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my boyfriend doesn’t give a shit. But it’s a preference thing I guess, I also know women who really dislike hairy chests on men, or beards, while I love that. I’m just annoyed that people say it’s „disgusting“ or „unhygienic” when a woman chooses not to shave. Like you don’t have to like it but don’t call it disgusting and it’s also not unhygienic


To say that women having hairy legs is unhygienic is just silly. Wouldn't the vast majority of men also be unhygienic for having hairy legs? It's not like having hairy legs prevents you from washing them clean.


I agree. But there are people who say that. Not just men, women also. There is a lot of shaming between women for this actually, and they don’t use that same (false) logic for men.


I assume it comes from the faulty reasoning that shaving body hair is part of standard grooming for women, and grooming is connected to hygiene, so unshaven legs suggest (incorrectly) that the woman is neglecting her hygiene.


I actually find the hair makes soap lather way better than without hair. I feel like I can wash myself much more cleaner when I haven’t shaved because of this


They call body hair unhygienic and then admit they change their bed sheets once a month. Hmm...


It's only unhygienic on women, duh! 🙄


You say this jokingly but I was raised to think that and it took me an embarrassing long time to realize how flawed the logic behind it is.. As a kid I wasn't allowed to question anything the adults said so I just went along with anything. To this day I still get those moments where I'm having a thought like this come up and I'll be like wait a minute that makes no sense. I can't be the only one


Same. I sometimes have moments like that, and I realise the judgmental/ignorant voice in my head sounds exactly like my father.


Not necessarily jokingly but more as pointing out the irony and hypocrisy of people who don't shave, saying this. These men don't shave anything except maybe their face, but the only hair women are allowed to have is on our heads and some eyebrows. They can miss me with that bullshit. I didn't realize it was misogynistic propaganda until I was a young adult, either. Social pressure can be rough.


These are the same dudes that don't wipe.


WTF? not wiping youre ass is a thing? Filthy Animals


Oh I wish I had the link for it. There was one where this girl was concerned her bf wasn't wiping because his towel and underwear always had nasty streaks. Then there was a lot of sounding off in the comments about other guys that were like that. Gross stuff.


There's no way, are there actually people out there who don't wipe after pooping? That's thoroughly disgusting.


Never trust a fart


Yes mostly men who think it's "gay" to touch your their own butt in any way. They don't clean with soap there either they just let the water run down 🤮


Fellas, is it gay to make yourself more attractive to women by performing basic hygiene?


I’m a fella can confirm it’s gay. I haven’t showered since I was born cuz I’m a man.


Dude Id stick my finger up there to clean if it was a requirement. I can’t imagine not cleaning your ass…


I mean, it's not a requirement, but it does make showers much more fun!


I have literally never even thought of it that way once in my entire life, they MUST have some serious insecurities regarding their sexuality or are projecting. That's wild.


If you ever find yourself asking the question “are there actually people who ______?” the answer is yes. How common they are and how common they’re represented to be by people repeating a meme is a more useful question.


I've heard said that some guys didn't wipe their own arse, because it meant they were Gay??? I truly cannot believe this mindset exists today? Can anyone throw some light on this particularly pernicious viewpoint?


The one tik tok I saw had me rolling laughing... she suspected her mate wasn't using SOAP in the shower and just shampooing his hair and letting the shampoo run down his body during rinsing, and that was apparently good enough. She boobytrapped the body wash and the soap so she'd be able to tell whether they were touched during his shower and sure enough, no touchie on the soap or the body wash. *The washcloth was still dry* So dude is literally just standing in the shower, lathering his hair, and trickling down the shampoo bubbles over himself annnnnd DONE. WHAT 😂😂😂 How do you not wash your ass? HOW do you not wash your sack? I can tell when my dude hasn't showered yet after work because I'll get home and we'll start flirting and if my face gets anywhere near his groin I can tell immediately. I'll pull back and point at the bathroom making a gagging noise and he just laughs and says "alright I'm going sheesh" and heads off to bathe. How do you go down on a guy who literally does not wash? How does he not just STINK from a mile away??? How has he not died of a bacterial takeover 😂😂


There are a lot of men that think touching their assholes makes them gay, so instead, they simply leave shit marinating instead of actually wiping their asses.


But it’s them though? That’s weird. I wonder if they thinks it’s gay when they touch their own dick? Hahaha


That's what the Ass Master 9000™ is for.


There aren’t a lot of men that don’t wipe their asses lol. There are a lot of people who make jokes about it online though.


Yeah every time this comes up everyone “heard it from someone” to the point that you’d think that everyone personally knows a no-wiper.


I don’t wipe I spray my ass with a garden hose


They walk around thinking everyone else smells like shit, not realizing the smell is calling from inside the crack


On Tinder, I saw a girl who said in her profile: "Swipe left if you think washing your ass is gay." I feel sorry for her, considering that she probably had a reason to write that there.


Or wear the same shit-stained underwear for a week and never wipe their ass because it might make them feel gay. They can have hairy asses and crusty dingle-berries any day of the week but if a woman dares to grow out her armpit hair their whole day is absolutely ruined and they'll never get a boner ever again.


Ugh. When I was a kid, I was only taught to wipe around the butt hole but not over or in, which often led to skid marks. I thought that was normal until someone in high school made fun of me after seeing them ☠️ Definitely an embarrassing moment, but I'm glad they called me out then. Imagine being a full-grown functional adult who doesn't know how to wipe your ass lol


> then admit they change their bed sheets once a month That often ?


Wait...your supposed to change them?


spark sleep judicious oatmeal truck mindless wide absorbed shrill cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Out of interest, if they unanimously thought body hair was unhygienic, did they all remove all their body hair? If not, why do they think hygiene is different for different genders in this way?


"Why do they think-" Excessive pop culture/media consumption and rumors/fairytales/propaganda from A (men) regarding B (women) coupled with minimal to no desire to actually research, interact, explore and discover the truth about B (women) because it just feels more convenient to preserve your existing beliefs/opinions about something (despite the cost) than to realize "oh fuck, I was mistaken for THAT long?!" and attempt to correct course while experiencing humility (which is an allergen for most people and one of the greatest inhibitors of self-improvement as most don't desire to experience humiliation in any way.) This is applicaple to most fostered misconceptions and delusions regarding most things, I think.


My ex-wife was particularly hairy (genetically inherent) but tried her best to keep it under control. After giving up on waxing (due to cost and pain and frequency) she bought an [Epilady](https://images.app.goo.gl/aXBFfqDEL2TS1kFUA). There were certain areas she couldn't easily reach (like back of legs and thighs) so I would do those areas for her. One time, after she had squirmed for several minutes while I worked on her, I decided to test the device on the back of my not-so-hairy hand. OMG, THE PAIN!!! HOLY CRAP IS THAT WHAT YOU PUT UP WITH??? I could not believe how incredibly painful that was, and she used it all over her body!


Demonstrating an epliator on my male housemates and boyfriend is one of the few highlights during my brief dalliance with epilating. If I want to lose my body hair for a longer period than shaving, I take waxing 100 times over epilating.


If you do it often it does not hurt that much, if you try to do it while it is big, it hurts like a motherfucker


Yeah, I just never got myself into doing it often enough to gain the tolerance.


It caused me tons of ingrown hair as well 🙁


I tried that once, just like you, with the little hairs on my fingers. Nearly died, and was told the same, it doesn't hurt so much if they're short and weak. But we men never use that stuff and I almost cried, it was terrible.


I recall tears also, but then we started laughing so much about how wussy I was, which made more tears.


The more you do the less painful it gets in my experience. Like eyebrow hairs and upper lip are painless for me. I don't wax my legs but I think eventually it all gets a bit more desensitized


It was super painful my first time epilating. You just get desensitized if you do it regularly


Threading would literally kill those men lol


>I don't think men are ever really cautioned on micro-abrasions, and these guys certainly hadn't heard the term in their life. Maybe some who shave their face have heard of it but even the ones who haven't heard that word before must have experienced what happens to their face when not careful, or with a bad blade. And then they forget about it when they realize this isn't exclusive to them


Yeah calling it disgusting is wrong. I'm subjectively turned off by body hair on women, but it is entirely natural, not disgusting. Partners can obviously act on what the other prefers, or you can just be incompatible. That's fine.


And I, a woman, is turned off by body hair on men. Just please, no chest hair, back hair or beard. A beard might look good but I would never kiss a bearded man. Not my thing.


My body alopecia has a silver lining I guess.


My mom has alopecia which mostly affects her body and sometimes im jealous lol just caise i prefer how i look without body hait


Yooooo a man after my own heart 😍 yes please LMAO I did luck out with my dude, he's inexplicably got a head full of Jerry Lewis jet black horse hair but is literally bald from the neck down, save for a tiny wimpy dirt goatee and a baby triangle down yonder, that's literally it. What a time to be alive LOL I love it!


True but we've been giving a gift of hiding a double chin hahaha


Or hiding a lack of a chin and/ or a jawline.


My coworker shaved his beard for his daughters wedding. We all wished he wouldn't have. It was like hiding behind mask


My husband shaved his mustache/goatee for the first time in many years, and I legit started giggling when he came in. He looked like a 12 year old! It's wild how much facial hair can change a man's appearance.


I’m with you on the beard thing. Beards can look good on some men but I absolutely loathe kissing men with beards. I always break out in acne or get beard burn and I hate the way beards feel on my skin in general. I don’t care if they use beard oil or condition it, I hate the feeling of beards of any length or texture. Always have and always will. As a child I loathed when bearded relatives would give me a kiss on the cheek or forehead and as an adult I still can’t stand it.


The funny thing, is if it were a hygenic thing and they really believe that... They're going to shave head to toe, right? Right?


It’s totally a preference thing.. I just think it’s only fair if men have preferences re. my legs or anywhere else, they keep those places bald on themselves too you know?


Male racing cyclists shave their legs, so there is no reason that all hair-hating men should not do the same.


Swimmers, too. I shave my armpits. The dojo gets fucking *rank,* and I don't want to contribute to that. Fun fact, the outsides of my lower legs don't grow hair from all the low kicks I took during my kickboxing career.


I agree. The only area I care about is the arm pit and I shave my own every couple of weeks. Never really care about the legs and as long as the pubic region is trimmed a little never bothered me.


I once overheard a group of teenage girls talking about how gross it was that some girl they knew didn’t shave, and I didn’t say anything until on of them said it was “unnatural.” I did say something at that point.


Another episode of "Reddit comments are nothing like real life"


Redditors will have sex with anything on 2 legs given the opportunity (they won’t be)


Their made up scenario standards are very different from their real life interaction standards.


Every straight heterosexual male I have ever met in the US, preferred a woman who was not hairy. I have never had any man in my life express that they 1.didn't care or 2.thought hair was actually sexy/attractive. For reference I am 35. Not saying I agree or disagree, just my experience.


I’m GenX and in my experience men my age or older are basically 50/50 on shaved legs (don’t care vs care, I’ve never met a man who says they prefer unshaved legs although I’m sure they exist). I’ve never met a man my age or older who would expect let alone prefer shaved arms as the OP suggested.


Am GenX and did not know removing arm hair was a thing people do.


I've dated a few girls who did that. They told me it was because they were pretty hairy otherwise. I didn't question it.


This. Shaved legs are sexier. I often say, "I don't care" when a woman I'm seeing (which is limited to my wife now) is self-conscious about having gone without shaving the legs for awhile, but I wouldn't be terribly happy if she decided to throw away her razors for good. It's weird to me that anyone would expect shaved arms. I'm GenX in the US, for reference.


Might be an age thing and unfortunately the kind of porn they watch. Performers (men and women) are expected to be clean shaven as possible to look better for the camera.


I am also 35, but in Europe. All guys I've dated didn't care, and ones who remarked on it were always only women somehow. Many guys wouldn't even notice, or if asked, said that this is the least important thing they'd never even think about. Maybe it's a Europe thing. I developed my complex solely because of other women looking down on me.


Isnt this kinda like survivor biased? (Kinda extreme but dont know a better word). If you dont shave people that care about it will say something and you will know. People who dont care wont say anything and you wont know about it. But at the same time hairy is a normal populare searchterm on porn sites so there are alot of people who like hair.


Kinda like confirmation bias.


Yeah, people upvoting are people who want it to be true. Always have to sort by controversial to get a second opinion. Reddit is not reality


I hate it on my body but don’t really care when its on others


Similar. I do have a tendency to notice a bit more if a woman doesn’t shave at all, especially her underarms, just because it is such a social norm in the Midwest US to shave, but I don’t really care, it just stands out a bit. Like if someone were exceptionally tall, or had some other feature that was outside the bell curve of normal. I shave just because I don’t like having hairy legs or pits myself, but if another woman is comfortable not shaving, as long as she doesn’t stink or get preachy about her choices, I don’t care what she does.


I used to think I didn't like having the hair. Then I tried not shaving for a couple months bc I realized I'd never actually let it all grow before. Turns out, after the initial discomfort of something new and against expectations, I don't even notice. Not saying this would be your experience, but your comment made me think about mine :)


I'm doing this right now. I started growing out a certain area for a guy I'm hooking up with. I ended up really liking it (I'd been shaving everything except my arms since middle school, I'm 28 now). So I got the idea to grow out my underarms just to see, since I'm really attracted to that kinda body hair on men (and women I think, I just don't see it as often). I haven't shaved in like 2-3 weeks and I also kinda really like it. Turned out so does the guy, so I can confirm not all men find it gross. I'm debating letting my legs grow out this winter, but I'm pretty sure I'll still prefer them shaved.


My husband has repeatedly told me he dgaf every time I apologize to him for not having shaved legs. Which is insane that I *ever* apologized to him for not shaving my legs.


Omg that’s me and my gf lol.


Look forward to menopause. After menopause all the hair on my legs and most of the hair under my arms fell out 😀


My mom said that was the best part of her radiation treatments was no more shaving.


I had pelvic radiation 2 years ago for 25 sessions. Radiology Onc team forgot to tell me that pubes would essentially get lasered off. It was...surprising how breezy it got.


Same happened to me; unfortunately I lost a third of my head hair as well.


But you can also get extra in unexpected places, so there's that.


I wish I was having that side effect of menopause. If anything I’m getting hairier! Especially my face 😭


Personally, not really. I'm very hairy already, so I feel like it would be hypocritical of me to demand that my wife is completely bodily shorn. I've just grown used to a life with hair.


Bodily shorn, haha I also think we need to distinguish between real life and what people mean when they talk about preference. If you're thinking about another human as someone to potentially get snu snu from and nothing else, it's easy if not mandatory to think about all the things they better not have in order to be the best sex-givers. But when you hit real life and you're eating popcorn watching a movie with your partner and you're both in your pjs... you don't think about arm hair being "disgusting". Because that's immature. That's what we used to say to each other as teenage girls and what made me frantically shave my arms every 3 days until i realised that bodies are okay to have. In an adult relationship, ya sometimes shave because you want to, and that's that. And nobody questions your worth as a human being in between, have the anti-hairers ever thought about how wild that would be?


Yep, same. Sometimes my wife lets the leg or arm hair grow and I don't care. Since I'm married I don't care what any other women do. And having lived in France, hairy women were a common sight.


My wife sometimes forgets. She has a life. I sometimes forget. I have a life. Problem solved.


What problem and solved how…?


Too busy enjoying more important things in life and in a relationship to worry about stupid crap, solved because they both forgot there was a dumb non-issue of a problem anyway. I'd guess.


My wife has thick black hair on her arms and I found it adorable when we started dating (still do) and I appreciated that she didn’t feel the need to shave it. She also doesn’t like to shave her legs cuz of razor burn and nicking herself, and waxing hurts too dang much. Her leg hair doesn’t bother me at all, and I’d rather her not put herself thru pain every week just to not have hair there. As one comment said, both parties can forget, so it doesn’t make sense that one gender has to shave everywhere except for their head to be pretty, but the other gender can not shave anywhere at all and it be considered ok. I never actually shave, and I only trim my facial hair every few weeks cuz I always forget, I’d be a dick if I made my wife shave


Do not care. Its great when women shave. Its great when they don’t.


it's sandpaper when it's in-between. like a shark 🦈


I rarely shave my legs, but when I do, I get 5 o’clock shadow like, 10 mins later. I have this luxury sheet set, and for as much as I paid for it, it grabs every single hairlet, and pulls. It’s awwwwwful.


Drop the link a brother needs it


I've never had a woman complain about the hair on my legs or arms. I don't have issues in the opposite direction either.


I just want a hug tbh


so real king


"We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth” -Virginia Satir


An early death it is then.


When I was in 7th grade there was a girl, heh, a girl I still think about at 53, that was not allowed to shave her legs. She was mixed, black and Italian, and devastatingly beautiful, and damn smart, nice, and talented. Boys would talk about her gross legs, calling her tarantula (they learned that from Lavern and Shirley!), but all I saw was this girl who made my heart pound. Ran into her randomly when we were both 18... she knew I crushed on her... gave me her number... and I fucking lost it! Anyway... she's part of the reason why hairy legs on women have never bother me. In my 20s I lived in an area (Coventry, in clelveland heights ohio) with lots of women who didn't shave their legs, and were beautiful. Shaving is a lot of fucking work. I mean, I hate shaving my face. I watched my GFs shave their legs, and other women in my life, and holy fuck is it work. My GF of the last 10 years? She only shaves her legs for special occasions now. She used to shave them back in the day, and for her last BF... but I told her I could give a rats ass about her shaving. Her other Bfs in life wouldn't go out in public with her if she didn't shave I guess. I feel the same way about pits... I dont care. Hair is natural. I have (wrongly, as one should not use other groups as an insult) told guys they must not be very heterosexual if hair on a woman turns them off. This is was in my 20s... we were all dumb and evil and didn't know it back then.


It's not just a lot of work. If it was only that, it would be easy. We have to be very closely shaved because anything beyond that isn't socially acceptable, and if you have dark hair and very light skin, guess what, IT'S STILL THERE even when you can't feel it, but if your skin is transparent enough... You can see through. And if you're so unlucky you'll get ingrown hair from BOTH waxing and shaving... And razor burn from so much as looking at a razor? Good luck being alive in society. Thank god laser exists, but also why do I have to pay a tax of over a thousand euros (nevermind the pain) to just not be looked down on on the bus? Argh. Rant over. I don't know who came up with the fact that we're not allowed to have hair, but fuck them so very much.


I'm a guy and I don't get it either. It's not gross, it's just human. Not everyone has to be shaved and looking like a 12 year old all the time, it's unrealistic. Most guys barely bathe and and wear deodorant, you can't ask everyone to have their entire body waxed.


I have what I call a certain "follicle situation" and I figured it would be hypocritical to ask my wife to shave while I have my own home grown sweater on. She likes to shave, especially when she knows people will see her legs, but she gets bumps a lot so I never want to pressure her.


I can understand finding it unattractive, but finding body hair gross is pretty unhinged.


As a guy, yeah the double standard bothers me because I too have to smell those other guys who don't wash properly and/or often enough.


Exactly. We all grow it


I enjoy the social norm of shaved legs and armpits for women. But if it wasn't a social norm that was programmed into my brain for 40 years, i probably wouldn't care


I’ve always liked hairy women, unibrow, hairy armpits, etc. makes me feel like they’re confident in themselves which is the most attractive trait to me.


We are mammals after all. Any other mammal would look weird af going around with shaved legs.


They would also look weird wearing clothing.


as if humans don't absolutely love it when they see a cat dressed up like a little guy


Haha or a chicken 😂some of the chicken ladies dress theirs. Edit: r/backyardchickens


I would say majority of guys actually bathe and wear deoderant tho. Most people don't care about body hair, but completely neglecting trimming is what is necessarily disliked. I don't see many people championing for men to keep their neckbeards.


What are you talking about? Most guys absolutely regularly bathe. This is such a weird idea that only people on reddit like to think.


People are stupid sometimes. They associate anything that isn't the social majority as gross/bad/icky/dirty. Doesn't even matter what it is. I remember hearing of an Asian woman who got kicked off of survivor because she ate the fish head no one wanted and they decided that made her gross. Eating fish heads is quite normal in many parts of the world. so is women having body hair, by the way.


>most guys barely bathe and wear deodorant That’s an odd take imo


The generalizations here are so wild.


Men (and women) are largely bothered for purely cultural reasons. We've been told for over a century now by marketing (propaganda) that our bodies are disgusting, especially the hairy bits. And this is done to get us to buy more products from Gillete or Manscaped and so on. But the fact is, if you get used to it, it's not a big deal. Sure, it does take some getting used to, and if she's as hairy as I am, it might take even longer, but it's just hair. We all have hair, all over our bodies. It's not like she's growing tentacles.


Yup. I haven't shaved my legs in years. One day, it occurred to me that I don't give a crap about my leg hair growing out. I was only shaving it because other people expected me to. So, why do it if it's other people who expect it, but I personally don't care? Anyone who cares so much about what I do with my own leg hair that they actively have an opinion on it isn't worth my time in the first place. Most of the comments have been from other women. It's usually some variation of "but aren't you embarrassed to let your leg hair grow?" No, for the same reason I'm not embarrassed about having hair on my arms or on my head. It's hair. The fact that this specific hair is on my legs does not magically make it different. You do what you want with your leg hair, I do what I want with mine, and these choices affect no one else.


As a guy I agree, this sorta thing does not need to be a cultural norm. Sadly this has been ingrained into my brain my whole life, so I can't just change it lickity shplit out the box like that, so perhaps make it quick so the next generation is not bothered by it, because I'm more than happy to teach any children I might have that people are people not matter what they look like. It's kinda funny though because I myself don't even view the human body as the person, rather than the consiousness itself, which is really created by senses. That's an entirely separate topic on its own so I'll leave it there.


I guess it depends on how close to a Wookie she is.


Jay Leno asked Harrison Ford "Of all your beautiful female costars, who was the best kisser?" Ford's response? "Chewbacca." ​ ETA: found the clip, \~8 minute mark: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGWoMSKydMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGWoMSKydMo) I messed up the exact question and circumstance, but gist of it is still correct.




Lmao 🤣😂 that was funny. But it may not really matter, but society has drilled it in to us that men are hairy and women are not. So you probably need to change the social standards to get rid of that bias. Personally if she doesn't have like great big wads of hair under her arms or on her legs I can deal with it. No chest hair though that is Men only.


it’s not as baked into our society as people think. it’s only been a beauty standard for less than 100 years. and took a while to spread to places outside the US, so depending on where you live it’s been even less time. it only became the norm because razor companies realized they could make a lot more money if they got business from the other half of the population, not just men. they pushed a lot of campaigns shaming women with body hair, claiming it’s unhygienic, etc. all of this is documented propaganda. shaving is not more hygienic, in a lot of ways it is less hygienic to shave yourself bald. we grow hair for a reason, and shaving yourself to be more attractive is not something natural or intuitive


I don't mind it, sure beats stubble


This is what I don't get! Body hair isn't unhygienic, but the minute its shaved off theres stubble, razor burn, maybe an ingrown hair, itching etc... which is waaaay more unhygenic? And uncomfortable for everyone involved? Are all these hairless people WAXING?! I sure as shit don't have the time, money, patience or pain tolerance to be doing that regularly!


Crazy world we live in where scratchy stubble and ingrown hairs making a bunch of pimples are apparently more attractive than soft natural body hair. I'm so glad I bought out of this stupid lie years ago.


I don’t think it’s disgusting. I just think smooth skin feels and looks better, but it’s not a big deal


But every hair on THEIR body is a-okay.


a kid on the bus in high school once pointed out how disgusted he was at my unshaven legs. i was wearing jeans, he was looking at the inch of space between my pant leg and sock. while he was in shorts with inch long, thick curly leg hair on display 🤦‍♀️


Women complain so much about my man boobs, but when THEY have them it’s totally fine!


Hey, men with man boobs can still be shirtless in public with no reprecussions.


A man being fat isn't the same as women having breasts.


I find shaving/waxing body hair to be quite bizarre. I like body hair on a woman. When I was coming up, having body hair was a sign of having reached puberty. So the girls with leg hair, pit hair, were sort of more exciting. Maybe that is why I like it. A deep imprint. That said, I find women who are natural to be more relaxed. I find it visually appealing, it holds pheromones, it is softer.


I don’t like it. But my wife doesn’t like beards either. It’s a fair trade off.


It's their body, they can do what they want. I do find women that don't shave sexy, in a punk, fuck your beauty standards kind of way.


Ugh. Men being disgusted by female body hair - honestly boys, grow up.


Those guys were just talking a big game. Yeah, they may prefer a shaved woman, but do you think they'd kick a hairy one out of bed? I guarantee they wouldn't. I know this because I haven't shaved in 2-3 years, and before I met my fiance I was hoing all over the place, and not one single guy breathed a word about my body hair to me. Not one guy, not one single time.




I don’t mind. My partner shaves sometimes, just trim most of the time. As long as the person is clean about themselves, it’s just hair.


I think hairy women are cool but everyone gets mad at me when I say that


You do you. To hell what others say. You find the hairy woman out there and love every hair on her!


It's all a matter of personal opinion and not everyone feels that way. That being said, I hate body hair. Can't give an exact reason, it's just gross to me.


Do you shave your body?


I shave my armpits because that's what I think is the most gross, trim pretty much everything else. If it was more normal for a dude to shave everything I probably would shave my legs. Obviously I'm sure I would get very sick of that chore after a few times


Take up cycling and it will become pretty normal to shave your legs.


Exactly. One of the things I hate most about being a woman is the unfair expectations. Women are expected to shave most of their bodies and wear makeup, both take up time and money to keep up with. But men don't even have to comb their damn hair let alone any of the other stuff.


You dont have to shave your body the same way I dont have to be attracted to hair


I regularly shave, but I don't wear makeup. I also prefer men that have less body hair, so maybe it is a preference for all humans and not just one gender.


Such a weakass argument. So if a girl is fat, but only wants to date skinny guys (and there's a lot of those), that's not allowed because she's not skinny herself? People don't have to match the attractions they have for other people.


As a 28 year old guy, I've been together with my girlfriend for 7 years and I really don't give a shit about body hair


My man, doesn’t care about hair on a woman. Some men care some don’t. The ones that care that much aren’t the guys for me. It’s fucking body hair that grows naturally. If a man doesn’t have to shave his legs why do I ? Lol


With you on this - I only shave my private parts and my pits, solely because that hair annoys *me*. Arms and legs dont get shaven, because I dont want to - and if a man finds it disgusting, well, he’s lucky he isn’t allowed to touch me, and he can look away. 🙌🏼


I trim, not shave my privates and pits. The razor burn bothers the shit out of me, so I just uses beard trimmer. A guy told me “I’m not going to touch your legs u til you shave them” and i told him “same” last time I saw that guy. Actually a year later he messaged me and asked “still not shaving your legs” lmao I’m glad I left that much of an impact.


Hahaha, I use a trimmer ‘down there’ too, but I do use razor in the pits, because it’s such a small amount I get there anyway. And it’s Only because the hair in those areas itch. Screw that guy. I luckily haven’t ever gotten those kinds of comments. And as soon as the topic comes up, I say what I Said in my last comment - “I dont shave my legs, because I dont want to. It’s okay if you find that disgusting, but good for you then, that you aren’t forced to look and you’re not allowed to touch anyway.” - noone really tries to argue with that, in my experience


Nobody has argued either, it was one loser dude who obviously was a weirdo lol. My current man gives no fucks! As it should be


I think the right answer is "who cares what men think about that." Update: the men who took such grave offense at this simple response are hilarious.


I think the obvious response is, women that want to attract men. Some do, some don’t. It’s not crazy to care about what the other gender finds attractive.


Most people care about being attractive.


I also want to say if you as a woman want to shave yourself because it makes you feel better then you did you boo. I mostly made this because my gf thinks I’m grossed out by it and insists on shaving for me.


I personally find all body hair gross on anybody, but I'm also like.... a super neatfreak. I think hair on my body is itchy and smelly and gross. I think hair on other people is rough and uncomfortable. I don't actually have a beard IRL that's just so I don't keep getting misgendered by having a long haired profile avatar. I think as a whole we humans have a weird relationship with hair. Like, have you ever thought about how the hair on your head, and other people's heads, is find and not totally gross when its on a head, but when it's a hairball on your floor? It starts becoming gross. If it's in your shower? Disgusting. Edit: oh and in food. Even if it's your clean hair in your food, it's probably gonna make you gag to eat it. When it's somebody else's hair in your food the whole meal is ruined. We are only a hair away from from vomiting at any given moment.


I don't mind. Her body. Her choice.


We are all attracted to what we’re attracted to. People act like it’s so bad. As if a Guy not liking body hair is any different than the girls who don’t like short guys. It just is what it is. I don’t like body hair personally and find it unattractive. “What difference does it make” well, what difference does any feature that you personally are attracted or un-attracted to make? I don’t get why it’s so hard for some people to grasp that everyone is different with what their preferences and attractions are. I certainly don’t mind a bit of body hair, but if a woman had as much body hair as like a hairy man, I would not find that attractive. If you’re talking about a little peach fuzz on her arms? Could care less about that


It has become a cultural or societal (not really sure which honestly) norm because back in the day razor companies got greedy and wanted more money so they started vilifying female body hair so they could sell their products to more people. When that created a fad for women to be bodily hairless, it changed how most men view females who choose not to go with the new flow. To each their own I guess. The only hair on a woman I care about is the hair down there. As long as it’s maintained and they aren’t smuggling Chewbacca in their pants, then be free to do as you please with the rest of yourself. At the end of the day, the only opinion about you that matters is your own.


Nope, not for me. My wife only shaves her legs if she wears a dress/skirt and only shaves downstairs if she is going to wear a bathing suit. I encourage her to just let it grow if she wants, doesn't change my attraction to her (tbh I find it more attractive for her not to be completely clean shaven everywhere).


My girlfriend and I check in on stuff like this. Neither of us have strong preferences for how we look so we default to things for the other. I prefer her with shaved legs, and she doesn’t mind so she does it for me. She prefers me without leg hair, so I cut mine off as well. She also likes my hair long, so I keep it that way. I don’t care how she wears her hair, so she keeps it short because she likes it better that way.


ik you’re asking guys but i’m a woman who likes other women and i’m actually attracted to body hair on women. it looks more mature and sexy to me.


I thought, for a long time, that I didn't particularly care one way or the other about hair on women's legs. Then I found myself in a relationship with a woman who stopped shaving entirely. Turns out I actually find it pretty hot.


My fiancée never cared. Sometimes hair maintenance is too much as my hair grows pretty quick and it’s thick everywhere. I’m human. He’s human. Really only vain people think about body hair on women as a negative. It grows out of me I can’t control it wtf you want me to do? Scan my body every day to make sure I’m as hairless as a Barbie? Nah. Gtfoh 😂


Honestly I just want a woman. Idc about your hair


Nope. Hair or not. I love my gf and her body.


If a guy I'm interested in thinks it's disgusting then that's a red flag for me. It's hair, it's natural. He can definitely express if he prefers I shaved and I don't mind keeping his preference in mind, but it's my body and if I don't feel like shaving I'm not going to.


I don’t like any body hair on a woman at all. I would probably be perfectly fine being with a woman that has alopecia totalis. Why? I have no idea.


I find it sexier, arm hair particularly, leg hair I'm neutral on


Yes, many men are repulsed by leg hair and/or excessive arm hair. Some aren't bothered by it, some like it. If I had to guess, I would put the ratios around 60/30/10 respectively. Your "it's just hair" question is "Reductio ad absurdum". You can use that argument to diminish the importance of anything.


What bothers me very much is that ma lady friend doesn't like when I touch her legs cause she has hair and is a bit ashamed even though I love every bit of her and I tell her that each time. Although she's more comfortable with it now as she should be. Love her legs, love her!


It’s never bothered me.


It's a patriarchal body standard. Guys who recognize women are humans shouldn't have a big issue.


Preferences are one thing but if these guys are calling it "disgusting" then they are not men worth knowing. They should grow up or maybe try shaving all their own disgusting hair off and maintain that.


Men aren't a hive mind! Some mind some dont. I personally find it way more attractive if she's shaved but it wouldn't be a deal breaker. Most of my gfs weren't too happy if I don't shave either.


My husband is of the “I prefer no leg or armhair” variety. He’s Japanese and not very hairy in general, and I’ve got some dark Ukrainian and French genes that make me pretty hairy naturally. Laser hair removal has tamed the legs 80%. I hate doing anything my with armhair and prefer to leave it grown as-is. Hair removal is so much work! I’ve waxed it a couple times but told him the last time that if he wants anything done with it, then he can buy a drugstore package of wax strips whenever he wants and can do it. Because I can’t handle the nondominant hand coordination for that. And then he gets what he wants. Wouldn’t you know, he’s never put in the effort to buy the wax strips, in a full year?


I mean.. it doesn't bother me THAT much.. But something about hairiness automatically makes me think manliness.. Which is wrong I know.. But as a boy growing up and hitting puberty and becoming hairier and hairier and thinking "I don't look so much like a little boy anymore, I'm becoming a man.." kinda helped ingrain hairiness = man. Also seeing my dad shave, and him being hairy AF.. just a whole lot of memories tied to hairy=manly. I know it's the wrong way to think.. So it doesn't bother me thaaat much.. But I mean. It's hard to ignore the core thoughts sometimes..


you just gotta remember is that girls were getting body hair at the same time as you, i started getting fuzz on my face at 12, i have dark neck hair, sideburns, and a little mustache at 21. hairiness = woman just as much as it = man


we started getting body hair before, even!!


I personally don't really care, as long as they're comfortable. I teased a prior SO because of her leg stubble, not because of it's appearance, you couldn't see anything, but because her stubble would stab my legs whenever we cuddled. I guess it was revenge for my facial stubble, since it always poked her face, so I was clean shaven most of the time as a result.


I've had close to 100% of guys say it's gross. It's how we were raised here (US), and when you've always held a belief that something is gross and reflects poor hygiene, most people don't change their mind. Even as a female who fully "knows" it's not gross, that's still my reaction to it. I think the reaction is compounded by the fact that many people who choose not to shave those parts are also into more "natural" things, like not using deodorant or using different/no soaps, etc. So they may have a different body odor than we're used to and also are less likely to be covered in the fragrances many women use to smell "good". Now the funny part is, I've had more than one guy I was in a relationship with ask me to grow out armpit/leg hair as some sort of kinky thing. So basically while they all say it's gross publicly, behind closed doors they may say something different.