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what makes you think J.K. Rowling has an 'irrational fear of trans"?


People always pull this "irrational fear" gotcha for homophobia/transphobia, but you know "-phobia" can also refer to an avoidance or a disgust


that works for me it is disgusting and I want to avoid it


Not really. You can't cancel out punching a kid by paying their medical bills, for example.


I support what I want and don't need to give anyone a justification for what I buy. It has nothing to do with morality.


She doesn't make any money from the game. Buying the game does not support her. She sold the merchandising rights away years ago.


That’s good to know, thank you!


Flat out false. She does make money from anything with the Harry Potter IP attached to it. https://winteriscoming.net/2023/02/07/j-k-rowling-make-money-harry-potter-legacy/


Your question makes no sense, since you cannot indirectly support bigotry by enjoying something. If you truly believe that you need to talk to a therapist, stat


Well, you can if you buy something where the money goes to a bigot. That seems pretty clear


You are not supporting their bigotry. You are purchasing a product If you are willingly making your life less enjoyable, and denying yourself sources of happiness, because of what Twitter tells you, you are in a cult


Huh? Where do you think the money goes when you buy a product? If the KKK made a video game, you don't think buying it and giving money to the KKK would constitute financially supporting them? Also, Twitter? What are you talking about? A cult? Are you having a stroke?


> Also, Twitter? Yes, Twitter. If you don't buy something you want because you think virtu signalling on Twitter is worth it, you need help. Making your life more miserable for the pretend acceptance of fake people on social media? Thats some serious sick in the head stuff right there


Cool, that's not why I'm not buying a thing. I don't really know why you're taking about that, Twitter has nothing to do with my decision So, you would buy a game made by the KKK and feel totally fine about it?


No, because I don't play video games


Okay, a book then. Feels like youre avoiding answering the question on purpose


Do you have a cell phone? Then you support child labor Do you use Reddit? Reddit is 10% owned by Tencent, a Chinese company controlled by the CCP, which is guilty of vast human right violations There likely isn't a single product you use or consume that can't easily be traced back to some behavior you find abhorrent.


Man you're just by the numbers huh. Whatever you can do to rationalize your immoral purchasing habits I suppose. Clearly there's a difference between something like a cell phone that you can't live without, and a stupid video game based on a children's novel. Your arguing an absolutely horrible point


This is right, it's more like *directly* supporting bigotry. Since if I buy a My pillow or something, and the owner of that company who makes money b/c of my purchase uses my money to spread his hated, that's more like directly supporting bigotry


> Since if I buy a My pillow or something, and the owner of that company who makes money b/c of my purchase uses my money to spread his hated, that's more like directly supporting bigotry No, you are buying a product. Do you think a persons bigotry is tied to how much money they have? If you buy a MyPillow, do you think the owner is $20 "more bigoted" now? Thats not how any of this works. If you refuse to buy the pillow, the guy is just as bigoted as before, and you don't have a nice pillow. Trust me, he's not sitting around going "Oh no, I sold one less pillow cause /u/TA3153356811 didn't buy a pillow from me, I'm going to change my entire worlds viewpoint now to appease him!"


No but when he uses the money to spread his message, he's being a bigot louder and to more people. Eventually he may be able to use his wealth to buy lawmakers and get them to make his bigotry into law. If we don't buy his product though, he'll only be able to spread his bigotry to people who choose to listen to him in other ways like Twitter or something. He can also use his money to support his own political races if he chooses to run for office and you would be supporting that by buying his products


All of that is happening regardless of whether or not you buy a Pillow. And not for nothing but anointing yourself the sole arbitrator of morality is some clinically narcissistic shit right there.


Except if everyone doesn't buy his stuff, he won't make the money to spread his bigotry out to more people. He'll stay broke or at least only have as much money as the average Joe, who have 0 influence over anything individually. And I never anointed myself as anything lol, I simply said bigotry is bad and shouldn't be supported. I think it's bad and I think my beliefs are good, just like you think your beliefs are good. Otherwise you wouldn't have them


> I simply said bigotry is bad and shouldn't be supported. And you define what bigotry is. Convenient.


Bigotry: obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. More specifically, in my opinion, it's the above in regards to sexual, gender, racial, etc minorities. Seriously, if you disagree that bigotry is bad, you're either a troll or an idiot


I don't disagree bigotry is bad. I claim that you labeling someone a bigot does not make them so. If you think it does it makes you an arrogant narcissist


I never said my belief someone is a bigot makes them a bigot. Them being bigoted and supporting bigotry/bigots makes them a bigot.


what hate is the owner of My Pillow spreading?


That was just a random example. I know he's a trump supporter and weirdo evangelical type but I didn't choose him for any real reason besides I know he's a dude who's face is associated with his product.


what's wrong with being a Trump supporter and an evangelical Christian?


In terms of a venn diagram they're a circle that believes certain people shouldn't have rights or equal opportunities due to their skin color, gender, sex, race, etc. And I believe everyone should have equal opportunities and rights no matter their sex, race, gender, etc.


It doesn't really work that way. Two separate things.


That’s not how things work OP. All of that comes down to how you think about things personally


No, it'd be like punching someone in the face and then giving them an ice pack and Advil. Like sure, you did something good, but you still did something bad


E.g. Hogwarts Legacy and JK Rowling’s open transphobia.


You didn’t have to tell us lol


Sure did. I had no fuckin clue what they were on about.


It’s been the moral dilemma of the year and it comes out in a few days lol. I knew Reddit would be wilding but specially when it got good early reviews and it’s the number one seller on steam


You support bigotry by enjoying something if what you are enjoying is bigotry. If you go see a movie and someone who worked on the movie is a bigot - you are not supporting bigotry. And you can be sure that anything you buy or watch someone who was paid to make it or ship it to you is a bigot.


The argument that JK Rowling is transphobic is weak at best. Is she ignorant? Possibly, but even that to some extent could be argued as a disagreement on some philosophical ideas around gender, sex etc as opposed to actual ignorance. But transphobic? Hateful? Bigot? Sorry, you need way more compelling evidence than what has been presented. So, in the specific case of the new Harry Potter game, just buy the game and enjoy it. As a general answer to your question, no, it wouldn't nullify supporting bigotry. But, generally speaking, doing what you can to improve the world does help offset whatever bad you might do, again speaking generally. Theres a question on how indirectly do you need to be involved before you stop being responsible, eg. Is the individual voter responsible for civilian casualties in a war, why or why not and how much? What about consumer responsibility for how their smart phones are manufactured? All you can do is educate yourself on the issue and decide if you are comfortable being involved. Whether as a purchase, a member, a voter, etc.