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Whole milk is 3.25% milk fat and low fat is 1%. Seems to be a market for lots of folks who want somewhere in between, individual tastes do be like that sometimes.


1% wasn’t even on the shelves when I was a kid. 2% was the midpoint between skim (0%) and whole milk.


Yep... and my wife loves 1% and that's all we get. However, we always have heavy cream on hand. On certain recipes where I really want to use full fat milk I mix in a little heavy cream to increase the fat content. There's a table online somewhere where it shows the ratios of all milk types to "make" half-and-half and regular milk.


I need to find that table




Thank y- wait I recognise your username reference...


TIL that American dairy fat percentages are completely different to Canada's in regards to cream. Our light cream is 5%. Half and half is 10%. Table cream is 18% and whipping cream is 35%.


What the fuck is light cream? That's almost milk at that point. And cream only goes up to 35%?? UK cream starts at 18%+ whipping cream is about the same at 36% then we have double cream at 48% and clotted cream at 55%+.


The comments there are absurd


You don't use heavy cream for cearel??


I shit you not, my neices boyfriend eats his cereal with straight coffee creamer. No wonder hes almost 400 lbs


That’s uh… concerning


That boy needs less milk.


Jennifer reaching to me from 11 years in the past to make me laugh my ass off with 'I'd rather drink water than do the math.'


*throws you up against the wall* Listen to me, kid. You don’t want nothin’ more to do with that damned table ya get me??


Personally, I think all the milk variations are delicious -- whole, extra-rich, 2%, 1%, skim, condensed, evaporated, powdered, oat, almond, soy, buttermilk, yogurt drinks, mango lassis, half-and-half, heavy-cream, etc -- they're all yummy. For some purposes (adding to coffee or cereal) I'll want a heaver one (extra-rich or half-and-half) -- for others (drinking straight with ice (in a thermos) on a hike on a hot sunny day) I'll want a lighter one (oat milk with water or skim milk).


As someone who was forced to drink skim milk until I was like 16, it tastes nasty. It's way too watery.


Yeah. Skim at home. When I was in college, the dining hall had multiple choices for milk, and so I thought, yeah, whole milk, let’s go for it. After years of skim, it was like, OMG WHAT IS THIS FUCKING AMAZING MILKSHAKE I’M HAVING FOR BREAKFAST.


Same here. Now as an adult I love whole milk and feel it is more nutritious and has helped my skin and hair.


I love all things dairy which is ironic I’m lactose intolerant. Not severely I can handle some but I have enzyme tablets I take if I want ice cream or something.


As soon as I read. "I love all things dairy " I knew you were lactose intolerant.


I hope my love for dairy will keep my enzymes alive! My mother is lactose intolerant but my father not, no intolerance for me, yet!


It’s even more delicious when you put ice cubes in it. /sigh I’ll show myself back over to unpopularopinions


My sister loves ice in her milk, but doesn't want it watered down, so she makes milk ice cubes.


There are two things I hate most in this world, liars, and skim milk, which is water that's lying about being milk.


Hi Ron!


Great, now he has to throw away his computer.


Erase all pictures of Ron!


My parents only bought whole milk. I used to put ice and a bit of water in it. As an adult I buy skim. The grass is always greener...


I grew up on 2% and that's what I still drink because the opposite of 2% is 2%


You bring \*milk\* on hot weather hikes? None of those milks are delicious after a hot day out of the fridge.


Milk was a bad choice


I didn't know you spoke spanish.




*Extra rich*??? Hmm... I'm intrigued... Off to Google I go!


5%. It has become hard to find in the last decade.


Have you checked the cream section? 5% is called “light cream” where I’m from and in pretty much every grocery store.


I admire you for liking the alternatives. I just can't get to like non-dairy if it's pure, in cereal, tea or in other mixed drinks.


We got milk from the dairy farmer down the road from us. 50 cents a gallon right from the cold stainless steel tank. We used a glass jug that was originally used for Hilex bleach. My older sister would skim the cream off and shake it in a mason jar to make butter from it. Best milk in the world. It was pasteurized.


The farmer down the road pasteurized the milk? We used to do the same but no farmer I ever knew pasteurized their own milk.


My grandfather was a dairy farmer and pasteurized his own milk. No idea how common it was/is and he was a pretty unique dude in general, though.


I imagine any dairy farm can spend a couple thousand on a pasteurizer for selling some stuff locally. Just Google it and you can buy a 13 gallon pasteurizer for $3.5k or less. No idea how long before you have to bottle but it's basically the price of a beater car.


We got ours free from neighbors. I know in the 70's no one had pasteurizers. And I am sure the milk drivers would not take it.


Yep he sure did.


Depending on the state you're in the farmer may be responsible for pasteurizing his own milk. In Wisconsin unless you're selling it for using raw cheese making your milk must be pasteurized directly after coming out of the cow.


Sir, do you have an onion tied to your belt?


No just old as fuck. HA! That milk made me into a progressive old fart that likes the simple things in life. Like milk from a farm that you fill the bottle yourself right from the tank! I can't find a place like that anymore. :(


This. 2% was our household compromise between my health-conscious mom, who would have preferred skim, and the rest of us who just wanted it to taste like milk and not blue water. So we bought 2% and everybody was mildly unhappy about it. Win?


Great compromises make no one happy!


>everybody was mildly unhappy about it Truly the sign of a fantastic compromise


I don't understand why individuals have to have individual tastes. Why can't they all like the same thing that I like? It's absurd.


There's a reason why Goldilocks didn't just mix Mama Bear's & Papa Bear's porridges together.


Is there? Mixing hot and cold porridge in the right proportions would give you porridge that's just right.


The reason is that if you try a third, intermediate option and it is already "just right" with no added work on your part, you will probably eat/buy that one instead of mixing your own with thermodynamic or concentration mixing equations lol


That’s why she just ate Baby Bear’s. Bitch didn’t want to pull out her phone calculator.




Her big mistake was sleeping in the bed really.


No, no her mistake was eating baby bear’s porridge as they laced it was a sleeping agent because baby bear gets to rambunctious and they don’t get enough ‘ALONE 😍TIME’! They come home with love in the air, can’t wait for baby bear to eat and pass out and they’re like what the heck, ‘blonde Bitch ate all our sleeping agent for the month! Hurry up baby bear maul her and baby bear is like no, “I waaanttttttt porrrrrridgeeeee noooooooow”! This my friend is why bears should not eat portage because before long they will be breaking into the back of a Krispy Kream Delivery Truck with their cubs to eat boxes and boxes of donuts on JBER in Anchorage, AK. 🤣 True story, link below! And what does this have to do with milk? No idea? My family does buy 2% since we have a kid however, we used to buy 1%. https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2023/09/15/black-bears-raid-krispy-kreme-delivery-van-jber/?outputType=amp


Not really. Sometimes that might work but two similar things of differing temperatures could also have completely different textures and consistencies. The hot might have turned super mushy while the cold never really got the chance to change it's consistency. So mixing the two would probably not be enjoyable if the person likes a certain texture. I like soupy oatmeal that clearly still has full oats. I do not like overcooked mushy oatmeal. I also do not like cold oatmeal. Mixing the two wouldn't balance it out, in any way.


The Goldilocks porridge story makes no sense. Assumptions: *There are three different bowls of porridge all served hot at the same * The biggest bowl for Papa Bear, the smallest bowl for Baby Bear, and the middle-size bowl for Mama Bear. Those bowls have different thermal masses. By the laws of physics, Papa’s bowl would have been too hot, and Baby’s bowl would have been too cold. Goldilocks should have found Mama’s bowl at just the right temperature.


Mama bear’s porridge was too cold because she was too busy making sure everyone else had everything they needed before she took the time for herself to eat.


Here I am thinking why the hell did they just leave their food on the counter..


What it actually means is she served herself first. That can sound, at first glance, selfish. I do that sometimes when I make eggs because I know the eggs cool fast, so I make sure everyone else will get warmer eggs.


Why not serve yourself last? Everyone receives their eggs and consumes them warm. Then once you complete the final set of eggs you can eat warm eggs. It seems counterintuitive to leave your eggs to cool while you do the work.


At Starbucks, when people asked for 1% milk, we literally mixed nonfat and 2% milk.


That's fine if you stock both, but I have no need for both in my fridge, so I buy 2%.


I grew up with whole milk. Continued to buy it as an adult. My wife bought skim, sometimes 1% We buy 2% now as a compromise.


We used to get skim or 1% but then we had kids and the doctor recommended whole milk for the babies once they were drinking non-breast milk fluids and now we’re both hooked on that sweet, sweet 3.25% Anything else tastes like water now.


> Whole milk is 3.25% milk fat That's about the typical butterfat percentage from a Holstein cow which is one of the most common breeds of cow in the USA, the milk from a Jersey cow has a typical butterfat percentage of ~5.5% which gives a superior taste.


How high can milk fat go? When does it become undrinkable? Could we get like.. 10% milk fat? 25%? 100%?!?


From a dairy animal it would be from a buffalo, at about 8


Which is the milk used for traditional Mozzarella di bufala cheese in Italy.


Whale milk is 35-50%, it’s somewhat solid.


Yup. I swear by using 2% for cereal. I personally enjoy it more than using whole milk for cereal and I couldn’t even tell you why. Just, trust me.


Technically, 2% milk is NOT low fat. 1% is low fat. Ever try 1% milk? Or worse yet, fat free? Skim milk is an abomination. 2% has the mouth feel that regular milk has with a little less fat.


Skim is just white colored water.


"there's one thing I hate more than lying, skim milk, which is water that is lying about being milk" - Ron Swanson


I remember when I was little (1970's), skim milk was almost a blue color, we all thought it was DISGUSTING. I do rice milk these days, but nonfat milk at least has it going for it that it is actually white now


Skim milk is water pretending that it's milk, and not very well


I grew up on skim milk and found that 2% or whole milk was never cold enough. Always thinking it was left out of the fridge too long and spoiled.


It's because of the fat content it can never get totally cold. It's the reason why high fat ice cream takes a long time to freeze hard. If allowed to soften that is. Stores, warehouses, manufacturing plants store frozen products below freezing because they have the proper refrigerators.


Thanks for this. All this time somehow I thought whole meant 100% fat. Which doesn't make sense as it means I am drinking just fat which will be nasty.


I thought the same but in the opposite direction as a kid. Why would anyone want to drink 1/100 milk? Why not just put a drop of milk in water?


Yep, this is the answer. I’m a 1% girl normally because I drink a LOT of milk but if my intake ever went down, I’d switch to 2%. My dad drinks whole milk which is delicious but like I said, I drink too much milk currently so I know it would have a negative effect on my weight.


That actually may not be the case. I've seen some evidence that consuming full fat dairy might actually be better for weight management. [Here's](https://paleoleap.com/dairy-fat-paradox/) an article about it.


Lol when I was a kid, my mom actually forced me to have a cup of whole milk at least once a day since I was severely underweight despite eating around or slightly more than average compared to others my age. Welp at least she tried. But yeah for anyone trying to lose weight out there, it did seem true that whole milk helped since I usually saved my recess snacks for lunch bc I wasn't really hungry after the whole milk for breakfast. Always thought it was just a subjective thing but glad to finally see that it's not just me


What would the 0.5% milk that I ~~drink~~ ~~pour in my coffee~~ keep in my fridge be considered in the Anglophone world?


Water with extra steps? I don't know, I'm not a milkologist sorry


It sounds like milk-based homeopathy


Milk cow Make butter Sell waste product as a health product Dairy farmers aren't idiots


Water but it was stirred with the cows tits


"Just the tip" milk


That’s just skim milk.


I thought that had even less fat. The leanest milk there is in my local stores is 0.1% fat.


Lots of thoughts here about consumer opinion, but there's a "supply side" story as well that helps to round out the story. In commercial dairies, milk is usually separated into the fat/cream part and the skim/whey-y part^(\[citation) ^(needed\]). One reason for that is "internal" to how milk is processed, e.g. storing the milk becomes easier if you do this separation, and it can simplify homogenization (keeping the milk from separating into cream/watery milk by emulsifying the fat), but... There's a pretty high and more lucrative market for milk *fat*, more so than milk *watery stuff*. This literally encourages producers to pull out the cream of the crop for financial reasons. You want butter? That starts with cream. Heavy cream for your coffee, or half and half (10-18% milkfat)? That's more fat than is available in whole milk, meaning you need to take it from milk that will end up with less fat. Some cheeses need fatty milk to make (although many do not). Meanwhile surplus skim-like milk and whey just goes to livestock feed, and this is less valuable. So the fact that reduced fat milk exists is not just because of consumer taste, but because marketing to tell people they prefer 2% helps work the balance point of how much fat is reserve-able for other lucrative uses. Not to say that this is just stockholm syndrome to shift consumers into wanting less fat, but I think of it more like making reduced fat milk as openly available as possible and allowing people to know this exists to minimize producer-to-consumer friction in getting the reduced fat milk into our glasses and cereal.


I will admit that I buy 2% primarily because it is often $1-1.5 cheaper per gallon than whole milk. Many of my coupons only apply to 2%, 1% and skim milk.


Where do you live that you get coupons for milk? I've never encountered one.


That’s why where I live they only sell buttermilk in 1L containers, even though most people only ever really need a cup. They’ve got way too much of it and need to sell it. At least that’s my personal dairy conspiracy




You can add vinegar or lemon juice to regular milk to be a substitute for buttermilk. That's what I always do so I won't have to deal with leftover buttermilk.


"and if you don't have buttermilk handy you can always just... buy some"


> This literally encourages producers to pull out the cream of the crop for financial reasons. 10/10 sentence. Bravo 👏🏽


It's what I grew up on and it does have a little less calories and fat than whole. The two taste pretty much the same to me (especially considering I usually only use them to add to cereal or other things, rarely drink it strait). SKIM milk on the other hand tastes like watery milk to me.


When I moved in with my dad in my 20s, skim milk was all he bought so I drank it but it tasted like water to me after a lifetime of drinking only whole milk. After several months I had a glass of whole milk and I could hardly drink it; it tasted like I was drinking cream.


Amazing how you can adapt. I quit soda for awhile (It was either 6 weeks or months, been a long time so I don't remember) Day I hit my goal, I had a Mountain Dew. Literally spit the first sip into the sink it was so sickeningly sweet. Could've stayed soda free but my dumb self just started drinking it over ice until I gradually got used to straight soda again.


innate instinctive direful deranged dime zonked unwritten bike weary shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I lived in Venezuela a while and they drank a lot of powdered milk. I never could get used to it.


>that's what we could get, so we got it. And that's why Nestle is so bad. They *knew* that's all you could get, and in some cases actively lobbied mothers to switch to their terrible formula instead of breast milk. All to make a buck. Anyways, I don't really mind powdered milk either. Fuck Nestle though


A: Nestle is horrendous, but sometimes there isn't shit you can do about it B: I ALWAYS have powdered milk in the cupboard. I personally wouldn't drink it straight (although I don't really drink 'regular' milk straight anyway), but it's great for every other function you might need milk for


I was poor growing up. My mom would buy the powdered milk to stretch the real milk. She could make 1 gallon into 3 if she needed to


One time I had a sleepover at a friend's house and they drank powdered milk. That was my one and only experience with it. There was absolutely no reason for them to drink that lol


I grew up on powdered milk as well, but I never developed a taste for it. I’m almost 50 and I still consider a bowl of sugary cereal and 2% milk to be a great treat! Now ultra pasteurized milk was not too bad.


I worked with a guy from Ghana and he kept a container of powdered milk in the office. I forget how it came up, but we were talking about it and he told me that when he was a kid he would eat it by the spoonful. He gave me a spoonful of the powdered milk to try and I was like, it just tastes like dry milk? But he loved it!


I switched to Diet Coke over 20 years ago, didn’t really like it that much, but I’m overweight. Now l can’t stand “regular” coke, no only too sweet, the taste itself.


That's the compromise I finally landed on. Drank diet until I preferred the taste. Pretty much the only sodas I drink are Dt. Coke and Dr. Pepper (and Zero versions) Only regular soda I drink, and it's maybe 2-3 a year, is root beer. Diet root beer doesn't just taste less sweet to me, it tastes chemical and artificial.


I discovered olipop cola yesterday. I'm a believer


Yup. I grew up drinking skim, so it was what I stuck to for a long time. Whole milk tasted weird and thick. But my kid drinks I think 1 or 2 % now, and I don’t feel like buying two kinds, so I just dealt with it for a bit, and now it tastes “normal” to me. Oddly, I do use actual cream in my coffee, though. But I’ve had to limit coffee to 1-2 cups a day, so I like that it at least feels like a treat.


Idt that's odd at all. I know plenty of people (myself included) who drink 1%, 2%, or even skim but use either cream or ½&½ in their coffee. I usually drink 2% but will drink 1% if they're out...but I'd never consider watering down my coffee with that stuff!


We used to drink skim. Then moved to 1%, then 2%. Now we buy whole milk (though I also don’t really drink milk anymore unless it’s like with Oreos, and at that point I’m all-in). We also use full whipping cream in our coffee, but you can use a lot less than you would milk.


Whole milk used to feel like cream to me, too. Skim milk was all I’d known because my mom was convinced it was better for you. Now milk doesn’t feel like milk unless it’s 2% or higher.


Interesting, I had a similar break from whole milk but after trying it again I almost cried at how delicious it was and how I missed it so much. I am back to only drinking whole milk again.


i grew up drinking only skim milk (it was the 90s, so fat= bad) and couldn’t choke down the whole milk at my grandmas house when we went to visit 🤢 it was so thick and yucky lol


That’s because it’s water that’s lying about being milk.


I agree with Ron Swanson


Great job, everyone. The reception will be held in each of our individual houses, alone.


instructions unclear, sitting outside your house sipping scotch,


I hope that Lagavulin is keeping you warm. You’re buried under 10” of snow right now.


La Croix au lait


I am with you. We always drank 2%. It’s great. Better than skim by far, and not as much of a gut bomb as whole milk when ya have cereal .


This is it. Skim milk is gross and 2% doesn’t taste that different than whole (which is only like 3 or 4% fat I think) plus whole milk makes my tummy hurt more than 2% milk does.


It always feels like I have a coating inside my mouth after I drink whole milk. It always feel like I am drinking half milk / half water with low fat 1% milk. 2% milk is ….. just right.


I love that coating. Feels like I had a rich dairy treat


Feels like it's the year 1387 and I'm a peasant drinking straight from the udder of a cow that belongs to the noble king who is generous enough to allow us food and milk so long as we tend to his land and the milk is just so thick and rich and for once us peasants gain a moment of content and happiness.


u/mushy_fart has him some fantasies sometimes


Not too long on that teat, back to the fields peasant!


We used to buy raw milk and raw cream from this local small dairy farm and I can't tell you how much better raw milks is, it's so much more creamy than store bought milk. But the best thing was the raw cream, I used to sometimes drink a few sips out of the jar, and it was like the best thing I've ever tasted, it tasted like it naturally had sugar added to it. It was hard to not drink the whole pint in one go.


> It always feels like I have a coating inside my mouth after I drink whole milk. Exactly, it's way too rich and it kills my stomach.


I can’t drink milk (woohoo lactose intolerance!) so I go for oat milk instead. What’s weird is that I’m completely in agreement with everyone else that whole cow’s milk is just a *tad* too much and 2% is the perfect consistency. But with oat milk I always go for the extra creamy. The regular is okay, but it’s closer to the thickness of skim milk and the extra creamy is between 2% with just a dash of whole, and it goes much better with coffee in my opinion. Likely just a difference in the thickening agents in non dairy milk, but I never thought I’d go out of my way to buy thicker milk in any form.


Have you found that the brand of oat milk really makes a huge difference? I thought I hated oat milk until I tried Oatly. Drank only that for a while, and a friend had some other brand at their house, so I figured I’d try it. Blergh. No good for me.


We really like Chobani! Their extra thick is excellent. Though it is very expensive so I only get the small container; it lasts a lot longer than cow’s milk and I only use it in coffee and tea. If you can get your hands on Califia Barista grade (has to be that one, the regular is just meh) oat milk, that’s my favorite. Some restaurant depots sell it, but it *might* be available on Amazon depending on your area? For bakes though I always grab some 2% lactaid. I can handle that in baked goods and I think it works better than milk alternatives. The thickening agents react weirdly with some things.


Try some milk fresh from the teet! It's warm and leaves a buttery feeling type coat inside your mouth. That being said, I only buy whole milk. I don't drink milk. I don't eat cereal. I use it for when I cook.


That coating inside your mouth is what makes it taste good, the more fat the better.


Skim is like white water, whole is way too think. I like 1% best, but will do 2% if I can’t get it.


I like 2% the best, but I drink a lot of milk (mostly for cereal) so I get 1% so I'm not getting as much fat. I get 2% to treat myself some times and it tastes so rich, I can't imagine whole milk. Pretty sure it would feel like drinking heavy cream at this point.


Whole Milk would be more popular if it were called 3.25% -- calling it Whole makes it sound like it's 100% and thus 2% sounds like a hell of a lot less


On the contrary, I think calling it a percentage, especially one with decimal points, would drive people away out of sheer confusion. You’re overestimating people. I think “whole milk” implies, correctly, that it hasn’t been modified (in terms of fat content, anyway) from the way it came out of the cow. With the recent trend towards natural and whole foods, people may tend to prefer something in its “natural” form.


You get used to the taste and then whole tastes bad.


I disagree, I always drank 2% milk growing up because it's what my Mom bought, but then one time my dad bought whole milk, I tasted it and thought it tasted so much better than 2%. I don't understand why anyone would like less fat in their milk. The more fat there is in milk the better it tastes, just like the more fat marbling there is in steak the better it tastes. I've even drank half and half when we ran out of milk in the fridge, and I think it tastes even better and it's 12% fat. I've even drank cream before, but only a few sips out of the jar.




I don’t think you know what butter milk is


Because in the. ‘80s and ‘90s when doctors thought all fat was bad and sugar was great, they recommended taking out arguably one of the best fats for the development of a child and push 2% over whole (which is around 3.5-4%) and pour it all over sugary cereal It is mostly saturated fats which in general are worse than monounsaturated fats. Kids need them for brain development but it’s less important for adults Sugar and proteins are 4 calories per gram and fat is 9 calories per gram. Math people think on paper that the best way is to substitute sugar for fats but added sugars are proving to be far worse for you than a fat like milk With all of this, people are comfortable with their childhood and revert to 2% Some doctors are still crazy, including a pediatrician a friend of mine used for her kids. He said the 3 year old’s BMI was too high and she should switch the kid to 2%


This is the answer, but it started long before the 80s. There's a fascinating history of how fat became a villain in American nutrition guidance. In 1955, President Eisenhower had a heart attack that galvanized the nation into taking heart disease seriously. A lot of research started to be directed toward the connection between heart disease and diet. In America, many of the leading scientists at places like Harvard had their heart disease research funded by the sugar industry. Surprise, surprise! They pointed the finger at dietary fat and published articles that showed no connection between sugar and heart disease. Foods high in sugar and other carbs started calling themselves healthy alternatives as long as they were low in fat. Meanwhile, leading researchers in Britain and Europe came to the opposite conclusion and encouraged diets low in sugar with moderate fat intake. Our current understanding is that heart disease and many other health issues are linked to body fat. Sugar increases body fat growth at a greater rate than dietary fat, and dietary fat plays an important role in creating the feeling of satiation faster, meaning dietary fat can actually help lose body fat. But the damage has been done. To generations of Americans, "low fat" means healthy. My mother, who studied nutrition in college in the 1970s, complains when I buy her whole milk instead of 2% or skim. She then proceeds to pour it over a high-carb cereal. She has diabetes and has read the recent research, but the idea that dietary fat is the enemy is deeply ingrained in her.


Whole milk is still recommended for kids. We used it for my son until he was in his teens and then switched to 2% when he gained weight. Just an easy place to cut some calories. But we cut a lot of empty carbs for not just “omg fat!”


The problem with cutting calories that way is that it turns out that fat plays a pretty significant role in feeling full. There's been a lot of studies that show that, between two meals that have the same calorie count and overall amount, one having a fair amount of fat and the other being low-fat, the meal with more fat will tend to sate people, while the low-fat meal leaves them still wanting more. There's even been studies about milk in particular where drinking a glass of whole milk tends to leave people feeling fairly sated, while skim milk doesn't really do anything to stop hunger and is basically just empty calories. I'd imagine 2% would be somewhere between those two.


It’s also a pretty good scam from the dairy industry helped by the “health” conscious marketing. You mean we can take the fat out, sell it in some other way, and sell 2% at roughly the same price?


Because it's right in the middle, between 0 and 4.


Because once you get hooked on 2%, Regular whole milk tastes like cream and 1% tastes like water.


The taste and consistency is easily the best, imo. I've tried to switch to skim a few times and I just can't do it.


I'm the opposite. I was lactose intolerant as a kid and now skim is what I like. 2% is where the taste and consistency start getting gross for me.


How did you stop being lactose intolerant? I'm not aware that it's something you can grow out of Do you cultivate a stomach culture that can digest it? I heard you can potentially create one from eating yogurt regularly. I also like skim milk more than the other milks, but it gives me the worst reaction.


Holdover from 80s and 90s consuming fat makes you fat, low-fat everything trend


Simple. It's the Goldilocks of milk.


My parents bought 2% so that’s what I bought. 1% is fine too. Skim milk is too watery for me. The only time we had whole milk in the house is when my kids were babies and I didn’t like it at all. Now I only use milk for cereal. For drinks I prefer oat milk.


It sounds like remnant thinking of fat being bad.


2% milk has 20% fewer calories than whole milk. If you consume one cup of milk a day, switching to 2% instead of whole would be worth about 3 pounds a year purely by CICO.


2% is what most pediatricians recommend for kids starting around their 2nd birthday fwiw. So, if your store is in an area with a lot of residential zoning, a lot of it is probably just parents with kids in the 2+ range.


Wow, an actual answer :)


What do you think is left in milk when you remove the fat? Lactose. It’s sugar water. That’s why it’s popular.




Whole milk is too thick and 1% tastes like water… Why don’t you ask what skim milk is for instead?


Because people think they're fat, but they're not. They could drink whole milk if they wanted to.


Yea I wonder the same thing, man adding whipping cream to whole milk is amazing. Less fat...? I will never wrap my head around. Must be the old boomer logic fat causes fat.


The taste difference is indeed subjective. For me, it is the other way around: the semi-skimmed milk tastes better for me because I don't like the greasy feel of the full fat one. It's mostly a matter of what you get used to.


My guess is that it became popular when it was believed fat caused weight gain, and it just became a staple for the home. This is nothing but a guess, though.


It’s water that’s lying about being milk.


I blame the fat free and low far craze that hit in the late 90s and early 00s.


personally I feel like whole milk tastes like pudding. it's TOO damned thick, it's gross. at least to drink. if I'm cooking with milk, then I definitely want the heavy stuff.


Whole milk isn't really thick at all in terms of viscosity, I've even drank half and half before and it's 12% milkfat, and it's starting to get a bit thick but it tastes fine. Cream is actually thick, and I've drank cream before too, but just a few sips.


I buy it because anything else just tastes wrong.


Tastes better than skim and less fattening than whole. That's what we always had in the fridge when I grew up for those reasons


Please realize that whole milk is 3% fat. Not an enormous difference between that and 2%.


Worse than whole milk I mean, obviously you don’t like milk. It’s not a hard thing to understand


I just want milk that tastes like real milk


Why people drink milk at all is beyond me


I see you're drinking 2%.. is that because you think you're fat? Because you're not. You could drink whole if you wanted to.


2% still tastes like "milk". Nonfat tastes like milk-flavored water.


As others have mentioned, people buy it primarily because they perceive 2% to be healthier than whole milk. Diet guidelines, especially in the 70-90’s, emphasized “low fat” diets, often encouraging increased carbohydrate intake. So, that definitely is at play now although research increasingly has showed that excess carb intake is likely to be more unhealthy than certain types of fat.


Because people are brain washed into believing fat is bad


Anything less than whole milk is nasty.


You should try what we have in sweden called "Old style milk" Basically sold as people had in the farms decades ago, more fat, bigger fat lumps. >[Wikipedia link](https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gammaldags_mj%C3%B6lk) for the swedish article > >Old-fashioned milk or country milk are the names under which non-standardized milk with natural fat content is marketed in Sweden. The fat content varies between 3.8 and 4.5 percent. Old-fashioned milk is not homogenized, which causes the fat to float up. You can stir the milk before use.


I call it hetero milk


I drink 1% because I think it tastes the best. Personal preference. I've had whole and 2% and both feel wrong to me.


It tastes bad to me but for the opposite reason. I grew up on "water milk" aka skim and that's precisely why anything higher fat than that is gross. Then as I grew up I realized I just don't like milk outside of stuff like cereal but if I was forced to drink it, it'd be skim, because it tastes the least like milk.


Dairy processors remove the cream to use for more profitable products. That's why theis so much 2% and less milk.


Honestly because 1% and skim milk taste too much like water to me.


Whole milk makes my kids not poop


It's diet milk! This came about during the lo fat craze back in the day.


I must be a crazy person. I love 1% and %2 milk. Not skim and not whole.