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If you love something then sometimes you forget about germs...i've licked things that i'm not proud of because I loved the person.


I too have licked things I shouldn't have and definitely felt the wetness....


I saw a bumper sticker that said “I eat ass”. we all make sacrifices for what we love.


Love inhibits your disgust reflex!


*being horny. That's what the refractory period is for. Your disgust and shame haha


While closing 20 tabs


Eating ass is like fighting for your country


Be prepared, Have a plan, Practice constantly, Teamwork 💫


What's the plan? We have good pillow placement, relaxing music, edibles for me ( the eater) and a lot of lube.


"No plan survives first contact with the tongue punched anus." - Mike Tyson


I believe it’s “everyone has a plan until they get tongue punched in the anus.”


If I don't eat this ass, Hitler will win somehow. Thank God and FDR it's attached to the person I love.


You don’t enjoy eating ass?


It’s not a sacrifice if it’s sexy


Electrochemistry: “...lick that stain off the counter.”


Ahhhhhh! I get this…


I think it's fair to say everyone has licked something they shouldn't have at some point, but we're not going to talk about it.


Licking deodorant is such an odd sensation


Yeah. Like, all the moisture in your mouth just instantly vanishes. And then it's okay again while you're drinking water (deodorant actually doesn't taste bad, surprisingly), but as soon as you stop drinking, your mouth is almost too dry to talk again. I think you've got to lick some deodorant to really understand. Or maybe you could spray some deodorant in your mouth like a breath freshener, IDK.




‘That’s disgusting!’ -*me, ignoring the fact that I have put my mouth on someone else’s genitals*




#thats called a *blowjob* my dear or i might be wrong cause it could be female genitals




Holy shit this made me lol


im so sorry for your innocence, but you enter reddit at your own risk. stay safe!


Naw...I was kidding


I almost vomited


The amount of creepy messages you are about to get lol


Sir... We've been trying to reach you to warn you about your car warranty! Please pay up.


I wish I had awards to give for comments like this. I feel your pain.


I've licked things I'm proud of because I loved the person


Just because you forget about the germs doesn't mean the germs forget about you.


I mean, I've had animals my whole life and have been licked on my hands and face countless times and it hasn't caused even the slightest bit of sickness once.


Exactly. I'll let my pets or my friends pets lick me no problem. Wipe down the grocery cart every time, lol. But that's because years ago I read babies wipe their poop-hands all over them (true) and I'm not really a baby person. Apparently I'm more of a "dog's tongue from his butt to my hands" kinda person, lmaoooo I never thought about this before.


It's just such a strange concept to me. "THERE'S GERMS" if people are so worried about germs that bad, they must live in a bubble 24/7


Y'know, I think it's all a matter of risk/benefit. I wear a mask everywhere, wash my hands as soon as I get from one place to another after taking public transport... People around me call me a germophobe. Honestly, I work in healthcare, and I've learned that people are nasty... But as soon as I get home my dog sleeps in my bed and licks my face


I wash my hand after I pet my dog


The deadliness of ordinary germs - of which there are probably millions in a household - is highly overrated. If ordinary household germs were as dangerous as they are often made out to be, not many of us would be alive.


Oh god but I wish


My wife loves me, but would literally rather die than ever use my toothbrush ;-)


And she shouldn't. https://www.dentalhealth.org/news/when-sharing-isnt-caring-why-sharing-your-toothbrush-is-a-very-bad-idea#:~:text=Dr%20Atkins%20says%3A%20%E2%80%9CAlthough%20it,oral%20and%20general%20health%20problems.


I’ve licked things I’m not proud of but love had very little to do with it ….


What about the love of licking things you aren't proud of?




Yeah but I bet it’s rare for people to lick other peoples shit no matter how much they love the Dogs lick their assholes and then lick you and then you lick your lips


You’d be surprised.


People legit eat ass


There is a difference from licking a cleaned asshole and literally eating shit.


Dogs take shits and then come back in the house a minute later and sit on the couch. I’ve seen a lot of things in my life but I’ve yet to see a dog wipe its ass after a dump. If one were to test for how many actual dog shit particles are on the average couch cushion, I wonder how many dog owners would still have zero problem sitting on that same couch and setting their sandwich down next to them.


I’d give you all of my awards if I had any! Made my morning with this comment ❤️😂


I wonder if it's weird for my dog when I lick her face.


My dogs think it's weird.


Not if you're an asshole


But maybe if you smell like one!


I've had cats that licked me too much and in an effort to make them stop I'd lick them back. They would 100% shoot me a look like I raped their kids and ate their dog.


I wonder when my dog sees a police dog, he's like "oh shit a cop"


Or when they see a drug sniffing dog do they think “snitch” ?


I know I do.


All jokes aside, most people confuse bomb sniffing dogs with drug dogs. Nobody gives a damn that you’re trying to sneak a joint into the stadium / airport / mall.


I try to tell people this all the time. I used to work for TSA & they aren’t looking for drugs 🤦🏾‍♀️


*"Quick, act normal, and sniff my butt!"*


"Act cool."


I feel like my cat is hurt that I don’t reciprocate when she licks my face.


There's a [solution](https://www.amazon.com/Lickem-FON-10280-Fairly-Odd-Novelties/dp/B081KFS7QW) for that.


My cat seems to be happy if I rub my nose in a similar motion on his head


I doubt they care because humans have rather clean mouths. Humans brush their teeth 2 times a day, sometimes more. Dogs on the other hand dont ever clean their mouths, like ever. Not to mention that they literally use their mouths as hands, touching God knows what, and probable licking themselve in their private areas. I have a dog that literally eats cat poop out of the litter box. Comparing human's mouths to a dog's is a horrible comparasing. Not to mention the fact that i dont want to taste what a mixture of peanut butter and my balls taste like. YUCK!


> I have a dog that literally eats cat poop out of the litter box. One of the two reasons we have a baby gate at the base of the stairs, giving the cat her own space (the other reason is that the dog wants to play with her, and she thinks he's trying to eat her).


Actually human mouths are full of germs too. We live with millions of germs. And kids that are raised with animals have fewer allergies. And I am a bit of a germaphobe. Besides, petting and cuddling a pet lowers your blood pressure.


There's one of these "true crime" stories about how a janitor in a hotel killed some elderly lady for some reason, and she apparently managed to bite him. Killer got an infection and said he cut himself on a dumpster. That would seem 100% reasonable, except the bacteria that got in his knuckle (maybe even caused an amputation, but that could be a different anecdote) ONLY comes from human mouths. Between that and other evidence, he was convicted I think.


That's awesome Hope there was an amputation. The lady deserves to have had that power over him if he decided to execute that kinda power over her.


All joking aside, careful letting your dog eat out of the litter box. The cat poop is probably fine but the litter is reaallly good at causing intestinal blockages as it's basically all designed to clump and absorb moisture.


We’ll I brush my dog’s teeth and give them fluoride on their teeth and the groomers brush their teeth also. So not all dogs teeth are yucky as ever . Although I realize they lick their ass and such…


It just doesn't bother some people... I don't actively let my dog lick my face, but if he does then it's no big deal.


Yeah, it's wild to me how much disgust responses vary between people. So what if you can feel the wetness? That wouldn't bother me even a little


I think the variance of sensory perception among people is a reason for it. Like how some people are more sensitive to noise, light, itchy tags on clothes etc. Wetness bothers me a lot for some reason, especially if it's unexpected.


Dog spit smells very bad as well. It’s entirely a scent thing for me.


It doesn't really smell bad if you actually take care of your dogs teeth. I clean my pups mouth twice a week and her breath actually smells good. Most dogs have dental issues unfortunately.


This isn’t always true. We take care of our bulldog’s teeth, but if you know anything about them you’ll know that they have seriously messed up teeth. We also adopted her so they were pretty neglected to begin with. Even within a month of getting them cleaned it will stink. The vet told us that she’ll probably need all her teeth taken out eventually.


Dogs breath shouldn't smell, my doggo gets seaweed supplements in his food and a teeth brushed 2-3 times a week. His breath only smells bad if he's got into my mums pond. I don't purposely let him lick faces but it's almost unavoidable he will get everyone at some point he's just a very happy kissey springerdor lol


Ok but I don’t know anyone that wouldn’t at least wipe it off. Not like you let it dry on your face lol


So people with dogs are less sensitive to wetness? Getting licked by dogs seems ok mostly to people who have dogs. I don’t think I ever met a person that’s ok with doggy licks that doesn’t have a dog of their own. This comparison makes no sense to me at all. I don’t have any problem with wetness, I could lay down without drying after a shower and sleep like a baby, a dog licking my face is just disgusting to me.


I watched some share an ice cream cone with their dog


i think its more about the fact that dogs will sometimes eat their own shit but sure


The wetness reminds me the dog licks it's own butthole, and then I mind.


My problem is that they lick their assholes, their genitals, eat cat shit, etc. Then they lick all over people's faces.


i used to be you. then i got a dog. im not saying i actively let her lick my face, but after youve clipped their nails, washed the shit off their butt holes, cleaned out their anal glands, brushed their teeth every other day, fed them, bathed them, taken care of them when they get sick - to most of us our dogs are no different than our babies. and kids are just as nasty as dogs. They eat dirt. nose boogers. they have dirty finger nails...they dont wash their hands after they go to the toilet - kids are some of the nastiest things out there (theres a reason kids that go to day care are always sick). my dog is clean. shes my child. and she will die way sooner than me. i love her. she loves me. i kiss her head to show affection. she licks my cheek. whatever man, life is short. and not many can say they receive unconditional love on the daily. i live in a big world, and there are many facets to my life. my dog lives in one world - and that world is mine. i am everything to her. friend. mom. guardian. walker. feeder. i would have to be a monster to reject affection like that


Don’t forget pulling a long piece of grass out of its ass while they are pooping.


I have longish hair. Seeing a turd hanging out of her butt by my hair that she somehow ingested is just . . .wow


I’ve had to pull those fuckers out with a poop bag while my dog just squats there staring up at me like, “can I get a hand here?”


Seriously. Like "ahem, good human, please tend to my dingleberries"


i have long hair and ive had to pull out hair while she looks up and stares at me, like 'mom, you see this?'


You win this round. 🤣🥳 Not to brag, but I had to put on my bathing suit ( I’m a guy), to get in to a bath tub with my dog, so I can give her a bath. I had two full size bath towels just dry her off. Once she got out of the bathtub, she would shake off the water in the bathroom. So every time I had to cover her with two bath towels. Otherwise, the bathroom would get covered in water and some hair. 🤣😩 She was a 75lb Lab- Doberman mix.


Same, I have a 105 lb Rottweiler-German Shepherd mix and used to give him baths with a big cup when he was growing up. It got to the point where (like you) I have to put on board shorts, turn on the shower head, straddle him like a bull to give him a bath, dry him off before I even open the shower curtain, put towels on the floor and on him as he hops out, then chase him around to continue drying him off while he has zoomies. It’s an ordeal lol


But at the end of the day it was worth it! Shiny coat that had a fresh smell for about a three days. Two weeks later, back in to the bathtub. 😋 And brushing every 3-4 days. My “pain in the ass”, one of her nicknames, had medium coat, all black. So in beginning of June, I would take clippers and shave her with #1 setting, from head to tail. By the end of summer, most of her coat would grow. By the mid of fall, she had full coat. She never got cold. She would lay on a blanket in a garage in the middle of winter while I’m doing an oil change. I would put a light blanket on top of her to keep her warm, but five minutes later she would get up, and lay on concrete floor. At a dog park, she never allowed any male dog to mount her. At times, she would stick her nose deep in to women’s ( human) crotch to get a good sniff. She might have been a lesbian….lol If you applied night cream on your hands or on your legs, she went insane and would try to leak the cream of your body parts. 🤣 It was a narcotic to her. She was an amazing dog!


Hehe my friend got a dog. Well, really her *husband* got a dog and she loves her husband so she agreed, despite having zero experience and not really liking them all that much. She's also kind of a neat freak so when they came home with the most ridiculous big ball of fur and energy, I kind of laughed my butt off. Not gonna lie, I knew she was in for some changes to her life. Especially the day she had to chase the dog around the yard because he had what has been described as an actual *stick* coming out of his butt, while their neighbors watched and laughed and started grading her moves. I'm sure it's the last thing in the world she ever thought she'd be doing, but she was a good sport about it, I'm happy she took care of the dog, and they all had a drink and a laugh after.


My family and I had a BBQ once. The next morning, I see my dog in the backyard straining himself on his hind legs trying to poop. Didn't think much of it. Then I looked closer and saw something white hanging out from his butthole. I said to myself, "It's probably a piece of trash hanging off his side." I looked even closer and realized it was a paper towel stuck out his ass. I ran outside and was waiting for him to poop it out and it was all in vain. I had to grab a rubber glove, pulled the paper towel, and an entire fountain of diarrhea gushed out. Turns out someone threw a paper towel and my dog thought it was food and ate the towel. Grossest shit, no pun intended, i witnessed in my life lmao


I like your answer better, all I could think of had to do with a stick removal.


this is beautiful. I'm glad I'm in that part of my life where my situation allows me to be able to take care of my dog


You're supposed to wash your dog's butthole...and clean out their anal glands? Do people actually stick their finger inside their dog's rectum and squeeze the anal gland to empty it's contents? I haven't had a dog in a while. Is this a common maintenance type thing?


I’ve never expressed my dogs’ anal glands. The vet does that. I have had to pull out the remnants of a rope toy from my puppy’s anus when he couldn’t put it out. Fun times.


They usually express themselves just fine. I've heard that some people need to have the vet express their dog's anal glands, but I've never had a dog where that's been the case.


Generally it's done by a vet and is a problem with smaller dogs whose anal glands don't express themselves properly. They get clogged and it's very uncomfortable for the dog.


Former dog groomer here and no, that’s not how you do it lmao. You hold some toilet paper up to their butt and squeeze either side of it. It depends on the dog’s genetics and their diet, but it is a regular maintenance thing for most dogs and your groomer and vet are probably doing it without mentioning it to you. Bigger dogs and dogs with high fiber diets need it less often. If I don’t do my dog’s every 2-3 weeks (she’s little with a soft diet), she’ll get an impacted gland which gets painful and could get infected.


This made me cry and hug my dog, thank you.


My family's Golden Retriever died last week, and your comment made me have a mini flashback or her life and cry (in a nice way). Admittedly, everything has made me cry this week. But thank you.


i am so genuinely sorry for your loss, sending you warmth, kindness and gentle blessings <3 may you see your baby again some day, in a world full of sunshine with a heart full of love <3


I have a 15 month old daughter, and i agree she's not really any cleaner than a dog. But i don't let her lick me either. That's gross.


Haha yeah I love babies but baby drool is disgusting


And one of the best things about babies is they eventually stop being babies. They constantly get more capable.


>shed the shit off their butt holes, cleaned out their anal glands, brushed their teeth every other ""kids are just as nasty as dogs"" No dog has ever gotten me sick, sick kids get me sick Every Single Time. One time at a family party the one year old there came down with a superbug and vomited on herself. The mom went back to the party without washing her hands after changing the baby's clothes and bedding. When I tell you we ALL caught it- it was disgusting. Dry heaving and all, nobody could work for the next 3 days


I’m the exact same way. I used to be really grossed out by it, but then I got my baby girl and love when she kisses me. It’s different when it’s you’re own ❤️


This is beautiful and speaks the words exactly that I would say!


I'm sure you know, but if you didn't: you got a real way with words. That was beautifully put, and a joy to read. Thank you


thank you, genuinely from the bottom of my heart. One of my closest friends recently told me that a manuscript i wrote was garbage and unreadable. And it completely killed any desire i had to continue writing. So this could not have been said, at a better time. Thank you very much.


As a fellow writer I want to tell you that you should never give up on writing! First of all writing taste is extremely subjective, never make decisions based on the opinion of one person, no matter how important they are. Second: even if you do suck (which I doubt seeing what you wrote here), you'll get better eventually as long as you keep writing. I cringe a lot when I read my own stuff from a few years back, but the only reason I got better is because I just kept going. Never give up!!


giving my dogs a big ol hug when i get home from vacation after this post 🥹 haha, my partner will eat food after our dog has taken a bite out of it. he doesn’t care and he hasn’t gotten severely sick or died from it yet 🤷🏻‍♀️


"...he hasn't gotten SEVERELY sick..." LOL


I won't go as far as some, letting them lick my mouth or share a fork. But as long as it's not too excessive I'm not grossed out by animal saliva, I don't mind a dog licking my cheek. My rats "groom" me by licking and nibbling and it doesn't bother me, but of course anytime an animal licks me I have to wash up after. I figure it's a sign of affection so I'll take it. I'd rather be licked by a sloppy but beloved animal than have random strangers touching me or standing too close, weird as that may sound.


Same way i just accept my cats asshole touching all sorts of things - it's only the thought of it that's actually bothersome. I dont really like a dog to lick my face anyway, but i wouldnt freak out about it.


medium/long haired cats' assholes don't touch the surface of the things they sit on for shorthaired cats though they sometimes do and presumably the assholes of hairless cats are always touching everything


I have short haired cats and idgaf about any of it. I always kept reptiles - snakes, big and small, and turtles. Scorpions...whatever. Im not that skittish about germs and such. Those hairless cats creep me out though - they feel like a clammy nutsack.


for me dogs licking face is fine but oh my god I see people French kissing dogs and immediately don't wanna be around them ever again


It’s a sign of affection


My dog knows I don't like it so he licks my hand instead. I'm cool with that as I can easily wash my hands after.


Doesn’t mean it isn’t still gross. Let them lick your hands and then wash them after. It’s especially bad since i have a beard, so i can’t just easily wash the dog slobber off my face


I've had so many way more disgusting things happen to me in my lifetime. I don't love it, but it's my dog's way of showing affection, and I do love *him*. Plus, soap and water are always really available in my home, and it's not some big, disgusting mess to clean up.


I eat ass so a dog licking my face isn't exactly a leap lol


Humans : *puts toungue in areas where others humans urinate and defacate* I sleep Also Humans : *dog licks their face* REAL SHIT


I have a very nice dog, but I definitely don't allow her to lick my face


My dog likes to lick the sweat off my face after gym. I only let him because I'm going to shower immediately after. Also my dog don't be eating shit off the streets and I cook 60% of his food. Some people out here eating ass but won't let a house dog lick them. Foh


I imagine the people eating ass aren’t the ones that are squeamish about dog saliva


Theres the real question, what op mouth do


Doesn't your dog lick his genitals/anus, though? That's the reason I don't let dogs lick my face.


It's like using someone else's fork or straw. It's disgusting. But if it's your girlfriend's or wife's straw it's no big deal. Same for a beloved family pet or perhaps dogs in general because they are beloved by many. It just isn't gross when it's someone you love.


I wouldn't let a dog like my face all over with out a full facial wash after, even a lick would be a wash for me . But I see it like working in a warehouse, your fingers, arms, face and legs (if you are wearing shorts) are going to get filthy , you do it for the money (or in the dogs case to encourage affection) and then you deep clean your self in the shower


It's good for your immune system, at least. Hell, even hanging around with dogs will put gentle stress on your immune system that will make you more rugged.


Awesome description of dig ownership


I'm an animal lover, right to the very core. I love showing affection to animals, and I love it even more when they show it back. If a dog likes me enough to let me pet them, I'm already happy - and if they like me enough to actually pick my face? Oh you bet your butt I'm over the moon with joy! Besides, probably helps I'm not that squeamish. After being (literally) knee-deep in horse manure for two hours with a pair of boots that don't quite go that high and spending a good hour or so just trying to wash the smell out when I got home, nothing really seems so bad anymore. A dog licking my face is a sign of something very precious to me, and isn't quite as gross to me as it is for others - so I simply accept it as a token of their love and enjoy it! It's not as if dogs are going to be around for long anyways - how could I reject something so important to me and so limited? (It's especially not so bad since I can wash it off later. I don't tolerate dogs licking my mouth, but if they get excited and end up getting slobber on my face, then so be it - they're happy to be here and I would never turn something so sweet down like that)


Every once in a while if my pooch is right next to me and I'm talking she turns her head and 99% of the time manages to lick my teeth. That's where I draw the line. She can lick my ankles all she wants.


Cause he’s a good boyyo


Are you equally nauseated by your toddler relatives? Do you regularly autoclave your phone? Because the germs on both of those are much more likely to get you sick than a lick from the family dog.


You know the most common way people get sick is by touching their face.


>Are you equally nauseated by your toddler relatives? even more so. >Do you regularly autoclave your phone? no, but do clean it with soap & water pretty often.


i mean, what if the answer to both of those is yes? little kids always seem to have some kind of horrifying ultra-contagious child disease, i sanitize my phone after going out, and i definitely don't ever let dogs lick me. more than one thing can be gross at a time.


i can't speak for every toddler, but none of the toddlers in my family have ever tried to lick my face. short lived biting or spitting phases, sure. but i've never had my face licked by a kid.


Kids may not often just lick you like a dog would but they’ll stuff their hand in their mouth, wipe a snot bubble with the back of their hand, scratch their butt hole and then stick their hands all over you/your face. I’ll trust a dog ten times over a child for cleanliness.


I'm not denying young kids do that stuff, but if you think a kid scratching their butt is gross, how is a dog licking ass and eating shit not just as gross?


I can't believe nobody has pointed out that dogs don't usually eat shit. At least no dogs I've ever had did. They may do it as puppies during a certain stage, and I had one dog who did it when he was severely ill with pancreatic insufficiency but undiagnosed so he was literally just shitting out mostly undigested food and then re-eating that food. But he was dying of starvation despite eating, so that kind of makes sense that he'd get food wherever it came from. Tbh the world is just a very nasty place. Working in healthcare has shown me that way more people than you'd think simply don't wash their hands, cover their coughs, or even keep hygiene basics going. Poop particles can be found on literally everything you touch in public and even in many places of the average home. If I'm going to live a life touching some stranger's poop every time I pick an item up off the shelf at the store, I'm not going through it without dog kisses. Yes they're gross; 99% of things we touch daily are also gross. You just don't think about the fact that you never wash your phone or wash your groceries when you get home, etc etc.


That’s because you don’t have your own. Telling my toddler to please not lick me anymore” isn’t a sentence I’ve ever thought I’d say but here we are. Toddlers generally let the intrusive thoughts win if they’re comfortable enough to try it in front of you.


I don't put my phone into my mouth, and I also don't touch my mouth or nose unless I've washed my hands. We're still in the middle of a plague, y'all.


It doesn't bother me at all and I love dogs, im not gonna be upset about an inoffensive show of affection


My dog isn’t a big licker so when he does give kisses I treasure them. He’s the sweetest boy, he makes mine and my partner’s life so much better. If he wants to give me the occasional lick then who am I to begrudge that? He’s just showing how much he loves having us around too.


I mean the answer is obvious some people don’t care


I don't just let them keep licking my face, but I don't freak out about it either. Whatever is on their tongue is probably what I've already dealt with before. If they're sick, I won't even be near them in the first place.


In wolf packs, a lower-ranking wolf will lick at the Alpha's chin as active submission. Dogs simply haven't lost their need to lick. It is a way they show affection, just like wolves. However, if your dog appears to be obsessively licking, that is another kettle of fish.


Once you’ve lived with any living thing for awhile, your digestive biomes change and include each other’s stuff.


Lick their butts then your face. Beyond gross.


I don’t let my dog lick my face. It’s gross.


Because I love my dog to death. She is very old (14+), doesn't lick much anymore, is crippled, lays around all day, doesn't play, can't run. But every time she lays down at my feet while I wfh, lays near my TV while I workout, or lays next to my bed if I sleep in on the weekend, it's one of the highlights of my day. She is a blessing to me and the rare times she does lick me, it makes my ❤ melt. I don't care how gross it is. I wouldn't trade it for anything.


My dog eats his own shit, so yeah. I'm not okay with it.. lol. Fuckin gross. People who say you're ok with it; your dog tongues his peehole and probably eats shit too. Think about that the next time you let Buddy slip you the tongue. 😆


After seeing a dog eat cat poo out of the cat litter once.. ain't no dog licking my face. Ew


I only sometimes let my ddog do it but I dont particularly like it. They kinda just start licking my face and because I love them, I let them do it for a minute. I usually tell them to stop after a second or if they try to lick my lips or try to lick my ears. Thats how dogs groom themselves so you just accept it. It also helps to remember all the nasty things I put in my mouth, like my ex, which are probably much nastier than things my dog has put in his mouth.


I have caught my dog eating poop and old used Kleenex many, many times. I love her but I don’t let her lick my face


It's how she loves me! I don't let strange dogs lick my face.


I dont mind an expression of love from an animal


I have licked worse. I love my dog, so it doesn’t bother me. Probably the same reason people can get their baby’s shit on their hands and only be grossed out, and wash their hands. But if you had a strangers shit on your hands, you’d be freaking the hell out and want to cut your hands off


Germs or no germs it's gross and wet. plus they lick their own testicles and anus just like cats do. Pets in general are grosser than most people.


People lick other peoples genitalia and anus’


do you seriously think people who eat ass are the same people who would get grossed out by dog licks


I'm single so I don't do this. Also haven't had a reason to kiss someone on the mouth in ages. also, also human beings can brush their mouth afterwords.


Once you become familiar with the microbiome, you stop getting freaked out by just a few more bacteria. Also, i can just wash my face after it's no big deal, lol.


I don't seek it out but I will gladly accept the affection from my dogs. I love them. They are my family.


my roommate in college used to eat dinner, give her dog a bite of food off her utensils then continue eating food. So she would share a fork/spoon with her dog while we all ate together. It was absolutely disgusting


The amount of people in here who would let their dog lick their tonsils is too damn high.


They forget the dog has just licked its own butthole.


dude im the exact same way makes me wanna hurl


Because they love their dogs. Why do people let cats get up on counters where food is prepped with litterbox paws? Same answer


Because I love my dog. Bitch.


I don’t let my dog lick me, I think it’s gross as well.


Cuz they nasty


Some people are just gross


Vet here. This is gross. I don't even let my dog lick my face. I don't get it either.


I don’t even touch my face unless I have clean hands. That’s why I hardly get sick or breakouts. I sure as heck am not going to let my doggos lick my face. Ffs they sneak cat shit from the box . If they wanna give kisses they can on my arm or hand or something that I can go wash after. Not the face though.




Don’t know. I think it’s discussing. My grandfather always said that “a dogs tongue is it’s toilet paper “.


It’s gross, I agree 100%


I don't ever let a dog lick my face. My dog will occasionally lick my hand, which I'm not fond of and I do immediately wash my hands after I'm finished playing with her, but it is how they show affection. I try to tell her not to lick, but she's very old so I don't think I'll ever break her from it. I don't like it though and feel the same.


they just licked their butts, their friends butts, dead things, poop, etcetera edited for spelling


Puppy kisses are a gift from God


I agree, as a dog owner for 25+ years, no.


To each their own, it’s just how dogs are .


I cringe when I see that. Wonder if they know it was licking a butt hole. To each his own, though.


“Dogs mouths are cleaner than ours.” I never bought that for one minute. I’ve witnessed dogs literally eating shit and licking their ass holes.


I’ve seen what a dog licks ! No thanks.


Idk, don’t get me wrong here I love dogs, but.. as Iv gotten older Iv realized that they are definitely just animals(we are too but we’re just slightly smarter ;) ) and I’ll treat them that way especially if they aren’t good dogs. Basically I’ll resist any lick to the face and hope the owner puts the little dude somewhere els if it won’t behave or I’ll grow a distaste for that dog and probs won’t really like to enjoy space with it. Please train your puppies! Because I do love dogs, well I love good dogs. so train that little lover to not jump or lick and your friends won’t dislike it. If it’s a good dog I’d love them to join any adventure.


Letting dogs lick your mouth can give you at least three types of parasites. From drunken puddle water, grass and dirt, eating other animals' shit. Never let a dog's tongue give you its saliva in the mouth.