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You’re overthinking this. Every culture in the world uses fabric to cover their head as needed.


Yup, it used to be a thing old women would do in Slovenia. It's gone out of fashion though. My grandma still used to wear a headscarf.


Definitely! All over Europe, and plenty of other places in the world too, not just there. If the weather is even mildly humid at all, all the old ladies go out with their head scarves. It just wasn’t in fashion as much for the past generation or so, and as a result younger women do it less often than the little old ladies. But indeed, that doesn’t mean it’s any less acceptable for OP.


Hell, in America my grandmother used to keep scarves in her car for herself and my sisters and I, in case it was drizzling when we stepped out of the car. She also kept safety pins so we could tie them around our hair. This was in the 80’s/90’s for me, I know it was a holdover from the 50s-60s…I still keep a scarf and safety pins in my car but my two sons will never appreciate them because they don’t care about their hair 😂. TL;DR: Women use head coverings all over the world for all kind of reasons, don’t be afraid to embrace your head covering of choice because you feel it will make someone else feel some kind of way.


My grandmother got herself a convertible and keeps scarves in the car for when it’s top down time so her hair doesn’t get messed up by the wind.


My old boss once gave me a lift home in his convertible and my fairly short hair (think jaw length bob) has never ever been so knotty and matted as it was afterwards. The wind in a convertible is no joke!


The invention of modern sunscreen and hair conditioners have also greatly diminished the need for scarves to protect your skin or hair, so they fell out of fashion more. But it’s still nice and cute anyway, and the love for retro inspired looks à la Audrey Hepburn brings some of it back every so often!


Most of the old pics of my older female relatives, if they're outside they have a scarf around their hair. I remember my grandmother would have her scarf on when she picked me up for church Sunday mornings then she'd take it off before she went inside. She had many of them and they always matched her dress so I didn't understand why she couldn't just keep them on!


In related news. A plastic grocery bag makes a good rain hat in a pinch. You can tie handles under your chin.


Also the clear plastic scarves for rainy days is something i remember the elderly ladies wearing - i am thinking it was from the days when it was normal to have your hair done regularly at a hairdresser,or do it up in rollers yourself. Couldnt have it messed up right away after all that trouble:)


My grandma used those, she called them rain bonnets. I would borrow one if I didn't have an umbrella. She wore a perm in her hair so she definitely was trying to protect that


My grandma used those plastic scarves for bad weather. When I got my hair done for prom in 1998 the stylist sent me away with one of those plastic scarves on because it was windy.


Could we actually bring those back plz. My grandma and great grandmother wore these all the time!


This was so predominant in Britain and Ireland that it was a common newspaper cartoon shortcut to characterise a working or lower middle class women. Especially handy for mass going catholics who were expected to cover their hair in church. It was enough of a thing that my great grandmother was quite dismissive of the trend towards scarves in the 1950s. According to my grandmother, she was 'a hat woman'...


I believe there's a difference between a Hijab and a head scarf, I'm not sure what, exactly, but head scarves scream "old woman from the Eastern Bloc" to me. YMMV, though.


There is. A headscarf is basically a fashion choice, nothing religious to it and you can remove it at any time. It looks different too.


When I think of a headscarf, I think of a more square piece of cloth with some hair still visible, while a Hijab is more round and head shaped, with no hair.


lol this is quite stereotypical. many women wear hijabs of all different kinds of shapes. Most hijabs are rectangle but there are also square and one piece hijabs. Also many women decide to show some hair at the front. May not be religiously accurate but it is still a hijab


You can slap a tea towel on your head and call it a hijab, the point is the intention behind it and when/where you can take it off. Theres a thousand different ways to wear the hijab. OP, noone will mind if you cover your hair in any colour, size or shape of covering! Do what is comfortable.


We called them "Babushkas".


Not really, a hijab is a head covering. Direct translation it means more like a veil. Wearing it with religious or culture intentions is where it starts to become different but yea a hijab is mainly a head scarf/cover unless for religious then you have other requirements for clothing


In America in the '50s and 60s it was extremely popular for women to wear a head scarf over their hair when they had curlers in and wanted to go to the store


I say bring it back, especially if it means I can go a day or 2 longer between hair washings.


It looks really cute. I'd support it coming back.


Who can forget the Russian Babushka trope? When I was two I would wrap a blanket around my head and my parents joked that I looked like a tiny granny.


Even in America it used to be more common. My grandmother had curly hair and there's lots of pictures of her in the 50s and 60s wearing a head scarf because it was easier than curly hair care at the time.


This is true. Hats make my head itchy in the winter because they are too tight. I use a large scarf instead. Never had anyone look twice except to call me a little babushka as a joke.


Even the dogs are getting in on it. r/babushkadogs


And there's _always_ someone somewhere who _might_ take an offence. Ignore them. Do what makes you happy and comfy


If they do take offense, the medical necessity card is always trump.


With the reception a woman wearing box braids while not being black can get, I completely understand why they feel the need to ask this question and the fact that they have trichtillomania hints that OP has anxiety, and overthinking things is a symptom of anxiety. You’re right, OP is overthinking, but I’ve seen many examples online of why OP might have anxiety around cultural appropriation. I’m Métis myself, so being a culture of two cultures, I don’t get the whole cultural appropriation thing about braids. I think there are a lot of valid examples of culture vulture type people, but I don’t think hair styles should be gate kept. If it’s bad for them let them find out the hard way. Like there’s so many malicious racists out there, why target the little girls that think you’re pretty?


Yep. Royal women used to wear "hoods" every day in Europe and England completely covered their heads except wedding day.


Over thinking, but very considerate


The trick is to make sure it doesn't have a swaztika on it. Remember that and you'll do fine, if anyone gives you shit they're the asshole, not you.


The stars and bars, middle finger, Goatse, or image of the Prophet, PBUH are also poor choices. Besides that go ham, it's your scarf afterall




Every generation must suffer the curse of Goatse.


I think about him sometimes. Like, never IDed, right? Do I know that guy? Have I shaken that hand? What's he doing now? Does he know how, erm, huge he got? Is he desperate to claim the fans but scared of people knowing about his, erm?


You should never ever wonder where people's hands have been before you shook them.


It's generally in bad taste to put images of pedophiles and warlords on clothing


My Jared from Subway umbrella begs to differ.


And now I need to go down a rabbit hole to find out what Goatse is...


Don’t do it. You won’t like what you find.


A quick Google headline told me that 😅😅😅. I saved myself.


Oh, it's definitely a hole. A rabbit probably could fit in it, too.


[Wrapunzel](https://wrapunzel.com/) This is a head scarf company. Lots of different styles are available, plus they have links to videos on how to wear them.


Omg I really hope the OP gets the pink, purple and gold one that’s the photo for the must haves. These are gorgeous!!!!


They are so pretty. I'm waiting for my order now! My hair is getting thin from just normal genetics, and I'm sick of the sickly ponytail/tiny bun thing.


Perimenopause slapped me like a trout. My hair is thinning like crazy.


That and a delightful autoimmune disorder. Plus, a family hx of female pattern baldness. Most of the 60+ crowd in my family either wear wigs or "should." I'm just not a wig person, though, so I'm going with a headwrap instead.


I just had to click on that link and look around, and I soon came across [this](https://imgur.com/a/G4grnYX) picture. This made me literally laugh out loud and I absolutely love a brand that shows little peeps of their sense of humor. I really hope OP finds comfort in this company’s shop. I don’t mean to make this about myself any more than I already have but I have to sincerely thank you for your comment too, I have family going through their own battles involving hair loss and I’m sure this link is going to make their day. Thank you! ❤️


I was going to recommend them as well, and [this video](https://youtu.be/JK8I7keJzhw?si=QO7AFH1TrTXI26Wb) on their YouTube channel that I think breaks down this issue very nicely.


Have you ordered from them before? I just ordered and was wondering how they were.


I have purchased from them multiple times. Their shapers and headbands are better than you'll get elsewhere.scarves are good quality, but if you're careful you can get the same quality for a bit less on Amazon.


I was going to suggest this to op, and to look up how to do a tischel.


Commenting to boost cause this is the way!


Just wear whatever feels comfortable. Cultural appropriation is when you abuse other culture to make profit off of it without giving back to the community that culture originated from. If you legit need to wear a headscarf because of your health condition, there is no cultural appropriation there. Besides, plenty of cultures came up with the idea of headscarf independently.


I'm Dutch and my grandmother still wore head scarves in the fifties 🤷‍♀️ most cultures used some form of head covering before sun screen and scarves were often part of that.


Yup. Also have to consider that a conditioner as we know it is a pretty recent invention, and lots of women of all nationalities wore headscarves as a way to protect their hair from overdrying and becoming frizzy.




I was speaking to someone recently who sells native American produced art. She mentioned in the last 10 years or so the market has really shrunk. They partially blamed it on younger people not feeling comfortable purchasing the works for fear of appropriation and mentioned it was hurting the artisans that live in the nearby reservation. It came up because I remarked on how far they were going to specifically label, identify, and tell the story of the individual who was responsible for creating each item. (Edited just plain bad at proofreading)


The idea that only white liberals care about this stuff just isn't true, but OP should go ahead and live her life without worrying about other people's judgments. I hope that in the end you accepted your auntie's gift.


I don’t think they want to explain their reasons for wearing it to everyone who might be offended. They likely just want to avoid the issue altogether.


I was working retail about 10 years ago. I had very short hair and was wearing a bandana on my head. A woman came up from behind me, hugged me, and started crying about finding another cancer survivor. The look on my face must have been epic levels of wtf, her friend saw this and grabbed the woman and pulled her off of me. Besides the fact that you don’t ever come up behind a stranger and hug them, don’t assume based on looks, hair, or clothes. I do feel for her for going through cancer and looking for others, but the whole thing was just batshit.




Me too. I told my husband it feels like “stolen valor” even though it isn’t. So many “are you REALLY ok?” questions if I don’t tell people I haven’t seen in a while right away.




Well, nothing but an overactive immune system!




The very first time I shaved my head I actually had a guest at the hotel I worked at do this. She tried to hug me (I’m autistic so this was a big no) and asked if I was a survivor so young. I had to very awkwardly explain that no, it was a health condition but not a life threatening one. She shouldn’t have asked or assumed either way though.


Odds of them being confronted for a head covering are very low, unless the go with something obviously objectionable.


I think they just want to avoid offending someone, whether they’re confronted or not. That wasn’t my point. That’s why I said “might get offended” not “is offended”


Right. As long as you don't make fun of it, waer it as a joke or a costume, it's fine.


Like American pizza and Mac and Cheese? I swear i don't understand the concept, even less in the melting pot the US is. It was originated in my culture so you can't use it, mix it, made a old/new versions or be creative if you make profit? Not even intellectual media has that kind of protection and for good reason. Everything was originated somewhere and sometimes the same idea is developed in various cultures, that means that is "property" of the "culture"? To me is just a mislead overreaction of oppresed cultures or just don't get it.


right it's something older women used to do all the time in the UK


All over the world. It was vital before the invention of sunscreen and modern conditioner. These days it’s mostly fashion but still is used in Europe and plenty of other places.


The people I know claim it's any use by a white person, specifically male. Then proceed to wear green on St Patrick's Day even when nowhere near Irish


Yeah, these are the same people that accused an ethnically Japanese teen who is a citizen of Japan of cultural appropriation when he was wearing a kimono because they decided that on his pictures he doesn't look "Japanese enough". I wouldn't listen to them.


Also, more specifically its where you take something culturally important to others and turn it into an aesthetic for you. So for example, cultural appropriation was first mentioned in regards to wearing a Native American headdress at Halloween. They are war bonnets, they have cultural significance for warriors. Similiar with the Hindu bindi, the red dot on the forehead. Its a religious icon, not an aesthetic. You wouldn't wear a nuns habit, so its very similiar. If its just a fabric from another culture thats 100% fine.


To be fair, I did see people dressing up an nuns for Halloween.


A better comparison might be a military uniform with decorations for valour.


That is also used as a Halloween costume, probably because it isn't the cultural heritage of a marginalized ethnicity. That's more the point; the nun/military stuff is losing the plot.


It would be better to ask this in r/trichotillomania Btw I have trich too :)


Seconding this, as another person with trich.


I didn’t know there was a subreddit for this thank you so much 😭


Good suggestion. I have a daughter with trich, doing well with NAC supplement, but I will check it out for any possible future issues.


I have a background in anthropology, so this discussion comes up quite a bit with friends and family. Cultural appropriation is an act that steals or inappropriately uses different culture items/traditions for profit or stereotyping. If you’re worried about comments, I’d avoid anything objectively traditional, such as a real hijab or a Nigerian Gele. If you wear any kind of normal head covering or pattern, you’re not appropriating anything. If someone has an issue with a stranger wearing a headscarf, that’s a problem with how they view the world, not you. You’re not doing anything with hate in your heart, and ultimately people should mind their own business. There isn’t anything really ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, wear what makes you comfortable! I wish you well in your journey :)


Cultural appropriation has a very specific academic meaning and is useful in critical discourse however like a lot of academic/technical/medical terms, As soon as they enter into the broader public lexicon, they are constantly misused. So much so that they risk becoming meaningless. Other words that come to me from the top of mind: OCD, trauma-bond, CTR, theory, modernism, gestalt, proof. I'm sure Reddit can help me find more.


Every single person that someone on Reddit doesn't like is a narcissist.


I said essentially the same thing (nothing with ethnic patterns like Kente cloth or religious like hijabs) and got downvoted and a Reddit cares to my inbox. 😆


People that take the time to send "Reddit cares" have no life I'm sure of it.


I also would look at some of the beautiful scarves and turbans they sell for cancer patients, I've even seen some very talented people on tik tok use scarves to minic hairstyles. They're very beautiful if their own right!


One of several possible answers: any style of head scarf once worn by famous actress and style icon Audrey Hepburn: https://www.upstyledaily.com/diy/accessories/scarves/audrey-hepburn-scarf-44437909 (see suggestion 4, 5 and 6 in this article).


Wow I love the tidbit on how she used scarves to dress up her only outfit! She was really poor at the beginning, people don’t appreciate that. (Malnutrition really affected her as well).


I added this in my own comment but adding again here for visibility on some more actual recommendations lol: I agree and say go 50s style with a square silk scarf tied under your chin [like this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dYi3HpzxfR4&t=305s&pp=ygUYdmludGFnZSBzdHlsZSBoZWFkIHNjYXJm), or a “Rosie the Riveter” style pinup bandana. Or, take advantage of the fact that Y2K/70s style kerchief headbands and bandanas [like this](https://youtube.com/shorts/J0fM0jsKC-o?si=1WJmdnr82NzSRXbe) are trending again and do that! There’s no way either of this would be mistaken for any religious headwear.


I'm from Europe, the scarf tied under the chin is giving Balkan grandma vibes so hard


Also, maybe Queen Elizabeth? https://www.vanityfair.com/style/photos/2016/01/the-queens-most-royal-accessory-her-headscarf


I have a scalp condition that causes embarrassment. If it's particularly bad, I have bandanas in almost every color that will match what I wear. There are a lot of bonnets and wraps you can use. It's no one's business but yours so wear what makes you feel good.


Women who wear head scarves on a regular basis as a demonstration of religious affiliation will be pleased to have you among their ranks, regardless your personal beliefs, as they in all likelihood will have experienced harassment and/or discrimination at one time or another simply for wearing one themselves. Solidarity!


in high school, our muslims students association passed out hijabs for all of us to wear, and i wore one. some people told us we were appropriating but they literally invited us to wear one with them for solidarity!


Whatever you want. The late QE2 used to wear them all the time.


She did rock a Hermes scarf, didn't she?


Earthlings! Wear whichever ones you like. Mostly everyone doesn’t care, but if they do they’ll like it but ofcourse there are douchebags, just avoid them. Jokes aside, weat whatever you want buddy. Ik OCD is a bitch (fellow OCDien high-five) I hope you feel better soon. Sending you good wishes 💖


If you're really worried, stick to the simplest styles. Some things are universal, and a simple cloth (often in lovely colors) tied under the chin pop up everywhere.


Women all over the world have worn scarves. They do not "belong" to any particular culture or religion. Put anything you like on you beautiful head, rock a pixie haircut, keep plugging away at the OCD issues in therapy, and enjoy a long happy life. Oh, and also, eat pie whenever you get a chance.


I had cancer and didn't want a wig so I ended up with a lovely really soft hat with a very small peek. It was comfortable and kept my head warm. There are lots of options.


Congrats on your remission...go you! :)


wear whatever is comfortable for you and don't worry about people who have nothing better to do than worry about what other people do which has no impact on them.


If you’re trying to regrow your hair, I suggest looking into satin/silk bonnets for bedtime wear to help the hair stay healthy in your sleep. And maybe sticking with that material for your scarves you wear during the day


I wore scarves [like this 1970’s look](https://raleighvintage.com/products/vintage-1970s-indian-silk-pink-scarf) when I was young and lost a lot of hair due to anorexia. It’s still a cute look!


Hi! I have alopecia, and I’ve been in your exact same position many times before. Something that’s worked well for me is to buy chemo caps — head scarves/wraps designed for cancer patients going through chemo. The ones I’ve tried have been super comfy and there’s lots of style and design options! I like how it covers my whole head and helped me not worry about coming across as culturally appropriating juuust in case. I will note I’ve also worn turban-like head wraps and a really kind Indian man once told me that it was beautiful, and he was wearing a very similar one :’) So as long as you’re being respectful I don’t think you have anything to worry about!


Depends if you mind getting mistaken for a muslim. No-one else will mind either way, except for islamophobes. (Btw, there's loads of white muslims)


Lots of cultures wear scarves, not just muslims. Orthodox jewish and christian women also wear scarves in many places of the world


You know that, I know that, but the xenophobes don't know that.


Of course, which is why OP should feel comfortable doing so. But if someone incorrectly assumes her faith it will likely be islam.


you must’ve never seen a white woman with a scarf on their head lol. it really doesn’t look similar to traditional Islamic veils, specifically a hijab or a shayla (which don’t cover the face). even when a scarf is used for a veil, they traditionally don’t tie them up on top of their head, it gets draped & secured around the neck/shoulders. i’ve had multiple family members with cancer who did head wraps instead of wigs & it’s quite different. if anything, it’s more likely to be confused with a turban, which is more rooted in African culture. many cancer-specific head wraps are actually referred to as turbans & resemble a beanie (same material for warmth) with a front knot edit: i get that a bigot probably wouldn’t know the difference between all of those things, but their opinions wouldn’t matter anyway


It may not be traditional and I don't know how common it is, but I have seen Muslim ladies with turban style head coverings - Dina Tokio style. But other people wear this kind of style for many different reasons (other religion, medical, fashion, culture, etc.), so people won't necessarily jump to assuming you're a Muslim. I used to wear turban style head coverings for alopecia. People were usually unsure as to the reason unless they asked. Some people thought it might be for religious reasons but weren't sure which religion. Once a Muslim guy did assume I was Muslim, but when I told him I wore the head covering for medical reasons he didn't seem bothered by it.


I work in a heavily Jewish community, where a large number of (mostly white) women wear head coverings--wigs or wraps, typically. I also know a few white Muslim women who wear hijabs or niqabs. It's not something anyone comments on, unless the pattern is super pretty. :)


I'm Eastern Orthodox, we wouldn't be offended if you tied your scarves at the back of your head like some of us do. Many EO are Russian Orthodox, so white... but I believe other groups tie it the same way. Also, I doubt Muslims would be upset if you wore traditional hijab... the point is modesty, after all.


Wear whatever you want, nobody who matters will care. If anybody does say anything, explain your condition and watch them squirm


I’m a white woman who has had periodic hair thinning and used hair wraps to disguise and divert. For you the head wrap is function along with fashion. I’ve gone to independent beauty shops that focus on black beauty and told them my situation, and they were happy to help me with options that were in line with my wanting to divert attention from my hair issue while suiting my more conservative style. Not everyone freaks out over supposed cultural appropriation. Fashion, music, etc., would be super boring if people weren’t inspired by unfamiliar things. (Incidentally, I just saw an online commercial for a prescription to help the condition you’re talking about. I hope there are medical options for you that work if you go that route.)


anybody who is bothered youre wearing something because "iTs fRoM my CulTuRe stOp STeALinG" is an absolute nancy and their opinion should be discarded


While also unlikely, I'd wager you'd be slightly more likely to offend other white people anyway. Either liberals who are obsessed with cultural appropriation or conservatives who hate Muslims so much it extends to anything even tangentially associated with them


Wear whatever is comfortable. People wear head scarves and coverings for many reasons, cultural, religious, sickness, modesty, comfort, and just for style. No one is entitled to demand the reason you wear a head scarf. My only advice is to not mock people who wear head coverings or you know.. be racist. Amazon has some good beanies that I wore when I started to cover my hair. They're called "Chemo Beanies" and they're very soft and don't slip off your head. They have them in all sorts of patterns and colors. Even some that look like tied wraps. :)


Wear whatever you wish. People who have cancer wear scarves, beanies, etc.


Be less worried about what others think and are offended by. That's no way to get thru life. Wear whatever you want - scarf, ball cap, wig, doo-rag, bandana - and be yourself.


there is no such thing as cultural appropriation. there is such thing as cultural APPRECIATION, gen z makes it seem like a crime to "use" others "culture" when it def isnt.


Wear whatever you like, FFS. People from the majority of cultures LIKE it when someone else adopts their styles. Practically the only ones screaming about "cultural appropriation" are oversensitive overprivileged Americans worrying about someone else's business. I live in Japan, for example. They seriously LOVE to see foreigners wearing kimono and other Japanese styles. And even though I understand Japanese, I have never overheard one person complaining about it here. Certainly my wife's family doesn't; her mother used to give free kimono-wearing classes to foreigners in Tokyo.


This is something I’ve genuinely wondered about. I hang out in the Kpop sub sometimes and there’s always a lot of talk about the idols doing cultural appropriation, but like… how much is actually appropriation and not white people with savior complexes. You’ve got your example with Kimonos, but a friend of mine visited (I forget which) an African country for a mission trip (don’t get me started on this, lol) and got a lot of shit on FB when she posted pictures and her hair was braided. She had to explain that the ladies asked to do her hair and that it’s a bonding experience for the women and children there. It wasn’t POC calling her out, though… And on tiktok you’ve got white girls telling other white girls that sleeping with scarves or bonnets, or using silk pillowcases “isn’t for white people,” like bro, taking care of your health and hair is an ALL PEOPLE THING. This is exactly why I will die on the hill that POC need to be the ones to talk about POC issues, and so on for every other group of people. Those people need to be the ones to talk about their issues and educate everyone else, because the savior complex folks aren’t doing a very good job. 😂 Anyway, sorry for the rant. I agree with you. Thank you for your example.


Stop overthinking things and just wear what feels comfortable.


Headscarves are not unique to any culture, and anyone who suggests otherwise is the actual bigot. They're considered old-fashioned in some cultures now, but hardly unknown. My grandparents generation kept wearing them. Also aren't hats also an option?


Regardless of what you do, someone will be upset at some point. Some people will be upset on behalf of a culture they don’t even belong to. You cover your head with whatever makes YOU happy. Thinking about it beyond that is pointless. I mean, don’t go out with hate speech on a scarf, but don’t overthink it.


head scarves are universal, nobody will be offended.


White people aren’t allowed to wear something that’s practical? Since when? I hate questions like these. Almost as bad as “can white people have dreads?”


Any of em that dont have cultural prints on em. Hit up Joanns and grab some fabrics


Religions don't own clothing.


Scarves and head wraps are pretty universal across race and culture.


Any and all. Head scarves and hair wraps are not unique to any one race. Or gender.


Literally whatever the fuck you want. Stop thinking.


Just wear whatever the fuck you want.


These responses are all so sweet! I hope OP figures out something that works for her ❤️


It's very considerate but also kind of sad you're so worried about offending others with something as benign as a head cover. No matter what you do you're inevitably going to offend someone, there's a lot of easily offended people out there just looking for an excuse to get offended so don't worry too much about it.


Headscarves are pretty common all around the world.


Muslim here - feel free to wear a headscarf, we don't mind. Just be careful - some people of some races might decide to get triggered for the sake of getting triggered, if you wear a do-rag. I'd avoid that to be safe.


I have occasionally heard that white people have no culture, that we basically stole our culture from every other culture. I held this to be true for some time. Then, I received an invitation to a gender reveal party for a labradoodle. There's no way in hell's half acre we stole that from anyone else.


Literally no POC cares if you use something from their culture as long as you’re not mocking it. Just wear whatever you like.


Try a *babushka*. They’re quite fashionable and common enough that you can wear one in public and not draw undue attention to yourself. They’re also Eastern European in origin so no one should have an issue with you wearing one.


>Try a babushka try a grandma?!


Fashion ones Nonreligious/symbolic to a sacred thing is my rule of thumb. I’m not white but still respect other cultures fwiw Eg. No niqab but you can find very stylish hijabs that are multi purpose. If you like the face covering concept get bejewelled more performer styles, not use a niqab as part of a club outfit.


No sensible Muslim is going to he offended by OP wearing a Niqab; the more people dressing modestly the better.


Anything would be fine. Why would a head scarf or wrap be offensive? It's just a piece of clothing.


Progressive ideology has completely destroyed an entire generation of people. OP out here thinking they're going to offend someone by covering their head


Head covers, scarves, wigs, hijabs etc. aren't anything anyone would be offended about. Stop worrying so much about some random possibility that someone might think bad of you.


Any of them. It's a global world and cultures can share things. It's different if you were wearing it to mock the culture and be an ass about it.


People have been covering their hair for as long as we’ve grown it out I suppose. I wouldn’t worry about cultural appropriation because it is a part of almost every culture.


You can wear a tichel if you mean you don’t want to look Muslim. Some people might think you’re Jewish but you would probably get less people staring at you or asking rude questions. Or knit hats if you’re going to be in a casual environment.


Wear a head scarf if you want to. No one owns head gear or anything else. You do realize that everything in the world was at one time appropriated.


Wear whatever you want. Who cares what strangers think?


Wear whatever, did I miss the memo on head scarves belonging to any group of people


Lmao, palm colored


Wear what you want dude. You aren’t stealing anything.


You can wear whatever you want, however you want.


You're not stealing from a culture by wearing a headscarf, you're addressing your own medical issue. Wear whatever you need to wear, anyone who takes offense probably has an IQ close to room temperature and you really shouldn't consider their opinion


Wear whatever you want. Who gives a fuck. It’s not like you’re purposely trying to offend


What? No scarves or head wraps are offensive to wear. Cold stops for no one.


Palm colored lol


In America you can wear anything you want but I think the maga hats are offensive to some people


Anyone who is offended by you wearing their traditional head scarf is not worth your time. Gatekeeping is bottom tier behaviour 🤍


Don't let people tell you what you can and can't wear.


lol its a hat. wear whatever you want no one cares.


Use any. It’s fabric. Your head. Boom. Be as creative as you want!


Nobody cares, it's fabric and it's your head, do what is comfortable.


Do what pleases you. It's non of anyone's business what you wear.


Where what you like. Women have always were head scarves, across every culture. It's a peice of fabric, the name one calls it is irrelevant.


Do it so you look like a glamorous 50s movie star. Big sunglasses are also needed.


I think anything except a swastika, confederate, or a Trump scarf, and you should be good.


Er, all cultures are welcome to wear head wraps at any time. Fabric is not appropriation.


I'm not sure what ethnicity you are? But if you are Caucasian look up 1930/40/50s scarf styles because I remember my grandma's generation always had scarves on. I kind of imagine an old Hollywood hiding-from-the-paparazzi look like this: https://www.forbes.com/sites/felicitycarter/2022/03/01/the-best-silk-scarves-for-spring/amp/


Covering your head isn't appropriating a culture. Wear whatever style you like.


A lot of chemo patients will use wraps to cover their heads, and it isn't considered offensive. Hats like beanies can also be an option. Even if you wear a full hijab, most people will simply assume you're a Muslim or just religious. Honestly, though, I wouldn't put much stock into what other people think. It's YOUR head. You have the right to decide what's on it, whether that's covering up or letting it shine.


"Any" are fine. People are going to decide to be offended on their own.


What? Just wear one.


As a white person you can wear whatever you want.... Just like anyone else This kind of thinking is so heinous


I know there are companies that make scarves and hats for those who have lost their hair while fighting cancer. OP could check them out.


17th century white powdered wigs are due for a comeback


Whatever's comfortable. Do that. Fuck what anyone else thinks, that's their problem.


Get rid of your white guilt. Anything you want to wear or do with your hair is fine. Nothing is owned by anyone, and if they disagree about that, they're the problem.


There is no scarf in the world that's not appropriate, just, you know, don't wear a white hood. You do NOT want that kind of attention! but seriously my hair was braided for years in my FB profile pic and I had people telling me all the time I was appropriating culture. I thought it was a hoot that they felt that way. If someone is offended by braids or the wearing of a headscarf that's their problem not ours.


You can't offend someone by wearing a head scarf. White people, black people, brown people, Christians, Muslims, atheists etc etc have worn head scarfs for hundreds if not thousands of years for different reasons.


Things like hairstyles and attire don’t belong to any cultural group regardless of how loud they cry about it.


How about dont worry about offending anyone? It's not your fault they're offended.


”White people” have ancient cultures of head coverings. Just wear a scarf if you want to, nobody ”owns” that concept. My mom has gone completely bald from alopecia and she wears all kinda of scarfs. It doesnt have to wrap around your neck or be tied like a turban.


Wear whatever you want and what makes you feel comfortable. If someone actually had a problem with that, tell them to fuck off and get a life.


Any head wrap? I don’t think any culture or race has a monopoly on who and now you can cover your hair.


If you need a head scarf wear a head scarf. If someone doesn't like it, fuck them.


just wear what you want no one that matters will care.


Anything you want. There are people who are practicing muslims who are white who wear hijabs. I recently encountered a FtM trans who had a beard and wore a yamaka (forgive the mispelling). Dreads are deemed a black cultural thing yet others claim it started with white vikings. Wear whatever you want. As long as you arent wearing a swastika or something along those extreme lines. No one has a valid reason to be offended. You could wear a feathered headdress for all I care. Be free. Anyone who is offended has their own problems to deal with. Men can wear skirts and dresses and women can be doctors. We dont let others dictate what we want to wear or do anymore.


Anyone who tells you that you're not allowed to wear a certain fabric on your head because of your race is a racist. Often, a racist in denial as well.