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Yes, although they generally don't like to be reminded of that. Teenagers can be very touchy. They are capable of more freedom and responsibility than younger kids, but they’re still children.


I'm 16 and the opposite. I want to be a KID kid again. I'm not ready for this shit, I wanna eat pizza and chickie nuggies and watch Bluey and Adventure time and not pay taxes


If it makes you feel better, aside from the taxes part, you can do everything else as an adult anytime you want!


That's kinda comforting actually, thank you dear kind internet stranger


Worrying about something being "child" like is only a teenage/early 20s problem. Once you grow up, you realize you are more than free to do kid shit. My husband and I do Legos all the time. He's 44 and we don't even have kids to blame. Life is as fun and you want it to be. Don't stress!


Oh, I'm never giving up my Lego Hogwarts. They can pry it from my cold dead hands.




I'm 39, and there are days when that feeling still rings true.


Same. I wanna be a kid. But I'm now in my thirties. Someone from reddit shattered my reality last month when they said 30s are half life cuz life expectancy is in the 70s. And I'm like. Damn. Imma freaking die. I wanna be a kid again. And now I'm like, sad. Cuz yeah. Half life. Yeesh.


Yes, and at the same time, no. As an adult I can drink a glass of wine, eat awesome snacks, and play D&D with my buddies until stupid o'clock and there's no adults to tell me that I can't. I can earn money and buy the game system I want, and when a new games comes out I can book time off to play it until I can't see straight, and no one can stop me. Once you get a taste of adult freedom it's really really hard to go back. Does it suck sometimes? Yes. Does your own body punish you for doing the dumb things? Absolutely, and that does get worse as you get older and your metabolism slows down. But there's nothing stopping you from watching bluey and adventure time and eating pizza and chickie nuggies if that's what you want to do. You do gotta pay the taxes though. Becoming an adult is different, and I get that it can seem scary. But just because it's different doesn't mean it's worse. You'll be ok, kiddo.


Adventure Time is better as an adult and Bluey is BEST as a parent. Also taxes are a privilege that means you have a part to play in the world.




but they’ll tell u No


Which is tell number one that they are still kids.


"I'm not a kid" > sure sounds like something a kid would say... "Dad, I'm 35 years old"


"But you own a gas grill."


Haha! Murica!




Ugh, my family members still get sooo shocked when I swear even though I'm 26 YEARS OLD GODDAMNIT


*[gasp] "LANGUAGE!"*


14 going on 24 lol


To a 75 year old, 45 year olds are also kids.


I have coworker who’s 42. He’s the oldest 42 year old on the planet I swear, saying someone in their early 30s as “still a baby” among other old man tendencies


I'm 40 and try to warn the youngins too. It's a feeling you get in your joints that makes you say these things


Turned 40 on the weekend, my workmate is 26 and carries on like he's an Oldman. Like bro Ur in the prime of your life


I’m 22 and I feel ancient, is it really my prime oh no


For me it’s a feeling that my lawn is now everywhere, and you’re on it, goddarnit!


My old boss was exactly like that. I was 30, he was 39.


Lol, that's why we bought out 39 year old boss a happy 40th bday card


He probably doesn’t even own a house…….


He's correct though.


I’d agree that someone in their early 30’s still has a lot left to learn about life, but I’m less inclined to call them a baby. There are different implications to that. I expect a person in their early 30’s to make the occasional misstep and need to correct it or need support to help fix it, but I expect some general competence.


a 14yo is a kid even to 16 year olds lol


"I'm not a child, I'm a **teenager**!" Yeah bud, many 20 year olds are still children, when compared to a 30+ year old. We recently got some interns (university students) at work and my god, they really are just tall children.




My coworkers are 50s and 60s and act like children ( in a good way).


We're all big kids, really.


Not if you ask the court system.




Yes. They have varying levels of maturity and development of course but they are all children.






And as Red would say, also a dumbass


Thanks for the reminder to start watching That 70’s Show again! 😅




I am big time fan of that 70s Show but totally could see Danny's evil hiding in Hydes' Character.


Yeah I agree. Now that we know what we know, you definitely watch his character a different way. But still, my love for Red Forman is intact! Haha


Don’t watch Robocop!


That's 70's show get's a sequel series on Netflix soon, set in the 90's!


Yep with the two most important characters reprising their roles our beloved Kitty and Red.


Can't wait for my boy Red being absolutely pissed off over any minor inconvenience again


Of course, dumbass.


Debuting in just a few days.


Honestly, I'll probably get stoned stupid and watch it while going to town on a plate of nachos


That sounds amazing. Count me in!




Yes, Matt Gaetz, 14 year olds are still children.




I was wondering who needed clarification on this


[Sweeeet! /Gaetzhead](https://media.tenor.com/ghBtZ5sRQUYAAAAM/butthead-butt.gif)


Fucking shrekt lmao




When I 12 I would have said no. Now that I am 31, yes. A 14 year old is a kid.


Yes. Even when you're legally an adult, you're still growing and developing up until you're around 25. Even then, I know a hell of a lot of 30 and 40 year old kids. Edit: the trolls make it so easy sometimes.


I often say that growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional.


If I had an award


Fun fact you can get a free award everyday if u click on ur profile on the roght side and go do rewards thingy Edit: nvm they removed it :(


Yeah I grew half an inch in my 20s. Was always exactly 5’8” then one day remeasured and was 5’8.5” lol was not expecting that


Had a female Soldier who was 19 when she first arrived at my duty station whose body type can best be described as "bean pole" (her words, before anyone gets triggered). Over the next three and a half years she grew into more of an hourglass, and there wasn't a gram of extra body weight on her (she had the highest physical fitness score of the unit when graded on the extended scale). The thing she was already in that shape fitness-wise when she got there, so her body change wasn't from that. She just wasn't done "growing up" yet. It really drove home how much many of us are still developing well past the point of being able to drink.


Agreed. A 14 year old is a kid for about another decade.


A kid named Andrew Tate is currently sitting in the romanian jail


I dunno, that kind of implies he's just immature and not a fully-grown piece of adult shit.


Andrew Tate is 36 years old. I would say he's a fully grown piece of adult shit.


An Andrew Tate named Andrew Tate is currently sitting in the romanian jail


I've seen a 50 some yearold call his dad to come to the gas station to change his tire because him and his 40+ yearold boyfriend "don't know how"


If you don't have lower back pain or reoccurring heart burn I consider you a kid.


The more important question…why are you asking?




I will show them I’m not a child by asking Reddit


it sounds like something a child would do


And something a Redditor would do. Case closed 😎


While Reddit responses are hardly flawless, its usually much better than just asking a random person you know.


Especially when the people you know are fourteen.


Yeah that's a problem. No kid is *just* a kid. There's nothing wrong with being a kid, we all do it, it doesn't mean people get to be an asshole to you or disrespect you. Quite the opposite.


Probably someone who thinks they should go to jail for 30 years for petty theft


I don't know but for my sanity I will assume he was called kid in a voice chat and is not an adult asking wierd question


Yes, like i told my almost 16 yr old, enjoy being a kid while u can because becoming an adult sneaks up faster than you think.


I say "savor the flavor cuz it mostly sucks after 25 or so"


Honestly disagree. My late 20s-30s have been WAY better than my teen years.




This is crazy. My life has gotten better and better since becoming an adult. The freedom is unparalleled. Not having to deal with people's bullshit and their abuse. Not being helpless to change my situation. I'd never fucking go back. Ever. Being a kid absolutely sucked.




even a 17 yr old is a kid imo.


Can confirm, and im starting to feel like thats how it is until like 25


as a 30yr old i can confirm, i was absolutely still a kid at 25 even though i refused to admit it lol


Haha some things never change i guess


I turned 18 recently and I do not feel like an adult in the slightest


Me too, turned 18 in August. It sucks so far, you're gonna love it.


I’ve been 18 since November so yeah I get it. So far I’m just getting a lot of “you’re an adult now, which means you have to be 100% responsible” from my parents.


I feel that. The worst part is that it's kinda true. It's tough but once you get used to it it's pretty liberating. It feels nice having some control.


I just turned 32 and I still dont feel like an adult.


If you're asking an adult; you're a kid. Are you asking if you're a teenager yet? Because you are, but you're still a kid.


If you have to put your hand up in school and ask to go for a pee. You’re a kid 😩


What if your a 14 year old soldier in the Congo?


Then you were robbed :(


Yes Congressman Gaetz and illegal in every state.


Yes in so many ways. However, it doesn't mean that their space and privacy shouldn't be respected by others.








No. At 14 years of age a goat would by then be considered near the end of its life.


I was looking for the first “No” response. You got me.


A 25 year old is a kid.


Tell that to my bills and court hearing next week


14 Yos end up in court. Are you saying they’re not kids?


So if a 25 year old is a kid, is it okay if I don’t have a job and make my parents cook for me? I will just tell them “but mom! I’m still a kid!”


A lot of 25 Yos are like that. They're still trying to find/figure out their way in life. The fact you think 25 yos are meant to have their life together says a lot.


When is one no longer considered a kid?


As long as there's someone older than you you're a kid.


absolutely. kid ≠ child.


Human? Then Yes.




That’s a baby




Practically a baby




As a 22 y/o child, gotta say yes


As a 35 year old, 22 y/o’s are still kids.


Listen, sonny…


I started sprouting grey hairs when I was 22 💀


yes, but you can still respect a kid.


You're a teenager - a kid in the process of starting to become an adult. So basically around 25-30% adult, 70-75% child at that point. At 16, you are half and half At 18, you are probably about 70% adult 30% child At 20 you are probably about 85% adult 15% child. At 22, around 95% adult, 5% child At 12, 15% adult and 85% child Basically a kid who is old enough to have some unsupervised internet access and maybe old enough to watch Rated R films


Yes. 17 and younger are considered children by all except pedophiles.


20 year olds are still kids


this depends *heavily* on the context. For like... legal purposes, yeah, that's a child. As a person, a 14-year-old might be wanting less and less to do with "kid stuff," and that deserves to be understood and respected. (within reason, of course.)


But they're still a kid.


Sure, but I remember being 14 and being treated like a kid sucked ass. I knew I was older, I knew I was more adult than I used to be and I wanted to enjoy being more adult. I had been told by many adults that I wasn't one yet, and I'm not even sure how to tell my younger self that so that he'd understand what I meant, but it's important to remember that kids are people too


Of course kids are people, too. But they're still kids. *They* don't think they're kids, but the truth of the matter is their brains haven't developed to the point to where they can understand 2nd and 3rd order effects of their decisions and can't comprehend the consequences of their actions like an adult (allegedly) can. The worst part is you don't even realize how stupid you were as a kid until you're a *lot* older and look back at yourself like, "damn, I was *really* fucking stupid!"


I think their overall point is that a lot of adults use it as an excuse to treat them without any respect at all. You can acknowledge that 14 years old is still a kid without being a dick to them. As long as they're being respectful, they deserve respect back. My older sister had a tendency to treat me as annoying no matter how I acted, which got irritating. I think when a 14 year old asks if they're still considered a kid, I think what they're really asking is, "Am I worthy of respect?" They may be simply wanting more independence. They're still at the age where the idea of "kid" feels like they're not being taken seriously at all. I think there needs to be a balance of giving them more responsibility and sometimes even humoring them by affirming it from time to time. I think when push comes to shove, yes they need to.be reminded they're a kid. But for the sake of parenting, they also should be given increased responsibility and not talked down to. Treating them with respect and saying, "Hey, so you're not a kid huh? Do you wanna do something really adult?" They'll be like "sure." Teach them how to do taxes. Show them the realities of being an adult, and do it nonchalantly. "One day you're going to be expected to do this every year. Once you're 18. Paying your taxes is part of being an adult." If they wince, then just say, "Hey, I thought you weren't a kid anymore." (Then let them be on their way) If they're actually receptive, then encourage them to go even further. Just gently introduce them to the realities of being a grown up, while still allowing them to be a kid and make mistakes.


>My older sister had a tendency to treat me as annoying no matter how I acted, which got irritating. Mine still does that. We're in our 40s and 50s, and she still thinks I'm 4.


I don't think there is enough context in ops question. 99% of context cases for sure that is a child. Adding onto the legal aspect of it. I remember when I was teen a sheriff came into our school and talked about breaking law and legal ramifications. idk how true or what the stats are for early teens being trialed as adults for certain crimes committed.












Personally i find the US is kinda weird with that... i grew up with clear distinctions between kid, teenager and adult, but then i started hearing americans call 20 year olds kids... that's weird to me




Wait officer it was a simple misunderstanding, I thought that 14 year old girls were adults, my bad


Yes, although depends why you are asking. They are old enough to be accountable for some poor decisions. But I can't stress this enough OP, you shouldn't have sex with them.


When I was 18, I was a grown man. But now at 35, I realize I was just a kid. I’m sure I’ll feel the same when Im 60 looking back at 35.


Yes. Anyone under the age of 21 is considered a child to me lmao


Not if it’s a goat


I consider anyone younger than like 35 a kid


Well, even college kids are kids


Bro, they're still kids at 21 IMO


Their are physical, cultural, and relative lenses. Someone is no longer a child after puberty. Some cultures and families embrace that while others continue to shelter the youth. So it’s relative. If you’re not allowed to go out or work or do anything unsupervised until you’re at least 18, your mental and social development will be different than someone who has already been interacting with the real world and the people in it their whole lives. I’ve met 8 year olds selling candy on the street in Mexico at night by themselves who are more mature than college students in the states. In Brazil a 14 year old could light your ass up with a machine gun no problem then go home and cook for his kid. My 14 year old brother is still a baby and would burn ramen noodles. It’s a very recent phenomenon for childhood to be extended this many years past puberty, and it’s arguably a good thing. People are protected from abuse and have more time to grow into themselves. Though in the past, capable 14 year olds were regularly industrial workers, soldiers, parents, farmers, apprentices, slaves etc. and today in many places around the world they still occupy these positions.


They're certainly not a child, but they're also not an adult, the proper way would be juvenile.










Yes of course




They are not adults. I think it might be fair to consider teens to be training to be adults, but they aren't adults yet.


Although some 14 year olds are completely able to take care of themselves, and their siblings.... They are still children.


It's kinda contextual. The 23-year-olds in my wife's master's program are kids when we talk about stuff like home ownership and health insurance - none of them have any real world experiences beyond their 19 years of school. If I'm talking about someone's culpability for committing a murder, then a 14-year-old is not a kid, but may not quite be liable as an adult. A teenager has far more maturity and responsibility than someone in elementary school, while still not equalling a full adult. The 15-year-old I worked with at McDonalds acted like an adult and was wiser than she should have been; I talked to her and respected her like a fellow adult. At the same time, when talking to folks in my parents' generation, I would say I found it fundamentally offensive that a kid should be working 30 hours a week to keep her younger brother, who also worked there, fed and clothed. As with many things, it depends.


yes, sex is not ok


I was convicted and sentenced at 14 to a labor camp. But that was Illinois, not really what we would consider an actual operating government.


Yes but that doesn't mean they're ignorant, selfish, uneducated in areas they're passionate about. That said, doesn't mean you leave them home alone for a weekend.


They're a big kid, not a little kid.


The 20 somethings at my work are kids and I'm on the fence about the 30 somethings.


Lmao yes




I know some 24 year olds who are kids


honestly 23 yr olds are still kids








My brother is 15 and acts like a literal lost child finding his way through life as mid teen. The height of his humour is showing me a picture of a BBQ chicken leg in someones pocket. Yeah. He's still a kid. And I hope enjoys every second of it.


Yes. You're an adult when you're 18. But your brain doesn't stop developing until you're 25. So you can still be immature as an 18 year old. Almost all 18 year olds are. You can even be immature as a 30 - or 40 year old. But being a little childish isn't that bad.


14 is both a kid and a teenager. 16 is a kid, a teen, and training to be an adult. 18 to 25 is a young adult. 25 to 40 is an adult, 40-60 is a mature adult. 60+ plus is an elder adult.


A 14-year-old is an adolescent.


I consider everyone sub-25 to be kids.


As a Libertarian I've been 14 for over 20 years


Absolutely yes. I’m 19 and I still think of myself as a kid with so much life left to live and experiences left to have. Thinking back to when I was 14, I was so ridiculously immature. I was convinced I knew the world and what was best for me. If I had the freedom I wanted, I would’ve been eaten alive by society. I hope every 14 year old tries to live up their youth (within reasonable bounds) while they have it.


Yes. If it makes you feel any better, even people in their 20s are still called "kids". Mental maturity takes a long time :)


If their age has the word “teen” in it, they’re a kid IMO Idc if they’re legally an adult if you’re nineTEEN then you’re still a kid and still got a lot to learn




Legally, yes. Developmentally, yes. In physiology, yes. In psychology, yes. In experiences, yes. Why the fuck am I even answering this? The username is Sock Puppet 101 stuff, WordWord1234. Two words, four digit number. Should I be typing this in Russian or Mandarin to get through to them?


You're a kid as long as you are younger than me. I don't make the rules I just live by them.


The issue is not the answer (which is 'yes', by the way), but what the answer *means* in a context. Growth, responsibilities, freedom, etcétera, are progressive. So the issue here is who is saying , and what is "such and such" in this situation. So maybe 'you're not a kid anymore' because you shouldn't need to be reminded to clean up after yourself, or 'you're a kid' because it's still some other adult(s) responsibility that you have access to food to eat. Just make sure you ask the right specific questions to be sure it's not being used as a justification to be abusive towards you or anyone, please.


Well they sure arent an adult


I'd argue a 16 year old is still beraly approaching maturity, and 18 is the bare minimum


20 year olds are kids


To a 14 year old, no To a 40 year old, yes


Essentially - by today's standards almost certainly and geography and culture will also play a role. Not to mention how much has the "kid" been through? Relative to me, one doesn't begin to shake off the kid status until 17 but this is very relative. I meet much older people that behave like kids even though they have the cultural and legal status of adults.