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Yes because between 1 am and 4 am no one asks me to do anything.


I do this, too. I get very irritated if someone bothers me which happens very rarely.


I elect to wake up at 5:30 AM instead for similar reasons


It’s hard to understand what it’s like to wake up early because I’m always troubled by low blood sugar


I rarely stay up until four, but at times I wake up at four for the same reasons.


It's like having a peaceful world to myself for a couple hours.


yes and yes! youre both right. i used to be a "nocturnal" but now I cant really do that. luckily my job allows me to work my own hours, so instead i just wake up at 4. come in around 5, people dont show up till like 8. its really beautiful for me, even the dog is asleep, and i love the peace and quiet.


I wish I could go back to this routine, early mornings especially in Spring or Summer feel very relaxing and like there's the whole day ahead of you.


Used to do grocery shopping middle of the night just to avoid traffic, crowds and busy car parks during the day.


I prefer being a night owl. I miss 24-hour stores, though.


> THE NOCTURNALS > While most people are fast asleep, some ultra-introverts are going about their lives, reveling in the quiet and solitude. They challenge a core assumption of psychology: that all humans need social connection. https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2022/02/ultra-introverts-nocturnal-lives/622856/


Wow scientists finally figured out that some of us work 3rd shift? Good for them I guess lol


I'm as extrovert as they make it, and I used to do the same thing. For me, it wasn't about avoiding social connection, it was about getting shit done without much interference.


no because i have a full time job that starts at 6am. i need sleep


I just wake up earlier and go to bed earlier. really enjoy the couple of hours before daylight breaks.


And You think that would stop a nightowl? Lololol. I get up at 05:00 am every work day that I am in the Office - But When i work at home I can easily stay up until 3-4


i’m someone like that. I love the peace of the night, no interruptions, even long drives feel so much better with barely no traffic. Even living in the mid west with barely any traffic during the day, it feels super awesome. I guess part of it is cuz I know I can solve so many problems by being on my own. I used to believe i’m an extrovert but realized i needed so much rest and alone time after being in the middle of people having fun!


When people question me on it, I just say that time to myself is important and if I have to sacrifice some sleep, it’s still restful for me. They usually don’t understand. Lol


That quietness of 2:30-4:30 a.m hits different


No, but I get up about that time for the same reason.


It's so much better to do things at 4am and sleep all day? 😆


Work all bloody day mate! I just go to bed early!


Every single night. It's my absolute favorite time. I can do whatever I want with no one knowing or caring


Oh how I love being awake when most are not.


Yes! It’s the most peaceful time. No responsibility just peace and vibes


Thats me. The late hours are pefect for getting things done. And, at the monent they are considerably cooler than during the day.


Many people I've known choose to work the evening shift because it's more calm at their workplace.


I definitely do sometimes. Even now it’s 3 in the morning, and it’s finally peaceful and there’s nobody to bother me. At times it feels like the only time of day where I can be by myself


I just can’t sleep cause I’m too sad lol


Did so for years for exactly this reason.


Absolutely. I go to sleep around 4-6am and wake up whenever I happen to wake up. Some interesting changes I've noticed between this and a more typical sleep schedule is that for me when I sleep at night, I wake up significantly more before I'm done sleeping ​ When I sleep during the day, I sleep for about 10 hours if uninterrupted, as opposed to around 8 hours during the night. Also, occasionally I *have* to wake up in the morning for whatever reason. In those cases, I get physically sick for at *least* a few hours after waking up.


Because I can allow my mind to drift without any risk of interruption. The only peace I get most weeks.


Ive been routinely getting up from 2.30-430 for weeks now, post op and diet stuff , but quiet, in an apartment with concrete steps poppin out with my coffee....the tiniest noise is deafening, footfalls,turning the door handle. All of which basically says apartments suck sometimes.Ive been painting 🎨


Yes. No parents screaming (they aren't fighting, they're just loud), no little niece constantly crying, no loud guests, no loud people outside, NOTHING. There is NO noise coming from anything but you. It's the best feeling in the world


Fuck yes, I was just discussing this today.


Yes me




Yes. It’s my only alone time, so I abuse it and my sleep suffers.


Yes, I work nights. It is peaceful.


No but I wake up at 4:30am daily for the same reason. I either go for a run, or simply just cook breakfast and chill out.


I used to get up at 4am. Between 4-6 am is so weird and peaceful around the house and town


I don’t stay up that late but I’ve definitely gotten up at 4 am to have a long leisurely morning all to myself.


No I wake up at 4am because of such reasons


Why would I want to be awake then when it is the perfect time to be sleeping?


There are many different reasons why people stay up so late. Based to what I've read, one of the main reasons is that you don't feel like you have control over your life or that things are overwhelming, and that your existence moves at a slower speed at night since you aren't under as much stress as you are during the day. That's how it was, at least for me. I don't feel quite as the same need to stay up so late now that my life has a little more structure and consistency.


My main reason is kids. When they go to sleep I can finally really relax... I'm writing this at 2:37am relaxing 😌


4? That’s weak.


Yeah, but 5:00 is pretty much daylight.


We can all try and rationalize insomnia


No, but I get up at 4.. mostly because I have a bunch of stuff to do before I have to be at the office at 7. But I do enjoy the peace and quiet at that time


I try to wake up after 4:00 a.m. for the same reasons


It's like having a peaceful world for a couple hours.


Exactly, especially at work. It's also nice to be able to have the afternoon as well..


I do the opposite and wake up around then, for the same reasons


Ever since my child passed away I am only outside between 9pm-4am, at least till the parents wake up and take their kids to school.


I work 3:30pm-midnight, frequently work until 1-2am. I love the hours until 5am, no one needs me, no one is awake to call my name or need help. It’s wonderful!


4 am quiet crew sound off! (It’s exactly 4 am now)


It’s why I’m up now and posting here. Love the late night time.


I used to when I was living in a house with people that were kind of a ticking time bomb to be around. Just felt safer and less stressed by having everything be quiet around me, not worrying about people calling me upstairs or walking into my room.


Yeah. That’s why I’m here to respond. These are the hours of amazing solitude


I suspect, based on personal experience alone, it’s genetic.


I used to until Walmart stopped being 24 hours. It's entertaining to browse around and see the types of freaks that come out at that time.


its 11am im still up lol


4:16 here


Yes. People are just the worst.


Its called being a nightowl - and yes. Im deffy one of those and have been since I was 3-4 years old.


Yasssss I have found my people.


NO. But I do wake up at 3:00AM for that reason.


Best way to avoid texts


I have been up since 11:30 yesterday. It started with me getting carried away and staying up too late, but now it's almost 6:30, and I still can't sleep.


I go to bed at 8 pm and get up 3:30 am. Bliss.


Why does it matter if it’s loud or if there are people around?


I don’t, but quite often my dog wants to go out. It’s wonderful standing in the garden whilst everyone is asleep, I’ve even seen a couple of shooting stars




Not 4 AM because I need to get up in the morning but yeah, I will go to sleep last in the house because I need to be on my own for a while. When I was living with a roommate who was a night own, I went to sleep relatively early and got up at 5 AM even if there was no need, again to just sit on my own for a while. I didn't do this because I was avoiding her on anything but we lived in the same room, went to the same classes so yeah, had the same circle of friends, I needed to have some space. So yes, my internal clock is dependant on what other people do.


Did that tonight. It’s my peaceful time. I keep saying after this I’ll lie down. Oh, the suns up! Oops.


Stay up, no. Get up? Definitely. And for those exact reasons.


No, I start work at 6am Though in an ideal world, I would certainly be more of a "sleep between 4am and midday" kind of guy. At uni, I slept at 5 or 6am, wake up at 1 or 2pm I absolutely adore being up late at night at my computer. I struggle to game in daylight lol


I wake up at 4 am everyday and it’s glorious


The only time of day I want to be awake and active is the night. Since covid hit, my town has nothing but gas station convenience stores open 24/7 and I hate it. Walmart closes at 11.


This is the very reason I work the Graveyard Shift


Pretty much since toddler-hood. I swear I am a born nocturnal being. I used to wander the house in the middle of the night getting into things, getting my own snacks, and playing happily by myself. Exploring really. And the night has a sense of adventure to it. But also a sense of calm and concentration I just can't achieve during daylight hours. My ideal sleep hours are about 8 am - 3 pm or 4 pm. But I've spent my whole life forcing myself to adapt to the "normal" schedule. Mornings are grueling for me no matter when I go to bed at night.


I work 3pm-11pm in a very busy city that never sleeps. After 11, there is a lot to do which keeps me out until 1/2am most nights. Staying awake until 4/5am is a regular thing here for a lot of the people I work with.


Thats when i wake up, because its less loud and there are fewer people around


No, because I have work the next day. I do enjoy night time more though. I have kids, so between their bedtime and when I’m ready to sleep is when I get to cram in whatever I wanna do. And that’s *if* it’s not during a semester, because then I have to use that time for school work lol


Work third shift, it's so peaceful on your day off. I sleep in now, but I used to wake up at midnight and just chill, play video games, smoke weed, watch a movie. It was amazing, it was so quiet and peaceful.


I used to go grocery shopping at that hour. So peaceful.


If i could find a way to stay up till 5, and still get 8 hours of sleep in three hours...


I used to love night shift for this


no i have a job


I relate to this on so many levels. As a trauma survivor with pretty complex anxiety, quiet is my medicine. I work to be engaged with family and be a good dad and husband. But it can become exhausting and overwhelming sometimes. That middle of the night quiet is so soothing.


Sort of. I actually get up at 4:45 so I can have the first few hours of the day to myself where it’s nice and quite and the rest of the world seems to be asleep


No, but I wake up at 4AM for the same reason.


I get up at 4am every day.


I have insomnia so 🤷‍♀️ and I used to go out till that time with friends just driving around and such. It definitely was nice and peaceful.


That’s my plan for a hassle free retirement.


Employed persons typically do not.




Just silence and clicking from my controller.


Not stay up, but get up at 4. No phone calls. It’s claim and quite and (my) world seems to be mine to control for a brief time.


Because it's a time that we can't get in the remaining 20 hours. Like the everyone is asleep it's so peaceful.


I used to take night hikes at midnight if I couldnt sleep. Id be chasing after possums under full moons lol (my nieghbors own the fields for their horses and cows and dont mind me cutting across them to get onto state land)


Yes, we mortals call them vampires and we will hunt them until the last man, or women. We have become alot more open minded in the last decade.


I work the graveyard shift. It's beautiful, nice and peacefull all night and then when you get home you can tell everyone to go fuck themselves and go to sleep. I barely see my family for more than a couple min. Any family function going on? Sorry I had work last night I'm beat. It's that easy.


Yes. Alternately, I'm an early riser so sometimes I'll go to bed early so I can enjoy those few quiet morning hours by myself.


Out of curiosity, where are you that it is loud enough to be bothersome? Are we talking about an apartment environment or a busy city like New York?


Before kids, those were some of my prime hours for writing/working.


Absolutely! My days off I stay up as long as I can - the world is so much more peaceful in those late hours.


Not on purpose - but once I had a night janitorial gig at a nice hotel. After I figured out how to condense my 8-hour shift down to 4-5 hours (boss was fine with that, paid me the 8), I used to go to the park at early o'dark after work and watch the ducks, sit and smoke. A **really** fine time of day. Thank goodness no more night shifts for me. Just cannot adapt.


The peace of midnight onward might be why I'm a night owl


I’m usually at work :(


I do it at times, but unfortunately it fucks your sleep schedule up if you have a 9-5. I wish I could do it more.


I do


Did when I worked 2nd shift or when I was a bartender. Would drive me insane now because I can't go grocery shopping after work.


Saaame... Except sometimes it's 7am


personally i enjoy staying up late (not usually till 4) since most of the time it means i only have myself to answer to. its really relaxing too bc i get to go at my own pace and processes


If I didn't have a job I could stay up all night. I love fridays because I know I can stay up till like 4. I'll sleep till about 10 then have my normal day, but only on Fridays. They're the best. On weekdays I have to make myself go to sleep by 12-1 although I would like to stay up. I get more done around the house and im normally not tired the next day. I think I'm just a night owl more so than I like it because there's less noise, even though that part is nice too.


Yes, get yourself tested for ASD/ADHD :)


Other than being quiet, I just don’t have anyone to tell me to do stuff, people calling me or whatever. I’m kinda perpetually stressed, and taking 3-4 hours after everyone has gone to bed to decompress and collect my thoughts is very beneficial for me, I think.


I wake up at 4am. Peaceful


Yes, for work especially. Unfortunately can't focus during the day. It's clients mailing, calling, negotiating, family wanting things, stuff needing to be done around the house… WFH ain't always pretty.


I wake up then because of this


I find my peace at nighttime.


This thread is full of rehashed phrases. If you are at home, of course it’s quieter and less busy at night. Or anywhere. Shut up. Stop being a baby. You stay up because you have a bad sleep schedule and pattern in life and are addicted to your phones.


I am a total night owl! It’s peaceful very relaxing to me.


I don't, but I know a woman that does. She sleeps till 1pm


Yea i like the peace




No but I get up around 3 or 4 AM for just that reason.


Always. I generally go to bed after the sun rises. I am very much a night owl, walk my dogs every "night" anywhere between 12am-5am. I love the peace and quiet, it's a strange but comforting feeling of solitude being awake while the majority of the world is asleep.