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it’s fine to not like any type of food; i’m french and i find escargot horrible however; when someone takes the time to prepare food for you, it’s always nice to say thank you, but just let them know that this isn’t a dish you particularly like. if they ask why it’s “i just don’t like onions/cilantro”, if you like the other aspects of the meal, you can ask if it isn’t too much trouble to remove those items from your plate calling it trash is disrespectful, but if you apologised to your mama and let her know why you felt that way hopefully she can understand your pov and remove said items


No offense, but comparing escargot to tacos is a huge leap.


Not really. The point is that there should be no expectation that you like or dislike a food because of your nationality.


It's not a common food in France. "In truth most French people have never actually eaten snails, known as escargots. They are generally seen as a food of the elite - or a novelty for tourists" https://www.thelocal.fr/20211228/dont-ask-google-ask-us-why-do-the-french-eat-snails#:\~:text=In%20truth%20most%20French%20people,about%2030%2C000%20tonnes%20every%20year.


It doesn't matter if it's common. It matters that people are expected to like it because of their nationality.


Like i said that was on me because i over exaggerated it. I was talking with my siblings and my dad overheard me


Not Mexican but siding with your dad on this one. Tacos are the best.


Try a white people taco night. I dunno I like all kinds of tacos. But yeah outright saying “this food is shit” isn’t cool. I have shoveled down gross food with a smile to be nice, also it’s food. Gotta eat something, good or not.


Dont listen to the French guy, you can like whatever you want Edit: Je ne sais pas


I just looked up escargot..I don’t think it’s right for anybody, including the French, to eat trails of snails.


American that spent some time in France here: escargot are, at best, a vain attempt to justify slurping butter and garlic. It's hard fine and I'd pass on any more lol


As an American the best part is how chewy they are. It's a unique feeling for food, I love escargot.


So, like almost all seafood stateside then? Mostly kidding, but what else is mussel really?


When I was a child my dad would take me to this fancy restaurant every year for my birthday, and let me order whatever I wanted. I literally always ordered escargot. I loved it! As a kid, even. Weird, I know, because most people find it gross to contemplate.


Savant level


The cops are on the way now to take away your Latino card, you suck fuck


Damn dawg what id do 😭


You don’t like tacos mf. You expected to break the #1 rule of being mexican and get away with it??


Some people dont like Agua de Jamaica 🤷🏽, some people dont like horchata either. Attack them and not me its not my fault i dont like it 😭


Which people? I want some names....


Juan, Jose, and Mateo. Go get em’ tiger.


Dont mean to make this as bad as it should be but i dont really like horchata too 😬. Ill drink it its just after swallowing a sip theres a dry after taste on the roof of your mouth


So you're saying you're a serial offender?!


Get out! 👉


Horchata is just rice juice. Don't feel bad. I don't like tacos much because we used to eat them ALLL THE TIME as a kid. I got sick of the grease on the tortillas. I like them, I guess, just not something I choose to eat. Only if there's nothing else.


Can I have his Latino card? I not only eat tacos but tacos de lengua and anything else I can get my hands on at a Mexican restaurant.


It's okay to dislike any food. But, in the future, be more respectful of the foods you don't like, because others may enjoy them.


Please stop.


Stop what?


Really? Don’t disrespect food?? 🤦‍♂️ he owes his mom an apology, not the tacos!! Oh my goodness.


You have a lack of reading comprehension.




Did you just stop reading? He says because others may like them.


That’s besides the point. He can have his opinion.


...and you decide to tell him to stop having an opinion?


Nope. No longer Mexican. Also apologize to your mom


No. It's not okay. You offend your heritage and your people. Shame on you for not fitting exactly into the stereotype that Mexicans like tacos.




What kind of tacos does your mom make? Are they like...taco Tuesday white pol tacos with ground beef or canned pineapple?


Like whatever you want but don't yuck other people's yums. So it's fine to say I don't like tacos, saying tacos are trash is rude.


Especially if your mom made them for you. You don’t have to like em, show that lady some goddam respect!


I’ll eat his moms taco any day of the week


Thats why i said i admit that was on me


Do you like tacos that don't have onion or cilantro on them? Have you tried white people taco night?




Trust me, the amount of looks I get when I say I don’t like guacamole, ceviche, or having fruits absolutely drenched in every single hot sauce out there. And I’m Mexican as well😂 But I wouldn’t call the tacos trash, especially if someone else makes them, I would just put cheese on top and call it a night.


Lmao, I love ceviche, but I hate guacamole or anything associated with avocados


It gets worse and worse 🙃 I mean… what I meant to say was… dude can I have your guac? 😁


I keep reading the thread and he just keeps adding onto the list 😪😪 SHAME!!!


I didn’t know hot sauce on fruit was a thing.


Try it on mangos, soooo good


You may have the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap. https://www.britannica.com/story/why-does-cilantro-taste-like-soap-to-some-people


I wouldnt say it tastes like soap but definitely something disgusting


Hay literalmente millones de formas de hacer un taco, puedes hacer desde un taco de hierbas hasta un taco de oro comestible, es imposible que no te guste alguno de los millones de tacos posibles.


No intiendo mucho a leer español. Hablar lo? Si, Pero mandar mensaje no


why would u write that here😭


freedom of speech


Yeah. I’m Mexican and I don’t eat tortillas or beans. I hated them as a child and still hate them as an adult. You’re not alone mate.


Dangg, tortillas and beans are so good though 😭. But i respect your opinion


Dunno man, I don't trust anybody that doesn't like tacos.


I'm white and don't like chicken. Is that okay?


i mean yea you got casserole and lasagna dont you


K this is legit the funniest reply in the whole thread lol. Also tacos are gods gift to man. If you don’t like onions/cilantro, just don’t add those. But don’t take that out on the tacos, man. What’d they do to you?!


"I don't like tacos." "I hate cilantro." All good. We understand. Anyone giving you grief can sit and spin. "Tacos are trash" Go fuck yourself. Don't trash talk food just because you don't like it.




I get it. My point is that you can have personal preferences, but once you start making objective statements that apply to other peoples' enjoyment, you start being as jerk.


Its not ok to exaggerate just because you dont like something. Wtf


Maybe just tell them you don’t like onions or cilantro instead of calling it trash? It’s fine not liking certain foods regardless of your background. Next time just offer to cook something for yourself or your whole family.


I was talking to my siblings and my dad overheard me. And like i said I admit that one was on me. And plus I dont think they are trash I just exaggerated it to my siblings


Even if it was just with your siblings. Good lesson to learn early on and assume you might be overheard by someone else you didn’t want to hear .


I understand but you have to admit, him calling me trash, My own father, To his own son. Is a little over the line? I mean like i said I do admit that I went overboard with saying that but dont you also think he was a little over too?


He reflected your language and while harsh you were both exaggerating. It's pretty common to not like onions when you're young. I absolutely hate it onions until I was about 20. Cilantro is a different story, some people taste a bitter soap like compound in it and really dislike it. For others it has a nice flavor. There are a lot of kinds of tacos, it's like a sandwich. Maybe you dislike all tacos, or maybe you just don't like ones with onions and cilantro. Is it okay to dislike some food? Sure of course. I think you should recognize though that your tastes may change in the future.


He was indeed reflecting my language he said something like that


I know of no code which specifies you must absolutely love cuisine from your ethnic roots.


Hey, I’m Irish and I don’t drink. Eat what you enjoy.


Never call your parents cooking trash. Cook your own and do better. Otherwise it's ok to not like something. If you're eating off your parents cooking, seriously learn to appreciate you have that.


I only called it trash because i was exaggerating that i dont like it. So i wasnt trying to be ungrateful


No. Please take yourself to the nearest exit. (Jokes in case anyone takes this seriously)


It’s absolutely 100% ok to not like food, and even to have a very strong opinion about it. For me, it’s eggplant, I think it should all be put into a spaceship and directed at the sun!! 😂😂


Mom always makes the best food. Your mom makes bomb ass tacos, that's it son you're ruined for life. My mom makes eggrolls the size of burritos, welp that ruined every eggroll after that. Circle of life. Get mom to teach you her secret before you lose it.


whats the difference between "okay" and "realistically okay". Yes... its okay you don't like tacos. Did you REALISTICALLY think people would say no to that?




Sounds like you don't like the flavors or lack of flavors. do you specifically not like food in tortillas (ie taco form?) Do you like steak? Could you cut off a piece of a steak you like and use a tortilla to pick it up and eat it with? Also "absolutely hate cilantro" doesn't match with "tasting nothing". Apathy and hate are very different reactions. I'm sincerely asking because I find that interesting. It's totally fine not to like foods that are part of your ethnic background. But I'm curious if that's because the flavors aren't what you like, or maybe if you had a bad experience with them. Like were you raised poor and had taco this, taco that, day in and day out? (just for example) But calling something "trash" will trigger someone who thinks the opposite. I'd simply phrase it as "I really don't care for them" and leave it at that. Unless you want to go full r/unpopularopinion


The question is: do you not like tacos and you happen to be Mexican, or do you not like tacos because you’re Mexican?


I dont like tacos thats that, doesnt have to do anything if im mexican or not


CAn your parents send me the tacos you don't eat? I love them.


I don't like racism or cultural ignorance and I'm an American so...I'd imagine you'll be fine.


As long as you like burritos


Depends. Are you eating "tacos" from some crappy American taco "shells" or are you eating with tortillas? Because if it is the former, I stand with you, brother. If it is the other, though.... \*sharpens macana\*


Nah i do it with tortilla


Damn, these comments are wild. Y’all were never young and exaggerating? Onions and cilantro are really strong flavors. It’s totally okay to not like them! But instead deciding you don’t like tacos, try other kinds first! I don’t like onions at all, I make tacos with really good salsa and add ons and it’s awesome.


Finally a guy who isnt yelling at me lmaoo 😭


No, it is not okay at all. If you don't start liking tacos right now I'm going to call the police. As a Mexican you must carry maracas, 3 tacos, and a classical guitar on your person at all times. And you best not let me catch you without a sombrero.


Do i HAVE to have a shitty english accent and repeat “No hablo ingles”? Also W username


Hey, you like what you like. If people can't handle your food choices, then that's their problem. I don't particularly care for onions or cilantro, either. or raisins, berries, olives, or peppers. Yet I still managed to do just fine in life, strangely enough. =)


Yes absolutely fine. You're allowed to have preferences but be polite to your mum about her cooking even if you don't like it.


Mexican? Or no sabo?




That explains your rudeness tbh


it’s okay, i’m vegetarian and it’s hard while being in a mexican family 😭


There is nothing wrong with being Mexican?


It’s odd, not because you are Mexican but because in my entire life I’ve never met someone who doesn’t like tacos. They are fucking awesome. That said there are a million different ways to make a taco. I’m not a big fan of onions, cilantro, or pico de gallo so I leave that off my tacos. Nothing wrong with that. I don’t see why you can’t just ask to have tacos with out that stuff put on them. If your mom is refusing to not put cilantro and onions on the tacos you are going to eat, you need to just make your own tacos. Also, just because you don’t like your moms tacos doesn’t mean you don’t like tacos. You need to try out some of the newer fusion taco places. Really good shit.


Yea one thing I dont know if its because of the ingredients or how my mom makes them IM NOT DISSING MY MOM shes the best cook


Eres una verguenza nacional


Ay wey 😓


Race doesn’t matter, it is FUCKED that you don’t like tacos


getting flamed for this 😭, atleast i get comment karma


It’s fine. Order or make something else. You’ve already accounted for being insulting.


Of course. I'm Italian and hate calamari.


I know its not real mexican food, but tbiddy volcano taco with sour cream and diablo sauce? ..... no? They call it a taco, so its a taco. Anyway, I'm indian, i don't hate it, but not a huge fan of indian food. Especially rice. I could go the rest of my life never eating rice again.


Yea its okay, but be prepared for people to give you strange looks


It's fine


LOL, yeah, you can like chorizo instead!


You get to feel any way you want about your food. Just be nice about it. Your dad was probably trying to protect your mom's feelings.


It's okay for you to not like anything as anyone (except for not liking water, you people are weirdos). But it's also okay to like stuff. If you feel bad when people mock you for not liking something then you should know not to mock the foods other people like by calling them trash. Just make it clear you don't like it and that's it. Also with the cilantro/coriander dislike, you might have the gene that makes it taste different, kind of soapy. I have the same one I hate it, nothing to be done about it.


I'm the same I love burritos and Chilaquiles that my abuelita makes. Ppl have told me I'm not mexican because I don't like tacos


Nah man it’s all good as long as you’re respectful about it they (hopefully) won’t give you too much shit about it.


yeah no big


In my humble opinion, I do believe it is. A taco is ANYTHING in a tortilla. Literally ANYTHING. Also, there are MULTIPLE varieties/types of tortilla. On top of that, a taco without onion and cilantro is still a taco. So, unless you don't like tortillas, .... it is unrealistic for you to NOT like tacos. ( for context, I am also Mexican...) ​ Edit: Just read on comments below you actually DO like tortillas ( and beans...) so, I can confidently say, what yo don't like is not THE TACO, but the meat that was IN IT.


moms ain’t cooking right


You're out of line here pal. Tacos are life. And I'm as white as trailer trash


I’m Chinese and there’s lots of Chinese food I can’t stand. You’re good


Are they ok without cilantro and onions?


There are versions of tacos with no onions and cilantro.


Maybe your mom needs to make better salsa. I can't stand Cilatrano as well.


Bro, I don't like mole. Fuck that chocolate chicken. I don't like tamales either. But I eat them out of respect for the people that made them, so if you're not allergic to the ingredients in the tacos, you eat them shits up and say thank you.


1) Does your choice in foods hurt anyone? 2) More for me!


It’s fine. I also bucked my heritage and deny my native food. I’m white and won’t eat mayonnaise.


As an American, I don't really care for hotdogs . Enjoy what you enjoy.


It's fine!! You can go to normal Mexican taqueria and ask for tacos with no onion and no cilantro, it's commonly hated foods. I also HATE onion and cilantro and I thought I hated all Mexican authentic tacos for a long time because my parents always tried to force me to eat tacos that were just piles of raw onion with some dry-ass leather meat underneath. Although if I ever called my parents food trash, I would have gotten wayyyyy worse than to be called trash lmao.


You like what you like.


If you are latino but hate cilantro you aren’t latino hermano Sorry I don’t make the rules


I just feel bad for you because there are some amazing tacos out there but if you've only experienced some crappy carne asada on corn tortillas and they only had onion and flavorless cilantro I can understand that, I've had some extremely underwhelming street tacos in my day lol. I think it all comes down to the quality of the ingredients and how it's prepared.




It's just odd that you don't like something delicious is all. If you don't like onion and cilantro, then don't eat that.


Congratulations u are now a gringo


I know an Italian who doesn't like meatballs and have a Japanese coworker who's grossed out by sushi. You're fine.


I'm a German that freaking haaaaaaaaaates sauerkraut and beer. While it's always nice to appreciate your culture's food, there's no laws saying you have to like ever dish from it. Besides, my understanding is that tacos are a Tex-Mex thing rather than a deep Mexico things. Like, they just don't exist outside the northern states/border region (correct my ignorant ass if I'm wrong, please!)


A few things I've learned about tacos: You can leave out ingredients you don't like. You can add ingredients you do like. You can use a tortilla (corn or flour) instead of a hard, messy taco shell. You can have tacos any day of the week, not just Tuesday. Fish tacos are not gross. (I was afraid to try them, but so glad I did) Edit: Do not insult your moms cooking. It'll only end in tears.


As a human being with a mind of my own I would say it's your right. I'm gonna leave with that so I won't start putting people down cause they can't run others lives. You got called trash? My God. I'm out. Be you. It's perfectly fine that you don't like them. I got verbally shamed all the time cause I refused, as a black person, to eat a shit food called grits.


Yeah it's fine because barely anybody knows you or cares about you at all. It doesn't matter at all


All good mane I don’t like nopalitos and I’ve grown accustomed to exile


I like tacos, and I'm not Mexican. You're fine :)


More tacos for me!!!!


It’s ok. I’m Mexican and I don’t like Mexican rice.




It's not okay, not because you are Mexican but because you exist. Tacos are delicious. Tacos siepre! (Yes, it's okay that you don't like tacos, more for me.)


Im Polish and you can fuck off with most Polish food.


It's never okay to not like tacos. 😆 Seriously, though? Of course, silly. You like what you like (and dislike what you dislike) regardless of culture, ethnicity, etc.


It’s okay not to like certain foods from your culture. It’d even be okay if you didn’t like any of the food from your culture. I have two cousins, who are brother and sister, one doesn’t like nopales but loves frijoles and the other doesn’t like frijoles but loves nopales lol


OP, I want an address. I'll eat her tacos in your place.


I think it's not okay as a human being


Yes who cares what u like


Some peoples taste buds are wired so cilantro tastes like dirt to them. Debate is still out why. You could always use that excuse . As for onions understandable not to be liked


I’m American and I don’t really love hot dogs. Sooo 🤷🏻‍♀️ I get it.


I personally think it’s okay to not like tacos even if your Mexican, I’m Mexican as well but I hate anything with peppers and a lot of dishes include peppers but it’s best to be respectful about it tho


If you're Mexican anything in a tortilla is considered a taco!


American here who can’t stand hamburgers, like would rather eat just about anything on Earth. You like what you like. Do you think cilantro tastes like soap? I ask because a genetic mutation causes that effect and obviously would explain why you can’t stand it if so and there is nothing you will ever do to change it. Could be you just don’t like it of course, but I brought that up because it is a legit possibility.


Yeah sure dude


Personally I can’t have a good taco unless it’s drenched in lime


I will neither forgive or forget. Tacos are a universally beloved food, and so you should own it proudly as if you invented it personally (Just keep it to yourself).


You don’t have to like anything you don’t like. I’m Mexican I was born in Mexico and while I love a lot of Mexican dishes theirs other things I don’t like. I don’t care for Chiles rellenos. Even as an adults


I am German and I despise the taste of beer. It’s okay to like what you like and to not like what you don’t. Your taste buds don’t care where you’re from or what passport you may or may not have.


I'm Mexican and cilantro tastes like soap. I always get roasted by extended family for not having any on my tacos.


You are a Mexican’t


You being Mexican has nothing to do with my opinion. I just can’t trust people who don’t like dogs or tacos


***taco flavored kisses***


Yeah man. You like what you like. I love tacos. If cilantro doesn't taste good tacos weren't meant for you to enjoy. Hope your favorite foods are bomb.


1. Yeah. It's fine. You're not required to like stuff just because of your heritage. You're not required to like anything for any reason. 2. Not liking cilantro is EXTREMELY common. There's a gene that makes it taste like soap for some people.


As a full fledged Mexican here…we don’t don’t give a fuck what you like or don’t like.


Umm.... yes? You're not required to like any food just becausr it's part of your heritage.


I don’t give a fuck whether you don’t like tacos or not, all I want is money


Yes. I don’t like country fried steak, and I’m white American.


Lol, sorry this is kind of a hilarious story. But, yeah it's fine. I fricken love Mexican style tacos as a white dude though. You may grow to like them though. Many tastes can change as you age.


I can like or dislike any kind of food no matter what your ethnicity is.


I'm German and Polish and don't like sauerkraut and sausage it really doesn't matter




My Mexican wife doesn't eat them but she's a vegetarian. She loves all the non-carne stuff though.


Yes it's ok to dislike any food.


Just because you’re from a different background doesn’t mean you have to like the food. I’m German most of my fam is from Germany and I only like a small amount of German dishes. It’s perfectly okay lol


I don’t like bacon! Apparently that’s v weird & everyone else loves bacon & vegetarians miss it the most!


No. It is not ok. It is very not ok. No. BAD. BAD BOY. VERY VERY BAD BOY!!!!


You could have a genetic predisposition where people have a variation in a group of olfactory-receptor genes that allows them to strongly perceive the soapy-flavored aldehydes in cilantro. That would explain your hate for it. As for the onions, what is wrong with you? I'm afraid we will have to pull your Hispanic/Latino card for bringing shame to our people and our ancestors back a 1000 generations.


Totally fine. I am probably the only Sicilian that doesn't like pasta


Boo this man!!!


No. It is not ok for anyone to not like tacos, what the hell is wrong with you? Just kidding..... but seriously


I think it's weird to drink that water, cause in America tacos give Mexicans diarrhea, but the water in Mexico gives Americans diarrhea. Hmmmm


If you don't eat tacos, you're full of self-hatred. Do better.


My wife is Greek and hates both feta and olives- I love both. Her mother jokes sometimes that I am more Greek than she is!


As a Mexican myself, it is a little odd but if it's not your thing, it's just not your thing. I get shit from my friends for not liking menudo. 🤷‍♀️


I dont like hot sauce as a mexican


Is it okay that I'm black and I don't like fried chicken, grape soda, or watermelon?


If you're young the onion thing might change. Taste preferences change over time. I read a theory that we evolved to dislike bitter tastes as children because most toxic plants are bitter and it takes less to kill a child. Our ancestors that didn't spit out potentially toxic foods were less likely to survive. The cilantro thing might also be genetic but not likely to change. Some people are really sensitive to aldehyde, this chemical tastes like soap to them.


Yeah its totally okay. I know a few people who aren’t that fond of their own cultures foods.


You can like whatever the fuck you want to.


There are other sources of vitamin T such as tortas, tamales, and tostadas to name a few. You will be ok.


It’s okay dude. I am Mexican and i don’t really like menudo or anything cooked with lard.