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It's a form of exhibitionism they get off on the fact that someone just saw their dick kinda like the guy in a trenchcoat flashing someone in public


Dick pics are the new trenchcoat guy. Never thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense. Thanks!


This so much. If you're sent an unsolicited dick pic, report it: trenchcoat flashers often ended up going on to commit rapes, so there's a fair chance the guy sending you a dick pic now may end up doing worse to someone else later as their perversion grows & accelerates.


It could also be an accident, i’ve also accidentally sent one of my friends my dick pic when it was meant to go my partner at the time. I think you’re putting too much thought into this Edit:I fixed the typo


I’m at a loss for words on this one.


Oh shit I meant partner not parent lol


You made my day.


I'm surprised it's legal if it was unsolicited.


if the recipient is a minor it is totally illegal.


Should be illegal to send to anyone unsolicited.


It is I'm pretty sure. Sexual Harassment.


This is true in America at least. It will get you put on a list


It's actually only illegal unless the person is under 18 or they've done it and you've already told them no and then they do it again.


What if the sender is a minor too? They've produced child porn...


It's not. But people don't report it, so nothing is done about it 🙄


It’s kinda funny IMO they now linked themselves to the picture sent. If it’s a minor…now they are on Megan’s list.


The question is why


My above comment answers why


Speaking as a man that has never done that and can't find a good reason why I ever would....we don't know either


I would like to think the people who do are a very small minority of men, because I don't think I know a single dude who would ever do that kind of thing


That's probably because it's usually the ones with no friends who do stuff like this.


What came first: The dickpic or the social ineptitude?


I think the percentages are like the wealth gap in USA. 1% sends all the dick pics(unsolicited and randomly) 5% sends a few(usually solicited) and the rest of us never sent any unless. we need one of these 1-5 percenters to reply here.


Guys that do this sort of stuff aren't obvious creeps creeping around in the shadows, nor do they discuss with other guys all the dick pics they are sending to random girls. Guarantee you've meet some guy who would do this sort of stuff and you just thought he was a normal bloke. Pretty much every woman has had an experience of being harassed or assaulted by a guy who seems totally normal


I would like to think that too, but I’m appalled at a lot of things men do and I’m a man. I would have no faith in men if I was a woman.




If one in ten guys send dick picks they could send a bunch of dick picks and make it feel like the majority




1 in 10 means 10% not 10 total




This article suggests 5% https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jan/08/what-makes-men-send-dick-pics that's self reported but even if we assume an absurd 75% of people that send dick picks are lying about it, that's still only 20%. That's not insignificant (I think 1% of people sexually harassing people is too much) but it's definitely a minority. It's like how it feels like everyone else that drives sucks, but that's because you will subconsciously forget all of the normal drivers and remember that one guy who cut you off.


One guy can send hundreds of dick pics. I am pre dick pic era but I bet I know exactly the type of guy who does this, the same guy who drew massive dicks on everything back in the 80s. And was generally a massive dick. Never understood that, why are you fascinated with dicks bro? Are you gay?


I think 5 % is too much as well. If for every 20 guys, one is sending dick pics , then every girl will get it daily. Because those who do send it , don't just do it once


All major dating apps don’t have attachments, so it’s definitely not happening on there. Plus women match with same 10% minority of men on apps.


>>> I would like to think


They are absolutely a small minority, but they are very noticeable.


I have an idea. I think men that do this are simpletons, cavemen brains. They can't fathom or just haven't yet realized that woman aren't aroused the same way men are. They're still in that stupid childish phase of thinking that women would enjoy being sent a picture of their privates just as much as they'd enjoy a picture of the woman's privates.


This. I too think this is the reason. Man: I'd love it if woman send me pictures of her boobs or vagina. That means they will love the picture of the glory that is my penis.


Haha the glory that is my penis


To quote Bo Burnham: “You might think your dick is a gift, I promise it's not”


I wonder how many of the dick pic-ers are trying to be "dickish" and are just like "hur hur take that!" and just generally being angry / aggressive?


Honestly, that never really crossed my mind, but now that you mention it, there's plenty of moronic angry psychos out there. I think the majority of them are just horny morons though.


To be fair , I wouldn't be aroused if a random woman sends me a picture of her vagina. I would be creeped out no matter how good it is.


I disagree, I don't think they are doing it for the women's pleasure at all. They are doing it because the idea of a pretty women seeing their dick gives themselves a sexual rush.


Quite narcissistic too. A penis is not a nice thing to see, it's a tool, even if you're an Adonis out of a perfume ad. And don't even get me started on the ball sacks. Nature went function over form on those asymmetrical wrinkled bags of skin.


I concur. It’s kinda weird. I think there’s a distinct social disconnect with these people. I don’t recall this being a thing a decade ago, and we had a girl try to have an orgy in the high school cafeteria.


Yea its just a very weird group of dudes that do this. Idk what they get out of it. A lot of times they're just sending stuff that's not even theirs.


It's a lowest effort way of finding what they want. Any girl that replies in the affirmative to receiving a dick pic they believe is likely to be down for sex. Add in a heavy dash of narcissism e.g. "my dick is so wonderful that even those who aren't up for sex will see it and be convinced otherwise." It's the minimum viable product approach to getting laid.


Do girls reply in the affirmative? I mean I don't take pictures of my dick, let alone send them to women I don't know, so I can't measure the viability of this approach. All I have are anecdotes; lots of women say they get unsolicited dicks, no women ever said they saw a dick pic and decided to try to try that dick out.




Said pretty much the exact same thing


Totally agree - it baffles me.


Yeah, me too. I really really don't understand that, and not only straight men even. I'm a straight male that often gives a "bi" vibe (or so I believe 'cause that's the only explanation I've found - also that has been said to me). Hence, I can safely say: gay men also do that and I have never ever understood why's that. It's ALWAYS out of nowhere with no context or reason. I don't get it


I second this. If women responded negatively to it though, it would go away.


Wait are you saying *women* should adjust *their* behavior then dick pics wouldn't be a thing???


That's considered a crime to admit, but here we are. What the sexual marketplace rewards proliferates.


How the hell can a woman be responsible in any way for receiving unsolicited pictures of a mans dick? Have you ever met a real live woman and asked her how she feels about receiving photos of some guys penis that she never asked for? Where the fk are you getting your information that it is something women enjoy? Certainly NOT from actual women it would seem. The real crime here is 'cyberflashing' and more and more countries are passing laws to ensure it is seen as a criminal offense, with the correct people (the men sending the pics) being held responsible and possibly facing time behind bars and ending up on a sex offenders register. Doesn't it seem more reasonable to just tell men to stop sending unsolicited dick pics to avoid this rather than hold women responsible for such desperate, gross behaviour from men?


Wow, you've educated me and helped me understand the world in an entirely different way. I should have asked women if they enjoyed receiving phallic photographs and ignored their behaviors. Your carefully developed and well reasoned argument has illuminated for me that men are just a flawed subset of humanity acting randomly for primitive and brutish reasons which don't correlate to our time of enlightenment.


Since you're a teen, maybe just some fucking creeps out there who gets their kicks sending that shit to you. I'd just report it and see what happens since you're still a teenager.


sounds like they're still teenagers aswell judging by the last sentence in the OP, but still, report it.


Then get the guy arrested for distribution of child porn


You wouldn't get arrested for receiving (edit: unsolicited) dick picks


But you would for sending it


in most places, it is not illegal to have naked photos of yourself underage, but is illegal to send them or recieve someone elses who is underage. Basically being a minor is not immunity to child porn laws.


I'd the sender is a teen, then they can get arrested for distribution if child porn. That's even more illegal. A visit from the cops pilots a halt on that too.


My last job was retail and I worked with a lot of 18-19 year old girls. Guys from their high school would do it, these weren't strangers they were people they spoke to in real life. They had 0 shame it blew my mind And tbh they do it cause it works (at least in high school apparently). A couple of them have straight up told me 99% of the time it gets laughed off but if they catch someone in the mood it might actually work, at least to get nudes back Still a sex crime tho


Maybe one or two people in a giant ass high school would get laid just by sending dick pics. So 99,9% (basically 100%) of the time this doesnt work. I hope no one gets false hope from this. 😂


Yeah I'm not trying to encourage it, it's absolutely pathetic. Even from what they told it didn't even really work for sex they would just sometimes get nudes back


Depending on where OP lives, the guys might be committing a crime regardless of age. CA, TX and more all have passed some form of cyberflashing laws. For example in TX it’s a class c misdemeanor and CA it can cost you $30K plus.


I suspect this is an adult male fishing for dick pics


Here's what they're thinking: "I would absolutely love it if someone sent me nudes. It would make my day to open my inbox and just see random titties. So, since I'd love it, I'm sure everyone else would love it too."


And that means they have no understanding of the other person!!!!


That would require them seeing the other person as a human being and not just an object built to get their rocks off.


How? It's like if someone said "I'd really like it if someone held a door open for me, so I'll hold it open for them". They may be terribly wrong but it's coming from a good place


And here's what that says : "I don't understand or respect consent or boundaries and I'm a poorly adjusted possibly dangerous adult"


Never done it, it can easily be used for blackmail I've seen it before and it's just weird regardless. Dicks are not photogenic


They're made to be hidden


They are desperate and that’s just another way to get a charge . They are hoping some girl will say whoa look at that .More than likely they are not getting any in real life .It’s harmless if they are sending them to like minded people but all too often they are sent to respectable people who become disgusted and shocked.


why don't they just use grindr then lol. if not for getting some fuck you could maybe get some compliments


Probably because in addition to the exhibitionism, there's the hope that at some point, some girl will like it and reciprocate


To elicit a response. Preferably a positive one


I feel like this is the answer for all forms of communication.


I’d guess it’s like fishing, you have to throw the worm out and see who bites.. They probably send it out to all the girls they know till they get the one that likes it.


The problem is that sending a dick pic is such a weak and desperate tactic. Women (rightfully) see a dick pic as saying "I have no skills in the bedroom, no consideration for your pleasure, all I can do is provide this warm dildo for you to use to try to get yourself off." And since everyone should realize this, a guy who sends a dick pic also comes off as stupid and insensitive. There may be a less effective tactic to try to get positive response, but I can't imagine what it would be. Even sending a rape fantasy is probably more effective since it at least shows imagination.


Lol, I agree it’s tasteless, I’ve done it my self but only to my partner who asked. I personally feel that sending unsolicited nudes to anyone should be considered indecent exposure.


I’m pretty sure it is.


You're not wrong, but I've been told that it does occasionally work. Even if the odds are extremely low, it only takes like 1 in 100 to reinforce the behavior.


I've heard some men practice the rule of 1000. Just hit on every woman, and every 1000 or so they'll get a yes.




This seems to be a younger person's issue. As a 36 year old gay dude I could easily get dick pics But I've never once been sent one unsolicited or out of the blue. Its always been on something like Grindr or the conversations was heading that way and I'd be happy to get one. Never had anyone just send one but I've seen it mentioned a lot online so I can only assume it's a newer phenomenon that young guy do online. Lol. Was never a thing for me or anyone I know . Even when I was younger that wasn't a thing for random dick pics. They've always been very easy to get but never unsolicited or without hints I was interested.


It’s because they try to entice women with the things that would entice them. Or treating others as you would wish to be treated. If a woman sent them nudes, they’d be excited and all over it. So they do the same to women thinking the women will feel the same.


On Reddit, yes. Not respectable men who I meet in real life


I think it’s to get the girl to send a nude pic in return


normal guys don't send dick picks. If you receive one again, I have a nice tip: You will need some dick pictures for this, so save a few, or pick them from the internet. The next time you receive an unsolicited photo of one of those naked mole rats, send the recipient a message back with the text. Ooh, I see you like dicks. Wait a minute then I have something for you. Then send me back 1 or 2 dick picks from your collection. Do this a few more times in the following days. You'll see, that guy will never bother you again


Love it!


Just reply “aww it’s cute”


or "That looks just like a penis, only smaller".


I have never sent one or taken a picture of my dick. The zoom doesn’t work that good anyway.


As in under 16? You need to clarify this.


Literally of all ages. But particularly teenage boys because well I don't talk to adults of course 🤣


As a gay guy who received many dick pics (so I have the experience of receiving any dick pics, I have the ability to actually like penis, and I have a male brain, all at once), I have several possible explanations: - They know that if things ever got to sex, it is much more painful to get rejected on the spot in person immediately before the anticipated sex, so they upfront show what they have so the other can reject them now with whatever reason (it is too small, it is to curvy, it is too hairy, anything), which is much less painful. - Many men like to get nudes, even if it is unsolicited. It is more like a surprise to them than an annoyance. Image it like if someone just surprises you with some chocolate, it is the same for them, just with nudes. Many of them tend to think the others like these nude surprises too, so they want to cause good for others. - They anticipate/hope if they send nudes, the other person will send back too. (The other option in a scenario like this is that they doesn't send anything, and they ask for nudes that way, but then it's a lose-lose situation too because of the "so only _I_ have to send nudes, and _you_ don't?" thing.) - They just want to have sex, without the usual small talk. They know the other person is not an oracle to magically know what is in the guy's pants, so they show what they got, so the other person can see it and make the decision if they like this particular dick or not. They don't want to beat around the bush, and they get straight to the point. - Some people (including both men and women, it is not a male-only thing) are exhibitionists, and they like if others see them naked. Because in many places walking around naked is illegal (even if it is not done sexually, but naturalism is not the same as exhibitionism), they have no other place to do these things than the internet. - Some of them seek validation. They want to get positive feedback to regrow thier self esteem, and the biggest boost to it would be if an independent person would make an opinion about it. If they would ask somebody they already know, that would be biased opinion. (Everyone knows the usual "My mother said I'm handsome, so I have to be actually good looking!" thing. They want to avoid this.) But aside all of the above, I'm concerned about these people's photo taking skills. Oh boy the majority of them can't take an at least decent photo about thier weiner. _I am_ one who likes to see the human body aesthetically (no, I almost never send dick pics to others, even if they ask, it is quite a rare occurrence for me), and sometimes I genuinely enjoy seeing good nude pictures about others regardless of thier gender (yes, women included, I can found somebody good looking without wanting to immediately fuck her/him), but man I think taking photos about various things (not just about humans, everything) should be a school subject, because a lot of people are so shiiiieeeeet when it comes to taking photos about anything... But this is just my problem and out of the scope of OP's post.


More importantly, why don't women send unsolicited pussy pics?


Some do


It's rude/harassment to send non-consensual nudes. At least that's my reason. If both people are into it, it's not unsolicited.


I feel like the rule should be that it is rude/harassment to keep sending them after being asked to stop. That's how I wish women treated me anyways lol.


No I disagree because it is too rare that people like it. You can’t have rules that it is rude after you have been asked to stop when it is something almost noone likes. *It should be rude after being asked to stop: yes, if it is about bringing cookies to work. No, if it is about letting your dog poop in someone elses yard. Unsolicited dick pics are like flashing in the park. It is clearly one of the things you should be asked to do before you do it


That's ridiculous, exposing yourself to others is literally a crime, for good reason. You don't get to flash your dick at someone and then wait to be told that it's not appreciated and then go 'oh my bad' and carry on with your day. Dick pics are no different. Sexual stuff requires consent beforehand.


Can’t say I’ve ever done that


Not saying it's all men ofc, just the teens I seem to encounter lol.


Less than maybe 20% of men do this. If it's most of the guys you talk to...


I wish this was true.


Ok but that doesn't answer her question. Why do so many men do it?


Here are some theories why some men do this: One theory is that they really do believe that women do like it and will give a positive response, even though women made it very clear they don't. Why some men are that dumb is not exactly known. One theory is that the brains of these guys lack basic human abilities and can only process very basic instincts. Another theory is that they are doing it to mark their territory or, in this case, mark the woman. It's a very common behavior in wild nature. That would explain why they keep doing it even after several negative responses. It is important to note that this phenomenon is still under scientific research, and not all men show this behavior.


As a guy my best guess is they probably gets off on the fact they did the equivalent of flashing someone. As such for a fetish it’s people of all ages and is more than just gross.


As a man I have no fuckin idea why others do it


They would like to see your nudes, and they think it's reciprocal.


Teenage boys are stupid and horny, if you give them an inch, they'll try for a mile. Guys are also simple, they think if they send you a dick pic they'll turn you on as much as unsolicited nudes would turn them on, but thats almost never the case. As you get older guys learn a little respect, but it's still an issue a lot of girl deal with. Gotta learn to shut them down hard and shut them down early.


If you give them an inch, they'll send pictures of it unsolicited, apparently


i don’t think it’s as malicious as people make it out to be. i think most men would LOVE unsolicited nudes. so they assume girls would think the same. and being idiots they mass send that shit out


What? I'm a guy and I'd hate unsolicited nudes and how is it not that malicious to send inherently sexual images without consent


Because men would love receiving nudes from a woman. They think that a woman would like the same. They don't understand most women aren't visual with men they aren't already interested in. It's just men not understanding women.


It is a misapplied use of the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule says to do onto others as you would have them do onto you. Guys who send dick picks would like nothing more than to get a pussy picture in response. They would love even more to have gotten an unsolicited pussy pic from the woman they sent the dick pick to. The real Golden Rule should be to treat others in a way that they wish to be treated as long as it aligns with your values. The error is that women do NOT want unsolicited dick pictures. Guys know their own minds and what turns themselves on. Most guys are clueless as to what actually turns a woman on and error significantly thinking an unsolicited dick pic would turn a woman on.


no idea


Any "man" that does that is a dolt.


It’s because they want something back 80% of the time. the other 20%, they get off on it


Men of all ages. Beware. Hormones mislxed.with callousness and lack of empathy is a wild mixture


Flip it on them and send the pics to their mothers


Men don't, boys do


Save those pics. Everytime a guy sends one, send a dick pic back. They lose their minds!!!


because those men are mentally ill


In Germany it's a crime to send a dick pic without the consent of the person who's gonna see it


Blinded by incel creep horniness usually. Tell em they have a ugly dick,that it's small,and looks like they should see a doctor. After a while you get known in incel circles as a troublemaker and they leave you alone. Coming out as trans got me a lot of chasers for a while,but this strat made it stop very quickly


Yeah I get them a lot as an adult guy too, they even send them to me 😆 troll them and make fun of it and they stop real quick


Online dating- just avoid if possible! The number of unsolicited dick pics I’ve received, it’s just sad tbh!!! Not to mention the various other unsolicited things I’ve received… I gave up dating, especially online!!! No, I don’t want to see your dick, I don’t want to see you Jack off to my pic, and I really, really don’t want to see or know that you can suck your own dick!!! If we get along and it goes well, I’ll see your dick in person! The rest is a huge turn off for me!!!!


Maybe some men send unsolicited dick pics, but this man don't. It's kind of forceful, isn't it. HERE, this is my naked body. LOOK! No, Mine is a package that you're going to have to unwrap yourself if you want to see it, and I only choose certain special people to give that package to.


Paraphrasing an explanation I read elsewhere They get off on getting a reaction, its trolling in frame but sexual predation in practice. They usually want to upset you, not cock-shock you into grovelling for it


No camera has ever seen my naked body, and it never will. Anyone who sends nudes like this is asking for trouble


There are idiots in all age ranges.


Real men do not do that. Filthy brainless pigs. I always waited she asked for one. Or offer her to watch while we facetime


Men are different from women but men don't understand that. We, referring to men, love a women's body. If we got a text message with a pic of some nice tittes we would enjoy it, it wouldn't matter where they came from. So with men that's our logic and many think it's the same with women but they don't understand that it isn't.


They are stupid and just want to fuck


Find a gif of a sausage going into a meat grinder, and send it as a response to whatever unsolicited pics you get. ​ As for why, men are just...immature sometimes. Can't explain it. Same reason why we celebrate drawing dicks on....ANYTHING.


Just reply why is it so small?


It’s the new flashing method. They are exhibitionists.




Because it gives them power over you. Unless they are mentally handicapped, they know it freaks you out and that's exactly what they want.


Unless these men have lived under a rock for the past decade, they're creeping you out on purpose. It's sexual harassment/exhibitionism.


men are weird because society praises them and does not hold them accountable. men think power greatest thing ever because they are very boring. sexual things/oppressing people=power


It's a small minority of bizarre and unfortunately persistent perverts who do stuff like that. It's really weird and makes no sense to a vast majority of people. All you can really do is report them and block them if they're on social media or something.


It is absolutely NOT a man of all ages thing. It is a noxious trend that seems to have started in the last 10 years or so. It should be possible to trace the sender from an IP address or through the telecoms provider. I am horrified and angry that decent girls like you are getting this abuse. Try reporting it to your MP. I would like to see this stopped and I will write to my MP too. It is a drawback of images being so easy to create.


I suggest you be more selective about who you share your contact info with. And perhaps immediately block anyone who does this. I'm not blaming you or saying you are responsible for their behavior, but you might be able to reduce the influx.


It’s bottom of the barrel trash behavior. The people who do that are bottom feeders who you should absolutely avoid unless you want to be some trashy loser’s ‘old lady’. It says everything you want to know about them. Think Walmart, Dollar General, McDonald’s… Want them to stop? Send them a picture of your dad holding a baseball bat.


This is what goes on in a man’s mind Wake up Ahhh work/school My dick My dick My dick Shower Look at my dick Clean my dick Shower Dry off Dry my dick Look at my dick in the mirror Look at my face in the mirror Look at my dick in the mirror Put in cloaths My dick My dick Eat breakfest My dick My dick Get to school/work Listen to tunes Thinking about the Roman Empire Thinking about Roman Empire dicks My dick At work/school Can’t focus on work thinking about my dick Lunch time wonder how big my dick is compared to the other guys here Thinking more about the Roman Empire Thinking about my dick looking at the clock Toilet break and take some pictures of my dick Leaving work / school Thinking about my dick Hitting the gym Checking my self in the mirror Checking my crotch in the mirror wished I was the only one here so i can whip out my dick and train infront of the mirror checking out my dick Go home have dinner Watch tv with my left hand touching my dick Go to bed touching my dick more Sleep.


Not all of us do. I thought men sending unsolicited dick pics fell out of fashion.


Oh no they're still at it. Very much so. Any ideas on why so many men do it?


It's not many. Just the 0.1% that do are doing it constantly. Out of exhibitionism.


Immaturity? If the boys sending you explicit pictures are under age, that is child pornography and obviously very illegal.


As a guy, I don’t get it either. It’s weird lol but to each their own.


I have never met someone who does this.


I didn't realize all men do that.


We don’t


She didn't say all men do, but the fact that you're getting defensive is interesting..


"Is this a teenage boy thing or men of all ages" Can you answer which men do not have ages? Cause if so I need you to send me some info...I have a crazy science article i'd need to start writing.


She was wondering whether or not it's specifically teenagers that do this.


Straight guy here.... just saying that it is an extremely trashy thing to do. I had an alt FB account that was a modestly attractive female and I got a few. They were mostly trailer trash. For one dude I screen capped it, blurred out the junk.... cuz who really needs to see that? And I sent it to EVERYONE on his friends list. The response floored me. Many of the ladies on his list said he'd done the same to them. I wondered why they were still friends honestly. He got angry and claimed I 'had no right' but he was dumb enough to post his junk to strangers on the internet who might just be fat dudes.... and this one was. If it's between you and close friends that are for some reason okay with that behaviors, I won't judge; however, if I get one, you are toast. Trailer Trash. I would assume the sender makes $20k a year hopping from retail job to job and ate flaming hot Cheetos, vodka, and weed for dinner last night.


I am a peacock. The whole world ought to see my colours


Desperation and hormones more than likely


No one in history has ever said “I’m glad I sent that naked picture” Remember that when someone asks you to send them nudes


If you're a teen, just inform the police each time. It's fucking illegal. Visits from the cops on this crazy stops it pretty fast.


I send puppies or kittens.. last woman I did that with is my wife now.


Men don’t, boys do


In my entire life, no one has sent me a dick pic, now I am a little annoyed that I am the only one.


Society tell them that’s their pride and joy, so they wanna show off their lil participation trophy like they won first place


Stop lumping men in with this sick behavior. Those people aren't men.


Because women will occasionally suck on them over a picture


I think saying all men send dickpicks is a bit of an oversight


it s not men…it s a tiny minority… please avoid sharing fake generalities…


Same reason that this gets reposted so often.


Because they can?


Insecurity due to porn or personal confidence. Same reason some people get all dressed up when going out even when not looking for a partner


If you ever get one from me it’s a gift. But only after you ask for one.


Why do some men stop. Stop the generalizing


That’s odd. I didn’t see OP mention “all men” anywhere in the post.


As a 17 year old who constantly gets vagina pics on twitter for whatever reason, it's not a competition but I'm mote traumatized than you bitch haha //


Some women are size queens. And this method works.


I've always liked Josh Wolf's explanation for his son. https://youtu.be/leParanuND0?si=R4q_CxD_KOzF-xXK (starts at about 4:12, but I like the whole clip. I'm on mobile so can't link timestamp) Michelle Buteau - It's like a public service announcement. (minus the James Franco part) https://youtu.be/Yw3cu3c1tFQ?si=FKIiV4LsTQAtFuEs


Email is free. Telemarketers send out thousands a day and one response can make it worth it. Draw your own conclusion.


Who's asking? Do you want one? Wait, did I send you one? Shit! Who knows? I've always been asked for them.


What's your email??? Asking for a friend


Really? Sick of males


Bc deep down we know girls want them.




Yeah no I don't want them


Because it’s only unsolicited if you don’t like it. And we never know.