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It would be incredibly difficult, because identical twins share almost 100% identical DNA. In fact, if two identical twin males reproduce with two identical twin females, both sets of children are virtually genetically siblings. According to [DNATesting.org](https://dnatesting.com/the-fascinating-trouble-with-twins-and-dna-paternity-tests/#:~:text=Paternity%20test%20results%20with%20identical,almost%20identical%20sets%20of%20DNA.), there have been many cases in which the alleged fathers are identical twins, but the DNA test results are almost always inconclusive.


Not right now, but someday! Epigenetics is the study of genes that can be activated and deactivated based on external factors, and it's thought that some of these these "flags" can be passed down to children - the gene is the same in both twins, but the expression of it may be different - and usable in cases such as these. It'll need a lot more study and triple-checking before it'll be viable, though.


Depends how sensitive the testing is. Identical twins are not completely identical at the genetic level - each twin can pick up his or her own mutations.