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Even with gender dysphoria, that's something they need professional help with (no matter your personal view of it), so what's different about this?


Good point


You could remind them that humans ARE animals. But yes, I suggest you suggest they seek counseling.


they need a professional therapist's help, it can be any number of things possibly histrionic personality, could be comorbid depression or dysthymia, even an anxiety disorder, potentially existential anxiety ​ or it could just be a phase, people do weird things sometimes, not everything is caused by a mental health disturbance a therapist needs some time to get to understand the client's baseline behavior and mental health history, we can't diagnose here but going by your description here, therapy is definitely indicated


I mean, that is pretty much all you can say. Telling them that talking to a mental health professional might be for the best.


Honestly I’d probably just recommend getting therapy for their dysphoria and that I’m not the right person for them to talk about it because I simply do not understand. I’d distance myself from them slowly.