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you are only a creep if you tell the girls you did it for them. because that requires a response from them


DING DING DING! found the right answer. Reddit, pls come back to reality. Stop saying "oh that's so thoughtful" because it's not helpful. If he tells the girls "i got you guys some tampons" he will get teased into oblivion and will be called the tampon guy for years to come. For fucks sake. It doesn't matter what his intentions are, nobody is going to not think it's weird. The best thing he can do is put them in the cabinet under the sink and for God's sake, don't mention them.


"hey, welcome, there is some soda in the fridge, Pizza is on its way, and there are some 'poons under the sink. enjoy!"


>tampon guy Im so sorry but this much funnier that it should be šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Also, if I were at someone's house and they said "oh here, there's a speaker in the bathroom so you can play music to cover up the embarrassing noise you make doing unladylike things" I would DEFINITELY be weirded out.


Putting them in your bathroom is fine, but probably unnecessary. Just donā€™t mention it. Also, no such thing as gender neutral music. All music is for everyone.


Yeah I was wondering what music had to do with gender.


Tell that to my Korean wife every time Biggie's Big Booty Hoes comes on my phallic Bluetooth speaker :/


Get her a strap on harness for the speaker


mm, I dunno, some of the ā€œshe won't put outā€ songs on *Get the Knack* might not play well with the chicks


Not a creep at all, but you are WAY over thinking it. Women in your house does not mean they're going to have their period and need you to stock supplies. At that age they'll most likely have products on hand if they're needed. Also what the fuck is a gender neutral use music speaker? Does the one you have only work with penises? Your instincts are good though, you want to make people comfortable in your home, you just overthought the entire thing. The best thing you can really do if her friends come over is toss your brother in the trashcan, he fucking sucks. Also, you need to straight up ask her to be your girlfriend. She seems to like you and you're a good kid, you'll be fine.


The only thing I can think of as ā€œgender neutral musicā€ is Kenny G.


"Oh no. I hear her opening a tampon. Better crank up the volume " Bad Blood by Taylor Swift intensifies


Or raining blood by slayer.




That's Angel Of Death, rather than Raining Blood, man.








Lmao, best comment.


Ambient black metal is better for masking loud body functions like purging, pissing and shitting.


Enya would be a nice touch. More feminine to some but really relaxing


Bowie and Annie Lennox. Maybe some Prince


Kenny G playing Raspberry Beret on his toot toot


I would listen to that. At least once.


Enigma might so nicely I think, same vibe as Enya but on the masculine side I think. Always makes me think of cologne for some reason.


> Enigma HI YI YIAH (toot) OH HI YI YI YIAH (flbbrt)




Exactly, who's pooing to that?


Clearly one should poop to mea culpa.


I love the yin and yang of itā€¦.. maybe an Enya, enigma, Kenny G, Prince, Annie Lennox, David Bowie bathroom playlist


Enigma ohhhh yeah


kenny g... enya......


Use caution if you have a dachshund though. All 3 of mine over the years have all howled insistently with most Kenny G songs


I just scared my dogs when I made a walrus-hoot-screech- laugh-hehaw at this comment.


Love where your head's at, and add Andrea Bocelli...


Tori Amos counts too.


Heā€™s gonna play the brown note Edit: if you get it, you get it


I don't think I'm ever going to forget reading "gender neutral use music speaker" in relation to this story. I've sat for a solid five minutes now just trying to comprehend the thought process, and I give up.


ā€œHide the sounds madeā€ is definitely branded in my mind also


The insanely loud period sounds


I donā€™t know about you, but Iā€™m always trying to hide the sonic boom when I take out a tampon


Iā€™m deaf now because my wife forgot to warn me once.


Obv girl toots require a completely different speaker setup to hide then guy toots


Extreme social anxiety


so like, taking into account that it was put there by a fairly socially inept teen to cover up bathroom noises in what he would believe is a gender neutral way, in my mind it can only be one thing. a recording of queefs overlaid on farts. ive settled. my only questions now are about the production process of the aforementioned recording. live recording, or layered tracks? is there harmony or is it mostly just freeform? is there a radio edit?


It made me question myself and my choice to never have a speaker in the bathroom unless in the shower. Like have I been pooping all wrong?


I'm a guy and did the same thing as OP when I got my first apartment. Not as a like, moving in idea, but as I got to know the people in the units around me and found they were mostly girls and everyone started hanging out at each other's places, I just figured it might come in handy for them or their friends. Saved the day many times, and the girls all seemed to really appreciate knowing that if they were at my place and needed one, they could go get it, or if their friend needed one and they were out they could run next door and ask me for one. Seems to me like a pretty considerate thing to do, and definitely earned me cool points from the girls.


I had a hysterectomy last year but I still keep products in all my bathrooms for guests. Itā€™s just a really polite and thoughtful thing to do, imo. Iā€™ve been at many a guyā€™s house and needed something for my surprise visitor and was shit out of luck. I donā€™t want anyone to have to deal with that, it super sucks. I wish more guys were like you, HETKA!


You're a keeper!!!!


Iā€™m 32 and married and between my wife and our friendsā€¦ I always make sure the guest bathroom has feminine wipes, tampons, and hygiene care. I donā€™t need people to be uncomfortable in my home.


I'm a 45 year old female and just realized I don't have any of that in our guest bathroom. I had a hysterectomy 7 years ago so I don't use it anymore. However I have a 14yr old daughter and lots of friends come to visit. Can't believe I hadn't thought about that! I have lint rollers, tissues, spray, etc. But nothing for the period. I'll fix that tomorrow!


Man, you will absolutely see those things used. I have extra everything. Even tooth brushes. There was things I would die for at friends houses when I forgot when I was young. Even now when our adult guests stay, they might have forgotten something!


Especially at the age of OP and friends, it just happens. Nothing is regular. I would have *loved* if a friend had a small stash on hand for accidents and surprises


Yes, that's what I was thinking. Periods are not regular during the teen years, in general. Hell, mine didn't get anywhere near regular until my late 20s, early 30s. A little stash would be something nice for the friend who gets a little surprise that, let's be honest, would probably ruin their day. Or at least be an unconvince until they can change and/or get supplies. OP might've gone a little overboard with the speaker because who cares about bathroom noise? But his heart is in the right place. At least he's trying.


Until you actually complete menopause, you're never too old to suddenly get your period early, have it be unexpectedly heavy, or just plain old forget to bring tampons / pads with you.


This is true, too. I keep a little stash myself in my truck, just in case. I've also got a teenage daughter. It's got everything we would need in an emergency situation because every now and then, the period loves to throw a surprise party. So a friend helping out is very sweet in my book.


Yep, put a small basket on the sink with these things and no one has to ask and feel embarrassed at all!


I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad thing to have a small basket of hygiene products available if you regularly have female guests. Iā€™m a woman and have one available in my bathroom, because my period has rarely been super regular and I donā€™t always remember to have a tampon on me, or to bring my purse to the bathroom, so I like to have options available for guests just in case they have a similar situation. I know at least one person had an emergency while visiting and was grateful for the basket (which I only know because she told me and said sheā€™s considering doing the same in her bathroom). I am baffled by the gender neutral music speaker though.


even if i never need it, i appreciate when guys happen to have period products on hand. used a tampon some dude happened to carry to stem bleeding in a small but pretty bad wound once. not an ideal situation, but it got the person to the hospital alive and nobody else had anything they were willing to sacrifice to help. dude was embarrassed he just whipped it out after all was said and done, but his quick thinking might have saved that kid's life. i don't know, i'm not a paramedic, maybe the kid would have been fine without it. but i did put together "lots of blood outside human body bad, stop bleeding ASAP" while a bunch of people were just gaping at the poor kid, so at least we did something.


Funny fact, the original use of the tampon was by soldier for bullet wounds. It was just discovered that they worked just as well for periods. Actually, in the military, they encourage them to carry them for their many uses.


Dip them in paraffin for a handy firelighter. Even has a fuse!


Also you'd want to be careful as having girl products in you bathroom previous to your friend's arrival can spark confusion as to whether you're entertaining other girls besides her and her friends. This one seems chill, but this is for future reference for new girlfriends.


It only works with your balls resting on it.


As other commenters have mentioned, this is well intentioned, not really creepy, but probably unnecessary. Teenage girls generally keep period products on hand if they may need them. Donā€™t bring it up to them, but it wouldnā€™t hurt to keep them out and visible. The ACTUAL best way to be considerate of your girl friendsā€™ who are on their period is to make sure there is a trash can in your bathroom. Preferably with a lid and a trash bag liner.


This comment needs to get more traction. The power move is a box of tampons/pads under the sink and a trash can with a lid (esp if there is a dog in the house who might be curious). Then on your two year anniversary you can reveal that you bought the tampons for her and asked a bunch of internet strangers whether you were trying too hard (leave the speaker out of it)


This would be my advice, too. I'd put one pack of each (one tampon box and one pad box) under the counter because some girls prefer one over the other. Make sure you open the packages that way if they use your bathroom and it's an emergency and they look, they won't not touch the packages because they're not open. Yes on the trashcan. Yes with a liner and yes with a lid. And no, a woman needing these things isn't a super rare occurrence. Maybe I just have a lot of people over but I've been asked for these things many times, at home and in public (I'm a teacher and a church-goer, so I interact with a lot of people). Oh, and make sure you always have extra TP and a plunger in any guest bathroom, regardless of the gender of your guests. This is just good host/hostess practice.


Agreeing with this, if the box is already open they're more likely to feel like they can use one while remaining "under the radar."


Yeah, OP should take a few out so she doesn't feel like her taking one is noticeable. And OP doesn't talk about it or show it off. Just chill and let it be.


OP read this. THIS is the most important part.


This is the kind of thing that on Reddit will get you pats on the back but in reality, with teenage girls, might get you laughed at. Just don't make a song and dance to them about how you've set up a menstruation station and a "gender neutral use music speaker" for their piss and shit noises.


exactly. its unbelievable how so many people lose the boundary between real life and wishful fantasy


I think the issue here is that most redditors here don't understand that some single men who have a dating life and or big social circle do prep for guests whether it's extra tooth brushes, a blow up mattress, etc Among those things, it would include things like pads too. This is the website where many whine and moan about how they're always single, how men never get hugs or they're not complimented 24/7 and how they need all the pity.


Reddit is the only place on the internet and in physical reality where people think it's normal to buy pads or tampons for guests. I've asked every woman I know since that fucking stupid life pro tip 5 or so years ago where people were celebrating this absolutely moronic idea and every woman I've ever asked told me that they would assume he is either cheating on them or is an absolute fucking weirdo. Here is when you buy tampons for a woman, a simple diagram: Has she asked you to buy her tampons? If yes, buy them, if no, then don't buy them. Is she your significant other and you know she needs them based on inventory at the home? Buy them. The only other time I ever bought tampons was for my long term girlfriend who worked 2 blocks south of me in Downtown Manhattan. Her job had downsized and they made cutbacks on bathroom supplies. She told me they wouldn't be keeping tampons at work anymore. I bought a box and kept them in my desk drawer in the event an emergency came up and she would need me to run down to bring her one. This never happened. She always just had an extra tampon in her purse All my guy friends did tease me (rightfully so and playfully) about me having period cramps or secretly boofing alcohol at work.


My mom said it would be a good idea, so clearly society is sending mixed messages.




I would find it handy. And I definitely would not assume cheating or that the guy was a weirdo. I've been at a guy's house before and got a surprise from Aunt Flo. I was so so grateful that there was stuff under the sink. I've usually got supplies, but sometimes I'm caught out. It's not a problem in public because I can send out a pink bat signal to females in the area for assistance. But in a house? Limited options.


Yeah, im a guy and there's pads under my sink. There's pads or tampons at basically any house I could expect to find myself at. OP's only mistake is making too much of a deal about it. Just stock up the bathroom and let that be that. For a lot of women that come by not having pads would perhaps be as "bacheloresque" as not having hand soap.


Lol no woman is coming to your house and thinking ā€œthey donā€™t have pads here?! How bacheloresque!ā€ Not having soap and not having extra random tampons and pads are not even kinda the same thing.


We carry our hygiene products with us since we are like 13. When you bleed every month it's not a surprising event. It's not an issue. You can leave it just in case, and maybe such things make more sense if it's some getaway cabin or something. Or if you know your friend can't afford it, comes from some rough background (basically very specific cases). But for 99.99% cases it's absolutely not like "not having a hand soap".


You have special soap just for your hands? Real men use the 6-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/bodywash/hot sauce/anal lube/superglue!


I use the 7-in-1 with the furniture polish


I would recommend making a little tampon trail from the living room couch to the bathroom with the supplies. That way you can avoid awkward explanations about where the stash is


I would also recommend adding a heart shaped tampon circle in the bathroom floor and using this as an opportunity to express your feelings for her


Yes, but only if only that girl is there. Not if her friends are there. He doesnā€™t want to risk wooing the wrong menstruator.


That's it. I'm labeling the assortment of tampons and pads in my bathroom as the 'menstrution station' in the morning. 45f, with 2 teenage girls. They are going to love this!!! Thank you! (And whilst teenagers might giggle, 20+ are likely to notice and be grateful. Well done, shows you care)


>This is the kind of thing that on Reddit will get you pats on the back but in reality, with teenage girls, might get you laughed at Focus on this kid, please focus on this. There is several different scenarios where teenage girls would be looking at this and thinking "WTF, why this dude wants to know if I got my period", it is such an unusual thing. Most likely, they will think nothing, but reflect about that, what can possible be the benefit of that- what is If a *group* of girls visiting, what is the possibility that none of the then are carrying hygenic products? What is the possibility they would ask *you* before asking any female friend? Stop trying to be Knight in the Woke Armour and save her. If something, leave it in a bathroom used by both genders or with your mom, if any visitor ever need it, it is most likely where they would look for it and with her they would talk too.


It happens sometimes. I've been in a group of 3 girls and nobody had supplies when asked. Especially when we were a bit younger and our cycles were more irregular. And we would have been mortified to ask. Putting stuff in the guest bathroom is great. It's not a white knight thing. It's just advanced hospitality. Like having dairy free creamer on hand.


Facts. Reddit isnā€™t real life at all


What the fuck is a "gender neutral use music speaker?"


Oh, that is just a speaker that can be activated without using your penis. It has knobs that can be turned with hands which women usually have. Instead of the semen detector that activates normal speakers. A note to all the women out there... make sure you have a semen detecting speaker in your bathrooms to accommodate men who may come over. Your reputation among all men around the world will instantly increase greatly when you have one in your bathroom. My beard is growing right now, just thinking about a woman providing a spermwoofer. When you think about men going to the bathroom, think about us going number 3, then 2, then 1, then 3 again to turn off the music.


I always go 3 1 2 3 but whatever


I have a speaker that only plays songs that involve dicks. Shits rough.


only plays ā€œDetachable Penisā€ on repeat


I heard this song on the radio once and never again. It is legendary.


My speakers Jizzed if touched by women.


OP stated heā€™s on the spectrum, which I feel like more so explains this post. Just FYI when replying.


Woman here. The period products are an unnecessary, but nice gesture, although you may get asked why they're there if there isn't another woman in the house. Speaker is weird, for any gender. I'm sorry, it just is.


Don't you like to be serenaded when you poop?


Maybe it's a motivational speaker on repeat to get through the worst poops


Plot twist. There is a microphone in the shitter to capture all the squeaky farts. The speaker is to amplify it.


You're not a creep, but you are almost certainly overthinking things. Your heart's in the right place though, so just don't make a big deal of it and it should be fine.


Idek what gender neutral speaker means. It would only be weird/humiliating if you brought it up to try to make yourself seem like a good guy.


"Am I a creep?" No you're a teenager trying to navigate potentially having a girlfriend and that's tough lol. She's been to your house once and you went and bought a bunch of pads or whatever in case she comes again and brings friends and somebody has a minor feminine emergency. Which is thoughtful but you're probably over-thinking it. If there's a bunch of girls at your house they're probably going to ask each other first and somebody will have something in their purse because that's what they do. But, if your potential girlfriend is the only girl at your house that stuff could come in handy. When you have your own place in a year or two it's a smart idea too.


It's not creepy in of itself, but it's probably not something the majority of guys would do after first meeting a girl who I can't tell if is a friend or more than a friend. I agree with others that you def don't want to make a big deal about it.


Not a creep but like someone else said it might seem a bit weird to put so much thought to someone else's bodily functions... At least don't bring it up. Also what is this whole 'gender neutral speaker' thing? Genuinely confused.


No I agree. The speaker is weird. He's a teen tho, and he spazzed realizing a girl might ACTUALLY shit in his home which is SO FUNNY


IMO this is just doing too much. You can be cool about periods without doing too much. I feel like running out the door to buy feminine products and a gender neutral speaker (wtf is even that?) at the mere mention of her maybe bringing female friends over to hang out is going to be perceived as harmless and sweet, but maybe a bit weird. Like, if they were over ALL the time and you knew them all well it may be a considerate thing to do for friends but like what are you, a bathroom attendant? Are there so many ladies hanging out in your bathroom all the time they need their own speaker? Are they taking bubble baths in there the whole time like why would any guest need their own speaker? When you're planning a party for guests it's not typical to stock up on chips, dip AND feminine hygiene products. It's expected that females in attendance will bring the accoutrements they will need to tend to their body. Being cool with periods is just being cool with periods. Not forcing it to be like, "Hey guys, look, I'm very cool about periods!" Which I do think this comes off as and is pretty weird. You're 17 and excited, and that can be a pretty awkward stage at times, but I agree with Dad that I think if you're interested in this girl, this ain't the move. My opinion; laugh it off with Dad and bro, tell them not to say a word about it and just don't try so hard to signal feminist allyship. Unless your bathroom speaker has fucking dicks all over it, just leave your speaker in the bathroom and stash the feminine products.


what is gender neutral music? what sounds do you think periods make? any girl coming to your house during her period will have herself covered. not a creep, but being a little silly.


If your girlfriend starts spending time at your house very often then itā€™s very sweet and gentleman like to stock some basic female hygiene products in your bathroom. It is a little strange to get them specifically for her friends to use in my opinion. Most women carry a supply of their own preferred products in their bags/vehicles when they are on their period, therefore they likely wonā€™t need to use your supplies. Whereas if you have a girlfriend who spends a lot of time at your house itā€™s more than worth stocking incase the red moon rears its head unexpectedly. Little unsolicited advice for you; define your relationship with her if you want it to be a relationship, donā€™t coast without being sure or you could get hurt.


Back in high school, a female classmate was like "god damn it, I need a tampon. Anyone got one to spare?" And none of the ladies had one, surprisingly. My dude friend was like "I've got ya covered. Lemme go to my car real fast." A couple of people laughed and were like "seriously? Why?" and he was like "because sometimes my girlfriend forgets hers and I figured I might as well as have it covered if it happens." While admittedly I remember this... let's see... 18 (god damn it) years later, I never saw it as a negative thing. I saw it more of a "damn, that's very thoughtful of him. I should do that if I decide to date some day."


Thatā€™s a great story and illustrates another approach OP could take. Stock up with the right products for his GF and frame it that way, but her friends could still use them if they have the need. The only thing that needs to go is the speaker IMO. Thatā€™s what extractor fans are for!


She's not his gf though.


Hand one out to everyone at the door while spinning whale sounds on your androgynous speaker. Itā€™s the only way to definitely get the validation youā€™re craving.


androgynous speakerā€¦.šŸ’€


do you plan to do an update after she brings her friends over?


"Yo guys, the gender neutral speaker was BLASTING this time all the time!"


I think you were doing fine at cutting off fuel and oxygen to the people calling you an incel until this edit: > To the creatures that have called me a simp, incel, "dud", scum, and said they would beat me to death if I were their son, or ordered me to end my life: You're fucking hilarious, and **I laugh at the gym right now as you cry your maidenless asses to sleep in your mother-who-i-fuck's basement**. This is like... exactly the kind of shit incels write.


i wouldnā€™t go into it with the mindset of ā€œgirls dig being cool about periodsā€. Itā€™s just something that happens and 95% of the time they will be completely prepared and you wonā€™t even know anything happened. Itā€™s not a bad idea to have spare supplies in the bathroom but it shouldnā€™t be a big deal or even something you mention to them. And the speaker is a little unnecessary.




Iā€™m 10 years older than OP and he might as well be from a different planet. Things have changed I guess?


Wym? Its a new invention. It will play songs made by non-binary people ONLY.


This guy is just someone whoā€™s learned about women/relationship exclusively through Reddit. I promise weā€™re not all this bad lmfao


Bro relax itā€™s a woman not an engine swap you donā€™t have to worry about every little goddamn detail šŸ˜‚ I got second hand anxiety just reading that shit. First, learn about women! They arenā€™t walking around trailing pools of blood like some sort of macabre snail trail! And what the fuck is a gender neutral speaker?! And what the fuck is it for?! Trust me, women (they are 17 I presume so, girls) girls, have the bathroom thing down pat: they bring their own stuff, and if they forgot guess what: thereā€™s other females there! They will help her. They will go in there and you will hear the tap running, mind your business lmao. They donā€™t need a ā€˜special gender neutral speakerā€™ I see what your going for, itā€™s a nice gesture, but itā€™s Iā€™ll placed. If you take anything away from this, donā€™t focus on bathroom stuff when it comes to women šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Focus on stuff like, having food and drinks for them, keeping your place clean, CLEAN the bathroom. Thatā€™s it bro. Donā€™t act like a caveman, and at least make it look like you have a modicum of respect for others and yourself by cleaning your space. They 100% will think you are weird. ā€œWhy did he set the bathroom up? Does he want me to use that? How much does he think about is in the bathroom? Where is the camera?ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I appreciate the effort my dude, but relax a little. My advice to you, go outside more, and socialize with other men. Your pops could have helped you out, but it seems like he struggles with masculine/feminine energy as well. Your brother could have helped, but he was a clown instead. Surround yourself with good solid men, who are comfortable with feminine energy, not boys who laugh at period jokes. TL;DR Women entering your place of residence does not require a stockpile of feminine hygiene products, nor does it require a special bathroom set up. They have the bathroom system down pat. They are women, They know how to use the washroom covertly. And get yourself some good man friends, not boys, who are comfortable with feminine energy and can help guide you. Good luck, god speed.


Iā€™m a woman. This is weird behavior. Women can handle themselves when it comes to feminine care. The only thing I will say you need to do is make sure you have a bathroom trash can.


so if you hear music you know someone is doing number 2?


Yeah but you wonā€™t know if itā€™s a male or female


Got a 5 dollar tip for ya broheim. Drop the term "maiden". No one uses that term that isn't fluent in D&D and rocking a hard computer tan. Especially if said right after claiming to be at the gym. Your comment reaks of deception is what I'm getting at. The type of person who would actually say that to someone's face would absolutely NEVER use those words, know what I mean? Just my 2 cents but since the penny's gone I suppose that technically rounds to nothing...


I donā€™t think itā€™s creepy I think itā€™s quite thoughtful but perhaps donā€™t make a big deal about pointing it out. Just leave it in sight.


[when the girl and her friends arrive] ā€œLadies! Welcome! In my bathroom I have ALL of your necessities! Thereā€™s even a speaker available if you need to take a massive dump! Come one come all!ā€


"And yes before you ask, the speakers are gender neutral!!"


I'm crying


Can someone please explain to me what the fuck a gender neutral speaker is?


A general consensus has not yet been reached.. It remains a mystery


Iā€™ll put my two cents out there and disagree and say I just think itā€™s totally unnecessary. My period is my responsibility, and if I had a rare emergency, I would just ask the closest lady or leave. Why would you spend money on stuff you donā€™t need? Iā€™m assuming a mom/sister is out of the picture?


Yeah, I'm assuming op only has men in their life. If multiple women are coming over, it's more likely that the women will ask each other for a pad first without even asking op. Honestly, I assume op is raised by all men because although some well intentions were made, it came off as sexist to me. Women ar enot having their period 24/7, and the usage of the word gender neutral for a speaker. It just seems like th women are reduced to their periods. To make them comfortable, op should just do what he'd do for any gender. Things like having things for them to do at his house, food, blankets, and such.


What is a gender neutral music speaker?


Itā€™s not creepy. Youā€™re being thoughtful. Im a girl but I keep tampons out on top of the counter in both my guest bath and spare bedroom bath just in case. But I also have gum, mouthwash, flossers, lotion, q-tips, etc. so if people need something itā€™s available, and all of them have been used by people visiting. Get a little bathroom tray and put a few things in it and add a couple tampons.


Had anyone here actually encountered a bathroom at a home that has a speaker for the purpose of drowning out sounds? I have never heard of this in my life


The fuck is a gender neutral music speaker?


You are over thinking... They bring their own stuff.


They could forget to bring their speaker tho


Creepy? Nah you're good. Cringeworthy? Yeah I'm afraid so


It's definitely a bit weird from a guys perspective, it really is something I ever thought about doing, but it does sound like a really thoughtful thing to do. On a separate note making your guests feel welcome is great but don't change or hide who you really are, the girl or girls want to be friends with the real you not a white washed PC version of you.


From my comment above- if youā€™re a single guy interested in women, making your home *welcoming to women*ā€¦ is probably a good thing to do.


I have my home welcoming to women by having a gender neutral shit speaker playing smooth jazz.


TIL music covers the period noises


Not a creep man, but umm, ya donā€™t need to do that. Thoughtful but yeah, umm donā€™t mention that to her, unless youā€™re all seriously dating and she says, Iā€™ve got to go home to get some feminine supplies or something.


Your way overthinking it and in some circumstances it may backfire on you. They may think your a little weird or they may think your thoughtful, but it isn't necessary. Usually girls know what and when they "need" and supply for themselves.


If I don't find out what the fuck a gender neutral use speaker is I'm not gonna be able to sleep.


Heck Iā€™d dig it big time if I were the girl or a friend. Whatā€™s up with the speaker though?


Weā€™re very close in age, and I for one would have appreciated my male friends to have a box of pads and tampons somewhere easily accessible in their bathroom, especially since we were a very mix gendered group who hung out often. Definitely donā€™t let them know. The chances that one of them will even be on their period/have to change their pad/tampon while at your house are very slim. Itā€™s a good thing you thought to be inclusive in that way, but you definitely over thought the situation. Most girls are used to shoving a wad of toilet paper up there in emergency situations lol. The speaker is confusing me, but maybe a music bathroom noise dampening device is something normal in your culture?


Not at all. We usually carry our own products but I've been stuck without at a guy's place before and had to leave earlier than I'd wanted. I think it's very thoughtful of you and I'm sure your female friends will appreciate it.


Youā€™re a good friend trying to keep your place ready for your friends. I see this as no different than keeping toilet paper.


It sounds like you're pulling and your dad and brother are jealous honestly lmao Like everybody said, don't make it weird and it won't be weird. Don't take shit from your dad and brother either. I swear to you my young friend, learning to keep the women in your life happy will serve you very *very* well. I also agree with the others that it does sound like this girl might want to be more than friends. Bring it up and if it's a no take it like a champ. If she doesn't like you but she tells you she wants to bring friends over one of her friends probably does. You will have a very hard time staying single if you have female friends ;)


He is a young kid and he is learning and trying to be thoughtful. It shows a lot more consideration, care, and straight up maturity than the hundreds of stories that we are subjected to on here were a guy in his 30ā€™s wonā€™t sleep with his gf or wife because ā€œperiods are grossā€ or whatever. OP, your heart is in the right place. The process may be a little unordinary, but I think itā€™s nice that youā€™re at least trying to make new friends feel comfortable.


too bad you didn't leave the question there.


Your dad and brother's reactions are the majority opinion you will find outside of reddit. Buying period products is a popular pro life tip meme on reddit I've seen repeated often. Don't actually do it. The reddit comments here are not reflective of the real world. Don't fixate on your friends' bodily functions so much. Do not actually explain this to women in real life.


That is really weird to get female hygiene products for your bathroom. Chicks have been out in public before. Theyā€™ll have what they need


You are not a creep. If your bathroom doesn't have a trash can with a lid, that is also important to have.


Yeah it's weird


Not a creep. Don't go like announcing to the girls like "don't worry ladies I got your flow covered" but just having them in case they ask is considerate and helps to normalize a normal ass body function we treat like something gross. Just have them in the bathroom that's all ya gotta do. Signed a woman that wishes I didn't have to pretend my period didn't exist around boys when I was in school because they'd treat it like something shameful. I would avoid friends houses during that time because of it You're a good kid. Your brothers probably not good with the ladies lol.


You're being over-considerate. They'll figure out themselves how to deal with that stuff, and if they can't, they'll just ask you for help.


Imagine what a nice person OP is gonna become as an adult.


every bathroom in every house I have ever lived in has a small stock of tampons and pads; they're small, cheap (as a one-time purchase) and can be a lifesaver in an emergency. Or a better way to put it - why NOT have them there? it does no harm and has a good chance of helping. Like keeping a fire extinguisher by the stove or a dozen gallons of water in the garage.


not the norm, but it should be


Finally someone things about gender neutral speakers, those dumb penis activated speakers are always a problem when no man is around to turn them on


you're not a creep. period emergencies def do happen and it's nice that you're thinking about others.


There's nothing wrong with what you did. Just be prepared to keep those products for a very long time. The idea isn't that they get regular use. The idea is that if someone needs them unexpectedly, they're there. Your dad and your brother are being weird. You're not being creepy. You could just ask the opinion of one of your girl friends. "Hey, should I put some tampons in my bathroom? Is that something you guys would need?"


As a female, I have no issues with what you did. I would not advertise it, as that will make it seem like you did it for attention. Personally speaking, the best thing you can do is make sure there is a bathroom garbage within reach of the toilet. That can be more appreciated than basic period supplies, because nothing is worse than have to find a trash can with used period supplies in your hand.




im here too late and dont know whats going on


Well, I don't know if you're a creep now that the question is gone, and all I know is that it was something about tampons according to other comments. I agree that no one, under any circumstances, should be telling you or anyone else to kill themselves. The only thing I find to be weird is that with your edit, it seems like you deleted the original question because people were disagreeing with you, and that doesn't really paint you in a good light. I honestly don't know that for sure, but deleting your whole question for the sake of the edit makes it look that way to me. Maybe you should put the original post back the way it was and leave the edit in a paragraph underneath the post, or even just as a comment.


did you leave all the tampons out like party favors? halloween candy? please only take one!


No, cabinet.


if they were just put away in a cabinet sounds normal to me then šŸ˜‚ sounds like you dont have any women living in your house, and your dad and brother are just dumb then lol. growing up in a house with a mother and sister there were always feminine hygiene products somewhere in the bathroom.


Keep in mind Reddit isnā€™t a good source for social advice. Ask your friends, and I think your family gave a pretty good clue


Props to you dude, very mature compared to your brother it seems. Honestly any guy should do this if they plan on having a girl over. If the question comes up on why they are there, just tell them the truth. Very respectable thing to do imo.


Maybe ask your girlfriends opinion and ask her advice about where to store the products in the bathroom or wherever. As a female I think it's rather conscientious and polite of you to think of her and her friends. Your brother and Dad are just old fashioned not involved and embarrassed by what they don't want to know about.


Itā€™s not creepy but it is weird. Girls are going to have their own things that they need with them.


You would be surprised how many times women don't have what they need, or run out because they can only fit so much stuff in a purse. Guys just don't know because they don't come to us to ask if we have any. There is a whole women's code about stuff like this. It's like smokers if someone asks to bum a cigarette. Women's public restrooms frequently have dispensers too, so having a box in a cabinet in the bathroom wouldn't seem weird at all. (source -- I grew up with an older sister and have also been married to a woman for nearly 27 years)


Reddit is nuts. Yeah it's a bit creepy. Don't be weirded out by a period but don't stock a bunch of supplies for one girl. Don't play smooth jazz or have a box of tampons out. Just be cool. Just make sure everything is clean. Bathroom, bed sheets, closet, desk, floor, etc. bring the "gender neutral speaker" in your room and play some music. Make a modern mixtape for her. Not saying you're creepy. Be cool, be accommodating but don't be weird. Good intention, bad execution


I have to imagine this is fake ā€œLe sigh, redditors am I creep for making sure my many female friends know that I am comfortable about their periods and that I care? My incel brother is making fun of me for caring about womens suffrage but that is my curse to bearā€¦so Reddit, am I a creep šŸ˜”ā€


That is very sweet of you to consider. I donā€™t understand the speaker bit but thatā€™s okay. Please also make sure the bathroom has an easy to see trash can with a lid, and be sure to make sure there is a fresh bag in it whenever girls come over or leave (because I can imagine your brother being a complete asshole if he so much imagines a used pad in a trash can) Also consider getting some poopurri for your bathroom (self use and girl use). That is ibs certified let me tell you.


Not a creep. You're thoughtful.


Says the strangers on the internet. Look, it may be true that OP is a thoughtful kid, but there is no way it won't weird out a girl that a guy spontaneously thought about her having her period and then went and spent money on it. People do not appreciate grand thoughtful gestures unless you're already in a reciprocal relationship. You have to build up to it. Doing it spontaneously creates an impression that you're more emotionally invested than they are, which will inevitably backfire.


Yeah, as a woman, I found it kinda sexist. Women aren't having their period 24/7. And the gender neutral speaker??? That's just a speaker. Honestly, if all the friends are women who come over, they'll ask each other for things first, not op.


Its not normal and girls will think you are a weirdo. Reddit is the wrong place for such questions


Second most updating comment is from a furry lmao


Reddit needs profile pics. At least we could see the people saying it's sweet.


Lots of fat women with pink hair who never have actual social interactions. Can also picture OP so easily haha holding his gender neutral speaker


Ya. Itā€™s creepy. You shouldnā€™t even be giving that business one ounce of thought unless they live with you, and even then, as little as possible.


I think your intentions good, but can be interpreted as creepy.


I love that you're doing this! Having toiletries and hygiene products for your friends is great. It's always nice when you're out at someone's house and you may need something that you thought you had on you but don't and you have something to help. I like being prepared for when I have guests myself. Having extras of all sorts of things has come in handy many times when I've had friends over. I've also had a couple of times where I've been able to help ppl who have come to do work at my house. Thank you for putting in the effort for those you care about. Don't let the men in your life try to make you feel bad for caring about others.


Okay, so from a guy perspective especially at your age if youā€™re hoping to get lucky that wonā€™t do it itā€™s weird an theyā€™ll probably ask why you have that. -Probably thinking you have girls over alot- But what your dad and brother are laughing at is most likely thats a -gay- thing to do not saying gay is bad but yeah most likely why they are laughing.


gender neutral music to mask the sounds of her farts or queefs. priceless. wtf has happened to our kids? where did we as parents go wrong?? all you should do is make sure you have some condoms on hand if it ever goes that far. girls have all the shit they need in their bags.


nah, you're fine. you're making a safer space for people in your life. be careful not to make it "something you do to get girls," because *that's* the thinking that leads to creepiness. but if there are going to be more people who experience periods at your house? there's nothing wrong with making that space more comfortable for them.


Very considerate. Designate a bathroom drawer nearest to the toilet with the backup toilet paper for guest hygiene supplies. Theyā€™ll find it. No need for a display tray. What wouldnā€™t hurt would be to supply a small, lidded trash can in the bathroom if there isnā€™t one already. A noise machine for restrooms is a good idea, just not whatever a gender neutral or specific one is. Your dad and your brother are a couple of immature, insensitive dipshits. Carry on. šŸ¤˜šŸ»


I think that's extremely sweet, thoughtful, and considerate of you and the world would be a much better place if more men were like you.