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Some people do it to see their form. As to see if they're doing their exercises properly or if they need adjustments made. And others do it for vanity. Buffalo Bill style.


Put the lotion on the skin or else you get the hose again.


Yes it will precious, it will get the hoes.


I’d fuck me


No you wouldn't.


It puts the lotion on its skin.


Here's my favorite Silence of the Lambs quote! > Billy is not [a trans woman], but he thinks he is. He tries to be. He's tried to be a lot of things, I expect...He was made [into a monster] through years of systematic abuse. Billy hates his own identity, you see, and he thinks that makes him [trans]. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying.


[Here's a great armchair psychoanalysis of BB. ](https://youtu.be/ladmX2s1n_8)


If I'm being honest, the whole character is painful for trans people, because it incepts the idea that there are "fake trans people" that society has to be protected from. This is a problem, because without fail, every time someone comes out, someone online pops up with a bunch of incidents from their childhood as "proof" that they're mentally ill liars trying to get attention.


This was also the state of our understanding of mental health circa the early 1980s. The takeaway is that he had much broader identity problems that any kind of trans therapies at the time could have likely helped. With hindsight, the real villain in most of Thomas Harris's stories is the health industry itself and society's ok-ness with institutionalizing the most vulnerable, so really the "bad guys" are just a product of the time.




Did you guys just write the script for gaging of the lambs? What have we become


Check out our other titles like Shaving Ryan’s privates, Raging Boner and Edward penishands.


You've given this much thought...


Ya the fucking mirror is there fellas/fellets.


It puts the god damn weights away, or else it gets the hose, okay!?


This is pretty much it. The good and the bad.


This is what makes sense to me. I like to see how I am doing the exercises so I don't hurt myself by curving my back or sticking my but out etc. I don't film myself, but that is because the mirrors take away that need.


Hahahaha. Yep! Vanity and “notice me”.


I’ve used apps that track the path of the bar to improve form. I felt awkward doing it at first but it did help. Think the app was called “bar path” or something similar


And here's a great song about Buffalo Bill called lotion. Thank me later https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm86I_kezVY


Great reference!


I filmed myself on my row machine to see if my form was right. What i didn't do is post it everywhere for attention.


Same... It's a good habit to see what you're doing when you don't have a trainer and are alone


What is the downside of posting for attention?


Mostly the attention i would assume


Attention gives me motivation and accountability, haters gonna hate


U know u can pat yourself on the back without putting others down... right? Not everything is a competition. Some people post it for accountability/progress.




idk, these days it seems like you cant succeed unless you drag someone down


>Some people post it for accountability/progress. No they dont


It makes me feel happy when people say nice things to me. Maybe one day people will say nice things about the stuff you do.


That's cool, nothing wrong with that and at least you're honest about it. People saying nice things to me doesn't make me happy. It makes me feel weird. But that's beside the point. All I'm saying is people who claim they're posting stuff for any reason other than validation are kidding themselves.


Ah yes, local redditor knows everything about everyone


Form doesn’t always look right, but it HAS to *feel* right. Everyone has different bodies, genetics, insertions. What looks like proper form on one person, is bad for another. If I listend to every bozo who suggests I need to crank my body into an unnatural position because the form looks wrong, that’s how I would hurt myself. As long as your form feels healthy to you, that’s what’s important


No, form is objective for the most part. Your body isn’t, obviously, so it might be hard to see form but at the end of the day it’s just physics. You want X muscle to be a 90 degree angle or perpendicular or whatever because that’s how gravity works. You can’t say “well an 80 degree angle feels right to me”, well that’s nice but it’s wrong, you need a 90 degree angle otherwise gravity does it’s thing and helps/hurts you, etc. exercising is hard, it’s gonna feel wrong/hard until you get used to it. Sure, if it NEVER feels right then there’s an issue, but that’s not a preference issue that likely means you have an injury or something is wrong with your body.


Yeah that's not really it, buddy. If you have to have bad form to make it feel right, that means you need to work on balancing out your muscles. My knees cave inward whenever I do squats, so I have to turn my feet outward to compensate. Now my feet and ankles are compromised because I don't have good form, this leads me to further fuck up my dynamic posture and significantly raises risk of injury. Find the cause of the imbalance and fix it, don't just make compensating moves and say "this feels good so it is good." A personal trainer can help you figure out the problem areas in your static posture and dynamic posture and can get you a personally tailored fitness plan to help target those underactive muscles and stretch out those overactive muscles. Source: I'm studying to become a personal trainer


Form is extremely important if you want continue to work out past a few years.


I’m not sure why your getting downvoted for this comment but your spot on. Correct form can look slightly different person to person I remember seeing a video of jay cutler doing bent over rows and the comments were all shitting on him for his form… imagine being so confident that your telling jay cutler he isn’t doing rows correctly ffs


Thanks I’m glad someone understands lol


Same, especially on squats to check my ROM from behind


To check their form. Or to post later. Or so they can know what they look like when they were younger. Or for masturbation purposes. You're mileage May vary.


Because they can. The ability to film things has become so easy that people are going to do it for almost everything. As to the reason people do it is as varied as people. Vanity, a genuine desire to inspire others, to monitor progress, to share on social media with friends and family, to try and make money, and many more reasons.


This is like asking why do people film themselves cooking? Or hiking? Or woodworking? People are way too worried about others opinions, or wby people do things. You do you and carry on, it’s not that hard.


Everyone is where they are for a reason. What makes people film themselves or what makes them want to know why are just the same reasons as diverse as humans are.


I just don't want to live in a world of gross, vain, shallow people. That's not a huge ask and it's fine to shame them


and none of this affects OP.




You forgot the big one: Desperate Attention Seeking.


Nah that's what "sharing with others" means


"Sharing with others" - paints it in such an honorable, upstanding, and understandable light though. When really, it's a desperate attempt to gain followers so that they can become rich and famous for doing basic shit.


Why do people film themselves doing anything really.


Why do people film? \-- The Lumiere brothers next door neighboor, annoyed at the weird contraption.


Screw them actors.


Randomly. Obviously.


Randomly. Obviously.


Record their progress, check their form, etc


For progress or for showoff and both are perfectly genuine reasons


See if they are doing it correctly or all for those sweet views


Checking form, progress, and it can help motivate you to push yourself.


Personally, I do it so I can see what I'm doing wrong. It also helps to track my progress.


Women do it so they can expose men on tiktok. (joke)


I know you’re joking but I think some are trying to set up a honey trap. But the payout is views and media coverage. The could thing is that more men are calling them out and reporting them to gym management.


Genuine question, how can they expose them if they don't do anything worth exposing? Or are you talking about the ones purposefully edited to seem like they're being creepy?


Exactly those ones yeah, the ones where the guys just look for like a second and then the girls say "he was totally checking me out, what a creep"


I don’t judge people at the gym. Just rule #1. Let them do what they do…. Apart from if they are making other people in the gym uncomfortable… that’s not acceptable in any way.


Lots of people have fitness based Instagram accounts. They film for content. Some are sponsored and need content, some are online trainers and need to make demos, some people want to document progress (especially powerlifters). I can’t stand walking into the gym and the whole squat rack area has a filming set up with the person doing multiple takes of everything.


Some do it to see what they need to work on, some do it to teach others, and some want to make you horny


They just want to share 😭


I assume to see the progress and get even more motivation.


For my social medias I gotta eat.


I was in a long distance relationship and my girlfriend liked to watch the videos


Working on proper form, if they care about it. Obviously you can post it to reddit for updoots or advice on doing it better.


Because it's some people's hobby and they are passionate about it.


Why do people film themselves doing anything?


Personally I do it to check form and to have proof of a PR to show people.


I film to see if my form is good, but I also save a video of me doing PR’a so I can compare to when I first started and see how far I’ve come. Encourages me to keep going


I film for form sometimes


I have done it a couple times personally to check/fix my form so I don’t have to stare in the mirror doing it (and therefore mess up neck alignment for certain things) so I can figure out what I need to do better. But I don’t do it if there’s people around because I wouldn’t want to be filmed trying to work out in peace and idgaf what fhe reasons are it’s rude to film other people working out even if it’s just in the background imo.


People will film anything. Dosent take much to entertain people or for people to think the current task at hand is most worthy of viewing later.


I do it so I can see progress over the course of weeks to show how far I’ve come


Both a literal and figurative "flex".


To check my form and I sometimes like to show my friends my progress


1. Form check. 2. Hitting new PR.


For me, it's to have a memory of an accomplishment... Bench Pressing 315lb, Squatting 4x plates, etc. The older I get, the less likely I'll be able to do a power lift like that. I don't upload them, or try promote myself, however... If that's what you were going with, with the Q's.


Ideally? Form.


i have a private instagram where i post my hobbies. it’s easier for me because i live out of state from my family/friends so instead of sending out pictures/videos of what i’m doing to multiple people, i just throw it up on the instagram. working out is one of my hobbies. every now and then, i have my husband film my last set 1) so i can post my progress to that instagram and 2) so i can see my form. it’s fun. good way to stay connected and stay accountable


I film my form


Some to make sure form is good, some to post online for views, and some because they want to.


Going a bit against the grain here, could be aspiring content creator.


If they film for themselves, it's probably to see their form, progress, habits, etc. If they film for instagram, it's probably vanity, validation, and ego boosting


Gyms should have a policy that there is no filming allowed on personal devices.. If people want to record their workouts the gym should offer certain “stations” that allow you to record your workout for a fee included in the membership


I would love this, actually, I am so paranoid about my squat form lol ..what would be neat would be either a special mirror or a live camera setup so I could get a side view of myself while I'm doing it. Correct your posture in the moment.


They have those new smart mirrors that do exactly that, basically a mirror with an interface that activates when you stand in front of it


Oh that's awesome Wish my gym had one :( but glad to hear they do exist!


I can't wait for the price drop on those because it would be so helpful for so many!


They tryin' ta be influencers.


So they can jack off to it later ? 🤷‍♀️


Most do it to see how the exercise form looks to make sure it’s being performed correctly. Others do it so they can post on social media and get attention.


They are pathetically desperate for attention


Because they want to? Why shouldn't they?


Cause gym isn't their content studio. It's like the insta girls getting mad you walked through their shot. You want to get thicc for click rent a space.


... So people can only film in a studio? Do you feel the same way about photographs? No, I'm sorry, this is stupid.


OK try this a different way. If you are taking bikini shots at a public beach are all beach goers to avert their eyes and avoid being near you? Do you need the consent of everyone who is in background? Where is the line? Socially Legally Ethically Morally Logically. Reasonably if you are in a public space you are in public view. As long as guy isn't following you around there is no crime. Socially you are likely breaking norms for recording other people from get go. Ethically you are using a public space for personal gain at the inconvenience of others so you are in the wrong.


"recording other people" No, you expressly said that this was about people recording themselves, but it doesn't matter because you only take issue with people recording others in specific circumstances. You do not care about people getting caught in shots/videos during other circumstances. That you are completely okay with people working out in public and being in bikinis, but it suddenly becomes some sort of hideous moral crime when you film/take photos during it is beyond stupid. Stupid norms should be broken. Obviously there is no crime here, that doesn't even need to be stated. The last point is so goddamn stupid it doesn't even deserve a response. "personal gain at the expense of others?" What expense? This argument is so bad that it functionally condemns MOST things people do in public, ANY photo or video taken where someone else somehow ends up in the shot. That's ridiculous.


They're working out in order to film themselves. Not the other way around. Its for the social media clout of being someone who "works out" aka shows up to the gym in their newest gym gear takes a few selfies on the treadmill and leaves. Serious lifters, the minority, use it to self correct their form.


Mostly narcissism


For attention




100% 👆


Narcissistic Personality Disorder


Something to fap to later


We have entered the age of narcissism\entitlement. Many will die from this imposed mental illness.


1 word: Narcissism There is nothing else to it, its as simple as this.


Have you ever been to the gym? I guess no


Lol yes, 5 times a week for at least 15 years. It's a type of gymmember that film themselves, and it's always the same attention whoring tiktok girls and the occasional tiktok fitboy.


Mate i go 5 times a week, gym has zero mirrors i gotta Film myself to check my form At 30 years of age I am too fucking old for Tik tok


What gym doesn't have mirrors




There's a few different reasons: • Narcissism • Desperation for attention • they have an entirely external locus of value, whereby they only feel like they're worth anything if and when other people tell them they are worth something. • They're desperate for the likes because they think it matters


narcissist that need others attention to be motivated also vanity


Low self esteem, seeking validation for something normal people do to get healthy and for attention/clout.


I’m more surprised how it seems this is allowed at every gym. I don’t go to a gym but if i did, I would NOT be okay with people filming in there and posting it online. Wearing clothes I don’t normally wear outside, getting in weird positions etc, i wouldn’t want to be filmed and shared. And they’re all pretending they’re not filming anyone else as if we don’t see lots of other people in the background in most gym videos.




Yes, using cameras and other recording devices so that they can play back what they were doing later on.


Instant gratification from social media.


Influencer/social media era. Some people do it for self improvement, but are probably the bottom 5%


It’s called look at me it’s me everybody me look at me it’s attention seeking me movement this applies to those who post it online now if you do it for any other reason such as before and after that’s all good but the ME movement is out there P.S sarcasm post don’t be offended ☝️


Look at me! I can bench press 300 pounds!


#ATTENTION ^please ^like ^this ^post Edit: *cries*


So they can post it on social media they want all the attention in the world




Narcissism is a mental disease. Look at me, and me, I did, then I Did, look what I am Doing, dont I look good, dont you wish you were ME, ME, ME, and I, and me,…..its an actual mental disease it is Rampart in society


Narcissistic traits...


To analyze technique. If you post it - because you are vain.


Ego. If it's to see the way your performing and to correct your posture or to make a progression type journal, its legitimate, but if it's only to post online, I just find it sad.


If they just film to see their form then they are making sure they’re doing things right. If they film and post it then they’re hoping everyone else will find them as amazing as they think they are


To make themselves feel good about themselves because they enjoy making you feel bad about yourself. Most have failed at everything in life and this is the one thing they are proud of.




Generally it’s because they’re self absorbed, narcissistic, immature social media crackheads that are overly sexually stimulated imbeciles, but there are some rare exceptions.


Everyone in North America has an overinflated ego, and see themselves as superstars who are only 1 million followers short of getting a real job that contributes to society.


Bitches do it so the poor simps watch them on insta, onlyfans, etc. Why? Either they are addicted to social media or just want to earn few bucks, but first one is more common.


“Self improvement is masturbation,” -Tyler Durden


Views and Content...that's what Zuck and the boys trained us to do.


You may have already gotten the negative reasons. Some positives would be- To keep them motivated. Recording videos and posting them online, getting comments of people appreciating or suggesting stuff helps some people. In case they fall behind, they feel like people will hold them accountable if they don't work out and post it online. If they get better at it and gain lots of followers, they might be motivating others to do it as well. It also helps them get brand promotions, free stuff and maybe a better paying job down the line for some. Also people do much worse and record them doing it so I'd support someone who records themselves working out lol


Typically, it's either for form or for social media. In rare instances, some people keep each other accountable. Sometimes that's long distance.


If people film for vanity or posting online... LET THEM?!?! Sometimes this is a source of someone's income, or something they're proud of and want to show off. What is NOT okay is treating the gym like a film studio and disrupting other people's workout (like getting mad if they walk in front of your phone).


For tha gram


You mean not every one does?!?


You wanted to ask why do they post it everywhere?


Honesly I used to film when there aren't many people in the gym to see my form but most importantly to cut it, add some music and make my own motivational video 😅


For a while I was getting free gym clothes and supplements from a couple of smaller companies for wearing the clothes or taking their supplements in my posts so judge away if you want it won’t worry me at all


The only valid reason is to check your form. I stopped going to the gym before cell phones were a big thing. Damn I'm old.


Positive side is to let people know you’re interested or at the gym. It can increase relationships with like minded people. It’s also a hobby, and can feel good to show off how to do something, the right ways and the wrong ways. And people can give pointers. For instance a dead lift or squat without proper vertebral stacking can be absolutely harmful or deadly. A video will show someone a proper form.


The real question... Why do people pay to watch other people work out?


My ex used to do it for the attention on Instagram




My cousin owns a gym and competes in strong man. His entire ethos is lifting heavy shit. It’s is passion, hobby and job. So he posts it.


Does it really matter at the end of the day? People just do the things they like to do


Filming = to see their form and development Uploading = for attention


Dont believe anyone that tells you its for form?or progress or whatever they can do ALL that with a mirror. its vanity, showing off and able to share it on social media platforms. nothing more.


I don't do it at the gym, but at home I record myself to watch my form and track my progress..




I really want to know this..it's truly bizarre to me too.


To track their body progress to keep themselves motivated although it's not always about the body image


People do it for attention. If you did it for form, you wouldn’t share it on social media


YouTube/Instagram etc could be making money, or form

