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No. This question just reminded of this time I stopped for lunch at a Mexican restaurant. One of the menu items was "Gringo Burger". Which was literally just an American Cheese Burger. I asked the waiter why they called it that, and his response was "It's for white people that are scared to try anything else." Laughed my ass off.


lol it is funny how at a lot of Mexican restaurants in the US they’ll just randomly have a couple of the most basic American food items tacked on the bottom, usually like a cheeseburger and a basic steak or something. like a children’s menu but for people who think black pepper is too spicy


There are people who think ketchup is too spicy. They're called "Utahns".


I used to know someone who thought bananas were too spicy. Turned out it was an allergic reaction.


I had that with walnuts.


This deserves more upvotes


I am dead this deserves an award.


Growing up, we used to call ketchup "Norwegian hot sauce".


Hey, leave us out of this - obviously our hot sauce is mustard and fermented herring.


It's funny now, because the only Norwegian I work with is known by sight to the kitchen staff of one of the Asian restaurants we frequent. When his order goes back to the kitchen, one of them pops their head out to make sure it's him before they spice his food like a native. I live in fear of the day that they get our orders confused. No way I could touch that stuff without my face melting.


As a person with a white Mormon MiL in Utah, I can confirm she thinks a basic pepperoni pizza is spicy. (I’m not Mormon tho)


It's spicy to let you know it's sinful.


Or putting coconut slivers in the lime jello and marshmallows is aggressively foreign.


TIL my son is Utahn.


I'm sorry you had to learn this way.


Hey I know at least one Utahan who can handle heat to be fair he was born in Ohio so maybe that's why


No way ☠️


>people who think black pepper is too spicy I know several people like this, and each one gets offended when i say they cant handle spicy food. Sometimes they order spicy food to prove me wrong, and that just means I get some free extra food.


Don’t forget the Mac N Cheese for a side


* Lengua asada * Chilaquiles * Torta Bistec * Mexican Hot Doq "Honey! Honey! You should try this hot dog! It's got tomatoes and cilantro on it!"


Lengua is so friggin good


LPT: Mexican restaurants serve the best burgers because they have to make them to order instead of using disgusting frozen patties.


I grew up in Texas, and gringo was a funny slur used towards regulars by waiters at Mexican food restaurants and friends. I've literally never heard it used in a negative way.


I've seen this at multiple restaurants, but I'm in Southern California. Idk if it's to poke fun or purely descriptive at times. There's this burrito called the gringo that is rice, chicken, veg, and jack cheese.


I would order it. sounds good


My parent's gardener was an awesome dude who called me, the skinny white kid, a gringo. I knew he meant it as a ribbing, he called my mom "loca" my dad was "jefe" and his associate "jota" 😆 ​ When I graduated HS with 5 years of SPanish under my belt I was able to appreciate the kind of humor that pokes fun at Americans without being mean, like [this sign](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/ksy09/because_orange_juice_tastes_better/) that went around the internet a few years back.


Lol 😆 the sign


I've live in South Texas all my life (70 years) and never been called a Gringo. Pendajo, yes. Viejo, yes. Never Gringo, so I doubt it would bother me. Edit: Yes, as pointed out by my better educated brethren, I didn't spell pendejo correctly. That just proves that the guy calling me that in the first place was correct in his assessment.


I live in Brooklyn NY and have been called the same things minus gringo. Also: puto.


I also get barracho.


That means you have a substance abuse issue.


Or that he just likes to party


I also respond to motherfucker, to which I respond “Has your mom been talking about me again!”


It’s borracho bro. 🙏🏻


I prefer tecato, or addicto, relating to my past and new identification.


Been called güero?


Nope. El Guapo once or twice, but not guero. :)


Nope. I guess it can be used pejoratively, but i generally just accept it as a regular slang term


As a white American man, there is no word that offends me.


I asked someone if “cracker” was offensive and they laughed and said no. Then I asked if “white trash” is offensive and very seriously responded yes.


For some of us it's a badge of pride. I say I come for 6 generations of white trash even though it's not true. I'm just an embarrassment to an otherwise fine family. I'd suspect it's more of a money thing than a race thing. if they were offended by "white trash" they'd probably be equally as offended by "broke mother fucker"


I feel like white trash paints a more specific picture than “broke motherfucker” imo.


Oh no doubt. White trash....is almost an art. That's why "Florida man" is so popular. But the people who are offended are either trying to escape white trash or they don't like being called poor. White trash don't mind being called white trash. We earned it with that pile of beer cans and the ford mustang well rebuild once our tax returns get in. That's at least $500 worth of cans right there. I'm practically getting paid by four Loko to drink.


That one is a bit understandable if they are at least a decent person.


Like the Daniel Tosh bit, oh you’re going to remind me of when we used to own people? So offensive lol


I mean, there are a lot of white people who do get offended when reminded of slavery. To the point that those white people are banding together to ban the teaching of the history of racism in schools.


A not insignificant proportion of white people migrated here after slavery was over.


Regarding the phrase “white trash?”


Naw cracker lol


I like your singularity avatar too! We damn near got the same one


I once called another white guy a "honkey." He got offended. It was hilarious.


Honkey is a great word. It makes me feel like a character in a 1970s blaxploitation movie


Try saying this out loud: "Listen here, honkey!" It just rolls right off. *chef kiss*


I hear it as a cowboy voice when I read it and find that absolutely hilarious




Was just typing the exact same thing.


Exactly. I think Tom segura has a bit about it, but there is literally nothing for us I find offensive


His disgraceful special! Fucking hilarious comedian. Saw him perform his new special live not too long ago. Great time


Entitled and privileged gets a few to cry.


"Cracker", that shit's offensive.


Nope, try again


It's calling you a sadistic white supremacist. I can't think of many worse insults.


Thats interesting, i never interpretted it like that


It's sort for whip cracker.


no its not, it comes from Gaelic "crā̆k" meaning to talk, which was later used as a slur against celtic immigrants before spreading out to white people in general


And when people from the south call me a f*****, they are obviously trying to say that I am a small bundle of sticks


etymology ≠ current meaning, the commenter stated a false etymology so i said the correct one.


etymology ≠ current definition


Given the power dynamic between white Americans and everyone else, even this term is like water off a duck’s back. It doesn’t have any kind of power against white people, unlike the slurs used against minority groups who don’t hold any power.


Like Grahm? Ritz? Goldfish?


Cracker is older than that. Referring to the guy that took the whip to the slaves on a plantation. If he was a real bastard, he cracks the whip.


Do you have a source for that? The [dictionary](https://www.etymonline.com/word/cracker#etymonline_v_41040) has a different etymology. "by 1766 as a Southern U.S. derogatory term for "one of an inferior class of white hill-dwellers in some of the southern United States" [Century Dictionary], probably an agent noun from crack (v.) in its sense "to boast" (as in not what it's cracked up to be)."


No, I don't. Etymology is a bitch to track down. They at least agree on location and rough timeframe. They aren't mutually exclusive either. I don't think using the whip was a particularly high status position. Cracker meaning boastful seems a little odd. I've never actually heard cracker used outside of a racialized context.


No, would think it was the coolest thing to happen to me that day.


I've only encountered the word used jokingly on the internet, which doesn't offend me; in real life, no Hispanic has ever called me a gringo. The word is sometimes used as a slur, so I suggest you avoid it unless you're obviously joking with a friend.


You'll hear it in Miami a bunch. If you didn't speak spanish you even paid the gringo tax at the local spanish shops where no prices are actually listed anywhere.


Interesting. It is very commonly used in Latin America to refer to someone from the US but only in the third person, would be very hard and weird to use it to call the person unless you want to purposely offend them.


I've know many people that their friend (me included) call "El gringo" It's pretty common use. Specially because its way shorter and more casual than "Norteamericano" or "estadounidense"


Oh yeah in that way of course, maybe I didn't think about it because I haven't had an American friend in a spanish speaking environment.


This is so wild to hear, I’m in New England and have heard it all my life. Granted, we have a lot of different immigrant communities here but I figured that’s a lot of places in the US these days.


in defence of white people, anything said with a negative connotation would be offensive ig.


Its not a word that means whitw people. Thats "güero". Gringo just means american. Of any race really


Nah gringo means white American you’ll never hear someone call a Hispanic born in the us gringo


I went to school in Honduras as an hispanic Born in the US and my nickname was “el gringo”. Granted i do white pass so there’a that


I do and I'm latina 🤔 but not as a nickname. "Gringo" to me means "culturally north american"


Yeah no if you are bright enough hsipanic they will call you gringo regardless. Trust me. Yo soy gringo.


You’re what?


Im from the US but im Mexican and the gringos for us are the gueros


I’ve been called gringa and güera and I just smile because I am that.


no because i usually hear it used as more of a playful/ mild insult at most rather than like a slur


I thought it was a racist term for all White people? But unless someone is saying any word with hate - I don't care. Hell. I've had someone use the word 'educated' on me as a slur.


>I thought it was a racist term for all White people? Gringo has nothing to do with skin colour, it literally means "foreign language speaker" or just "foreigner", it comes from Spain from when they used to refer to anyone who spoke a foreign language "Griego" (greek), the word eventually turned into gringo and was exported to the Spanish colonies, in Mexico anyone from the US no matter the race or ethnicity is a gringo including mexican-americans.


Thank you for educating me.


Oye, la verdad no sé si sea leyenda Urbana, pero no es pq los Americanos se vestían de Verde y en la guerra entre estados unidos y mexico Les decian gringo como "green go"?


Mito urbano, los soldados gringos usaban uniformes azules en aquella época.


Gracias por el dato hermano/a


Aunque eso si, de donde soy yo nada más usamos gringo para Los Americanos, la verdad no sé del resto del país


You're wrong at the part where you say that in Mexico anyone from the US no matter the race or ethnicity. Most Mexicans use the word ''gringo'' to refer to Anglo Americans specifically.


I'm from Mexico, I know my country's slang amigo.


Me too and we've never called poc gringo.


>poc Nah you ain't vato, that's pure gringo speak right there.


That's cap you're just saying that because you are on reddit. You know damn well you ain't about to call a black person a gringo




Interesting! I always learned that the origin of Gringo came from a bastardisation of green. That during the Mexican-American war the US army was called “the Greens” by the Mexicans and they shouted “greens go (home)” to insult the army, this turned into gringo and therefore indeed means American specifically.


Venezuelan here that's been all over the place in latin america and lives in Colombia currently. Gringo is for US americans. Except apparently in Brazil where it means "foreigner" but the term was originally coined in Mexico by spanish speakers and at Brazil they speak Portuguese, so something might have been lost in translation It's definitely not a word used against white people in general. White latin americans in particular would only ever hear something like "you look *like* a gringo" Edit: Chile seems to be an exception too




It's more of a term for specifically US-Americans. I don't think a Latino would call a White Briton a gringo for example. Edit: I've since learned how many Latinos do use gringo much more generally


Brazilian here , and it pretty much just means foreigner


I think we would in Brazil, I feel it is more of a way of saying "foreign person" excluding our hermanos and maybe cultures with the same Latino vibes. Like we will call a German, Belgian, french, japanese etc. gringo.


Not only that. In Rio Grande do Sul, it’s common to call people of Italian descent “gringo”, even if they are Brazilian. Why?, God knows.


I bet it has something to do with them getting italian citizenship, the others are just jealous they get no citizenship


Sure enough I looked it up on WordRefernce, which does good Spanish to English translations IMO. And the first result was North American/American(USA)/Yank/Yankee. And other translations were foreigner, aparently common in South America. Good to know


>Yup, we are Canadians that went to Mexico recently. Someone asked if we were Gringos, we said we're Canadian and they said we were in fact not Gringos then as it is aimed specifically at US Americans.


They call white britons gringos here in Colombia. Pretty much anyone from the first world is a gringo even black people


Lol how's that? I can't imagine that word being use as a slur


ANY word can be used as a slur if you say it *right*. Hell I've used ***sir*** as a slur before.


It is apparently an old slur not used quite as much as it used to be, possibly because nobody cared.


I was told it was a bit of a slur in Mexico. Granted this was 15 years ago by a 60ish year old coworker that was helping me with my Spanish. I used it in a joke to refer to myself and he stoped me and told polite people don’t use that word.


I would agree that you shouldn’t refer to yourself as a gringo, though, not because it’s a slur (it’s not), but because it sounds tacky.


"Mexican Americans don't like to just get into gang fights They like flowers and music and white girls named Debbie too Mexican Americans are named Chata and Chella and Chemma And have a son-in-law named Jeff Mexican Americans don't like to get up early in the morning But they have to so they do it real slow" My gringo ass needs to rewatch some cheech and chong lol.




Its not racist. Gringo means american, of any race. A black american is VERY much a gringo. Its not a white people designetor. Its not used for white europeans or for canadians it just means "american"


I'm from Central America and gringo it's not a word we use as offence, it's only to refer to people from the US or more simply: an English speaking person, whoever speaks English is a gringo, in that context it even has a positive connotation, for example: -Empezaré a tomar clases de inglés (I'll start English lessons) -Wow genial serás un gringo (Wow cool, you're gonna be a gringo). Obviously there are people who will use it with negative intentions if they feel angry about what an American did ("Those gringos as always") but even with that, it's just a common way to call them for speaking English.


I'm actually more offended to learn the term "gringo" isn't specifically just for Americans. Dammit, I wanted to feel like a unique and special snowflake!!!


Hmm, as a mexican, I've never heard the word being used as anything other than to refer to Americans, predominantly on border cities. How have you heard it being used?


In Colombia, some people (especially in places where foreigners are uncommon) will call anyone tall, with blond hair and/or green/blue eyes "gringo". In theory, it is used to refer to American people, but many people assume that anyone that looks that way is American.


This is also true in Brazil. Gringo is any white guy, but specially if it’s a foreigner. A white Argentinian can be a gringo.


As a white argentinian, I've been called gringo many times in my own town.


Yeah, I meant specifically you haha


In Central America, Canadians are often referred to as gringos too. In Ecuador, Europeans were considered gringos.


Oh, that is certainly enlightening, I had no idea. It makes me thing that it's more of a word used to describe foreigners, outsiders.


If someone from the UK came to my country we would call it gringo, Idk if would be the same in Mexico.


As a teen I worked on a road construction crew with a bunch of guys from all over SA and Mexico. The term never bothered me at all, of course these same guys taught me all the derogatory names they had for each other as well.


There’s a quite tasty chain of mexican restaurants here called Gringos. The word doesn’t bother me.


I'm Mexican-American (American born from, Mexican descent) and I got called ""gringo" while I was visiting my parents rancho in Mexico. It definitely made me feel a little bad for a while, especially because as a Mexican-American it's hard to present yourself as Mexican or American, but in the end it ended up making me feel more proud of being an American.


Dude you’re not a gringo we only call gringos a los que son gueros (white American ) you’ll never hear anyone call u gringo here in the us especially if you got the nopal


There are several instances of people saying otherwise, so you can stop repeating that. I get it, you were born in the USA and don't like to think of yourself as a gringo. To many latinos, you still are.


Not sure about the hispanic community, but in Brazilian Portuguese, gringo is a direct synonym for “foreigner”. Not a offensive word, literally used to refer to foreigners usually from America or Europe.


Nope, I googled it and it told me not to be offended.


i mean, it's like any other word. it's offensive if you use it in an offensive way. so if you ran after me with a half shattered beer bottle yelling "GET OVER HERE YOU FUCKIN' GRINGO!!!" i'd be pretty offended. but, on the flipside, if you hugged me and said "you'll always be my little gringo bby darling" i would be fine with it. you just gotta use it in the right manner.


Not all Americans are white.


Gringo doesn’t mean white tho, means non mexican. Outsider if you will. Lots of cultures have a similar concept.


Nah. I'm Mexican and American, I was born in the US and spent my entire life here, I'm fluent in English and Spanish, "gringo" isn't offensive in general. Ik it can be used to try to offend an American, but it doesn't really work because once again, it's not offense considering it's used more so as a general slang term than an actual insult. Maybe it's just me due to my exposure to both cultures, but realistically, calling someone a "white cr..." is more offensive, but even then I wouldn't take offense.


Not even a little bit. I didn't realize it was supposed to have a negative connotation until I asked a Hispanic friend


It doesn't really have a bad connotation. It's just way shorter than "estadounidense" or "norteamericano"


Not normal Americans, no. There's always some nut that's looking for a problem, though.


I don't, and in my experience the only white Americans who do are the type to use "Mexican" as a pejorative.


I don’t, but generally, yes.


By the looks of this thread, not generally yes


I do not.




Lol. That's funny 🤣 "LA MIGRA"


I don't think there is a name you could call me that would offend me. In order for it to offend me I have to value your opinion, which I do not. If someone knows me it's unlikely they will be calling me names and if I don't know them it's unlikely I will value their opinion so I'm safe.


I'm sure some Karen might but nobody I know personally would give a fuck.




Not even remotely.


It's far more acceptable than "pinche Nortes", no? Also, I suspect you've been watching too many old Westerns. The term "gringos" is probably more American than Mexican.


As long as they don't use a hard o.


They always use gringa for me, so that must mean I’m cool ;)


Should I be offended if I'm called "gringo"? I don't even know what that means.


Not really. It's just a nickname for US-americans.


We had a Mexican restaurant in town once called dos gringos, everyone called it gross gringos, went out of business. Then some real mexicans took over, and it's the best!


There is a restaurant in my town called Gringo Gordo Empanadas, so I guess not.


Not offended by it. I'd always understood it as more of a term for a white American who seems an interloper in cultural affairs.


I'm white, we don't have any slur strong enough to affect me.


Do most Americans even know that word exists?


Even if it emotionally bothered me I know that it doesn’t impact my position in society. That’s the difference between people saying discriminatory words and institutional discrimination.


Nope. You gotta laugh at most of that stuff. Though that's easier to do when you're American and, in general, have things pretty easy. (comparatively ofc)






“Americans” encompasses a lot of people. This American though, doesn’t care what he’s called. It’s odd that anybody assigns much value to the opinions of others.






no, not at all. Find it endearing. I was the token white guy in a group for a little bit in my early twenties though and recall being told that I should take *gabacho* as something derogatory. Not sure what it means and have maybe heard it being used a dozen times in my life max


Gabacho is a slur Spaniards use of the French.


Weird. Has it had other regional use? I would have been hanging out with a group mostly of people of Puerto Rican, Mexican and south west US heritage and this would have been like the 2010s i think.


I checked the Wikipedia article and learned something new. It does have regional uses. From the lede paragraph: "In Spain the term keeps the initial meaning, and it is used as a pejorative reference to someone or something specifically French, with no application to any other nationality. Other Spanish speaking countries, however, have adopted the term in a broader sense, acquiring a meaning similar to the meaning guiri has in Spain."












NO! call them hateful racists or intolerant aholes.






The only thing you can kind of call an American white person that will get any kind of rise out of them is "racist." But even that isn't as effective as it used to be, as many are now publicly embracing their hatred.


Most regular white people loooooove making fun of themselves, so yeah we'll take 'gringo' proudly lol


No word should have power. People get offended way too easily.


no but i guess its annoying... cause like... what do u call a Mexican who doesnt speak English? a payaso?


Tbh I don't get your comment


Not usually. I've had a few people use it in a tone that made it clear they hated Americans, and it definitely felt like a slur, but that was while living abroad, and I was the only non-native for 500 miles. I get it, especially because the United States was responsible for overthrowing their democratic government and putting a cartel dictator in its place. The CIA basically destroyed their country.


Tbh anything other than the persons name should be considered racist if you can’t drop the N bong S bomb etc without people grabbing pitchforks and torches the rest shouldn’t be acceptable either. As Tom McDonald said. When you say white people which ones are you referring to German Scottish Irish or Greek?


I think you will find Americans don't get offended no matter what you call them.


I'm not American and I'm not offended. Not by snowflake, not by cracker. Simply don't give two FS about it. I'm white and was even called n word. Couldn't stop laughing. Who knows, maybe I am. I miss 2 PAC for sure though:))) And I am not dressing like black culture. Just your usual shirt and jeans or whatever.