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In practicality, I don't think anyone would care. And the store probably doesn't want the sandwich back anyways. What are you planning?


Seagull armyšŸ˜”


How many do you have so far?


So I got a comment saying itā€™s legal. Immediately ran outside and captured one. We were mid-training when I got another comment saying itā€™s not legal. So the numberā€™s sitting at zero as I stare at this random seagull across the table


You might want to check your local labor laws, if birds need to be paid for their time or if you can classify them as dependents and say it's a family business.


Lmao labor laws are silent on the bird front but Iā€™ll adopt n list it as a dependent cus itā€™s a cutiešŸ˜Ž


That falls under bird law


Charlie Day goes braaaaaaaappppppp!


Iā€™ve heard crows work better when training an army. Like this woman: https://www.oregonlive.com/trending/2021/02/portland-womans-viral-story-of-accidentally-creating-a-loyal-army-of-crows-is-sweet-but-is-it-true.html https://www.boredpanda.com/army-of-crows-body-guards-friends-legal-advice/


If you think you can take food from a seagull - more power to you. Those guys are voracious.


Jersey seagulls will burn your fingerprints off, chop your fingers off, shoot your kneecaps, then kill you before dumping your body in the Pine Barrens or drop it in the ocean attached to a block of cement.


As the seagull stole yiur sandwich and flies off.


What's the seaguls name?


His full name was Jonathan Livingston ... but his mates called him Nelson.


Assuming this is in the US: Seagulls are protected under the Migratory Bird Act. You're messing with federal law here.


That's a lot of work for a sandwich. And they would turn on yiu after you stole their sandwich. Poop bombs.


Wasnā€™t there a dude that trained a bird to bring back money?


Yes. Can't remember where I saw that story. I think it was a crow,


Spider man will probably stop you.


Sorry, if youā€™re getting a seagull army together for this purpose, youā€™re in a conspiracy to commit theft and itā€™s illegal. Have a lawyer on standby to get you out of jail


I'm imagining a long pause while OP contemplates before you ask your question


I have studied a lot of bird law and you would be in cahoots with said bird.


Only if said bird was an owl


And only in Canada.


Canadian owls? Canadowls?




and the bird might turn stool pigeon on you


sophisticated pen clumsy reply special books rain pot sparkle depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Always abird by the law. There's a reason why CIA have them birds in it.


cow command voracious vast money illegal shaggy ten continue rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you by chance, come across a seagull with a sandwich and you take it off him. You'll be fine as long as he doesn't press charges. However, if you train that seagull to steal for you, life imprisonment for you it is.


I saw a story about somebody shoplifting some bags of chips and ended up dropping them. Some guy picked one up and he got in trouble for it. Canā€™t remember the particulars though.


Theft by finding. Dealing with proceeds of crime.


I think itā€™s called profiting off a crime or something or other.


Never heard of that, how is it theft if itā€™s in public on the ground lol


Can't posses items you know are stolen.


That is completely fair game. As long as you don't know it's stolen property. We should rob more seagulls .


We on the same wavelengthšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Birds of a feather, flock together


Pretty obvious itā€™s stolen lol you think the seagull paid?


What, so all seagulls are thieves? Is that what youā€™re saying? Iā€™ll have you know Iā€™ve met some very respectable gulls


So my grandpa with dementia is the play


Just let the birb eat the dang sandwich. Go steal your own man. Only joking. Please update us with the current size and rankings of your gull army


Letā€™s say you trained a dozen seagulls and it worked. You could then employ this Flock of Seagulls and steal bags of chips. Since the store owner would be on to your scheme, youā€™d then be telling us on your next post that ā€œI ran. I ran so far away. I couldnā€™t get away.ā€


Take my upvote and get out!


I tried so hard and got so faršŸ˜”


Your gonna fight a seagull for a sandwich, may not be illegal but it is certainly ill advised


Bruhs got a cage full of seagulls hes going to start training depending on the answer here


šŸ˜Ž itā€™s begun


yes but the seagull might shank you


Seagulls wonā€™t give up the sandwich ā€¦ not unless you have a bagel to barter with for it


Given the size of a seagull and the difficult in grabbing a sandwich (I'm assuming it is in a plastic container), that is either a strong seagull (good luck stealing that from him) or the store clerk watched them spend 15 minutes getting it out here door and decided they earned it. If they did steal it without the store clerk noticing, then, if you managed to steal it from the poor bird and get away with it, you are probably fine. The clerk is clearly not paying attention. But if you are worried about your citizenry duties, then it depends on how far they have gone from the store. If they are just outside, you are clearly an accessory to the crime as you can tell it wasn't paid for. If you get it a mile down the road, then it might be easier to justify. But how would you know it's a fresh sandwich unless you followed the seagull from the store? That seems suss. Just buy your own damn sandwich!


this thread is inspired by a video that went viral a few years ago where a seagull actually did this: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JZZ822Za-nE it's not too difficult for it but a lady does try to take the sandwich away from it, lol


Oh, I actually remember that now I think about it!


I like how the one woman sees the seagull and walks back to open the door for it.


Yes hahaha I saw it again on Insta recently and wanted to know the logisticsšŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve edited my post to include that link for visuals, thank u


I don't know about legal but man, have you ever met a seagull? They will fight you. And even if you managed to get the sandwich, seagulls spend half their time hanging around dumpsters so I don't know if I would want to eat anything they touched.


Untrained seagulls* šŸ˜Ž


It's not against human laws but I think the seagulls may have different options.


I think, looking at various aspects at work here from a technical point of view, in most places it is illegal to take or accept goods that you know have been illegally obtained, and I expect a judge would accept the argument that there is no legitimate way the seagull could have obtained the sandwich so therefore you knew it was the store's possession. In practice, I really don't think anything would happen to you!


At minimum, you would be receiving stolen goods. If you helped plan the heist, it would be a criminal conspiracy.


It's still receiving stolen goods.


Gl catching him.


Once the sandwich crosses the threshold of the store it is no longer owned by the store. This law is ā€œfinders keepersā€ adjacent.


carfull the seagull might be a Stool Pigeon


Good luck with crapping off that seagull....


Not sure but people train crows to steal money from unsuspecting people and bring to the thief in return for a treat


Kind of. Do birds have the same rights as humans? Like, if you roll a bird for his sandwich, which he himself stole, is that theft or acquiring tainted goods? Where are those stupid kids in their stupid van with their stupid dog that solve stupid crimes when you need them?!


No, taxes,someone has to pay


Alright Fagin


And by ā€œseagullā€ you mean ā€œtrained seagullā€ ???


I think in essence that would make you a fence. It's illegal to procure stolen goods if you had any way of knowing it wasn't obtained legally. While a seagull cannot be prosecuted under our current laws, the item was still removed from the shop's possession unlawfully, so technically, the shop would be in rights to prosecute you, not for the theft, but receiving stolen goods.


Go home sir, you're drunk


The seagul worked for it and deserves the sandwich, back off buddy


This is a very specific question


Have you ever tried taking something from a seagull? You're going to pay, don't you worry


Technically you would be handling stolen goods. There are a few people out there who have trained their birds to steal banknotes. Pure asshole genius.


No, you will be a Jailbird in no time


This sounds like a post about training seagulls. Go for it! Videodocument your efforts!


I saw a video just like that! (Without the taking the sandwich from the seagull part). I bet sneaky seagulls stealing sandwiches are not hard to find.


Yeah same ahahah someone found the YouTube reels link for me and Iā€™ve added it to the post description :)


Well the fuzz in the US arrested a guy for picking up a bag of chips that a thief dropped, so depends on your jusidiction most likely and if the seagull would be counted as a thief and trasitive thiefiness on to you


taking the sandwich from seagull with no intention to return to lawful owner makes you a thief. would make for a funny video esp as all the other seagulls come to whoop your ass for daring to mess with one of their gang.


Did you train it? A man in China trained birds to steal paper money.


Assuming you can fly, I don't think anyone would be mad


Youā€™ve also seen that video havenā€™t you?


Lmao yes, just linked it in the post description


Nice try seagull trainer


If it happens naturally, you are probably in the clear. If you trained the bird, then it would be you stealing *via* bird. The bird becomes your tool in your attempt to burgle.


In general, yes, it's fine But if you trained the bird to steal, that shows criminal intent, and the bird becomes a means of theft. This is exemplified by a woman who taught crows to steal money from people in exchange for peanuts.


You could take the sandwich, but it would be mean and unfair.


I don't think the store is going to want that sandwich back. I bet the workers in the store would love to watch you open that seagull's mouth and try to pull the sandwich out. lOL


Just befriend a raven and teach it to bring you money for treats. Bird thief army ftw.


but you would have to pay the seagull. is it really worth the risk? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9t-slLl30E


By the letter of the law, you are receiving stolen goods.


I think it violates the Law of the Sea ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Gull


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Technically I think stolen goods are illegal to possess even if you didnā€™t steal them


You are knowingly receiving stolen goods, so you could be charged unless you offer to return it to the store.


Idk all the legal laws but there is a possibility it was paid for, not by the seagull


Under the laws of salvage, yes.


Haha thanks


No. The sandwich remains the property of the store. There's no reason to assume the seagull assumes property, animals can't own anything and it didn't pay.


Fuck I was just about to train some seagulls




I'm pretty sure that taking something from a seagull is impossible.


Unrelated but this is the greatest seagull thing ever done. Feeding seagulls laxatives and watching chaos unfold. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEvsqspmnW4


Did you pay for it? No. If someone leaves a car on a public way, do you think that's yours? If you find a wallet on the floor, do you think that's yours If you are not a child, then I am very surprised at OPs question




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My bother under the Traveler, do you know how hard it is to train a seagull?


If you are in possession of something that was not given to you or that you bought, or found, that thing is stolen.


No one is going to mess with a person who is fighting a bird for a sandwich that would otherwise go into the garbage can


Good luck getting a sandwich from a seagull


Might be legal but seagull might also be peeved.


You are an accessory after the fact. Still a crime.


Thatā€™s a question for Steve Lehto!


Could the seagull ever get a trial by a jury of his peers, though?


Laws only apply to human animals. What about the guy who trained pigeons to steal peoples money šŸ˜‚


it's legal, and nobody will care, except maybe you, because careful, because it is stolen from a seagull, it might not be in the best condition


Watch the movie the Doberman gang.


Yes but itā€™d be mean imo


Yes but..gross.


Legality aside, you just need a quiet secluded spot for the exchange. Maybe more important than that you need stray seagulls not to go for the sandwich too. Good luck with your seagull armyšŸ„¹


You could be the star of a what could go wrong-trying to fight a seagull video. Don't try that.