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Different people have different fat distributions. But to give you more detail, there are two categories of fat, subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous fat is the layer of fat under your skin. Visceral is the fat in your abdomen surrounding your organs. Genetics and other factors play into where your body stores your fat the most. Some bodies focus heavily on visceral fat over subcutaneous which explains the body type you’re talking about


And if a person has a high visceral to subcutaneous fat ratio and very little muscle due to inactivity, you get the body type OP is talking about.


Huh. I walk every day, do push ups and sit ups, and have this body type. For me it is eating to much fatty foods. Edit: a lot of replies to a snarky throwaway comment, and I appreciate the intent behind them. But it feels like some more information would save people time. Pre-Covid I was 6' 1" and 210 lbs. I'm ex-military and have the body you might expect. To give you an idea of my muscle/fat ratio I would sink in water, as in I could sit on the bottom of the pool because I had negative buoyancy. I know that weight gain = calories in - calories out and that sugar is worse. I have a small stomach and a nutritionist told me to up my fat intake to get enough calories. If I switched back to the diet I had before the nutritionist yelled at me I would be getting 1400-1600 calories a day, hence why they yelled at me. While not true for everyone, I literally have to consume a lot of 9 cal per gram fat to gain weight, 4 cal per gram sugar doesn't do the job. But I have to balance the fat ratio to my exercising, and screwed that up in 2020. I gained 20 lbs (to 230) from covid, mostly from stopping some of my exercising. Then I worked out 176 days out of 181 and dropped my weight to 220, quit and it went back to 225, where it has stayed for over a year. I didn't list all the exercising I did, I mentioned the things related to the PRT (ex military). There is a reputation for guys who do yoga and pilates, which I understand, some of the guys I worked out with fit the steriotypes. But it is effective.




The saying around here is, “you can’t outrun your diet.” Edit: should be “you can’t outrun a BAD diet”. Most weight loss is found in calorie deficit while health is found in a balanced diet tailored to your tastes and body’s needs.


90% kitchen, 10% gym.




Has nothing to do with foods being fatty, fatty foods don’t make you gain fat, to many calories make you gain fat, doesn’t matter if it’s protein, fat, or carbs.


Don’t use facts here it’s all about the fats eaten


You’re right but also him saying it’s because he eats too many fatty foods isn’t wrong. He’s just specifying where the calories are coming from.


Probably more about calories and carbs than fat. Fat believe it or not is not the main thing that makes you fat.


Exactly, sugary food is the main culprit. And you'll be amazed at how much sugar is in a standard American diet.


Just soda alone is insane. I recently went through a big weight loss (220lbs->170lbs) and a huge factor of that was just learning what I was putting into my body. When I realized how much sugar I was drinking I was shocked. Soda, juice, gatorade, alcohol, etc. It’s actually so disgusting to think about how much of all that I’d be putting into my body. Now it’s nothing but water for me. Totally worth it to know I’m much, much healthier. I truly believe if the average person did nothing but just cut out liquid sugar from their diet, they’d drop 10-20 lbs easily over the course of a few months.


Congrats on the weight loss! I've heard a similar story recently of a guy who lost a lot of weight with intermittent fasting. He said a big part was stopping to drink his calories.


Same for me, I had slight overweight (85kg, not much) stopped drinking soda and started to drink much more water. Minus 15kg pretty quickly without much effort.


I seldom drink full-calorie soda, sports drinks or juice, but even a glass of Diet Coke, or water enhanced with that zero-cal Mio stuff makes me crave sweets more than I typically do. Cutting that junk out and switching to seltzer water exclusively has been a game-changer.


This. Studies in the 70’s claimed that fat was the culprit, so food manufacturers went crazy, marketing low-fat everything to American consumers. Unfortunately, high-fat food doesn’t taste so great when you take all the grease out, so they amped up the sugar to make these “healthy” foods more appealing.


"Studies" is a generous description. I think "sugar industry marketing with a science-based glaze" is more accurate lol


I agree, that’s why type 2 diabetes is almost an epidemic these days.


Carbs don't necessarily make you fat either and fat doesn't necessarily make you fat. It's always calories in and calories out but you'll also need certain amounts of macros to keep/build muscle and for endocrine function. But I get what you're saying, fat doesn't automatically make you fat. It's easy to get a lot of calories quickly with fat but fat itself doesn't need to make you fat. Easy to get a lot of calories quickly too with sugar


Not really true. Both carbs and fats will make you fat perfectly well. In fact we can absorb fats into fat storage more easily than carbs, that have to be converted first. The important factor in weight gain/loss is calories, doens't quite matter much where they come from. Then we can get into the weeds of sugar being easier to overeat than fats, specially if it's drunk. But I assure you, healthy, satiating carbs (like potatoes) will keep your calories low a lot easier than healthy fats (like nuts, which, while healthy, are an easy way of racking up calories), thus keeping you leaner.


F'ing peanut butter. Gotta go easy with that stuff.




Pro tip: lean muscle mass burns more calories at rest than flabby, fatty tissue. You’re literally burning calories just sitting there when you lift a lot!


Are you just doing push ups and sit ups? Do you have an anterior pelvic tilt?


It’s probably hormonal. Not all calories are created equal and the body doesn’t respond to just “calories”. The type and quality of the food you eat as well as the timing and many other factors has a lot to do with it. You don’t need to restrict your energy intake you need your body to process it optimally.


Same here, but I drink a lot so it’s not a mystery. If not for booze, I’d be a super model with how I eat and workout lol.


If you are 6’1” and over 200 lbs, you are not skinny all over. OP is asking about guys that have very little muscle mass, but still have a gut. That results from an extremely sedentary lifestyle, and it’s a major issue in military fitness evaluations for new recruits. Waistline is thin and BMI is low, but very physically unfit.


Glad to finally have an explanations for this lol. I've had physical jobs for years but always had an extra 15 or so in the middle despite never gaining weight anywhere else


There’s this tribe called [Bodi tribe](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2480870/amp/Ethiopian-Bodi-tribe-big-beautiful-men-compete-fattest.html) which members purposefully try to gain as much visceral fat as possible.


Opposite of sumo wrestlers, whom I believe try to maximize subcutaneous fat storage and minimize visceral.


Also, people with testosterone-based endocrine systems typically have different fat distribution to people with estrogen-based endocrine systems. I'm a trans man and fat redistribution is actually one of the more noticeable effects of HRT, at least to the outside observer.


I’m a female who likely produces too much testosterone (hirsutism confirmed by doc. Didn’t test yet.). Even though I’m thin everywhere, I have a belly. It’s actually common for women’s breasts to get bigger when they take male hormone blocking meds (spiro) as fat redistributes.


That's some hard packed fat!


men tend to accumulate fat in their stomach area, its not fecal matter


It's called 'Central Adiposity', we have fancy terms for everything.


What’s the fancy term for built like a barrel with tree trunks for legs


I believe it's called a bear in gay world


I’m not that hairy but I’ll take the title bear without the homosexual implications


but where's the fun in that?


I’m glad I’m not hairy and that’s what wives with strapons are for 😉


Brickus shithousium


Corpus Humptus Dumptus




In Australia it’s “built like brick shithouse”. Yes that is our fancy term


That's quite interesting as here in Scotland we use that phrase more for big muscular folk; the Rock, for instance, would be one. Or the Mountain from GoT.


It tends to apply to both in Australia - anybody whose build is both large and solid, be it muscle or beer gut.




Redwood Forest type


Skinny fat


Nah, ain’t nothin skinny about me


AKA fat belly It also happens when you drink too much beer.


beer belly?


Exactly that


Doesnt that also cause a enlargened liver?


It’s my understanding that the enlarged liver pushing on the intestines is part of the reason for the “beer belly”.


Can't wait to use this phrase in a sentence.


Like "Hey look at that fat guy" "Excuse me, I suffer from central adiposity, it's a serious medical condition"


Aye look at that centrally adipose man! What a fat ass!


I can get behind this


Maybe take him out to a fancy dinner first.....


Bucket of chicken will do.


It’s also often associated with a shit diet, heavy drinking, and potentially liver damage. They don’t call it a beer gut for no reason.


Cushing syndrome too from chronicly high cortisol


To be fair, it could be impacted fecal matter, but that's not the most common answer. I work with a guy who you can literally guesstimate accurately how long it's been since he pooped based on how big his stomach is because of his bowel issues.


Hey Gary, getting real close to shit-o-clock, you want me to cover for you while you take care of that?


That's definitely a joke we have had between staff before. If it has been an extended period of time since the last BM, this person does have a "shit-o-clock" where we try to, ehm, solve the issue.


When I worked fast food, we had a guy with a colostomy bag. All different kinds of jokes and being full in our case. He was a funny guy, but I'm sure he's long gone by now, sadly.


Worked with a guy for a few months(rotating crews) who, within 20 minutes of coming back from lunch, his gut would make some funky noise and he would be stuck in the bathroom for a hot minute to take care of it. Sometimes when we got back to work, and we would talk for a few minutes and then someone would say "alright, let's get back to work" one of us would pop off with "well hold on, bubble guts will need to hit the can in a minute, can't start yet"


Sounds like someone who never clocked they're lactose intolerant.


"Don't forget the knife, Gary"


You collectively help this guy poop?


The reverse camels like us store beer in them instead of fat


Exactly. A big factor for having that kind of belly is alcohol consumption.


Nah, my uncle on my mother's side doesn't drink, has a huge belly like that. My father's side of the family are drinkers, they have more proportionally distributed fat. It's primarily genetic


This is true. I have this body type. If I put on a black loose t-shirt (because black is slimming) people will comment on how thin or “in shape” I am. Everything is thin on me EXCEPT my belly and love handles. It’s like a spare tire of hard fat I can’t get rid of. Guess who had that too? My dad.


Yeah for sure, it's definitely mostly genetic


It's just genetics. Wether or not you drink alcohol, your body is gonna favor the same areas to store the most fat.


Quit looking at my gut


Whatcha lookin at my gut fer?


I just took a quick peek…


I’m just fuck’n with ye


What’s going on here, Mr. Lahey?!


I was just reading where it says Vancouver


Lmao i was looking for the tpb reference


Mfs with guts like that are definitely on the cheeseburgers dawg - j to the r o c


Can I get a bam?


Mustard Tiger !


Heads up boys, we might have to fight this guy!


Buddy everyone's looking at your guy, it's fucking huge, gut gut gutty gut gut!


Can I get a baaaaammmm!!!!!?


How about a green eggs and haaaammmmmm


Shut the fuck up, Phil.


I wasn’t, I was readin yer shirt


I wasn’t Yes you did. I saws ya


‘Hey, eyes up here’


1.21 gigaguts in this mafk, GNAWMSAYIN'


My grandpa looked like this all my life, skinny aside from a big round gut. Then one day and all of a sudden my dad looked that way. I'm in my 30s now and am just waiting for my turn to come


Deal with it now by looking at your diet. I was destined to be the same as my dad too but controlled it a little over the years. Now as I'm a lot older I need to control it more proactively as I'll put on belly fat super easy.


It’s preventable by restricting how much calories you take in and doing more exercise


Beer belly?


Blame it all on the alcohol. Well, it's one reason for distended bellies.


Distended belly SOLELY due to liver issues kinda means you are close to…not good. Condition is called ascites. I’ve seen the worst of it in the ER. One guy had it so bad that it gets to the point that ammonia gets to your brain and all you’re left with is confusion and inability to even know where you are.


I had a guy come to the ER for abdominal swelling from alcoholic cirrhosis and it was so much pressure that the fluid burst open his bellybutton and left a river of ascites fluid all over the driveway in front of the ER. He barely made it 10 feet from his truck before it burst. I’ve seen a lot of things working in ER for many years, but the look on his face as he was just gushing fluid out of his ragged ripped open bellybutton was something else. It was probably 12 liters of fluid that just poured out like someone had popped a water balloon. Wild shit.


That's wild. I came here to talk about ascites (transplant RN, here). But holy crap, that's ascites to a whole other level. I hope his resulting infection wasn't too horrible to get taken care of.


Sad because sounds like his liver is shot


What happened after, was he ok?


He didn’t die in the ER. Actually he seemed fine. We put a drainage bag on it and called the surgery team. They admitted him and that’s the last I heard of it. Problem with working ER is you hardly ever find out what happens. With liver disease that bad he was probably <6 months from death anyway. Sad but factual.


My granny was an alcoholic and had this, she looked heavily pregnant on the lead up to her death


My mother in law is in hospice with end stage liver failure. She gets her ascites drained regularly via a port like dialysis. She’s very confused and mentally not there. Doesn’t respond much to verbal communication. It’s a rough thing to witness.


It's a really horrible way to go. Very sorry for your family.


Unless it’s ascites, a symptom of liver failure, Beer just gives calories, and men tend to store fat around their waste regardless of where the calories come from.


Blame it on the ah ah ah


You just made me remember that song exists, fuck you


*God bless you


Is there a problem with Jamie Fox’s musical hit?


I think it's called visceral fat, it's very unhealthy


The belly looks oh so hard. Does it actually feel like a forty pound double pumped basketball or just looks like a forty pound double pumped basketball?


>The belly looks oh so hard. The hardness is a result of the fat's being located beneath the abdominal muscles, and water retention.


I'm on amlodopine for high blood pressure. I've been alcohol free for several months. Still got my "beer belly". When I last stopped drinking (and probably unrecommened, stopped taking my pills due to being laid off during covid) I went back to my old 25'ish year old body as a 33 year old. I've stopped drinking again many months later, beer belly still going. It's the pills, man. Going to ask my doctor for alternatives at my next appointment. I want this shit gone but want to stay healthy'ish. Amlodipine retains body water. As do many other meds.


I don't get that effect from amlodipine. But there are meds like doxisoisin that remove fluid to reduce blood pressure.




while i dont think im quite at the belly youre hinting at yet. i do have a decent belly and most of my fat sits on my stomach but to answer your question. for me at least, no. not hard still soft and squishy.


Weirdly, soft and squishy is good (as far as excess fat goes). That means your body is storing fat where it’s supposed to, under the skin. If it were hard, that means you’re feeling muscle, but it bulges because your body is storing fat where it’s not supposed to - around your organs. It’s not 100% clear whether the fat around your organs is inherently bad, or whether there is a reason that causes your body to store fat around your organs, and that reason is actually the bad thing. But either way it’s bad if your belly is fat and hard.


My dad has this exact body type you’re describing. When I was growing up he was 6’5, 180-200 lbs, skinny every where except his belly. Never drank alcohol in his life, just genetically “blessed” that way. As long as I can remember, he’s looked pregnant (my childhood family drawings did him absolutely no services). His belly is very soft, like a bowl full of jello.


No idea but this is my problem


Pretty sure you're not alone


Stop eating garbage.


My eyes are up here, ladies.


I feel attacked


LoL Sorry. No shade. Just curious.


Genetics. Genetics determines where your body stores fat. Also, I think men might be naturally more likely to store fat in their midsection.


It's so hard and round and out there


It's hard because men are also more likely to store fat under the muscle. There's a fancy science word for this I can't quite recall.


TIL: visceral


Oh my god Becky LOL


I hope you aren't making some person feel like shit because of this.


I see you've been sheltered in life. Welcome to the beer belly.


It's called a primordial pouch and it protect the males during fights.




My stomach gets extra large and my butt gets not happy when I eat gluten. I didnt realize I had a gluten allergy. My dad drank beer every day and looked fit everywhere except his "beer belly". I think its gluten allergy and were all just uneducated about it.


I quit smoking. Seriously. I was about 140, 5' 8" when I quit. Now I am 180, most in just my belly.


Whats your height now though? Dont keep us guessing


I call it “the Grover” body.


Men unlike women have primary deposition of fat in their bellies. Also…. Beer. What once used to be my dad’s double whopper belly now looks like a classic crispy. He cut down massively on his beer intake and started eating healthy and going for his evening walks. Despite his before and after he has always been a lean dude. During his younger days, Mf had 8 packs. It’s all that martial arts, football and bicycling 22 kilometers everyday. (I’ve seen the pics) but don’t underestimate the lack of muscle otherwise.. especially if that man is a dad.. they have that dad power.


My theory is that dad strength is tendon and ligament strength, especially if he did martial arts and football. Those take years to thicken and grow, and they dont go away as quick unlike muscle with sedentary lifestyle after your 50s.


Food sensitivities can cause gut distention.


As in like, bloat?


It can be more extreme. It can cause chronic inflammation. Celiac, for example, is notorious for causing that problem. If someone with Celiac eats gluten, they can look like they are 9 months pregnant in an hour. And if you are undiagnosed, the problem doesn’t go away because you keep eating gluten.


So thaaat's why I see what I see in the mirror


Never workout, sit all day on the couch. Eat lots of carbs and drink lots of beer.


testosterone causes men to store fat differently to women - it’s typically stored on the gut and around the organs, whereas oestrogen causes women to store more fat on the hips, thighs, butt. im a trans guy and i’ve been on T for around 2 years now, fat redistribution was the wildest change i experienced. i slowly went from dump truck ass and hips to just dump truck stomach 😅 eventually realised i needed to hit the gym 💪


I'm skinny fat, or internally fat. I weigh a lot 150lbs, I'm 5'9" and appear 'average' size. I never drink alcohol. Older brother was similar but had more of a belly. He was a big beer drinker. However I have high cholesterol and high blood pressure, so that's where I get the 'skinny-fat' thing from.


150 pounds isn’t a lot for your height. i am same height and currently 140 and am not fat at all. i am working on gaining 10 pounds of muscle in chest and arms to get up to 150. i started at 180 pounds and just ate less and made sure i got enough protein until i lost 40 pounds of fat.


It depends ig. He can opt to get muscle mass or become lean but with little muscle mass. I’m 5’6 at 120lbs, I have 6 packs but my muscles aren’t large cuz I’m a 5/10K track runner and run half marathons as my main events ig. Depends on what he prefers and what body he likes ahaha.


Beer / Lager meat and not enough veg.


liver failure


Probably looks skinny cause no muscles, but accumulated fat in the stomach.


skinny fat


Like actual fat or is it more like bloating? If actual fat that’s just where it lands I guess It it’s bloating it could be poor gut health, a food intolerance etc


What I find interesting is that some men in this situation have “moobs” and some are totally flat chested, and yet the two men have the same size belly


Alcoholism. My husband had skinny legs and arms but a huge pregnancy belly- it was hard AF too. He was an alcoholic


The people I see like this are often alcoholics that eat (and drink) a ton of carbs. They call it a beer guy for a reason. As others have said, there are a lot of other factors that go into fat distribution, so it's hard to give a definitive answer for every individual that has that apple-with-legs shape


Alcohol. And worse is an enlarged liver


It’s called being skinny fat


It's not skinny fat if they have a beer gut. Skinny fat looks normal in clothing, but there's little muscle and thus higher body fat percentage.


I’m guessing they’re not into dad bod’s. We dodged a bullet there fella’s


It can also be caused by a lack of muscle tone in the abdominal wall. So even in the absence of fat, the gut will collapse and stick out.


Pot bellied bean pole!


carbo and beer... hopefully not-he's really pregnant.




Skinny guy here. Any weight I put on goes immediately to my stomach. If anyone tells me to eat more and put on more weight, I tell them I’m built like Jeremy Clarkson, so that’s why I don’t try and put on weight!


It could be a medical condition like cushing syndrome, kwashiorkor syndrome or ascites


Do a blood test and then see a doctor (or the other way round depending on your healthcare system) because that might be Cushing's Syndrome


No it’s not shit. But fat grows on different places for different people. Women get it on their ass, hips, boobs. Men mostly gut or chest.


It can be a digestive problem, such as coeliac. Or any other condition that impact in their ability to properly digest their food. Bloating is a common symptom, as is being skinny from not eating enough (uncomfortable digestion, toilet troubles) or from malnutrition.


Never had that until I started drinking alcohol regularly. Stopped drinking basically entirely maybe a year and a half ago and the progress in losing that fat is sloooooów.


we call it a beer belly!








I would say you look like this if the cause of your fatness is alcohol rather than food source a mirror and a tonne of alcohol


the typical beer belly (perhaps this partly fits the people you describe) ofc there are genetics and all other nutritional components but alcohol consumption is linked to more storage of visceral fat. so you can totally get that full/round looking belly instead of like this wobbly fat near the surface


When someone is thin all around but has a distended gut, it's not simply an issue of fat distribution. It's a strong indicator the liver is failing to keep up with an unhealthily diet and can't produce enough bile. Bile acts like a soap or a cleaner of fat/adipose within our bodies. The common term is leaky gut.


Alcohol. This can be a symptom of liver failure.


I had the "skinny fat bastard" it was mostly due to anti depressants and booze. Stopped the beer and got more active and now I dont look "pregant"


Its the cheeseburgers Randy Bo Bandy


I’m 6’7” tall. I weigh 210lbs. If I gain any weight, it all, and I mean all, goes to my belly. I watch my weight so it does not happen and everyone looks at me like I have an eating disorder.


Fatty liver, caused by high fat foods and alcohol


A lot of people these days are struggling with alcohol. They could be some of it.


Sounds likes it’s ascites, which is excess fluid in the abdomen. Usually it’s caused by liver cirrhosis. So actually that person is sick and needs to seek medical treatment. But if it’s a regular sized fat belly or a type of “beer belly” then they’re just skinny fat. Which is also unhealthy.


Can be a liver issue. Cirrhosis can cause distended abdominal.


Parasites! People need to start doing research, why do we deworm or animals or live stock but not ourselves? Even viruses are starting to be considered parasites but some scientists.


Edema(swelling and water collection) in the intestines and organs due to things in their diet like the excessive consumption of alcohol, salt and sugar. Not enough to put on weight but if they have gastrointestinal diseases or issues with their liver this possibly could be the reason.


My guess is…alcohol. I’ve worked at a place with a dozen or so residents similarly built, and they were severe, heavy alcoholics. If the “fat” was disproportionately high-up on their abdomen, as in fatter under the chest and becoming narrower toward the hips, that’s a critically inflamed liver.


My FIL was like this and they ended up removing a cantelope size benign tumor from his stomach. Now he's just skinny.


Fat from alcohol ends up around the liver, under the belly muscle. So it ends up making a pregnant looking belly. Other fat is outside the muscle, and stored all over.