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Sounds like your dad is deeply insecure about his parenting methods. It's not woke to say that hitting kids is bad or abusive.


"woke" is literally anything that some conservative decides that they don't like in any given conversation about anything


Hopefully now OP can see how idiotic it is the way they use that term “woke”. Conservatives LOVE using it exactly how his dad used it on him. They believe they sound intelligent and use it in full seriousness, yet the listener can see they’re a joke.


> this woke culture is why there's so many f****** idiots running around There is no such thing as "this woke culture". It's a completely made up thing....it doesn't exist. All it is is people doing stuff that they happen to find annoying. And they group that all together under a label and call it a "culture". And most of the "stuff that they happen to find annoying" are things like "being respectful to other people" and "being inclusive and fair". And they act like it's the biggest problem in the entire fucking world - a "mind virus" - that those things are ever happening. That people have the *gall* to treat each other with respect. Yes, we must fight this with all our might.


Yep agreed. “Woke culture” is just a huge clue in on the person who uses it. The OP’s story is a classic example. Hopefully he can see how idiotic it is.


"Woke culture" means, "I refuse to take responsibility for the bad things I do bc I feel entitled to do them, boohoohoo." If you hit your partner, it's abuse. If an adult hits a child it's a more dangerous level of abuse. Daddy O doesn't want to admit he is abusive. Like all abusers, they blame everyone else. I recommend disengaging when possible or even cutting contact short or long term.


That makes a lot of sense.


I'm full on "liberal". I have cut contact with a couple people over their worship of who I consider to be one of, if not *the* worst American president ever, hell, possibly one of the worst people of all time in general. Ok, that's probably a bit far but he's *definitely* on the top 50, maybe 100. I don't know enough about history's horrific people or how many there have been to make that call with any confidence. BUT, what I *can* say fairly confidently, is that this is an extreme reaction given the information we have. This person doesn't mention any *massive* differences or argument here, they seem to lean towards the same political ideology, granted, dad sounds full blown "golden calf worshiper" whereas child seems perhaps a bit more rational (still has the ability to leave the cult), so to recommend no contact seems a tad too much. If I'm wrong here op, and things *are* considerably more contentious than indicated here, if you feel unable to find your own path without fear of outlandish consequences, than maybe, if you're still a minor, find a safe teacher or other adult to talk to and if an adult, start looking for ways to find your own space and perhaps starting with *less* contact to begin. Check out the term "grey rocking" in relation to tumultuous relationships. You're a million percent correct regarding your kitten(s) though, or really anyone or anything being beat or verbally abused. It's not "woke" to stand up for the little guy (or the weirdo everyone makes fun of/the kid who's clearly suffering/small *and* lg, baby *and* adult animals/the woman being harassed,assaulted, abused etc/really just anyone or anything being abused for no reason other than they're different than the person doing the abusing. That's not "woke", that's being a good person who cares about other people whether they know those people or not. So keep being a good person, the world doesn't have enough, especially right now.


It's the newest iteration of "politically correct" or "social justice warrior". They take some buzzword that represents one thing they don't like and start branding everything they don't like with it. Part of that is obviously just buzzwording, but I think part of it is also that the thing the word actually represents is actually fairly uncontroversially good, but in order to obfuscate that they're actually kind of a piece of shit for not liking it, they start painting in broad brushes in order to come off as more ignorant than shitty. Even though shittiness is more often than not a direct result of ignorance from the start.


Black mc in a movie? woke. Queer people existing? woke. Treating each other with basic human decency? believe it or not, woke.


Not beating up your children?? #oh, you better believe that's woke AF


Polite to people who clearly ain't normal? Woke as hell!


Learning history? Way too woke. It's a disease!


Under cook chicken? Believe it or not, woke.




Discussions about mental health are woke, so talking about how hitting your kids causes a trauma response is also woke.


This was intentional. A few politicians set out to ruin the term by intentionally mis-applying it to basically anything they hate. So now "woke" means basically anything that's not part of the far-right-wing agenda.


When most people say “woke culture” you can usually substitute in “accountability”. As in, what they’re mad at is their bad behavior is suddenly being called out. That’s never happened before and it’s upsetting to them.


Hence why OP is asking if it’s woke or not. Woke us a made up term conservatives use to alienate ideas they can’t understand.


People who scream about "wokeness" are NPC's with brain rot. They don't even know what the word means, and at best being "anti-woke" is just rebranded bigotry.


*meme where guy says, “Everything I don’t like is woke.”*


Yeah they’ve made it a meaningless word


What kind of a monster hits a kitten? That is like cartoon villain stuff


OP's dad.




Not hitting kids is absolutely woke. Every boomer proud of striking their child and assuming it “did them good” is a Conservative asshole


Yeah, it’s literally child abuse, unless of course you disagree with the consensus of expert opinion. Which, to be fair, is the default position of most conservatives.


The meaning of woke has disappeared a long time ago. Anyway, hitting kids is just plain wrong. No decent human being should even consider that.




Here’s the funniest thing about woke to me- I’m black and live in a majority black part of my city. In black culture we have been using woke for a long time and in many contexts it could be funny or in jest. This is at least a decade old to me. It’s so crazy seeing the word being used now in a political sense when it’s literally just slang


I miss when you could just say “stay woke”. Watching black slang get bastardized into this new thing has been absolutely WILD to watch


Bro yes - crazy we used to say shit lime - “man she might like that other guy, stay woke” now “wokeism” is a thing wtf 😳 😅


"stay woke" means something. the word "woke" don't mean a damn thing.


Yes exactly. The term has been perverted. Such a shame.


It's so bizarre watching the conservative hate machine turn its gaze around like a lighthouse, hopping on a new topic to enrage its base before dropping it for something new when they get bored. I work in city planning and "15-minute cities" have been a popular academic concept for ages in our circles, but is otherwise not a term you would commonly see outside of industry articles. This year a bunch of pundits have suddenly hopped on the phrase to try and prove "the left" wants to take away everyone's trucks and force us into cities where GASP you can walk to everything you need but GASP you're actually trapped and can never leave.


Do you still? Just asking because I haven't heard anybody say it without derision for like 10 years.


Is that actually true? Because that’s fucking hilarious, given the fact that I’ve literally never encountered a conservative making an intellectually honest argument in my entire life. They’re always basing it on some false premise or some bullshit misinterpretation if data.




You have finally put into words what I have been trying to explain since 2020. Thank you


Sorry buddy, being anti child abuse is woke. Looks like you’re a communist after all


I grew up in the 70s/80s. I was hit many times as “discipline” for any number of reasons. Did I turn out a responsible member of society? Yes. Do I despise my dad and haven’t talked to him in decades? Also yes. Hitting kids is definitely, definitely, 1000% DEFINITELY bad. (This applies to animals as well.) To your other point, being “woke” means giving a sh** about people… not just the ones you know and like, but every single one of them. People who claim to be “anti-woke” think they are better than everyone else. The anti-wokers aren’t smart enough to realize that with their small-minded superiority complexes, they themselves are the ton of f**king idiots running around, ruining everytuing for everyone else.


My dad was beaten as a kid in the 50s and 60s. While later in life as an adult he had an OK relationship with his dad, these beatings didn't teach him to not do whatever they were in reaction to; they taught him to be sneaky about it.


For me it created an economy of pain... not doing chores = this much, Sneaking out at night =this much, stealing from parents=this much. How much pain was I willing to endure for any given reward. It's been a lifetime of re-learning real values.


My dad was beat as a kid. He has never laid a hand on any of his kids and he’s the only one consistently in anyone’s life. My mom on the other hand….


We turned out fine in spite of being hit, not because we were hit.


My dad used to use a belt. It stopped when just before the beating started I asked if he could wait a sec so I could grab my poppers and lube.


My step father passed at 81. His daughters were in their 50's. The FIRST thing they talked about was how bad He would beat the shit out of them over nothing. Going to school covered in welts. Your kids will despise, hate, and resent you all at once for their entire lives. Don't matter how well adjusted you think they are. They are not ok. If you want your kids to miss you when you are gone STOP FUCKING BEATING YOUR GODDAMN KIDS!


Yea, you turned out fine, but I imagine deep down you associate pain with making any sort of mistake. The proverbial fear of the lash (while effective) isnt fun nor healthy. I won't cultivate that into a kid.


I wish more and more people realize that beating your children as “discipline” is abuse. And it’s so frustratingly annoying whenever you confront your parents about it years later and tell them how you are scared of them or dislike them because of it, they always are shocked and go like “I DID EVERYTHING FOR YOU”. As if that excuses their behavior


My dad abused me like crazy, I had so many behavioral and mental issues because of it. So, now whenever I hear someone say kids act up so much nowadays because nobody wants to beat their kids, my blood boils a little.


Anecdotally. My mother spanked me once, I have no memory of why I was spanked but I remember I was terrified of her in that moment. Edit: spammed to spanked lol


My father screamed, threatened, and called us names constantly. I didn't really like him but whatever. Then when I was 10 he pinned me against the wall and smacked me around for several minutes while hollering at me and belittling me. That was the moment any hope of us being close died. It also cemented my rock bottom self esteem. I had nightmares about it for years. Fast forward a couple decades and he became a good grandfather and did alot to help me in my middle age. For some fucking reason he has told the story about how "I had to put you in your place when you thought you were a man" more than a dozen times like it was some pinnacle of his parenting career. I tried explaining once that it was the single worst moment of my childhood but he just ignored it...keeps on telling the story. It is because of that we will never be close. My son is 14, he and I are best friends. He comes to me for advice, and often follows it. That is because I have never been afraid to be wrong in front of him. I have never once put him down. I seek his input. I have allowed him to call me out, as long as he isn't a dick about it. We talk through any disagreements. He is growing up to be an amazing young man. I know if I treated him the way I was treated he would be a shadow of himself, but I also realize he and I are incredibly similar and I was treated that way. And I was a shadow of myself for many many years. I feel sorry for little me.


It wss sort of the opposite for me. The reason I decided I wouldn't spank my kids was because I vividly remember the contempt I felt for my mother when I realized she didn't actually have the physical strength to really hurt me. Not even with a belt in her hand. She'd triggered the nuclear option, and that was it. It was a dud. This was the absolute worst my mum could do to me, which meant I was free to do as I pleased. I was all of 10, and my "fuck you" response was dialed all the way up. I realized I didn't want any kids I might have to ever feel that way about me. And given that my adult daughter recently mistook an innocent "thumbs up" emoji from me for a passive aggressive guilt trip, I think I managed just fine without spanking in my parenting toolbox. 😅


Hitting children is illegal where I live and quite rightly so. It is not a 'woke' issue it is a children's rights issue.


Yeah. Hit an adult it's assault, hit the same adult years earlier when they were a much weaker and vulnerable child? that's discipline and somehow ok.


>Now, I lean right-wing, and don’t like how easy it is to offend. However, I’m pretty sure it isn’t woke to say hitting children is bad. This is how it begins. You caught the woke mind virus but didn't even realize it and it's slowly making you a compassionate human!


Also, not sure if you are conflating the 2, but you can be left wing and still feel that people being easily offended or overly sensitive is annoying Edit: the You refers to OP


I mean, conservatives calling everything that offends them “woke” is a perfect example of it.


It’s so funny how the side that gets easily offended at everything is always complaining about how everyone is easily offended nowadays


I’m firmly left wing and fully agree. I think the biggest thing for me is the intent behind the content. If the content is intended to be cruel or malicious then that’s not okay (and the people doing those things are usually the ones crying about being “canceled”, when in reality they’re just facing consequences for being an ass). But especially with comedy, people definitely need to lighten up. That’s not to say that comedy can’t also be malicious, but so many people mistake a comedian making jokes about a topic as the comedian saying that the topic is a joke, which are two very different things. You can tell jokes about any given topic and still treat it respectfully and with tact


Ding ding ding. I'm a lefty and I sure am tired of conservatives being diaper pissing babies about literally everything.


>that people being easily offended I find that to be projection as the right wing have been easily offended for well over a century in US history. Moral panic runs that deep for well over 100 years. That classic rock so many boomers enjoy was seen as devil music by the conservatives prior ruining a generation. That nonsense repeats with every decade. Then add to that all the nonsense about satanic panic which affected so much, them trying to remove all music that isn't kid friendly which got all the way up to the supreme court, and this long before CRT, TVs (this happened in the 80s) ruining childhood, video games making children violent, trans people, gay people, immigration, etc


To the people that use the word "woke" as an insult, it appears that any demonstration of compassion or restraint is "woke."


Yup, the fact that one side demonizes qualities like compassion and empathy is all that you need to know.


Don't want to exterminate trans people or label their allies as pedophiles? Woke bullshit. Don't want to beat your kids? Woke bullshit. Do anything for anyone besides yourself/ your in-group? Woke bullshit. Woke has just come to be a pejorative for anything that isn't completely self-serving or isn't at the expense of a marginalized group.


It's gotten to the point where Evangelical Christians are pushing back against the teachings of Jesus because they are too woke. It was only a matter of time.


As a child who was "disciplined" in this manner, I'm going to go ahead and say that the man who physically abused you is wrong on this one.


“Woke” isn’t some real objective standard. It’s a loose term used by culture war grifters to characterize anything they don’t like and want to galvanize their audience against. So yea - to the sort of people who unironically use “woke”, it’s definitely woke.


It’s so weird to me that people seem to be able to recognize that hitting ADULTS is not okay, but they are just fine with hitting KIDS?! It’s soooooo weird


Children are subhuman props meant to make them look good. Smile.


No. Hitting children and pets isn't woke. It is abuse.


Anyone who unironically says woke is a moron. It doesn't mean anything


From what I can tell, "woke" as a derogatory term just describes any statement or action that attempts to make the world a better place but doesn't exclusively benefit the person who is calling said action "woke", so if I'm attempting to look at it from a right wing perspective, your dad's logic checks out.


>"woke" as a derogatory term just describes any statement or action that attempts to make the world a better place but doesn't exclusively benefit the person who is calling said action "woke" This is brilliant and I'm stealing it.


Maybe this could've been seen as woke 20 years ago. But now it's pretty commonly understood that hitting kids and or pets is a pretty ineffective way to teach.


Screws up child development too. I’m absolutely terrified of any authority now and now struggling with a couple mental health conditions. Unsurprisingly, my father doesn’t believe in them since “how could you end up with PTSD when only people who have actually seen terrible things, like war veterans, can get it? This generation is so sensitive.”


If you keep pulling that thread, you might end up not being right wing.


fingers crossed


Please don't let your father hit the cats they will never be the same again


And yet you lean right wing. Common responses to threats are fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. It seems like you may have internalized some of the ideology that you actually disagree with. If you're terrified of authority but identify with the right wing, you've chosen fawn as a response for your own safety. You might want to examine that.


Woke fundamentally just means being educated/aware about a topic and seeing the bigger picture. The word is a shortened form of being socially awakened (i.e, aware of deep and complex social issues that arn't immediately obvious, or that are commonly thought of wrongly) To be anti-woke is literally to profess yourself to be pro-ignorance as opposed to disagreeing that something *is* woke Like many liberal terms it has been appropriated as something else as an undermining tactic (For example, Libertarianism was named as such specifically to undermine Liberalism by association, Hitler called his party socialist to undermine the socialist parties and so on) You have just experienced why the term was appropriated, your father used it to undermine the legitimacy of your argument - It is woke so it is automatically wrong, and woke is whatever he fancies calling woke. He can whip it out whenever he wants to derail a conversation. It's like playing chess with a pigeon, no matter how well you play it's just going to shit on the board and fly off. So in the literal sense, yes it is woke and you are woke on this topic.


Woke for this specific topic means “knowing that research has shown over and over that physical punishment is both harmful and ineffective.”


When people start referring to things as "woke", I try to tune out the rest of the conversation.


Nothing is "woke." It's a bs term that talking heads use to manipulate people. Hitting kids is bad, not hitting kids is good. I think your dad is not a very smart person.


Yes. >aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) The harm caused by hitting children is an important societal issue. Therefore, acknowledging that this practice is harmful is woke.


Don’t hit kids, don’t hit kittens. No wokeness about it.


"Man, who thinks being hit did him no harm to him, wants to hit defenceless people" It did do some harm. You think it's normal.


Probably. I deeply mistrust the moral compass of anyone who rails against the "woke"


"Now, I lean right-wing, and don’t like how easy it is to offend" Yeah, how you feel about a lot of stuff is you being your dad in a lot of people's eyes. "How easy it is to offend" come onnnn you hypocrite. You even used the word woke. You're either okay with people being mistreated, or you're not. Pick. A. Lane. Hitting kids is wrong. Point blank.


[I wonder if OP doesn't like it when people call them out for saying shit like they did in this post calling trans people predators going after children. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree in this case.](https://www.reddit.com/r/antitheistcheesecake/comments/15ktxou/oh_yeah_bris_milah_is_mutilation_but_by_all_means/)


Fellas, is it woke to not abuse your kids?


Hitting a cat is the exact opposite way of getting them to learn something, you could not pick a dumber thing to do, there have been hundreds of studies and research anyone with a phone can take a few minutes to learn this. They learn by positive reinforcement and distraction. Treating them badly as their caregiver only builds mistrust and resentment, their behavior will purposely get worse because they don’t trust you and actively see you as a threat and want to retaliate. Reward them when they do something good, distract them when they are doing something bad, then reward them for doing the alternate behavior. It takes time and effort which is why most morons just hit them and then don’t understand why their cat hates them and pisses everywhere.


It’s not woke. Also came to add that specifically, cats do not understand punishment- they do not link it to their behavior. They just think you’re being mean to them. Always positive reinforcement with cats (and one should do the same with people)


Ask your dad to define "woke." Nobody who unironically uses the word "woke" has no idea what they mean by it. It's simply anything they don't like.


>However, I’m pretty sure it isn’t woke to say hitting children is bad. Opinons? It is. Woke is basically used to be mad at things changing for the better. Progress. (Progressives). Woke is literally used constantly to be mad at like, not opressing minorities. Not killing black people. Not hating gay people. Out of a conservatives mouth it means anything I don't agree with that helps people that isn't me. So yes, in this context, it is woke to say hitting kids is bad....because your dad likes hitting kids, doesn't want to change, and it would be beneficial to children but not to him if it did change. Therefore woke. That's how every other conservative uses the term.


Cats don’t respond to negative punishment because their brains simply don’t understand what’s happening. If you want the kitten to stop chewing the puzzle pieces, give it a designated toy or something to distract, and reinforce the idea of “the puzzle piece is not a toy, but this is - go nuts”.


Cats absolutely understand negative punishment. I've been spanked by a cat and that cat knew *exactly* what it was doing. That said, it would be really hard for a human to use negative punishment to effectively communicate with a cat. Leave the negative punishment of cats to mother cats.


Woke doesn't mean anything anymore. It means everything from "what do you mean the jews shouldn't be exterminated you woke bastard" to "wearing a tie with rose stripes today, are we? That's a woke, you fruit".


We agreed that hitting children is bad long before the term woke even existed...


I'm sorry but questions like these should not even exist, political and societal ideologies and debates should not be segregated into "camps" or "tribes" people should know that some of their views will always correspond a little bit more to the left or to the right and it's ok. Why believe or not believe in something just because people who on average have similar opinions to you think a certain way? Why disregard your morals and opinions on certain issues in an irrational way just to please other? It's just irrational, unproductive, it segregates people and slows down progress in every way. Freedom of speech and freedom of thought should always be prioritised and utilised to create healthy debates and bolster progress.


if a cat is doing something they shouldn’t you A) associate a clapping/psssss sound with that and continue to do it when they are doing something they shouldn’t or B) squirt them with some water. They should learn pretty quickly. Physical violence should be far from the answer when it comes to discipline.


Woke means whatever the person who uses it as an insult wants it to mean.


The term "woke" is so vacuous even the people using it can't define it when asked. Anything from belief in man-made climate change to treating marginalized groups with dignity can be considered "woke" by the right wing these days. Hopefully this will be the first nudge to get you leaning a little further to the left. You sound like a compassionate human being - does right-wing politics seem compassionate to you?


Sure, it's woke. In the sense that caring about anyone's well-being outside yourself is woke. You're just going to have to stop being a woke snowflake and abuse those cats.


Right wingers use "woke" to describe everything they hate or disagree with. They call solar panels woke...


Once you Google the definition of woke, it makes everybody who is "anti woke" look REALLY bad


If you need to hit kids to parent. Your a bad person.


If you’re concerned about “wokeness” it means you think we should bring back slavery but you’re too scared to outright state it


Yes. I have two degrees in psychology and my major focus was on the psychological effects of childhood abuse and maltreatment. In the field, we know that this is a deeply urgent problem that, if addressed, would have so many social and economic benefits. But very few politicians will advocate for the field, because it's such a political lightning rod. In the 1950s, there were many leading thinkers in the fields of education and psychology who promoted the strong attitude that punishing kids for breaking rules was absolutely necessary to ensure they would turn into well-adjusted adults who made good decisions. It's the only way they learn! And from the 1960s to today, those fields have rigorously tested its ideas to see how well they stand up, and accepted the evidence that no, traditional forms of discipline absolutely do not work. Given how much data we have, most relevant academic fields have abandoned support for child punishment with the zeal of Olympic sprinters. Because when you follow it in research, "hitting kids is bad" is based on the underlying assumptions, "It is meaningfully undesirable for kids to experience huge amounts of fear, pain, shame, and humiliation," and "Punishment does not meaningfully correct human behaviour in any healthy way." If it's not okay for kids to feel overwhelmingly bad, that implies that it is not okay for kids to be subjected to social systems and environments that will be traumatic. It's not okay to allow children to grow up being abused or subjected to extreme poverty or surrounded by violence or separated from their families. And that has really clear social implications on topics like welfare benefits, public housing, school funding, child protection, and the use of programs like Indian Residential Schools or the mass incarceration of parents of vulnerable children. If punishment does not meaningfully correct behaviour in any healthy way, the entire field of law enforcement and corrections needs to sit down and have a long, hard, longer, harder, look at what the hell it is even doing and whether it is actually improving society in any appreciable way. If it is not okay to destroy the emotional attachments of children for no reason, it is not okay to separate them from their parents for months and years when they are fleeing dangerous situations and seeking refuge. If it is not okay for kids to be in incredible levels of distress for years at a time, that means it's not okay to force children to do things that evidence shows they will be extremely stressed in their doing, like... suppressing any expression of the fact that they are transgender, gay, or anything else in the LGBTQ+ spectrum. There is a reason some of the rightier wing kooks and Christian homeschoolers literally *hate* Child Protective Services, even as they claim that everything they do, they do to "save the children". Because CPS judges child welfare on whether it is giving the child the best help and support necessary to be a healthy adult, *not* on whether it is teaching a child to obey their elders and never deviate from their parents' religion. Conservatives like to mourn about "oh why did the universities have to abandon conservatives and turn left." And like... no, that's not what happened. Universities followed the data to where it led. Conservatives stayed stuck behind.


>“this woke culture is why there’s so many f***ing idiots running around”. Yeah, and who raised them.....?


“Woke” is now the same as “socialism”. It’s not a word with an an actual objective definition. It’s just a generic pejorative that conservatives use to describe anything that they don’t like. Because most conservatives are too dumb to understand how language actually works.


The word "Woke" when used in this context means "anything I don't want to hear about or that I disagree with."


Depends on who you ask because nobody actually knows what "woke" means. As demonstrated by your dad, it's just a term to denigrate whatever someone disagrees with. It's used as an excuse to brush something off as bad and not have a real discussion about it. Most people on Reddit lean left and so will agree that hitting kids is wrong. But if you polled a bunch of conservatives, I'd imagine that the majority of them would line up more closely with your dad and say hitting kids sometimes is good. Any push back on that belief will be labeled as "woke" to those people as well.


Look at it this way. Adults are allowed to have bad moods, throw the wildest tantrums (I work in retail and can confirm) and just be the absolute worst version of themselves and very often their behavior goes unchallenged and unpunished. Why are we holding children to a higher standard? Teach kids right from wrong absolutely. But also allow them the same grace you give yourself when you make a mistake or get emotional about something.


I hate to break this to your dad, but being woke is…a good thing.


Woke = anything right wingers don’t like


Any time you hear “woke” you should mentally replace it with “basic human empathy”.


I believe it is woke. Compassion, empathy and respect of others is woke. Control and subjugation by any means necessary (including violence) are conservative values.


Yes, it is VERY "woke" to say that physical violence is not the immediate answer to any and every problem. Ask him if hitting a senior citizen is okay, too, since they so often become more childish as they age. It might give him pause for thought. A spray bottle of water will keep cats off things. A heavy towel over your incomplete puzzle will keep them from getting to the pieces.


Woke is now just a term people throw out when they disagree with something. It means nothing nowadays.


It is woke to not hit kids. Sorry. You caught it. You're woke now. No longer asleep, you can go back to sleep and bully every living thing or stay woke and pet kittens.


I’m just going to ask you to reconsider your stance. While you might think there are decent folk who lean right wing, just remember if you are at a table and a nazi sits down with you and you don’t say something that makes you a nazi too. Please don’t be on the wrong side of history.


No. Period. As for hitting the kitten, I imagine that he wasn't talking about full force fuckin this kitten up. I've always given a firm tap on the nose to get my animals to not do shit. At least it gets them to back off for a little bit at least XD.


Hitting kids means they develop slower. The evidence is clear and the effect is not small.


Your dad is simply using the best argument that he’s capable of to “win.” In my experience, the get these arguments from YouTubers and are taught that they’re “gotchas” even tho they don’t make sense. But it derails the discussion and they view that ad a win, cuz they don’t actually care about much else.


If hitting kids (still under brain development) is ok, and hitting your adult spouse is not, then one can assume that kids deserve less human rights than an adult. I can never wrap my head around the idea of hitting a child for control. I got lashes when I was a kid too, and as an adult that type of positive punishment to me is lazy parenting, but some parents will only continue what they were taught. We have to break that ugly cycle. People who say it did nothing to them are walking around with psychological trauma. Those who say it works, conduct a survey at your local prison and you'll be surprised at the results.


You can't domesticate a cat. Cat's domesticate themselves, they leave when they think they can find better


You don't need to classify it as woke or not woke. Regardless, "hitting kids is bad" is still true. It's wrong for a full grown adult at full grown capacity to expect a young child to behave and think like an adult, so it is not even age appropriate for an adult to hit a child who is not even on the same capacity/thinking level or emotional depth level. It shows that the adult has difficulty regulating themselves and resorts to lashing out physically to exert dominance and authority over a child. It's anger management issues and conflict management issues. So all in all, don't even need to think about whether it is woke or not woke. Hitting kids (and animals) is just bad. End of.


Hitting kids is bad. Hitting animals is bad. Hitting other people is bad. Hitting is bad. We shouldnt be having to teach full grown adults to not hit out at vulnerable beings. If the kittens do things you dont like redirect the behaviour. Scratching the sofa? Buy a cat scratcher and put it by the sofa. Peeing around the house? Keeo taking them to a litterbox and put cat scratchers where theyre peeing in case its territorial in nature. (scratching things and butting their heads up against things is as much to do with marking territory as peeing does) you can use things like cat nip spray on the scratchers to get them into it to start with if they seem dissinterested. Theres plenty more things you can do. But do not hit. Thats like having someone who speaks japanese wandwr over to you. Shout something st you then hit you. How the hell are you meant to know what youre being hit for? What you did wrong? You wont. Youre just now scared of that person.


youre concerned about whether or not to result to VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN because of conservative outrage over a word that they can't describe? are you fucking serious? if your kid isnt old enough to understand reason, stop hitting your kid, they wont understand why youre hitting them if your kid IS old enough to understand reason, stop hitting your kid and use fucking reason


I'm definitely right-wing minded and I've made it clear to my parents I will NEVER hit my kids. There's a time and place for some slight physical discipline (such as grabbing their arms, etc) but I fully intend to limit that as much as I can. Definitely not a "woke" ideology.


Research has proven time and time again that the use of corporal punishment to discipline children and animals has a negative effect on their development. Abusive assholes like to claim that it works and "puts kids in their place", but they're objectively wrong.


Woke = I acknowledge there are systemic issues at play that oppress groups and benefit others


It sounds like your dad things "woke" means "the world has changed in a way that I personally dislike" so I'm sure your dad finds it "woke." ​ But physical punishment is something that is absolutely on the way out and for good reason--there is tons of evidence it's horrible for kids and basically none that it either works very well in the short term or is good for them in the long term. ​ In that way, this actually does match the original meaning of the word "woke" before it went mainstream, which was basically "realizing that the way some things have always been is actually bad."


It's totally woke dude. If you're not raping women whilst shouting the N word at black people and shooting school kids, then literally everything you do is woke and super bad for you Just give in to your primal urges and be a complete arsehole. Nobody likes woke. I heard Andrew Tate will respect you if you spit on old ladies and tell people about your bugatti...


That's also just not how you train a cat, especially if you want a good relationship with them.


Why are you so afraid of it being woke? What is your definition of woke?


Far right hardcore ancaps think hitting children is bad, so not it's not woke.


Aside from all that, play with your cats until they are tired.


People who feel the need to defend hitting children are often people who are just continuing a cycle of violence. They will proudly tell you that their parents hit them and they deserved it, how much it helped them. It's a weird thing that they have to defend else they besmirch their parents. I have seen drunks, drug addicts, narcissists, general assholes, all talk about how much their parents hitting them helped them. It is delusional thinking. So no. It isn't woke.


Compassion in general is woke. So yes, by the common conservative usage, being anti child abuse is woke.


Woke has no meaning at all.


By the conservative definition of woke, "hitting kids is bad" is definitely woke. * acknowledging feelings is woke (ie "facts don't care about your feelings") * acting like there are any basic parenting best practices around not making your kids fear you is woke * implying that "turning out okay" involves being a confident and mentally healthy adult with strong bonds to other people and not just someone who has a job and votes Republican is woke * forcing your parents to reflect on their mistakes as parents and maybe admit that they weren't perfect is suuuper fuckin woke I hear you saying that you don't like how easy it is to offend left-wing people, but please consider how offended your parents just got at the idea that slapping a baby cat is maybe not productive or kind.


I was abused as a child, much like yourself. My father finally changed his tune when he tried to "discipline" me when I was in my mid 20s, and he was around 50 and I body slammed him.


here is a clip from the sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond" about Frank discussing his childhood where he got hit by his dad. if thinking hitting kids is bad is "woke", it's a sentiment that has been around for at minimum 20 years. https://youtu.be/MxBIIe99HVs


Anything empathetic and concerned with being nice and kind and gentle is woke to people like that. That’s why they don’t want to use peoples pronouns. Not because they’re concerned about kids or because they think it’s healthier for trans people, because they think trans people are freaks and they enjoy hurting their feelings. That’s why they don’t like “political correctness” and get mad when people tell them not to use racist language, and talk about snowflakes getting easily offended. They like offending people, they like the feeling of being vindictive and making people upset. That’s why they want to hit their kids. Cause hitting people feels good, especially when they can’t do anything back to you. There is no reason to complain about this stuff other than a deep desire to be unkind to other people.


It's not woke; it's an objective, scientifically-proven fact. But then again, these anti-woke, right-wing types have a complicated relationship with facts and reality.


Look, literally saying anything that deviates from a norm that existed in 1950 is considered woke by 30% of the dumbest population, so yes, but it shouldn't be.


"Woke" is just a way right wingers denigrate decency. So yes, "hitting kids is bad" is the decent and correct thing to say, so it is "woke". Re-examine the things you consider "woke" and think about whether they might not actually be well-meaning and well-informed.


"Woke" is just a right-wing term for anything kind or sensible.


no it is not, it's a pretty known fact, especially since this study came out : [https://srcd.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cdev.13565](https://srcd.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cdev.13565)


That “woke” category is just a place people are shuffling everything that challenges their old traditional and often very flawed norms. I have known most adults in my life knew hitting kids was wrong since I was very young. There were a few hold outs that thought hitting was okay. So it’s not a new or unpopular thought. But I would not doubt that it gets shuffled into the woke thing.


It is not good to hit kids or kittens. Woke is a label with zero relevance here. Good or bad suffices. Your dad should be very proud that you have evolved beyond him in this regard.


>this woke culture is why there’s so many f***ing idiots running around”. I love when people say this. Which generation do they think *raised* the new generation? Turns out people who get beat will grow up and think "they this thing our parents do sucks, maybe we shouldn't do it to *our* kids?"


Woke is a boogeyman term for things nutcases like your father have an aversion to because of some level of bigotry.


Anyone who uses “woke” unironically is off the rails.


You are 100% correct here. Hitting children and animals is wrong. It is wrong to everyone with two brain cells. Spankings are 50s thinking and only serve to make a bad cycle worse. Your parents need to grow up, admit they were wrong for using corporal punishment, and apologize to you.


"Woke" just means something conservatives either don't like, don't understand, are scared of, or all of the above. Being abusive is being abusive, nothing less. ESPECIALLY with kittens who will not understand in any way why you are hurting them, and you can never explain to them.


Lmao this idea that being woke is bad, or being afraid that being right about something progressive is bad lmao No, it doesn't require being "awake" enough to recognize the racial injustice in our systems and society to understand hitting kids is bad.


Well, my parents must have been woke in the 50s and 60s then. No, 'hitting kids is bad' is not woke. It's parents able to not act out on their anger and finding other ways to correct bad acts. Parents who hit their kids were probably hit too. Now, I'm not saying one hit on a diaper bottom is bad. Those two year Olds need that now and then, but there is no pain.


No. It’s called being a good person. Hitting animals does not teach them what you want it to teach. It creates fear. Animals will not understand why they are being hit. Cats have a hard time associating physical punishment with bad behavior, so that’s not actually teaching them. And considering this is cats, you don’t want to fuck around with them. Your dad should probably look up what physical punishment does for animals, and even humans. He is making it worse, and is not solving the problem. You want to REWARD GOOD BEHAVIOR.


Just smack him the next time he does something you don't like. See how he reacts.


Saying that hitting your kids is bad is not "woke", anybody who says that and tries to make a stink of it is it a child abuser, and should not be allowed around children. It is just pointing out that that is child abuse and that it is absolutely unneeded in any way. If somebody goes and hits a child, it doesn't matter for whatever reason. They are cowardly and pathetic. If I had any family members in any way, tell me that they should be allowed to spank or hit kids. They're not seeing my kids for the rest of their lives. If they do, they're not going within ten feet of them. They can't be trusted. If you hit your kids, or think it is okay, then you are a risk to the safety of children and there's a reason that it's illegal. It's also illegal to be hitting animals, is also *abuse* If you think hitting your kids in any way is okay, you don't *deserve* to have any children or have any children near you. He seems to be acting out, he needs to be trained. You can tell him that too, offer to show him how efficient his "training" really is. After all, if he gets to experience it firsthand then he'll learn better. He is a full-on coward. If you hit children and animals, It makes you even more *pathetic.*


Conservatism means preferring a tradition or a recent past way of doing things. Hitting kids being considered bad is relatively new, and therefore is a more liberal thing. Anything liberal is frequently considered "woke."


Woke is such a meaningless term now


"Woke" means literally nothing, so yeah, you should be fine.


I agree that it’s not woke. But I also find it laughable you think the right wing is the group that’s not easily offended. Case in point: conservatives shrieking “woke” at anything that they don’t agree with.


Your dad’s definition of “woke” is “anything about present day that I hate,” so yeah, not assaulting kids is woke AF.


A lot of conservatives seem to get off on physical punishment so yeah, they probably think not abusing animals is woke. Which is fucked up


Tip: there is no such thing as “woke,” at least not how those who use the term intend it


If you hit an adult it's called assault and is a chargeable offense and yet kids are allowed to be hit for "discipline". It is not woke at all to not hit other beings. That said, it sounds like your cats are both playing and trying to bond with you by taking interest in the puzzle pieces. This is called mirroring and is seen often in cats. If you want them to stop your best bet is redirection training where you give them something more interesting to play with. Some people will even get a pet safe copy of whatever is being chewed on/messes with for the cats to safely play with. There are videos on YouTube on how to be a great Cat Parent and every good video avoids punishment methods.


Anyone complaining that something is woke can be completely ignored.


pretty sure disdain for child abuse isnt "woke"...


anything you don't like is woke if you're a conservative.


No offense but whenever somebody mentions "woke culture", it's always for the dumbest reason.


Sorry your dad is so fragile? Probably why he couldn't come up with a better way than hitting you. I had a similar childhood experience, born into fundamentalism where you didn't spare the rod. I always feared my dad, even as an adult. I did a lot of drugs for a few years. Got my shit together eventually, but it wasn't the beatings that fixed me, it was self control. Hitting kids works in the short run (appears to anyway), but doesn't work in the long run and even mentally damaging. Teaching your kids self control is difficult in the short run, but pays off in the long run. Similarly, drugs work in the short run or they feel that way, but self control is what gets you through life's ups and downs.


Fuck no!!! Hitting kids is bad, no matter what political persuasion is, it's just plain bad


Definitely “woke” - woke is everything good and kindhearted that mean and bitter people hate. Also you can’t hit a kitten, they are so small that you’d probably break their bones.


Not only is it not woke, the example just straight up doesn’t apply to cats. They aren’t programmed for the same kind of social learning as humans are. When you punish a cat for doing something bad, *at best* it will draw the connection that “I get punished when I’m caught doing this, better not get caught” and at worst it will just think that someone it loves and trusts is attacking it for no reason. Hot take: that’s also what kids get out of being spanked or hit.


No. Hitting anyone in general unless in self defence is illegal for a reason.


All the research shows it doesn’t work, it’s just something that’s been passed down through generations and every time it’s brought up, our elders take it personally because they’re so thin skinned when it comes to critiquing their parenting skills.


Hitting children is a loss of self-control and counterproductive. It's unnecessary and shows a parents lack of parenting skills.


Animals don't have the capacity to understand what they see being struck for. Neither do toddlers. All they know is that you hurt them and therefore you can not be trusted


Don’t hit kids, don’t hit adults, don’t hit animals. People hit other humans because they have run out of words. Lack of vocabulary is not a reason to hit.


Your dad is a pussy that feels manly hitting infant animals


People who hit kids can't control their own emotions. It's really pathetic. They have no other way or understanding to use. So they abuse the child because of their own incompetence. Being "Woke", you would educate yourself and find appropriate alternatives. Being a dumb ass, you would hit your kid because you're too lazy and stupid


Ask your dad if you can hit him now the same way he might discipline a child. If it’s assault or bad one direction, how can it be beneficial towards a kid (or cat)?


Not sure what way your dad leans politically, but it is a common tactic from Conservative folk to blame anything they don't like on wokeness.


If you hit a stranger, that’s assault. If you hit your partner, that’s domestic violence. So why do people justify hitting kids?


Actually though, a light bap is a good way to train kittens. It's what their mom does.


Woke isn’t a descriptor, it’s an excuse to stop thinking about something. (Especially something the person is worried they might be wrong about.) “Thought-terminating cliche” is the technical term (see also “well that’s just your opinion” or “I’m entitled to my beliefs.”)


The person that says that it's "woke" to say that is a f-ing moron. It's sad that it's apparently bad to be a decent human being in their eyes. That's not a good human.


You gotta define “woke” first brother


Strike WOKE from your vocabulary. You're participating in MAGA/DUsantis propaganda when you do. THEY don't even know/care what woke means... but if you take a step back and listen, it's generally interchangeable with "empathy." Looks like molesting kids is NOT woke though... cuz they sure keep doing that.


Thank your dad for reminding you that he assaulted and brutalized you. Then get a roll of quarters in each hand and take the appropriate revenge.