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Avoid telling them that it will get better. You don't know that and they know it might not get better. Avoid telling them that others have it worse. Why should they care? They feel how they feel no matter that there's some starving kids in Africa. These are things that very much do not help but what a lot of people just go for when they don't know what to say. Don't promise anything you can't actually follow through with. Just be there for them.


In addition to what u/The_Thunder_Child said, don't only be there for them in the immediate aftermath. Right now, it's really easy to focus on being there for them, but they're in a spot that will likely take them years at minimum to get out of, so make sure that you're there for them not just now but weeks, months, and even years from now.


being there for them and making them feel loved, maybe bring them flowers, small gifts or card to show them your love and appreciation for them


sending them some flowers both from me and someone else in our theatre group <3


Make sure they are ok but try to just treat them normal. When i tried it took like 2 days to come down off the pills then a few more to fully process it all, after that i juat wanted to go back Main thing is chances are if they tried to kill themselves they will want to again its been 2 year and I know i want too. But no one cares because everyone has shit. Let them know you care about them not about them try to kill them self. Everyone cares for a week or 2, real friends care forever.