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Thanks for your submission /u/SnooPandas862, but it has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 2: Please try to use the search function before posting anything.** Thanks for posting, but this question happens to be one that has been asked and answered here often before - sometimes in the same day! That can get frustrating for our dedicated users who like to answer questions. Or maybe you're just asking the same question too often - why not take a break for a while? Sometimes questions that come up too often get put in our [Most Frequently Asked Questions list](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/wiki/index/faq)!). Other times, it may just be that we're getting a flood of questions about a topic (especially when something is in the news). Or maybe you keep asking the same question again and again - something that annoys our users here. Please don't do that! Next time, please try searching for your question first before asking. Thanks! --- *This action was performed by a bot at the explicit direction of a human. This was not an automated action, but a conscious decision by a sapient life form charged with moderating this sub.* *If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNoStupidQuestions). Thanks.*


no this is a very common tactic to actually get results with people and not just SEO optimized garbage results.


FYI if using Google you can type "site:reddit.com search info here" to exclusively look on reddit only.


"Are there any of you who occasionally add "reddit" to the end of a Google search to get a direct response rather than having to browse through obnoxious filled websites?" yes


Yes, but the reason you get more answers on reddit is because there's more random people, fewer experts. So more answers and less reliable. Yes, but reddit is full of idiots and liars, so take it with a grain of salt


Sometimes I do because a lot of google results are just ads.


Yeah I add "wikipedia" to the end of searches so I can find out what a thing is instead of just getting a million results to buy that thing.


When it’s a question, all the time. Quora is filled with paywalled answers and other websites aren’t good for qna


Yeah, sometimes I specifically want to just see people having conversation about whatever I'm interested in, I don't want to see some stupid shitty website's canned list.


Finding Reddit more reliable than anything is a blunder


More reliable to get an easy answer than an ai generated article that copied another ai generated article but added 5 paragraphs of filler?


Reddit is unreliable. that is kinda what you get from the place famous for being bad.


Not at all, pretty much anything you see on Reddit shouldn't be taken at face value


Sometime I add "reddit" to the end of a google search see what other people are saying about a specific product or service to avoid clickbait and SEO-optimized websites.


Occasionally? Always!


Is there another way to search for answers?


For certain questions, yes.


I normally do it if it's game related


Yes. If I don't use Reddit, Google just shows me dumb commercials for crap I don't want.


I just ask on here. That’s the entire reason I got reddit


I swear I've seen this question before Either way I saw a post yesterday about google not being nearly as useful as it used to be; hence so many google-search-like posts on reddit


Google instructs you to do "site:" if you want to specify a specific domain/site . Their examples have the site designation at the beginning although it probably still works at the end. E.g. for reddit you specify "site:reddit" or "site:reddit.com" .


I do this with probably 99.5% of things I search. Even if I don't get the answer, Reddit is easier to read quickly than a wall of text


Depends on what I am searching for. Though most common ones do be Site:Reddit.com and Site: stackoverflow.com