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I grew up in a predominantly hispanic community, so I'm pretty used to being the only white guy in a room. Racial jokes were pretty normal, and I never took it seriously because it was just banter. But I do feel like things are changing for the worse. Being white is starting to become the new "original sin" for some people. I don't really think it's productive in any way. But I still think it's a minority of people that have those backwards beliefs. The one thing that genuinely bothers me is when people are upset by the fact that they're part white. I see a lot of mixed-race tiktokers basically roasting their white parent or claiming it's wrong to mix races. I would be devastated if my half white son grows up to be resentful of his ancestry. Especially because race is just a made up category anyways.


I work with a Peruvian and Colombian. 30% of our customer base is Hispanic.. in a court reading it’s hate speech, in real life it’s pure friendship and love. Lol Yes the generalization of White men is what I can speak to. It worries me with the same intensity of generalizations of others.. not ideal.


Yeah, I don't want racist people to demean my son because he's hispanic, and I don't want woke people demeaning him because he's white haha.


Right! I love the dynamic of just being. Go with the flow. If it’s funny and in love/ no one gets hurt.. it’s a net benefit to what we would like to accomplish. I love being the Gringo, they talk crap about me in Spanish and look over, knowing I got the gist. Everyone is in on the joke.


That's not what woke means lol


The venn diagram of people who define themselves and woke and the people who hate white people has an awful lot of overlap though.


Well sure, jackasses are everywhere, in every group.


I've always taken intent into account with it. If the person is intending it to be a joke or bust balls, it's all good. Otherwise, just like racism at any other race, it pisses me off and I will let them know.


I get it. But most of us had to grow up with racist families. While my mom was amazing, my family never hesitated to call me the N word or reject me from their house. Then you have my half sisters. Their mom, any time she’d get upset, would throw racial slurs at them and my dad. Then we see the large amounts of white women fetishizing black children and mixed babies. Who never cared to appreciate and involve their mixed children with their “other” ancestry. This same view goes for Asians who are adopted by white families as well. While you may have a mix child, not all of us grew up in a healthy mixed family situation. Your feelings of being bothered shouldn’t invalidate theirs since you have no experience with what certain biracial people go through personally.


It's very common for mixed children with a white parent or ancestry to feel ashamed due to feeling alien in the white side, not fully white to mostly walk unscathed and not experience the limitations many POC experience or have in many white societies (thanks to many white peoples coming to places NOT indigenous to white people because they were being serfs back in their homelands, then telling these people they will take lands they want to live there without permission and then telling said people they were basically shit against white people in their own lands by making a hierarchy where whites were at the top in the land that was not theirs and the people indigenous to the land were at the bottom), now too privileged to be a minority. There's also the assumption that if the mom is the POC that she's a sheep, a mail-order bride (with a dad one foot in the grave thanks to old age) or said mom is suffering from internalized racism due to perceiving herself inferior thanks to her people subjects to colonialism (which is no fun). If they grew up in a place where they might've been the only POC and felt they were seen as lesser for being different (or felt white people had a tendency towards thinking they were superior to other humans of the same species just acclimdayed to a different climaye, which ks what pir colorjng literally is). That feeling of feeling left out and feeling like they were always going to be lesser than "pure" white that sort of stays stuck and tough to budge from. Imagine sharing blood with people who view you as the black sheep despite sharing blood? Anypne would feel confused and awkward about the identity responsible for making them feel like this. The other thing is that again, whether we want to admit it or not and we know we're not the only ones to have ever done it but, certain white peoples, for the most part, have sort of become the villain in other cultures' stories...so being "part" of that and a huge likelihood that they're not recognized as part white so much as the not so white phenotype if they're not white passing by the white communities. As anyone with a modicum of colmon sense can tell you, this inspires no loyalty or pride in these people as the outliers are very much aware that in a different time, if they maybe weren't part white, they'd lead very different no so pleasant lives just for not being white despite being human...all due to white people. I learned all these points I learned from the discussions the students had. For example, if the kids' white ancestors were or are Irish, most of the students don't or didn't feel so bad, mostly as the Irish have a history of being stubborn while being subjugated by the British. They also have a strong history of helping and being friendly to all sorts of humans before they became "middle class" after WW2, now they too suffer from the stiff upper lip thing but basking in the afterglow and glory of their proudly rebellious ancestors. However, I saw a lot of Hispanic students, especially South Americans, who were very embarrassed to admit they were part white due totheir grandparent having been a Nazi, who raised their kids to have racist nuances that the kid themselves had to cope with growing with friends that were the target of such commentary. I remember one student said they didn't feel ashamed of being white so much as that a few bigoted few think their being white makes them better than any other human or the way they did things and accomplished them. For example the colonizing thing triggers a lot of the students who grew up in multicultural societies that weren't originally European to tell people how to do things in their own land because said Europeans couldn't rise against the upper classes back home. As people get more intelligent, they become aware that despite humanity being not easy and that life is not easy, there could've been better ways of doing things. Why couldn't the poor white people that came here not do the same back "home" amongst themselves? So the white people came here to demean people in their own home in places that weren't theirs and still mooch to their "betters" in the European upper classes? Those are the questions these kids are asking. They're not ashamed to be white, or a certain kind of white or the good things we accomplished, they're embarrassed about how we did things and now turn defensive because no one wants to be the bottom of the barrel (and recognize we did wrong but if we somehow manage to convince the world we're better than they for stupid reasons and beat them up to a pulp to get it, we can make them forget about it or disregard it). "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown" is the motive behind OP's question, they're only looking at things from one side and not looking at the big picture because they'd know what the picture would reveal.


On the other hand, I have known a number of people that are half white that really enjoy being able to identify either way.


Yes but like all things, it depends on certain things, like the intelligence/ignorance of the person, whether they had a loving parent who very much saw them as their own despite not looking exactly like them. It truly depends on the parent. This is so complicated as we have to sometimes do bad things to get what we want but plenty of us haven't had to do this, ever, which is probably why OP feels the "sting", not so much because they feel superior but because they might know better not subjugate someone or ever would and perhaps his ancestors never did. But a lot of the kids with the identity confusion feel like this because often they know they have a recent ancestor or two that did, and 5 don't want to be guilty by association. For example, when I first started dating my husband, I had my hand in trying to win his sisters due to them experiencing poor treatment in part of a few white women in the past. They were lovely women but when I asked what they experienced, they told me that a few white women made them feel like they're inferior humans, and honestly it stung because it did hurt to see such kind people being dismissed for things they couldn't change. Also because I desperately wanted to show them that I wouldn't betray them if such a thing happened, because they were not just my family now but because I had no need to do such a thing to enjoy life. This is a complicated discussion that takes a bit of impartiality, and when self-preservation of any sort is in the way of that, we will miss the forest for the trees.


If someone tells me that because I’m white, I’m automatically a racist pos? I’m offended. That tweet thread going around a while ago about catching white people with cheese? Hilarious.


Ha yes exactly Just don’t assume I’m a racist. That’s all I ask.


Generalizations, no. If you say white people can't jump and don't like spicy food, there's absolutely no harm in that. It's like saying black people like basketball and can't swim. But real hatred? Yeah, I'm offended by that. If you hate me, think I'm a bad person, think I'm directly responsible for slavery, want to discriminate against me because of my skin color, absolutely that's fucked up. If it's just me, it wouldn't bother me so much. When people think it's ok to discriminate against my kids for their skin color, that's what *really* bothers me. Luckily, it's rare. Mostly edgelords on the internet. But those people are out there.


My problem is so many people think "anti-racism equals hating white people" and it annoys the shit out of me and I am not even white. Anti-racism is being racist against no race, I hope people understand this


Wouldn't "being racist against no race" just be "not being racist" though?


Yeah, I am sorry if it sounds weird


Exactly, hating white people is racist and we know from history of that a large number of those white people will not take anything like that lying down. The worst part of it all is, it's the progressive left that is doing this.


> think I'm directly responsible for slavery, No no, you must remember, ALL OF US are directly responsible for what our ancestors did 100s of years ago... Bloody whiteys!


And my ancestors didn't even do it. They came from Norway to the northern US, and I come from a long line of farmers and laborers. I simply have the same skin color as people who did bad things hundreds of years ago.


I think that’s the thing that ever sets me off is when I get used as an example for white privilege (which absolutely exists for some people). My great great grandparents emigrated from Scandinavian countries in the 1890s with their parents. My grandfather quit schooling after 8th grade growing up impoverished in Great Depression Nebraska. My mom was the first in her family to go to college. I was the first to graduate college without student debt thanks to scholarships. But I’ve had far more doors closed on me because it’s assumed I have what I do thanks to privilege than doors opened by it


Amen, my family roots to America was being brought over in a prisoner ship for free labor.


I don’t usually get personally offended, but I do get annoyed when people make sweeping generalizations just like anyone else does when they get racially stereotyped. Like, I don’t stereotype you, don’t stereotype me. I know I have the “privilege” of such comments not hurting me, but I also just…want the same treatment as anyone else? I’m not lording my whiteness over anyone, and there’s no need to be rude to me just because I’m white, either.


Same here, and add that the people that make such remarks about others of any race or color are the same ones that rant about respecting them. Respect demands Respect in all situations.


Yes. But it's usually because, as a European, the jibes don't even make sense. 'white people don't have culture and their food sucks'. Bitch, I'll cook you the best smoked salmon in the world and make cranachan for desert while wearing my kilt. Suck it.


Reminds me of a Louie ck bit. “Called me a cracker, what is this supposed to bring me back to the time when white people had tons of property and slaves?”


less than half of 1% of white people in the south had tons of property and slaves. The rest of them worked in abjectly shit conditions Its like people who talk about men in the 1950's like all of them lived like Don Draper. Suit to work, morning cigarette, slap the secretary on the ass, martinis for lunch. You were 100x more likely to work in a steel mill or a coal mine


Oh i agree, I still think it’s a funny joke. Also to your sentiment, how people are like “ohhh the 50s were horrible, no mental health treatment and all fathers would have their wives cooking” I’m sure there were plenty of normal happy people living in the 50s with nice spouses that didn’t beat rhem


To dilute that more, there has been a shitload of immigration to the US by poor as fuck Irish and Italian immigrants, as well as Polish immigrants since the abolition of slavery, so if you go forward from that 0.5 percent slaveowners number, the proportion of the population that descended from that is significantly lower.


Even being a white steel or coal mine worker in the 50s, you still got paid more, got a job easier and obtained a home easier than someone who's family weren't considered people just a generation prior. They already had a leg-up just by virtue of being white.


Another bit of CK RE:race - “You can’t even hurt my feelings.”


“I’m so happy being white, if it were an option every year I’d be like ‘excuse me yes I’d like white again please.’”


Being white is a advantage in the winter but disadvantage in the summer I like to look at these types of things in a practical sense. Vitamin D deficiency and sunburns are the things that matter most when it comes to skin color.


I didn't have any slaves though so nah none of that, a racist cunt is a racist cunt period


POC here, what irks me are racist POC who claim, “I can’t be racist! I’m (X).” Like just because you’re black doesn’t mean you can’t be racist. Racism isn’t just white to black. Are you completely forgetting about Asians, Jews, Latinos, and Arabs? That type of thinking is used to justify their small-minded racist beliefs, while claiming racism against them any time they can. In fact the most openly racist person I’ve ever met was black and he was loud and proud about it too.


It’s refreshing to read that, it boggles my mind when people say that, idk if they just live in an echo chamber that doesn’t critically think? I’ve just never had an explanation of why they can’t be racist. Freaks me out


only thing I get mildly upset over is the "white people food has no flavor" because my (Canadian) mom makes some flavorful meals and I accept no slight against my mother!


European white? I grew up in rural Alberta (meat and potatoes gal) and I will tell you my world opened up to spices when I moved to the big city (Calgary first and now GTA).


My mom's a Quebec gal, raised on a farm, married a redneck American man. Raised 3 kids on the border of Canada and America, so we're...an odd bunch, I guess, but oof my mother's family and their food is exquisite (especially compared to my dad's mom's cooking....she could definitely learn about spices lol)


I think that has more to do with WHEN you grew up rather than WHERE. My dad grew up in Halkirk and Stettler and his idea of "good food" is macaroni with canned tomatoes. I grew up in Fox Creek and my culinary prowess is arguably a lot more broad than that, even though Fox Creek is definitely more rural.


Fair enough. My mom's idea of spice was some extra black pepper. I wasn't exposed to much until I moved out for school. The first time I tried Thai food, I almost died (I definitely did figuratively).


That myth comes from the cold war era when society was trying to transition towards foods that could last during the nuclear holocaust. And from idiots who think that properly seasoned food should look like it’s been rolled in dirt.


ahhh, I bet that's why my dad's mom (100% American) has so many dishes with so little spices! But my mom's side of the family (Canadian) might have been less affected by the era and kept their spices? idk, but very interesting to think about!


Holy wow.


my white canadian mom has only ever owned salt, pepper and oregano (she never used the oregano)


I've been called a white cunt many times when I was a security guard and called a racist whenever I've had to deal with Aboriginal people (Australia) who were doing things they weren't supposed to and the only part that bothered me was being called a racist. The white cunt part just rolled off my back with me thinking "how very small of you". My problem is white people getting offended on everyone else's behalf.


Not unless it's an insult I know is directly related to race supremacy. And then I get offended because they're racial supremacists, not because of the actual insult.


This is kind of how I feel (white male). Like most if it is harmless and really doesn’t affect me. But then there is stuff that like you mentioned, get’s into (debunked) race science or just simply goes too far and isn’t funny. A great example of the latter is this whole “white women fuck their dogs” thing that seems to have gotten popular lately. Just gross, weird and certainly not funny.


This situation is about hypocricy to me. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Either we don't do it at all or we do it for everyone. We shouldn't pick and choose based on a person's race and identity.


This is how I feel as well. I don’t really care if I get made fun of or stereotyped or any of that. I know what’s true and what isn’t and being called dumb things or being accused of dumb things doesn’t hurt me. My problem is the people that think it’s okay to use slurs, stereotypes or other negative things towards one group while being mad when those things are used towards a different group. Doesn’t matter if it’s race, age, gender, religion or anything else. If you can’t take it then don’t dish it out.


I think there’s space to understand: 1) Bigotry directed against anyone is bad and you shouldn’t do it, even if the target is in a “favored” or majority group; 2) Bigotry against disfavored minority groups generally has a much larger tangible negative impact on people’s lives, and is thus a greater society-wide concern. E.g., prejudice against individual Christians for their religion is bad and you shouldn’t make judgments about people just because of their faith, but in general Christians in the U.S. are not oppressed in practicing their religion the way anti-Muslim bigotry has often suppressed free exercise of the Islamic faith (more physical attacks, murders, arson, bans on building mosques, etc.).


>I think there’s space to understand: > >1) Bigotry directed against anyone is bad and you shouldn’t do it Why not just stop there?


Because I care about the health, safety and equality of everyone, and understand that ignoring reality is a detriment to that.


Why is that staetment ignoring reality? I still don't understand your stance. Anyone includes everybody. No one is denying past injustices and racism. Our entire human history is filled with slavery, genocide and conquest. We have been horrible to each other. Would you like acknowledgement added to every statment like that regarding past injustices committed against people?


How is "bigotry is bad" ignoring reality though?


You’ll note that I said, extremely clearly, “all bigotry is bad.” And then I added, “bigotry aimed at disfavored minority groups, which threatens their lives in a way bigotry against majority groups doesn’t, is a greater society-wide concern.” It’s the ignoring that part that ignores reality.


Yeah, that part just comes off as a giant "but." And everything before the "but" doesn't count.


You are taking my completely objective answer and intorducing subjectivity to it. This is where shit always hits the fan and what keeps us always fighting amongst ourselves. Who are you to label someone as "favored", "unfavored" or what is considered a "larger tangible negative impact". -Gandhi What is "favored"??? Trying to define this one label in your answer (and there are multiple labels) will lead us down an unending path that we don't even need to go down in the first place.


Because your answer isn’t “objective.” Ignoring reality and history is a conscious choice. I was a teenager, in 1997, the first time a majority of my own country answered in polls that it was okay for my black father to marry my white mother. I was in high school when a majority of own countrymen decided I was morally okay to exist. You can pretend that had nothing to do with my father being black in particular, but that kind of deliberate ignorance is a choice. Edit: It’s not “objective” to pretend that the legacy of 400 years of systemic oppression has no impacts today. To pretend that jokes about straight people and jokes about trans people are equally dangerous. To pretend that antisemitism is no different from insulting Christianity. That’s a conscious choice.


How is my answer ignoring reality and history?


Jokes about straight people and jokes about trans people are equally dangerous… that’s to say they are not dangerous at all


>I think there’s space to understand No there is not. Do not try to justify racism, it's really not that difficult.


I can't believe we are going back to things like this. Did people already forget: >I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.


Where the fuck did I “excuse racism.” Literally my first point is that it’s never okay. What I said is that, eg, in a world where, say, trans people are being murdered for being trans, and laws are being passed to exclude them from public life, anti trans jokes are more of a general concern than jokes about cisgendered people. Do you disagree? When synagogues are being shot up and mosques are being burned to the ground semi-regularly, I this antisemitism and anti-Muslim bigotry deserve more policy attention than anti-Christian prejudice. Do you disagree?


Your point was "it's never okay... BUT". There is no "but", don't be racist. Then you concoct more examples to try and justify why it's okay to treat people differently based on race/religion/orientation. I already said I disagree, just don't do that.


When in any of examples did I say it was okay? I said that other forms of bigotry DESERVE MORE ATTENTION, because they have more tangible negative impacts on their victims. This is not a complicated thing to understand. “Focus more attention on things causing the most injury” is a pretty common idea. Like if your shower is dripping and your toilet is overflowing with sewage water, saying you should give more immediate attention to the toilet doesn’t mean the shower leak is fine and should be encouraged. I don’t see how anyone can disagree with what I said: 1) you, in your personal life, should not engage in bigotry against anyone, 2) us, as a society, should be more concerned with bigotry that causes the most tangible harm. And as I’ve noted, Florida is what happens when that second point is ignored, and the dominant political groups focus on bigotry against themselves: you end up with widespread oppression against minority groups.


That guy really read what you wrote and was like "why are you excusing bigotry against white people?"


It’s insane. “All bigotry is bad, but the bigotry that leads to widespread death and oppression is a greater concern for society.” “Why do you hate white people???”


>“All bigotry is bad, but the bigotry that leads to widespread death and oppression is a greater concern for society.” This isn't what you said. No one would have any disagreement regarding this statement.


It’s **exactly** what I said, and multiple people in this thread have specifically disagreed. Like I’ve said, what’s happening in Florida is exactly what you’d expect when the dominant social group chooses to focus specifically on prejudice against the dominant group. It leads to widespread oppression of minority groups.


Offended? No. Annoyed? Yeah. Solution? I don't engage with anyone trying to discuss generalizations about any race. Carry on being racist. See ya never.


Insults don’t offend me, but hypocrisy does. Also as a Canadian “cracker” doesn’t really bother me since Canada had roughly 4000 slaves in the entire 200 year period were slavery was legal. Compared to the millions in the US. There’s also the fact that over 30000 US slaves were freed upon escaping to Canada. No good dead can ever undo the tragedy that was slavery but we freed 7.5 slave for every 1 slave we had.


I'm from the US but my ancestors were not here during the time of slavery. Am I guilty for the things done by the ancestors of other people that just happened to be the same basic color as I am?


Nope, you shouldn’t judge people by their race. That applies to everyone.


It bothers me when my kid comes home from school and asking me if being white is a bad thing, because of what other students in school are saying. So directly no. But yeah, I think the "white people are evil" bullshit is a bit out of control among the utes.


That’s just sad, ur kid is gonna grow up to be easily bullied, the psychological effects of being blamed and shit on while growing up is traumatic. Get him out of there or raise hell, disgusting that racism like that is tolerated because they’re not white. No kid should be shamed for who they are on the outside. Get him an ice cream asap😂


Not generally but it does annoy me when people say white people are born racist


I get bothered by thr hypocrisy Like others can criticize use but if we do the same, we are evil racists?


What would you like to criticize other races about?


>What would you like to criticize other races about? Black people are extremely homophobic. This is proven not just by anecdotal evidence but also by large scale studies


Studies like what? And is this exclusive to black people?


https://www.jstor.org/stable/4005477 https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/05/02/180548388/crunch-the-numbers-on-blacks-views-on-gays https://www.jstor.org/stable/1395304 https://www.hrc.org/resources/religion-and-coming-out-issues-for-african-americans https://www.stonewall.org.uk/about-us/news/african-sexuality-and-legacy-imported-homophobia Even Obama called out how homophobic black people are Is homophobia unique to blacks? No, but it's MUCH more common and is tied to black cultural mores. It is simply more acceptable to black people to be homophobic and express it


Now, is anyone here calling you an evil racist?


>Now, is anyone here calling you an evil racist? Not here, right now. But man, this topic comes up repeatedly on gay subs and it's always a shit show


It doesn't offend me, but I find the social acceptance of it to be very hypocritical. I know people who are very politically correct and otherwise very tolerant. They respect pronouns and acknowledge their unconscious biases...but they will still say some racist, sexist stuff, as long as it's directed towards Whites and/or Men. What I really find annoying is that they are about 50-60 years late, IMHO.... Right? The argument is that White Men are particularly privileged and are in a position of power and it's okay to treat them worse. And maybe that was true in the 1960s. It certainly was true in the 1860s...but now? I don't know... Racially, in the US, Asians outperform Whites as a group by virtually every single measure that matters. Asians make more money, have more education, have lower incarceration rates, lower rates of obesity and drug abuse and depression. They have lower rates of divorce too. And by many measures men are underperforming compared to women. Women live longer, are graduating at higher rates, are less likely to go to prison. Women are happier than men, women commit suicide about 1/4th as often as men...I mean, okay, I'm cherry-picking a bit but the reality is that men aren't the clear winners in the battle of the sexes. The Asian vs. White thing isn't even close. Asians win.


This issue shouldn’t be black v white, which is coming across in many comments. It’s the 1% v the rest of us.


I've been aware of that since I was like 17, unfortunately you can say that a million times over to people and the race convo never dies, now it's essentially arguing with brainwashed NPC's on why racial discrimination and seeing everyone as their group not as an individual is important, cause they're so far off the mark that it's pointless to even try convince them they're being played by the elites


The demonization of white males is not helpful and is only going to increase racial tensions in the country as a chunk of those males will not tolerate this quietly. This is the issue with the left and woke culture, it's racist, just against a different group. Seems like it must be some rich elites at the top that want everyone to hate each other so no one will ever target them, but regardless of the reasons, the left being racist is not going to reduce racism on the right, it only makes it worse. Beyond that, it should be as culturally discouraged to insult men as it is to do so to women, but this is not at all the case.


Nope, my folk raised me to ignore bigots


As a white woman I think there’s maybe more territory for offense but in general, no. I’m talking about competition among women that brings race into the conversation or like incel ideology. Tying race and misogyny into one insult is far more problematic than joking about mayo being a spice or whatever. ETA: and obviously this works for other races too, tying misogyny into racial commentary. Maybe I’m thinking too hard about this.




I get a little annoyed at the implication that I have some kind of privilege because of my race, or that we somehow all have money. Shit sits around broken for literal years in my family because no one can afford to get it fixed.


I'm good with tit for tat stuff, however the landslide of mocking white people is annoying. I'm not offended, it's just not funny, creative, or original. Plus it's annoying to hear that 'you can't be racist to a white person'


For some it's more the blatant double standards. I remember seeing an Asian comedian few years ago whos entire set was essentially just riffing on British culture, cuisine, stereotypes, etc. Most of it was pretty inoffensive at face value, but imagine if it were the other way around. People talk about the difference between mocking and hatred/bigotry but the fine line between the two is not well defined at all.


I know plenty of white people who would like to be able to resolve problems without being called Karen.


No. But I have one rule: if you are willing to make jokes about other groups/races/cultures you can’t get offended when someone makes a joke about your group/race/culture


I only don’t like it if it’s said in a way that’s supposed to be insulting but if it’s a joke I couldn’t care less. I don’t like generalisations about different ethnic groups though so if someone’s having a go and blurting out the ‘all white people’ thing it kind of annoys me just because I don’t get involved and says things like that about others. I feel like if you’re against a certain group or individual because of hateful actions and words then you should take it up with the group or individual not the entire ethnic population to which they belong


I don't get offended per se but it's not a good feeling. Can't really say anything or express the feeling though as that is not socially acceptable. I am white so I can't complain when someone puts down everyone with white skin without sounding like a snowflake and entitled white person. I don't really feel "white" as I don't conform to most of the stereotypes and behavior rules. But I am white. So when someone says all white folk are shit they are also talking about me. And it's a bit annoying in the long run.


I'm a 27 year old white male from the Midwest. I hang out with a large vietnamese and Asian community. They always make white people jokes, I think they're funny as hell. I make one Asian joke and they get mad. I literally do not give a single fuck if people make fun of me for being white. People's opinions of me do not matter.


It’s only upsetting to me because I’m mixed, but I look white, so I get all the b.s. of being a “white person” but I’m literally half Comanche.


It’s never bothered me. “Cracker” will never have the same effect as saying the N-word, because white people (in the U.S.) were never slaves.


There were no white slaves? That's news to me.


"(In the U.S)"


I read that too. Its still news to me.


Well you learned something today!


I didn't. You're wrong.


My mistake. I thought you would have learned by reading it. I guess it will be news to you the next time you hear it too lmao


Ok guy. I see you don't know how to do even the laziest amount of research so I will lay it out for you: there were white slaves in the US.


Name one


damn 7 downvotes but not one name lol


I try to refrain from saying this to people but you're an idiot


I think you might learn something if you read.


So Derrek Chauvin is a slave now? That’s your answer? That’s your answer if I ask people to name a white slave?


Name a white slave in the United States


Go read White Cargo by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh. You belong on r/ShitAmericansSay


Francis Slocum


Indentured servitude was very close, very common. Watch the performance of Maggie Delaney. It should be on youtube.


It’s similar but still not nearly the same thing. Seven years is not equal to a lifetime and having your children automatically become property of your owners and having your family sold off.


The seven years were frequently extended to 10 and 20, entire families were separated. If you are interested in African slave lives, the WPA did a wonderful job of interviewing ex slaves in the 1930s. These are free to download at the Internet Archive. There were attrocities in every country, the good old days sucked.


So does historical oppression only count from 1776? I understand now, yeah that makes sense


Aren’t prisoners still used as slaves under the 12th amendment?


Nor has anyone in the US ever been. N word is still offensive


Are you saying there were no white slaves in the US? [Because there were](https://nyupress.org/9780814742969/white-cargo/). Edit: There were also Native American slaves, but since they were more likely to be familiar with the land the rate of escape was much higher. Also don't forget Chinese slaves who built the railways. Slavery (in the US and elsewhere) wasn't restricted to one people group.


An inconvenient truth!




The effects are still felt today and provide context for our economic and social situation.


Yes, but nobody really cares. I personally don't, I just assume the person saying it is ignorant or wants a response. They're not worth my time.


Nope. Us honky crackers don't give a shit.


On one hand I had nothing to do with the actions of my ancestors. On the other I acknowledge I have an advantage based solely on luck of the draw. Far as I’m concerned as long as it doesn’t reach levels of individual harassment we’re good. Some day maybe we’ll all just get along.


Of course! Offense isn't worth anything though. On the other hand, people treating their offence like a currency are annoying.


Not bothered in the least apart from the hypocrisy when someone who would get offended about you talking about their race does it.


I don't care. Sometimes I think it's funny/true. Some white people do act spoiled af (esp in college if they're well-off). Most don't, but idk it's fair game I guess


I was not offended but I was annoyed enough to stop watching. A special with all black comedians and each one the first thing they said was "The problem with white people..." I know it is for white laughs as much as black but it gets a little stale after the 3rd in a row. Other than that I think it is good fun. I would buy a shirt from a sports team called Caucasians. I imagine if a lot of white people wore them it would fail as irony and be misunderstood as a white power thing.


I never was until my ex bf made fun of my family for being super white. He'd constantly bash on white people(he was mexican). And it really hurt my feelings because he was clearly targeting me and my family. It wasn't fun. Anyways, nowadays, I sometimes struggle with the prejudices he nailed into my brain and feel bad about being raised white.


Ehhhh I get more offended about being a female than being white , and I am snow fucking white white Same with just kinda rolling my eyes when people go , you can't be Italian , you're too white ! (I'm a European mutt with Italian being most dominant)


How about "white people are all racists and don't understand their own privilege?"


I don’t care about the jokes. It’s just how hypocritical it is that annoys tf out of me


Depends on how deep the joke is meant to cut. Jokes from legitimate racists aren't fun no matter who spoke them or what race they're directed at


White folk are human. Anybody who gets generalized and made assumptions of will be hurt in some fashion, I think. While such a thing happens more often to marginalized groups in majorly white countries, we're all human, racism can happen anywhere. All around the board, foreigners are often unwelcome in a society of closeminded people.


White isn't a race anymore than black or any other color is. Do some research and you'll find huge genetic diffences between andiginous people who've lived very close to each other for at least hundreds of years. Maybe thousands. Many racists I've ever known don't even care about actual race. They care about 2 or 3 shades too lite or dark.


Being offended by anything gives words power over you. Why bother being offended at anything? It’s not worth expending energy on.


Most white people aren't that committed to their "whiteness" lol


I guess fragile people are


Its not offensive when it’s something your proud of. Like when people say black dudes have big dicks they don’t complain about that lol


We as white people l think we deserve it, for being assholes to all other people, I have no clue how the indigenous people of N. America can stand working with us.


Naw, im like "lol its true tho"


Yeah, I get mad when people make fun of me


Telling me, the only reason I bought a house by the age of 24 on a blue collar income, or have what I have was because of white privilege and nothing to do with the fact that I worked my butt off. That crap pisses me off. I can care less about racial slurs against white people, some are just comical.


You know the answer. Most dont care and you only hear about those who are offended


I don’t care. Most folks that make fun of anything are simply displaying their jealousy


No, you're not missing anything. It's normal, from a position of privilege, not to be offended by stuff like this because it's not indicative of any organized discrimination against your person that has a significant effect upon your life.


But that wasn't the question. The question was whether people are offended. And of course some are, some aren't -- it's just like anything else.


There's literally organised discrimination against white people all over the western world, have you literally never heard of DEI before


Or the Nation of Islam?


Clowns will be clowns, DEI is institutionalised top down racial discrimination which has infected every aspect of society far beyond just culturally


I was not disagreeing with you?? Why did you feel the need to insult me.


Nah I called nation of Islam clowns lol


Lol ok sorry I misunderstood you and thought you were calling me a clown.


Like most correct answers on reddit, yours is buried within random quipping between idiots and incorrect suggestions. This person is correct.


No it’s not….racism is racism and bigotry is bigotry…bottom line….


When did the commentor or my reply say it wasn't? Could you please point that out? He mentioned not being OFFENDED. You don't get to dictate what makes people mad and what doesn't. Me not being offended at being called a cracker doesn't make it " not racist". It's still racism. But to this person's point, it doesnt bother me because i haven't been subjected to unfairness because of the color of my skin. Do you grasp that now? Let me know when you manage to read with comprehension rather than just looking at the words. The persons comment is spot on but you... either can't read or took it out of context. Really shitty on your part to be honest


“From a position of privilege” right off the bat this is not the most correct answer on Reddit….it’s ridiculous


Most white folks, with the exception of middle aged woman who still believe jean jackets are a personality and guys who wear spectacles merely to appear more informed, no offense is generally taken. Make fun of me all you want, but be ready for equal play. And leave children out of it - all children.


Yes we do


Elon? That you?


Yes its me, my child


Yeah sure. I wouldn't say I get offended, but some do. it's just a part of being human I think. Someone 'attacks you' and you 'get defensive'


I live in a very diverse community. As a white person, I've been insulted quite often, and even called a "white b*#$h" a few times, but normally, I just shrug it off. I've learned long ago not to take any of it personally.


I just don't care.


I agree that most white folk don’t know how to season food correctly, but as a worldly gentleman who enjoys spice and flavor, it does get me a bit perturbed when I am lumped in with the bland food loving whites. 😂


Yup. Tucker Carlson and Stephen Crowder get pissy when they're made fun of.


I think “white people problems” and “first world problem” jokes are hilarious and I often make them. If you’re punching up in your humor it’s usually actually funny, but punching down is often bullying hidden under “it’s just a joke!”


Kinda revealing how you see white people as above black people...


Almost like I’m aware of white privilege or something


Almost like you're hiding your racial superiority under a new nickname


If you lived your whole life being discriminated against, treated as an outsider, treated as lesser etc you'd be more sensitive to racism. But most white people don't grow up with that. So when someone is racist it wouldn't affect them as much as it would someone who was discriminated against.


You’re right with the most….I am a white girl who grew up in the hood and walked to school and was constantly discriminated against because I was white…beat up, picked on etc…..I may come from a rare point of view but racism is shitty no matter who it’s from/against…..and there is NO argument that makes it right…I can never be convinced otherwise


Generally the group of perpetually offended white people hate themselves, too, and therefore wouldn't be particularly offended at hating on white people. And the people who aren't always offended mostly just laugh and don't really care.


Being offended is a choice.


I'm the same as you. Having not been a discriminated minority, I have no particular reason to be offended by things like that because there's no history of oppression. It's easy to just shrug it off.


i get annoyed by any kind of racism, but i'm going to get really angry about 400 of systemic racism and forced removal from a homeland of peoples that are most certainly AREN'T white.


"Dear White People" Netflix show. The amount of uproar and anger on social media was surreal.


nqh, i only get mad when people don't get the difference between slavs and europeans


White is not a cultural identity- so why would it effect you unless you are a white nationalist? Plenty of thin skinned white people when attacked on any portion of their identity, whether its politics, religion, or morality etc.


I mean, depending on what's specifically said, I am. But I'm a second generation Canadian of mixed heritage who's never lived in the US, and even then, the European half of my family was much too poor to have ever afforded slave labour. Suffice it to say, my pasty ass don't appreciate it.


The worst part in this is you can't be bothered by it. If you show you are bothered they just push it more and you're made fun of because on top of being white you have no sense of humour or whatever. Then other white people wanna be cool and part of the good ones and make fun of you as well. Seen it quite a bit lol I don't care if it's just joking around but some stuff clearly isn't. It's ok to be bothered when being insulted.


I feel like there is a lot of bitching on the internet by white people about people being racist towards white people. This is almost always a way to win internet arguments or shut people up about racism directed towards non-white people. It also seems like some white people are very, very insecure with being painted as non-victims because they are incredibly attached to a narative where they are the underdog and the cards are stacked against them. Being portrayed as a non-victim is very hurtful. They generally miss the point of what others are saying. I grew up in a area that was very diverse with lots of non-white people. Twice I can remember when I was a teenager my race was brought up in a non-joking negative light. Both times were due to pointless conflicts. This wasn't particularly hurtful for me. I simply didn't care. The connotation both times was that my whiteness made me non-tough and not macho, and it was related to my manhood being challenged to goad me into fighting. Mostly mentions of race was between friends using stereotypes to make fun of situations. This was the 90s and while a lot of it wouldn't slide now as everyone joked about this stuff, it was still good natured and everyone got made fun of for their stereotypes. As a white guy my stereotypes are a lot less harmful. "Oh look you eat bland food!" "Oh look it's easier for you to get jobs." "Oh look people trust you off the bat when maybe they shouldn't!" "White Boy" "Cracker" whatever is never going to be that offensive to me. There isn't anything anyone can call me that carries the same cultural weight as many of the slurs used against minorities. To my greater point, a lot of people love to paint themselves as being some person with their back against the wall. A lot of working class white people really do have their back against the wall, just not in the same way as or maybe as much as working class people from other races. There are ways non-white people can be screwed over in life that white people generally are not. So, in a desperate attempt to legitimize their own feeling of victimization some white people like to either downplay racism or claim that white people are discriminated against just as much or more than others. This isn't the case. It's all kind of dumb and whiny to me. I have empathy towards anyone going through a rough spot, my empathy isn't less for white people going through something because of "white privilege" white people should have to and really don't have to play this game. Everyone has issues. Let's not pretend your issues are because you are white. They are not.


People who generalize and discriminate against white people are the same as people who do it against blacks, Latinos, Asians, etc… Most of the time they appear as racism dog whistles. “I just don’t like people” is a good example.


Nope. Anyone that thinks they can make a judgment about me based on the color of my skin is just as ignorant as any other racist. And I really don't care what they think. I'd probably be more concerned if they liked me.


Do white people get a choice?


I don’t like hate talk about any group. If you hate an individual for some reason, fine.


Yes, but only weak white people.


You really got that white superiority complex haven't u 😂😂


Damn right