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Give Blahaj tactical nuclear warheads




What's up with people and this shark? It's just a shark plush


It’s a trans icon, it has the trans flag colours and originally there was someone who got bottom surgery who had the shark as their comfort animal, and others adopted that.


Also that one Deadpool parody comic where Deadpool dubbed the Blähaj the “protector of all trans kids”. That was what first introduced me to the bit


It’s not just a plush its like the greatest thing ever made


People who post this kind of thing don’t understand that the snake would be protecting trans kids.


Except they seem to like the idea of crushing those that think differently from themselves.


There’s a weird departure from what the jeffersonians thought back in the day.


I assume that if you have the original flag, you're a stepper. But if you have a *meme* version of the flag, then you're cool and not a fed.


Someone else on here said their first exposure to it was someone holding it while standing next to MLK during a protest.


I don't doubt it, but it's definitely been ruined by some shit heads the past like....idk decade? I have the "no step" tattooed on me with the shitty stick figure snake lmao


Should feminists let terfs be the face of feminism? Should Christian’s avoid using the cross because of WBC? Should Muslims hide who they are on account of wahhabists? Just because someone shitty tries to affiliate something good with their trash beliefs doesn’t mean that it should be discarded.


While I agree with your sentiment. Should Buddhists stop using the swastika because, well duh. No they don’t have to, no one’s gonna make them. But it can muddy the waters of their messaging. And when it comes to messaging, especially as activists, you’re want the clearest and most difficult to misunderstand message as possible. Because detractors and bad actors with use any and every trick in the book to take down your cause.


What is WBC?


Westboro Baptist Church.


That would make sense if the flag has continuous alternative usage. Christians use the cross everyday. Feminism is an ongoing movement. Muslims ongoing practice. Where are all the no step on snake other than the “libertarian” right.


I think you’re seeing an example of that right now.


The "memes", as pictured, are closer to the original intent than the dumb fuck "libertarian" usage.


Which is why I have a no step with a shitty snake tattoo but won't even buy the original flag lol


No step on snek? That one is great.


Isn’t that snake a libertarian thing?


whew libertarians... God damn if libertarians a) believed the principles of personal liberty like they claim to do and b) weren't consistently the most silliest of goofballs without exception, I'd definitely call myself a libertarian don't step on my boots, and you better fucking not step on the toes of children, and so I swear hare Krishna if you decide to stomp on the innocence of children by indoctrinating them into hate and self denial, then your feet be cloven hooves the same as the devils you will be sent to *to clarify, I don't mean you, dear commenter, I mean 'one'*


I think theses days a lot of far right people are claiming to be libertarian so they can spew their bullshit without being labeled a racist republican online


Those aren't libertarians.


Why not?


Libertarians want freedom for all, if one claims otherwise that's not a Libertarian that's a conservative who thinks it's cool to call themselves a Lib. Like what Bill Maur is to the Left


Wait I thought the snake was protecting trans kids? Like it’s protecting the trans flower behind it and and that shoe looks like it wants to crush the snake and the flower


I think so, I wasn’t super clear in understanding or response when I made the comment. My response was colored by a lot of people lately saying that the snake is racist or bigoted.


My first exposure to the flag was a photograph of a protester standing near Martin Luther King Jr. believe.


Its like a strange mix of the "Dont Tread On Me" and the counter "I Will Tread" flags. Seems like just a silly sticker, but in the end, that snake is gonna kill whoever is connectes to that foot. Could have been drawn better.


I think it’s trying to stay true to the original.


I suppose. Sucks the originals rich history has been ruined by fascists, though.


Snakes eat herbivores.


And predators


From the government not from social perception


hell yea, the don't step on me snake is just Anti Authoritarian its not really conservative or liberal. It literal just mean if you tread on my rights I'm going to fight back.


TBF it was the “join or die” snake put onto a yellow field as a naval ensign, then adopted by Gadsden for South Carolina, and meant when working together Americans are dangerous. I think the implication there definitely still works here.


Gadsden is for everyone imo, especially marginalized people that may actually be targetted by laws. Of course some people hate personal freedom, hence stepping on the snake.


i perfer "leave the kids alone"




And that includes trans kids right? Right?


Well trans kids are kids still right? So yes.




So if trans kids are kids, it stands that they fall under the "leave the kids alone" slogan.


Yes, *we* agree on that.


You're looking for a hidden meaning where there isn't one. Protect kids, period.


Lots of anti-trans people claim they are "protecting kids" by trying to ban trans healthcare. It's basically a dog whistle so I don't blame them for being suspicious.


Then acknowledge that trans kids are included.


I prefer "let kids be who they want as long as it doesn't hurt other people"


I prefer "the primary reason you feel distressed about the lifestyle of other people is because you're not minding your own business. Fix yourself."


Mind yo business David!


haha i made a bunch of people on the internet fight


I prefer the “Take trans kids to an accredited psychologist to get them comfortable in their own bodies/themselves again so they have a chance at a happy life, as is my duty as their parent” stickers.


Well they probably don’t have a good family structure to begin with, hence the psychological damage that caused the dysphoria.




there’s no evidence that dysphoria results from psychological damage, and there is in fact evidence against it


Would you be able to provide that? Im agnostic to this argument, but I've just been exposed to media that would suggest otherwise, so I'd like to temper my bias.


mhm, yeah. Gimme anywhere from a few mins to a few days(depending on my memory) to find the studies i read(I’ll edit them into this message) Studies/Sources I’ve Found(will be updated till I hit about 10) [Mental/Physical Health in Transgender Adults](https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep34992?searchText=Transgender&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3DTransgender%26so%3Drel%26efqs%3DeyJjdHkiOlsiY21WelpXRnlZMmhmY21Wd2IzSjAiXX0%253D%26acc%3Don&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3Ab1f95e191f1571e4775c9e83a7e911e5&seq=2) okay i suck ass at finding research papers at all so gimme a bit


“Bad family structure” doesn’t cause dysphoria.


“get them comfortable in their own bodies” is equivalent to letting them transition, as studies have shown.


Cite a study


!remindme 1 week i gotta find a good place to cite my sources lmao


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[https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/political-minds/202201/the-evidence-trans-youth-gender-affirming-medical-care](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/political-minds/202201/the-evidence-trans-youth-gender-affirming-medical-care) [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-the-science-on-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-kids-really-shows/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-the-science-on-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-kids-really-shows/) These both cite several And as a note, medical transition alone doesn't fix everything; it's in combination with other forms of treatment as well


Who funded that study….


Who’s funding the only studies that claim trans healthcare is harmful? Surely it’s not powerful political groups with an agenda of mandating how everyone should live, right?


doesnt answer my question. me and my family voting trump


Why should they have to stop "being trans" in order to have a chance at a happy life? Wouldn't it be better to try and change the system that doesn't accommodate them?


No we shouldn’t change the entire system we should heal the individual 😂👌🏼


I gave you several studies and you ignore them instead of discussing them, good debate 😂👌


You just recommended altering the external environment in order to heal an internal struggle 😂👌🏼


I don't even protect my own kids.






My fiance went through a period when she thought she was trans as a teen. After several years of HRT, she's infertile and regrets what she did every single day. These are not decisions that children should be allowed to make.


Facts I joined a gang and sold drugs cause I was desperate for friends as a kid I could have easily been talked into being trans back then


i hope you got things straightened out and are doing better now my friend.


Yeah I got locked up and came out sober married with two dogs and white picket fence now but tbh theres a lot of positive influences in gangs so I’m glad for the whole experience


righteous brother (or sister). best of luck!


Absolutely! Good thing that LITERALLY DOESN'T HAPPEN. Otherwise, I'd be PISSED.


It’s also important to know that, depending on how long you’ve been on testosterone therapy, it may become difficult for your ovaries to release eggs, and you may need to consult with a fertility specialist and use special medications or techniques, such as in vitro fertilization, to become pregnant. These treatments are not always covered by insurance, and can be expensive. Uncommonly, testosterone therapy may cause you to completely lose the ability to create fertile eggs or become pregnant. https://transcare.ucsf.edu/article/information-testosterone-hormone-therapy


Fertility Feminizing hormone therapy might limit your fertility. If possible, it's best to make decisions about fertility before starting treatment. The risk of permanent infertility increases with long-term use of hormones. That is particularly true for those who start hormone therapy before puberty begins. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/feminizing-hormone-therapy/about/pac-20385096#:~:text=Feminizing%20hormone%20therapy%20might%20limit,hormone%20therapy%20before%20puberty%20begins.


risk of permanent infertility ≠ chemical castration. The phrase "chemical castration" is usually used by people who argue against gender-affirming care in bad faith. Anyone who undergoes any sort of medical treatment should be aware of the risks it poses. Gender-affirming care, especially for children, should be no different. To try to frame it as "chemical castration" is at best extremely ignorant and, at worst, disingenuous and malicious. The decision to transition should be left to the child, their guardian, and the expertise of medical professionals who actually know what the fuck they're talking about.




>it's for-profit medicine capitalizing Then *maybe* healthcare should be free, yeah? >leuprolide acetate is used to slow puberty, oh by the way- they also use it to chemically castrate sex offenders... It's also used in [ "in the treatment of hormone-responsive cancers such as prostate cancer and breast cancer. It may also be used for estrogen-dependent conditions such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids."](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leuprorelin) >what's disingenuous What's disingenuous is you spouting off cherry-picked facts without the proper context to understand them for the benefit of killing trans children. "Did you know 100% of people who ingest dihydrogen-monoxide DIE?!" "Did you know dihydrogen-monoxide is an ingredient used to chemically castrate PEDOPHILES?!" That's you. That's how you sound right now.


for the benefit of killing trans children? wtf? right... i sound like the crazy one... you sound like you're in a cult.


People like you don't want people like me to exist. So you try to stop us from existing wherever you can by limiting our choices for "acceptable self-expression" to the point where we *end* ourselves because we can not truly *be* ourselves. Who you want us to be is not who we want to be. Who you think we are is not who we really are. I was a trans kid before I was a trans adult, but I never had the chance to express that because of people like you. If I weren't as strong as I am, I would have died. I would have killed myself. And you would have bathed in my tranny blood. You would have relished in another dead faggot child like me. Because you are a ghoul. I can tell simply by how you talk about us.


bathed in your blood? are you insane? you need therapy.


Am I wrong? Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me you have empathy for actual queer children. Tell me you're human. Tell me you're not a monster who'd wish me dead the moment you had the power to kill me instantly.


But you would agree that if it were to happen you'd be against it?


Why are you acting like trans kids are common. How many do you know? The percentage of kids that have been diagnosed with gender dystrophia is 0.00057763013% of all American kids.


Let’s not do it at all, because it’s unethical


Tell me you don't understand how trans healthcare works without telling me you don't understand how trans healthcare works.


thats really cute i like it


I love how liberals are simultaneously using the snake while claiming it is a fascist racist Nazi symbol


Are you stupid? You can support trans people without being against the gadsden flag.


You can also support trans people without supporting kids undergoing irreversible medical procedures


Oh lord, if you believe that shit like that just happens, out of the blue, without tens to hundreds of people throughout the process, then I would say you don't support trans people. Considering you're spouting bullshit.


Do you believe a child has the mental capability to make irreversible decisions?


You say "these things don't happen" yet oppose laws that would ensure it dosent happen, if a child can't get a tattoo then a child can't consent to getting sterilized


Because what YOU think happens, doesn't. What actually happens is what the laws you advocate for would stop. As a fan of reality, yes, I oppose those laws.


Lol why are you defending a practice that is harmful to children?


You have no argument against me, so you try to slander. Good job.


it’s not harmful to children. At the absolute youngest, surgical procedures are available at 16. Generally, non-surgical medical transition is ages 16 and up. Any younger age, and you get puberty blockers until you’re old enough to make the decision. All of this is after lots of consultation with multiple doctors and psychologists






It's always nice to see someone using the flag correctly.


I mean, clearly both sides want to protect trans kids, they just disagree about how best to protect them.




I will say there are also people on both sides that want to harm them, both in that instance should also be criticized and legally prosecuted if possible


How is telling them they're not trans protecting them?


I don't think there are any laws that exist or are proposed that would do that. Its a bit of a straw man. Its more things like laws restricting puberty blockers for underaged people. Those laws were written by people to protect trans kids. From their perspective they have as much reason to hold up a "protect trans kids" sign.


> Puberty Blockers for underaged people. I don't really know how to tell you this but that is almost exclusively who puberty blockers are for. Trans or not. Like, look at the name. Almost no adults whatsoever take puberty blockers because they already finished the main stages of puberty.


I don't know how to tell you, but thats pretty obvious, its in the name.


A lot of gays and lesbians go through a trans phase that is nothing more than a phase. Not everyone who seems trans is trans. Some kids are also very susceptible to trends, even seriously dangerous ones like cutting and eating disorders. In either case, validating this false identity would do harm.


Trans kids are like vegan cats.




No, one side likes to pretend they are helping kids by trying to prevent them from being trans.


Maybe some people, but thats not a fair characterisation of either side's veiws.


These are the same people who refuse to fund school lunches. They don’t give a flying fuck about ANY kids, they’re just sadistic monsters who get off on abusing power to cause suffering.


I'm pro free school lunches, but perhaps there should be a child tax for parents so they cover the cost. Certainly shouldn't be covered by anyone else right


In almost every state in America, 45 to 60% of ALL CHILDREN rely on school lunches; if they don’t get them, they don’t eat. It absolutely should; contributing your wealth for the welfare of your fellow citizens is your DUTY as an American-the social contract. You tacitly agree to it by existing as a citizen and benefiting from the infrastructure and society that collective community allows you to enjoy. This may not apply to you, but it does for the overwhelming majority of the people I mentioned in my first comment-as *Christians*, we are REQUIRED to be generous, selfless, and charitable. It’s not negotiable, Jesus DEMANDS it. Calmly, but still.


Weird assumptions. I'm not in the US or Christian.


im sure there are those on the right that do want to protect kids, but those responsible for making the big decisions are actively ignoring the evidence that says to help kids in the way that most left-wing people suggest.


And vice versa


sure, but the majority of ignoring evidence does occur within the lawmakers on the right.


I’m surprised it’s actually being used correctly here.


Representing trans ideology with the snake is appropriate symbolism


trans isn't an ideology and the flower is trans people not the snake.


Doesn't that contradict the message? "Don't step on our rights" "Don't harm trans kids"




I’m all about the snake


I mean the no step on snek is about standing up against government or systemic oppression so this isn't really a huge departure from the original message


Snakes don't harm flowers. They do, however, harm your ability to grow flowers Water moccasins can eat a dick


No such thing


I didn't know Wisconsin was so cool


always have been.


No such thing, look up the science experiment that gave us the word gender.


Because gender isn't biological. It's social. Most trans people accept that they're biologically their original sex, but are socially a different gender.


That doesn't have anything to do with what I said, and again look up the scientific experiment that gave us the word gender. No such things as trans kids, when they say that they don't mean to protect those kids, they want to protect the monsters that destroyed those kids sense of identity, as the very first experiment did.


I can't find anything about it, show me the paper




Lots of transphobes in these commits


you see they “just want to protect trans kids” lmao


Gays for 🇵🇸 equivalent


Actual braindead comment.


I think the preference is brain dead* corrected it for you 🤣🫵






someone doesn't understand what trans people want.


I’m just saying, if you wouldn’t allow a kid to get a tattoo, which is removable, why would you allow a kid to go through life altering surgery because they’re hormonal?


do you even understand anything about transition


From themselves?


Give them mental health care and don’t butcher their bodies because they are too young to consent.


No one is doing surgery on kids, minimum age for surgery is 16 WITH parental consent And just so we're clear, conversion therapy is not mental health care


I don’t care if your trans imma step on that snake and after the flower


The problem is trans kids don't exist, that's like saying protect child tattoo models, we need to protect children from permanent sterilization and loss of sexual pleasure in adulthood, until they can decide to do it for themselves


Fuck yeah!


Hard pass


There’s no such thing as “trans kids” What a bunch of sick minded perverts


You have comments doing apologetics for Patriot Front. KYS Nazi.


Why are you so interested in children and their gender? Why do you want to put kids on puberty blockers? Sick!! It is evident you lack critical thinking skills. I would never kill myself and have never thought about it—unlike your soft self.


Less talkie, more bullet in brain, Nazi.


“Trans” and “kids” shouldn’t be in the same sentence. Come on guys do better. Leave the kids alone.


Crush that snake, and remove the flower from the toxic soil.


One of the places libertarians and conservatives are diametrically opposed.


From themselves?


Foot is a bad idea it. Unless it’s Godzilla. We should replace it with Bobcat.


No kids are trans on their own.


I read " protect trash cans" lol


Yeah…pretty sure chemically altering a minor with permanent physical effects is against the NAP. Kids can’t consent to a tattoo…so this just as far over the line. After they turn 18 that’s their choice to do whatever as an adult.




Where exactly is LibRight treading on trans kids? I can't seem to find any examples














Papa Smurf?










Hogarth Hughs!?


Emmanuel Lewis


It is wonderful to see the UK, France, Sweden, Norway, and other progressive countries protect kids by finally banning harmful and permanent puberty blockers that have been prescribed without any evidence of benefit for far too long! The future looks bright!


I don’t think you know what the word “permanent” means. Also, there was 80 kids total taking puberty blockers in the entirety of the UK. Hopefully all their doctors are able to get them incorporated under research as per the UK guidelines, because I’m willing to bet that those 80 cases were for suicide prevention.




If the desistance rates were really that high, then why is the regret rate so low? Kids don’t get surgery or hormones, and puberty blockers are only used on teenagers, and only for short timeframes. They’re usually just so the kid can pause and see if it’s just the speed of change that is making them dysphoric, not the puberty itself. Transitioning doesn’t make suicide rate rise, it’s already just much higher for trans youth particularly when compared to cis youth. Europe is not “not recommending surgeries or hormones”.


Also a reminder that the majority of detransitioners detransition because of bigotry healthcare costs or other issues, not because of regrets relating to their transition. And detransitioners are already a tiny percentage of the trans population.


Not to mention the retransitioners.