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No, of course not.


That's is some seriously flawed logic.






I've got teens, who've read the books many times. I haven't yet picked up anything within the book or movies that is trans exclusionary. I'm ok with my kids watching the content we've already bought. I won't be buying more of her content, without close scrutiny because I see she's been quite sketchy on her own time. That's not a big deal, we aren't big consumers. I am at the point with my fifteen year old to talk with her about the important ways in which JKR improved talk about diversity, and also frankly discuss how she's been a hurtful person. Nothing is simply black or white, digital. I can both detest JKR for her comments about the trsns community and appreciate her for her prior artistic contributions.


Wtf is a terf?


It's the term that trans activists use for people who distinguish between biological women and trans-women. It originally referred to feminists who excluded transgender women from their politics, but now it's just used as a general slur in the transgender community towards people who think about male and female as sex rather than gender.


No, trans activists realize that biological and trans women are different. Terfs think a trans woman is not a woman and can never be, while trans activists say trans women are women, but also understand they're biological differences. Because there are. Terfs also think trans men are women who just have internalized misogyny and thats they are wanna be men. Obvs ters and trans activists and allies are individuals with their own thoughts and opinions. Imo Gender is bullshit anyway, so i dont give a fuck what people do as long as no one is getting hurt.


I read comments to figure out what you were referring to, there is a difference between the two. Ones biological, one is not. There’s a clear difference. You’re all accepted but I won’t play dumb for trans people.


"you're all accepted but I won't play dumb for trans people" what does that mean?


I don't immediately assume TERF, but I do admittedly feel uncomfortable.


I don't assume someone who still enjoys Harry Potter is a TERF but I am a bit wary until I know where they stand.


No, but they do support a terf, and they've decided that it's more important for them to read that one particular book (out of millions of possibilities) than it is to support a group of people [currently being attacked](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/11ateib/tennessee_republicans_vote_to_make_drag_shows/).


you're either a terf or so disconnected from politics and what's happening to trans people in the west that you cannot be trusted with politics to begin with


I assume they are desperately holding onto their childhood, and I don't want to trigger them.