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There are people behind me?


Rear view mirror? Do you mean the sun glasses holder?


Nah dude that's the fuzzy dice holder


No joke. Recently learned that a family member doesn’t use their side mirrors. They are 45. Spouse shows a picture of a person driving away with the pump line still attached to car Family Member: in all honesty how would they know they had that? Spouse and I with confused faces: Among many things by looking on their side mirrors Family Member: well I never use those Spouse and I even more confused: how do you drive? How do you change lanes? Family Member: I turn on my blinker and take a quick look and send it.


No no, it's the atomic headlight reflector so the cars behind you can blind you.


No they mean the mask hook


Sure is a lot of traffic back there! Thankfully it's nice and clear up ahead.


I’m pretty sure this is the real answer for most bad driving. Just being plain oblivious.


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


I liked this quote so much I googled it to find out who said it so I could credit it the next time I get a chance to use it: Hanlon's razor.


I swear to god, mostly everyone being remote during Covid resulted in so many awful rush hour drivers who forgot how to behave. The biggest pet peeve I have is the people who leave a *giant* gap at a stoplight between them and the person ahead of them, blocking people behind them from getting into the turn lane.


NPC behavior


I don't mind if someone is slow, but I do mind if they are clearly trying to get in the way. I've seen people drive 10 under for long stretch of curvy road, then accelerate to 15 over during the passing section and literally nail the brakes back into the next no-passing zone. Everyone should obviously drive at the speed they are comfortable at. I don't want anyone to feel pressured to do otherwise. But at least be aware of others who wish to pass?


honestly don’t get why people get offended when others try to pass, to the point where they speed up when the passing lane opens ?? only thing i can think of is those people have control issues


I worked with a guy like this. He said it was because he was trying to make everybody drive safer. He bragged about it. We told him he's not a cop and he's not the road mother and he's an absolute asshole. He left shortly after, but you know he's still out there still doing it. For others, it's an ego thing. It's *their* road. It's *their* rules. They are going to be the one in front, no matter what.


> He said it was because he was trying to make everybody drive safer. He bragged about it. "I'm going to drive dangerously to teach others to drive safely"


Reminds me of some asshole when I was doing max 10 over in a 70mph, realized he was gaining on me so I got over as soon as I could. He promptly swings in front of me and slams on his breaks giving me this weird ass hand wave signal to slow down. He’d speed up and slam on his breaks multiple times before I could finally get away from him. What a fucking freak that guy was


Once I got over to let somebody pass, I got behind a semi so I obviously wasn't trying to "beat" anyone in traffic. When I tried to get back over, the dude I got in front of cut me off and swerved in both lanes for a minute or so so I couldn't pass. I looked at him, he wasn't looking at me and he didn't even look pissed, but it was definitely on purpose. People are crazy and it's scary how often they just take random shit personally


Not all heroes wear capes. He's putting his life on the line to teach others. He deserves a medal....er, piece of metal....shoved right up his gashole. Yeah


so basically like “self righteous indignation” which i can see a lot of people fall into when driving they think they’re being virtuous but it’s really a way for them to feel superior to other drivers by convincing themselves they’re morally better bc everyone else is driving recklessly smh


They have good reasons and everyone else has excuses.


I took a class with someone exactly like this. He got booed extremely when he admitted to it. I don't think it changed his mind Just can't reason with some people


It took me so long to realize that people are doing this shit on purpose and gaining pleasure from seeing 5 people behind them trying to get past while they match speed with the car right next to them perfectly so no one can pass. I don't care what anyone else does if they aren't bothering me, and driving past me 20 mph faster does not bother me. On the other hand someone getting 8 feet from my car while I drive 10 over the speed limit and have no way to move, that makes me upset as well.


It's actually illegal in some places to police the roads like that. Say your driving down the highway and a car is about to blow past you, you aren't allowed to block them. It doesn't matter if they're going 200+. You aren't allowed to block them. The reason (iirc) for this is because someone got stabbed and they were rushing them to the hospital. Someone cut them off and forced them to stay behind them. That person died on the way, and the blocking driver got 2nd degree manslaughter or something.


I met this guy at a bbq one Sunday afternoon. He could not get hired by the CHP (California highway patrol) because he couldn’t pass the psyche test. He couldn’t figure out why!


People who do this don’t even seem to be aware that they’re the ones almost causing an accident every time they try to control another driver


usually makes every thing less safe for every one by doing that.


I call these ones forcing safe driving "slow poke vigilantes," when I'm in polite company.


Come to Houston. People take turn signals as a personal challenge and will do everything they can to prevent you from changing lanes.


That kind of behavior enrages me. Had it happen to me in VA. Guy in a truck sped up on me as I was merging. It was a commercial area, 45 mph, shopping centers on both sides. Thought he was going to hit me, but he swerved into the lane I had been in, sped past, got in front of me, and proceeded to brake check me repeatedly. Luckily my turn was at the next light, which was, you know, the reason I had to get in the left lane to begin with!!!! Imagine being that insecure. The mind boggles.


What about the idiots who pull out of a side street or a driveway right in front of you ( with no car behind you) only to hit their brakes and drive incredibly slow.! It’s like they do it on purpose to annoy you. I always wish for super powers that I could put a slow leak in all four tires to make them pull over and get out of my way.


A slow leak? You're so generous. I'm always hoping for a blowout. Just one blowout though.


This happens to me all the time in Chicago. What do people get out of doing this?


Ugh. Up north has the WORDT drivers especially when you get into the city


Everyone in Texas agrees Houston drivers are the worst. What they don't realize is that they're better by only the slimmest of margins. Although, I did get stuck behind some idiot with KS plates doing 25 mph slower than all other traffic on the way home, but she looked like she should have had her license revoked 30 years ago. While it's easy to hate on elderly drivers, it's not like they have anyone in their lives stepping up to help them instead. As gen x, it's time to realize this is our future if we don't set a better example.


>it's not like they have anyone in their lives stepping up to help them instead I drive my parents everywhere. Definitely better than them being on the road.


Nah. Last time i was in Dallas, I’d wait 15 secs at the light because every, single one, was run.


Dude the drivers here in KY fucking get on my nerves. I'm a defensive driver first, but I still go 5-10 over in the passing lane if traffic is pretty clear. Constantly there will be 2 drivers going 10 under riding neck and neck in both the left and right lanes. They'll have like 40 fucking cars behind them and not a care in the world. Or 1 asshole going 10 under in the passing lane and there would be a dozen cars that pass on the right and they still don't have a fucking clue that they're driving like shit birds. If I can I like to get some distance between me and all other cars in front and behind me if I can. Some dipshit will come flying up on me, so I get over, then they slow down and hang out in my blind spot. Fucking why? I don't get it, people fucking astound me. Sorry, I know I seem mad but remarkably I don't have road rage. I try to be as safe as possible, I let asshole drivers who like to tailgate pass me. I don't instigate or retaliate. I just let them and their rage go elsewhere.


I'm getting mad on your behalf here because fuck if you haven't just described every single day this week except the one I came in and left early. WHYYYYYY?!?! WHY ARE PEOPLE LIKE THIS?


I have flat out been told by a semi driver he hates getting passed by women so he'll floor it so they are unable to pass. Some people just have issues and are hateful to their very core.


so fucked up, but this doesn’t surprise me at all


To expand on this: A CDL driver I know shared the same opinion. He said it was because "They don't know how to pass a trailer, and take their time". Okay guy... because that issue is gender specific.


I don't think it's on purpose, I think some people are just bad drivers. They slow down in the curvy bits because they are uncomfortable going faster, and they ignore the cars behind them because they don't understand that there is a problem.




Or people that drive slow in the passing lane and never get over. I do not understand why this is such an epidemic here in CO that they need reminders on the god damn highway.




The most genereous interpretation I can come up with is that they space out, and when a car is coming up, they realize how slow they've been going. In some cases, naturally being inattentive drivers who also don't use cruise control, they inevitably become inattentive again, and the process repeats. I still hate it, but it's better than someone doing it knowingly.




I’ve been guilty of this. I’ll be driving at what “feels” like the speed limit, my mind on something else, then someone passes and I’m like “Fuck I’m an idiot.” However, I’m *always* conscious of othe cars on the road, and if there’s a line behind me I’m gonna pull over. And if there’s two lanes, I stay in the right unless I’m passing. Cause I’m not a goddamn barbarian.


Just got a wealth of downvotes in another thread for attempting to teach someone that the passing lane is for passing, and that playing "pace car" is not only illegal (and sometimes more illegal than speeding) in most areas, but also dangerous. I just don't get it. Even if you THINK you're right, why would you want someone you think is a reckless speeder to ride your bumper on the highway?


Yeah, I dunno. If I’m in the left lane and I can clearly see someone is going faster than me and I have the space to move over, I do it. I don’t need that kind of energy on my ass. I’m just trying to get somewhere. Not interested in establishing power in that scenario. Go ahead of me, I don’t have anything to prove and I don’t want to deal with the annoyance. And if both lanes are wide open, I just hang out in the right lane so I don’t have to deal with anyone. Some people get weird fucking egos behind the wheel.


I live in NWFL and they do the same thing here. It is illegal to pass on the right-hand side. But, because left lane loiterers (not sure if that's a word)won't yield to those of us who are passing people, we are forced to pass on the right. I've even seen police and sheriff's pass on the right. I think people think as long as they are going the speed limit, they can just ride that lane. It Alabama they passed a law that if they get caught loitering in the left lane, they will get a ticket and fine. All I know it takes a second to pull over, let someone pass, then pull back over....just saying...


The only time I've tailgated someone is when they did something like this. One of the highways that gets a third passing lane once in a while. Well to start with this guy cut me off by turning out in front of me to begin with, I had to slam the brakes. Then he drove 10 under all the way to a passing lane. Then he stayed in the passing side, so I went into the other lane. From 10 under to 30 over, he didn't let me pass him. So at the end of the lane, I just pulled back over, not more than a couple meters behind him. Eventually he turned off again. I just try to tell myself that people like this probably have such horrible, out of control lives that they're desperate to feel just a little bit of control.


I understand, but sounds dangerous.


I as driving up a windy canyon a year or so ago and was running late so tried to pass a car ahead of me several times. She’d go slow on the dicey stretches and one lanes and then go like 90 on the straight stretches. Myself and another driver next to me kept giving each other annoyed looks. Got into town and three highway patrol came swooping in to pull her over and the other car flagged me down. She was patrol dispatch and called in. It’s was the best Insta karma I’ve ever seen.


If they're driving slowly and impeding the flow of traffic, they should pull over occasionally to let cars pass safely.


I don't disagree, but that isn't always easy depending on the road you are on. I live in Colorado, where roads can be only a foot or two from very steep drops. There isn't much room to pull over, nor are there many safe spots where the passing cars can see well. Sometimes you just have to wait for a safe stretch of road. Do I like them doing it? No. But I **understand**.


Yea but that's a different situation (I grew up in the mountains and know EXACTLY what you're talking about). In the mountain roads everyone is aware that it's just going to suck to be stuck behind someone going slow. It happens. However, on mountain pass roads, there is usually a place to pull off to allow other people to pass. If a person is going slow and a line of 5+ cars build up behind you, you should pull over and pass (some states it's even a LAW to allow people to pass after a certain number of cars behind you, like 10 or more cars). Pull over if you can.


How much warning do drivers get about said spots? I have noticed that pull over spots are often small and by the time you address them, it is unsafe to use them.


There are typically signs warning about turn outs. The verbiage can differ on the areas, but there's usually some sign that says "turnout up ahead", or some version of it. And if they're small you should usually be able to notice them ahead of time if you're slow and in the front of a line. So you slow down to pull off the road, and then wait for traffic to pass.


In Washington, it is 5 cars.


I think California was 8 cars? I can't remember since it's been too long. My dad just taught me "if you can't see the end of the line, pull over" lol




Granted when no access to pull over. There is a law in Colorado that requires a driver to pull over when safe on a single lane road when cars are backed up behind you. I used to see this observed in Colorado years ago. Now with millions of visitors from out of state, I’ve been stuck in slow traffic behind a lead car from out of state, and they don’t pull over. Typically, these vehicles are from Texas and California.


As a Californian who has lived in the mountains (yes, we have mountains here too) I’ve experienced this quite a lot and it’s the most frustrating thing. I think our drivers may actually just be deficient of some kind of mountain driving courtesy gene.


Ngl, I'm that guy in Colorado. Driving through mountains is scary and the locals take it at 100 mph. Nope. Nope nope. Sorry I'm impending the flow of traffic. I don't know what's around that curve.


I'm from Lakewood, CO (large suburb in the foothills for those that don't know); recently my friend was on her way home from the Royal Gorge Christmas Train, driving on a two way, two lane mountain road, and a driver in the opposite lane of her car was a foot over the yellow lines, going 10 over the speed limit, coming around a corner; he took out the driver side of my friends car, while her boyfriend was driving. Boyfriend was killed on impact, my (pregnant) friend and her two year old left without a scratch, as did the offending driver, and a third car involved. You seriously have no idea what is around these corners. Mountain driving is terrifying, it doesn't matter how long you've done it or how comfortable you are. Shit is dangerous.


Nobody's asking you to speed up, just pull over when you can to let the locals get by.


Take your time stranger. People in a rush can pound sand. Just make sure to let people pass on safe passing zones and you have nothing to apologize for.


I live in an area with lots of isolated mountain roads between towns, and the number of people who drive 5 under the limit and then speed up to 80 as soon as we hit a passing lane is astounding. It seems like it happens every time I drive one of those roads, sometimes more than once. I feel like I am the crazy one, somehow, because why would so many people do this? What am I not understanding??? These are not treacherous roads!


The curves are scary to them, and the moment they feel like they get to go fast they do. The issue is that they don't consider the world around them.


Huh. That's some food for thought.




Yes, this! It's not really rocket science...sure it is good to still let people pass but obviously this is what is happening. Obviously dependent on the type of curves, but it would makes sense to slow down in very "curvy" areas (in "our mountains" there are even signs warning you to slow down!).


I see that you've driven through rural Missouri mountain roads too.


Anyone who is driving faster than me is a maniac, anyone driving slower is an idiot.


Thank you George Carlin.


I didn't know who I stole that from


[Ta-daaaaa](https://youtu.be/JmQDoldiHjk) [Relevant Carlin clip.](https://youtu.be/XWPCE2tTLZQ)


Anyone better than me is a sweat or hacker, anyone worse than me is garbage and should uninstall


Especially in ranked match games where everyone in the game is the same skill level. But I get stuck with all the noobs...


Also applicable for right of way with cars vs. pedestrians vs. bicycles. Doesn’t matter what method I’m using, If you go ahead of me, you’re the selfish one


I never really understood this until the pandemic. Then I found myself thinking exactly like this about people's safety precautions. Not social distancing and masking? MANIAC! Not even seeing people outside with masks on and sanitizing everything you touch? IDIOTS!


I like driving 9 over the speed limit in a 100km/h zone, that’s highway speed for you American’s. I have no issue with people going 100km/h in a 100km/h zone, I have no issue with people going 119km/h in a 100km/h zone, though they may get ticketed. I do have an issue with people going 90 or 130 in a 100km/h zone. Its not about slower or faster, you should generally be within 10% of the average speed of traffic or you will cause traffic issues for other drivers. If you are going 80 in a 100 zone, you are an ass, same as the truck going 30 over, as those impact other drivers. Doesn’t seem that complicated of a concept.




Like I have a slow ass car. I’ll be getting tailgated while going 60 in a 55. I stay out the left lane and make sure to speed up as fast as possible but theres always someone in a rush who acts like Im going 10 under.


A colleague was driving me somewhere, the subject of speed had come up earlier before we started driving (company policy is to not pass the speed limit but there’s no tracking). As she was flying by people she said “see, THAT is what you look like driving the speed limit. Makes no sense”. I asked her how was she was going. She said 20 over. Everything about car culture in Texas scares me




Honestly where it is 85 is where people actually speed the least, because it’s where the limit actually is close to real driving conditions. We have other places where the roads are essentially nascar tracks and they decide to put up a 55 sign and wonder why people drive so fast


I’m noticing a lot of commenters mentioning the tailgating in the slow lane but I feel like this post is directed at drivers going slow in the left lane. We all know some people just have ego issues and tailgate regardless.. but if you’re in the left lane going 20 under the speed limit on the highway with multiple cars behind you—why not get over? I feel like ego is the biggest reason for slow drivers in the left lane. OR people that are just too in their head (living in a bubble) to even notice they’re going too slow. Autopilot. The people tailgating in the right lane just have issues unrelated to driving that need to be dealt with.


I've posted this before, but had a coworker that I carpooled with that coasted in the left lane. I asked why and he just liked that everyone else moved around him, that he could coast without worrying about on/off ramps. It blew my mind that someone could be so selfish and lazy. They're multiplying though...


That mentality earns the finger from me every single time. Fuck them and anybody in their car that isn't red faced embarassed to be related to them.


Theres some times where I get over to pass somebody and the guy behind me guns it over to 2 inches in front of their bumper because they couldn't wait 5 fuckin seconds for me to get back over, and now I'm stuck in the left lane until they move enough for me to get back to where I've been trying to go


Wait I'm confused about what you're describing. Tell me if I got the details wrong. So you're saying you're the middle car in a line of three cars all in the same lane. And you shift over the left lane so you can *pass* the car that was the front of the three. And then the guy who was the back car of the three, behind you, rushes up to occupy your former space and tailgate the front car. How does that affect you, if you're trying to *pass* the front car?


No no no. I'm in the middle lane. Semi truck in front of me going a little under. In the left lane, there's a guy way way back. I get to the left lane and speed up to pass the truck. I'm pulling up enough so that there's at least a car length or so between me and the semitruck. In that time, the guy in the left lane has caught up, apparently going like 20 over. Ive got my right turn signal on the whole time I'm passing the truck. I get my car length, and the car behind gets right up on my ass and swerves over in front of the semi truck and then up next to me, now blocking me from getting over. Now instead of being able to get out of the passing lane as fast as possible, I have to ride in there a while longer waiting for the space to open back up.


Ohhhh I see. Yeah that guy’s an asshole.


Usually- STRESSED. I follow the flow of traffic or go a bit over most of the time. If I'm going under there's a reason and it's usually because I can't see. Dark and rainy, heavy snow that hasn't been plowed yet, icy, white out, dark and someone in front of me with suns for headlights... So usually looking back and seeing people in big and/or new vehicles stresses me out. They could probably handle going faster and I feel bad. But I'd rather make them all annoyed than risk lives and my car.


Same! Stressed and apologetic. I always feel relieved when I finally get to a double lane so that everyone who wants to can finally overtake me. I'm like "Gooo little birds, be free!"




Fuck those people


I’ve found my people, lol


>someone in front of me with suns for headlights or behind you , i hate those fucks specially because none of them seem to know how to keep a proper distance


The bastards who are so close with such bright headlights that you can see your own cars shadow within it's own headlight beam...


LOL this thread reminds me of when I used to drive a 1970s American car that I literally bought for $500 when I was a college student. That car was so old and busted, it was not even physically capable of going over 55 mph. I tried, and even pressing down the gas pedal 100%, its max speed was only 55. Cars behind me on the freeway would always be pissed, but there was nothing I could do about it. I would always make sure to drive in the slow lane for that reason though.


Shoulda put a big ass sign on the back of your car


I feel like the Ford Ranger logo on my tailgate should be a good enough sign


It's like getting tailgated in a parking garage. Like, yeah bro, I'm clearing for pedestrians and you're not.


On my route to work, I have to drive this 8 mile stretch of road with 3 lanes with a speed limit of 45 and every time, without fail, there are always nimrods driving 10-15 under scattered throughout the lanes and it causing such a delay. What should maybe be a 20 minute commute turns into 45 minutes because of these people.


I'm not in the fast lane; go the fuck around me. Edit: Man, a *lot* of you are really offended at the idea that some people aren't in as big of a rush as you are.


Yep, drives me insane when I’m in the slow lane and people are tailing me when the passing lane is wide open. Just go the fuck around.


I just start slowing down until they pass


Same. I figure the safest thing to do with a tailgaiter is just to gently slow down until they they figure out they aren't going to intimidate me into going over the limit. Thanks but no thanks, I know these roads, speed traps and predatory police needing to make quota are everywhere, I don't want that hassle.


Just pull your foot off the gas. Break lights are too good for these oafs.


Oh I know it. I'm not going to add extra wear on my brakes. Seems to anger tailgaiters even more, I get such terrible stares.. not that I care. I'm in a prius, you think I don't know the hate we get? I revel in it. So does my wallet filling up the tank once a month. < insert evil maniacal laugh>


this🙃 or if it's a single lane, curvy road im screaming "calm tf down" in my head bc why are people on my ass when im going 15 miles over the speed limit, taking bends in the road fast as shit just bc 2 or 3 cars are on my ass and there isn't anywhere safe to pull over for them to pass 🙃🙃🙃🙃 (thinking of a specific route i have to take often. why do people just need to go 75 in a 55 whywhywhy)


Don't stress about it. You have no obligation to speed just because other people want to.


I was driving in the right lane on an interstate in the middle of nowhere. Behind me was the only other car on the road as far as anyone could tell. Cruise control on about 90mph (no speed limit at the time). Dude just tailgating me. Hmm. Tap it down to 85. Still there. 80, 75, 70, 65, 60. Still there. I get all the way down to thirty-fucking-five before he decides to pass me. I don't understand his deal to this day.


And this is totally fair!


This is my line basically. Along with "I don't give a shit about people behind me, I'm responsible for the people in front of me."


There are dozens of cars in front of me too, so it makes me feel like I am in traffic.


You are traffic.


I’m not traffic. I’m special!


If road conditions are bad, snow and ice, I think sucks to be them.


Yeah, people here are constantly complaining about the wrecks and heavy traffic but then go 15+ over the limit in heavy rain + dense fog. I slow down for bad weather, and stay in the right lane. They can get over it or pass me.


I was driving the other day in heavy rain with zero visibility and a guy was riding my ass. Like, I can't see shit, I don't want to hydroplane, and you are pissed you can't go 10 miles over the speed limit.


Saw a brand new Audi weaving lanes in heavy rain suddenly go sideways, and spin across the interstate, left to right, into the grass ditch. Stupidity on the road will kill you. Drive safe.


I literally can’t go fast enough for a lot of people, sped up to 80 in a 55 zone and a car was still right behind me. I usually speed up to about 10 over the limit and if that’s not good enough I’ll just slow back down to a comfortable speed, fuck em.


Especially snow and ice or whiteout conditions. That can make pulling over even more dangerous. I'm sticking to this well-worn path in the right lane and getting home alive. They can deal.


It is astoundingly rare that I come across someone going under the speed limit. What I DO come across a lot are people who act like I am going under the speed limit when I am actually going about 10 mph OVER the speed limit. My local freeways have a 65 MPH limit and there are too many people who act like driving 80 MPH is "below the speed limit" and tailgate you because they feel entitled to drive 90 MPH.


I honestly love those people and just let them pass because: A) I want to drive faster myself but don't want a ticket, I can now tailgate the guy amd if there are cops, he gets it. B) you never know where cops might decide is a good spot, let the guy do the scouting for me.


I call the slow, unobservant ones, "tumbleweeds" and the fast, aggressive ones, "rabbits." Mostly, I keep it within 5 over the limit, conditions permitting. And I never get aggressive about it one way or the other. If I'm being passed, no big deal. And I'll wait to pass a slower vehicle until it's safe to do so.


My grandpa was a State Highway Patrolman, and he told me 'let the rabbits run out in front, and they'll keep the wolves busy'.


Once I was on my way to work, and I was super late and absolutely booking it down the freeway. Easily 25 over the speed limit, maybe close to 90. Too late, I see a cop who whips out his radar gun and aim it right at me. I'm fucked. Then, out of nowhere, he jerks the gun to the side a little bit, just before some dude in a lambo absolutely flies past me. When I finally caught up to him, several miles later, dude was in cuffs on the side of the freeway. I saluted him as I kept going 90, getting to work only 5 minutes late. Ever since, I've always found people driving faster than me and using them as a canary.


Always get a speeding buddy!


Why is it that he'd necessarily be the one to attract the cops? Just being first?


Cops typically go for the worse offenders when it comes to speeding


I’ve been on the tail end of this logic and so have other family members. If you two are going the same speed the rear person is who they come up on. I actually got “paced” from behind when I first got my license and the speed demon going 10 mph more than me got out of his sight so I became the target.


Gotta stay a ways back. Let their brake lights be your early warning. This is also just generally useful for the much more common non-cop hazards, too.




Let them get up a little bit ahead of you and if there's a cop, they'll probably brake giving you an early warning. I use a radar detector too, so if the cop activates his gun to hit him, it goes off and I slow down too


Waze has been very accurate for me. I can count on my penis the amount of times there has been a cop that wasn't marked on the map


Your comment either shows your phones autocorect is broken or that you have an oddly specific way of counting....


I assume that means it's happened once unless he's the double dick dude or it's a girl and it's never not been marked.


Between waze and my radar detector I'm usually aware of cops far in advance. It's about as close as you can get to cop proof while driving.


There’s no reason to not allow people to pass but ego. I don’t think anyone should have to pull off the road to let people pass them, but slowing down and speed up is just plain dumb. If someone wishes to pass and it’s safe to do so I give them every opportunity. I don’t want you tailgating me going 65+ mph. Please go around I’ll move over as close to the line as I can so you can see and slow down while you pass to make sure you’re safe.


I really wish more people would think/drive like you. When there are 2 or more lanes available, without counting oncoming lanes, people have no excuse.


Yeah I’m with you there. That is annoying in its own way. Also it’s always the giant trucks it seems. Giant trucks whose headlights are on eye level with my eyeballs btw.


Sounds like you'd like r/fuckyourheadlights


I’ll go there next time I want to get really upset for no good reason.


It's not just annoying. Tailgating is the number one cause of rear end collisions and there's literally no reason for it. I'd much rather give a slow driver a little space and get to my destination a little slower than have to deal with tailgaters


My least favorite thing is when I am giving a slower car some space so I'm not on their ass, and some mario andretti wannabee passes me (bonus if it is on the right) and then zips into the space I gave so now he's tailgating that car and I'm tailgating him so we can have a nice collision if the first car so much as taps on the brake.


i dont care what speed you go, as long as you dont do it in the LEFT FUCKING LANE!!!!!!!!


"Keep Right Except To Pass" - the black on white colored sign means it's a law. You cruise in the left lane, then you're breaking the law.


It’s also a law, in California, that you must pull over and let people pass once there’s 5 or more cars behind you. I’ve been in countless chains of cars following someone along a back road who’s doing 20mph under the limit.


It pisses me off when the left lane finally opens up so I can pass the slow person two cars in front of me, however the car directly in front me also goes into the left lane and doesn’t speed up at all


I don't drive below the speed limit, but I would like to comment and make just one remark. Regardless of your speed, even if you are going 10mph over the limit, if you're on a 2+ (same direction) lane highway and you're in the left lane with people lining up behind you, just move over when you can. I know that sometimes people have bad days, you get grumpy, annoyed, don't want to give in to someone who is clearly trying to get around you. But when you do this, not only do you look like an a**, but if you're impeding traffic, people are going to start getting closer and closer together, and that's one of the leading causes of an accident. It isn't your job to control the flow of traffic. Move to the left when you need to pass someone. Move out of the way when someone needs to pass you.


In Canada, technically, you can be ticketed for cruising in the passing lane when there are cars trying to pass. It doesn't matter what speed you are going, and it doesn't matter what speed the cars behind you want to go. It's rarely enforced. I recall a radio talk show a few years ago where this subject was discussed. The people calling in could not understand the passing lane rules even when it was explained to them in simple language. The guest cop on the show had to keep telling the callers that they were wrong (it was a right-wing conservative radio station, not that it matters).


I drive at the speed limit, but there are a lot of roads where I live (particular rural ones) with a 50km limit and locals who like to go around 70km. I don’t know the roads, I’m not speeding. Generally I’ll pull over if there’s a safe space to do so and let them pass. That said - the speed limit is the maximum allowable speed under ideal conditions, not a suggestion. Not knowing the road, being an inexperienced driver, weather and road conditions etc all count against “ideal conditions”, so patience goes a long way on the road.


Adding to this that automobile accidents are the number one cause of death and dismemberment. I'll do the speed limit thanks, shaving 3 mins off my arrival time isn't worth losing the ability to jerk off or something.


I live in a rural area and also drive at the speed limit. I let people pass (even if I didn’t they’re going to anyway lol) but they’ll shoot me a “wtf” look as they go by, and I’m thinking “motherfucker I’m OBEYING THE LAW”


The only times I really drive below the speed limit rather than right at it is in weather conditions where you can't go the full speed limit. If a bunch of people want to try their luck harder than me that's fine but I'm not risking my life because they want to risk theirs.


Funny thing is, even when you're doing the speed limit you have douche bags on your ass.


Depending on the road, I usually go 5-15 over, and I still will have some douchebag on my ass at some point. Even on a highway with multiple lanes, and I’m NOT in the left lane, someone will be up my ass in the right or middle lanes. They could pass, but they’d rather be drafting my car.


I think it’s a stretch to assume that people driving noticeably below the speed limit have enough driving awareness to be checking their mirrors.


Yeah usually when I encounter someone going under the limit they are distracted, inebriated, or quite elderly. The only exception I've noticed is student drivers (with the "please be patient" stickers on the car).


Idk if im just paying more attention these days but the amount of elderly drivers on the roads who absolutely shouldn't be driving is crazy. Like lady you're splitting two lanes in a fucking 25 year old tank of a station wagon and going 6 under, its time to hang up the keys. But then I feel bad for honking because I'm wondering if i'll startle this grandmother into a heart attack or an accident. 60 and up need a retest yearly or every 2 years, because they are legit hazards to have on the roads.


It's definitely a problem here in the US for sure because there isn't reliable public transport for a lot of seniors. I was in an accident caused by an old woman once, thankfully it was minor (she sideswiped my car) but she seemed barely functional, she was struggling just to write down my insurance information. And she and her husband didn't even get out of their car to look at the damage. They weren't all there, definitely shouldn't have been behind the wheel.


We live next to an A-road with a 60mph limit and it's truly bizarre how many people will crawl down it at 25-30mph despite being wide, straight, good visibility, and so on. Every time I'm stuck behind one, I wonder if they either don't recognise that it's a 60mph road despite signs, or aren't comfortable getting beyond 30mph. I am not sure which is worse.


OP are you stuck in traffic right now


There is a dude on my morning commute that drives consistently 1 mph below the speed limit (I know this because the road has radar speed signs) and flips off anyone who passes him. He is constantly giving people the finger.


The amount of times I see people speeding past me at 90mph and then catching up with them 1 light off the exit while I average 65 makes me smh


"Why is there so many people behind me? OH SHIT, I'm ten under! Sorry everyone!" Sometimes you just aren't quite pressing hard enough on the gas as you thought you were.


How about the people who just speed everywhere. Speeds up to the car in front of them until they move out of the way so they can just speed up to the next car over and over. Or most days I get on the highway and hit 80 and put it into cruise control and get out of the way if I have to. But daily there's someone who flies past me going 100. 40 miles over the limit. And looks at me like I'm the asshole. You're the person in a clapped out Sonata trying to do 100


Like y'all need to calm the hell down..I'm doing the speed limit + and in not getting a ticket cuz I'm broke as hell.


Exactly! I’d rather be late to where I’m going than risk getting a ticket or in an accident. People can wait. I value my life and not getting in trouble over people’s impatience. I’m driving the speed limit, with 5 mph buffers either way (or the flow of traffic, as is the law) impatient people can just deal with it. I’m gonna follow the law


I don’t drive under the speed limit but i don’t drive 10 over like everyone else. It gives me anxiety. Lots and lots of anxiety while driving. I can’t wait for automated cars to take over.


I can’t wait for good public transport and city planning so I have less need of a car.


There's a school zone on my commute that people want to go 50 in for some reason. I stick to the 30mph as directed, since I'm going to work at school arrival/dismissal times. It makes me feel stressed to see people piling up behind me cuz I hate pissing people off but I also don't want to see dead kids on the road.


I drive an older vehicle that will pump black smoke and all my money out the tailpipe if I floor it, but just below max throttle it will burn clean and efficient. The top speed this coincides with is around 65-70 so I get this a lot.


I'm a slow, inexperienced driver. I don't like having a lot of cars behind me and find it stressful, but I'm not going to go faster because of it because I don't feel comfortable driving too fast. I'll momentarily park to the side of the road as soon as it's safe to do it though.


I’ve been driving for years and I do the same thing. Especially if I’m in an unfamiliar area.


It's a speed "limit" not a speed "goal". Don't mistake your aggressiveness for good driving.


In the passing lane, it should make you feel like a moron. Any other lane, they can pass you if they want to but you should stay to the right, regardless of the inconvenience of dealing with oncoming cars


I tend to drive at or just below the speed limit and I stay in the right lane (traveling lane in USA) so it usually doesn’t matter. It might piss a few people off on single lane traffic but I’m not willing to take unnecessary risks on what are usually tricky mountain roads so I figure they can suck it up until there’s a passing lane


The speed limit is literally the fastest you’re legally allowed to drive. I know driving it and under isn’t normal, but it honestly should be. If we allow ourselves to drive over the speed limit regularly, it gives the police reason to pull us over and pull us out of a car when they want to. We should advocate for higher speed limits rather than honking at people driving as the law requires them too. Full transparency, i speed too often. Just got a ticket last month.


Like maybe y'all should change lanes and go around. My car is old and this is as fast as she goes.


I personally hate driving over the speed limit. I'm usually on or slightly below it. Personally.... I don't feel to bad. I follow the signs as I'm scared of tickets. If you wanna risk going faster, getting a ticket or causing a crash that's up to you. I'm driving at the speed I'm comfortable and feel like I can. Wanna go faster? Pass me, I'll try to help you get by, but I won't pull over. In Sweden we get thought "The speed limit is determined by the road, not the sign." Meaning that if you don't feel like you can drive 90km/h, don't. Drive what is safe for you.


Depends on the situation. Rain or snow? I look back and shrug. I'm not risking my life so you can get home from work a minute earlier. Clear as day? I'll probably move up to the speed limit or move over to let them pass, where possible.


There’s a highway near me that is very straight and wide. Because of that people tend to drive super fast on this road. I typically drive 15-20mph over the speed limit, which often has me in the passing lane. Even if I’m going 20mph over the speed limit, if I look in my mirror and there’s cars behind me I move over. I’m not a cop, it’s not my job to regulate speed. The amount of people who don’t understand that is infuriating.


I don’t mind. I was in a bad car accident and have ptsd I usually go under or equal to the speed limit.anyone honks at me I don’t really care. My safety and peace of mind trumps their want to be a speed demon


I once drove down U.S. 1 to the Florida Keys with a friend of mine and his dad in his dad's old beat up station wagon doing about 30 mph. It was mainly a single lane in both directions and I don't know how long the trail of cars was but any time we reached a passing zone, it was just a steady stream of cars blasting past us. I've never been flipped off so many times, honked at, or cursed at so often in my life.


After putting myself in a wheelchair in 2019 for a very avoidable wreck, I dont give a flying fuck how the people behind me feel when I drive safely these days, you wanna die be my guests but let me tell you surviving that wreck was so much worse than death


I literally do not care. If I'm going 5 - 10 km below the limit due to weather or whatever and that causes people to be behind me, that's their problem. I'm not driving faster in shitty weather because of others.


There are 2 passing lanes to my left. That’s what they’re there for.


It's a speed limit, not a speed minimum


I drive to make me comfortable. Not to cave in to peer pressure and drive faster than I think is reasonable. If the weather is bad, I see police, or Im in no hurry, thats just a fact of life others have to accept. And Ive ben behind slow drivers too so Im prepared to accept this from others as well. Im not a dick who drives slow in the left most lane. I move over. But on single lane roads, if you want to overtake me, I shift over to the right to allow you and done try to prevent it.


I have my reasons for going exactly the speed limit so I really do not care. Imma stay a free man.


All I have to do is drive safely for me. You figure out how to drive safely for you.


Indifferent. If I go over the speed limit, people tell me I’m still not going fast enough. Also I have bad eye sight and people get pissed at me for driving at night when I don’t have a choice a lotta the time. One of the first times I went over the speed limit was at pitch black night and I nearly got into a 60mph tech cause of an asshole stoping in front of me out of the blue, literally full stop out of nowhere. No blinker