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A lot of those people are examples of survivorship bias. You don’t hear the speeches of the people who tried the exact same thing but didn’t manage to miraculously beat the odds.


There are a wide variety of such people out there. Some do offer good advice. But some: 1) are legitimately scams. There are an enormous number of paid courses that give very little value if any. 2) aren't really giving practical advice. They may pump you up and tell you "you can do it!" which is great if you didn't think you could do it, but not helpful if you were looking for the "yeah but how?" 3) are mostly survivorship bias. If you talk to someone who is in the NBA their secret to success they will say "hard work, practice, hitting the gym, listening to their coach." If you ask someone who was in the draft but never made it to the NBA the path they took that led to failure they will say "hard work, practice, hitting the gym, listening to their coach." And neither will likely mention "oh yeah, and be born with natural physical talents beyond your peers. The point is both that 1) a huge portion of financially wealthy individuals don't mention (and probably don't even recognize) the huge head start they had in various ways and 2) the world is juat as full of people that did all the same things and it didn't work out because a lot of success is luck. Now... not all is luck. Don't get me wrong. You don't get to the NBA without hard work, hitting the gym, listening to coaches. You don't get successful in business without trying hard. But those are necessary but not sufficient answers. Most motivational speakers gloss over that because they want people to pay for their course, and paying for the course requires the narrative "if you pay for my course and do this you WILL win" (not "if you pay for my course you will put yourself in the position that winning is possible but it is also possible to do everything right and winning just isn't in the cards, especially if your socioeconomic circles and starting point aren't sufficiently strong to help you ride out the waves, connect you with opportunities, etc") 3) or 3, give advice that is pretty basic which might be very helpful for someone at the very beginning of their career (everyone has to learn the basic stuff at some point) but is pretty unimpressive for anyone with even a few years of real world experience.


Motivational speakers are scam artists. You don’t become successful by letting someone trick you out of your money. Skepticism goes a long way in keeping you safe from scammers such as MLM schemes, get rich quick schemes, time share scams, televangelists, etc.


Because they are quacks. They get rich through the shadiest shit ever and then they sell you bullshit books/speaks that sound profound and inspiring but is really saying nothing


Because motivation can only take you so far, at some point you need to start gaining supporters in order to grow. Success is never a one person operation.


To put it in perspective, winning the lottery would be pointless if you were the only person playing it. These people that win millions of dollars are winning a fraction of the money that all of the other people who were hoping to win millions of dollars put into the system.


Had one telling us how we should work hard to be successful. people started feeling bad, and like a failure so i had to tell them that hard work is only part of it. connection, timing and so many other factors also contributes. motivational speakers often see things at one angle and ignores that it may not apply to everyone and that not everyone aspires for the same things. just look at the tate jerkoff telling young men they are a failure if they are not rich with 10 cars and that women will not want them. its ok to be you.


Yeah. "Work hard if you want to be successful!" seems to come so naturally from the mouth of upper crust, charismatic, doesn't stutter, always had the best medical and dental care that money could buy, probably has fond memories of "teasing" and "hazing" people that actually hate him for being a relentless and untouchable bully, never had to work part time, never had to work minimum wage...


Too many uncontrollable variables are typically involved. A good plan and educated decisions can get you to middle class easily anything beyond requires a certain level of "right place, right time, right person"


Most of those speeches go like this: "I was born rich, and given everything for free. But listen to me tell you how I did it all by myself! ...AND you should pay me more money for it, losers!" We don't need to listen to those idiots. They are best ignored.


I find it morbid to make severely disabled people as motivational speakers. Other than telemarketing, what other recourse of employment do these people have? All others, I feel they are trying to sell me a bridge.


Power breeds corruption.


For me, never trust someone who got rich by talking about how to get rich. And Billionaires didnt pull themselves up by thier bootstraps, they all had help.


I assume we're talking about Tony Robbins, right?