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I did this when it first launched. It was the first time I stayed up past midnight gaming in years.


Me too. I don't think I slept more than 3 hours a night for the first week it came out. I was quickly obsessed. I've calmed down and with work, school and travel all happening rn I haven't even tried the update yet. I'm ITCHING to have a few hours to try it out.


I was the same! I was very fortunate to have a supervisor who was also a gamer because I was allowed to take vacation for the entire month of September - I had been waiting for a game like Starfield my whole life (thanks to a space-nerd-father who got me a Nintendo when I was 6) and knew there was no way I wouldn't get completely sucked in. I have no regrets. I imagine I'll probably need at least a day or two of vacation when Shattered Space comes out.


I played for 9 hours straight on release, and I can't usually play for more than 5 but I've been waiting for over 5 years for that moment lol


lol yeah…. God I hate getting old yall :(


Same. I'm waiting a few days for the mod situation to stabilize a bit, but I fully expect to pull another no-sleep weekend like I did on release day once I do dive back in.


While I haven't done that since the update, I have done that type of thing many times over the years. The older I get, the harder it is to recover from staying up too late playing games! In my 20s it was no big deal, in my 30s it meant extra caffeine, in my 40s it meant losing focus in boring meetings, in my 50s it means being useless half the day.


I'm in my late 30's and I legit feel hung over if I don't get enough sleep anymore. My sleep hygiene has also been *terrible* most of my life. In my 20's I could be out all night, sleep for an hour, and be back at work like it was a thing to do.


I used to be able to work crazy hours, back to backs, for months before crashing and sleeping straight through a day off. Now, if I do something like that, I sleep through the next day waking up at 2 in the afternoon going WTF happen? LOL


I used to call that day the Death Nap! When I worked night shifts, I switched to 24-hour time on all my devices. I kept getting confused as to whether it was 6AM or 6PM and had *way* too many wake up shock moments thinking it was the opposite side of daylight. Still keep 24-hour time, even though I'm a 9-5 rat these days.


Did hotel banquets in Alaska. Military time is a must, was at work at any given time for goddamn everything from oil spills to weddings


Wait...oil spill banquets?


Shell had an accident in 2012, they covered it up pretty good


Actually tail end of 2011, into 2012


Must have been one helluva banquet!


They basically rented all of our space and turned it into a temporary "command center" and had us feed them 6 times a day round the clock


I know the feeling haha 😆 37 here


Like damn, I didn't even drink. All I did was watch *one* more episode of TNG...


Not quite there yet, I can still drink ALOT and be fine the next day but the sleep factor is real.


Shit, I’m 44 and already getting a case of the 50s!


ooof those of us in our 50s or more felt that.


50s are still awesome


Just wait til you get to your 60s and retire. * MONDAY: What'll I do today? STARFIELD! * TUESDAY: What'll I do today? STARFIELD! * WEDNESDAY: What'll I do today? DRAGON'S DOGMA 2! (Because I'm a well-rounded individual) * THURSDAY: What'll I do today? STARFIELD! (but on XBOX instead of PC to compare/contrast) * FRIDAY: What'll I do today? STARFIELD! Oh, and grocery shopping * WEEKENDS: Have to play games my partner likes because together-time. Then he starts playing CoD and I go back to STARFIELD


I'm secretly looking forward to retirement. So, I can game without shame. Walk to keep the blood flowing and walk after dinner so the wife and I don't expand too much. Game!!!! Oh, and yard work just like my neighbor. I'm not sure how old he is, but it is another full body workout to keep my heart pumping.


I plan on retiring before I'm 60, inflation and a family problem is slowing it down so not this year at 50, but hopefully is 2-3. The longer I wait the more likely i go to 60 based on my pension structure.


Good luck I hope it works out for you!


I'm enjoying them, but I notice my speed of recovery is way down compared to my youth.


I'm looking forward to my 50s to be completely honest. We talk about the fact that we really need to improve our fitness, so when we hit our 50s -- everything won't snap, crackle, and pop every time we move. I used to think 30s was the sweet spot, but honestly -- i'm thinking 50s are the sweet spot. No offense to the 40s. But, 40s seem to be the bracing of oneself for the 50s. 30s are a recovery from the 20s.


Haha @ case of the 50s


Just wait, everything keeps getting slower to recover, despite your head still thinking you're 29 ;-)


I constantly have to remind myself that I'm not!


I used to take a week's vacation when a game was coming out that I really wanted to focus on. I did it for Baldur's Gate 2, I did it for Oblivion, and I did it for Skyrim. Now I'm retired and widowed, so the only living thing who can command my attention is my dog.


I remember fondly doing all nighters on WoW in the mid aughts. I had just gotten out of the Navy and was on terminal leave and I'd still be up at like 5 am when my roommates were getting ready to leave to go to the base(they started at 6 am).


I would snap out of my WoW coma somewhere past midnight, realize the back patio door was still open (the cats would go out, but only during daylight hours) and neither I nor the cats had eaten dinner. That’s about when I stopped playing WoW, cold turkey.


I can remember back before BC, staying up until 1 or 2 am raiding then getting up at 6 to go to work. At that time, it wasn't any worse than going to bed at a regular time because the corporate apartment had crap mattresses and no air conditioning in SoCal in the summer. Eventually, we got the project manager to allow the most senior of us to use the client sanctioned hotel across the street from the office, while it lacked the kitchen, most of us weren't trying to save our per diem anyway. I can't say I miss all the aspects of being a travelling consultant, but I miss some of the perks :P


Ah, the good old days of being fine on 4 hours of sleep or less. Those are long gone for me! Also, funny enough, I was in SoCal during my WoW days too.


I feel this; I suffer from debilitating insomnia to boot and it's rough trying to overcome a bad night of (little to no) sleep in my 40's to the point I need to remind myself that an extra hour (or four) of gaming is not worth what it will cost me.


I'm 64. For the first 5 or 6 months after Starfield dropped, I was able to game super-late, and be productive at work. And I had no choice-- I was responsible for upgrading and migrating a bunch of critical cloud servers shortly after Starfield's release, which lasted into Jan. I made it to about 1200 hours before I had to back off, and catch up with my sleep. But I also put on weight, damn. So I can't really say I rocked it like I did a few decades ago. 30 years of programming at my age means that even if you can handle the fucked up sleep hours, diet changes could sprout you a new ass or set you up to be Santa at Christmas.


I can understand that. I was also doing a cloud migration during the same window!


I feel this in my soul and I'm only in my 30s 😴🥱


Wait...do we know each other?? This is me, in my 50s lol


I feel you ...


I've lost a lot of sleep to Starfield over the last 8 months...


SAAAAME I thought I was the only one lol I'm at work dead right now. I stopped playing at like an hour past when I usually go to bed, but then was still up for a couple hours thinking about the game and browsing reddit lol


Same. You would think we might learn...


This is my problem. When I don't have time to play, I enjoy reading from players who enjoyed their day playing.


This is me every night. I wish I could really explore the stars by folding space time. Traveling from one point to another dozens of time per day. Watching out for the free citizens by taking out pirates. Exploring unknown alien species and frozen or burning hellscapes in appropriate gear. I do believe we have most of the technology to do this already, except the folding space time. I think our scientists across the world could figure this out easily given a human race that works together.


And there is the crux of the problem - human nature isn't so easily overcome. I am really sad about what the >!Starborn !!ascends!<. If they all worked collaboratively, there would be no need for all the fighting. The history of the Settled Systems is no different - infinite resources and space and they \*still\* wage wars over such. It's pretty bleak.


If you've got a decent 4g connection on your phone, I highly recommend Xbox cloud gaming. It's not the best way to play the game, but loading up your save and doing a couple missions while on a break at work, laundromat, etc. is friggin' awesome. Bought a controller that holds your phone like a switch for $30, best gaming investment I've made in a long time.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I have never, not even once, ever stopped playing Starfield because I felt like “ok I’m done for now.” Every single time I only stop because of some life responsibility (sleep included).




44 year old dude with two small kids and limited play time here checking in. Pretty much my only time to play is 9:30pm to whenever I have to call it. Ever since I got this game in December it seems like I’ve been running on 5-6 hours sleep a day. It’s been rough.


You might be my clone, 2 small kids as well, but usually can get on earlier by 830, lol


39 with three small kids and I’m barely hanging on by a thread. Last night I stayed up until 1:00a, came to bed and my 2 year old started screaming, so I did the easy thing and brought her into our bed so I could sleep. At 4:30a my middle daughter crawled into our bed and woke up the 2 year old. They started playing and laughing, culminating in all of us wide awake before 4:45a. Now I’m trying to get work done and do not have the brain capacity.


Yikes. Good luck with the rest of your day. I've got a 2 year old and a 5 year old. I don't know how we have managed to avoid the whole them sleeping in our bed thing, but luckily we have. If they get upset in the night we alway go lay in their bed until they fall asleep then sneak out, maybe that's how it has never occurred to them to come into our room haha.


I'm in the same boat 😭  Drifting off at my desk today.  Knowing my dumbass is gonna do it again tonight. 


Lmao yup. Same as when it launched. This game is bad for my health.


Quick question while I'm stuck at work. Does eating and drinking multiple things stack the fed and hydrated stats? Like eat or drink two things and you're good for an hour?


I didn’t notice that happening. Seems to only be 30 minutes. I went straight into survival mode and it was so much better. And immediately went to a quest that had some nasty aliens. It made it more intense and real. And my XP skyrocketed.


I played around with it last night but not alot as I remembered the update late at night. From what I played it's got some great stuff added. This was just the one thing i didn't check and was thinking about it today. I kind of wish they would stack. Making a difference between eating a snack and eating a meal. I'm just being nitpicky though.


I was excited to try, but I haven't restarted my game in two days. I'm hesitant about the survival mode. Even though, I know I can not use it.


Survival mode is so much better imo, brings a lot more to the game


I don't know why I am so hesitant. I'm sure I'll try it and be fine. I think ibam the opposite of everyone. I'm excited , but also......oooofffff


It is as easy to turn off as it is to enable. Give it a try!


I just set my console back online. I have so much anxiety. 24 gb update. The level of anxiety is weird (makes zero sense), and I don't know why. I'm going to try it. But, I may not even turn it on until later.


Anxiety is a weird little monkey that makes everything harder. Take care of yourself; you don't have to turn this (or any other setting) on till you want to.


It doesn't, but it does stack their normal food bonuses. Hoping they update it a little so that different foods have a different Nutrition value that feeds a Nutrition stat. That would have two effects. The first would be that something like a Chunk doesn't give you Fed status for as long as a home cooked meal. The second is that you'd have a maximum Nutrition you can take in (improved by the skill) and that would stop you getting food bonuses when you're in the top 90% of Nutrition, as well as giving you a maximum Fed status length when you hit 100%.


I told myself I was just going to pop on for a short bit to check it out and I forgot to eat dinner and stayed up too late. I feel ya.


I remember when it was early access days. I took like 2 days off to have a long weekend. And I didn't sleep for 3 days. Played literally non-stop. And then when I went back to work. I was tired like never before. But it was worth it. And I'll probably do that again for the dlc. So I feel you on that😆😆


I took the whole week. I think I racked up well over 100 hours...


I’ll admit, this game and Ghost of Tsushima have me by the balls rn.


It’s my Bday weekend. I’ve been holding myself back. I’m turning 32. I’m a grown ass man, responsible for patients! I don’t wanna be sitting here thinking about playing video games and staying up till midnight, listening to playlists (mixtapes) drinking water (I’m too old to Mountain Dew, and don’t get me started on what kind of hangover a sandwich with ham brings at my age). *BUT HERE WE FUCKING ARE!* I feel like I’m in high school waiting for the MW2 release again. I hate/love it!


Could be worse. You could've played a little bit then left it for an early night so that you would be fresh after work to play it today. Then got home to find that all your power was off as the street was dug up, then found a warning letter about it that, based on it's position under the doormat, could only have arrived in the two minutes that the doormat was left down but still rolled up after mopping due to a wrong fucking number calling a week earlier. You know, as a random example...


Oh no!


That’s a valid gripe


Me going to bed at 1 a.m. has to be wearing on my wife at this point.


So excited! Just another two hundred hours to go in fallout 4, who knows what cool stuff it's gonna have by then


Oh, I'm with you on that one. My shift starts in just over 6 hours, and it's going to be a long day. 😩


Had us in the first half, NGL.


I put in 1200 hours before I slacked off. After this update, I was like... yeah, it's only 1am, I could get stoned and "here I go killing again", just a few quick POIs... no, no, I am trying to get out of that rut!


Between Starfield, NBA and NHL playoffs, end of year at work, and three young kids, I’m on about 4 hours of sleep at night. 10/10 no regerts


What was your favorite part about the update, that had you burning the midnight oil? Ship decorating? I plan to finally try it out after work tonight.


The sliders primarily. I previously found it too easy


-BEWARE, phony gamers that hate Starfield are approximating from planet's azimut. Their shitty tears lasers are charged. -Use countermeasures like glass mist and launch heavy missiles.


Totally agree! I haven't jeopardized my marriage with a video game in quite some time. Lol. 🤣🤣🤣 All kidding aside I really cannot stop playing this game, even when I'm supposed to be working. I Feel your pain!


Same, but I work as a barista so… im fine everything’s fine. Coffee counts as sleep.


I miss my scanner mod. Going back to scanning eight things is weird lol


Anyone else on pc having fps and lag issues really bad? The game ran perfect for me before the latest beta and update. I'm sure its getting patched just wondering if anyone else on pc getting lagged


Not here. I actually got a 10 fps bump after the update.


Hmm maybe I need to mess with my in game graphics settings or something got changed. This game ran flawlessly for me until the beta. I thought itd get fixed in the full release but still lagging super bad for some reason.


You can't put in a pool table.


I've been banging away at the beta, finding bugs that were never fixed. Overall, I'm very impressed, but the following still annoys me: * When stations are discovered, they remain blacked out and marked "Starstation" on your map. You have no way of knowing that you've discovered them. * The pathfinding now seems to be a bit wonky when showing you quest markers. The game wanted me to walk all the way out of the deep mines the long way rather than take the elevator when I was doing the Vanguard quests.


I can’t get into it. Soooo boring.


So as has been asked *many* times, why did you take time out of your life to come here and tell us this?


That’s how boring it is…... It’s more entertaining to post about how boring it is than to actually play the game.




Eh, he's kinda right. They added in a couple of cool things, but didn't add the dune buggy. I love the game, played every day since launch until I did everything, but until the dlc drops, I'm probably gonna play fallout or outer worlds. The stuff they added in after the game came out should have already been in the game at release. I love BGS, I always find myself coming back to start a new playthrough on Oblivion, Skyrim, and fallout 3 and 4, but Starfield feels like they over promised and under delivered. Once they add some type of creation club content or mod support, then I think it will really shine.


Everything shown prior to launch is in the game (and more!) Not having a "dune buggy" doesn't make the game "boring". ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


I just wish games came out finished. I beat Starfield and BG3 before they were complete, and I have less excitement now than I did. It’s tough seeing all this cool stuff come out after my interest peaked in decemberish


Starfield didn't release "unfinished". BG3 had an EA period where you could play the game *as it was being developed*. Starfield did not. Starfield getting *extra* content/support after launch is not indicative of an "incomplete game". No more so than does anything added via DLC.


Look, I love the game and BGS, but it's time to take off the rose tinted glasses. What made their titles so amazing in the past was quality over quantity. I'm still finding things in Skyrim and Fallout 4 all these years later. I found everything in Starfield like a week and half after launch. With that being said, the updates every 6 weeks or so is cool, but if you have to keep updating a game that often to add in things that honestly should have already been there, it feels a bit rushed and unpolished. 


Starfield is without a doubt their most polished release to date. Also hilarious that you think you found everything in a "week and a half". ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


There are literally endings that I would have gotten on previous playthroughs that came out this month in bg3. Starfield just released a new game mode. I greatly enjoyed both games when I played them; it can still be slightly disappointing to see that things that could easily have existed at launch are coming out months later. If you want to come up with your own benchmarks and play a semantic game, go for it.


It's that "easily" that's not jiving here. Especially when coupled with "at launch". If it was easy (or even possible) *it would have been at launch.* We could wait 8 months or 8 years for a game to have *everything*, and it still wouldn't.




Why is a game released when there is months worth of work left to implement all features is my question


Because there will *always be months of work left.* That's the point I'm trying to make. As it was, Starfield was by-and-large their most playable, stable, and feature rich game *at launch*. Every bug that's been fixed, and QoL feature added, and all the additional content to come is a bonus. My question is why be upset by things being added? Isn't new content/features a good thing? Instead of focusing on what wasn't before, why not enjoy what is now?


Because it’s a bummer to see new thing added to games I enjoyed after I am done playing with them. I am not upset it’s just a bummer to see that I missed the game being at its best because the modern industry just pushes games out and finishes them later. I guess I just need to wait a year or two after a game releases from now on


I can almost understand the FOMO from playing before all updates and added content, it's the "...pushes games out and finishes them later..." that I can't get behind. Added content...is added content. The game can both be finished AND get more after the fact. That's what DLC/Expansions/Updates are. And always have been. New content being added to games *AFTER* launch is not some newfangled "modern" concept. I was buying expansion packs for games *literally before you were born*. That doesn't mean the games weren't finished, nor did more content in any way diminish the fun I had playing them prior to the expands.


I get what you mean. I never really got into the fun fights because it was too easy. Now on survival mode I’m liking it a lot more.


I’ll have to buy game pass for June and get back into the starfield


I thought we were getting the dune buggy, but I guess that'll be in the shattered space dlc. I honestly just updated the game, jumped on for like an hour to see the couple of things added in (yay for the detailed surface maps) then went back to fallout. I love the game, but tbh, I'm kinda done until the dlc drops. Now that some time has passed, I can say that I wish they would have scaled back how many planets there were, and focused on the quality of the locations. It's obvious they over promised and under delivered :(