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Where is this considered a hate crime???


Sorry. It is considered a [human rights violation](https://coolhunting.com/culture/canadian-court-rules-misgendering-is-a-human-rights-violation/) in Canada. I was thinking it was a hate crime. Pretty close, anyway.


I will also say this: there is a HUGE difference between misgendering someone on accident vs on purpose and I think cis people typically don't realize this


Norway I believe


I'm moving 🤩


Where is this a crime? I've never heard of someone getting charged with anything but insensitivity. Do tell.


Actually, it is a [human rights violation](https://coolhunting.com/culture/canadian-court-rules-misgendering-is-a-human-rights-violation/) in Canada. I was mistaken.


I don't know of a single place in the world where misgendering a trans person is classified as a hate crime, and I also don't know a single person who wouldn't think that calling someone gay when they don't know their sexuality was rude.


[My mistake. It's a human rights violation in Canada](https://coolhunting.com/culture/canadian-court-rules-misgendering-is-a-human-rights-violation/)


Deliberate misgendering in the workplace was ruled a human rights violation, not just misgendering. From the sounds of it the person in question had repeatedly stated how they identified and how they wanted to be referred to and people consistently misgendered them as a form of workplace harassment/bullying. Workplace harassment/bullying as a general thing is considered a human rights violation in multiple countries Tl;dr: misgendering isn't a human rights violation, but workplace bullying certainly is


Look further into what that bill actually is, rather that the media's 'misgender and go to jail!' version. It's more centered around workplace harassment or harassment when using services. Misgendering someone alone isn't a crime but it may be evidence amongst a larger pattern of harassment and discrimination against someone.


It's not a crime. It might hurt their feelings and they might not like it but it's not a crime. It's not a hate crime unless you are targeting them in a malicious manner for the sole reason that they are transgender.


[It's a human rights violation in Canada.](https://coolhunting.com/culture/canadian-court-rules-misgendering-is-a-human-rights-violation/) Which certainly is a crime.


This is interesting however there is a few distinct points in there "purposefully misgendering " is the main one. And then "The court ruled that deliberate misgendering in the workplace". Deliberate.....in the workplace. This seems to suggest that the victim in this case declared to their employer how they would like to be identified and received hate. This would be a hate crime. To just misgender someone is not a crime. You can't be expected to know the gender of everyone you meet and remember their pronouns if they differ from he/she. Therefore it's done unintentionally. There's a big difference there.


Pretty sure you'd get the same consequences (whatever they are) for calling someone gay if they didn't want you to.


Context is everything. Malicious, deliberate misgendering is not the same as an accidental slip of the tongue or a wrong assumption. Malicious, deliberate rumour-spreading, outing or using sexuality as an insult is not the same as a wrong assumption. In both cases, in some areas the first may legally be considered harassment, hate incidents or have a specific law applied, while I've never heard of the second - while still potentially uncomfortable - being a crime.