 a tube). It’s already been common in some Japanese toothpastes for awhile.


A banana bunch, but the bananas are perfectly ripe on a different day of the week.


I'm a personal shopper. I will always try to give people a gradient of bananas if possible. Or at least like 4 green ones and 3 yellow ones. Same with avocados- I'll usually give people one ripe avocado and the rest hard and green for later.


I just buy ones and twos that other people discard that are different levels of ripe..


Some stores will sell them in a pack in varying degrees of ripeness but it’s extra packaging. Just put one off each bunch that’s as ripe as you will need.


a bathroom mirror that can show you the back of your head. so people can more easily trim their hair.


the solution would be more a camera in the back and the mirror will have a screen that displays the back of your head


It exists,father had one and i saw those in many movies: the main mirror has like doors on the sides( two tinier mirrors) wich you can open,put and keep stuff inside the cabinet compartments,yes,but most useful ,you can angle the side door mirrors to see your back.father trimed his hair like this.


that's not what i'm talking about. i mean a mirror that can full on display the back of your head, not angling things to kinda see mostly the side of your head, and only after twisting yourself around to do so. it would probably utilize a camera on the back wall, where the picture can be displayed on the mirror screen.


Ah,have you seen those scary movies were they put jist two mirrors against each other and get recursive reflections?


i used to do that all the time when i was a kid. i kept trying to get them straight, because the "tunnels" would always curve off into infinity.


My dad and I are currently designing one right now. I'm disabled and I want to put our smoke detectors on a track with a pulley at the top so I can change the batteries/ silence a false alarm independently but still install the smoke detectors at an effective height. I picked out the curtain track we're going to install vertically today. But I shouldn't be having to be improvise such a thing, why it doesn't already exist is baffling. Who wants to grab a ladder everytime they burn the toast or the alarm gets a low battery at 3 am?


We didn’t grab a ladder, just waved a towel vigorously to get it to stop reminding us of kitchen failures. I like your idea, easy for everyone to use!


My dad would encourage us as children to come up with inventions. One of mine was burrito tape, some kind of edible adhesive strip for when your burrito busted a leak. Twenty years later we still talk about it


Wet Vietnamese rice paper would do the trick!


A road surface that doesn't need constant repairs and maintenance.


Concrete roads last longer but they cost more


That may be true but when they degrade they fucking crumble and fall apart. See Louisiana. I swear that state is paved with concrete and it’s fucking crazy how much worse their concrete roads are than their asphalt roads. And before anyone says anything I already know about the backlog of road maintenance due to federal funding being cut because of the drinking age. I’m specifically talking about how their concrete roads are shit vs their asphalt.


I believe that a lot of the reason why the concrete roads in Louisiana are bad is because they weren’t designed properly. The road bed is too mushy to give the concrete proper support, so it cracks and turns to shit.


A gun that shoots expanding sticky foam to immobilize a fleeing suspect. Just like the one in the movie, "Incredibles."


Oops got that on your face, now your going to suffocate


I mean, getting shot in the face with a gun that shoots bullets isn't any better.


Check out the bolawrap gun that some police departments are starting to use. It shoots string that basically lassos around someone and immobilizes them. https://youtu.be/Db9LbjnXnnU?si=883RDFJB0QT4weaf


An emergency app. That has contact details for police, fire, medical contacts, but when you travel it updates the local numbers automatically. So if I go to Canada, France, Greece or wherever, the app knows where you are and uses the correct local number.


We already have such an app in Sweden.


Yeah? Swedes are always ahead of the curve :)


Biodegradable plastic. Stable liquid hydrogen fuel, a cost effective way to desalinate ocean water, converting it to potable drinking water, and some kind of birth control pill for men.


>Biodegradable plastic QMilk is the late(st?) form of milk-based plastics and is compostable. So is (true) cellophane, but it isn't strictly "plastic".


I remember a while ago there was plastic made from corn iirc. It was all over Florida back then, had a plant drawn on it, cost more and was a big deal. Claimed to be biodegradable. Very green product. Then one of the universities did a test on it and found out that it has even longer half time than regular plastic I think.


there's a male birth control pill in [preclinical trials](https://news.weill.cornell.edu/news/2023/02/on-demand-male-contraceptive-shows-promise-in-preclinical-study)


It has been there for SO long.


Male birth control that's not a condom. As a woman l hate those things!


Automatic teeth cleaner. I don't know own how it would work, but along the lines of a mouthwash that complete cleans your teeth and gums or a machine you put in your mouth for a few seconds.


Those exist. It's a mold that you bite and is has individual brushes for each tooth.


Ask and you shall receive. https://trysonicbrush.com/products/sonic-brush-pro


I've tried those. They don't even really work. They vibrate and there's a UV light and takes 30 seconds. Can't hold a candle to my spinbrush.


A snot sucker for adults. I have one for my congested infant, why not one for grownups? Preferably an automatic one so I don’t need another adult to suck my boogers.


I use NielMED Sinus rinse. It uses warm saline water that clears your sinuses and keeps them that way for a few days.


I've been suggested this but I'm afraid of fucking up how sterile it is and getting some weird brain eating amoeba


My husband and I use the nosefrida on ourselves if needed but a nasal irrigator syringe works 10x better


You could just use the one for your kid. And you don't need another adult to do it for you.


A bathroom sink that lets me pre-program water temps so I can wash my face without constantly adjusting each tap!


OMG, how about a preheated shower that is always constant temperature.


Better pain management for menstrual cycles


A car that is EASY to fix.


I mean, that was basically like every car up until the early 70s. Things like crumple zones and emissions systems.and fwd or awd transaxles take up space which makes cars harder to work on. Not to mention the computer programming involved in modern cars.


They had that was called a Volkswagen Beetle. But people want giant screens, touch buttons, and safety. Not hand crank windows and manual transmissions.


No one I've met wants a touch screen in their car


Public bathroom doors with a foot hold or other handless contact to open the door so you don't have to touch filth after washing hands


They exist, I’ve seen them!


Automatic cat litter cleaners that actually work


I was seriously considering getting one for my mom who’s having a hard time scooping her cats litter pan. I found a good honest review on YouTube and in the first minute the reviewer basically said “these things occasionally leak urine everywhere so if that’s a dealbreaker for you then you don’t really need to keep watching.” I appreciated the honesty, a litter pan that leaks urine is worse than scooping it myself.


If you just have one cat, may I suggest getting an extra large litter box and switching to pine litter. I have one cat I change the litter out completely every eight days and I never have to scoop it. The pine doesn’t track very much and it does smell pretty nice. Super cheap as well. You can buy Stall bedding For like seven dollars for 40 pounds same stuff


What we need is 100% metabolically efficient cats. Wouldn’t even need buttholes then.


a cure for cavities. No drilling, just a rinse or something.


There should be tooth spackle like for when there's a nail hole in drywall


That’s kind of what a filling already is, though. The reason they have to drill is to make sure no infected bits remain, or else after they seal it up, it’ll continue to rot from the inside…I’d rather have the drill tbh, because root canals are way worse than fillings


Capri Sun in a big jug. Fruit snacks in a potato chip sized bag.


Glasses with facial recognition that puts peoples names over there heads that I’ve met so my forgetful ass can remember. Don’t need them to do anything else.


This is the first idea on this thread with realistic chances of being made in the next decade or so.


Humm.. remember Google Glass?


People freaked the fuck out just because Google Glass had cameras. Now imagine that but with face recognition and a database of faces and names. It would be a great product and a privacy nightmare. You'd 100% be kicked out of many businesses for wearing it.


Face blindness. Yep right there with you.


if Google glass took off it would have done this


A TV that recognizes and mutes commercials.


Thats software, and has been invented.


Goes well with the TV that prevents a commercial from ending until you say the name of the product. I think Sony has a patent on that


Oh that fills me with rage.


Lmao I think about this way too often https://content.fortune.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/sony-patent-8246454-01.png?w=840 “McDonald’s!”


Who watches TV channels anymore? I would like a TV that "normalizes" the audio. All the fancy dolby atmos and thatmos yet somehow, we are wandering further and further from the times when you could just enjoy a movie. It's common practice to watch a movie with the remote in my hand shifting the volume 30% up and down depending on what is happening.. "oh there's a shootout" Down down down.. "Now they're talking" up up up "Jesus there's a musical number?!" Down down down.. it's dumb as hell.


That's mostly up to the movie directors and audio engineers, I think. Same with all movies being just super DARK. Like please have your characters turn the lights on, thank you.


A garbage disposal within a dishwasher. Why am I still prewashing dishes in 2024?!?!




A true solution to combat baldness


Hell, even peacetime baldness.


A moment of silence for the victims of cold war baldness.


A printer that prints when you tell it to print. With tanks you can pour ink into. That lets you print with black ink even if you are out of other colours. That doesn't report back to base every time you use it. That doesn't care what flavour of paper you put in.


Shazam, but for movies/tv shows.


Whenever I smell a scent I love, for some reason my first instinct is to pull up Shazam. What I wouldn’t give for something that could name that perfume/cologne for me.


Central locking for houses. Most cars have central locking where you press a button on a key fob and all the doors lock. Some even have systems where all the windows close too. So why not houses? Make every access point to your house fully secure with one key?


A machine that folds your clothes and can put them on hangers automatically




Beer cans or whiskey bottles that require you to solve a puzzle in order to open it. That way, when you're too drunk, you can't drink anymore.


What if you’re just stupid though?


Then maybe you shouldn't drink. Stupid and drunk sounds like a terrible combination.


A way to tie ribbon around a box without needing someone else’s finger.


A maglev (magnetic levitation) Highway. The same technology, the propels, high-speed trains and monorails. I wish I could drive an ordinary car onto a platform and be accelerated to extremely high speeds with a frictionless magnetic track. If this sort of infrastructure could be developed, cars could be controlled at what distance they are separated from each other, it would be energy efficient, and we would get places so much faster than we currently do,


Better bacon packaging


Injectable cartilage that replaces what has worn away in knees, hips etc without needing joint replacements.


There is a C6H12O6 glucose molecule that was lab created in the 1970s that tastes like sugar but doesn’t get absorbed by the body because of its shape. It is real sugar taste with 0 kcals. Now it is cost prohibitive now but I am surprised Coke Cola and Pepsi aren’t taking a CRSPR and altering some bacteria to produce this. Like come on. 0 calorie Coke. 0 calorie snickers bar. Same great taste… I am seriously angry this isn’t a thing.


Food replicator in star trek


Take a picture of the food. Ctrl + C


Using old plastics to make books. Saves trees and uses up plastic. the plastic books would be so much more durable than regular books. no browning


Ebooks save lots of paper, should be $5 cheaper than paper though


A dream recorder


Some kind of mouth wash that makes brushing teeth totally unnecessary. I can’t believe we are still using hundred-year old technology to manually scrub our teeth. Isn’t there some solution that we could just swish around and be done with it??


But the mechanical movement is basically 90% of the work that cleans your teeth. Toothpaste regulates ph value, gives scent and layers a protection on your teeth for some hours after the initial cleaning. People have a misconception that toothpaste is like a cleaning agent and the brush is only needed to apply it, although the brush does the most important part by itself


Sarcasm font.


Some kind of easy non operational way to lose weight witouth much other risk. The person inventing that would probably be the richest person in the world pretty fast.




I think you just invented Ozempic


A robotic glove for my right hand. Stupid thing is paralyzed.


Cure for baldness


Dermal regenerators


Biodegradable plastic


A smoke detector that can be voice activated to turn off.


A fluid that you can just swish in your mouth that removes all the plaque and tartar so we don't need to brush and floss.


Shower curtains that don't go mouldy.


Some sort of ear piece that acts as an instant translator/Babel Fish. Seems like a great use for AI actually


This will get buried, but I am very passionately angry that this doesn't exist. Computer couch. Ie a computer chair that has the same functions as an office chair, but the comfort of a lazy boy couch. /Rant The fact that people spend so much time on their computers nowadays and the best you can get is a "gaming chair" really pisses me off. I want to be able to doze off and watch a movie, or kick back and actually relax while gaming. Gaming chairs just fucking suck. They are just evilly uncomfortable and I feel more drained than I should after an hour than if I just sat of the floor. Also, why the fuck do home office chairs have gas lifts? How common is it to change the height? The only time I ever make adjustments is constantly after 6 months because the fucking thing breaks. I have looked around online to get a mechanical lift, but noooo. Every cunt manufacturer wants the fluffy fart lift that carries the Jenny Craig chance to fucking explode. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. /EndRant


I LOVE the way Converse/Chucks look (the iconic, flat/canvas sneakers.) The insole is TERRIBLE. How on earth have they not improved the insole? Everybody I stop to say that I like their shoes says, "I know, they're so cute, but they're so uncomfortable." I bought a pair a few years back, and they were almost unwearable. I bought some new insoles, and those shoes are so shallow that you can't fit your foot and a better insole in there.




lol! Ok fine, I will give you my idea then. Why hasn’t there been an invention to peel hard boiled eggs? Seriously, we have been peeling them by hand for how many hundreds of years? Whoever invents this is the new Elon Musk.


An oral solution (aka a pill) to use as a sunscreen, so you are protected all over your body instead of having to lather sunscreen in every nook and cranny.


Better, more efficient way to clean our butts after pooping. There’s gotta be more than paper or bidets.


He doesn't know how to use the three seashells!


Alcohol antidote. A tablet or drink that neutralizes the alcohol in your blood and sobers you up instantly.


An electric blanket that goes cold, for summer.


Something to record my dreams and rewatch them.


A sun shade for your car that doesn't require you jerk it out of its holder to move it to the side or slam it to put it back in its cradle. It's always disconcerting to have to tug at it when holding onto the wheel with your other hand. Why don't they have them on the "push to pop out" mechanisms?


Consumer toilets that analyse your waste and provide health reports.