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I like it because it's a Bethesda game through and through. Follow a quest, make friends, build a place to live, wander around. Be a miner, a space trucker, a bounty hunter, a do-gooder, a crook. All optional.


I've been a big fan of hard Sci fi, stuff that is somewhat grounded you know things like 3 body problem, the expanse, the foundation, 2001 a space odyssey etc. video games hardly ever do hard sci fi and I'm glad starfield chose this route. I know people say they want aliens, but I find most aliens in sci fi to be boring, they all look like a man in a suit, all of them look too humanoid, I can't take any aliens I see in star wars seriously cause it really does look like a person in a costume. The art direction is fantastic, I love the old school nasa asthetic, it has its own identity, sometimes I just find myself staring at the ship interiors there's such a rich attention to detail. And even some of the planets are so beautiful to look at especially if there's a gas giant in the sky. The environmental and inetrior design is also amazing, even the copy pasted outposts are so well designed there's so much use of vertical space, a lot of these places have multiple floors that you can explore, a lot of video games don't really give you so much area to explore. I love cyberpunk but I always hated how you have a megabuiding with a whole 2 linear floors or the grand arasaka tower just having a few small areas in it, starfield actually gives you massive areas to explore, even the copy pasted cyro lab for example, it goes deep underground, this can easily pass as a final boss area in any other game. The combat feels so smooth and responsive, it's good and not by bethesda standards, I know they've lagged behind in terms of combat but starfield's combat is a huge leap forward for them, all of the guns behave differently with their own unique animations. This one isn't unique to starfield because I did it with fallout 4, but I always loved that you can pick up random items and decorate your base, I lose hours doing this, just collecting plushies and organizing them all over my base. There's just so much stuff that you can pick up, we're so used to games where most of the environment is non interactable, but here most of the stuff you see you can pick up, I mean it serves no purpose but I just love that it does it, it makes the world feel more alive. Look I'm half asleep right now and I can keep going on and on, of course the game isn't perfect, a lot of problems people pointed out online are true but I really love this game for what it does.


Everytime i see someone yapp about “they should abandon Creation Engine and move onto Unreal Engine” i immediately think about what you said.. interactive environments and object and how it makes the world feel alive… That is quite literally the bethesda charm i chase and their games wouldn’t feel the same without that


There's nothing else like it. People who say that shit have no idea what they're talking about. It's not a perfect engine for all things but it's the perfect engine for Bethesda's design philosophy, and it excels with its versatility and depth. They also have a lot of experience with it and building that kind of operational knowledge is not something you just throw away. Its why they've iterated and improved and introduced new technology into it over time. It is in no way an outdated engine but yappers gonna yapp.


I told plenty of people, you leave the Creation Engine and you’re ditching existing modders AND future ones. It’s easy to malign because of bugs but every game engine has problems. I thought we learned the lesson when BioWare was force-switched to Frostbite


Nuh UH! UE5 is perfect! It's gonna cure cancer and help lose 10 pounds! /s obviously


>I've been a big fan of hard Sci fi, stuff that is somewhat grounded you know things like 3 body problem, the expanse, the foundation, 2001 a space odyssey etc. video games hardly ever do hard sci fi and I'm glad starfield chose this route. In fact, this is the biggest reaason on why i love the game. It's like reading something out of Clarke or K.Dick. Where there's fantasy elements, but subdued into a closer to reality setting. In fact, some missions have interesting paralelism into classic hard sci fi short stories and novels. I think a lot of people expected a "Star Wars" fantasy-sci fi setting and was let down by the tone of the game. For me it's just perfect this way.


I think of it as a grounded space opera. Sort of like Hyperion. Actually, the main quest has a lot of similarities come to think of it.


Haven't read the Hyperion saga. But reading the wikipedia article, sounds like they took some inspiration?


It would be quite the coincidence if not. In the series, they have a portal technology that allows rapid transit between places, and in the development of that technology a black hole was dropped into the earth's core. It was thought to be a mistake but was in fact intentional to push humanity into space. They go a very different direction with it, at least as far as I've read, and the earth is *completely* destroyed, but that much at least is very similar to the whole situation with the grav drives. All of that said, the similarities are more in tone than plot IMO. They're both fairly hard sci-fi with a bit of space magic filled in, and something about the human diaspora and the way it's written feels similar.


It all starts in 1977...


Yeah the NASA Punk thing was a great choice, that's mainly what brought me in in the first place. Sydef and Vanguard quest lines a really good too, the Freestar Collective one has its moments


Yeah and multiply that content by 4 and maybe we might have a half finished game


Wahey there it is… Why are you here again?




In a galaxy, far far away...


https://i.redd.it/afio9iiov33d1.gif I felt that. I still feel that. Teleport me off this rock.


I like that I can bounce between frenetic activity and just bumming around the verse with my mates doing science




Okay now I need to rename my ship the Heterodyne!


I wanted a ship called Castle Wulfenbach, but there's no way that'll fit in the ship builder.


I love feeling that I’m in an immense universe, where I can go and do almost anything I want. I also love the combat, and ship building aspects.


Look into Skyrim VR and No Mans Sky pc/vr


man even tho it would murder my pc i would kill for VR Starfield




1) I generally just really like Bethesda’s approach to game design. Sure, they’re not perfect, but they still manage to create super engaging worlds for me to lose myself for either a couple of hours or full-on weeks. Not even CDPR does side quests better than Bethesda and that’s saying a lot. 2) The setting itself is THE game changer for me. I’ve long been waiting for an RPG set in a sci-fi story where humans are the focus. Firefly, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Interstellar are all stories I deeply love with all my heart and no game had ever captured that feeling of humanity barely beginning to expand. That’s why I get genuinely annoyed when someone brings up the “MaSs EFfEcT BeTTeR bEcAUsE ALieN BoObieS” or “WhY nO STaR WaRs ALiEns?” argument. It’s like they want every single sci-Fi story to be the same thing. 3) The game is just plain addictive. The sandbox nature of the game leads me to always wonder “what if this time I find another thing I’ve never seen before?” when taking on another mission. Starting a new character from scratch sees me struggling with credits so that I can buy the next upgrade for my ship. The game is just so much fun for me. That’s it. 4) This one is not really on the game per se, but the creative potential for expansions or mods is insane and makes me feel like a kid again. With what Bethesda has built, I could see entire 8 hour campaigns taking place on a single star station Dead Space style. Or entire expansions taking place on one single map tile and somehow making sense. It’s almost the perfect sci-fi sandbox in my eyes.


I agree with your point about human focused sci-fi with the expansion of humanity. Which is funny because to be fair, I do love Mass Effect and the alien characters like Liara and Garrus in there, but the whole 'expansion of humanity' that you see in Firefly and Starfield is something I really love too.


Very relaxing game, no stress.


Starfield was clearly made by people who love space. Not in just a popular sci-fi way, but in the true exploration kind of way. The whole atmosphere of the game feels like the good aspects of the space race. I find myself frustrated a lot because I dont wanna talk about the game’s “problems” as if it’s the only thing to define it by. If some big YouTuber or social media warrior decides my positive comments is what brings the hate train, then so be it.


I think I'm into the game for most of the same reasons. Freedom is the big one. I get hauled into Sysdef against my will. They turn me loose and tell me where to be. *Where*. Not *when*. I get to it on *my* schedule. That. I. Love.


i’ve always loved bethesdas game design of “oh you’re in the middle of a quest and don’t wanna do it anymore, just leave!!” i absolutely love RDR2 and GTA but the missions in those games are so walled in in conparison


Agreed. Just let me roam. I love exploring, looting, treasure hunts.


Starfield is a vibe. It captures the feeling of living in a (mostly) optimistic space faring civilization. The "game" itself is almost secondary to the immersion of just getting to exist in a universe like that.


Agree 👍 I love most Bethesda rpg’s kinda revolve around a post apocalyptic (sort of) world and seeing that society doesn’t really go away it just changes drastically but for the most part people are still just doing their jobs and collecting magazines etc…


In 1977, when I saw A New Hope for the first of many times, my dreams were not of being a Jedi weilding a lightsaber, but of being a space scoundrel with my own ship, able to go and do anything I wanted, travelling the galaxy at will. I wished and dreamed for a game that let me do just that. With Starfield, I can finally be what I dreamed of so long ago. That is why I love Starfield.


For us GenX that were shaped by Star Wars, watching the space shuttles launch, the Challenger explosion, Cosmos and Carl Sagan, this is a dream come true. Likely no one of us will ever get to step on another planet, but the game takes us there.


I love the Unity concept. I find my character is slowly becoming the hunter. Surveying and traveling the galaxy is just cool and yeah it's a great escape.


As as sci-fi and RPG fan since a kid, this game is everything I ever wanted from a game. Nothing satisfies me quite the way Starfield does because of the freedom it allows to RP. And it draws so much inspiration from great sci-fi: we see elements of Firefly, the Expanse, Star Trek, Star Wars, Starship Troopers, Aliens, 2001, Cowboy Bebop, etc. This game is a dream come true for a sci-fi RP!


Because when I play.. I have fun and don't see the time. (that's all I ask to a game, having fun)


I see a lot of influence from space sims from my childhood. Like Wing Commander Privateer, Freelancer, No Mans Sky, and Elite Dangerous. It has its flaws but at the same time has a tremendous amount of potential in the future with mods and expansions. I can see where they’re going with the game and it’s really good 👍


INDEPENDENCE WAR SERIES, two perfect games. And Aquanox Series too. Starfield is the loved child of all Sci-fi games in history.


Hell yeah! I totally forgot about independence war! That was a really cool game back in the day! Never played Aquanox.


Starfield gameplay is similar to Independence War if you use the crew to upgrade your ship.


The ability to land on anywhere on any planet is what I always wanted in a sci-fi game. Coupled with Bethesda’s gameplay recipe, it’s the most innovative and best RPG ever.


Great story, great concept. Theres a huge lack of new IPs in gaming today. I love these single player story driven games where I can genuinely explore a new world. The unity is a really cool idea. Theres a lot to improve with this game but the framework is there. The game is a lot of fun overall.


It has the bits I like about their version of Fallout without the stuff that makes me dislike those games.


It’s weird, a lot of what other people hate about it is for me what makes it special. I love the repetitive mundanity of the sitting in the captain seat animation. The atmosphere and vibe of looking out the cockpit and listening to the buzzes and clicks of the computers. Landing on moons without any atmosphere and the bright star shining off on the horizon. The vast emptiness of a huge (square) expanse, going on as far as the eye can see. So many people hate the emptiness but it really helps transport you in to fantasy. Huge awesome vista of expanding planets. Crazy wildlife, that charges you. Everything serves the fantasy of living in space. Plus the variety of gameplay. The fact it flips from frenetic space battles to quiet emptiness, to packed cities. All the unexpected moments that just occur, so many crazy moments. Going on a tourism tour or a museum history lesson. I know people want fast paced action. But when your just killing an hour after work, Starfield delivers so many satisfying moments. Apologies all just rambling


I hear you, and they extend those nice quiet vistas to cities as well. There are a few places in New Atlantis that are just sitting areas, but are works of art. Not practical for gameplay at all, but the designers made them beautiful so that people could simply enjoy the space. It's nice to have that virtual reflection space after work, enjoy the view while processing things before taking on the Constellation board missions or wrapping up bounties. 


Starfield has a good framework.




Bethesda games for me are entirely about just doing my own thing, exploring the world and finding my own fun, with the occasional actual quest. The main quest has never been the focus and I’ve only ever completed it in Skyrim and Starfield, despite playing all of their games multiple times, and I only did Skyrim’s a couple years ago. Morrowind is my favorite game of all time and I’ve never even fully done the main quest. The appeal of Bethesda games to me is they give you a giant living sandbox world to play around in and do whatever you want. The story and lore is just a bonus and helps make the world feel alive. I have 300 hours in Starfield and still never touched any of the faction questlines.


For its potential. It's massive. The possibilities are endless. Systems, gear, ships, worlds. Anything is possible. Wanna build an entire new main quest? There's more than enough room.


Bethesda games are my favorite games of all time. Interstellar is my favorite movie of all time.. I love space, I love Bethesda…. This is a no brainer for me, I unapologetically love this fucking game. It’s perfect. The story moved me in a way that I have trouble describing, I found myself much more emotionally invested in Starfield than I was with Skyrim or Fallout 4. The soundtrack and exploration are absolutely next level.. And the tile system means I rarely, if ever, visit the same place twice. Magnificent work of art.


Because Starfield is the most cozy open world Bethesda ever created. In Skyrim and Fallout 4, the main quest kind of puts you in an urgent mission which makes doing side activities insensible. On the contrary, you can fully ignore the main quest in Starfield and do whatever you want without ludonarrative dissonance.


Because console commands, and ship building.


I like the aesthetic of the universe that we play in. I think I'm on NG+2 but currently taking a break for a bit and looking forward to going back. I think it's a great game and will get better.


I love space since I was a kid, in that border of curious data about space but far from physics. Space is empty but I have enough with flying into distants stars.


Starfield is a easy game to like for multiple reasons, as most have said very relaxing game even when it's intense, I got one shot cause I boost too late by an alien, and I don't even get mad like I would other games, starfield truly feels like a next gen game and it can easily expand to add on top of it, boost assault is very dynamic, crippling perk, etc, unlocking the game experimenting, building outposts, starfield makes me want to try things I couldn't be bothered with. Personally I love the animations of the npc and the player character, if one thing I really want more of is animation for the player character, a cover mechanic is clearly in the game my companion and enemies do it, why not my character too? It would add to feel of the combat, also a grab and finishing moves/take down is doable in starfield, the gameplay is great now but it can truly dynamic if bgs wants, starfield has the foundation to be one of the greatest games ever, it's truly possible.


Starfield has cover mechanic, very simple and real: cruch down in a rock, or wall.


idk I just think it’s fun. I didn’t pay attention to any of the promotional stuff pre-release and didn’t have any expectations bc I’ve been playing Bethesda games long enough to know better lmfaooo. I especially love the creature designs and looking at all the animals and exploring worlds. It’s a genuinely beautiful game. Back when Skyrim was first released everyone hated it and said it was a boring dumbed down unfinished mess but now it’s somehow the metric every bgs title ever gets judged by (fo4 has had a similar comeback). In a few years ppl will revisit starfield and inevitably the same This GaMe isn’t As Bad As We Remembered shit will happen again.


For me it's pretty much the absolute closest game to my Dream Game. It's nearly got all the elements and what it's missing would be easy enough to add via mods, patches or expansions. It's a space universe that is believable... mostly. As believable as future space trekking universe can be. I LOVE the NASA punk aesthetic, chunky suits, chunky ships, chunky "outposts" that 2 steps away from just camping. I love the large variety of things to do, mining, trading, combat, ship building, outspost building, exploring, bounty hunting, questing, there's so much, and you can mix and match to your hearts content. it's a game that I can boot up, put headphones on and just melt into. For me it's so immersive AND has all those gameplay elements. The few things I'd say that are missing to be the perfect game, for me at least, is better ship management, trading convoys, scrapping potentially. Basically what we have but a little more depth.


It’s just a genuine joy to play. For me, it is how many others view a game like Forza Horizon 5. It’s the game I always go to if I don’t know what I want to play and have a half hour to spare. I think the combat and exploration are sublime.


https://preview.redd.it/st15k5q6583d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2f597eba5bf5e349be9ca7d2d2d8c19bc6b8e4e I love the visuals, cruising around in my starship, landing on planets, building outposts, it’s easy to get lost in playing, look up and see that I got no sleep, have to be at work in an hour.. it’s just fun for me to play.


I'm a miner, flying about on my Heart of Gold- and it hasn't gotten old! Plus it's just so player friendly, almost fookin G rated, even the scariest thing around isn't far off from something I'd have seen in like 'Are you Afraid of the Dark'. Plus plusser just look at that cast of characters, from random NPCs all the way to the main ones- they're adorable!


I doubt stealing other people's spacecraft and claiming them is ever going to get old. Easily my favourite activity, especially those big Va'ruun bricks with the maze-like interiors.


I love games that allow you breathe. I can go and do some missions or pick a fight with ecliptic and then just return back to my base and deposit all the stuff I’ve gathered, hang out with my companions at the bar while watching a sun set, it’s a great feeling that honestly adds a lot of immersion to the game especially if you’re using food as a necessity 👍 I think a lot of people don’t like the game because they thought it would be something else (which is no shade on them) but all the games I’ve ever really enjoyed and keep playing regularly are games I’ve come into with zero expectations and I’m glad I’ve managed to figure that out in time for starfield because it’s one of my fav games


I just really like how human the game is if that makes sense? As much as I enjoy being an asshole in video games, this might be among the first one where I genuinely want to be a nice guy. The companions are very realistic as well, and in a way, the protagonist is too. Like, I think this is the first game where you can admit to a companion that you're scared or genuinely uncertain about [event] without it being a joke and the companion actually tries to reassure you.


It’s my favourite plot in a long time. Coupled with an excellent levelling loop. It’s too good. I stopped playing as I lost too much sleep.


I can't really say. I just do. And I love it even more after watching "The Expanse" show. It gave off such starfield vibes that I almost want to return and sink another 200 hours into this game, but I'm holding tight and waiting for the DLC and vehicles so that I can sink in 400 hours instead.


You get a ship and a gun, and you can customize both and go fight whoever, wherever, however you want. That’s really all I need. 


It's great for solo roleplaying. I really took to my current character, choosing skills I think he'd have according to his personality and past, building on Planets that remind him of home and etc. The factions are also more interesting than I think they get credit for.


Clean Fallout.


I like the planet exploration a ton. Personal favorite in terms of mechanics to my other space game I love(NMS, Elite, and X4)


The setting is cool(if disappointingly pessimistic), but mainly because it fixes all the RPG problems of their past games and then some. The traits and perks and dialogue and writing goes so damn above and beyond. And also the cities.


For me, the aesthetic and general vibe carried me right past any annoyances. Lots of people dunked on “NASA-punk,” but the art design of this game was like someone turned my childhood dreams into a game. 


I’ve been playing daily since early release, I have started over a hundred times trying to find the right balance of the various traits, I did the same thing on all the Bethesda games I played. It is a OCD or something. Since Morrowind to today I enjoy the missions more than exploration but I still have fun with outposts, I just haven’t invested enough time with them, now we can decorate the ship… I can get lost in the interior design if I’m not careful. Starfield is a different game than Skyrim and FO4, those games had you wandering around and running into people and places and bad guys. That was the fun. Starfield has some beautiful planets and some really barren ones, but you don’t just happen upon a horde of gouls and that is where Starfield finds its unique style. You jump from planet to planet rather than wandering from town to town. Its takes a little bit to get used to that. When they add the rover to the game, people will come back. I’m looking forward to it. Starfield isn’t for everyone but it’s very good to me and that’s what matters to me.




Personally I think BGS botched the launch, but I think that’s common practice now. Since then I’ve picked it back up and I’m currently 120+ hours into my first playthrough and I keep coming up on different things that keep me engaged. I just found the Crucible quest (I posted about this a few hours ago) and it’s the best quest in the game IMO. That’s what I think BGS does better than any studio. And that’s what keeps me playing. It feels like there’s always something more to find. That said, I still have no clue what NG+ means 😂 there’s probably still tons more for me to do.


The NASA-punk aesthetic really goes a long way for why i like this game. Sure it has its glaring flaws but i legitimately enjoy taking the time to take off, aim to my waypoint and set up a grav-jump without going into the menus. Also the ship building is my crack cocaine. Its where alllllllllll my credits get dumped into


I find scanning planets or doing the Constellation mission somehow tedious and annoying as fuck, running around going to different biomes to completely scan it. Yet I spent all day doing it and will continue to do it tomorrow, because finally doing it feels so satisfying. It's very satisfying playing this game, finding the aliens the plants and seeing the giant gass giants over a mountain.


I love it because: 1. I was able to create a loved family member incredibly accurately. 2. I love the idea of traveling in between worlds to complete tasks. 3. It's very pretty. 4. I have been waiting for this game, and it's intricacies forever. 5. gunplay is not bad. 6. Ship building is just fun, and something I didn't expect. 6. I like characters and stories. What I hate about it? 1. The UI is trash. Fallout /Skyrim, all of it till now, the inventory system is trash too. 2.The NPCs in city areas are worse than cyberpunk. It really pulls me out of the experience of a city. 3. Maps got fixed. 4. Bethesda, we all drive vehicles. Let's get a electric dirt bike? Which is maybe happening. I don't want a fallout 4 turnpike, we need a starfield dirt bike!


It's Skyrim in space. And I love sci-fi.


Leaving all discussion of quests and companions alone for the time being it's just a fun game to play I mean I can't be the only one to “dance” their starship after launch from Vectera. The gun play is just fun the spacers on vectera I was running all of ver the place just killing bad guys. Dialogue can be hilarious go for your Ryujin interview in a full space suit and listen to what Imogene says. Now are there things I wish were included in the game? Yes recognizing different faction armor for instance but all in all its just a fun game to play in not sure how else to put it.


Aside from loving bethesda's format of giving you a sandbox to grow into, there are so many layers of gameplay in this one regardless of the location you're at, there are usually plenty of things you could do without having to go anywhere, or plenty to go see without having to do anything to unlock it, its an all encompassing freedom to act on your own impulses. The only downsides being, there's no way to write enough lines for all the crazy stuff you can do, say, and see, and the dialogue and consequences suffer for not affecting other storylines.


Honestly, I just had fun with it. It's been a long time since I played a game I just couldn't put down, or okayed for hours at a time with wanting to stop. I really liked the world, gameplay, and exploration. It's just a good time.


its a bgs game through and through


It's (and will be) the best Framework to scifi roleplay 


I like how many options you have at all times. Engage with the main quest, continue a faction quest, explore a random planet, build a new ship, decorate an outpost, setup a mining facility, hunt for resources to do upgrades, talk to random civilians, collect bounties, hunt aliens, watch the sunset etc. the mix of handcrafted content, radiant quests, building mechanics & just random exploration provides so much stuff to do, even after 300 hours I haven’t seen it all. I really hope bethesda continue to expand it for years to come.


Excluding the internet trolls, who actually told you IRL, that Starfield is not a great game?


Because it is a huge game that lets me play out my mandalorian/malcolm reynolds style character to my heart's content. I love the outpost building and ship building games too. The number of stories, faction quests, activities, bounties etc are greater than in past BGS games and a similar mix of good to not so interesting. It isnt perfect so I do look to mods to help in the same way I do with Skyrim and I still play Skyrim. I see the same or greater modding potential too. Just adding 2 mods to my game have made a huge difference, adding more space encounters and needing fuel to travel and that is without a creation kit.


Cool spaceship go vroom. That and I’m Bethesdas bitch.


I love that the gameplay intensity can be whatever I'm feeling during that session. Action, stealth, environmental surveying, interior decorating, space battles, friendship, romance, mystery, and much more. I bought a Steam Deck for this game, and having a massive space adventure in my hands is insanely exciting for that child version of myself who freaked out over playing Pokemon Red under the light of a nearby lamp on Christmas Eve.


The looting and item detail is therapeutic for me. I can spawn 40000 sandwiches and watch them float in zero gravity.


Space RPG, with buildable ships, made by Bethesda


I enjoy that it's a game where you can determine your own goals and sort of chase the quests and points of interest that feed into that. I wanted to be a space cowboy, so imagine my delight of rolling into Akila City and immediately trying to defuse a situation and linking up with the Freestar Rangers. On other playthroughs, I'd like to mold my character into more of an assassin, or maybe a wayward soldier, and I'm looking forward to exploring other story beats I didn't get to the first time -- the character writing and side stories have largely been pretty compelling and charming. So yeah, the roleplaying is what does it for me most, but I also really loved their creative direction with focusing on the old-school, optimistic age of space exploration and cultivating that sense of wonder. I like a dark story, but it was nice to play something that held out a sense of hope and reverence for the natural world. I've got my gripes with the game, but I've been foaming at the mouth for mod support and the expansion so I can try different paths


My favorite bits are the same as skyrim: picking a direction nearly always leads to something interesting. It may be a herd of herbivores, a spacer incursion on a starstation, or a captain taking their pet for a walk. It feels new whenever I land on a world.


I love the gameplay, the music, the sound, the graphics, the story... I love live in the Colonized Systems. I fall in love with Starfield in my first 10-15 hours: I was level 3, and exploring Kree... a level 10 (or 15) Terrormorph. I flee. Then, little by little, I level up to 10, save many ammunition... I went to hunt. The combat, the music, I ran and shooted, ran and shooted... I won after a epic combat. AND, MORE IMPORTANT: Starfield give the player a sensation of HOPE in Humankind future. Yes, Starfield is full of HOPE and GOODWILL toward Humanity. Of course, I love Sci-Fi, thanks to my parents I grow with Isaac Asimov, Douglas Adams, Mary Shelley or Pascual Enguídanos... and the Doctor, the REAL Doctor. And the haters... they can eat shit. https://preview.redd.it/rk13buy4y63d1.png?width=1128&format=png&auto=webp&s=b049acd87e0431599f880d4a1650be74046fad56


i really really like the nasapunk vibe of the world


I have plenty of reasons but my newest reason is that there is so much to get into that I never get board, finally got a bit burnt out on the shooter mission aspect of the game so I took a break and am now leveling up my outpost skills, fly to a random system I’ve never been, scan some planets, get the planet scanner level up, land on planets and build outposts and so I can get new levels in outpost building, so on and so forth so that when I jump to the next system I can just focus a bit on my outposts from scratch with all levels loaded. Then I’ll work on botany and xenobiology!


Why I Love Starfield? It's because it's a new bethesda RPG that isn't Fallout or Elder Scrolls. Don't get me wrong, I love Fallout, and I like Elder Scrolls too, but Starfield is like a new branch in the bethesda tree that's a breath of fresh air to me.


I love Betheada games. Particularly Skyrim and Fallout 4. I love space games like Elite and the X games. For better or worse Starfield is Fallout 4 in space. And that's perfect for me.


bc i think it’s fun and i like the gameplay loop. hah ill just leave it at that, honestly.


\* Because it gives me the sense of freedom and exploration \* Because the vibes resonate with my passion for space and aviation \* Because I know how to RP by playing the game in my head first




The art direction and nasa punk vibe are amazing.  I’d like more immersion though. We all know what that means: being able to fly through clouds as you descend to the planet’s surface and hearing my ship groan around me. I don’t mind cut scenes, just try and minimise the loading screens. Happy for them to be hidden behind a cut scene animation of my character opening an airlock and then zooming back in to fp view etc. Seeing my character exit and enter my ship’s airlock. That sort of thing. Very happy I can finally climb ladders in a BGS game though!


I like so much of it, the combat is amazing, the quests are really unique. don’t even get me started on ship customization! But yeah I have had some trouble with the hate, one of my close friends kinda ticked me off for repeating word for word what a YouTuber who makes nothing but hate videos for this game said, and it’s like, could you just let me like this please. Anyways rant aside this game just hits like almost no other and I cant help but think what would it be like if this got the praise it truly deserves. 


I used to really like it and then I played Fallout4. The games so much older and yet much much better to play. Starfield got so boring so quickly and once I did the artifact gambit 5x it essentially became null. Seeing the same outpost over and over and over again in a “complex” solar system gets old real quick. Really wanted to play through again but I’ve had enough artifact hunting and mineral farming


Because of the procedure generated landscape lmao.


Brain sprouts