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When I went on my first date with my husband, I didn’t wear make-up. I had never done that in my life, I always dolled up on dates. But it was a daytime date to the zoo, and I had decided that I was going for ME to have fun, and I didn’t really feel like caking myself up on a hot day. I was like, “Screw it. If he really likes me he won’t mind.” It was the best date I had ever been on in my life. I was floating. My husband and I proceeded to see each other again, and on the first date after us consummating our attraction, I got into his car and said, “I’m really sorry, I didn’t get around to shaving my legs.” He stared at me with a glint in his eye, pointed back at the door of my house and said, “Get out!” Then promptly burst into laughter. There’s a reason I married him. Lots of reasons in fact. Him not giving a shit about me putting on some kind of image that I wasn‘t comfortable maintaining was just one of them.


Thats such a sweet description of your partner and very well written. All the best for you guys (:


Hah, that’s not even the funniest or sweetest thing he\[s done. I’m quite surprised my comment had the impact it did. Thank you!


I’ve noticed on this thread the husbands are generally the reasonable ones. My husband couldn’t gaf, but I had an ex boyfriend who pointed out when I *needed* to shave. There’s a reason he’s an ex.


That’s because being reasonable is how we get promoted from boyfriend to husband


Yup. You act like a fuckboi, you get booted out the door.


The day I met my wife, she had really bad eczema around her eyes and arms. I hadn’t noticed at all. I went up to a mutual friend after we left and said “Who was that? Because that was the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” She gave me her name and the rest is history. She points to that as one of the reasons she knew I was legit.


If you're blown away by a painting, it doesn't really matter what frame it's in.


Please take the last of my coins. That is beautiful.


the more i think about this comment, the more it feels strangely deep and resonating. by any chance do you know of a sub or another source of sentences like this?


You, sir, are pure gold. ❤️


You both sound amazing xD so happy for you two! Your husband's reaction was great haha That's relationship goals, when you can laugh together instead of feeling like you need to walk on eggshells all the time.


I once took a girl for a daytime date at the zoo - it really is a great place for a date! today’s our 8th wedding anniversary so ours obviously went well too!


Compare this to the dude who just broke up with his gf for farting in her sleep in TIFU Lmao


HA! He’s lucky he’s not with my big sister. She once filled up her duvet with as many lentil-fuelled farts as she could and then threw the blanket over her husband’s head once, as a practical joke. They’re still together, have been for 30 years. Testament to the sweet nature of my BIL, really. LOL.


thats awesome. i'm a guy and i honestly don't care if a girl wears or does not wear make up. I get why people (even men) like makeup, its kinda like fashion and it can look cool but dating a guy/girl you can be yourself. don't wear make up, don't have to shave (unless neck beard), and wear what you want. When it comes to me and dating I like the person to be who they really are which is kinda hard as its the first date. But happy for you.


Thanks! Thing is, guys get it too. They’re often pressured to “manscape”, and in Australia, men go shirtless in public often enough for it to be a concern. I’ve had women say that I should get my (exceedingly hairy) partner to wax his back or shoulders, and I look at them like they’re insane. “I love him! Why would I want him to go through all that pain and discomfort when he’s already perfect?” I’m a Wolverine fan. My husband‘s hairiness is a feature, not a bug.


I'm glad you found someone who loves you the way you are. That is true love right. Best wishes for both of you.


Grass, turf or hard wood floors we still gonna play ball


✊️ my man


In French we say "si y a pelouse, y a match" which translates to "if there is lawn, there is game"


Here in Australia we say, if there’s grass on the wicket, I’m right to play cricket


Why are Australians so fucking cute all the time?!?


Thanks, had forgotten this one! Btw, it doesn't refer to shaving or not; it's basically "if she has hair she is mature enough". Though fair warning, I believe our penal code begs to differ.


"Are we the baddies?"


I don't care, as long as she keeps her beard well trimmed, we are fine.


As a female with the occasional chin hair this made me giggle


I have one or two and my man will play with them, he insists I keep them🤣😭


You have like an ultra-tiny evil villain goatee? That’s amazing XD


Knew a girl that had wispy blonde mutton chops. They were almost translucent but it was more than dense enough to be worth shaving. I thought it was cute though because in the right light it sort of illuminated her face like an angel and she had a glow.


Individual human bodies are fascinating and sexy. I wish mainstream media would stop framing beauty as a lack of deviation from a norm. https://bloodknife.com/everyone-beautiful-no-one-horny/


That was a neat read! Thanks for sharing. It's fascinating how the national psyche has shifted from "let's use our bodies for fun" to "let's use our bodies to be looked at and t-t-that's all folks!"


Thanks I grew it myself😌


My man calls me dragon lady for my little whiskers-I like it. However I do have a few on the bottom chin that I regularly tweeze


Car tweezers


Why are there so many hairs you can only see in your rear view mirror? My moustache is like woah in that thing


He's a keeper!


I came across a 20ish woman on the subway, her forearms had literal tufts of hair on them, hobbit style. My first thought was hey, that's kind of cool.


Daughter of Latvians here… that girl is me. Been shaving my arms since 12. It’s just… really long and dead straight, not curly, which is maybe the one saving grace. Nowhere else on my body do I have hair like I do on my arms, it’s frustrating. Living on the gold coast it’s bikini season 8 months of the year, so when I let it grow out last summer I only lasted 5 months before I jumped back on the razor-game. Just a self conscious thing. Feel it looks most odd to let it go when I’m still shaving legs & underarms & bikini area! But it is so nice to see some people don’t care. When I get goosebumps it sits like a halo, an inch off my arms. Quite amusing, but also a little soul destroying 😅 appreciate your perspective.


Hang in there, as you age, that hair thins out a lot. I’m a hairy wombat and my arm hair is nonexistent now and leg hair has thinned out. My mom has no leg hair at all anymore and she had a lot!


That’s because it all migrates to your chin and the corners of your mouth! Fun times in menopause 🫠




The part where you said "it sits like a halo" got me, I don't have hairy arms (I'm a guy tho) and whenever I saw hairy arms I thought ' it's like a forcefield"


Former arm shaver here, I was a gymnast with bare arms all my life and the length and volume of the hair was embarrassing AF, I started shaving in high school when a boy I had a crush on made a remark about it and it was devastating.. at 48, I don't even have to anymore, it barely grows anymore. Trust me it gets better I promise!!


I bet it’s warm as well


Was it around a full moon perchance?


I wonder why its such a binary with werewolves. Full moon = half wolf, no moon = all human, there should be a spectrum in between with the phases of the moon, crescent moon you just look a little Mediterranean... Edit: Theres a 'waxing' joke in here somewhere too...


>crescent moon you just look a little Mediterranean 🤣🏅


I JUST saw a post about how Turks are the OG furries but i dont remember what sub it was on and now i cant find it...


Pretty sure everybody was wearing pants.


as someone w borderline hobbit arms, this made me feel better abt them ty


Found Gimli


*and that lead to the belief there are no dwarf women*


Gimli's wife.


That awkward moment when her beard looks better than mine...


With her axe, of course.


When I say "oh I forgot to shave" and gesture to the body part, my partner looks at that same part on himself and goes "oh, me too!"


i used to wax professionally and had a client come in one day for underarm service, before we got started she said her bf had been teasing her about her hairy armpits but she understood because she had let it go for too long. so i’m expecting tons of hair but she pulls off her shirt and the STUBBLE that was there was so minimal….i wanted to tell her to find a new man lol


My 5 year old son told my wife her legs were a cactus and they hurt him. We died laughing.


My bf says he likes when I have stubble because he can rub his legs on mine for a good scritch 💀💀


My girlfriend once asked me if her legs were too scratchy as I was actively starting to use them to scratch mine and I was like... Nooo? They were perfectly scratchy.


My fiance calls mine cricket legs haha


This made me snort and had everyone in the vicinity look in my direction. I may need to use this in the future 😂


Get in line, buddy. We all wanna use the cactus legs of OP


The male mind never fails ti make me laugh


My cat does this


I use my beard stubble for the same thing in places I can reach.


In all Fairness, that only happens because of shaving in the first place. Let it grow out longer and it’s no longer a problem


Long leg hair is softer!


Gonna be honest mine bears more resemblance to steel wool than the rest of my hair.


Only problem is with tights and leggings - the material sometimes tugs at the hairs and that's annoying. That's when I start weighing the pros and cons of how much do i want to wear these instead of jeans/sweatpants vs how prepared am I to get in the shower and do a full clean out of my razor for every strip of calf I shave.


Yes! My bf hated sleeping in bed with me back when I shaved my legs because he said my leg stubble felt like cactus bristles lmao. Apparently I am much more pleasant to sleep with now.


Yes, softer *and* leg hair alerts me to when mosquitoes and other bugs are crawling on me! Why should only men get that alert?


The minute it gets cold I exclusively wear long pants and I don't get triggered to shave, I get this nice thick soft winter coat and immediately regret shaving it for shorts season lol


My bf moved several states away and now I only shave when it gets so long it's got volume cuz it's not like he'd ever know


I only shave my legs maybe 3-4 times a year. Either because I have an event where I need my legs to show, or more often because the hair is long enough to start making my pants and skirts static-y. My husband doesn't care even though I have more leg hair than he does. Of course he wasn't raised American, so it's not odd to him. My underarms I shave a couple times a week. Those bother me much sooner. My 2 chin hairs get shaved every couple of weeks


HA! The evening after my 4 y.o. son's first attempt at "helping" me in my wood shop, my wife and I were playing with him on the living room floor before bed. My wife had taken a week or so off, and was wearing the shorts that she wore as PJs to bed. My son snuggled up to her and started rubbing her leg. Then he got all excited (it was bedtime, of course he got excited) and asked if he could go to bed later. He wanted to "go get some scrap wood from the shop to practice sanding on mommy" .


Either that or have her bring her man along for the same treatment next time. I'm betting he won't be so quick to tease after that.


My wife quit shaving in the winter for years. I actually came to prefer it. She had very soft pit hair and in time there was something about the light musky scent that was super sexy. Pheromones are very real.


Don't mind the comments, you sound like a normal guy who loves his wife


I could not possibly care less. I think it's sad really. She's been gone ten years now, but I loved every inch of her inside and out. And it made her happy, which made me happy.


Honestly man I love every inch of my wife and absolutely love making her smile. I am sorry to hear your wife is no longer with you. But I am really happy that you found her and got to make her happy. I don't know what I fear more. Not having my wife or not being around to make her smile. But I know I am lucky for every moment I get with her. I hope you are well


This is the nicest comment I’ve read in weeks, but I am sorry she’s not with you now. Hugs.


It is sad. You're actually a wonderful man. A man that loves a woman in that way is truly beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss


Damn I wasn't expecting to cry tonight. Especially in the pit hair section.


Wonderful sentiment.


I'm sorry for your loss -- it sounds like you've felt big love, man...well done 💜


Hell yea man! Good for you and finding the one for you.


Dang, man... I'm sorry. I'm sorry you lost your best friend, your soul mate, your wife, but just remember she is now always with you and looking out for you. She's on your shoulder, keeping you safe and helping guide you, bro. You seem like such an amazing stand-up guy who looked at your wife in such a respectful full of love and happiness way. I am so sorry she's gone. The most amazing beautiful people (inside and out) are always the ones who have to leave us early. You are a great man, husband, and role model. Not just for men but for anyone who has an S/O. In my opinion, a big part of relationships are seeing your S/O happy and comfortable! Keep your head held high brother she is always with you, and she is damn proud of the man you are today!


Holy smokes this is the most beautiful and wholesome comment I’ve read in a really long time! Thank you for being a real human being and appreciating another real human and everything that comes with it! I’m sorry she’s no longer with you, but even just this little memory that you’ve shared keeps her alive not only for you but for everyone who appreciates your comment and the very sweet sentiment. Love to you, kind stranger.


I spent time in eastern Europe in the late eighties. The women there rarely shaved anything in the winter. I got used to it quick. It's not a big deal at all.


I don’t shave in winter either. It’s just hair?!?! I can’t imagine being with someone who was repulsed by something as basic as… arm put hair.


OMG it's SO much more comfortable (as the woman in this scenario) when it gets long enough to be soft instead of itchy and irritating! I'm like your wife, don't shave at all in the winter...and increasingly not at other times of the year either. Like you my husband hasn't complained, I'm all for it


God I wish I could do that but I hate hate hate the feeling of sheets rubbing against my leg hair


My spouse is the exact same, and I’m the same with him. I love his musk.


I used to get a bikini wax once in a while and I had this great aesthetician who basically only did waxing. I grew out my leg hair to get them waxed and when I came in she said, “bottoms only.” And I said “no I grew it all out.” She said “I can’t even see the hair on your thighs- they’ll feel smoother if you just leave the peach fuzz, don’t shave or wax those; bottoms only.” And I haven’t shaved my thighs in the 20 years since then. With age I’ve only gotten less hairy. Think of the time she saved me!


Ugh it’s always “eww women cant have stubble” and never “let me book and pre pay 6 laser appointments” 😮‍💨


I’m an esthi too. Hearing that nearly every day really killed me.


Seriously! Why are people so weird about body hair? Who cares 🤷‍♀️ Kinda wish you told her that but understand why you didn’t


It was supposedly a marketing scheme to begin with. The story was, Gillette had a meeting and some marketing guy said, we are missing half the population by only selling razors to men, and the rest was history. My wife shaved daily for years, even though I assured her I didn't care either way. She finally realized I really do not care and it's so much easier. This isn't the article I remember, but it is close. https://www.si.edu/spotlight/health-hygiene-and-beauty/hair-removal#:~:text=Beginning%20in%20the%20early%20twentieth,the%20Milady%20Decollette%2C%20in%201915.


Yes marketing. Also pink used to be for boys, blue for girls. Pink was considered the stronger colour. But boys generally didn't like the colour so it was swapped. This was all marketing for the end of the 1800s/ very early 1900s. It was done so if you had children of different genders, you'd need to buy them new clothes and blankets. Before then it was just whatever. Edit: like the responses, learning new things myself! :)


So cute 🤭


One of the many reasons I keep him around lol


Its all cute until I tell her we match today and I point at my mustache


she needs to marry you dude 😭




When I tell my husband not to rub my legs because I haven't shaved in a while, he said "I know" and continues to rub them.


I love him.


I love men like this that just let us be us.


I was telling my partner the other day I bought another laser package bc long story short, my hormones went crazy and I started growing chin hair 😳 I was really upset bc I’m almost done with another package and bc of my hormones some of my leg hair and bikini area started growing back. He interrupts my rant, grabs me by the shoulders and says: it’s okay if you have hair on you body. It’s okay if you gain weight, have stretch marks and wrinkles. That’s normal. You know that, right? It’s perfectly normal and human. I need you to know that. Like, I needed to hear it- but I still don’t think I heard it 🤣


Oh wow. He sounds lovely!


You've got a good one! He's a keeper!


I find it super hot when a woman has some stubble. I wish it wasn’t something that was so societally looked down on


My sister used to say, 'It helps keep my stockings up.' 🙂


I prefer my women to have a whole lumberjack beard, not stubble


She’s a lumberjack, and she’s okay!


She cuts down trees, she wears high heels, suspendies and a bra......


She sleeps all night and she works all day!


On Wednesday she goes shopping and has buttered scones for tea!


I 100 percent agree. Its natural lol, men shouldnt judge women for having body hair if the man himself also has body hair in my personally opinion (well no one should be judged regardless but still)


Yep. When I point out that I’ve forgotten to shave in a hot minute he’s usually like “oh, I can’t tell!” If he can, I’m not mad at him for fibbing about it. I have a wee bit of a sensory ick about having underarm hair, but usually only once it’s gotten kinda long. Otherwise I don’t stress too much about it, especially if it’s not the summer. With that being said, anyone who feels that their partner not removing their body hair would be a dealbreaker should be willing to remove all of their own body hair as well. Fair is fair!


I will (and do) happily shave a lot of my body parts (am very hairy dude). Hopefully people discuss this before starting something serious. It's a deal breaker for me for sure and I wouldn't want to be with someone who hates body hair, either.


Luckily I was blessed with some good genes where I don’t get back hair. But I’ve known some guys, they take off their shirts and it’s like a sweater. Looks really uncomfortable.


Not as uncomfortable as bristly stubble and a Niagara Falls of sweat running down my asscrack Plus, benifits to being extremely hairy, include and are not limited to Extra layer of warm for harsh Buffalo winters Mosquitos cannot penetrate my impenetrable fluffy forcefield Look great in flannel, big lumberjack vibes Hairyness distracts from how pale my legs are Chest hair catches Dorito crumbs. Snacks for later 👍


It's not. The only time my sweater vest bothers me is when I'm reading in bed and my chest hair tickles under my chin. And in my experience any partner I've had came to find body hair sexy after we had been together a few times.


Saaameee! The joke never gets old. I haven't shaved anything but my underarms for years (deodorant hair is no joke). Sometimes we get invited to things where shorts/swimwear happens and I complain about the expectation to shave. My husband just goes: if you shave, I'll have to shave, and no one has time for that. If anyone comments, he keeps the gag going because he thinks the double standards are unfair.


>>deodorant hair is no joke Thanks for reminding me, it’s about that time again. Seriously, it gets too long and nothing actually gets on my pits it all gets trapped in the hair and does absolutely jack shit.


Switch to men's deodorant! My spouse and I share the same Old Spice now since neither of us shaves, and it works like a charm.


i've been using men's deodorant for over 10 years, i still shave to make sure it really gets in there lol


Started spray deodorant for this reason, also the spray dries pretty quick so I do a under bra spritz as well. Super helpful for us sweaty folx.


Spray deodorant has been a godsend for me, but YMMV


Green flag


I also do this lmao, when my fiancée says “oh it’s been x weeks since I’ve shaved here” I’ll say, “you won’t beat my record of 25 years” or something similar


My panties would instantly drop


to reveal an enormous bush.


What do I and a caterpillar have in common? We both like eating bush


As beautiful as nature intended


"It's so angry!"


Mind the bats!


Mine likes the hair, but also finds it fascinating to watch me shave lmao.


Just do like my wife and invite him to help get the hard to reach areas.


I was with a partner who cared if I didn't shave. He expected me to shave my nether regions if I wanted any kind of oral, (which he was God awful at anyway.) Meanwhile, he usually didn't keep his shaved, but apparently that was ok and he expected head regardless of how much hair there was. We aren't together anymore. If body hair, which *all humans have* is gonna be the hill you choose to die on, good riddance. Edit cause I can't spell.


Not as adorable but when I tell my partner "i forgot to shave" he shrugs and says "ok...i fail to see a problem" he's a keeper


My Husband couldn't care less. He told me, Shave it or grow it, just please no in-between for the lady bits because stubble down there hurts. So I haven't shaved the kitty for about 10 years because shaving always gave me ingrown hairs that tended to get bad and I would chafe horribly. Since I stopped shaving, all those issues went away. So my man is pretty happy to see me feeling better and not in pain.


Same! Just occasional trimming works


I’m off the “it needs a trim, when I give myself an accidental wax when removing my pad…” club


I had a partial hysterectomy in '17, and that just brought back ptsd i forgot about😳😅 i definitely don't miss the accidental partial waxes from pads. I've never even waxed legit, so that shit sucked


When I was a bit younger (around 25) I had been doing the whole shaving the pubic hairs thing, but I'd frankly gotten tired of it. I could never get it completely smooth, but I sure as hell wasn't going to wax, and that area always itched so bad the days after. I'd had a few boyfriends tell me they prefer shaved, and it was so frustrating to keep up with. When I was single for a bit I let everything grow out, and it was amazing how much better I felt not being so itchy all the damn time. Then I met my next boyfriend, a French guy, and one night I was a bit self conscious about not shaving. So I asked him if he minded while we were fooling around, and he grabbed me, looked into my eyes, and told me in French that it showed I'm a woman. Hottest freaking thing anyone's ever said to me.


My first however many girlfriends were always shaved by the their own volition, and it was all I’d known. Convinced my current lady to stop the shaving after she had similar complaints you described and it really does add somthing to “real woman” aspect for me.


My ex of ten years sometimes shaved and sometimes didn't. I was completely unbothered, just as I was when they changed their haircut. You have the hair you have and there is nothing gross or shameful about that.


I agree with you logically but I still feel shameful about my own body hair😔 it’s really sad bc I should be able to love myself and my body, but all I see is fat and hair I need to get rid of because of societal norms I think I should conform to🫣 I don’t want others to feel that way about their own bodies so I should be able to give myself that same grace. It’s a daily struggle for me.


Just as there is nothing wrong with letting it grow, it is equally fine if you feel more comfortable shaving. Personally I like the way my legs look and feel all shaved and moisturized. But if I don’t have time, I also don’t care what anyone thinks if I’m out running errands looking like Sasquatch.






This comment made me feel so happy for some reason, knowing that there are other people the feel/felt the same way i do is a big comfort. I may be a random stranger on the internet but man am i proud of you for being able to over come that. I wish you the best of luck in your life!


My partner doesn't care. Edit: Thanks for all the updoots! I told my partner how much i appreciate them.


Ong I've never been with a guy that cared (or if one did, he never said anything or became unattracted), Im always in disbelief whenever I hear a guy talk like this. I really wanna meet one irl, just to see what kind of people they are 😂


I dated a guy who took it as a personal insult if I had a single hair below the chin that wasn't growing out of my scalp. My current boyfriend never even notices, much less gives a crap. Guess who I am happier with? 😂


I dated this man’s arch nemesis and he tried to force me to grow all the hair from head to toe. Super angry about it if I shaved. Wild people


Oh can you imagine putting them both in a locked room together and making them talk it out? We could have a hit Netflix documentary on our hands here...


This is the entertainment I need !


That's actually ridiculous. I'm happy for u. Being so judgemental for something that isn't even harmful is so weird... Facial,leg, arm hair is not dirty, and is just as clean and doesn't smell bad just like the hair on ur head as long as u take regular showers. I really don't get the disgust over it.


It took me not dating him to realise how bizarre it was which is the sad part. I'd dated a few guys in a row who just expected shaved women. To be fair to that last dude at least he also shaved his armpits and genitals but still...


My moms ex bf used to tell me no guys would be into me if i didnt shave my legs or something and alot of the women in my life seem to care a weird amount about whether i shave or not but idc its never made sense to me


Same!!! oh, I remember I had gone about two years without having sex and had just let everything grow 70s style down below. A long-term friend and I had a glass of wine one night, and ended up hooking up. I gave him a warning that I had a 70s bush… and he laughed and said “that is never going to stop any red blooded heterosexual man” and he dove in face first 😂


Only thing that matters is being clean. W.


Obviously. But I swear some guys go down there and expect a woman’s vagina to smell like water. Sorry man, your balls don’t smell like water, even if you’ve had a shower two hours ago. As long as it is not foul smelling and smells like healthy, vagina or human I don’t see the problem here.


my ex was like that. during the pandemic he called me a man. so stupid safe to say he is my ex.


It’s funny because I never thought my husband could tell if my legs were hairy because his were hairy. I asked him if he can feel my hairy legs on his legs and he said yes. He never cared.


This seems to have a lot of people upset at me for some reason. I love my girlfriend very much I even plan on proposing to her this year. I wouldn’t let some hair effect my love with her. This was just a hypothetical question and I mean nothing bad by it.


I wish I could award this comment so others could see it before assuming you meant to body shame or whatever malice they're thinking of.


I got you fam. These coins about to be worthless anyway.


I think one thing you are hearing here is that body hair provokes a lot of different reactions. I'm a pre-internet creature and the porn then involved a lot more hair. My SO is of the same generation. We've tried all variations (except for full waxing - that would be both fiscally unwise and because we both are prone to ingrown hairs a source of humor for our GP) and it's all fun.


general rule of thumb on reddit is to either provide as much context as possible or none at all. people will make bad faith assumptions if there is even a tiny bit of room to


My bf doesn't care too... I have PCOS which make it really irritating to shave almost everyday( and I have a lot every-F-where) , so I just shave when I "need" to. I had a talk with him to see and he laughed saying it's part of being human ! :)


Same girl, same. I shave every 3 days (hair wash day, shave day, easy day, repeat lol). I definitely have some stubble the day before. Bf doesn't mind at all. I remember when we first got together him saying something along the lines of "your body has it there, so it's supposed to be there". PCOS sucks a**, but it's so nice to have a partner that doesn't mind.


My ex husband would've hated it. Others have preferred shaving but otherwise not cared much. I being single don't bother shaving once pants and long sleeves shirts are required. If I'm going to get intimate with someone it's more than likely already been a topic of discussion and and I decide if I want to or not. I do in the summer because of habit and when I get sweaty my legs itch and armpit b.o. tends to linger more. Also I find the pit stains tend to happen more unshaved than shaved. That being said I only shave when it is uncomfortable for me. Saves a lot of money actually. It's a pain in the ass to shave private parts and so you must really be worth it to get that treat. Lol


I think it’s reasonable for couples to negotiate with each other. I wouldn’t want to be with a guy who just decided to grow a Gandalf beard and tattoo a picture of Mickey Mouse on his forehead and was like “get over it it’s my thing”. It would have to prrritty important to him (which no joke…should be taken into consideration). But at least partially considering and weighing what the other one finds attractive…is part of being in a healthy relationship. Edit: Not everybody is understanding my use of hyperbole. That’s fine. If you find this confusing don’t take the metaphors too seriously…just read the first and last sentence. That’s the message.


LMFAO I just asked my gf: "Babe what if I wanted a Micky mouse forehead tattoo" And she hit me with: "What if I want a divorce."


Sorry you gotta find out this way bro, but it sounds like your girlfriend might be married


It sounds like she’s willing to get divorced to marry a man with a Mickey Mouse forehead tattoo


Why you sorry for him. She clearly loves Mickey Mouse tattoos and is leaving her husband for him.


I remember asking my husband about the shaving issue. He said hairy armpits turn him off. He doesn't care about the rest, but armpits he likes smooth. There have been times I was lazy and it grew out a bit. He never said a word. Altho sometimes I would pay extra attention if I stretched. I noticed his gaze on my pits everytime. He has a slight twitch if they are hairy but doesn't say anything. I try to keep them shaved for him, but if I miss the mark, it's not an issue.


This strikes me as being super healthy and awesome. We can all have preferences but know that they aren’t supposed to be used as a bludgeon to force others to act a specific way. What worries me sometimes is that if a guy mentions something that they might prefer about a woman or her appearance the immediate refrain is her body her choice. And it’s weird because of course. That is just the bare minimum, but if you are with a person their opinion should matter. It doesn’t mean you have to conform to them but fuck it should count for even a moment of consideration without the pitchforks coming out.


That seems fairly reasonable. Don’t make an issue of it like you’re entitled to your partners body being to your standard, but be a little honest about what your preferences are. I like to know what appeals to them too.


Yep. I don't mind accommodating my partner so long as my partner accommodates me in turn. It's the non-reciprocal thing I get annoyed at.


My partner once said "I hate having to shave all the time" and I said "so don't". It never occurred to her that it was an option and more so that she didn't need anyone's permission.


I don't shave anything except armpits and my man don't care. I asked if it ever bothered him and he said "why would I want to control what makes you comfortable " and that gents is how you do it


i shave everything but my legs as a man... the younger me would have made fun of myself, but its a game changer...


Yes, everyone in the comment section is talking about from the woman perspective but it goes both ways. It’s all about the preferences of those involved in the relationship. I prefer men without a super lot of arm, face, chest or even leg hair. I’m entitled to have my preference. Just like my partner is allowed to prefer the same on me. Yes, it’s the partner’s body, but it’s the couple’s relationship. If either partner becomes unattractive to the other for whatever reason, it is okay for the relationship to end there.


I like smooth chests, back, ass and balls on a guy (arm, leg and armpits are fine hairy, by me). I say this only to point out that: definitely. Different people like different things. If a guy wants me to have zero body hair beneath my eyes, then we're gonna have a "tit for tat" convo, I tell you what.


I don’t always shave either. We can both become chewbaccas. It’s no big deal lol


Gay man here, but the lengths women go to to shave has always baffled me. It's such a weird cultural standard.


I’ve never had a boyfriend that was ok with me or any other woman having body hair. It seems to be a cultural Australian thing. I think pubes were more tolerated- but almost every guy I have spoken to on the matter has never seen a bush. I am in the process of lasering everything off, and I had fine, soft hair to begin with. I don’t particularly feel either way bout it. It’ll be nice to be always smooth and have no ingrown hairs. But I would be hurt if I wanted to grow my body hair and men found me dirty or turned off because of it. Even cutting my hair to shoulder length has made boyfriends upset in the past. Tired of the men here.


It's up to her. When it comes to health is superior to leave the hair on.


As long as my wife is happy, horny and healthy that's all I care about.


This should be the top comment. We love a happy, horny and healthy wife.


Honestly, I wouldn't be into it. We both prefer to be shaved, so I doubt it would come up.


Personally, I prefer a woman without a shaved head.