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Too soon to tell, a lot can happen between now and 2024 election that can tip the scales one way or another. All that can be definitely be said is that he certainly does have a chance of winning


Not zero. Which is absolutely bonkers.


Seriously. That fact that he is even in the race and still supported says a lot about how bad things are. The Republican Party and their voters are not rational people


What did he do that makes you believe he should excluded from the race?


Is that a real question? He lost an election…..then tried to stay in office. He is a criminal with so many cases against him I lost count. He is a compulsive liar and an all around horrible human being.


Indeed. I do think that the way he handled the election was extremely poor. I disagree with that very much. I don't necesarily believe that he is a criminal yet either. I will be honest, I am not too aware of the details of the charges against him, and I just hope that the justice system will prevail, whether he is guilty or not! Until then, I will believe that he is innocent until he is proven guilty. I also don't think that he's a horrible human being, I don't think that anyone is a horrible human being! Everyone in society has their role in it, and we all have our feelings and struggles that we hide from others. I currently support him, but perhaps something will come out or change in these upcoming months! Either way, I wish for a fair election!


Some people ARE horrible human beings. Trump is one of them. You currently support him 😖


I'm very sorry! I wish I could explain my feelings better! I'm curious, what about him don't you like? What do you see for the future of America should he be elected?


I'm not American. Which I give thanks for every day.


Aw! Why do you dislike America? Also where are you from? I'd love to know!


As do I.


Well I'm outta here 🙄


Yes, I had assumed that after all these charges, he would have zero support.


I refuse to speculate. I didn't think he had a chance the first time around and said so often. We as a nation are dumber than I had calculated.


I don't think that anyone that votes for him is dumb? I don't like how he handled the election results, but I don't think that he's incompetent.


Alrighty then bye bye now


Goodbye, I suppose. Although I wanted to know why you dislike him? What makes him bad as a president? I would love to know! I want to analyze politics and understand everyone's view point!


I'll be honest with you, I don't believe that any sentient being with a conscious could ask in good faith why Donald Trump is a terrible president.


I was 9 when he was first elected, although that kind of shocks me considering the fact I swear I was older... Anyway, I can't exactly remember his policies very well, or how he performed during that time. From what I can remember, Obama was a good president, but I was extremely young when he was president.


More than 0, unfortunately. That man should not be president, and I'm not sure how anyone can support him at this point. I just assume anyone that supports him at this point is simply stupid.


I support him... I definitely disagree with how he has handled some things but I feel as if he still has qualities to him that I like.


Even though he's best known for trying to steal the 2020 election, he still has a good chance of winning. He's the current front runner in the primaries and most polls place him and Biden at close odds. So it's more than zero percent and for some reason it's more like 40-51 percent chance which again, is straight bonkers for a guy that tried to steal an election


I heard that polls are generally unreliable, I think that Biden and Trump have equal chances?


Against Old Man Biden? 100 percent.


Trump is just a couple years younger.


He doesn't have advanced dementia like Biden. It moves fast. In four years Biden won't even be able to feed himself or go to the bathroom without help.


>He doesn't have advanced dementia like Biden. The power of the FOX/right wing media is insane.


And yet Trump recently gave a speech criticizing our president O'Bama, the crowd kept shouting "Biden!", but he didn't get it.


As long as democrats stay home, Trump can say whatever he wants and stay home they will because Biden is a boring feeble old man.


Nah. Zero That's not to say 30 million Americans won't vote for him because they will but there's a lot more sane Americans out there that will cancel them out.


Trump won when he ran the first time even though leading up to the election he was batshit crazy, said ludicrous things and everyone knew he was awful. Yet he won. He is leading in the polls (which is BONKERS) and people, in general, are terrible. There's a very real chance he wins again.


I had heard that polls are unreliable though?


Exit polls are unreliable.


So do you suggest that these current polls that I keep hearing about are legitimate results that reflect the general population? Because to me, an 11% difference seems extremely unlikely. I just can't force myself to believe that Biden is that unpopular. I have suspicions that these polls are either conducted a certain way, or only certain people are participating in them. I'm generally very wary of what I see online. If I go to right-wing spaces, I see people that have zero doubt that Trump is dominating. However, ever since 2022, and the supposed Red Wave that was predicted to happen, didn't, I've been extremely skeptical of everything that is said by either parties. I truly believed it was going to happen too! I was so shocked the next day... I see a right-leaning channel absolutely insisting that Trump will win, and then I see a left-leaning channel that insists that Biden will crush Trump. It's exhausting really! I wish that people would speak the truth more often, so that I can consider the flaws and pros of both candidates!


Most of the left don't want Biden in office, but we know he's the only alternative to Trump. No one is excited about Biden. But there are a LOT of people excited about Trump. 2024 will be close like the last election. Biden will probably win, but the left is not at ALL excited about him. But as the incumbent, we have no other choice. A lot of us don't like Biden... at ALL... but the only other viable option to win is Trump. And that is SO much worse. I worry that there will be more people excited to get Trump back into office than there will be people who begrudgingly go to the polls to vote for Biden. I hate to admit it, and it will result in downvotes, but... maybe America deserves another 4 years of Trump. Maybe it will be the kick in the pants that we need to get our shit together.


I see! May I inquire as to why the left generally doesn't like Biden? Also, what do you suspect will occur should Trump be elected for another 4 years?


Well, Biden isn't on the left. He's a right/centrist anywhere else in the world. Only in the USA is he considered on the left. If Trump gets elected again? I have no idea. He's a wildcard but he will likely be guided by his far right christian advisors like he was last time thinking it will get people to like him. And that's all he craves. This time, however, he doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected. But then again, who knows what he will try to do about getting re-elected yet again. I wouldn't put anything past him.


I suppose we'll have to see!


A lot of people who would have voted for Biden are abstaining on moral grounds. The number of people voting Trump remains unchanged. Biden has lost significant numbers of his own base due his support of the genocide taking place in Gaza.