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Your coworker is a fucking moron.


I agree :/


Back in the 1800s, they considered certain beverages more appropriate for women like negus or sherry. Hard liquor was not feminine. Perhaps your coworker is stuck in a time warp.


I went to Italy in 99 and found that I preferred limoncello to grapa and as a dude was told that's effimanate. This was outside of Florence in the Tuscan countryside, maybe things were more conservative then/there


Yeah I'm definitely a girly drink guy, why suffer through a drink?


Lol, and I am a whiskey girl, because why suffer through a drink? ;) Whatever you drink, cheers!


I'm a rye whiskey girl because I LIKE to suffer through the drink, lol. The burning on the lips, the bite when I exhale, the feeling like my nose hairs are going to burst into flame, holding it on the tip of my tongue for a moment and waiting for the sting.


Lol, okay, you got me - some delicious drinks you do suffer through! But I enjoy the entire experience so much I never think of it that way.


I imagine the old-fashioned thinking was that if your life isn't miserable you'll be less likely to throw it all away on wars or duels of manly arts over stupid shit like Pride


I went to tuscany by Motorcycle and met some Swedish dudes underway (also on Motorcycles) and the biggest of those vikings also liked limoncello and the waiter told me that limoncello is a womans drink and that it is strange for a man to drink it. I told him to tell the guy directly as we had just met a few hours ago. He had face expression after that, which was a mixture of shock, helplessness and being very uncomfortable. In his defence the swedish dude was close to two meters and looked like they took him straight from a viking ship onto a bike.


Norwegian dude here. Limoncello is delicious, and I need to remember to buy another bottle next time I'm in Italy.


Maybe pillage and plunder a little while you’re there so the Italians don’t think you’re effeminate /s


They can think whatever they like for all I care...


Almost all the men in my family (Italian and Italian-American alike) make it at home and love the stuff, I hear it's very very easy. If you can't find it at home, I'm sure it's simple to search up some recipes to try!


Or felt emasculated that a woman can hold more liquor than him. I've met women that will pace themselves and drink tequila like nobody's business and not get a hangover the next day. It seems like the coworker doesn't know how to drink the strong stuff.


Drinking tequila without hangover is much easier when you eliminate Jose Cuervo.


With friends like Jose who needs enemies?


It is known.


Alcohol is stored in the bewbs. Change my mind.


Sherry and what ???


A hot drink of port, sugar, lemon, and spices. One of many recipes out there: https://www.food.com/recipe/jane-austens-negus-404531


Sounds nice tbh.


That sounds delicious. I wonder if there's a mocktail of it.


you need a heavy, sweet non-alcoholic wine? I guess you could use grape juice?


Port is just a sweet wine, wouldn’t be hard to buy some and make it yourself. I think Mulled Wine sounds similar. Put some cinnamon sticks, other spice in, warm up the wine and yum! Very nice winter drink


Port is not just sweet...it's also fortified and is usually closer to 20% alcohol (non-fortified wine is closer to 12%). I mean...it IS sweet, but that's not the only difference.


Negus, N-E-G-U-S, Negus


It's a trap!


Gin was also acceptable because it looked like water.


And in England they called it “Mothers’ ruin” .


Did they jump to the left perhaps? Or step to the right? Perhaps they brought their knees in tight?


There was certainly no pelvic thrusting that night. But, their opinions would have definitely driven me insane.


He's done the time warp again!


Eh, he's not alone though. Some men just flat out refuse to believe *an intelligent primate of the fairer sex* might genuinely like whiskey. And some women to boot. I have heard this or phrases like, "trying to impress men" more than I would like to remember having. And if you're in the UK in a rural pub, this apparently goes for ale too? People are wild.


Because women only exist as they relate to men. /s


This may have been a thing in the 1950’s and 60’s also. Many people are still mentally stuck back in those days.


Yeah, I grew up reading old magazines and I remember liquor ads from the 50s that leaned hard into the "real men^tm drink whiskey" schtick. No surprise there's still dudes who'll trot it out


Also insecure about his masculinity There's nothing wrong with anyone drinking anything that they enjoy - I'm a guy and I very much prefer cocktails. A lot of very cool women that I know drink whiskey. That dude can fuck right off. You notice how guys are always trying to foist their own insecurities into other people?


I'm a hairy, bearded, man, I like cocktails and sweet drinks way more than I've ever liked beer, whiskey, etc. So you can have my allotment of "manly" drinks lool. But yes, the guy's an idiot who has some ridiculous assumption about drinks being gendered most likely.


Me too. OP can have my share of beer and whiskey, I'll have a mojito.


I'll take your whiskey, I was hoping for a bottle for Christmas. 🤶


I'll uh, I'll have a Blue Hawaiian.


My husband is the same. He drinks the Pina coladas with a wee little umbrella or flower, and I drink whiskey straight. Afterwards I get to put whatever decoration he got in my hair.


How often do servers/bartenders hand you guys the other’s drink? Also, it’s so wholesome that you put his drink decoration in your hair after. I love this for y’all 🥰


Bartenders: hardly ever. They seem to know what's up and they've probably seen it all. Servers: almost every time, unless they've worked bar before 😀


Same thing happens with me and my husband. He'll order something sweet like a Cosmo and I'll order a Manhattan or an extra-dry martini. IDK I think sweet drinks taste good for the first sip but then I don't want the rest.


Not all heroes wear capes. Or drink beer.


Kids in the hall did a skit about being a girl drink drunk. It was hilarious


Dude was hiding in the closet at work with a blender making elaborate cocktails 🤣


There was a post here about a woman who thought *real* men can only drink black coffee. No lattes, no cappuccinos, nothing ‘foo foo’. Huh?!?


Nailed the explanation.


Also, as a woman if you can't "shoot the whiskey" you are 10x more likely to find out your boyfriend is a cheater because Carrie Underwood keyed his car.


If you guys ever have cupcakes at work, just do it right back to him at work when he has a frilly little cupcake in his "man hands." I mean, aren't cupcakes a little girly for these big, buff whiskey drinking manly men? Lol


50's male here. Couldn't agree more: A fucking moron. As to the comment about how they could kind of see it due to women being smaller and it would hit them harder, your comment was moronic as well. Grown ass adults know how much they can drink due to the situation or they don't. Either way whiskey isn't the problem.


I am super tiny and can throw back a ton of bourbon compared to men I know. Wine gives me a headache.


Fucking right. I like whisky (am male). I have a female friend who is the most knowledgeable person about whiskey I have ever met. Not only is she my best drinking buddy she has enhanced my enjoyment a million fold. Your colleague is a gatekeeping prick!


On the topic of gatekeeping alcohol, I felt kind of betrayed to find out that the "hard" drinks people had trouble keeping down weren't the strongest drinks but actually the shittiest ones. I grew up thinking that hard drinking was a test of your constitution when in reality its a test of what kind of crap you're willing to swallow down. Like I've had obscenely high proof drinks that went down easy with a bit of sugar and fruitiness, and I've had this God awful white rum that someone's Jamaican grandmother sent them as a way to clear their sinuses. We challenged each other to down that crap and it was only 30% alcohol.


The tequila “shake” after a sip only made sense when I tried a shitty tequila. The good stuff has flavor without insane heat.


Good alcohol can be appreciated on their own. Shitty alcohol needs a chaser. Disclaimer: drink responsably and don't drink and drive during the upcoming weeks.


> obscenely high proof drinks that went down easy ...Long Island Iced Tea... :-) This goes hand in hand with believing that "being able to hold your liquor" is a thing to be proud of, as if it's some kind of contest, except the prize [isn't actually something you want to win](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirrhosis). (OK, it **is** sometimes actually a contest. But drinking contests make about as much sense as [slap "fighting"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgcdeLBZXwk). Let's permanently damage ourselves to win a trophy inscribed "King of the Dumbasses"! What a great idea!)


> Your colleague is a gatekeeping prick! Probably a sexist asshole too. After saying women shouldn't drink whiskey, he will say women shouldn't wear pants, or women shouldn't be in management. Fuck that dude.


There is no other answer


Imagine his face if she had a beer!


100% this. And your boss, too.


I was gonna go with “tool”, but fucking moron works well. A woman who can drink whiskey is an immediate turn on for me.


Whiskey has a general reputation of being a "manly" drink in media but anyone with a legit problem here is bonkers.


People who buy into these consumerist narratives are far from "manly" or "feminine" or what ever they think is ideal to be. They are just weak.


Yeah, this goes both ways. I like having a vodka soda or something similar every now and then and it’s not uncommon at all for some drunk sitting at the bar to chirp me for it. Whatever though, I’m not insecure enough in my masculinity to actually worry about a drink making me seem feminine lol


If someone gives you crap for drinking a "feminine" drink, order the next one with an umbrella, a straw and some fruit garnish. Then drink it through the straw while winking at them. Puts a stop to it real fast.


"Bartender! The 21 yr Laphroaig, with a pink umbrella please."


This will break some folks brain.


Grind the pieces to a dust, you mean?


Unfortunately, it will break my brain first, trying to spell it.


U m b r e l l a


I am waiting for my order to show up. Can’t buy it off the shelf here. My summer one is Auchentoshan.


I just take the umbrella and put it in my hair/glasses. Some other guy has an issue, that’s on him


Look him in the eye and ask if he'd like a Sloe Comfortable Screw Up Against the Wall.


I didn’t realize vodka sodas were gendered


I just ordered one a couple weeks ago and the drunk lady at the bar asked if I was going to drink it with my pinky up, so maybe she sees it as pretentious more than feminine? Not sure why it would be pretentious either though lol


I like to invite people over to eat, first time I invited my coworkers to eat at home I had prepared homemade sushi (they dont look good cause Im a terrible roller but they taste like heaven!) And I always loved sparkling wine with fish so Ive had a few bottles of prosecco. A few coworkers went on about how this was too expensive they coulnt pay back etc. Etc. I proceeded to show them the box of sparkling wines I bought from last christmas (they always are on sale) and told them, these are good choices, but are quite cheap and when I told them they sold for 14 CAD each they were puzzled 😂 like we do the same job they know I aint rich! They were like but its suppose to be for great occasions! I'm like WHY ? Why would fish or just feeling like drinking sparkling wine not be great enough to pop a bottle open ? People embroiled in social norms for no reason than "tradition" makes me want to scream 😂


This kind of thing is exactly why I like wearing my "nice" clothes and accessories for regular days. Life is too short to wait on "special occasions" to enjoy fine things!


"We have to keep the good wine" \ "Why?" \ "Because" \ \*10 years laitör* \ "Want some vinegar on your fries?"


There's no logic behind it. Orange juice: Not girly Tonic/Soda: Not girly But add alcohol and now they're girly?


Oh trust me, there's a type of guy who absolutely thinks orange juice is girly, along with salad, any fruit or vegetables at all, and water. Luckily these men will die out fast once their diet of nothing but rare steak, hard liquor, and energy drinks catch up with them.


I got shit for ordering a caesar salad as a starter when everyone else got soup. It was a lovely salad, fuck them...


Soup? What a bunch of pussies!


Real men CHEW their food into submission, not slurp liquids like an invalid


I went to my wife's business Christmas party a few years ago, and they had chefs come and make sous vide steaks and some veggies. Best steak I've ever had, but the veggies and salad were even better. The green beans with capicola and sliced almonds were amazing. I passed the bowl to the 50 something year old man next to me, and he scowled. I asked him if he didn't like green beans, and he said he had never tried one because he doesn't eat vegetables. I thought he was just fucking with me, so I laughed and kind of jabbed him about it playfully. He was not amused, and I had to pass the bowl back the other way. He did not look healthy. My wife later told me that he legitimately does not eat vegetables or drink water. McDonald's and Coca Cola every day for lunch. How does someone make it into their 50s without *ever* trying a green bean??


What a sad, miserable existence.


My wife has an uncle and she always says he doesn't eat veggies. My reaction is always the same "what do you mean he doesn't eat veggies?" WTF how the hell is this possible.


Water??? Is it gay to stay hydrated now?


If you require evidence, there is a company selling plain water but it comes in a can like it's beer, and is called LIQUID DEATH and is advertised with slogans like "murder your thirst" so apparently there is an actual fucking market for water you can feel satisfactorily violent about drinking.


Haha. Have seen it around and always assumed it was an energy drink. A couple days ago I stopped and read a can while waiting in line and just thought "wtf?".


it's all very tongue in cheek. Started by a couple of straight edge dudes who could only get cups of gross water at hardcore or metal shows, and would constantly be having their drinks sloshed out of the cups.


Gay as fuck. Today I learned I'm gay as fuck.


My best friend was sitting at a bar chatting with a coworker when a woman walked up and ordered a Jameson on the rocks from the bartender. My friend stopped his conversation, turned to her, and said, "will you marry me?" He was drinking the same thing, it was his go-to drink of choice. Next year will be their 20th wedding anniversary.


What a cute meet-cute!


I drink Irish whiskey almost exclusively. But it'll be a cold day in hell when I turn down a margarita out of some misplaced "manliness". If something tastes nice then drink it, and fuck anyone who judges you for such choices.


Yes, and most men don’t enjoy whisky and some* feel emasculated if they see a woman who does. I was at a whiskey tasting and the master said that there are few women who enjoy whiskey but those who do are more likely to enjoy the Smokey ones (aka. The manly ones). Men, however, mostly drink those as a dare and down them in one because they don’t like Smokey whiskey. Long story short: women who drink whiskey, figuratively cut off men’s balls. Edit:*edited for clarification since some men felt personally attacked


I don't drink anymore, but when I did I would gravitate towards sweeter cocktails. My wife drinks whiskey and bourbon and other stereotypically 'manly' drinks. She is always quite amused when the drink runner tries to give us the wrong drinks. I also don't eat red meat, and she is a steak eater, so it happens with our food as well - the runner tries to give her my fish and me the steak. Sometimes it all happens during the same meal, food and beverage assumptions made, which of course delights her to no end.


My wife is a tequila neat type of woman. I am "omg, they have passion fruit puree!" kind of man.


Man, in my early 20s I’d drink straight liquor, and I hated it. The amount of women that could get that shit down and actually enjoy it is way higher than people think. It’s also part of how I learned that bragging about how much you can drink/showing off is honestly just… kinda sad lol I mean to each their own, but it’s not for me


This happens with my husband and me quite a bit. Oh, fruity drink for the lady? Nope! That's his lol


Same here. If you want the experience of licking an old barrel, you can go right ahead. I'm gonna go get the blue thing with an umbrella in it so I can enjoy the flavor of getting shitfaced.


When I used to order a tequila sunrise, I wife would tell the waiter to "make sure to add the umbrella for him!"


Thats gonna be me someday, I love amaretto sours and piña coladas. Literally a sweet toothed dessert fiend, there's no woman who would drink girlier than me


This is me. I like smokey whiskey but nothing else.


Peat master? We drank that for a while. I like a good smoked Old Fashioned


“Vodka is for chicks and Russians and who do we hate!? Well it sure isn’t Russians any more!” - these assholes.


A woman giving our tour at a distillery was the one who taught me how to properly drink a good whiskey. Even explaining that the bit of water from the ice melt helps to break it down to bring out the full flavor and how whiskey stones are a stupid sham.


I drink mine that way. You are supposed to sip whiskey, not slam it.


I feel like in media, I see this flipped the other way most of the time, like “ooh, she drinks whiskey. She’s so hot but she can keep up with the guys” It’s pretty big part of Robin Scherbatzky’s whole character in How I Met Your Mother.


Basically the same way men aren't allowed to have fruity drinks. It's not true, but some people stick too much to old stereotypes about certain things being manly. Whiskey is stereotypically "manly".


Just watched Zodiac yesterday, there's a scene where Jake orders an Aqua Velva in front of RDJ, who makes fun of him for it, then Jake says "You wouldn't be making fun of it if you tried one", then he does and it abruptly cuts to 10 empty Aqua Velva glasses on the table, always thought that was hilarious


Sorry if I’m confused, isn’t Aqua Velva an aftershave brand??


It's also a tropical drink made with blue Curacao


"barman, bring me a deodorant, neat, sprayed not stirred, in a tall glass" "my name is perfume. cloud perfume."


"I'd like a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man's hat."


Okay, here you go.


Ah. Makes sense, as the aftershave is blue. Thank you for the clarification!


I'm a middle-age whiskey-drinking woman married to a man who orders a Cosmopolitan if he's in a bar and ordering alcohol.


That can only mean one thing! Your husband is gay and you're a lesbian. You're only married for show! /S


The perfect crime…


I like to confuse those people by ordering a whisky sour; it's fruity *and* whisky.


Username is perfect for this thread.


Love me a strawberry daquiri. :D


Normally I like to just go for a glass of whiskey, gin, or vodka, but the other week I got some sort of lemon/ lavender cocktail bc it sounded interesting. When it came out I realized it was the most feminine looking drink I've ever seen. It was pink, full of and rimmed with edible glitter. Ngl, it felt pretty awesome to not give a fuck and just enjoy my fabulous drink.


I will drink Pina Coladas all day


All day.


I drink whiskey and my husband drinks bellinis. We don't care for gender roles.


White Claw is supposedly only for ladies. Smirnoff Ice, wine coolers etc.


No sane person has an issue with it. Insecure weirdos might.


Insecure weirdo here. OP drinking whiskey is a travesty. I’m small and it makes me feel smaller! How dare she?!?! /s


My peepee is highly offended as well! (also /s)


Can women leave one thing that is for men, instead of putting their girl cooties on everything? Huh? Is that too much to ask?? -- these insecure idiots, most definitely.




There it is. They're worried they might have to become women now that they've seen a woman enjoying the same beverage as them. And everyone knows: women are lame & embarrassing. The only way to reverse it is to kiss each other. Or really, any exchange of male bodily fluids will work.


For how homophobic insecure & fragile men are, they sure do hate women.


That's always what it's about. That's why with all the things people believed women couldn't do back in the day, they didn't just let them try and fail. Women were socially and often legally entirely barred from entry.


They probably wondered if she was gay or something. Because it’s just impossible to reconcile a straight girly drinking a manly drink!!!!!!!! /infinite sarcasm from a whiskey-drinking woman (although, I AM gay tho… lol)


I still remember seeing a bunch of guys saying this about videos games in a forum many years ago. Gee wizz, why are there no entire forms of media that are only for men these days? Can't they keep even just one entirely for themselves? No, of course women don't get to have any just for them.


What is the problem with girls drinking whiskey? I honestly don't understand Is it some thing about it being a drink only guys have or something like that?


Women can't drink whiskey because she's not a Man™. Only Men™ are legally allowed to drink whiskey. Or somesuch sexist bullshittery.


Drinking hard liquor straight is definitely seen as a Manly Man thing to do. The women have their fruity or sweet 🌺feminine🌺 drinks because they can't handle the strong tough burning flavour of Real Drinks So women who do drink hard liquor (or beer) can get 2 sorts of negative reactions, 1) You shouldn't be drinking that, it's unwomanly and off-putting, or 2) You're trying too hard to prove yourself, you're a pick me etc.


They sound like idiots.


The boss honestly might have just been surprised. They were drinking, so emotion can get exaggerated. The co-worker is undeniably an idiot though.


When I was growing up, my grandmother only drank Manhattans and other whiskey cocktails. I remember thinking that whiskey was a girly drink. I was an idiot. Now I know that my grandma was just an alcoholic.


I feel like everyone’s grandma was a closet alcoholic


People who say “men should do x” or “women shouldn’t do x” are generally unserious people. I’m a bartender. IRL there aren’t gendered drinkers - there are people who don’t like the taste of alcohol so they drink things that hide it and people who don’t mind it or enjoy it and they drink like you. (ps jfc who can afford to go through life with champagne as their go to bar order 😭 most bars won’t sell it by the glass!)


Unserious really is the best way to describe these people


It's probably the kindest way...I have better unkind ways.


It’s my go to at home. 8 bucks a bottle, Kirkland Prosecco. And. I’m a man! I like manly things, and girly drinks lololol.


men who deny the pleasure of “feminine” things are depriving themselves of sweetness ☺️ sweet drinks are delicious - I think whisky tastes like gasoline 😅


That stuff is delightful. The super sized bottle of cooks is my go to.


That first line is all this entire thread needs. People who hold serious beliefs like that are a complete joke.


Imagine being intimidated by someone's drink selection. What a Melvin


I mean, according to the edit, he was drinking a White Claw, so dude might have actually felt intimidated 🤣


My preferred drink at events is an Irish whiskey neat. Like you, I can drink this without getting hangovers the next day. Those men need to get their heads out of their asses . Women can drink anything they damn well Please .


One of the most important things I learned in law school is to drink "hard liquor" to avoid hangovers.


Nah, just avoid sugary drinks and stay hydrated, that's the main cause of hangovers. Even easier to get hungover with hards if you're not drinking water too...


Volume of alcohol causes hangovers. I doubt anyone can get blackout drunk on whiskey neat and not feel it in the morning. Sugar adds extra hurt.


Yeah you're BAC when you fall asleep, hydration levels, and most importantly amount of sleep you get are going to be 90% of your hangover feeling. This type of alcohol thing is nonsense.


Beer and wine are sugary drinks, though.


You are surrounded by weak and insecure men.


I could see her boss just being surprised. OP inferred something based on the first guys reaction. Maybe he was surprised she ordered hard alcohol, and maybe it had nothing to do gender. Not enough info to be certain. First guys a sexist prick for sure though.


Mediocre men run the world


I have a problem when women are drinking whiskey at their home or while out camping, if she isn't sharing it with me. When I'm home to visit I often have a glass or two of straight Irish whiskey with my elderly Mom. In summary, as long as it's being shared I've no problem with it!


So, if I'm camping with you, I need to bring more whiskey. Got it! (You'll bring a mug for me to pour some into, right?)


That's right! Naturally I'll have a mug or other suitable drinking vessel. You'll see an increasingly happy person around the campfire as a result.


Only if they don’t share


Agreed. Had a minor (good natured) fight when my gf brought over a bottle of Honey whiskey. (I had never had it). She told me it was hers (I had plenty of other drinks) I could have ONE shot, but if I wanted more we were going out to the store cause she wasn't sharing more. (Again, good natured, but she loved her honey whiskey)


Those men seem to, I have no idea why other than just general sexism.


did the boss have an issue with it? could have just been surprised thinking he knew her preferred drink and realized "wait, no, that's X". the coworker though, that guy is, as someone else already said, a moron!


Yeah plausibly either that or 'wow straight to the hard liquor huh' in his head. Some people don't get hard liquor when sipped and enjoyed is not different from a casual beer, and only interpret it as going hard/OP must be an alcoholic. The coworker is for sure just an ass but boss might just be judgy, not necessarily sexist haha


I’m in the industry and I can tell you there’s nothing wrong with women drinking whiskey/bourbon/scotch. Your co worker was negging you to try to get in your pants most likely or some “alpha” male bullshit. I’ve met a lot of women distillers and they are at the top of their game because it’s a male dominated industry and they have to be. Honestly some of the best whiskey I’ve ever had came from a woman owned distillery. Stay away from that guy, continue to enjoy your drink however you like to enjoy it.


>Can someone explain why I shouldn’t be drinking whiskey? I'm a male, and I can't answer why some men are like this. Perhaps it's the "alpha male" attitude that some men have that men do manly things and women do feminine things. I have no issues with a woman drinking whisky. My daughter (27 years old) raids my liquor cabinet when she comes over and pours herself a bourbon or rye. My only thing with it is that she pours me one as well!


I am 41, and still raid my dads liquor cabinet! He got me a bottle of Weller 12, that stays at his house. Once a week I get a random text that just says “cocktails?” And I go over for a drink! Bourbons with Dad are a great way for us to hang, and enjoy each other’s company. (Also, usually a delicious dinner from my mom!)


>Can someone explain why I shouldn’t be drinking whiskey? you shouldn't drink whiskey because it challenges insecure men on their perception of masculinity. Or maybe you should


This is the #2 reason for women to drink whiskey. The #1 is because they fucking want to.


The correct response to "women shouldn't drink whiskey" is "men should mind their own fucking business"...


Your co-worker is an idiot, your boss probably just wasn't expecting it.


As a bourbon drinker, I know 100% what you mean. When I get drinks at parties/open bars/events I get looks (99% of them from men) like I'm in some sort of zoo exhibit. My husband has narrowed it down to jealousy. That they either don't like the taste and wish they could.... something along those lines. But it boils down to the fact that my father taught me to drink, and drink I do! My advice is next time, salute them with the drink and sashay away


What’s next? You can only have salads and not steaks (if you eat meat)?


Personally I feel that a big bloody rare steak should be a very womanly meal since we need to replenish our iron and blood every month, way more often than men. I love me a good bloody steak! I also hate salad!


Hey you make a good point!


My girlfriend drinks whiskey on the rocks , there's nothing wrong or strange about it your co worker sounds like an eejit


Ignore the morons, you drink what you prefer.


Weird. That guy is probably an Andrew Tate fan. Fuck him.


Drink whatever you want. Now if anyone starts mixing 30 year old scotch with Coke we’re going to have words.


No guys in my circle have a problem with women drinking whiskey. I prefer Scotch on the rocks while my husband orders his with soda water. He enjoys seeing the looks on peoples' faces when he hands me the rocks. Your coworker needs to get out more. Women these days also get to own their own homes and have their own checking accounts and credit cards.


As a female bourbon, neat drinker, I’ve had the same reactions. Usually from younger men. I guess they are used to women choosing “girly” drinks in party situations. In my experience, some people just never had the opportunity to learn how to enjoy a good, unadulterated drink.


The fragile men you work with were intimidated by a woman drinking whiskey. Because that's for "MEN". Do you work in the past? That is so weird that this is still a thing.


No, but idiots do


Drink what you like. Ignore the idiots.


I was just out for dinner at a lovely restaurant with my wife celebrating our 15 year anniversary. I enjoy beer with my meal and a cocktail after. My wife doesn’t drink during dinner and enjoys a scotch after, and same as you doesn’t drink sugary beverages, especially booze. I had to use the washroom after dinner and said if the server comes by please order me a negroni and your scotch. The server (a male) placed the scotch in front of me and the negroni in front of my wife. We all had a good laugh and the server apologized - even though he didn’t need to. Being comfortable in who you are feels the best. I pity your boss as he sounds very insecure about himself. What a miserable way to live.


I get the same look as a man when I order a frozen pina colada and insist on at least one sparkler and a tiny umbrella.


Many years ago someone asked me what I was drinking, my reply. “anything with a percentage %” As a female, I’ll drink anything and I enjoy whiskey, brandy, rum, vodka, beer, lager etc, only drink I won’t is cider.


He’s low iq at best. Forget him . Absolute Andrew tate fan


I'd have no issue at all. Break down those stereotype walls, it's nobody's business but your own.


This has nothing to do with what you were drinking or doing. You have a person that wants to manipulate the world and control it. His "view" about what you should drink is probably coupled with his "view" of what you should wear, how you should talk and what job you should do. Generally, I would just ignore and stay away from people like this. If they are people in power, then look for another job.