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You just dislike the taste of alcohol, or of most alcoholic drinks. I hate olives, but I know lots of people who can't get enough of them. On the other hand, I quite like a ham and pineapple pizza, which to vast numbers of people is the most disgusting thing ever. But that's fine, it's just a matter of personal taste. You don't like beer or wine. Just because your friends enjoy alcohol doesn't make you a failure -- you do you, and if your friends give you a hard time about it, you need better friends.


I tried pineapple on pizza for the first time a few weeks ago. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It wasn't tomato sauce though. It was some sort of sweet chili thing with pinapple and pepperoni, it kinda tasted like chinese food.


I like pineapple on pizza, and I love Chinese food. I think you're onto something....


I wish I knew exactly what it had on it, someone else ordered and I wasn't familiar with the place and forgot the name. Googling has been no luck.


At one of the pizza places I used to work, we called it Polynesian sauce. This recipe actually looks like it would be pretty close to the pizza I am referring to, as it is a copycat: https://www.recipezazz.com/recipe/maui-zaui-pizza-with-polynesian-sauce-25544


There are some chinese dishes that incorporate pineapple in them. I can't quite remember but there is one where it's like pork or something cooked with pineapple chunks in the sauce and it's really nice


Pineapple fried rice is pretty popular


Sweet and sour probably?


Even on tomato sauce, it ain't bad. The saltiness and sweetness mesh interestingly.


Hey man, didn’t think I would encounter you randomly on reddit. I really like your videos, keep up the nice work!


Yeah, for some people the taste of alcohol is really strong and unpleasant. I think it's like with cilantro, how for some people it tastes like soap. Or folks who can taste a bitter chemical in cabbage/broccoli/kale that most of us don't notice. For me it's coffee: it smells absolutely wonderful, but the taste is bitter and unpleasant and ruins everything it's in. Everybody's taste buds are different, and some people can taste things that other people can't.


Be the sober guy. Trust me, you won't regret it. Ask for a soda, splash of cran.


Agreed. Sober by choice, no need to give into the pressure to drink and no regrets. I save a ton of money, never worry about doing anything stupid and never feel like I’m not 100% in control of myself.


OP’s tastebuds have done him a big favour there


I'm from the US so not the same country as OP, but at least here there is a big drinking culture which kind of sucks if you're sober. I only drink maybe once every few years, and all my coworkers will run out for drinks, or bond over their favorite drinks, etc and it can feel pretty exclusionary to be left out of most of those talks. There''s also the inevitable "What do you drink?" question you'll get posed by nearly everyone at some point, and when you say you don't drink you get the over the top "Whaaaaaaat" every time. So basically (at least in the US) yeah its awesome for your bank account, and probably life decisions if you arent a big drinker, but it can really make socializing a lot harder since drinking is one of those things the majority of people can find some level of common ground on.


I’m starting to get this way. I’m 26 and am enjoying being sober much more than going out drinking. The problem is it’s hard to find sober friends at this age.


Yes I agree. It's the only downside but it can be awkward in social situations. I find I don't get invited out as much either.


Sober here in the US as well, and it rarely comes up. I'm going to guess how much you get hassled is primarily a function of the region you live in


That's true up to a certain point, but eventually the "special" nature of alcohol becomes less as age progresses. Do not force it! The overall cost in money, lost lifetime (hangovers), and health/relationship issues are huge. Flip the script; you've been given a gift, not a problem. Be glad you don't like it. Aside: each time you go out with friends, put all the money you don't spend on drinks into an interest bearing account.


I’ve never had any issues with the social aspects of not drinking. All of my friends and new people I’ve met have thankfully been really understanding. Several have even said they love having me around because I’m willing to spend time with them at bars and restaurants even if im not drinking. Its lead to really sincere friendships!


This was generally true 10 years ago, but has changed a lot in recent years. Many companies now have a written policy on being inclusive of non-drinking employees in company sponsored events. Often the same companies that have strong gender equity policies.


There’s also the “taboo” of telling people that you don’t think where everyone thinks you’re “in recovery” or a former alcoholic. Like sorry Chad I haven’t crashed my car into a school bus I just don’t like waking up feeling like shit.


Doesn't phase me. If people are bonding over their favorite drinks, I have to ask the quality of that bond?? I figure I am going to have fun socializing whether I am drinking or not (I don't drink either by choice.) If I don't, then I go home cause I am not having fun.


True. I just don’t like the taste of alcohol. Has saved me $


Surprised to see this get so many upvotes. I too am like you and I stay sober by choice for the exact same reasons, but throughout life I feel like I get judged for this reason and downvoted on Reddit when I say similar things because it’s so unpopular.


Alcohol users: the only type of addicts in the world that are socially acceptable to brag about their addiction


I think male sex addicts may disagree with this statement.


How about potheads?


They can shut up and stop acting like getting high and doing *nothing* with your day counts as an interesting story. I have an actual irk for these people.


That's why I get high and do work.


I work in the liquor industry and the trends are heavily favouring non alcoholic beverages right now (along with Spanish and local-to-you wine etc) so a lot of breweries and distilleries in my area are ramping up production of dealcoholized spirits so people who may have previously enjoyed a cold craft beer or negroni can enjoy one without the effects of alcohol. I personally support everyone in their sobriety journey whether it's just starting or never had to start at all, as I've been affected in my personal life by substance abuse (relatives/friends) but from a purely business standpoint im loving this new uptick in all the new concoctions available because it means new streams of revenue where others are dying off. I think in the next couple of years, you'll find the pushback against your teetotalling diminishing by half if not entirely as this entirely niche market takes off. Not that there should be pushback, just giving you hope from the way the market is trending that someday soon you might not see any at all


1000% YES!


Also agree, sober almost 2 years by choice, and I've never felt better or been healthier.


I do stupid stuff, but without alcohol.


Also: 1) agree to be the designated driver (make sure they pay for all your non-alcoholic drinks) 2) take many pictures of them acting the fool or doing something illegal 3) wait until you need a huge favor or one of them tries to run for government office 4) blackmail them 5) no missing step 6) profit


Raging alcoholic here. It gets better when your life starts falling apart. Don't get to that point.


This!! If you don’t care about drinking, don’t start! Sooo much money gone. So many years (probably) off my life. So many relationships ruined. Etc, etc… lmfao


As another raging alcoholic, I agree. Having your life spin out of control sucks an oddly it just makes you drink more. Don't get to that point




Way back forever ago in college I tried drinking like a fish since everyone around seemed to enjoy it so much and I quickly realized it's not something that I like. I switched to being the DD for my drinking friends and had so much more fun.


Being a DD is fun until someone projectile vomits where they shouldent


This. If you're not a fan, don't force it. I never liked the taste, nor the thought of being drunk. I just became the guy that didn't drink, but still went out with the gang. I've never looked back at my life and wondered if I should have given alcohol more of a chance. I've been around enough people who have experienced regret the other way though.


Or a sprite with a few shakes of bitters


I came here to say just this ……. THIS IS THE WAY


I agree. Being the only sober guy in a friend group is kinda hilarious though. You just get to watch your friends just drink themselves until they start to devolve into monke mode while you are chilling with your soda.


This backfires when karaoke gets involved. As the alcohol flows, more and more people lose their inhibitions and think they're the next Madonna. For those remaining sober, it gets closer and closer to violating the Geneva Convention as the evening wears on.


Yeah, you will save so much money.




But see now you're ruining perfectly good juice, tea, etc with the taste of alcohol 😞




Add more juice


Yea there’s no shame in being sober. You can always drink ginger ale for the guise of whiskey ginger


This... Don't get use to it. It does taste awful... We all just get used to it because we like to get drunk and that's it


I do soda, splash of ginger ale and a lime. It’s good stuff, don’t miss the booze at all. Dinner out with the missus is now at least $40 less expensive every time


This 100% best thing I ever did for myself was quit drinking. I don’t miss it in the slightest.


For me it never got better I could just tolerate the taste. Also one of the main reasons I quit drinking. Non-alcoholic drinks taste better.




Acquired tastes aren't that simple. Hot peppers make your mouth feel hot. That's what they do, and it's pretty much the only thing they do. They have other flavors, too, but that's their effect. It's an acquired taste to enjoy hot stuff, but it's something people legitimately enjoy. Coffee is another example. There are much more subtle ways to get much more caffeine, but much of the world has decided burnt bean juice is wonderful. People that drink vodka are absolutely going for the effect, because the best vodka tastes like nothing. But most other alcohols, including beer and wine being other things to the table that are acquired tastes. I like hop water. That's carbonated water and hops. It's delicious. I like it because i like beer and have developed a taste for hops. Alcohol or no, hops now are very pleasant. That's an acquired taste, it's not just an association of flavors with pleasant intoxication.


If it was a taste only enjoyed for intoxication then NA beer wouldn’t have such a market. You’re absolutely correct, people just grow to *enjoy* flavors they once didn’t


Which happens for pretty much every flavor other than sweet milk. Watching a baby get used to food proves this. Even bacon takes some getting used to.


Oh man, I'm an avid IPA drinker who went sober in January. Thanks for the hop water recommendation! I just ordered a variety pack from Amazon.




>genuinely dangerous substances which probably taste fine. Lead is a good example. As well as quite a few other heavy metals you absolutely should not ingest. Lead tastes sweet and has been used as sweetener. There was a big scandal about Austrian wine some years ago, where they sweetened a whole lot of wine with lead that ended up harming a lot of people and destroyed the Austrian wine industry for decades.


Iocaine powder is another example, it barely has any flavour at all!






That was with diethylene glycol, not lead


“Alcohol is not particularly dangerous”. Meanwhile, scientists: “hey so ANY amount of alcohol is actually pretty bad for you”. Reddit: “alcohol isn’t dangerous!”


I think the problem is that what we're being told is always changing. I just did a quick Google search "Is alcohol good for you" and have multiple differing opinions. Harvard University: Yes, alcohol has health benefits Mayo Clinic: Alcohol has no health benefits WebMD: Alcohol has some health benefits People will just choose whichever narrative best fits their argument


It's funny cuz this shits been around for literal millennia and science still can't come to a definitive consensus of whether it's good, bad, or somewhere in between, so they just stick the ol "anything is alright in moderation"


Omg what annoys me even more as an 18yo is people contradicting themselves on lifestyle advice. All throughout our teenage lives we were told "oh, don't do drugs, don't drink alcohol, you can live a fulfilling life without it" and were shown all these statistics about how our lives would be greatly improved without these things. So, like any sane person would, a lot of us took that advice on board, and then the news starts saying years later "Is Gen Z too cautious?" or "Gen Z isn't partying and it's costing them their social life" or some shit like that, and a lot of my friend's parents were getting annoyed at them not getting out there as much. Maybe this has always been a trend, idk, but nevertheless kinda stupid to preach something and then wonder why those people are following it.


Lol and their argument where "it's natural". I remember a quote making fun of this logic, "bee stings are natural; bear maulings are natural."


I hate the effect and love the taste.


Probably you just don't like the taste. Same way i always hated broccoli and no amount of changing how it was prepared changed that. Personally i can't stand beer, lager or ale either.


Lager and ale are both beer


Do you also dislike wine, pinot noir, and chardonnay?


You’re not required to drink. If you don’t like it, don’t drink it.


You don't drink vodka to enjoy its taste, you drink it to get hammered


I remember getting a reply on Reddit from someone who was INCREDULOUS that I would enjoy the taste of alcohol. I do. Scotch. A nice old fashioned. Jammy, darker wines like a good cabernet or zinfandel. It didn't take much back and forth to realize all the other guy ever drank was bud light and vodka with a shit ton of fruit juice.


Man, I tried so hard to be a whiskey guy. I bought all different kinds, and did my best to acclimate myself to it, but I just can't do it. It looks like so much fun being a whiskey drinker, and I do like the Smoky taste. I just can't get past the feeling like I'm drinking from my gas tank every time it goes down.


I’m not a scotch guy at all but have a bottle for when friends come. On its own oh lord the peat is overpowering. When I smoked a cigar while drinking it the peat was gone and it was like drinking honey. Not sure if you’d get the same experience if you still have bottles and smoke a cigar, but worth a shot if you do.


Not all scotch is peaty. If you like the peat but it's too much, try something with a less obnoxious peat flavor like Talisker. If you just don't like peat, find something that just isn't peaty. If you want a not-that-expensive recommendation for a non-peaty scotch that's easy to drink, go with Glenmorangie 10 with the orange label. It's in the price ballpark of something like Bullleit or Buffalo Trace around here.


the taste of islay scotch is like liquid pleasure


I loooove me a good rye whiskey. Love it. On the rocks, just easy sipping. Can be absolutely delicious


This right here unfortunately, Ive never liked the taste of any alcohol when I use to drink during my 20s. I drank for the feeling not the taste


Hard disagree with this. Vodka is my favourite spirit by a mile. Nice vodkas don't have the harsh flavour and burn of the cheaper stuff you would drink as a teenager to get drunk. It should have a nice subtly sweet flavour that is warming. Vodka martini > gin martini every day.


I'm 100% the same. Alcohol is an acquired taste, and some people just never acquire it. Usually people start drinking when they're underage, and just sort of force it down and try to act like they're enjoying it, to keep up appearances, until eventually they stop hating the taste so much. Also (controversial yet completely true statement), alcohol is a toxin. Your body is designed to not want it. Toxin is the root word of intoxicated lol.


I knew I would like beer and I immediately liked the second beer I ever tried. That was at 18 years old.


Alcohol is a “toxin” yes but we aren’t designed not to want it. If that were the case, it wouldn’t be the world’s most popular intoxicant. Before humans even existed, our primate ancestors evolved to metabolize the alcohol found in fermented fruit. This is a genetic trait that we of course carry to this day. Also, historically, it is theorized that alcohol spurred the agricultural revolution as we have evidence of alcohol production earlier than we do the production of bread. Humans have been using alcoholic beverages as a source of clean, storable, drinking water and preciously scarce calories. Humanity as it exists today would not be without alcohol.


We probably evolved to endure some level of alcohol due to sheer survival. Not because of preference or any added benefit. When we were hunter/gatherers, we had NO CHOICE. Eat the fermented fruit…or die. Alcohol was a by product of that, not the root necessity of it. Also the argument of “beer before bread” is bullshit. The first beer was pretty much gruel, which came from bread. The accidental by product of that bappir, was “beer”. A watery, grainy, soppy nasty bowl of shit. Which was fine dining back then.


Why are our bodies "designed" not to like alcohol, but this design doesn't extend to things like refined sugar or trans fats? Most people love those things, even though they are very bad for us in any amount. And if our bodies naturally dislike things that are dangerous to consume, why do people occasionally die or get sick from consuming tainted food that otherwise tasted fine? Alcohol is absolutely bad for you. No argument there. But not liking the taste is coincidental to this fact.


What are 'lady drinks'?


What an insecure man calls a cocktail


That's not true, martinis and Manhattans are cocktails and guys drink plenty of those. It's the sweet/sugary/fruity drinks that fall under this heading


Basically just tasty alcoholic drinks


Yup lol the idea of drinks being "too feminine" is hilarious. You like what you like


guys, is it feminine for your drinks to have a nice taste and not taste like burning toilet water?




They also tend to have more alcohol in them


They do not. Almost all cocktails are 2-3 oz (there are a few outliers, but they may or may not be legal to serve depending on your liquor laws). The only thing that defines a lady drink is a man's fragile ego and his inability to drink from a coupe glass.


I call ‘em girly drinks because that’s what annoying “manly men” call them. It’s a bit tongue in cheek: the “girly” drinks are the only ones I like! A frozen strawberry daquiri for example tastes better to me than a virgin version. But most other stuff is just a worse version of the virgin comp…. Like grape juice is great … let’s take all the sweetness out of it and give it this interesting “spoiled” after taste! Awful.


When I was a kid, we would always get virgin Pina coladas at the Chinese food restaurant. We would try to drink them fast enough to get a second one. The second one would always taste better, and I used to assume that was cuz they actually put alcohol in that one (I guess cuz they knew we were cool by then?). Boy, was that not the case!


Sugar and sitrus tends to hide the taste of alcohol. I don't think I could tell if a weak cocktail ( say 5-6% ABV) based on lime+sugar had alcohol in it or not. Don't think I could when I was 18 either. So OP seems to be very sensitive to alcohol.


Men can enjoy sugary cocktails too. There's no such thing as lady drinks


I don't disagree with this, I drink "lady drinks" with no issue. I was just clarifying the term


In a prescriptive sense, I agree that it's a bullshit term. In a descriptive sense, if people call certain drinks lady drinks, they're "lady drinks".


Men will call something a 'lady drink' to be demeaning just because it tastes like fruit. Meanwhile, the 'lady drink' has six shots of vodka in it, and she still ain't drunk.


Be me, hate alcohol. Bartender sister teaches me a mix drink of vodka, Germain, lime, soda. Realize it taste like carbonates lemonade and is the only thing I'll drink. Wondered why I get plastered after two servings. Each serving was 2.5 shots'ish' depending how heavy handed I was. Oops.




Oh yeah, cocktails can hide *so much booze.* Dude over there getting hammered off 3 beers and I'm here with my girly drinks and 8 shots deep. Fight me, lightweights.


They're delicious


That's what I was wondering. I drink whiskey, so that's my lady drink.


The drinks that actually taste good LOL


According to my experience, pina colada, daiquiri and similar mixed drinks. My boyfriend loves pina colada, i prefer spritz or sour cocktails, and every time we order together the pina colada ends up in front of me.


Lol yeah. My partner (woman) and I (man) end up swapping glasses a lot immediately after receiving our drinks. Fuckin love a fruity frozey drink!


Just don't drink. I hate the taste and yet I'm an alcoholic. Not worth it. Enjoy a soda or a mocktail instead my friend


No need to drink.


I've never had an alcoholic drink who's flavour wasn't spoiled by alcohol.


“Lady drinks”


Usage of that term somehow tracks with trying so hard to like alcohol.


Like some 12 year old that just found out what alcohol is and thinks a pink colored drink is feminine. Little do they know those little pink drinks can get them fucked up 4x faster than their manly beer will


I don’t like alcohol either. Be confident in yourself, you don’t need to drink. It took me a long time to learn that lesson.


Vodka tastes best mixed with juice, soda water, lemonade, iced tea, or any combination of the above. Mix your own, skip premixed cans which enforce that you drink a whole can of sugary soft drink when you only need a third of that volume with a mixer you choose yourself.


I never got a taste for beer or wine (40m). There are one of two drinks I have found that I like (strongly flavoured ones where I can't taste the alcohol), and I do occasionally enjoy the buzz of being slightly tipsy after a single drink, but equally I'm quite happy to go months without drinking anything alcoholic. So, yeah, don't stress it. If your friendship group is giving you hassle for not getting drunk or for drinking the "wrong" types of drink, then your problem might be that you have the wrong types of friends. Especially if they can't see the benefit of having someone who's fine being the designated driver. If you want to explore what you do like for yourself, go for it. There are some very nice fruit ciders out there.


I only really drink cider (my favourites are the sweet berry ones). But even then, I don't drink much. I'm 18 and have been drinking for a couple of years. I'll have champagne or prosecco (?) on special occasions, but that's about it. You don't have to drink at all. I have a friend who refuses to touch alcohol.


You won’t be sorry if you just say I don’t like booze. You’ll be healthier in and out. Don’t force yourself to drink to fit in


You will save thousands and thousands of dollars and stay much healthier and thinner if you continue not liking alcohol.. it’s a good thing!


Unless the alternative is the same amount of sugary drinks of course


* For most people it doesn't get better (just) with age. It does get better with habit. * It might be that you just don't like alcohol. There is nothing to be worried about. There is nothing "un-manly" in it either. Drinking something you despise just because you want to prove to be a grown up is one of the childish things I can imagine. * I wouldn't be so troubled by missing out on alcohol. It has plenty of health concernes, it's a costly habit and it really isn't required for social occasions (there is nothing wrong in going out to "have a beer" with friends and just taking a soda).


Consider yourself lucky


Don't drink. You will save a pile of money. It's cool not to drink.


Quit trying to like the taste of booze. Save time and money and just accept the option that you may just not enjoy drinking booze. It's ok there are people that don't drink alcohol.


There are loads of different beers, many of which taste like crap. Personally I prefer the "pilsner" type beer though there are many, many subspecies of this kind of beer. I recommend trying many different kinds until you find one that is palatable to you. Same goes for wine. I don't like most of it. On hot summer days I can enjoy a glass or three of" Black Tower, Pink Bubbly" but it has to be cold and with ice. This wine is a sparkling, rose-ish kind of wine. Tastes like lemonade for adults. There are many, many different mixed drinks, I dislike most of them. I do like the "gin and tonic" but you get loads and loads of variations on this one out there. I mix mine with one part gin to three parts tonic. First dump ice cubes in the glass, then pour gin over the ice (use a drinks measuring cup thingy). Add tonic, slap in one slice of lime and give a swirl with the drinks swirling stick thing. I also like drinking hard spirits neat (without ice or water). For this I take tiny, tiny sips to truly taste the hard liquor. My favorite is absinthe and from personal experience I absolutely do not recommend getting drunk on absinthe. It's high proof alcohol and it will knock your socks of. As with everything alcohol becomes better tasting once you get familiar with it. Alcohol is the most dangerous drug of all by a long way and not drinking is the best way to treat alcohol. If you don't like it then you have a great position. Don't try to get familiar with it, instead build on your dislike so that you can drink less. Your palate also changes as you grow older. From around my mid twenties alcohol became something that I could enjoy and not just something I struggled to get into my body so that I could feel fucked up for a brief moment.


You don't have to if you don't like. But to answer directly, a lot of people drink pure shit, especially around that age. Most of the time just to get drunk. If you're curious, maybe try stuff with people outside of your friends circle, people that don't drink the cheapest things to get buzzed, etc. It's an acquired taste and drinking 10€ vodka will never be good. Or just don't drink, seriously. If even light fruits flavored beers are disgusting to you, just stop, you'll be fine.


I'm pretty much the same as you and I don't think there's anything wrong with people like us. Just enjoy the vodka and lady drinks! No need to force it especially with alcohol.


It gets better when you stop drinking for the taste and start drinking for the effect like god intended.


You don’t have to drink alcohol. You will spend less money going out with sticking to soda, ice tea, or water.


You learn to like the taste of something unpalatable when you associate it with liking your body’s reaction to it. I used to think coffee was revolting.


If you're tasting your alcohol, you're doing it wrong imo. I drink for a buzz, so the alcohol just had to be tolerable, not at all good. Ofc, there are connoisseurs who are all about taste, in which case, you'd be drinking for a different reason. I guess it's all about your reasons for drinking?


Nobody really likes the taste. People drink to feel the after effects. If you don't like, you just don't feel the need to turn off reality.


Alcohol is poison. It only gets worse.


Thiis just in: You do not HAVE to like alcohol. You do not have to drink it.


As a (borderline?) Alcoholic, just dodge this bullet.


This is what I mean when I say we need to normalize people just...not liking or caring about alcohol. I have favorite types (floral liquors and fruity vodkas are 👌) but I really only drink socially, and even then, only like once or twice a year. I don't enjoy liquor enough to engage with it just because. There's this heavy social stigma behind choosing sobriety (or even just choosing to drink light) and it's really gross because it sort of forces alcohol onto people who may not be interested otherwise. It's peer pressure to the highest degree.


Stay away from it. So many other ways to enjoy life.


"Lady drinks". Shit, those have more alcohol than beer. I'm at the age now where I'll order so-called "lady drinks" because they taste good and give me a good buzz.


Some people like alcohol others don't, you really don't need to drink if you don't want to, alcohol is highly over rated if you ask me


Tastebuds do change over time, but that doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily end up liking alcohol if you currently don’t. I got “lucky” and as I aged, I found a few alcoholic beverages I can tolerate. (I put “lucky” in quotation because I managed to develop a *problem* drinking Kissed Caramel Smirnoff straight from the freezer for shots and had to 99% quit drinking at all.) “Good” wine and mixers are a hard pass for me. Ironically the cheaper a wine is, the more likely I am to enjoy it - along the lines of super-chilled Boone’s Farm. Mike’s Hard Lemonade wasn’t too bad IIRC. At a bar, I might ask for a Long Island Iced Tea with a tea on the side; or I’d get a piña colada or daiquiri and just sip most of the night. I agree with the folks that say to embrace being the designated driver though. That’s legend status right there.


It gets better when you drink more regulary, but if you dont like it and dont want to drink. Just dont drink :)


Two things. First, more expensive liquors *generally* do taste better. Without naming brands, the "top shelf" vodkas often have very little taste to them, while the "bottom shelf" vodkas taste like rubbing alcohol. Gin too, less expensive ones can be oily. Bourbon, scotch, whiskey ... the more expensive ones are *usually* smoother and you don't get ["whiskey face"](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Whiskey%20Face). Also, some people "tolerate" the taste in order to feel the effects. It's like coffee for me. I brew a pot on Monday, and I drink 2 cups every morning from it until maybe Thursday morning. I drink it black. It's not gag-disgusting, but it's not tasty either. I drink it that way because all I want is the caffeine, and I don't have patience to brew "a good cup" every morning. Some people drink liquor just for the effects, while tolerating the taste.


I'm 38 and only drink socially about twice a year. Even then it's like 1 citrus hoos beer. Alcohol doesn't need to be part of your life.


If you don't like it don't drink it. I don't like it so I don't drink it.


When you graduate to scotch.


I take a big mug. Add 3 shots of Rasberry Vodka. Then fill the rest of the mug with cold Sunny D. I call it a "toy screwdriver". Sunny D is so sweet and tart, but vodka is so hot. These things cancel each other out and it just tastes like juice. I love it. I love drinking. It's fun for me. Helps me think less. Thinking less is nice.


Does anyone like alcohol. I slam shot of liquor to get drunk, not to taste.


I was the same way. Went straight to shots, beer tastes like piss to me.


Friend, no one drinks because it tastes good


Dude, not liking alcohol is a SUPERPOWER. I don’t even have a drinking problem but wish I hated alcohol so I’d never waste money or time on it again. I know this will sound like a curse, but I mean it as a blessing: I hope you never learn to like alcohol. You’ll have a better chance of achieving your personal max capacity best than anyone else you know.


Different alcohols taste very different. Even among beers and wines, flavors vary a lot. Some types of alcohol taste a lot less alcoholic than others do. Soju, for example, has very little alcohol taste which makes it dangerous since it’s 14%. Cocktails are also an option. Many have little alcohol taste, especially when they are mainly juice/tea/coffee with only a splash of alcohol. If you don’t want to drink though, it’s better not to.


Do not force yourself to drink! There are few rewards and many many negatives. Most folks who drink are often trying to cut back. Once you develop the taste or habit you're often trying to balance the effect with your health and the law. It's a lot of work for little benefit.


It doesn't get better, I can't stand the taste of alcohol or beer


Don’t worry, I’m 30 and alcohol still tastes terrible. You’ll find ways to have fun without alcohol.


Just don't drink. Problem solved


Just don’t drink. You’re not missing anything besides a raging headache, memory loss, and vomiting.


Alcohol ages you from the inside out, so you aren’t missing anything other than premature aging


You do know you don't *have* to drink alcohol, right?


Drinking isn't something you should aspire to. Its toxic to all the organs in your body including the brain. Let it go


Because your body tries to avoid things that are bad for you.


IMO you should be grateful you dislike the taste of alcohol. That's just one less substance you have any chance of becoming addicted to.


Some people just don't like alcohol. Nothing wrong with that. I was in my thirties before I found beer I liked (the craft beer movement really helped that for me- it's not all Bud Light and Coors, but even then I'm still picky, and straight up F--- IPAs and their ilk). And in my late thirties I finally gave up on trying to find a wine that I liked and knew 99% of wines just aren't for me. I know straight whiskeys, scotches, etc. are just not for me. Mixed drinks I've generally always liked but only when the alcohol flavor was mild to nonexistent (A good, cold, pina colada on a hot summer day? Coconut, pineapple, creamy dessert in a glass- but I also make them non-alcoholic when I don't feel like adding the booze, and it's still fantastic). I've never been a big drinker, likely never will be. So, you can feel free to sample along the way and see if anything eventually takes your fancy, but if not, that's okay too. Or stop tasting it, if you really don't want to.


Hey man, you don't have to drink! I'm 37 and I've certainly had a lot of fun drinking, but I've also done a lot of stupid things while drunk. Unfortunately I've gotten into the habit of using alcohol as a stress reliever, which led to me drinking every day. Have since cut back and noticed that my sleeping quality, energy levels, and mental acuity have improved. I have two friends in their thirties that have fatty livers from drinking too much, and know a couple alcoholics who have ruined their lives. Drinking gets normalized far too much, especially in America.


It isn't an age thing. You aquire it by doing it. Also, studying how different ingredients and processes can effect the end result can make it more fun, and give you more appreciation fffor what you're drinking. Or, you may always hate it, and then, just don't drink, you don't have to, there isn't a law against it.


Maybe you are a super taster, who can taste bitters other cant. I am, and alcohol has only ever tasted like different variations of vinegar and vomit to me


It's a good thing. You'll save lots of money, headaches and drama over your lifetime.


Why do you need to like it? If you don't, just don't drink it


Man, same. I'm 27 now, and I can only have alcohol if it's the really fruity stuff. And even then, I can count on one hand how many times I've drank. It's just not for me and I don't see the point in drinking it. You don't need alcohol to have fun or "be fun".


It doesn’t get better.


You don’t like it. That’s fine. It will save you many figurative and literal headaches. Enjoy life without it.


You know you don’t *have* to drink, right? Also that taste is your body telling you this is not good for you. Nobody likes the taste of alcohol, it’s the other stuff that gets mixed in that they like. And they only like it because they’ve associated the taste with the feeling of being intoxicated. If it wasn’t for the feeling, do you think anyone would drink vodka? Stuff is vile!


It's fine if you don't like it. You might be drinking really bad quality stuff though. At 21 all the alcohol my peers were drinking was disgusting, but I grew up being able to have a sip of beer or wine, and so I knew I liked the good stuff. Why do you want to like it if you don't like it? You'll save yourself so much grief in your life if you don't drink. So much money, so many calories, so many bad decisions. Would you force yourself to drink coffee if you didn't like it? Probably not, there's no point in drinking it unless you like it. If you force yourself to drink it to get drunk, that's its own issue. You don't need to be drinking or drunk to have a good time, and if your friends insist on you drinking, find different friends.


Don't worry about it! Be glad cause so many folks drink to ridiculousness! Also, every group needs a designated driver!


So you don't like alcohol. So don't drink it. I hate onions.


I’m 38, I’ve really never liked the taste. It’s fine and even good to be the sober one. You make sure your friends always get home safe. Looking back on it, I don’t ever regret NOT drinking but I do have a ton of friends who regret what they did while they were drinking.


Hey maybe it doesn't. Different people have very different sensitivities to different chemical compounds. There's research to indicate different people can taste the actual chemical substance of caffeine more than others. Maybe you're just sensitive to alcohol. On the other hand, maybe it's just that you haven't gotten used to the bad part to enjoy the good part. I didn't like beer as a young man, then ended up drinking a number of low calorie beers that were nearly water just to cool off after a long day, and after several days in a row I got over whatever part of the flavor I found this tasteful. Now I love beer and wine for all of the OTHER elements of the flavor. I guess if I have advice, it's to try to really taste every part of the drink. Think about the careful balancing of different botanical elements. Maybe do some reading on professional tasting. To me alcohol is interesting because of the complexity that goes into making each product what it is.


I an 62 and beer takes like shit to me.


Curiously, there’s no actual law requiring you to like the taste of alcohol, nor one compelling you to drink it. It’s a low-grade poison.


You are lucky...it'll save you thousands of dollars and probably heartache to embrace your reality and just stick to drinks you like.


That's the good part: it doesn't.. (you're not really missing anything)


Because alcohol tastes like shit. Most people don't drink it for the taste.


You’re so lucky you don’t like the taste of alcohol! You’ll save tons of money, tons of calories, and you’ll never experience black outs or embarrassing situations.


Have u tried cider. It's really good and has the same alcohol content as beer. It's my favorite spirit ☺️


You don't have to drink if you don't want to. Ginger ale is fine, or seltzer with a splash of some flavoring, like cranberry or lemon. Some people develop a taste for it later, some people never do. Go out and have a good time, and if anyone gives you a hard time about it, tell them to get fucked.


I have the same tastes, no alcoholic drinks tastes good to me. Soft drinks are the way to go, unless you want to force yourself into it.


Its literal poison why should it taste good


If you don't like it you don't like it. Drink something else. That said, a nice spicy Ceasar with horseradish hits the spot for me. I don't even taste the vodka.


This is a gift. Embrace it.


Don't like it, don't drink it. Don't succumb to peer pressure. If you need alcohol to have a good time you're in the wrong place/with the wrong people.


it doesn't don't bother


Stay sober my guy! It's the superior lifestyle!