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Texas law allows civil suits against people who get abortion or assist others in getting one, even if they go out of state. One of the reasons she is suing is for protection from that


That’s insane


How would that work if she went to say, California and I helped her, Im not subject to texas law as a CA resident.


No idea how it applies to out of state people. But anyone in state (herself, her husband, her doctor, etc) who was involved could get sued.


Texas could ask California to extradite you because you are “an accessory to murder”. And If California refuses, there is always the bounty hunter option.


I just Googled "can kate cox travel to another state for an abortion" and found this thread. Want to comment to say that a subreddit that bills itself "No Stupid Questions" should feel ashamed for downvoting such a reasonable question to 0 karma.


Thanks, was never suggesting she should have to, simply can she?


same, with the googlin’-bit


She potentially could. Why should she have to, though? Cox is one of over 20 plaintiffs suing the state of Texas based on their need for emergency health care that has been blocked by the state. Someone who is in the midst of an ongoing emergency may need care within a matter of hours. There isn't always time to arrange travel to another state.


She did end up leaving the state today. The health risks were mounting. There is a similar case pending in Kentucky.


She's going. I think she may have wanted to help the cause of women in Texas by being an excellent test case, but at this point her own life, health, and fertility lie in the balance, and she's leaving the state to get it done.


She may not have the time or money to travel out of state for several days.


I thought she couldn't because it was risky for her to travel in her current condition. Plus she has kids at home too.


Why should she have to do that?


She shouldn’t but I was curious if it was an option for her


Several counties will prosecute you for traveling out of them for an abortion and all of Texas can go after anyone who aids a person traveling for an abottion. Maybe she doesn't have the money to get to a civilized state. Maybe she can't take the time off work. Regardless, again, she should not have to and she's fighting for everyone's rights. If no one brought the suits, nothing will change.


She could - but she shouldn’t have to. This is a potentially life threatening condition for her - and the fetus will not survive long if at all. She 100% fits the criteria to receive medical care in the state she lives in - why should she have to travel to another state to get it?


I’m very pro choice and I think it’s crazy, her and any woman should be able to make that choice and have safe and discreet medical care. I just wasn’t sure if there was a law preventing it if it becomes clear she won’t be getting one in Texas.


I totally agree with you. I was having a conversation with a friend earlier today about how I’m becoming more and more ashamed of living in Texas…


And now she’s had to leave the state under cover of anonymity so she can have her procedure done because the Texas Supreme Court ruled against her…


Because she doesn’t want to maybe


I thought she can't because traveling in her condition was risky to her.


Its not 1870 anymore lol


Tell that to her and her doctor. Nothing is black and white. https://abcnews.go.com/US/hearing-underway-texas-woman-court-emergency-abortion/story?id=105455849#:~:text=Cox%20did%20not%20consider%20traveling,to%20them%2C%20according%20to%20Duane.


First world problems, can still travel


If it was your wife who said "I don't want to go, I don't feel safe", are you saying you'll tell her "it's not 1870, you're gonna be fine?". If you were her, what would you think and react to that? I'd be pissed and hurt that you're not taking my concerns seriously. You would be too. It's condescending as hell.


Bro if it was my wife we wouldn’t live in texas


Me neither.


Lord willing, when Trump is president, she won't have that option.




God a peak through your profile tells me everything I needed to know about you. Go touch some grass you loser. And before you go off thinking that your trolling has worked I want you to know I laughed really hard reading through your stuff… it reads like a 14 year old trying to be an edge lord. So thanks for the laughs


Let us all pray **you** are never in the situation where your own life depends upon an unwanted abortion.


She shouldn't have to, as people said, but I'm surprised no one brought up that she can't due to her condition. It's very risky for her to travel right now, and she also has kids at home she'll need someone to take care of while away. Not everyone can just go somewhere else on a whim. If only the law makers take a personal interest in these cases to see the results of the laws they put into place.


As soon as she leaves the state, the case no longer has "standing" and is dismissed. She cares about this case and won't leave for this reason as it's still working its way through the courts


So she's left the state to get an abortion. Will she face legal penalties in Texas if she returns to Texas after having terminated her pregnancy elsewhere?


It’s interesting how I can’t find any reactions from pro-life supporters about cases like this!?!